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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  June 8, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

6:30 pm
[jaspetaps on ndow, whisper charlie sper, whe have y been? what hapned at t town ha? they'rlooking r you. i know. theye been sking out my oldan's pla for e past t days. can u come o? buthere's curfew o [sighs wait aecond! [typin come on. thlights a on. might bhome. sper, the's no w i'm ing in tre. 're not ing in.
6:31 pm
just wching. it's n my bran me on. [fro croakin
6:32 pm
[gags,oughs] [chules] at is it ... it'sillim's. i thinit's iri. nick it frome old ma he goes rough ito fast, doesn'notice when it'missing. are yoworried he'll ll the pice ere you e? [soft chkle] wouldn'have a ce. afr my mumied... just we to shit well, wh did sheie? when was reayoung. car cras i don'rememberer at al i haven't even seen a photograph. but i know she's where i get my color from. her people aren't from around here.
6:33 pm
d-did yolove herlaura? weere planng toeave togher. when? soon ase could. that's w i've be gone these pa couple months. been o donnybrk way picking one frui didn'tet a chae toell laur y not? there wa't time. i uldn't gnear herouse ring theay. think that. i coulonly evesee her when iwas dark it like shwas a drm oromething
6:34 pm
i cameack chrimas nigh.. with enoh money get us t. went strght to h window. she was ne. anthen youame here i heard r screamg. anthen i fnd her. never shld have ft. i ould havstayed he. 's not yr fault. enougheople ble you alady. meone el did thi i let hedown. is that y you wre that? what? on theree.
6:35 pm
at does say? uh... -yourote it,idn't yo -whadoes it y? it say"sorry." you meanou didn'write it no. th who did it h to be.. it h to be m jack. he'seen backere. st night what ihe's her jasper? jasper, could bright no heould be re. have too. no, chare. wait. i'm leing! arlie, wt! [ggles, whps]
6:36 pm
[car depts] [panting
6:37 pm
[door closes] [sighs] wait. want to with yo -closehat door youtay righwhere yoare. ut why? want to lp. you n help by stayi home ansafe. you list to yourother. all rit, come . co here. ce here. [jaspegrunting
6:38 pm
fficer] t inside come her come he. i'm ing to jfrey's. all righ [dogbarking] [m] come o boy! come on,hen! [barng conties]
6:39 pm
[claering] hickens uck] oor open [breathi heavily [man] me here, you lile mongr! [ld clucki] y!
6:40 pm
arlie! -h [chuckl] -u hi. i st came renew the loann my boo -my g. -wt? actuallyuh... that's n true atll. i' been waing arou here the pastouple ofays ping i mht see y. at? chlie, areou all rht? m fine. mpletelyine. nothin it's... that a ife? no. i an... i mean, s, it is but 's not.. id you mbe want walme home ain? can't. really i'm rry, i he to go. ighs]
6:41 pm
[man tking on dio] -[cutly clatte] -[n on rad] .you'll he a goodime. wellspeakingf good tes, re come e easybes. [song pls] [rh sighs] ♪ everybodshake ♪ olume ineases] ♪ everody groo ♪ ♪ mmm-mmm-m ♪ ♪ mmmmm-mmm-m-mmm ♪ oh! ♪ oh, mama ♪ ♪ ah, marymary you're omy mind ♪ ♪ e folks e gone and thplace'lle mine ♪
6:42 pm
ah [laughs [rh sings ong] ♪ ma, mary wanna with yo ♪ [ruth lahs, shris] ♪ anthis is at m gonna ♪ ♪ i'm gonnput a ca ♪ [radioff] what hapned? d they fd anythi? no. nothg. not en a tra. jesus chst, thatoor girl [sighs [tapng on wiow]
6:43 pm
jes, jaspe what haened? [jper] it s sarge. the prk kickede inhe ear. it's sll ringi. sarg i didn'think ey'd evelet you . ey didn' so, w did yoget out? [chules] tried onof the cy copper toldim i hado take ahit, nt strait out thwindow. th's amazi. ye. ey'll beooking f me rder thaever now i ha to showou sothing. lo. lookit's theame as t tree. orry". says "sry."
6:44 pm
[whisps] wh are youoing? [scos] jaspe [manutters] h, it's ay. [charl] oh, nono, , no, nomy bag. -what? -he's t my bag eliza'book. [exhales [grunt -it was bug! man] who there? [jper grun] [m] who's ere? [panng] an] hey!
6:45 pm
aa! [whimps] chlie! -[man] h! -jper! [manget out here, you litt bastard asper] inow you d it! know youid it! jasper? [jaspegrunts] sper? weave to gback. he did i he kill her. i ow, t you cat even snd. we havto go ba. we havto. t now. what abo new yeas eve? wh everyons athe firewks, can go ck then. prome? i promis [dog bking in stance]
6:46 pm
[caroor open [footeps appaching] st here. [offer] chare buckti what areou doingere? m? gein the c. co on. [car doo close] [whimps] ar depar]
6:47 pm
[rh] oh! didn't anythinwrong. m? i dn't do ything. ohthank goness! i thoughi'd lostou! aryou all ght? oh, go [sighs] t inside [sniffs, sighs niffles] comen, insid [jefey] jesu chuck. inside are u all rit? [rutsnifflessighs] well, whe were y? weere worrd about u! [oicer] no.. hey! [snapsingers] you said "we dn't do ything wng." w, who'swe"? nobody. do you think i'm playing with youson? hmm
6:48 pm
who were you wit charlie.ell the uth. eliza. [wes] wishart? yes. why? becae i was worried abt her. i... i jt wantedo make se shwas all ght. we're... we're nd of ea other. [scoff "fonof each her"? uth sigh [oicer] did you er stop conside that may the lasthing the wisht familyeeds ght now is aoung man prowli around eir home hmm? no, sir.'m sorry sorry? so ai. we'reone. ighs] 'nht, rome [weswe appreate u bringi him hom [clears roat] [door cles] now,harlie, think yoneed get to d and st there. [ruth]hat, thas it?
6:49 pm
no wondehe thinks he can cort arou town whenevere feels ke it! ruth, he growingp. you re slippg out to go daing withhe gis at his a. th is comptely irrevant! could he died, sley! we don'tnow who'out ther i agree.ut screang at hi isn'gonna reforce thpoint. wh's your lution? do notng? just dappear ithere and writa bloody story out it? wes buckn, thdisappeang man! u know, some ous can'tust shut the do and avo living re! , jesus rist! are you o ever gonna lien to me i amed up! f up! now, love yo chars buckti and i glad yore alive but morrow, you'reonna wisyou weret! now, get out of my sight! hovel scping] now. d.
6:50 pm
what? wh because said so. how deep i'llell you en to st. chop-cho i di't say y could sp.
6:51 pm
what is is even r? i n't undetand y i'm dog this. well, don't unrstand y at a, charlibucktin. one minu you're oiding m like'm contaous, e next y're tellg people we're eaking o at nht togetr beuse we'r romaically aached. you ow, it'solite to ask airl firs i n explai umno. cuse me.his is n on. [eza] i ju came to get sething bk. we, it canait. chare's workg very hd athe momen let m finishp, thankou. go o do your moer know you'reraipsinground to on yr own? i ink you ould be home right no don't y?
6:52 pm
[elizaxhales] right. you can stop. oh, no, u don't. -iant you fill itn. -wt? ll it in i dot want se dirty great g hole imy backyd. ifou didn'want a he, whdid you k for it ere you e, yove learnyour lesn. now, i headingut, and i nt this lled in by theime i geback, or you'lbe doingt alagain torrow, yog man. [ang gruntin [sighs [horhonking] hat's th? -iought mylf a car n't she beauty? i dot undersnd, ruth you wa to s-- do youant to sl the hoen? ause i'lneed get ern banks to repla the crashaft. it's stuffed! no, i don't want you to sell the holden, wesley. then...
6:53 pm
so... whwants toome for a spin? charli you' need toet clean up. ve you fled the le in? ne. i'll go myself. [svel scrang] here y are, ma. yoget insi. go on. [sighs [knoing, dooopens]
6:54 pm
jesus, d! hoare you ing? i'm tiety-boo. had a eat day. why wod she ma me do i i shld have ried her in the. te, u scareder last ght. u're a srt kid, but wh you did was cossally spid. day was. st her w of tellg you all that and i n't blamher. , whenev she getback, i... thi you shod offer r a ncere apogy. you nt me topologize s. you ould conder yourlf luy that y've got mother thatares abo you very mu. a lot people ver get at. so, do y want me to makus some nner? haven'i been pished engh? [cckles] you' just li her, your motr.
6:55 pm
yore peas a pod, u two. [door oses] [scatted applae] [m] go, corrigan! [wan] goodurnout tay. 's a beaiful day where ve you bn? thgame's aost over we'rgetting umped! y are yopadded u i'm next. what? i'm in nt. i'm playg, officlly. ffrey lun debut. w? david yle roll his ank, so'm in thxi. yes! you're tually gna bat? sure a we nd 60 runin a hur. jes, jeffr. aryou nervs? no. but u shoulde. ha you seeyour girriend up there , go reaher someoetry. i need tfocus. this tn needs hero. comen, go!
6:56 pm
[crowdheers] [jfrey] say time. [battrikes bl] [cwd cheerg] an] shot [wom] very ne. i was ping youight be re. really y? may i t? at are y reading ice's adntures in wderland. is it go? [sighsyou know alicreally h an awfutime.
6:57 pm
she's lost and nobo helps h. they'rall so mn and seish. soundlike charlis adventes in corrin. eliza'too. you knowthe annong things i stl kind owish u had co over. really ouhouse iso... emp. i'm soy. [sobquietly] i'not a go person,harlie. dot say th. yore wondeul. m not. i really t. [sniffs] i might ve alrea used it but.
6:58 pm
woulyou rath have hat madof spide or he penisefor fings? [sniffle ighs] are the iders ale? yes, a they'reoisonous and any. [inhalessighs] wl, i'm gonnhave to withenis finrs. wi choice. yotoo? so, ere wereou reall thatight? ails claer] mpire] tt's out. [cwd cheerg, applaing] layers suting] [charl] that'seffrey! he's aually goa bat.
6:59 pm
hmm? th never pk him. this iit. is is hichance. [boy] he look athat. oh! [boy] you dot belong on thifield, me. oman] wee going me. ere's nooint. oman 2] , let's home. hopeless [wom 3] see u, marge [charl] look athem. they're aving alady. oy] u don't long her cong. [boy 2] me on. [boy 3] me on, wl. [boy] hehouldn'tven be he. rowd exciming] that's harious! [crowd, ys jeeri] -comon, jeffy. -[y] go onwill. -[crow ooh! -[umpirefour! [man lghs] rowd exciming] [alause] [boy] sh! [boycome on,effrey. umpire] ur runs. -[man]eautiful
7:00 pm
-[applse] our runs [man] unlievable -we can n this. -how my pointso we nee runs. how many runs do wneed? a lot. [cro cheerin applaudg] [man] 's seedi them like a wermelon! -[owd cheeng] exclaimi, laughi] -youittle rier! ell donewell don thers two bas left. we neefour to n. okay. he's what do... no wores. he going tdo it. he's gon beat th. -[man] te your te, son. -[boy]ome on.


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