tv France 24 LINKTV April 12, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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25 years of peace and stability. lula in china. most of all, this is a trip about trade plans and possible opportunities to come. this is clash more to come -- this is a trip about trade plans and possible opportunities. more to come. this is "live from paris." thank you very much for being with us. the cry of war crimes once more over ukraine with the release of a horrific video. we cannot show it because of its contents, but it appears to show a man being decapitated by three other men with a knife, all in military uniform. the reaction -- shock and condemnation. let's listen. >> there is something that no
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one in the world can ignore -- how easily these monsters can kill. thideo of the execution of a ukrainian captive, the world must see it. it shows pressure as it is. >> if confirmed, this is yet another brutal reminder about the inhumane nature of the russian invasion. killing of prisoners of war is a very serious breach of the geneva convention and demonstrates once more pressure's complete disregard of international law and in particular, international humanitarian law. >> two voices expressing shock and condemnation, but there were many more today. let's speak to a war crime prosecutor. thanks for being with us. can we start by getting a reaction from you to this story? what do you think about what we are hearing?
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>> if it is what it purports to be, thiss just horrible. unfortunately, it just is one more in a ng strg of atrocities that we have been witnessi. this war has been characterized by brutality, but attks on civilis, and now we are seeing probably the mutilation of a isoner of war, which would be a clear war crime. >> volodymyr zelenskyy, as you heard, saying the world cannot ignore this people, and as you say, we are still yet to really, 100% have the proof that what we are seeing is actually what it is, but it seems this looks like another step towards the complete disintegration of any kind of humanity in this conflict. >> well, the world is not ignoring this. at the same time that we ar seng this unrelenting string of atrocities, we have never in history witnessed such a massive
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justice response as we are seeing now. never in history have so many people investigated war crimes in real-time time. the largest mission ever by the international criminal court, the ukrainian justice system opening up i think 70,000 cases. dozens of countries have rushed in with forensic experts. we have seen in fact that vladimir putin has already been indicted by the icc for war crimes, so the international community is meeting this challenge. the challenge with this particular tape, i think, is really now a challenge for the russian authorities. they have said that it is horrible. in a year of war, in a year of war crimes, we have never once seen russian authorities punish anyone or even as far as we know investigate anyone for war
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crimes. will they investigate this war crime? will they punish? if it turns ouit is russian soldiers killing a prisoner of war, will they punish? that is really the test here, and let's see what happens. >> what are your thoughts on that? do you think that is possible given the rhetoric we have seen so are on the ground? >> unfortunately, it seems like russian troops have given a license to kill. we have seen this unfortunately since chechnya, since syria, but also the pictures we have seen of butcher and elsewhere, we never once heard a russian leader say, "no, this has to stop." it is is it russian troops have been given a license to do this
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kind of thing. i think this case, which is only one of many, but perhaps because the russian spokesperson has already come out and said how verbal this is, perhaps we can see for the first time russian authorities punishing somebody for a crime like this. i'm not that optimistic, but let's see. >> i think most people share that opinion. in terms of who committed this atrocity, if it turns out to be exactly what we are seeing, if it turns out to be russian troopsr conscripts, does that make any difference, do you think? >> it would not make any difference, certainly, legally. these are war crimes. the fact that they are not russian uniform soldiers would not make a difference to their penal responsibility or to the obligation of russian authorities to punish them, but as i said, so far, as far as we
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ow, all the war crimes that have been committed have been committed with total impunity. >> thank you very much indeed. always a pleasure to get your opinion on a number of issues. thank you very much for being with us on france 24. we appreciate your time. we continue to watch and observe all developments on that particular aspect of the ukraine war. pressure's house of parliament has approved a controversial bill to create a digital draft system that could bar men leaving the country. critics say the bill would greatly facilitate mobilizing men to fight in ukraine and crank down on those avoiding the draft as russia's assault on ukraine stretches into a second year.
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the bill has next to be signed by president vladimir putin to become law. >> the next time vladimir putin announced a mobilization of the russian military, there were protests in the streets and thousands of men fled the country or went into hiding. now the russian government is trying to make it impossible for those open to avoid constriction -- conscription to stay in the shadows. under current law, draft notices must be delivered in paper and in person, but soon, it will be done with the click of a mouse. >> for citizens who did not appear at the mility lisman office, they will face a ban on leaving the country and a warning of consequences in cases of failure to appear after 20 days. >> under a new law, draft notices will be sent electronically, issued through a portal run by the government and already use for collecting taxes, processing passports and social benefits. for those who failed to respond to the electronic summonses,
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there's a long list of penalties, including a ban on driving, obtaining credit or loans and selling or buying property. a criminal called the new law absolutely necessary but added that it is not connected with the mobilization of more russian men to fight in the ukrainian war, but the move highlights russia's need for reinforcements on the battlefield with moscow gearing up for a ukrainian counteroffensive in rent months, it has depended heavily on the wagner mercenary group, which recruited thousands of prisoners to fight in exchange for their freedom, but wagner ended that practice in february. meanwhile, russian men already drafted to fight in the conflict have complained on social media that they were being sent to die senselessly on the front lines without the necessary weapons and ammunition. >> will have more in ukraine throughout the program. joe biden's visit to dublin
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started his visit in ireland. he began the day in the british province of northern ireland. he made a speech in northern belfast where he expressed the dividend brought by 25 years of peace. it ended the sectarian war that claimed over 3500 lives. biden went on to say the future of northern ireland is inextricably linked to that of the united states. >> marking the 25th anniversary of the good friday agreement to which washington's involvement was key, u.s. president joe biden celebrated its importance in belfast. >> there are no guarantees that the deal on paper would hold. no guarantee is that it would be able to deliver the progress we celebrate today, and it took long, hard years of work to get to this place. >> biden carefully called for a restoration of northern ireland's government which collapsed la year after the
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democratic unionist party walked out over post brexit arrangements. >> i hope it's not too presumptuous of me to say, but i believe democratic institutions established in the good friday agreement remain critical for the future of northern ireland. i hope the assembly and executive will soon be restored. >> the u.s. president praised the recent windsor framework deal to ease post brexit trade deals, saying it will put the stability and predictability to encourage greater investments and pumping scores of major u.s. corporations ready to invest in the region. a topic which was high on the agenda earlier wednesday as he met the u.k. prime minister. >> we spoke in particular about the incredible economic opportunities that are there in store for northern ireland, and we talked about the investment potential that is there. i think that is incredibly exciting and will bring growth, jobs, and prosperity to northern ireland. >> biden then traveled to dublin
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where he is set to meet the irish president and to visit county mall where he has ancestral ties. >> biden arriving in the rain. despite that, he said ireland is part of his soul. he said it feels wonderful. it feels like i'm coming home. emmanuel macron's words on taiwan continue to follow him on his words -- on his visit to the netherlands. he stands by the that france needs to have strategic independence from the u.s. over relations with china. the words the french president said still making headlines. >> france supports the status quo in taiwan. france supports the one china policy and the search for a peaceful resolution of the situation, and that is in fact europe's position as well. it is a position that was compatible with the role of ally, but that is where i insist
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on the importance of strategic autonomy. being allies does not mean being submissive. it is not because we are allies we are not allowed to think differently. >> those words will not go away, what emmanuel macron said over war in taiwan. we will bring you more as we get it. let's bring more on the brazilian -- the visited of -- the visit of the brazilian president to china. lula seeking to strengthen ties with his nation's biggest trade partner and supporting his longshot push for peace in ukraine. he is -- ukraine, key, and -- ukraine, kyiv, and some of the west cannot agree with his proposal. let's bring in for the analysis
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a research fellow for latin america, the u.s., and the americas. thanks for being with us. tell us your view. whats lula seeking? >> first of all, what lula wants, really to project brazil in a larger global role. despite the fact brazil is a democracy and china is not, it is and autocracy, brazil is trying to build a much more polar will -- much more multipolar world and in many ways, they share this vision with china, with other members of the bricks. they are trying to speak on behalf of the global south, and china and brazil have this certain affinity. lula is also there for economics. 20 agreements will supposedly be signed, mostly on economics. brazil is looking for
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investment. china is its largest export market for many of its raw materials, so there is a lot to be gained, but there is also a larger diplomatic ambition. >> will we be seeing off the back of this some kind of massive push to invest more in brazil? >> there are restrictions because there are concerns over china buying farmland. more likely is china will invest heavily. i will expect brazil to announce the belton road initiative. brazil is sorely lacking in infrastructure, so the bill to road ignition the -- initiative is attractive to them and china is already the largest investor in brazil and brazil is the largest recipient of chinese investment in latin america, so there's a lot of opportunities there, so we are going to see a lot of investment in terms of infrastructure. there's also talks of a brazilian airplane company building commercial airliners
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for china, and there's also opportunities in terms of mining and also petroleum. >> it sounds like on both sides, this could be a win-win scenario . >> it depends how you frame win-win. there is some concern. we already saw this on a very previous very good report on macron and his trip to china. there is concern brazil could use some of its allies in europe in the united states. this is a much longer trip, by the way, he is taking to china than he took to washington, d.c. in march. the concern is -- is brazil willing to jettison questions o values and principles and state sovereignty to try to mediate with china issues or ukraine and russia and really be a little wishy-washy over taiwan as macron was? that has a lot of his allies concern. >> you touch on the bricks scenario. at one point, 10 years ago,
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there was excitement about this explosion of development, which then fell. is there a possibility we are seeing this kind of take off again with brazil and china in the driving seat? >> very much so. brazil has alws seen this as sort of a platform to launch itself globally, to remake the global system in its own interest and make a multipolar world, and china is much larger economically and geographically than brazil but really needs brazil as well. brazil is very much an ally in the sense of remaking the world, especially in the sense of a post-world war ii literal international order. they are very much trying to compete with the international financial institutions of the world bank and imf, and it is not a coincidence that the
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former president rousseff will be sworn in as the president of the new development bank. as headquarters are in shanghai, china. >> final question and going a little off target, but i think still relevant. do we fear for the rain forest? you mentioned china trying to buy farmland. do we think lula will keep his promise and conserve the rainforest? >> i think he ha to keep his promise. one of the ministers he is taking from his cabinet is the environment minister, and she comes from the amazon. she is a real strident conservationist. one of the things china and brazil will be cooperating on is a satellite to monitor deforestation in the amazon, but there are some tricky questions because china is a major buyer of brazilian beef, and as we know, a lot of that beef -- not all, but a lot of it comes from recently deforested lands, so there are questions about its
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economic role. in his very real commitment to protect the amazon. >> massive things at play for the lula da silva visit to china. thank you sir very much indeed. we will continue to watch developments as brazil's president visits china. next, hundreds of migrants on a resting old boat cheered literally as they were towed into a sicilian port by the italian coast guard. roughly 700 migrants got stuck at sea when they ran out of fuel. meanwhile, the prime minister and her cabinet declared a six-month state of emergency to cope the country's latest increase of migran. >> a roar of cheerss this crowded fishing vessel is towed into the sicilian port of catania after having made a perilous journey from countries including pakistan, syria, and egypt. it is a sigh of relief for the
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more than 600 migrants on board who work stuck at sea after they ran out of fuel. italian aid workers have been rushing to set up reception centers to attend to the many who are in need of immediate care. >> we give the survivors shoes and blankets and then offered hot meals. we propose recreational activities, especially for children, to try to distract and relax them. ask the italian coast guard is reading efforts to rescue another boat currently in distress in the mediterranean. this one carrying 400 was first seen off the coast of malta, running low on fuel and taking on water. since january, italy has seen nearly four times as many arrivals as in the same period last year, with some 31,000 people reaching italian shorts. many and up on the small island of the producer, where shelters have then overwhelmed. >> the curre situation is quite chaotic and quite uncommon. the reason so many persons are
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drowning at the moment is lately the fact that italy has kicked out all rescue shi, and currently, there's no one who can rescue the persons. ask italy's right-wing government has declared a six-month state of emergency back by 5 million euros. it will allow it to manage rivals and more quickly and expel those they decide do not have the right to stay -- it will allow them to better manage arrivals. >> 700 new arrivals in sicily. let's turn our eye on business. who better to join us for that than kate moody? very good evening to you. another day, another controversy surrounding elon musk and twitter p or this time over how it identifies media outlets. >> you may have noticed on twitter it has become -- begun labeling some media accounts in what it says is an effort to become more transparent for users. pressure propaganda platform rt,
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for example, has been tagged as a state affiliated media. america's npr had gotten the same label. after some protest, the label was switched to government-funded media, but npr said it will stop posting to its official twitter account because it says that label undermines its credibility and is in fact not accurate. it is officially called national public radio, but the company says only about 1% of its overall budget comes from federal funding. the rest is public support from listeners and private advertisers. npr is the first major news organization to say it will quit twitter over those changes. twitter owner elon musk said he would change the bbc's label to publicly funded media. this could be just the beginning of a broader dispute between musk and media outlets around the world.
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it is with reminding our viewers of france 24 is largely funded by the french government but remains editorially independent. the united states is tightening rules on carbon emissions in line with the biden administration's broader climate goals. environmental regulators have outlined proposals to force car manufacturers to shift to less polluting engines. >> slashing gas emissions and transforming the u.s. auto industry one way or another. the u.s. environmental protection agency has unveiled tough new proposals for vehicle emission limits. the most aggressive would force carmakers to make 67% of u.s. sales om electric models by 2032. >> together, today's actions will accelerate our ongoing transition to a clean vehicles futuretackle the climate crisis hd-on, and improve air quality for communities all across the country. >> however, they may face
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pushback from the auto industry as legacy manufacturers such as general motors and ford have already pledged to maintain -- to make 40% to 50% of u.s. sales electric by 2030. furthermore, car manufacturers could struggle to meet goals as the american market is slow in leaving internal combustion engines behind. in 2021, electric vehicles made up the .2% of electric hickle sales, 5.8 percent in 2020 two, and 7.8% in the first quarter 2023. new ev sales could reach 49% in 2032 but are unlikely to go about that. the report cited high prices f ev's compared with gas powered cars. the eu, meanwhile, is pushing its own ambitious energy strategy and will ban the sale of new cultural -- new petrol and diesel cars by 2035. analysts have worn shift to
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electric faces a number of challenges, such as the lack of ability of public and private ev charging stations and access to raw materials to produce batteries. inflation in the united states is falling to its lowest level in nearly two years, but it remains a very real challenge for american households, businesses, and policymakers. consumer prices were 5% higher in march than a year earlier. it is a significant easing from the 6% rate in february, but core inflation which removes food and energy prices from calculations, increased slightly. prices for my goods and services remain under pressure and are not necessarily responding to the tightening of monetary policy. the u.s. federal reserve has raised interest rates nine times over the past year as it tries to get inflation closer to its 2% target. the central bank will debate hiking rates again at its next meeting in early may.
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let's check today's trading action. wall street gave up earlier gains as investors switch focus from that slightly better than expected inflation data to minutes from the fed march meeting which -- which means policymakers expect a milder recession. we saw a muted picture for major european indices, earlier gains of just about .5% in london, a bit less than paris and frankfurt. shares of volvo were u after first-quarter results exceeded expectations. that's all the business news for now. >> as ever, thanks very much for now. much more news to come. stay with us. "life from paris." -- "live from paris. >> french genius and france
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harbors many other hidden treasures. the arts, gastronomy, chitecture, as well as nature's wonders. discover france's living heritage. from young apprentices to accomplish craftsman and farmers. michelin star-sporting chefs. meet these people whose passion for their professions preserve and drive french heritage. >> you are here on france 24 and ♪
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