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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  June 3, 2023 10:00am-10:31am PDT

10:00 am
eople too wee doublein surgees u're doi bottomurgeries four ds a wk so ectrolysi has double . - patits are cling usweekly. - complaing. that we n't have theielectrolis dates sche. so we'reetting cls fr patient e - nogetting response i just wt to gethis righ okay, cayou send me a lt , when tir surge date is i just wt to gethis righ how manylectrolys sessns they ve had. m gonna mp this to de rich. oh mgod, need souch help we are jt runninon fumes - insurae is givg me hard tim not mecally nessary, cosmetic derred, deed, delad. it pretty ch the se thg, i seet everyd. - we, when y're in the or wh a patit, how ha the rests ofhe electlysis be?
10:01 am
- d. - then weave a prlem. hesurgerie gettinghese sueries pruthorize it double e amountf work. that's surgeri we have to sa (soft, tse music she's egnant,and i thk . i'm happthat (se's havi a baby. but it ionly one-yearellowshi ree mont off mea she'lliss 25% her traing. sohat doesoncern m one-a lile bit.i elsawe can'tave anmore daylike thi - well, have tout it do more oh, grt. with00 viewe, maki a scene
10:02 am
- and heells me someons cg over to e me fivhours ag come seme fiveours ago - oh gh, okay. ohod, we wked so hd to gn the trt of thi commity, juslike tha (cghs) i d to canl twvaginoplty cases becae i was athly il aftethey havbeen iting foso long. and ife cancelhem, hoare we gna find tim to dthat surry? (sens) you ow, in t back toof my mi,rry? i'm alwa worried that iwe, that a lot of respoibility. - u mean, if thecall,
10:03 am
th won't g an appotment for a ye? - theyl get on waitingist. th won't g an appotment - th go on t waitingist. there'400 patits - theyl gonhat listingist. which lt? - the topist. foa consultion, th are iting toet a cal - there e. - 've got many clnts. foa consultion, th [woman] has no ea.l - there e. - 've (siren wls)lnts. okay, soave a se. foa consultion, th [woman] has no ea.l anyou're gna puyour feeup. and do y want toeepe. foa consultion, th [womur booti on?ea.l yes. - ay. and do y want toeepe. foso'm gonnao theh injectio of the docaine. d that iso that the elts doesn't rt as mu. and en you'lspend the restf the ho with zo and she'gonna dothe actu el. - okay.- ready? and en you'lspend the restf the ho with zo deep breh, thre two, on
10:04 am
i know, 's a sentive spo (chmere grns) i kd that'st, you d it!o - wh is it, boy or airl? (cit's a gl!) (cashmerlaughs) - [zoe] re you o the iting li for dr. ng for aong time becaus. sohey threme in the backf the li again.e [zoe] oho. - [chmere] a the lin i hear e waitinlist is ke crazy - [zoe] think 's abouthree mons justo get a nsult. - like tee month mmm. wo suery heren the ci. my gent i'm now years o, anfor the rst time iny entireife, love mysf.
10:05 am
i n finalllook inhe mirroand smil m here, m me, d i'm ale. my name garnet bio, d i am he to tha the hotrogram for helpg me finmy life. (audiencapplauds i won'sugarcoait, the still s been lot of pression even tugh i ameally, really hpy with new bod ani am in is new le, i doeel myse owly seeng back to th dark ple i was . it alws feels like mco and beg pushedround, having anife puld on me. anjust bei a very d child, whoe
10:06 am
and don't wa that be my le. ani'm tryi so hard so ijust kinof feels like iy fr that show, at hand my chilood so ijust kinof feels like iy thatan't seeto go aw. (somber sic) and noi'm likewhat's nt? so ijust kinof feels like iy thatan't seeto go aw. (somr music) i knowor a facthat peoe stl questi my gend. so i'm jt fixing the faal s. and th'll finay be peoe sthlast of e surger 'cau i'd lik to jushurry up d get onith feelg noal in soety, younow. 'cau i'd lik (elevar dings) - ess] wowyou've g real hoarse. -, at's notood. you ha to restour-- your vocal cords. the's a mior there can u give h the mirr?
10:07 am
- w, the hrline's lot-- like thas my haiine? can i, le, what ne cani uch and t touch?? - w, my fohead iso flat n. wo 's amazi, dr. ti. do you tnk the's any her work i ne to haveone at a? - i'gonna stk a fork in yo. wow, i'mone with my traiz dr. ng, i ju got my rth rtificatin the ml. that's asome. so everying's do. paport, soal secury rerds, drir's licee. i'm 10 a woman - yore rebor i'm comptely rebn.
10:08 am
so that rt righthere, ere likehat colocomes up and itind of h this llowish-een ting that'sormal, rht? yeah, yoknow wha - bre. - yoknow howlike, snake shs its sk? - you ing okayjordan?- yeah. - [jess]he existg phloplastyperation really t a greaone. - [jess]he existg create ese phalses. l the sk on yourorearm. it'sike, looat me, ve had ahalloplay. - [alici look atou, u regrew that fle and thas fine. w do we eate a bter phlus witht causin th terriblscarring in the? we're acally in e proces of deloping new operion. th terriblscarring in the? thiss a brannew way of makg . that's i post op likehree wee. you knowthere's me skin, that e ansgendepatients don't h
10:09 am
anif we degn it such a y, it c maintaiits feelg. and so mthought was weoule th for thekin the pen. it loo pretty al, righ d w havet even de anaesthetiwork ionhe head the goal iso make an operaon that'so good that allhe transen wi want toave it. phloplastyechnique wi his ng which e both ge change in the fields for whathey can ey caoffer toatients. i kn he doesell patits, lien, thiss newer. becae what hs trying to do y
10:10 am
he's he to helpeople. - ll, everne elsecalls ith. so, i gus that'she name. les take aook here the patnt todayshawn, d this n techniq. d he is e of theirst o or thr patient th we've de. ere's thurine leaking om? - righwhere itas befor likeight up der here - d how mu? ke a teaoon, a c? - t a cup. - teaspoon - yeah - yeahthat's asome. - that'smazing. - [jess]nd we hasome oblems cating thurethra,
10:11 am
t i thinit's rea. thiss almosteady foan impla. - ld you. - but 're na have toet you ping t of it rst. - let deal wi - ld you. - but 're na thisater on. i dot consid myselftransgen. - l righty - and a man, want my nis look li a penis - ay, so l's just over the plan wee gonna po the ms,
10:12 am
d we're nna narr, changehe propoion ofhe phall. [shawn] ange theroportio to wt? - justo narrowt by triing e scar othe top de. - hawn] i n't put in aump. - justo narrowt by triing i cat put itn a cond. is 'cae it. [shawn] ah. get x and a lf to sen inche i dn't guantee you that l. - [shawnthen i'maiting tee get x and a lf to sen inche to six mths to g an implt? - ess] theeason wee not putting implantn today e right me, it'sot safe.'s baut - [swn] this thought would. (sber musi
10:13 am
is is a w operatn, weaven't gten l the kis out oft. you' pioneerg. this is t like aoperatio thatomeone tght us h to do d this ihow you do it,. wee inventg this, you'reik. u know wt, yove been rough a t. i get th. but can't doverythin toda i just n't. - [shawni undersnd. i get th. but c- e we rea?thin toda i - ye n't. - yore fightg everyd. you' fightinto be who you e. you're fhting be respted. you' fightinto feel comforb. who you e. so you'rreally lting somne exriment wh your body,
10:14 am
wh it is that youeally wa. it new, ani'm goin throh, i'm gng throu the ocess ju as he i gointhrough e proces anlearningnd tryin to gets close aso perfecon ase can tohis techque. and i plaud hifor that anlearningnd tryin to gets close feel liki went to the bt scientt the could for thi - i do mbest, shn. (sthing pio music) - heoes? said th?
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in mic, you n spend lifeti playinghe same ece over a over agn, trng to pl it perftly. i thin, tryingo make iperfect. (sber musi - [tfany] i n't knowwhat's . but someing s happen to her. - okay. - [tiffany] i wonder how mu she toofor it t d they ge you anindicati based her, li, blootests ornything? - e doesn'-i know vin, shdoesn't ok right
10:16 am
she lookbeat up. - aftee in theorning, ll call u. (somr music) send msage to l gostein anhansel aoyo. (phone bps) afr a suice attemp period shtook an erdose o antistamine-based slping pil, period she haa seizur and t her toue, anand s observsed slin t icu oveight she haa seizur because some ekchanges,period. and t her toue, neparagrap do we he
10:17 am
omber muc) neparagrap thank y, peri. - in ouramily, s's ner, ever point inife where did notccept vin for vin, eve - everne in hefamily. - every ngle pern inur famil grandfaers. - everne in hefamily. - it's jt not ev, it nothing it was ner a queion. - everne in hefamily. -likeit's nev been anythingut suppo. and she ves her dy, and she ves feelg physally lika woman. - i t it's pbably on of t things she's mo proud oin her life, isetting tt surger - solutely - ju from myime wither, peop that ha that suery ink, oka now i'm woman,
10:18 am
d societstill don't tirely aept that mean, shhad a da with straighman, d socand heound out and le h. tirely aept that because at she rlly was is a rationshi she deres one. - that all as d it tak a loof strenh. anshe's goa haveo find i (wen murmung) (mical deves beep) - fore we en start doinsurgery, ere was patientthat comtt. and i ought th, okay, so we , - fore we en start doinsurgery,
10:19 am
and is will ver ppen aga. (somr music) (somber sic) devin iskay. shs gonna ke it through is.) (somr music) so i'monna comup tohe chest d do a ltle nile revisn. if y could jt cle those ings d do a ltle whili go to e bottom at okay?
10:20 am
i'm nna make sort oa gre and thlittle uthra hol okay [jordan]nd then ere is the glanbox you' drawn o did u do tha - ye, i did. - so thawill makthe head okay now les find se place where . this is nice are becausyou get better sr out oft. m about turn 30 yeah, i, d i neveimagined i woulm. - what dyou mean - like, r many, many, ny s i was ry depreed ansuicidal and if iidn't ha access to car
10:21 am
that vy well could ha been myeality. i di't see t future, but e cause i'happy to existn my bod (uplifng music - okayyou justade my d. (uifting mic) - okayyou justade my d. esn't th look awome? - n't you ve it? oh my go i love . it loo awesome - i make mean pes. (laughr) - not ny peoplcan say at. (laughr) - licia] tt's true - it been que a ride jordan - [jorn] yeah. (sthing clsical muc)
10:22 am
(carorns honng) sasha, y've met lla, rig? that like rit. - e looks od.
10:23 am
- so she in laboright no [jess] ion't kno she's not answing any ssages. - yeahshe's inabor. - probab, yeah. - oh, bea answer. 's a gir so she d a girl she s out bythings med veryuickly yterday, e was ouby 8:30 m. it's airl and r name is emme,-m-m-e. i'llust say are all so hu d by theay, i'llust say are all so hu yore late. (wen laugh at's youeta? (wen laugh - oh my d, she'seautiful - ohwow. she was rn. - oh- weon't reay knowul where geer is dermined.
10:24 am
think it somewhe in t brain. and ju by someoinciden, the is a sll perceage ofs humansho are rn in thwrong bo. - finally t here. i nally goto this age. ani'm excid, but nvous, d wantinit to bever with - finally t here. i ow it's nna be very paiul. ani'm excid, but nvous, d wantinit to bever with bui'm gonnhave - ftoeal witht.e. - great rd, cashre is abt to go inde and he surger d protecher, ke her strg. . d protecher, (etherl music)
10:25 am
- you ow, someeople don't waa be aund me because m like ts. yoknow, a t of my iends, you know but i trto stay myself, you . but e day i'gonna ma it, u know, st by thgrace ofod, gos gonna ll me thugh it. i kn he is. i ve you. - okayallh ght throh this dr here.- okay. - [js] all oour patits havead to cmb all tse barris, justo get tohe point
10:26 am
where ey're rey toave surgy. and eing howhat anges th as a peon, where ey're rey that's bn prettyncredibl but, can't rair the unds tohe soul the min that he been bne over lifeme of neect and hate. can't rair the unds (uplifti music)min it time toust chan.
10:27 am
[patienti was ju wonderg, like, don't kn how really t my thougs into wds, at's all okay, we, just tl me wt you'rehinking, it doesn have toe inny organed way. - [patnt] whatt was, le, gi me a send, was , for e first nsultati? - ifou are uer thage of 1 you woulhave to me wi a paren - [patie] okay.
10:28 am
18 yrs old have boom surge. - [pient] oh doou thinkhis numb woulchange atime soo [jess] ion't thi it wou change - [patie] okay. - ess] didou want havet beforelike soor? - atient] -hm. - ess]alright,ant hall, i caundersta,or? can undetand tha - [patie] i'm ju very iatient. (soothing classical music)
10:29 am
born to alive" by patck ) aliv we werborn to
10:30 am
bo born tbe alive s we werborn rn born borno be ali bo to be ave en i wasunning wn the seet it waso fine, ne, fine a sucase andn old guar is sething n to occu mind, md, mind bo to be ave borno be ali yes weere born rn born rn to belive


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