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tv   Earth Focus  LINKTV  February 11, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm PST

12:00 pm
[gunshots] [sirens wailing] oodard 1965 in predomintly bla nehborhoodn los anles, decadeof penup frurationand anr came ta head er pover, racism anpolice btality.(man get ur handsp high. u can li them hier an tha get themp there. first e drops eir hand is aead man. oodard) the ty that ce shmered wi promise for afrin-americs exoded in gunre andlames inhe wor racial riot postwar ameca.
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[suting] (m) l we wanis jobs. we get js, weon't botr nobody if wdon't gono jobs,e'll tear up s anges, perio e police we'lburn theup too. (woord) the wattriot revled anamerica arkly vided byace, even in is era ohistoric advaes in cil rights and rriers tjustice and eqlity seed intracble less newaths could beorged. this cy is rea, not fo a blk man, n for aed man nofor a yeow man not r a whitman. it'seady forhe best n, d that itom brady. [ches and apause] (wooda) 1973, t bradl thson of srecroppe angrandsonf a slav made htory. was eleed mayor of losngeles the rst afrin-americ mayorin a mor amecan ci wi an overelmingly white jority. s
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extraoinarymultirial coalion would ite a dided city rein ia fierce resisnt policeepartmen and ansfor the national dlogue onace. tom brley waway ahead ofis time becaushe put tetherthe sa kind ofajority at elect bara obama psident. buhe did iin '73. (wdard) tom adley's ory gives us glimpseof what is posble in ameri-- coitions, stice,police rorm-- and ises theuestion, wh remainso be don toridge thracial dide? (malannounce majofunding r this pgram was proved by the national endowment for the humanities-- exploring the human endeavor-- cal humanities a state of open mind california community foundation,
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the w.k. kellogg foundation, the ralph m. parsons foundation, the los angeles city council heritage fund. [inspiring music] ♪ ♪ (woord) in boomi 1940s l angeles the poli departmt wasa smalforcin a bigity. itept orr th a brul and bied d white fice could not ride in the se patrolars, anthe city feblack poce oicers we
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restricd to worng in t newton visionin south ctral the het of the blaccounity. (bl) were tolly segrated. buthe mo blacks got in or on the departnt we cld begin to bri chang about. m bradlewas e of theingleade in bnging abt change oodard) this w the pole departnt th tom braey joinein 1940. it was aivil-serce jobthat pai$170 a mth and prided theeans r bradley to marry his gh-schoosweethea ethel e arnold anstart a mily. (bdley) the dertment h a repation for thtreatmenof black the cit it w somethi th i was derminedthat i wted to gon theob to try tchange tt attitu. the rst time ever hed ofom bradl was prably in e early 0s. he w generly perceed as no-nonsse policofficer.
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he basally walked s foot bt. heeld peop accouable. (ada) never used his weapon and i don't even think he ever drew it. but he wld alwaycatchburgrs, car ieves, purse-atchers. u know, would jt trun the (wdard)bradlehad beenn lapdlue for ten ars when wliam parr waappointechief ofolice. rker tooover a dartmen th was totly corru. offirs were volvedin theriminal ement, and basical remped theepartmen (danic billarker diclean up the depament termsf its couption but lowed a fferent ki of couption whicwas to bas bruta asou needeto be. rker cou never s negro you kn that? he used gra or nger. he ranhe departmenjust lik j.dgar hver ran e fbi. heas a dtator.
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(reinhar) erybody ew that chief rker wasatching u. it washe practe in the pice dertment put aone suected of bng too leral o much oa reformt, and tryi to get infoation them. radley) i ma a numbeof commendaons abouthings that i tught oug to bchanged. i did delop a retation of being what they would call a troublemaker. anyone who had the courage to speakut agait the insticein the deptment. (wooda) adley to the exa todvance tlieutena anbecamethe fit africaamericanto supvise wte offics. th he set s sights on becing a caain. seral of umet witharkerto solicit his sport for e promotn ofom bradl d parkerold us"well,ou know, you' way off base. 're not ing to b proting his ki."
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unmigated mafestatio ofacism. and whenhat amtion and th limitatn come ta head tobradley s to mak a cision. "is future the s angelepolice dartment? "ois my fure mewhere se?" tom brley choseto gto law sool. (woord) tom brady's joury began in t segregad south. rn in caert, tex 1917, his rents we shacroppers. higrandfatr d been alave. (bdley)i recallhat i woed all d and stilcouldn'till cotton sk. that w enough impresse. th was no fe for m oodard) his mily jned the eat gration africanmericanswho fl the racm d povertof the sth for the eam of aetter li. ving wesprovided an opptunity
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one ver had the sou. if you we lookin foa future s angele waa mecca r you. dard) m bradlewas seveyears ol when hisamily rivedin los aeles. (jimen y west) for m bradle even thgh thafrican-erican cmunity lived inegregad communies, they'rachievg gher education they'rbecoming skild tradesmen, the's a ve high ba of eectation about at you c do, whatou can aieve and who u can be lkins)tom waa uniquendividua all-ci footbalplayer tackle. he was identified at an early age as a potenal leade (woord) adley woa track holarshi tocla, ere was one of oy 55 afran-amerins a stude bodof 7,000
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whilucla wcomed giftedlack athtes, racism w a fac of dly life. ere we no colored tehers. there were no cored admistrator l of t fraternies d sorories were gregated. (wooda) brley joined e prestious blacfraterni kappa ala psi, d he waslected trepresen uc's bla student whenacial ises flare onampus. (jenez yest) e networng that will ge inappa alp psi learni how to gotiat the mplexity of predomintly white stitutio s going contie r the st of s life. loangeles s alwa a dirse city witheople cong from differt parts the coury and dierent pas the wor. buit was citylargeldefined d controed by wtes.
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(lorine) we were ill segrated. therwere sti areasthat y couldn'go to. so mdad focud on movg usinto an integred are or makg it intratedbecause movedhere. for e black mmunit in l angeles one the mosgalvaning and impoant civil rits battl s the bale agait racial restricve using. it was aarer r peoplef color- africaamerican mecan-amerans, ians, sotimes ws-- to me into t neighbooods they mig want toive in. rerictive venants blanted thcity meaning at whiteeighborhds we fightinto stay l-white. you'have trole geing a lo and ifhat's noenough then you could face physical violence. neighbors could attack you and did. d that was the situation that existed.
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(phyllis) my father--he looked at the house at night because he didn't want to be seen in the daytime. he wanted to move and have better things for his life for s fami. that's just how he lived his whole life. (lorraine) we had to have a white intermediary to buy the house. daddy--halways tught that unls peopleot to kn yoas person, ey wouldlwaysthink you as group, and the ly way tchangethat perption iso live ang work amg or be ong. (woodard byhe early960s 's blackommunity hagrown inize and ominence yet rican-amicans were larly exclud om pitical per. there e no afran-aricansat theocal lev. u have number campaig r cityounc.
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nonere succeful. as wlook athe '60s thchurch w not only ththreshol it w the assbly poin fothe civirights mement. itad to beocially active-- geing peop to vote gettg candidat toresenthemselve leadship hado come o of t black crch commity. enter hartfd brooki the exaordinarnew lead of first amehurch, and e brillit id of sayin "look, wt we neeto do is get hind a sgle candidate d to hava convenon select at candite." (brooks) inhe bck comnity tom bradley was prominently known and highly respected.
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so i get up and make that speech. "and itherefor nominat the n i thinbest quafied o take ts position and that tom braey." (sonshein)bradlehad his se in th afcan-ameran commuty but the ten distric itouldn't enough to he black tes to w. he alwayneededmuch me than tt. this ia very derse disict of afric-america asian-aricans of jish libels. en tom bdley's rning for offi in 1963 there en't my mode exce for one and at's mexan-amerin edrd royba he putogether a muicultural coalition to win elective office reaching across ethnic boundaries ethnic communities. bradley watches this and replicates this when he runs for city council. as a mber of t council in t tenth dtrict,
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innd forthe ci of los geles, to theest of yr abilit i do mo how areou doing oh, finedarling. how aryou? - 's a gre day, ist it?- wondful. i'm so pud ofou, my dr. (guerra) in 13, sometng credibleappens. 3 africaamericans get to t city cocil. 3 out of5--that'20%. noere elsen urban ericaare blac incorpoted in the polical strture to t degrethat theare los anges. the eectation arbuilt up that there is going to be change. (woodard) just months after bradley took office, presidenlyndon bjohnson call on thnation to deat the cial ill of enomic inuality d racialnjustice is administration toy, he and now clares uondition war on povty iamerica. [alause] (sonshein)the biest thing the united stes was ing inhe 1960s was thwar on perty. most bicities, e federa govement wasouring fds in
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in ordero help.but inos angelmayor m yorty pt sayin "we n't want federainterferce." at he rely meantas heidn't wa somhing creed inhe inn city th couldunderminhis polical powe 23 citiehave alrdy organed effective cal ti-pover program loangeles,nfortutelyis the oy major ty in the united states which has failed to do this. oodard) a few miles fromradley councilistrict lathe commity of wts. on the desnation f tens of thousas of afran-amerins who ca to la'soomingwarte factors, watthad beco a place of bken drms. (jimez y wes you' got thimixture of a l of workg-class ople with decreasing opportities for emoyme primarilin publihousing.and the's no infraructure ere.
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takehree buss to get to theublic hoital. the's noankingnstituonsthat arehere. you've got extradinari heavy policeresenc at is the as wl. i ink thathere is despread beli in the gro communit th there i a coiderablemount ofbuse police thority. theris a gre dealof malprtice the parof theolice. ey are rardedwith suscion in me quarts and wi hostili in othe. afr bradlesees whas haening inouth losngeles he reay became the mo formidable chalnger to t allianc beeen poli chief pker d mayor m yorty.i thinthat bilpark saw m bradle as araitor. bradley wa a formerolice ofcer, and wasn't idingby theode of t lapd, which wacircle t wagons d never mit u did anhing wro. (sonenshn) en in 19
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a slap ithe fa black vers... a llot msure, op 14, tonvalidat a ir housi law to preve discrimationon theasis of ce. (me repoer) state larequirin the le of hos to a perso ableo pay rerdless ocolorwas unr attack white ganizaons led by various rl-estateroups collted signures for a rerendum which wod repealhe law. main lutheking came to tts to spe out theeaningof theeferendubattle. if a manays to y that youan't le xt door him beuse of yr religi orecause oyour rac.. that mans sayingo you th you areot fit tlive. califoia has sd that. (wdard)august1, 1965- the arst of a ack man suspted of dnk
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drivi fueledhe tempe of ange frtratio and vionce that tomradley had rned abo. (malreport) sidays of oting in a negrsection los anges leftehind sces remincent of warorn citi. mo than 10square bcks were decimad by firand loots. [gshots] [shoing] (farll) while th was hapning los anges there re thing th were haeningat the nional sce-- e passag ofhe votinrights a the civirights a the ssissippfreedosummer. difficulti invery mor urbanrea wherpeople we benton keeng color people,africaamerican in tir place and wasn't rking, and ey allow things to g to the ace wherthere re fla point (woodard a we after t riot, . martinuther ng, jr. retued to loangeles meet
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wi local lders and the mmunity watts. anfor the spect ofr. king that whave her i say ts-- re, we le toe nonviont. t we up re inhe los aeles are we're t to tur the her chee [cheerand applse] i sily sd the mor the is a song feelg inhe negroommunity thatr. parke shld be reved. to me, iis utter ridiculs try andlame thchief ofoliceand thpolice dartmentfor thlawless nduct thatook plachere. itas the nroes attackg the whes. yod think fromhe talk re todaythat iwas the poli departmt tacking e negroe (senshein) wattchanges erything in losngeles. lice chi parke anmayor yoy hadrawn a ne in the nd d it wasbout rac d it w about iology,
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and m brady was on t other se ofhat li. (jimez y wes fotom brady, it relativy clear- "i not going to ableto utize this sition the city cocil, toake subsntive chge." antom bradles choice of aathway igoing toe, et's bece the mar." (wooda) the lat1960s,the naon was iturmoil ov race retionsand thvietnam r. . martinuther ki, jr.was asssinatedn memphi eight wes later,residentl ndidate bert fkennedy washot to ath los aeles fearnd uncerinty gripped e nation (guea) felt li urbanmeri was falling apar and tom adley crted differenway toespond tthese ises-- to incorrate theommuty
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and eir concns not to elude the (wooda) 1969,city cncilmatom brady chalnged t-term inmbentsam yoy to be yor of l angeles. we are dividedity toy, vided onhe basisf raceand region d on theasis of neighrhood, on t basis of age. it about te that wbegin to pl togeth. (clayt) m bradleneeded tget the cityo not ju see him strictlys a blacman, because heouldn'have won ere simp weren'tnoughblack ople in s angele i thk at theime, there waabout 18 we wer't detro or ccago or lanta. and he undetood that he d to rea out ross allifferent ethnicroups. m bradlehad more vunteer th ever bere in the htory of s angele there werehousands uponhousands of volteers. (senshein) the 69 campan wafor the art and ul ofos angel.
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and itas goingo create the rst stro coaliti beeen black and ite vote inodern urn america. [crowdheerin this ia pictur of t coaliti of los geles, a coition ofonscienc a coition ofhose peoe in thicity whrejectthe potics of rruption who are deteined to e this ci a gornment tt extend justice d dignit tovery man [ches and apause] onenshei the elecon was o ofhe rought, dirtit, meest elecons in amerin histor ale repoer) a very affable y, mar sam yoy has be runni a ferocis campai. he hasmiledand spen casuay. but at he's en sayin is that conspiracy isboutto takover losngeles if hs not elted. he sprea the wor whever he es. the wo, when tnslated, is re.
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do you bieve ere's a wer combe of blackilitan ite radils counists mipulatin brady's campgn? i don't lieve it i n't belie it. i kn it. it's jusvery obvus her (reinhdt) sam yortcampaign ve strongl to sayhat if we elt tom brley, we'relting a group of bcks o were gng come ta over ci hall. uarez)tom was d-baitedontinual. anime anyby wacalled aommunist it w really ke pox on yr hous it was very brut. militas are beg ry quietight now and ey're ki of laying bk and waing. th don't wt to jeordizemr. brley's chces. must s i neverxpected to stoop ts low. 's now carly madit a ntral the of hisampaign to dl in thert fright d fear and e appealo racism
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gelemen,we've nducted o pollsfrom t active re d policeersonnel this crt indices 55% of theolice peonnel said ty would ther resign oretire if t braey electedayor. 28% ofhe fire rsonnel incated th wouldesign or rete from t departmt tom braey electedayor. and thpeople tt were sing, "we are ing to rire," were rresentina departnt at was or 90% whe male [marchg ba pla] ale repoer) the just onissue in this electi--race.would yoy be betr at keenglaw anorder orradley? white yor or a bck mayor (bel the ection w real,real lsy. towas gettg death thres d everytng else. anthe blacpolicemeformeda commtee to garound. weere hisecurity
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well, yosay you nt bradl u got brley. [cheers d applse] i wa you to ng tight on theaith thawe can w it. thank yoagain ve much.good nht. [cheers d applau contie] (senshein) the adley foes hatremendo suppo but rty had pped into thasame veiof fear thate had be profiti fromfor yearsince thwatts ri. % of regtered vors rned out it's an all-me recor d the relt this porized caaign waa victorfor sam rty. [cers and plause]while have bee sowhat disappoted, m not gog to give upthisight. i'veeen engad in a btle for juste all ofy life d i willontinue thatffort.
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i arted woing from the day that cpaign waover in 1969 hoping tt people would ow me, would derstand what stood f would ow my rerd d my bacround and program (morson) 1973 was aery different ar om washe calm ter the orm. so much that stss d upheav was over, and the sue of goverent form and cleang up gornmentwas veryuch at t forefnt ofeople's nds. i thk the pele of th city know where my hearis. love thicity. i nt to ke fitingo make ibetter. that why i'munning.(risg) spent aignifica amount of te in theaimedia tellg vote what tomradley stood f what hbelievedn, anthis wasomebod ose vis were vy much itune th the mority ofhe peopl (sonenshn) e heart of theradley cpaign
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was a lationsh betweeafrican-erics d jews.jews a blacks re e strongt supporrs this hioric cil, when it ca timeto changlos anges, blacksnd jew along wi latinos anasian-amicans all d annterest change, beuse theyere on the oside loong in. e idea oworking getherin coations beca more acptable as t bradley runsor officagain. therwas a loof suppo from chicano, tino uniists d activis. d certaiy cesar avez was somedy that admed tom bdley and knew th. we got bdley heauarters inittle too in a very visible location. weeafleted weot a lotf youngepeople younr asian-ericans, are of t importae ofctive paicipatio in theemocratiprocess.
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(lavery) it w kind ofn awakeng inos angel. weere a dided ty anit wastom brady's campgn th broughthese disparatgroups tether. e peoplef this cityare gog to be le toook beyond theuestion- the irlevant ftor race and ok to thqualificionsthe progms, the eas th the candates ofr. [cers and plause] [crowd cnting]we wanbrady! want brley! we want adley! (m) it imy honoro presento you the mar of all of t city ofos angel e honorae thomasradl. [ches and plause] tonighwas thfulfillmt of a dam-- the imssible dam. [cwd cheerg]
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the victy whh has co tonightis notust a vioryfor tobradley,not ju a victo fothe campgn bua victorfor progss a victorfor our ildren.thk you ve much. would u welcom plee, e new maelectof los aeles m bradle [appuse] w do y explain the rnaround fr four yes agoto thipoinnow, where u've hadi guess it wou be a landsle victor someing like00,000 ves. itas the bgest marn of ctory inhis cityince 192 so it waquite a ctory. u had toarry theajority of t white ve, and th is remaable. it'sice to s inhis day d age. you owi'm very proudf that. tobradley beca thfirst afcan-ameran to belected yor of a maj americacity with an erwhelmily ite popution. and i wi faitully dischar...
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thdues the offe of may... the ties of the ofce of mar... soelp me g. so helme god heers anapplau] your rejtion of e appeal to rial prejice wi serve as an storic mument to t politic proce in thicountry. [cers and plause] oore)it was coming-geer the peoe. we we all reted. it was o w one cit , i'm swling up. [vce breakg] ause i rember. [exhales shaly] wow.[exhal sharply th's whawe did. cried. screame weelled. we coun't belie it.we couldt believit. en presint bark obama became psidentof thentied stes we like say tomradleylaid t road ma


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