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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  February 25, 2023 10:00am-10:31am PST

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- at do u say toeople whkind f,who pa judgm t on wt, you kw, whatou guys t caughtp in? hy were u out huling?"or, like ou had a cic e." i mean, ey right everyby has a oi ce. i could ve been doctori coulhave wentoch ool. been lawyer, ut growing in my eironment thatin't whai why dsomethini ain't saw? - d you goa differt po rig ht gero? - ah, ye . and whers-- diyou growp with him?- nah, mdad? nah nah.nah, hgot lock up when was, ike, eight ars ol angot t when ias, like 27. - da, that's long st tch. - yeah, ah, thenum, andthen, ke and thenlike, so as he g out, ilrea dyi end up getng lockeup ...yeah, sohat was,ike, anher thre three r, alst four ars. ♪ ♪ l: now, e is tra's thirson. a singleather
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raing twodaughters. workehard hishole life to geout of ksas cityto g his dghters into a better ighbho tter soo ls.theyome ba for a wkend and, lik om-- w quicklit can h pen,and hoeverythi can t turnedpside down.when wget backome, had someegal tub le like, e of my wyersdidn'tho w r myourt date,o i got warrt out fo me. myondsman lled m sowhen i g to k. i y to go ke careof my gal st f. they hear was dallas t onond, thedon't li it, ey refus they, ey refusto bond back t, se me straht to il. noeven an ur after get to ksas ci i'm jail th a $2,0 cash bond.i'm, lik s ick.and thenum... man: whawas thcharge? - posseson of maju ana. haa little, just aittle am the carolle up. i wasn'tmoking, wasn't... ey just d up finng the gram andhrowing in ja . so it waa littleossessio of mijua na myids, there withtheir ma, co
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.newscaer: breang newsfor yotoni ghkansas city poli are askg peop in the mmun y to sy inde, all cause anaccused rderer ion the run. so i got aall om travistine. there d been ahoot in e's dauger ka was invol ved. shwas in t hou se her m and hesister lt too get eakfast, li, up thetreet, get someing to cook, left forlike, yoknowmaybe n minu s. ma's boyiend washere he had aeef withome guy, and the y pued out a gun and ot the boyfrienfour times.lee: a she litally ied to hp pick h up. he losing nsciousns, slly butur ely.sol: sheas withthis m as he died.ambulae, polic everytng c am lepulled u mom pled up ka's beingrought t by h m a. she go tput kalin the car, and i see noing but ood allover mdaught . likeit wouldmuted) upan adu. likeguys go war andome ck with pt for thi same(muted) cidentand he my, you now, eit-ye-old dauter is dealing
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th this ut ed). m ost ties, yore, like "yeah,he east de of thcity s the baside the nortside is..." noall of ksas city. you inse the inr city in kansaci ty you' in the ood. i'm never ming bache re that'shy we'reot going bk fothanksgi ng. i to them, i, like "i'meveroming ba home. i'm st not gng to dot, i' i'm g d.♪ sol:he top-aop dog my sist travistine. - (lghing) - the maiarch ofhe f ily.holds d owchil ma ma!man: what we t go in we got hburger s.dwayne:we joke th her a ot t we hadard ti mes,but so people dn't eve eat nig ht wete every nig . lee: so,ike, whe fourthrade h ma taught u how toake careof youelf starng t he meals, y know wh i mean?prep fd, the whole n e.mama me sure tt even th or wiout her ing ho everytng stillot d on tristine:quitqu it!you dot-- u want mto spank
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ou? sol: nowtravisti don't have timto play any games. man, shean't evekeep tra of h many grandk id neew and nies she s. shdoesn't en kn all theiram . tristine:mm, mmmm, mm mm. (pho ringingut l chuckles) so she litally juscalls e of the k ids the-letter aby. - at's thr-letter'baby al n am won: ji who? a. she said spell that. j-i-a. mmthree le ers. at's my ree-lett nie ce d how olis she?(both lahi ng) sol: what es faly mean y ou?i feelhat's ali got in the wld is, imy fam y. m: oh, mily's eryth in mily is e one whloves you. yokn, no matr who ga birtto y ou u're ourrother--can't body tak it. cat nobodyake itnichel: i'not me whout my mi ly.just uall comi togetherag ain, iteans ahole lot. and yore my lile brother.lil richmy dad td me out y'alabout a w ti
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me likehe told me a you lked al e. "you got aun cle "thalooks ju like yo you ver met him. yogot aunts incanada that yonever met."and at's jusabout it for al. travisti: ki ds.they aays want to,you kn, see y'all,meet'a ll. you ow, theynew y'al befo y'all even,befo theeven sn y'al it s, like... ey couldt evenit waslike, ovwhelmed themwhenou did come to nsas c y. ause thewas glado see u, 'causehey alwa heard about u,whatev, soand th sharon a all t m... ♪ ♪ thatas the bt timeit rlly s. and for , too, tactually for u to comdownhe reso... ye i ked that too. (laugh insol: m too. - i likethat, yeah. ♪ sol: absoluty hope at you gs get
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toeet themi thinyou, thinit's impor nt for u to undstand whe you come f m.and i ink it'smporta to t to undeta nd fr someoneho's led it, the periencef be in of bng blackn americ and beg, u m. yeah, the riness of and e strugg of it, d the... thbeauty, e pain ke, it ces with lot. i'm nd ogratefulhat you dn'tave to gw up wit th . iteels almt bad toay because u feel le you're yore sayin somethg wrong about...but yore not sing mething ong aboupeop le yore sayinsomethg-- at i'm sing is ere's sothing wrg in theway thathe socie functions d otherseople, and hasn confron te or ackwledged e realit of t historyf the co try th put pple to theseircumsta
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es. ♪ ♪ on t 20th anversar of dad deathi invid the faly to gaer atis graveite in c ada. th is the rst timewe'd alleen eachther since e fune l. e. lee e: hoyou do g? (traviste chuckl g) travisti: how you doing?lee le mwah! travisti: how yodoing, ee?how u do ing? augh ing) lee lee huckle: i ju have to...sol:w. avistinehow u be en? oh lelee: juslike you ling l e. tristinechuckles ok !♪
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♪sol: i wt to tnk all you guysor beingupport e, and i ow it wa't alwayso ea sy. ke i saythis, is proce has ven me aifferent uha diffent relaonship wh, wi dad mem or m a veryifferenterson than ias when pas se beinable to spend me wi this, ts one ov here and her lcome, wcoming m intohe fam y. i me, when ient downhere i was soi was soca red, i was trng to avd it. - huck le - u were so swt anthrew me little rty and ju getting tonow ever ody, 's been,t's en prett special. soand everody justaking the ti just mea lot to me. i've hu any of u guys along th way, i'sorry, iidn't...niffles,oice bre ing)that wn't wh i was ting to do. i just, just need to fin a diffent way relate dad cause i'not a kianymore,you kn ? i wa to be aood rent, ani relateo him 'cau a lot ohis li is silar to
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ne, you kn ? so as all od advenres doi was anged byhe journ. how mu so i di't reali untii star d iting th film fo you. is is ra. ra: he ll fre: hey, ort, ni to meetou, ye .rafe: at's youname? freye: f ye.rafe: eye. eye: y h. l: th i got aall. my sp-fatheryour grapa fre, he'd d a fa . he w just geing in t car d his legave o . sohow, fre knew itas a.s. a neurogical dease th no cu d he'd only ve a femonths to li . all thisime king t s for yo i thoug i was ming story abt ra ce abt identi abt familynd fathe ood. about erica and our oken family thateeds to concileif we ho to su ive.
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d it wasand it i about l thosthings. but, ultately, iwas abt facing my ther's dth. ♪ anwhat my big st tristine taugh t me iswe don't run fm fe . i was abt to repeat thsame thg that iid when dad wasick, whh is, i ran. d insteaof runni away, i ran to it. (pla enginhumm in (footste cruhi ng) bobb: he's bk. ol chucks) hello. - he ll aughs): y, fre . sol: he ew that filminghis lastonths onarth he wou be ableto shareomethingore inti mate and moreulnerabl thane're useto see g.
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freye ped at in shing this wityou, the mit be something her to helus allwith o journeyn this w ld. ina: you have to put it toget her. bobbie: ah, likeyou, you ju st ke this,nd then lookat y ou anyou say e letter l ike,like, he look here, i sa"a, b,", and wn i hit,you hithe letter he ss, yes, ke t hi - ah, you go ally...- thenou writet do wn 'cse it's rd to rember. - oh, ye, lettero lett . it's letr to letter.we'rworking somethi moreigh-te .- ye, bu t.- (lau ghs) buit's goi to be ahi le. sol:e says we getur powerlike t s. boie: that's harious (freye valiz in ol lau ing)the eye whis rer. - uhg? h? bbie: ah, bo . oh, oceaand mounins bo . ye of course. boie: you t
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it. - s, you he bo thunbeevab. so that wagood, sh ur. sol: u've taut me manless on but you ow what really good oneou taut me is? yomore thaanyone i now found a y to woren ough , to maiain your lf buto have more roued life,where yocould doour practice and to me yourse, to askquestis, and timpr ov and to me yourse a bett per so (kses)that'sow we dour kis se na laughing) i love h kses, th're so ood. (ina lau ing) ey're ve smallbut th're veryignificant.(laugh ing)are yoco ld? u want tgo back n ow (fre vocalizg) yeahokaylet's do it. freye: n sol: o? ohyou wanto say something. (gru ntall rit, back the sce
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ne u-v.we liv y eah? new wo ? n- o-p q- r- we le simply yeahye ah. yeah, kn ow (peopltalking backgrod) bbie: 30ears d three nt hs. sol:0 years d three nths? ye ah. - that ur loest relaonsh ip- oh, s-- 's dinitely his. he neverastemore an two-a-a-half ars.- was , when y guys we toge erfor twand-a-half yea wahe getting ... itchy fe? - s he getng itchy
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eet? re you, eye? - , maybthere'ssomethg i don'know h e.- re you gting itc f eetafter,fterwo-and-aalf years? let's see. , he say he sa-- sh me ag n? , good.- i st want wa to sa that u, you'rhaving aatural . ur body basical doing a naral procs of u know, ke, u, like say, u're notating ve m uch. yoreyou haveain, you havmedication. mean, th is a ute oftowardying, right? you' in a oc ess. (solurmurs) sol:the rules, folw thbrightt light." th's a gooote fromfreye paho use. (fre vocalizg, sochuckl ) sol: you know, i think youind sou like chbacca no (lauing, cheacca aud playinon pho )(freye laugh
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in (chewbca soundcontin ) (lau ing) (a laughin (tthbrush ing) so it's inresting, because you can tually feel the... i can el theifferencin yo not a bad way. doou want say somhi ng? m-n- p. . you' preparing. (softl: ye ah ♪
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sol: tnk you vy much.bobbiethank yo won: yore very lc ome. so see yo bud dywoma bye. bbie: goodby (sniffs) sol:t's okaybobo ve me a hug. obbie yi ng) (raifalling)
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♪ ♪ sol: t day fre died, i was ab to let m go d i let father go. and m not hoing the dness ornger at i t nk i ow i hel with mfather'sea th. the su muslim et rumisays it ke this:"goodbs are ly "for tho who lovwith the ey "bause forhose whoove th theireart and oul, there iso such tng aseparatio n. i s 44 whei starte maki thifor you.
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anfor me i'46 n ow i'll be when yowatch it maybe yoll see iagain when i'mong go . maybe y're sharing withour chilen right ow. my prayer, my pe for y is ts, my so my daug er. may you ve a lifof pur se and in service to othe rs. y you fit for po peopleand lile peo e. mayou breathe cycl thatold you ba ck. may u be bra enough know and holdour familyyour wle fam il ♪ ♪ ani love y all, de ly. so i loveou all, ep ly. lliam: vy deep . so very de ly. del toro: follow the conversation r tonighs amera reframed using #mytwoth
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ers. i justant to just wanto thankou gu for thiweek en- i had a bl ast. (allalkingt on ce - fu man, it, like, n we ju have onmore t e? everody liveo many cturies apart w. we'll get together more often becau of th . (a laughing) hostly, it hard enough for me w it mywo sisters gwing up, then i got a third o ne now got two mo i gofive sisrs. (a laugh g) ok, she won't st op. (laugh g)- he gotut of th car, and heaid, "y, howo you li the name so", to u. and you came s ol. sol: that's a crazy story. - (laughs): i know! ♪ ♪
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del toro: stay up-to-date on america reframed at worldchnel. or subscre to wld channel's yout ube to go beyond the lens with our filmmake rs. tell us what you think using #americarefram ed. majo r funding for america reframed was provided by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundati on wyncote foundati on the corporation for public broadcast ing. ditionalundingor amica reframedprovided by open siety fouations acton family giv ing, park foundat ion, the national endowment for the ar ts and the reva and david logan foundati on. ♪ ♪ sol: when we capture stories that are in our line ageorn our counity, we have much better
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unrstandinof who w are. and think that 's the oy way 've surved as humans , li we telstor ie ♪ ♪ myame is s g uy. i'm e direct of the deatof my twfath er myyou knowbackgrou is a mixed race. my paren are botameric ans. m from utate nework, e's bornew ish.father fm kansasity, missou, a blk mabut i ew up a sll tow inritish cumbia,an ada, lled gra for . very sma community not verse inwhat wwod y traditional ways now but diverse in, in experie nce and in kind of the way that ople wan d tocare f eacot her. al, a safela ce which i ink for lot of my broths and si ers gring up iamer ic ifou're sa yocan takeis ksyou can plore,ou can think n ask quti ons. yocan get tside ofhat is your
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kno environ nt.and that what i ink hashaped, aped me e mo st. this, is bodi'm inwhili'm mi xe thworld haonly eveseen meor approhed me aa ack ma wh you're rn in is count as ala m anthere's is thinghat ts put o's, ke, bo ! 's just opped, 's like yo ke. ke, it's jt like ts... (itates chns locking) it's aost like-- it ctains u. and, andt's your your safy is in ng er. thgift of owing upn canadain thasmall town w as that didt get put me. and so ias ablto navigate, i'veeen ableo naviga the rld veryifferently. i sesome of friendsho are very sucssful andone althe thin in thisount ryand ey stillave at thingn th emand i dot think ople rely under and whathat feelli ke. you ow, if'm hont, i nt into king ts film a biselfis y.i need to go tsome plas th i was sred . where myather s rais kans city,
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mis uri, where he's f rom, reconnecting or connecting with the black side of my fam ily. it was something i needed to do. thtop-a-todog is my sistetravis ne e matriaof theamily. - (laughing) - holdit d owdway: conspicy to distribu cocai ne. actuly got lked up tet her. - what dyou say peoplewho kind f, who pass judgment on you know what you guys got caughtp in? "whyere you t hustli?" , like, ou had ahoic ? - i meanthey right. everybodhas a oi ce. i could ve been a do or. i could' went schooland be a law r. but owing upn my vironmen ain't wt i sa so w do someing i ait saw? i ha a lot o like, aiety wh i come re becae, i d't know y, i ild up eectati . ke, i t... i ... i think 's gui .♪ ♪
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i had ner watchethe tape thaty faer left hind cause i uldn 't i carriethem aro und. you,ou know,ear of h de h, he sat look in a olvhs ca ra olcamcor r, d record eight hrs of video teing his fe sto . beg an onlchild in the nghborh d at i greup in waa rari . st me anmy m om we were quite poor and, you k now, we didn't have a lot of money for a lot of thi ngs. but in those days, youid n't, there wasn't a l of thin you ed ed. sn't a l of thgs toe had. sol: a i just sn't rea to fe that loss. - i ve you uys.i love y guys so uch.♪ ♪ l: the fm gave man oprtuny to fe at loss, but i eded to shape the, my lation ip with my father because m a, a f
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her.we canepeat paerns ore can arve to adess em d we can push st them. and thenerhaps y don't pass them on there's ings i'vinherite that have thopportunity toot pass on. buit was rlly a press of a healinpracti . and you' making t to getoutside what u know and t somethg in fro of you. and was radilly chand over theourse ofho se those ur years i'm gra ful. i ho that thrs is a ace whe we canalk ab t the thin that weeel as, me that encouge peo e to fi their w back, 'cause entually,ou w cou be in yr last b ath. wes societ couldo aot m ore to acknowledge that that's a difficult thing to do. the other thing i hope that, for audie nces is that we underand the wer of t he and portance of our ory, and lling oustory, and docunting oust ory d sharin y know, and it ds not ha t o be this fo at. got tse l these vi ces. goalk toour grana and, or your andfat r, or yousons andaughte
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rs or your aunt or uncle, or the o.g. th at yoknow helped y wn yowere 1go sitown and,ike, puthe phone onnd recorau dio. get ese stors so youan she them wh othe . it might just be to play it la ter. it might be 'cause someone else will discover it. you're 13 now. you'll watch this when you're 14 or may 23 or 45, i don't k now. and who knows what this footage will look like by the time you watch it? li how thifootage om '88when ias your age,looks me no - yeah, m from gnd for o, and... sol:or any fmmakers t the who e thinkingbout doi a persal sto i would, wou just enurage you to te the fit st ep ke, takehe fir step an keepalking tards yours el d walk tards whayou're most chaenged orearf of.because there are things th you dis ver along the way that are traformat e.
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