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tv   Occupied Minds  LINKTV  February 3, 2023 3:00am-4:01am PST

3:00 am
announcer: funding for the kcet fine cut festival of films is generously provided by the bridges larson foundation and by the national endowment for the arts, on the web at
3:01 am
[woman breathing heavily] mama?
3:02 am
[baby fussing] [indistinct chatter]
3:03 am
3:04 am
[person coughing] [man speaking on tv] [phone chiming] [engine sputtering]
3:05 am
3:06 am
[men speaking indistinctly] shh.
3:07 am
[zhao coughing]
3:08 am
[birds chirping]
3:09 am
[brake screeches] [brake screeches] [coughing]
3:10 am
[both exhale]
3:11 am
[zhao coughing]
3:12 am
[coughs] [zhao coughing]
3:13 am
3:14 am
[engine sputters, stops]
3:15 am
[zhao coughing] [zhao coughing]
3:16 am
[breathing heavily]
3:17 am
3:18 am
[secret blows]
3:19 am
[baby fussing] [girvocalizing on radio]
3:20 am
snowie: hey.
3:21 am
[girl vocalizing] [clattering] girl: there.
3:22 am
[indistinct]. there we go. oh. you probably want some tea, huh? this cup for you.
3:23 am
this means we have to leave, doesn't it? [door closes]
3:24 am
[indistinct chatter]
3:25 am
man: next. name? name? i see you're a little slow, huh? well, no worries. we got work for people like you, too. i'll just need to get some form of identification. unfortunately, that's just not gonna cut it. man 2: come on, feller. some of us ain't got all day. is this some kind of joke? beat it. moron.
3:26 am
[bird cawing] woman: well? aren't you gon do anything?
3:27 am
aah! aah! [people screaming]
3:28 am
[clock ticking] [door opens] man: good afternoon. how may i be of-- listen, pal, i realize that these are desperate times, pushing people to do crazy things, [click] but if you just don't be hasty and i'll-- i'll get you everything you want. [thud]
3:29 am
[click] all right, sir, all righty, all righty, here, here, here. i'll give you everything you want. here's everything. [gunshot]
3:30 am
girl: patches. patches! [running footsteps]
3:31 am
patches, where have you been? you didn't even say good-bye to me. why won't you lo at me? just come home, patches.
3:32 am
no. ♪ mm ♪ man: come on, millie. millie: coming, pa.
3:33 am
i'm glad you're back, patches. [clatter]
3:34 am
3:35 am
[men speaking spanish] man: hey. i think it's [indistinct]. man 2: [indistinct]. man 1: enter. [door creaks, closes] man 1: incomplete. not 200. man 2: this is all me have. please. me just lose me job. my father just dead. man 1: [indistinct].
3:36 am
man 2: this is the last thing i have from my father. man 1: just wait here. [dial clicking] have a good life. [door closes]
3:37 am
[knocking on door] you're late. [dog barking in distance] [door closes]
3:38 am
hungry? man 2: no. man 1: you know how often i cook for someone? not very often. man 2: i'm sorry. man 1: it's ok. all right. hey. something wrong?
3:39 am
this won't be long. hey. [man 2 sniffles] ahh. man 1: hey. [indistinct]. hey.
3:40 am
hey. what's going on? [car horn honks] man 2: i need a visa. man 1: what? for who? man 2: for me. it's 200, right? man 1: put that away. man 2: since when do we reject the money? [bang] n 1: where are you gonna go? cuba is home. man 2: i don't belong here, antonio. antonio: what about us? man: i ask you to leave with me so many times. you refuse. antonio: i can't leave cuba.
3:41 am
man: you've never even wanted to leave this room. antonio: tell me why. man: i got a great job offer abroadt a great hospital. it's what my parents always wanted. antonio: what about what you want? [knocking on door] [door creaks] antonio: who are you? antonio: who is she? who the hell is she? man: her dad manages the hoital, ok? our families have known each her for years. antonio: is that baby yours? man: antonio, we have no future. antonio: and you and her do? man: my family arranged that, ok? i had no choice. antonio: yes, you do have the choice. you can stay. you can--you can refuse. you can fight! man: fight how? like you?
3:42 am
hiding in dark rooms with che picture on the wall? antonio: coward. man: we're both cowards. man: please. the visa. antonio: it's 300. man: what, you're raising the price? antonio: 400. man: i have no more mone antonio: 500. ask her. man: i can't let her see me like this. antonio: tell her to wait outside. antonio: ok! i'll go. man: what? antonio: yeah, we-we--we can-- i can go wherever you want.
3:43 am
man: no. you don't understand. antonio: no, no, look, i have all this money saved up. we can have a good life together. man: it's too late. antonio: no, it's not too late. i can--i can pack my things right now. right now. man: antonio. woman: ah! [speaking chinese] [speaking chinese] [dial clicking
3:44 am
antonio: have a good life. man: you, too. [door creaks, closes]
3:45 am
3:46 am
[door opens] man: hmm. woman: welcome to sasqua--whoa! if you're searching for answers,
3:47 am
look no further. see for yourself the ultimate photo ever captured of bigot. definitive proof! [man laughs] yeah, right. [laughs] woman: ohh. [birds chirping] mtonight, we are discussing the elive great beast of north america, commonly referred to as the beast. our guest tonight... [creature grunts] woman: huh? [creature groans [thud] woman: who's there? now, see here. [gasp] [gasp] [buzzing]
3:48 am
[creature grunts] [woman gasps] whoa! bigfoot, wait! my camera, my camera! [owl hooting] [crickets chirping] woman: uhh--whoa. [creature grunts] [woman gasps] [breathing heavily] whoa! uhh, whoa! uhh! [whimpering]
3:49 am
uhh. [camera's shutter clicks] [gasp] [camera whirring] bigfoot: mm-mm. woman: mm-hmm. oh, yea yeah, fosure, you betcha. why not? [bigfoot grunting] [gasps, grunting] [roars] [grunting]
3:50 am
[woman gasps] [bigfoot gros] [woman sighs] bigfoot: hmm? hmm. hmm. . [woman gasps] bigfoot: mm. mm-hmm. mm! [woman gasps] cheese!
3:51 am
bigfoot: hmm? hmm! [camera's shutter clicks] [camera whirring] [indistinct chatter] woman: yes, yes, he's very real somewhere out there. the great north american sasquatch. a sweet soul, second only to that sweetest smile. yes, i tell you, folks, he is really out there. man: i often dream of the birds i've met in hawaii. the mighty albatross.ewell's shearwaters. strange, little gonzo. hower, when reminisc my thoughts will circle back to a small blackbird, the kaua'i 'o 'o. by the time i got to the islands, they were practically extinct. but deep in the alaka'i,
3:52 am
i found them--a pair. on the outside, they're quite ordinary, but here, listen to them sing. one will go... ird sings] then the other. [seconbird sings] that was the first time i saw them as for t last ti... [bird sings] hmm. do you think it now? man 2: if it's the last one? don't kn. hey, what matters is that it's still alive and we've captured its call. it'll live on. want to listen? man 1: sure. [click] [bird singing] [man 2 gasps] uhh. what is it doing? man 1: jacoby, wait.
3:53 am
playhe recording again. jacoby: what? man: just play it again. lick] [bird singing on recording] [bird singing on rording] [bird singing on recording] [bird singing] [bird singing on recording] [bird singing] [man sighs] i can't tell you what happened next. soon after, i returned to pennsylvania, but i thought about it often.
3:54 am
it went back to its nest, if it kept looking, if it keptinging. more than anything, i hope it passed away softly, peacefully, and in the middle of a dream. [women vocalizing] [wind bling] [clarinet and banjo playing]
3:55 am
[cuban music playi] [jazz music playing]
3:56 am
announcer: funding for the kcet fine cut festival of films is generously provided by the bridges larsonoundation and the national endowment for e arts, on t webqx2ccóçóç
3:57 am
3:58 am
3:59 am
4:00 am
- hey, i'm valerie june. coming uon "reel south." - [verie] this sll town ins a surpsing cla to fa. ♪ a attachéttaché - [valer] the clton high schl showhoir has won national champiships ye after year. - beg from a sll wn, i dot think i wod've kno tha perfming cou be a caer. - [verie] thr demandg - w peopleyou're not undetanding rewh it's goa take.. we wl do it l night ng ifhat's wh it tas. [valeriebut can ey wibig one re tim - iteally gis you th couragto do anhing in fe.


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