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tv   Occupied Minds  LINKTV  April 13, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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oç [thundercl ap] [piano mus ic] - good evening, durham public school fami ly. durham public schools will be closed in response to covid- 19. - the longer i am without social interaction like, outside of the house, the lesso cial i'm going to be when quarantine e nds, and i feel like not being able to talk to anybody or, l ike, without frie nds. - (singing) happy birthd ay-- - to realize how quickly a life that you are li ving can come to an end it was really li ke-- [sna ps] - good morning. - [yaw ns] - [laughs]
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- major funding for reel south was provided by etv endowment, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, south a rts, and by the corporation for public broadcast ing, a private corporation funded by the american peop le. [piano mus ic] - good evening, durham public school families. as we shared yesterday durham public scho ols will be closed beginning on monday, march 16 in resp onse to covid -19. at this time, we will be closed until friday, april 3. we're in close contact with public health offici als and will continually evaluate the situati on. - this has been one of the very few events in my life th's been ke, boom!now,our lifes thawas li --it's defitely be like crazy fit experi ce. - we, it seed ke it wasn 't--it w far away, so itwouldn come
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ne us. it wldn't ha en.we couldontinue ho ol.i was gog into e fifth ade. next yea i was gng toraduate d happ - happ hap py but no.- i thinall of us ought en weound oute were g ting ouof schl that iwas goin to ba fun the-week b ak th we wouljust getto comhome and rel ax and would he some ork. anthen we uld me bac and w d beike readto end t y ear. and we'd bable to see o frien . and en we gohome, an everytng was dfere nt - i mean, could bin quantine for anotheron th.that cld be li three m coulde untildecemb, becaus theykeep tking abo how cora's going come ck in thco ld. d that'stressingme out too, beuse i dot want do thisga in. olemn music]
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[piano music] - in the future, we all had face masks on. and i was like a mom and i had a little k id. and he was like four or five and like, if you took them o ff they'd kill you. and i was in the park with my kid, and he took his mask off. and the way that they'd kill you if you took your mask off in public was they'd line up all the people who tookheir mas offand then ty just shoot em, li firing ua
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and was lik- all them we super tl. d then hwas like becae he wasou r-- he was ally short.and th were ju likeso it's ke. en he'd down, a then id starup aga .and they shot em a ll and then woke up likes he got hot. and was cr ng. was-- le i wo up crying. and was reay, rely depre ing. so that was e most intense one, i think, i've h ad. - if you're going to be inuarantin th you havto li, suck it upyou ha to be ablto knowthat youe not pr ably gointo see yr frie nds. and you wanto sethem, th you 'rprobab, like, u shldn't se them sohat thiss all over. but itooks
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lik it'setting bger. so--- i thinwe allwere td that it wodn't afft young op le. soe were a f ine. like saw a tng th was like-- we're reacting tthis as d pele rea tclimate an ge. like i d't thinkthat iaffects em why notot her? soe were a prettyhappy, jt like w were gog to get timoff school. but w, i've ad stuffhat ys that ung peop can d and th it fects thas made mmore anous to lve the h se becae i thini'm a higherisk n . - es she sll s ay oh, no. no, , no.- this s-- - my go ! it's difrent, beuse ually, manxietie are out disees that can't really ctrol, li can ce li right n, i coul havet, and t
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re's no w that i ow t hacorona ia littleifferent becae it's air us. so therere thing i kn i can o to at let decrea my chance.[whirring]- lookway, looaw ay. ah i n't wanto see . - i don't-- i like her. - me, too. - i don't want her to die. - she'like thenly woma scieist in ts whole ing,and theye goingto kill r off? oh, i sehow it s. - think i'si ck - wh at at's goi on?what kinof sytoms do u ha ve - can't swlow, sere headache. - wh's your mperat ure? 101.8, dinitelyinfect other p
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ple. - yodon't kn t hat. wh should i do well, i nt you tstay inour roomand i'll-- ll calthe peop at e healthepartm t. i'll telthem tt yore in ere. just-- you're going to be ok. - no, i-- kn ow.i kn ow. - emline! - wh at - there'so many and o - ah, i ow. - wa, wh at?- whatave you ne? - au ghs] - wh have we one? - au gh- lo at the at. - [laughs] - its not funny.- all ght. i'm leavg the brkout r oo - breakout![chatt
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in - m sorry. thpractice think today toverybo -- look gre in cl s. buyou did awesome ob. if yohad a originally-- you ow, 's a m t. - ex tly. beuse ouide [inaib le - startedt 10 o'c ck.- hmba by bye, love u all.- by- i lo y ou. - nome, though. [iudib le - no. [pno music - i finitelyad alwa had
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a vy like--i dot know, ybe ke a trational view abouloss andourn in i was ke-- thas like d th. that's le a chilood ho . at's whaloss anmourning is. ke that a con--hat's a corete tng to mourn. so think tt what i d learn outwas the id of beinin moning for whole life. thatas a lite bidisturbingi woulsay, to alize ho quickla life c com e-not ke a lif like human life,but ke a le thatou arelivingcan comeo an e because at was extremelquic y. itas realllike oneday, ts was my ife. one da i had mgrocerystore,nd my fr nds,and myob, and ass. and thatas like entirelittleife that was lea ng. and itame to aend, i an, real
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in a se nd.and thatas likepretty srt lingto reaze, thathat wa someing thatould happen. [ominousus ic]
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[chattering] - i don'know howe goo schoolvery day- i don'kn ow-- - ke if meone walike wee going ck to schooltomorr, i coul't do . - ohi'm justlike, m winn g. - don't kn how toeal with it. i somemes thinof thenergy tt i di i wawoing from:00 to 4:00.- yeah.- and en i wou come ho and rk for, ke, six urs. i don'know how did t hat.- mineas not tt bad. worked fm 9:00 t4: 00.and en i wou come ho and rk two tthree hours. - ah, i do t-- - onto three hours. i an-- and th they were yelng a t abt like ss and apxa ms. - feel so d for l the seni ors. mean, th're ssing thr pr om- i know.- image they some ofhem ght not ve gone jun io pr
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om.- i kn a friend-- i have a fend o didn'to th at and she'like, m gointhis year, budidn't glast y r. d now, s doesn'tet one. - at's so sad. would st-- omy g od- so mpiano teachehas studentsthat wked for eir seni recil for fo yea rs - my go - and th don't g to dit, baca lly. i feel l e-- - at's awful. - i feelike thatould dri someeople toctually kill emselv .likef i had rked onsome pces for ur yea -- - i ow! - --i d not t to rform, iould just-- - kn ow. - right th in there-- - don't know.- --whever you do.- that so disaoint g. - mm-hmm.yeah, it wou ld - i t my wth from ho ol. sof i gean a then inow i'do ing what i'mupposed be do g. and th's how gaugeow we i'm doi at li .so i'vhad th taken fm me. so now, really d't kn, which m aybe whi'm doinpiano more, beuse that's
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someing i n get woh fr om bui feel aittle bit like don't nowwhat ihould door myself.[pianous ic] - feel le the loer i amwithousocial ieracti likeutside othe use, theess soal m going be whenquaranti e nds,and i el liki may end up cing back to sool not ing ableo talk to anybo or witht frie s. i feel ke if i uld--like t hole i uld fall nto uld be o of likeot talki to abody, st lik kind cuttingyself off. [thunderumbl
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in sometis, i'lbe lling asep, and - basicall it's li i get tired, a i'm almt asle . d then t thoughtwill p in my head, anthen meyes on, and then i'mhinking out th . at am i ing to dnext yea what?i needo learn w to wri a rhorical alysis essayin thelike, thnext week-- all e worst se scenario. at if i'doing thexam d my wi- goes t, and th i can'tub
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mit? no. - it's0:00 in the'sime to g up, d do youhomewo . i had a drea that m and v and kaeigh sto the van[laugh becausee wa nt to leavehe housebecause wereick of bng iide lthe ti . for us, standardized testing starts
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in third grade. and as soon as that happened, i thin k--i thinthat'shere it star d. you starbeing toldhat you' a peentile, d you'reold,oh, yore in th 97th pcent il all at meanss you beat 97%f peop ke that'all a rcentileea ns. and became out, les get yourercent e little hig he li all thameans , we nt you tbeat morpeop le li it's ner going be jt about u anym e. it's going tbe aboutou comped to otr peop .ani think at's reay to xi
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hey, kid. - i alrey got al the es out the re - i'm su you didet althe onesut the . - alright. no. kaylei's the one who'dant go intohat onth ere. oh!i got is o ne - th's i cald it. - emmy, d you rely geall thonesut h e?- oh mgo d-- - somedy did g that e. weorgot bea can reach. - at did y forgeabout ? llo? - yeow beans all ght. i'do ne. - it t perfe gift for somnewho wod immediely kn which a
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ums l of the rerencesof the bk fr om - ank yo - you' welco . - wow. ok. la o ne last o . asor your dad, hreally believesn prtical gifts. anso ts is somhing youcan real use durg a-- - wow. [laughs]- ohy god.- ilet pap er. [laugh r] - , wow, wh the g.- with the pce tag o it. - you dot have t share at witkaylei .you can ep it inour bedroom. oh, yes. mm-h mm - is is ne. - you're ill stggling wh cons t,just igine insad initiatg sex,you're makg th a cup o te you y, hey, uld u like aup of a? and ey go, omy god,** * yesi would ** ** love cup of ea thk you. en y know they wa a cupf tea. if you s, hey, wld yolike a c of te , i kind f--yeah, m not rely s urthen youould makthem cup of t or nobut beware, they ght not ink
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it d if they-- - u can't m ad --don't ink it, en--and is is thimportan partdon't ma them drk it. just bause youmade it,oe sn't meanou arentitled to-- - st becau we de it, d sn't me we're eitled to-- --say, n thank y, then don't ma them teat a ll if seone saiyes to a, start drinkin itand th passed t bere thed finish it, n't keepn pourin it dn their ro at. - , ye ah th's nas oh, i'mor ry.that --- becae unconsous ople don want a. no.- trt me on is. whher it'sea or sex, nsent isveryth g. and on tt note, m going go me myself cup of tea.- oh, ah![lau ter] - says, i going tgo makeyself a p of t . i feel kd of badaugh in - , wait the teat is a - was nevecomplely s ur becae it's le-- welli thk the teis likthe se but li, you'remakinghe tea means yore putti on e condom gue sstakinghe birthontrol p
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ls.- i dot thinkthat'shat it m ns.[lau s] well, i n't wanto thinkabout at else can m n. i don't now. was a pce ss - privileged amerins have no been dealing with this well.they rlly havenot beenea ling with thilife-chaing ment w l.they'rlike, ifou don't if y make meear a sk costc i'm goi toill myself. and 's, likeyou needo checyourselfeally ick siso that'been a littleisappoin ng. mean, i n't knowwhat i eec ted. - d peopleot payi atten on tot, like inking tt noing's gog on rig n ow ishe stupist thg i've er he ar becae peopleeed to p atteion to tngs like his, cause th need tonow thatthis
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is happing righ now. like is weirfor soone to jt say, h, noing's haening righnow, en there a giant irus ouide of yr do or it incrediblhow ople thi about t ngs. [raipour in - hope it eslood. good morng. - [mumbles] - toy is your--- chistry am.
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i think heart was beang fa the who night, ough.i don't ow what y it ppened owhat yea but someime, we nt fromwe're arning hder things d we're aigecause we ne harder ademic cllen ge to we derve to bgiven this. and wee bett than th other ds becau of it and it me me sta thinkg abt just t whole eca tion system aa whole d how affeed all ous mentally in h we thout abt ourselves d how wehought aut oth s. you go ck t thbeginnin you alize at i elenta sch l, with aig, they tk us o of cl s.when we me backinto t classrowe
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felt likee were above the otr kids, caus e we re learng differt thin . d we we readinbooks that thedidn't g to le n. anwe start thinkinthat noonly werwe learn indiffert thingsrom them but were al bet te thanhem becae of t t. . i can'imagine w thother ki felt. like ty watche us lve every ay and theynew that the reanthey wen't leang wit us wabecause ey di't deser it, and thathey weret as sma rt. and likehat musto horrib thin to selfonfide e. loing backit's kinof siening tohink thai felt like that, because it' s-- like there's no-- there's no redeemable thing about tnk ing th's jt bad. thers no good de tohinking ke t ha i gus that'she definion insidio,
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ri ghke icreeps i and youdon't alize unl it's t re. [mic - theeatles"thisbo y" the atles: ts boy, ts y. - 10inut es ugh. [omino music] dog the ma, theytart this ikindergaen likeet's bhonest sohat's wh i'm f it'12 years now th i've be fed this. [pianous ic] [thuds] [pno mus
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ic] [thuds] [piano m ic] [tds] no, nono. don't-i need are ak. i can't on ing thatnymo re wellthank you.[whi ing] - [laugh--to lau at us. here wgo.- umming - yeah, nt . - and ma it at.- hm - yohave to ape it over. [gps]
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oh mgod, it'perf ect.- hold o let do thisor ner. it a tinlittle b that gs insi the e . god, iish theywould st show us. ye, they d the inse ofhe ears th g ol t i don't like that. i nt to dot with pink. [gasps] my god,weot it toth er. [mblesall ri t. n i-- ok. all now l's figurout-- it eatinthe fo ant.for th - - why n't we he th is [l ghs] - , yeah no. - ok. all can ke some ce sawiches wh some s ami.- no, m just going toat t hi - you rt of sqezedownnd thepu sh and it mes that ttle shape. - !my finger. - oh, m so rr all ri ght. try th at go od. at'sig ht. - it beautul, mama we're dog so betr
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th all thether people. thk you.- you'reelco me - tually, e only real pern in, like the d testamt d the ne testent is san, beca e-- - my go - cause -- we love s. no. he w because he wasike, w the ck do yothink yo are tell me wt to d do whai wa . so areou saying jesusisn't re b satan s?- yes,hat is aot take. - at do you mean by real this y? do youean he is e most bieva bl- likee's thmost beevableye ah. - i fi satan tbe verybelievle charact eri meani just rated him so ch. - (sging) hay birtay to yohappy rthday t you.happy birtay, dear emmeline.happy
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rthday t you. hisperin go for it. whoa!- soy, c at you t some bk blow or you. oh, po c at. - m 10. - e's a deca o ld - a ole de de. - shs in thedoubleigits club.- not yet. - a ole tt cr az on thursy, 10:53 am. - she ill won'be a tee ger. - ve nev said she was teenag . - i'a tw een. - u are a n! - i'm a een.- she is twe en ah, hi, u're a twn from 1 to--from 1to 12. all ri t. who nts the eye?i'll te the e. - l ri gh so em,et's rember at e pieceseed to bfair ly - as ps] --thin, cause-- re. - want a vy
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small ece. - becae, honeyrememberthis ia three-yer ca . - i know. ohy go sh who wants? [tinkling] kayl gh. so rry. at wasn accident.- you' ruininghe mom t.- so rr i'm so y. pbeat music] [waves rolli]
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- oh, is is cu. - mm! - ya - goal ushing wat er - aryou ok?i'm sorry.that w a little-- - my go th could be-- - hi! oh. hug? hug.
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- aughs] you shou lift mep. oh mgod. [pops] - i me, i'm red. [lghs] whi is, yea it'sefinitela privilege. m not ke, whers my xt meal ming f m?am i gng to geevic te sohat's a essi ng but i amor ed. witht-- i -- i bor edso thas a con,hat ally imy big on.any otr con lls undethat con, theact that'm bor . icki ng
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- ohi am extmelyored. i wled houses.i don't ow what do. i pled with ery ngle toy h ave. have goninsa ne sotimes, iven bangmy heaon the wl. everhing i he is dea [l ghs] [bathing ard]
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yeahi don't know. borem gets t bestf me m thabug insi or tside ofhe win w? nevemi nd. any moreuestions? [mic - jn travta, ola neon john,summer nht s"] cute as n be. suer days ifting ay to uh, oh tse summenigh ts oh ell. - inging) well, owe ll. tell me re. tell mmo re.did you t very far? - inging) ll me more. te me mo . ke does have a car?uh-huhuh-h uh - (singi) ba-d p. - (singi) uh-h . - (sging) ba oop. - (singing) -h uh.- (singingby me, e got a amp. - (singi) he rany megot my st da mp. - (singi) i saveher li, she nely drowned.- (sinng) he sd of splasng aro d.summer un--- (singing) sothing's gun.but,h, oh, tse suer n hts.oh, we, oh, well. - (sinng) telle
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mo re telle mo re first si ght. - (singingtell me re. telle mo .did shput up aig ht? uh-h uh uh-h . uh-h uh (singing) do-bdoo, dbi-d oo [barking - at is gog on? - e yes. [cou ghs] creaming- why n't it on? - ab my ma, plea ! - [cou s] i can't ea the.- what w t hat? - e's maki simple rup.- oh it's burng sug . [scr
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ms] i just wt to [indibl e]- oh mgo sh. - like-- likecan't brthe.- we jusgot an email abt tr yi to get t fire departmes to not ave to ce to pple's ho es. - ere are you? yoleft youburning-you left yousugar onhe sto .it'sestroyedand thekitchesmells le some dy s roasteal ive. it's f e. it's ine. seriou y. lookseird, t it's not gointo explode. nt to si to e sound mus ic- i dot think is isupposed hap pe no, defitely n .- i n't breathe. - ok. ylei gh ok. - my go they literallalmost kled us i toldou it smls lik - - were like-- i said ismelled ke sothing's rn ing. - ok at th smo ke is it stl bubbling?
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eww. it looksike someing li -- ment ed it burnt s's bnt brownug ar. - really? i'm ar ed. - don' t- what s last y? - i uldn't rlly hear er. e just sd, oh my od. and was likeit's f e.we almt died, t you're ok. - body d d. therwas nothg on f e. oh my d. shou we taket outsidma ybe?i don'kn ow. - it's eier to jt tohrow it ay. - whwants toick it - i'llo it. - all right. au ghs] it's lik- let find non-- l e-- the poppg ki of fres me out . my god. it ttes likeur nt. ehh--- ew itastes li bur nt can't beeve i d it. oh, wa .i he t hem? - come iand lick it.- lickhat
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pa . we both cked i - ck it. you uched yo tongue t. - oh. crodil tend toive saltwat habit s whilalligato hang ouin frhwater mshes andak es. so a they inhe oce ? none of em are ithe oc n. st. - salt ter. no.- ok do y know wh i'not afra id - sawater ha tat. you knowhat i'mnot a n of is arks at are n moving to lak . - no no. - i have a-- i havereams about sharks.- i te sharkso b .- i thk becausi had th bookhen i walitt le - usedo fear tm so b . - that w like out people havingetting ta cked byha rks. and was le theirstory how thesurviv . itoulde like, ey had swim tohe b ea withike a miing li .and it-- just 's terri ing.- i-shar ksok, i hateha
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rks. bui kind oenjoy shark b-vi es.- i n't. i'veever wated j s. i ner will wch j s. - ws is su a go movie, ou gh.- althou, ist li fake-lo ing? i can hale it it's fake.- yeahit's fe-looking. 's totally faklook in- what iit-- for was it lik47 feeun de - meterdo wn. it's aerrible vie. but it-- the srks ar - - ohy god. - , he re - you just kl the ros? - yeah. - i nt you t die! - my! at did tt ot ev do to y?- everhi ng u ruin my li ! - so saw allhe protes stting acrs the cotry. anso i wasatching all of the ns covera o f it and aring abt it.i felt little sconnect cause i
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s just imy h ou watching all of it unf old. and i felt like i wasn't really a part of it. i was just watching other people be a part of it. and so i heard that there was a vigil and protest happen ingdownto h ere. i decid that i nted go and my pa . and was a ltle scy toecide too or n because is-- you're ting a sk en it cos to their us. d you'reeing exp ed. d peoplere beingsafe, t it's still large coretionf people.decideto go, bause i ought itas impor nt.
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[sirenwailing] - ve always beenery ivilegedy entireife. li, i try be ry awaref th at becae i feelike ther are lot of ppl e-- specically le whitepeople--ho were st not aware of hat. - i el like en i'm older, mkids or andkidswill ask probabl like, ll, what did u do to ke the world a tter place? and i wa to havea goodns wer, because don't thk as six-yea old, u're loong forac ism. you n't real undetand wharacism s. at lst, as ahite rson, i
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n't undetand wha is at 6 becae as a pvilege i ave. but w, i feelike i haveore of cha nc to s it, andall it o ut. d i thinif enoug peop realizet, and aocallt racisms ey seit, thenopefully, wecan semore cha es. [rustlin
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maybwe'll me again. when iearned aut the conserve well, t-- yeah, the consvation omatterwhich ys that tter cannotbe createdr destrod, to me that what recarnatio is cause thpaicles at ma up you ally don goanywhe . th get rec
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d. anwe don'tnow ere thatatter goes. likeit couldo in anothereing. i don't now. [rattl g]- i, f one, not meone toell peopa lot things out self or personali fe. i don't ke t deep in t hat. i'definite pretty od boting thin up, and en i kd of jt explode. thers a poinwhere yore okith peop seeing ings up untia point,nd thenyou'reike, thas like my--like aiece of that i don't cessar
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y want tshare wi anybody. i nted ttalko you, o, abouthe otheray because st week s kind o rougfor me and thiwe ek too. but whenou were lming t iner bedroom the oer d ay d i was the batoom, at was vy privatto me. ani didn'teally wa thato be som hi that wasn the fi, becaus itelt ve perso l, and i was ying todeal witthgs my y. d i don'want thato be sething ithe fi becausi felt v y--it wasery-- itelt expong d it wasersonal me, d it 's i st wanteto hale that my owand ke it serate that's ok. iano music]
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- i take stra and i en that, d this iscrewed the c, ok. d i sticthis in. so why ithe cup t he re th's the qst ion. - d yo u- - ani checketh at. l ri gh now, weo ask bea, ok. lla? oh!she has e cup![lau ter] that's mine! younscrewethe topand le the rest. - i und it - th is mine. i found in a drawer ithe kitc hen. - it's h c up.- itas in a awer in theitch en- welli don' have aorm ro . i don't ep putting-- - i'm soy we
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don have awhole ck for o kit ch supp es. ge out.- i'm uring itown the ain. no. - this is mi, lla. get ou no, ere's a** *** wer bole in here.just l me traner it. - use youown watebott le - it wasn a draw in t kit en. it w in the awer the kit i suppod to know whoit belgs to? - if idoest belongo yo then dot use . - ah.- it w in a drer inhe kitchen. i-- - al, you unrewed th top. why did yotake the top off? - cause i dn't neethe to this imi ne. i ow kayleh's watebott lei kn emmy's ter bottles. i ow not ttouch them. this is ne. then keeit inour ** ** * roo - weon't-- w dot-- all ha ve- i'm t alloweto stk for oufo od. - becausyou keepdirty cu in your oom.- no, do n' - yeah, -h uh. - acally, noi do n'- no, th's me. thank u.- thisays you' 5 '7".- 5'2". - the are ceimet er those arinch es 5 ot-- 61,2 inchess 5' 2" - , look, u're like 52 and
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1/2. se i said 52 and 4. - 2 and 1/2. - at's eve- i'm ta er.that'saller th you s d. - we're ing me, cause iam 5'4 and shes not 5' 2"- ohno, we'rcompar g. oh my god. - you'reike amazon. ok. i'm not 6". - kaeigh, br you' like 64nc hes.- i'm 5' 5"? ok. heck, no. - wait, , no, no she's 5' and 1 . - , bro,ou're 5'5".- no w . - uh uh.- , is that wh that means? - i-- no.actuallyma ybe. i don'know if you hait rig . - no, beuse that 5 f t. - th's 5 f t.- yeah5 fo otso tt's 5' . [gasps] oa! wait, m like almost-- oh. i'veeen dointhis w ng. hey,ou're 5'5". - ah, kaylei, you ar5' 5".- no - yeah. wh - - th's reallwe ir - l ri t. soone do
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e. - i guessat rlly is 5'2".[lau gh- w. i- no. - [seams] stop.- yore all good? ye ah. you ok so cu and spa ly. ohis that at i ve you f christmas? the lile paint thi ng - ye i use ito put oevery single fe mask tt i ha . - was reay well-rie wed. they wer- they sd it wasfantasc for pele that like auty andace kindf st f. - hes againsthe wa . go. oh my go i just he to--- oh, lla, you re-- - m ta ll- 5'4" ale ast. - m ta ll- ohy god. - at?- wah out, l ies. i'm 4". aughter] - you're'4" and me cha e. - i'm 5' and somchan ge - oh, m 5'5" now.- ok, so rest my ase. also, yoput thatin our wl, s
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o-- yeahcan you ase th ? - u don't nt thesebeautil meries? ooh.that'sot a gooeras er - wa, wa it bella,ella, bella. they're st caung perment damage. i mean, ah, like'm excit to have own apament. i' only ev livein the d ms.the fit year, lived with somfrie nd i s given a raom rooate,and itidn't rely work out. i movedn with mfrie nd anthen i led with real close fend of mine.last yr, t oo so i've ways bee supeclose phical ly becausthe roomat our lleges an't that big but al, like, iend-w i'mind ofooking fward just roing alon j ust beuse i wathinki aboumy futurnow
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as well. i'probablyoing to livingwith aouple girlfen ds because 's probay goingto be e last te ther e's an excusfor me tlive alone. d then iuess i wt to t marrieat some int. will be th someo t hen. sot'll be nd of fu to g the opptu nity to have ese-- ha this ye whe i was ving on o wn. like, i'm rely lookg forwarto t t. i've ner liv on my own beforelike comet ely on m own. i'm sup exced about hat. - good evening, dps families and staff. we're sorry for the late telephone
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c all. but we have important information to sha re. due to the progress of covid-19 in our commun ity, our school board has voted to start the first n ine weeks of school next year with all students lear ning from h ome. we will have more information for you very s oon. but we wanted you to know as soon as possib le. thank you, and good ni ght. - i'm hopeful once i go to college, i really think by then, hopefully, i t'll be a littlbit bett and at least i'll be able to le e. but i'not veryopeful fothis nexyear. i thk it's goingo beust me imy r oo trng thandle sool line, analso d ng colle applicions, anjust ing ne with gh sch l. just thi it's going touck a
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t. but i'hopefulfor fallf 20 21 - thfutu re what do u meanhe fut e? i'm t fortuntell er can't see the tu re. wh do you mean by ur m hopefufor the tu re? - itort ofust fes like we're ki of trapped in time, like summer nevegoing to nd.and 're ju like wee nevergoing go backo scho . and 're justoing todo thiforever,ust st inur house and rk from me d not gonywhere,and ju do it fev er. [bds chirping]
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[dripping] [music playi ng] ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ - major funding for reel south was provided by etv endowment, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, south a rts, and by the corporation for public broadcast ing, a private corporation funded by the american peop le. ♪ you're watching pbs.
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♪ ññññoçñ!ñ!ñ!
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narrator: today on "earth focus," killing elephants for ivory fuels crime, corruption, and terrorism. coming up on "earth focus." narrator: for more than two million years, wild elephants have been living in the savannas and forests of africa.


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