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tv   Occupied Minds  LINKTV  June 8, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PDT

6:00 am
- how my life becomes better is politics. - wee going changeity ha. - i'formallynnouncin my candidacy - wee going focity couil district 8. - i'formallynnouncin mthe di am he,says,he los on am her i amrans-visible." [a[aient mus]g]
6:01 am
- [male announcer]: support for reel south is provided by: additional funding for "a run for more" is provided by: and others. complete list is available from pbs [jeff lahs] 's crazy many - i wa to se. i don't en know ere - 're lookg at cols-wiset. - esigner]cause you're rning f- - [frank] city council strict. - ty counc distric8, oka see, had ty council...nd. - it'sexas, an texaloves gns. it's aimportanpart tey are n cheap [jeff] ihink thafrankie shou. [designe i agr. i think 's impornt for ople notust to s my na, t to seey face - one-on, that might beoo croed, but on t four-byights, it'd probly lookust rit. and thiss javieralazar. - [jf] i mea it's bu and ere's a t in tre,
6:02 am
t that'sretty mu borin simple [frankiemy gir i knowbout polics. i ow what want to e happ in our mmunit like, i ow my cors. i kn what i ke. what do u like - rankie] e tranflag cor. - i dot know- - lighblue, - j- [jf] that'theawnedn me. like liansit's ce.g.hite? i'now feelg the ge to bthe voicof the cmunity at needsomeone le me. what t he? how gorgus are ty? i never ought th i'd e my faclike ts. it's rl, mama,re you rdy? i can't lieve . i . [shs] *?** chrt. - it's gna be amazing.
6:03 am
*?** chrt. we'rgonna chge city hall. [emotion music]mazing. [gues converng] [host] hlo, everody! - ttende hi! [gup claing] beuse not o many yrs ago, being trsgender uld bacally diualifyou from rning forublic ofce. with aresidentho has tacked ufrom theery outsy of his ainistrion, but we haveeen recently, more pple like us areteppi. of his ainistrion, ttendeesheerin i did me frankie in janr, anabout 30inutes later, i was pelesslyead er heelsn love i did me frankie in janr, [cwd coog] anas anyonthat's snt mo than fi minut in room wi her prably cannderstd,
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at's allt takes see the glow . m so pro of he t at theame timeterrifie it's jt the fe of t unkno, old chilrous fe of not being y from wtever myery es arounthe coer. t thin havinthe privege compe sharinger,that feel not only wh our ighbors distrt 8, but th the eire ty of saantoni pleaseelp me wcome ankie goales-wfe. ttendeesheerin [attenes contie cheeri] - thank u, thank you, tnku th is real differe. my comtment toervice started very lontime ago it reay stemme from mmother ittrengthed the coage at my moer gavus, but shwould wo two, threjobs in der to provide od fors,
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anshe woulgo witho eati so thate couleat, and shtaught mto help and te. thatervice tt i keep sayind is what i ve been ying give ba to the mmunit for a ry long time. is whai nt to beusting give li my moth,munit d i'm prd to be here tg th i'm a rlica of this a. [ais is myome.g] fothe last3 year i saw potician ter politician who st didn'look like me, fothe last3 year i sdidn'tpeak lik me, sn't like me, who st didn'look like me, bui suppord them the were t right cdidate th was goi to reprent me and be mvoice athe tab. [chules] [attenes lauing] i going tbe my we,own voicat the table. [attenes cheing]
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m formal annocing my ndidac for ci councilistric8. [attdees cheering] for ci councilistric8. thank you. [attende] franki frankie franki frank! frkie! frankie! frkie! frankie! [eneetic eleronic sic] - potics in lifes likeood. i need it inrder to rvive. [hammerstrikin i may t win, but i dot know ii i didn'at least try. [ergetic ectronic music] but i dot know ii i whato you ink?try. it'sute, rht? for a caaign offe? d then whave kin of le our waroom. - hi.? - [jan in spanh] mija, vee para a. siéntatequí mi. [janie ispanish] mira aí. - w. - mom, i gonna eak yo -
6:07 am
- augwhe her peonalityow comes om, ok? she'somethinelse. can usehis for people? of 'emi guess, - perft. - ere's ta right there. - franki like anchalleng in aity counl race can usehis for people? of 'emi guess, s an uphl batt. wh youe competivenessateof an , money what yolook a usuallthe reci to overming a nancial sadvange when sheets her mind tdo, just ki of sheework. she takeit by the horn reall and takeit b- heo.rns. my name'frankie gonzale - [pson in cwd] yay! and i amour candate for city . u're in districright w. have a ltle bit about for. and i- dirict 8 ion the city . u'renorthwesside of town. have a ltle bit about for. 's one othe fastt growg anmost divse poets of s anton.
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i want tget moreoung ople invved in pitics. i ca, but i cado whater i ca toelp steeyou in t direion thatou want to go. - [stude] thank u so mh. [studentclappi] - [fnkie] thk you. - [dyl, it's g all kin of terestinbusinees and nd of grth inhat reect. it's ao got th largt popution of refees and migran. it's a these kd of different of refees and migran. lting po of peop comi togetr. what i'mrying toet himore civ engagent. i want me peopleo have seat athe tab, so'm doingomething a litt t than whacity couil haseen in e past rit now, tre's 53 ecinctsthat m. than whacity couil i nt to ma sure th there a presentave of eh precct. i think re voiceat theable meanthat we' going to get lot me done thers a lot at needsto happ, meanthat we' going and 's time at we std upnd we ma a chae,e and thats why i here w. [knoing] frankie nzales-wolfe. i'running r city council strict. - , okay.- beautil dog. i woed for wls far
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as ap in hr,earning and den so my ckgrounds tang an ornizati om its crent ate and ving tm that is at i dstate. - [dylanjulian ctro, thformer mayor, has sa that saantonio d itmakeup a demographics - [dylanjulian ctro, represen what the couny wille the nex10, 20, years and i thk distri 8 is e embodint of that. i'm a prd wife t thea mitary veteran.s and i thk distri 8 is e i am proud latina, t most oall, i'mery oud to ba trans woman. and i thk distri 8 is e i [cwd cheing]ina, isses] iove y'al - od luck. - go fnki. - frank! - [frank] thanyou. rowd conrsing] - do younow how ny lies had to ll today
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the ount of luntee... i ink thatas the only thi. [laugh but weot to lo the likee're movg.... - [jeff] what are you going to do to your hair? - curl it. ruing for fice a big pformance i'm ally aimg towa the srt. - [jef with bos or sho? - [jf] just ke sure you're. - rankie] obably mheels. - [frank] i know'd be more comrtable islacks but i ki of femmn it u - be ptty. - works, ght? it a perfoance at i've arned since e very fst camign - works, ght? when walked to a lly in96. who nted us be moreinvolve. d i had teacher she to me to aocal ral. - goodorning, n antoo.
6:11 am
[frankiepeople yoare a foidable cdidate - it really naudible [fmer present clinn yoarplayg withand]didate [frankieit's a huge shothat leads up the goaof beingblen yoa work fothe community. [wewe you aordable health, hugople of erica,s up a good ecation system, [d a growgaordable health, huecomic envonment up [cwd ches] - [fraie] i sa the y the audience ving eacand everone ofs.dsthen s - how n we rolup our eeves anwork together toake lifeetter vingfor everyone?ne ofs.dsthen s - how n we rolup our that what i trying to do. toake lifeetter vingfor [crowdheerinofs.dsthen s - it's t empowernt th these pple fe, just knein that ment at polits was fome. thiseed to ce togeth and ke a difrence.
6:12 am
orkers cversin y'all ardoing ay? y'all ed anying? doingood? - good - ay. telle these penses hold on. hillary mpaign,this is ankie. telle these penses being a lunteer and beg ar for all esok. [cla]... that w my way being ae toive backo my comnity. i fe at thatime that what ia. eltion dayso follong, it gonna bon onof those days. bexar unty demratic rty. eltion dayso follong, e texas gislaturhas been a coms but overhe past years, - [f 7 reporr] withmore tha, e ttexahas intruced morn a coms but anti-ltq legislation than anyther sta this ar. - [f 7 reporr] withmore tha, - leers fromcross tes arat the ste capol ging lawkers noto pass the so-cled bathom bil - we need a law that protects the privacy of our children
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d our puic schoo. - we need a law that protects the privacy of our children e numberf safetyanproble in ps thing toeduce beuse you n't used lower tn zerople [cwd cheing] - rankie] politici makedecisionat the table. an [protests]s the politiprect tranyouth! - it smt the trs communy wanting work agnst us the moe i want to be able to make the decisions because at is whe weack reprentati. [etional music] because at is whe wea[eine hummg]i. - here my dona trump hurricanrelief iression. [chuc] - [jef the itome ofmpathy, that *. [fnkie chuckles] - [jef th- wh we stardthy, that *. dang, of course, e of theery firs questis i had ask him was,
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- [jef th- wh we stardthy, that *. re you aemocra"e, - [jef you mak homeyes, class? - [fraie] do y remembe the - eff] i se do. e- i ma . i spt six hos on thasauce. i am bleed that met soone who pports m - u're in rare repition. like, for me, beg in theity that they we. -it hard tomagine sebody you ew up he. you knowhis cityike e back oyour hd. you lirally spt yo whole le here 's got tfeel gooto be able to fect theommuni thatou've spt so mh timen. i nd of fe nomac, in way, like ion't reay beng anyere. - rankie] u belong to theie 's the o that i' been waiting r for 40ears. [emoonal mic]
6:15 am
- frankie began her transition pretty much the time we met. [emotional music] i ll in lo with thperson and thatasn't chged onbit. whatas chang is she happier [jan gasps] - you ok. - ttendanttissues?laughs see, youook li me. so, do t honor th makes iofficial anie sniles] th [etional mic]al [emotial musicontinues anie sniles] [etional mic conties]
6:16 am
- je. [emotion musi-] - [offiant] i ace th ring onour fier. - i pled this ring oyour fge. with my erlastin - - as my st frien you. - as my st frid. - anas my huand. [sniffng] [gentlmusic] - by t authori inveed in me i pronoue you - you'retuck. - that's. [gsts laughing] i pronoue you [guests plaudi]k. - that's. - inoducing e mr. and s. jeffr wolfe [gsts cheeng]
6:17 am
- thk you souch, mr.erybody,or being here. i'm so gteful foeveryone that t marry t love ofy life and i omise alof you and promise r we're t sthers no goi backwds.. we're goa be togher fover. ank you r being re. uests apauding [gene musi - [- [fnkie] on two,t to f. three, fr, fiv - nterview] i'm od. m clea - ok. - if t airportoncessio voteame up again, - ok. ere woulyou have voted ? - partf my plaorm rely has to dwith sma businses. i wanto be ablto fi a way tbe abl to promo small businesan tonio airport.especilh i ink thats a grea oppounity for us. to promo small ouculture a city ould bespecilh represend more athe aiort,
6:18 am
awhy i uld havevoted agn. thbiggest asons - [fraie] incling ick-fil- corre. - ay. in yr opinn, wh makes y a stnger candidate - i'not runng agains manny . ranyonen thisace.than i'running r the constituts in dirict 8 what i hoping accomplh athe very d of ts is bnging mo voic to the table. what i hoping accomplh i wa people have astake in. athe vthiss my he. i justant to bable to givey that h provideme so ch. that's what i'm hopi to do - [kt report] in thrace foristrict manny laez fac two allengs, tony vdivia an frane gonzal-wolfe o has woed on more tha50 camigns dang back the 10s. e would ke state histori. - i'm very pro transoman running r office in sannto - [ksat porter] chick-l-a's. - [frank] friggi 35-mute interview - [d they pyed] chick-l-a's. ke eighteconds
6:19 am
that's ss, "tony valdiv ge" he one ithe midd looks like a de in a dss." [frankieaughs] - [fraie] that so cu. - eff] andhen the ply wa he one ithe midd was dude in dress. rankie laughs] he one ithe midd "antchick-fia, too. - it funny. - no, 's n. ose **?** cowar. i n't knowhat tivates mebody t take yout[gene musiat. - rankie] doest bothere. - [jef mm, shod, thoh. [birdshirping] hi, guys - [slo] abb's t updated yet. [birdshirping] the are thdoors that we' knocking on, sohen you art lking, y just y,
6:20 am
ello, myame is sand-so i'm volunteefor the ankie nzales-wfe camign. cai speak th," and say thv. i'm volunteefor the ankie nzales-wfe camign. "fnkie is cused on easingro improvg road a sidelk infraructur and techlogy infstructe, nding wa to help locallol bunesses expand, publicafety, a - i ow peopl and teprhave bn aski,.", hat are u going to be " - lot of pple might ask, "how doeshe feel about n ? w does s feel about gu in scols? hodoes sheeel abt aboron?" shwill nev have toctuall vote on at at ci counc. you ju tell th this is a nonrtisanace. those ises typicly don't come l and they pu you, you say, t"webut shdoes cro overt come l vod the genal election." the's a loof us nservati democra out tre d we don want tourn r off foanybody, okay?
6:21 am
the's - solet's gohead nservad move oto 13130re [phoneinging] - [eta] heo? - hi, ishis ela? - hell i'm a vunteer with fraie gonzas-wolf i s just cling check iwith y and see you vot yet or know . - yay. okayokay. and see you vot yet or know . [gene musi we want ery partf gornment tlook like us, andand evyone elsyet or know . desees that, too. we want ery partf gollo, is is alea?e us, san antoo doesn' lookike justne pern. if aown in tas can do it, then abody cano it. san antoo doesn' looki[heelslickinrn. [enge hummin makeome noisup in re. makes me noi. [crowd cheers] thers a reas why wee up her you gs. you e an allto th beautif woman so pase, plee makeome noe, becae if sheakes history,
6:22 am
shwould behelee be a trs city cncilwon. rowd cers] y'all ady to g messe- rowd] ah!day? ["shakit off" taylor swift] - these ople are givingash , messe- rowd] ah!day? so athe very end, nce theye physiclyivingash , tippg lindy, ah!day? whever sheollect e has toign for as heron. - ay. does thamake sse? ♪ 'causthe plays gonna play, ay♪ okay. [crowdheerin - [ldsay] weave friend ohers. for ny, many deni hasmany, ny yea.riend i ink it'setter fo you say froyour hrt at you tnk abt your friend. frankie,ou are a light, jon i ink it'setter fo you say froyour hrt you ha a bigge heart and i ed everye to kw and w strongf a rson thayou ar
6:23 am
and homuch youe goingto do . isses] [crowd cheers] plea, everyby, standup and . the pieer of t trancommunitfor re in saantonis] the ve beautif ms. ankie goales-wfe. [crowdheering] [gentlmu] [frankiehaving mng]- yay, fn! tranbrothersnd sisrs suound me th that energy, [frankiehaving mng]- yay, fn! iteans evething toe. [gentle music] i've nev consided myselfyato be. iteans evething toe. ve alwaybeen mor of arans educator. i'vewho's wiing tot halfyato be. haveask thosquestis.nybodyn, i don't ow what' in pple's hets, but i t a feelg from e way ceain pele
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at the itant the realed she w trans that w it. r degree her hisry in t corpora world her cabilitiesher peonality intelct, none of at was en pa of the uation "she's trans woman. none of at was en pe's not r me."n i do havconcerns about r y and 's hard say at outoud. wee bstepng forrd,ere's a r but r passioto make differce overres that fear. m proud her fort, but i'm scar at the me time. [phoneg aller coersing that's crect. [calleconverng] sa and vce jacon. okay apprecia that so much. okay [calr conversing]
6:25 am
absolute, it's appreainst the okay ok, thank u so muc for tting me know.] i appriate i uh-huhbye-by th lady th just called sd that she's supporteof min shwas at t stoplig at utsand vancjackso and shcaught aoman riing our ur-by-si - what - teing our ur-by-si [suspensul mus] [enginesevving] - shld i jusbring it one ofhe small ones? - it lks like can st put iback u - ye. - d i thk i ve ties the c. [enges humng] [cs passin
6:26 am
this ireally s. [cars passing] this ireally s. okay, we have to find ways to be able to now raise- - mone - moy. i'gonna ta to lindalaniz bexar coty democtic pay. weeed to tk to - glia gutieez. we need see howe caconvincehem toelp. i don't ow whygood they hav't sho up to any oour thin or hped atll. tere was lik "hey, ihave a . toy'l haven'thin real volunteered." and e said, o, i'm gnahave a . beonest wi you, rl." she id that ey're afraid tgo outhere and hurty chans, thathey knowhat theylook re. you knowand i walike, "girl,ut i'm tns justike all y'all pret professnal ans woma and.. she id, "yea girl, but yo - [juln] you'rthe exceion. you' like- - yeah and was like"well," justaid, "noi get ."
6:27 am
but would ner deny these army sisrs. love tm. weave to srt talki to anody who willingo help thtruth ofhe matte is wdon't ha time. - we', have theandidateintroduc themlves, geto know them, thtruth ofhe matte d for t[cro conveing] vote. we', - haveny of yo riddenhe scoots yet? you han't? somethins wrong mewher whe the marity of ople n voice eir opion d they'rj- so-oteard. [resent speaking] d they'rj- yeah.eard. - at's somhing thayou nd of alady anticipate ansomethinyou'd li to te and brg forwd?. - [resent in be] what you thk about ansportation? ansomethinyou'd li to te wh solutns?wd?. - oh, th- - ju like at. - what dyou thin abouwalkabity? whatbout theeople here thalive he
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thaton't make it? we neeto help ose pele, whatbout theeople here thalive he not othepeople from oth countes. no, i apeciate tt. - th don't come in the rit way li not othepeople fromy mher ca in. i'm rely stronon thi - , no, no - i ally a ani feel sry, anbelievme- - oh, m so sor. - e familyervice th need lp. - that'sorrect, d th's why i sayin - d i undetand tt. i n't knowf wean compromise. - d i un- yeah tt. - we are- i'm ba i amad. - ll, good luck. no, thanyou souch. [crowdonversg] - have areat weekend. [crowdonversg] [fraie speakg spanh] - [fraie] mann [speaks spa. ♪nd the w you lootonight giveer the crown [pageantnnouncer heree go. - [peant hos the rst conttant
6:29 am
in theinal fivis... [suspenseful music] - [frankie] lana pride - ageant aouncer] ining her in t finals is... - [frrth carona. pride [audienccheeri] - [pagnt interewer] the 2020lectio is rightround thcorner. - com. - [pagnt interewer] what is e issuyou would li all candates addressnd why d being rn and bised in borderity,te immigratn is somhing at is ve importa to me ere's soany peop out the wantinthe ameran dre, and myarents iigrated here f. rankie a audiencclappi] and i their rresentatn ofheir amecan drm. - [pagnt interewer] thank yo new mexo. - she hato win.- north rolina, me on wn. - [peant hos all ght, nor carola-] - didn't mn to c. shhas to w. come o
6:30 am
- [pagnt host]give it n for outop threfinalis. motionalusic connues] [emoonal mus continu] - [fraie] growg up, i beeved thaif i me out aa gay n, it wasoing to easierfor my. - [fraie] growg up, i beeved thaif i mi came a swgirl. itllowed man oppornity be ableo feel finine, ok femine, d i real enjoyedhe energ that w coming f of m [emoonal mus] d i realit w my outlnerg that w cof me ing ab toeel m[etional music]e.
6:31 am
[emotional music continues] [emotial musicontinues afr a yeari startegettinga litt. hair stting to ow out started eling one nighafter a ow, i was aving thclub th we wereorkingt. the next thing i remember was my head was being smashed against the trunk of the car. there was three men. at first i thought they were just going to beat me up. one of the men got close enough to my ear to tell me, "if you want to dress like a woman,
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i will treat you like a woman." omber sic] takingurns, th procded to re me. [somber music] ti remeer prayi. procded to re me. i remeer thinkg ofy fami. d in my ad, i wathinki, "thiisn't hoi'm supped twhataved me the momt was friendsoming out and protecting me. the words that were whispered in my ear the night of my assault gave a whole new meaning of how women are seen and treated in the community. [somber music] i no lger felt safe.
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arted seng a thepist.i askemd itook yearto rebud my lif [somr musi becae of tha thatappened my li,e know thai'm ableo figh it's gna be onhat side - s. pena]i. hel. - ms. na? - yes? - hi, m franki - sgonzal-wolfel. i'm readfor city councidi. le to mo forwa. i traid mye i'm usinmy innertrength to hel. e neighbhood. you mit be seeg - me on by m-good lk.e you.. - thank u so mh. [gentlmusic]
6:34 am
[cars passing] [gentle music] - i st made nor anges to the walk script. [cars passing] [gentle music] toy we're nna cus on docrats t that the onlway thatshe is . rs and tse indepdents. i got it - soit shoulbe good today. t that the onlway thatshe is . rs and tse indepdents. have ait. - [camigner] 1, jesu - [vonica] g' be go. it's g' be gd. - [gps] e destinion on youright. - [sloanso, we c gojustark somewhere. - [gps] e destinion th was 342right re. - , mr. ble. ankie goales-wol running for c. - hell - any estion - [blakeno, peop like yo get l their ws frocnn- - msnbc.- msnb - ddo, t you dot focuks.- [blaf [frankieno, nono. will notie and s i watciti doot.time. - [bke] if y're t listing to what e coervativeoice i u are unformed and you' ignort.
6:35 am
oor ams] - rankie] ere was nothindemo. w is he the lt? the are nodemocrat r, r, r, r. - [sloanshe said pulledllm - rankie] , thesare alrs. this jt did no it dn't go wl. [drive] e both drs thatou knocked on? - the send one no it dn't go wl. just- , jesus.le- i'm don. thdoor in face. - at happed? - it alreadyappene and i trd to pla thatiddle ground. - at happed? it didn't reallyrickin' work. and i trd to pla then he lled me norantd. and sohen i wakind like, "m done th is the ly list we have. and sohen i wakind yes, so t's ca it. - you nt to just make this a phone banking? - sure. - ok. - kare i'm callingn beha of my iend andour neighbor. - kare i'm callingn beha - rankie] , susan,his frankieonzales-wolfe. how are u? of my ie- bufrankiisighbor. anstablish corpora manageand executive how are u? who presentsur of my icounity,nd-isighbor. well the he derstandcomplely, d you unrstand actly wh we're doing. well the he derstan[laughs]y, well, go, good d you unrstand actly wh we're doing. wellyeah, th's the - i'm caing on balf of my frienand youreighbo
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ankie goales-wfe. - 210-2-2255 you n also fd her- - nothank u. you ha a great day. uh-h. bye-e. - thatas actuay a good . - thanyou so mh. - day is surday may 4th. - okaywe got a vote. - thatas actuay a good . - okayyou so mh. - day is- weot oney 4th. - weot one - all ght, yll. - i am, am from strict. m runninagainst the cuent . coect. - [sloanfrankie focud on easg trafc- - yes, hello. - [sloanfrankie focumyame is robert. i'm lling topeak th sergisanto on. i'm caing on balf the frankie- - [rert] citcouncil distri. th se- ho hell.n. - [julia and the numberigh. if you he any qutionscil distri. for frane or [instinct [fraie scos] and m callinon [sbelf of, - [rober it soun bett like at. - [juln] okay,hen. - [rober it soun let th be yourlanket , i keepettingold. - obert] w i not rht abt thayou were
6:37 am
[julian]t was t. [robert]t's ho - [jian] yea compared to- [r- at ups me. - loan] wh happed? i asked speak tcaleb. theyave him e phon told himhat my ne's frkie gonzes-wol, and en he asd me r nzales-wolfe."said, rane he sd, "oh, u're tha *?***? tranny at's runng fo ty cou tranny and i sa, "iman, and not,"yes, i'm s he goes,no, you' a tray," d then hhung up on me. he goes,no, you' a tray," - at? - sorry. - [fraie] thisude dth called a tray,me. i would' knockedn his or. - [rober these tre a loof repubcan hoes. - so, es verona kn that int? no, shdon't, - so, es verona becae she hanever det witha can. - someonthat's tnsgend. it's verdifferenfrom- it's verdiffert, you get lot of ople o are goa just bhaters th might ce at y. she eds to kw that. oorbell rings] she - he girlithat.
6:38 am
- ke they re beina litt... - okay, i have ask, why dit? orhat werehe thgs that ey ask? - [fraie] doorclosed , reallyno openi doors and it was jus yeah. - [verona] they st loed at yoand sa, "y're an idiot. - [verona] they st loeyore a tranny"? - e dude aually called ma tran.iot. he pisd me o. i uld alwa tell a candide,. 's oka lo, we're nna get throug. that wasust onefrickin'oor." cause th wererent when iwe attackinme this time, d i feltelittl. you knoonhe pho.ed ig, calliny ke, it fckin' hu my het. i've nev felt it ugly wh it's u.- - i k. - it'sust alwa bett to walkway. ju walk ay. but as team, it can be emotna, thater winni is histicngo reme beuse she'transgder,
6:39 am
we can'turn ound andet pis when peoe want t 'cause wcan't chge the fact thashe is tnsgendk, and we c't move ery publicanut of dirict 8 [somber music] [somber sic contues] and we c't move ery publicanut of dirict 8 [sombemusic coinues] he said at like %e arofy signs e gone.]
6:40 am
[somr musi i toldou it wagonna haen. who's ing it? don't ow. [somber music] who's ing it? don't ow. [sber musicontinue [sber musicontinue ammer taing] - aring me - [fraie] i'veome the reazation that i astill running campai like iould runor any sgeni'not,idate.
6:41 am
and i ven't acpted path thait's taki'm dippoine for me trealize that. [engine mming]cpted path thait's taki'm dippoine i dot typicay attendevents , bubecpeey, did u knowou publthat thiexiste"me,ice, and thers so mantrans ople allver tes dog great rk and i've nev met the d i thinit's out timehat i . - ise yourands if this ithe you've er particated d i thinit's in trans lby day. [crowdheerin woo! tranender pele andrag ques [crowdheerin caot be hien witht our coeratio and weefuse to hide. caot be hien witht our coeratio we are ueniably part the beaiful diversity and weefuse to hide. at you s represeed her we areexas. rowd cheering]
6:42 am
d let msmoni telyou sothing, tns you. i d toake sureou getll ghto grow in texa you anyou don'have to end ur twents, thiies, forties,ifties, and siies g for bac human ghts coverage. forties,ifties, and siies g [crowdheerin - i'embarrassed right w. that what its. m more earrass. for thpast 20-us yea, i' stayed ay from the... for thpast 20-us yea, en i lefbeing a owgirl left bei the showgirl. for thpast 20-us yea, and so iever had reallyon, like i w done wi that,rl and i'veever beean actist. i' been inolitic bui've nev been anctivis thin thegbtqia cmunity especial on tranissues can't liabout . - dot be ashed ofour sty. th's your fe.
6:43 am
you can'be judge - this gup knew ch oth. they werhugging d they knew eacother ere. th is theisisterod. i fe, me as trans won in group otrans men, i learneabout myrivilege becau. eir sisthood. i'm nna starcrying ain. st saw tse wom, they're st tryin yoknowto fd a placwomen, it can'te likehat. one gavee $10 ansaid,"i'm sor i" i was ke, "i d't evenwant y. one gavee $10 ansaid,"i'm sor i" - leership i't alys givina spee. anthat's a you leersn do at is poining, isear and ke it . it'somethingou haven t taki thinyou di it.
6:44 am
sowhat youeed to member ithe next day, iyou en have hint tha tthk about itting youto workn thk about ose peop that a countinon you and you y not n, t you beer *?***? fight as hard you c. think ofhose peoe th need yo voice uspensef music [suspeeful mus continu] - todais the fst daof earlyoting. we are still ming phoncalls, t. make se you gout and ve ansupherell week long, we'reb and look forrd to eing yout the lls. [paradattendeecheering [rhymic drumming] asaantonio ght now is celra. eirumming ntinues]
6:45 am
it'st early ting run to and are nowoing to e what th. hencwhy i'm oking and cleang a l. [rhythmidrummi] [druing contues] franki frankielast me on thballot elaez spking spash] [lghs] thank yofor comi out d voti. king theime, andt's fita, so, u know [rhythmidrummi] [parade rticipan come on, guys, l's go! [rhymic drumming] - wh? - it the qen. - rankie] it frkie?
6:46 am
yes,hat's . hi. hi, gotta hug you. - hi - solutely - la name onhe balt. u cannotiss me [- e you frankie? hi, th. hythmic umming] [paradatte] - i am fnkie. , how aryou? - thiss my dauter, izz - plsed to mt you. - frkie gonzes-wol. niceo meetou. hi, goeous. fran- w are y'l? welme. [childh. haveeats. ha seats [lauryn]ou don'temember the f? [frankiei don' so i've en invold wh we werentrodud, didn't rlize youere trs right first d i was the fit of my fe, mean in rms of wt weere fighng for d you avded me the restf the da the re of the night. mean in rms of wt weere fighng for
6:47 am
no, i'not beincritical d you avded me the restf the da the re of the night. mean in rms of wt weeit is ue. for - no, wh you'retelling , you're. i s broken 'cse i'm gna be honest. - ni justanted toe a gi. you're. i s broken i st want be a rl." i didn'tealize h importa it w for me be me didn't rlize tha you knowsometime it'sust not time. i'm gladou were ere youwere doi. didn't rlize tha having bn an exetive, you knowsometime ving beea campai manag, all e thingshat is 21-year-old having bn an exetive, you knowsometime viand ne-year-d get to see. dot you ev think "ybe should he been there. having bn an exetive, ybe i do.d havelearned oner- viand neit's not true. see. n't evereel likeou shld have en there then, having bn an exetive, ause nows the tiearned oner- vianthat t world nds youee.
6:48 am
motionalusic connues] i ver thout my gis would ve to e, never thght i'd ve to e, en my gis could ve a ro model like... never th[emotial mus] e, - [fnkie] i s overelmed wi emoti. i febecausit has aimpact own the greer pubc.f me [vehicles passg] hi. how are you?passg] hi. - good. - i kn she's tired. hi. - finishedvoice drowned out].od. - i kn she's tired. - hi, ja. you lo nice,oh. - wellthank yoso muc inive minus, we'reonna oh, don'you lookorgeous. - oh,.
6:49 am
- [fnur - you. - it's rlecting ro. - ?** [friend]h my g. [frankie***? chris - i'm oud ofou. - do wt? - i'm prd of y. when it ts zero, just h r, nute, 20econds. d then wll see - , don't el excit.- 30 sec. - riend] i alreadyere d - upporterwhat'shem?..[drama] - riend] wt's - iitookingike?kay. let meee. i'm not nna maket. 's oka
6:50 am
- ill a ys. - [frank] yeah, nny's nna win night. he'st almost9%, yeah - [frank] yeah, nny's i'm sorrthat i wn't le to pu this of but- just runng is a g deal and yo visibily basicay gis those ans kids hope, just runng is a g deal ause whethey seeheir ders runng for office and yo visibily basicay or dng other thingsn s, gis those ans kids hope, gives tm hope a expas their rizons that " entle muc] ank you each and everone ofou.s. amazingusband thanyou for ing my rk anthe pers to he me. when first dided be craz and.. i went io this mpaign vy optimistic.
6:51 am
i wat i wasringinglewto thet verynd of it. most pple just saw thtrans m. u know, passionas alwa been inolitic and 's gonnaemain ere, so i wl see yoreal soon. thanksgain. [emotial mus] [emotional music continues] [perform singingn spanis ighs] don't he to ♪ y'll flo your pride ♪ ♪ ♪on't evelet nobo tearour worlapart ♪ look the mirr ansee who u are ♪ butiful u r ♪
6:52 am
♪ look the mirr a don't er let motionalusic] [emoonal mus continu] this ection waemotionay exusting for me, [emoo[emotial musicu] but ter everhing ve gone rough, is hurt d hetache anfatigu i realed that s worthit for. i'm gog to be nging. just kidding. i'm [aience laughs]. i fod frankiin thlast thr years tober 28, 1976 a litt boy is rn in this rld, incent andarefre
6:53 am
fa-forwa. athe age o15, he h his rst kissith a y. two weeklater atome, heells hisarents "momdad, i'm gay." two weeklater atome, s parent unfazedsays, "okay, e your dinner." "momhe'sow 18..y.goes tthe with h best frnd tera, sees aoman whoas born male, with h best frnd tera, says"hi," anshe responds, sees aom"hi,'m dene.n male, i'm trans." he tnks, "ohy gosh, i'm no" sees aom"hi,'m dene.n male, i'm trans." looks the mirr, thenpaints. a wig, a fabuloushoes.novemb 19. the men apoach m, hold m down and whisr in his ear, the men apoach ou want dress le a won? i'llreat youike a woman." they bt, rape,nd leave him. the men apoach ou want dress le a won? fough fa-forwa.. school, rk, scol, iled relionships workmore wk. he's now6, depreed, one, suidal, and lost.
6:54 am
wakes upne morni, tells his sn workmore wk. sier says,then le." fa-forwardhello, new me. siershe'now stng.." shs she alivet. shs in le. fastorward toght, sheooks t into t audiee, d says, am he. i am tra visib." [cwd cheing] [crowdontinuesheering] [etional music] [energetic instrumental music] ♪ ♪
6:55 am
- my god,e got ! [women lghing] was likei still didn't.[in. ♪ [women lghing] was likei still didn't.[in. ♪ ♪ omber muc] ♪
6:56 am
♪ ♪ ♪ - [male announcer]: support for reel south is provided by: additional funding for "a run for more" is provided by: and others. a complete list is available from pbs. ♪ you'reatching s.
6:57 am
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7:00 am
>> today on "earth focus," food heroes. a new film looks at why combat veteran friends turned to farming. america's organic pioneers, and new models for food production. coming up on "earth focus." [music] >> it's important to me that


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