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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  February 9, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm PST

6:30 pm
asper ps on ndow, spers]harlie jasp, where ve you bn? wh happeneat the tn hall? ey're oking foyou. i know. they've been staking out my old man's place for the past two days. can you me out? but there's a curfew on. [sighs] wait a sond! yping] me on. the ghts aren. height be me. jasp, there'no way i'm goinin there we'rnot goinin.
6:31 pm
just wching. 's noty brand. comen. [fgs croing]
6:32 pm
[gs, cough [chuckle whats it?'s pilm's. think it irish. cked it om me olman. he gs througit so fa, don't noti whent's missg. aryou worrd hel tell t police where u are? [st chuckl heouldn'have alue. aftemy mum dd... he juswent to it. ll, whenid she d? en i waseal youn car ash. i n't remeer her aall. i ven't ev seen a photogph. but i know she's where i get my color from. her pele aren' from around here.
6:33 pm
d-diyou loveer? laur we were planning to leave together. wh? as soon we coul th's why ie been ge ese pastouple ofonths. en out dnybrook y piing ste fruit. didn get ahance to tell ura. why no therwasn't te. couldn go nearer house duringhe day. think that. i uld onlyver see r wh it was rk. it'sike she s a drea or sething.
6:34 pm
i me back ristmas ght... withnough moy to gets out. wenttraight her winw. she s gone. and thenou came re. i heard r screamg. anthen i fnd her never shld have ft. i shouldave stay here. 's notour fat. engh peoplblame yoalready. soone elseid this. let her wn. ishat why u wrotthat? what? onhe tree.
6:35 pm
whatoeit s? ... -you wte it, dn't you? -what es it sa itays "sor." u mean you didt write ? no then w did? it hado be.. itad to mad jac he's beeback her la night at if he here,asper? jasper, could bright no heould be re. have too. no, charlie. wait. i'm leaving! charlie, wait! [giggl, whoops
6:36 pm
[careparts] [pting]
6:37 pm
[door closes] [sighs] wait. i nt to goith you. lose thadoor. you staright whe you ar -buthy? i wa to help you cahelp stayingome and fe. u listeno your mher. all rit, come . co here. ce here. [jaspegrunting
6:38 pm
[offer] get side. comeere. comhere. i'm ing to jfrey's. all ght. [dogs baing] [m] come o boy! co on, tn! [barkingontinues
6:39 pm
latterin hickens uck] oor open [breatng heavi] [man] me here, you lile mongr! [louclucking he
6:40 pm
charli -h [chuckl] -u hi. i justame to rew thloan on book. -my bag. -what? tually, ... at's notrue at a. i've bn waitinaround he the pastouple ofays hoping iight seeou. at? chare, are y all rig? i'fine. coletely fe. nothing.t's... ishat a kne? . i me... mean, ye it is, but it not... -didou maybe wanto wk me homagain? -i can. really? i'm rry, i he to go. ighs]
6:41 pm
[man tking on dio] cutlerclatters -[maon radio ...u'll hava good te. well, eakingf good tes, re come e easybes. [sg plays] [rutsighs] ♪ erybody ake ♪ [vume incrses] ♪ everyby groove ♪ ♪ m-mmm-mm ♪ ♪ mmm-mmmmm-mmm-m ♪ ! ♪ oh, ma ♪ ♪ yeahmary, ma yore on myind ♪ ♪ e folks e gone and thplace'lle mine ♪
6:42 pm
aha!laughs] [ruth ngs alon ♪ marymary wanna be with u ♪ [rh laughsshrieks] ♪ and th is what i'm nna do ♪ ♪ m gonna t a call ♪ [rad off] what hapned? did theyind anytng? . nothg. not ev a tra. sus chri, that pr girl ighs] appingn window
6:43 pm
jesus,asper, wt happen? [jper] iwas sae. e prick cked me in thear. 's stillinging. sarge. i didn'think ey'd evelet you . ey didn' so, w did yoget out? [chucks] trick one the citcoppers. ld him iad to ta a shit, went saight outhe wind. that's azing. yeah. they'lbe looki for me harderhan everow. have to ow you somethin look. look, it the samas the te. "sor". it ss "sorry
6:44 pm
[whiers] at are y doing? [scos] jasr! [man mutrs] na it's ok. harlie] , no, no no, , no. myag. hat? e's got bag. elizs book [exhes] runts] -iwas a bu -[ma who's tre? [jaspegrunts] [man] o's ther [panting [manhey!
6:45 pm
aaah[whimper chlie! -[man] h! -jper! [man] t out ofere, u littleastards! asper] inow you d it! i ow you d it! jaer? asper grts] jasper we have go back he d it. he lled her i know but u can'even sta. have too back. have . not w. wh about n year's e? whenveryone' at t firewor, wean go ba then. prome? i omise. [dog bking idistan]
6:46 pm
ar door ens] ootstepspproachi] stayere. [oicer] arlie butin. whatre you dng here? hmm? t in thear. come on. [c doors cse] himpers] [careparts]
6:47 pm
[ruth] o we didn't do athing wrg. hmm? i didn'to anythi. oh! thk goodne! i ought i'lost you are yoall righ , god! [shs] get side. niffles,ighs] [sniles] come on,nside. [jeffreyjesus, cck. side. are you l right? [ruth snfles, sis] we, where re you? we werworried out yo [officer] now... hey! [snaps fingers] you said, "we didn't do anythi wrong." now, who's "we"? nobody do you think i'm playing withou, son?mm?
6:48 pm
who were you wh? arlie. tl the trh. eliza. es] wisht? yes. why? because i was worried about he i... i just wanted to make sure she was all right. we're... we're fond of each other. [scoffs] "fond of each other"? [ruth sigh [offic] diyou evertop toonside thataybe theast thin the shart faly needs right w is young m prowng arountheir ho? hm no, r. i'm sry. rry? so am don [sig] 'nig, romeo. [weswe appreate u bringi him hom [clears roat] [door cles] w, charl, i thinyou ed toet to beand stayhere.
6:49 pm
[ruth] what, that's it? no wder he tnks can cavt aroundown enever hfeels li it! th, he'srowing up. u were spping ou to gdancing th the gis at h age. that is mpletelyrrelevan he cld havdied, sley! weon't know who'out ther agree. b screang at him n't gonnreinforcthe poin what's your solution? do nothing? just disappear in there anwrite a oody story about it? s buckti the sappeari man! yoknow, some of can't jt shut the doornd avoidiving re! oh, sus christ! e you twever nna list to me? i am fedp! fed u now, iove you, chles buckn, and i amlad you' alive but tomoow, u're gon wish yoweren't! w, get o of my sht! [svel scrang] no dig.
6:50 pm
what? wh becausi said s w deep? i'll tl you en to st. ch-chop! i di't say y could sp.
6:51 pm
at is this en fo i dot undersnd whi'm dointhis. well, don't unrstand y at a, charlibucktin. one minuteou're avoidinge ke i'mongious, the nextou're teing peop we'rsneakingut atight togher becae we're romantally atthed. you ow, it'solite to ask airl firs can expln. um, no. excuse m this not on. [eliza] just cam to g somethi back. well, itan wait. charlis workg very hd athe momen let m finishp, thankou. go on. does your mother kw yore traipsinground to on yr own? i thk you shld be atome ght now,on't you
6:52 pm
[eza exhales] right.ou canp. oh, , you dot. -iant you fill itn. -wt? fill iin. dot want some dirt grt big holen my bacard. if you dn't want hole, why did u ask foit? theryou are, you'veearnt yo lesson. now, i'meading o, and want thifilled i by t time i t back, or youl be doi it l again morrow, ung man. [angry gnting] ighs] [horn hoing] -whas this? -i bout myself car! isn'she a bety? i n't undetand, ru. you wanto s-- do y want sell thholden 'cause il need to get eie banks to repce the cnkshaft. it'stuffed! no, i n't wantou toell the lden, weey. en...
6:53 pm
so. who was to com for spin? charli you' need get caned up. have y filled e hole i fine. ll go byyself. [shovescraping re you a, mate. you geinside on. [sighs] [knockg, door ens]
6:54 pm
jes, dad how e you dog? m ticketboo. had a grt day. why woulshe ma me do i i shld have ried her in the. mate you ared herast nigh you're smart k, t what y did s colossly stupid. todawas... juster way otelling u althat. d i don'blame he so, whener sheets back i...hink youhould ofr her a sincerapology. u want mto apoloze? yes. yoshould csider yoself cky thatou've goa mother thatares abo you very mu. a lot peoplnever t that. so, you wanme toake us se dinner haven'i been pished enough? [chules] you'reust likeer, ur mothe
6:55 pm
you're peas in pod, u two. [door cles] [scatter applaus [man] go, corran! [wan] goodurnout tay. 's a beaiful day where ha you bee the me's almt over. we're tting thped! why are u paddedp? i'in next. at? i'm in nt. m playin officiay. jerey lu odebut. how? vid doylrolled h ankle, so i'mn the xiyes! so y're actuly gonnaat? re am. we need runs in hurry. jesus,effrey. are yonervous? . but yoshould b haveou seen ur girlfend there? sogo read r some ptry. need to cus. this towneeds a ro. come o go!
6:56 pm
[crowdheers] [jeffreysassy ti. [battrikes bl] [cwd cheerg] [manshot! [woman] veryice. i s hopingou mighte here real? why? y i sit? whatre you rding? alics adventes in wondeand. is it go? [shs] you ow, ice real has an ful time
6:57 pm
e's so lt annobody hps her. ey're l so meaand selfish. snds like chlie's adntures in corgan. iza's to you ow, thannoyinghing i i stl kind owish u had co over. really? our house iso... emp. i'm sorr [sobs qutly] i'm noa good pson, chaie. don'say that you' wonderf. i'm t. i'm rlly not. niffles] i ght havelready ud it, but...
6:58 pm
would you ther ve a hatade of sders have peses for ngers? [sffles] ighs] are the iders ale? ye and there poisous anangry. nhales, ghs] wel i'm gonnhave to withenis finrs. wisehoice. you too? so, whe were y really that nht? ails claer] mpire] tt's out. [cro cheerg, applaing] layers suting] [charlie] that jeffrey he'sctually nna bat.
6:59 pm
hmm? theyever pichim. this iit. is is hichance. [boy] y, looat that.h! [boy 2you don't long on this eld, mat [wom] we're ing home thers no poi. [wom 2] oh, t's go he. holess. [woman 3see you,arge. [charl] look athem. they're aving alady. [boy you n't belo here, cg. [boy 2come on. [boy 3come on,ill. oy 1] he shoul't even here. [cwd exciming] that's harious! rowd, bo jeering -come , jeffy. -[y] go onwill. -[crd] ooh -[umre] fo! [manaughs] [crowd elaiming] [applae] oy] shot [b] come o jeffrey umpire] ur runs. -[man]eautiful
7:00 pm
-[applause] -four runs. an] unbelievable! -we cawin this -howany poin do we nd? runs. how ny runs we need? a lot. rowd cheing, applauding] an] he'seeding tm li a waterlon! -[crowcheering -[exaiming, ughing] ou littlripper! -well ne! wellone! there'two bas left. we neefour to n. okayhere's wt we do. noorries. 's goingo do it. he'sonna beathem. -[n] take ur time,on. boy] comon.


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