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tv   Occupied Minds  LINKTV  June 15, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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- [mother perry] people might not expres s it but there's gonna be a change in somebody's life. that's what i'm workin g for. that s omebody would just stand up in that congregation and tell god thank you. i've been saying ♪ keep yourself pray ed up. [ambient music] - [male announcer]: support for reel south is provided by:
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additional funding for "stay prayed up" is provided by: and others. a complete list is available from p bs. [gentle music] welcome the maievent. ifou guys ve chu h, th event, ally chu, and you guy just wna watchhe fun and eck up le how your frids are d ng most of ur frien migheven bei there. - [m] heaven father. we a gatherehere again.- [speer 2] ye god.- [maethankingou for your man many blsi ngs. [speaker] oh yes, godhank y . - [mae] rd, you ve be so goodo us. - [speak 2] thanyou lo . yes, l d. - ae] downhrough t yea rs - [saker 2] yes. [mae] yobrought this r.- [speer 2] s. [mae] anyou neveleft u - [saker 2] s, s ir- [maeand we c't prse you e ugh. - [speak 2] yes,
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ir. [mae] ase go tod in venture,hat's neto us. get inhe midstf god. - [speak 2] yes god. - ae] and lp uso do youwi ll. wenow thatou are le and wknow you an. - peaker] yes.- strethen us g od. - peaker 2oh y es - lo down onlittleld me d. - [speak 2] yes, es. - [m] it wasll that ve. - peaker 2 yes. - [maewe have side ofus for o for ano er. [speaker yes. - ae] do tse fous holy th erwe'll so veryve ry ve carefuln givingyour ne the pr se. in jesus ne we praam en. [group] en. ♪'m gonnaalk throh the reets ofhe city ♪ whe my lovene hagone on fore ♪ oh yeah♪ ♪'m gonnait down the bas of theiver ♪ oh rd ♪ and i w't be ba no more ♪
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♪eah ♪ ♪ all mtroublesnd m y ♪ wl be over ♪ and i w't haveto cryo more ♪ ♪h yeah i'm gon sit dowon the nks of t river ♪ ♪ oh ye ♪ ♪ and ion't be ck ♪ ♪o more ♪ ♪ y h ♪ yea h [peoe chatteng] ♪ tthe stres of theity ♪ ♪ mlord ♪ ♪here my ve one h gon
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e on befo ♪ ♪ wgonna sidown - many pele call r ma, e or motr pe rrbecausit's a pt of h . - [mae] try g. - peaker] y g? [gtle pi o]- i dot know oany at wouldo up to her ancall hers pe rr gotta ce out beuse moer is wh you f l.♪ gonbefore ♪ ♪ i gonna s down ♪ - swch it ov t o c. swch it ov t o c. if wanna r, i'll r. if wanna jp, i'll mp. whater, the rd say o. no i'm not show ofwhen it come dealingith god. he got be in t midst or i neeto go somewherand sit wn.
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♪n the bas of theiver ♪ come on ah. and i w't be ba no more ♪- puttg it i c. - [phil] eah. i an guys,id you hear thathou gh you ard thatngela, iknow y gotta h tha t hithat c.- i thght it w c. no, not wasn'that wast that one. the rst one sung wain c. - peaker] ay. - ae] i li t hat. - [saker] i ke that too. - [maei like tt so ng- ye . - peaker] like at song too.- whene go outnd s in i n't mindinging ngs and ke some ngs fr some otr peop . but i'm arting fm whe i, you now? [gentle ano] i want tdo t hai mean, om back nder ♪h ♪ ♪ lk at theeopl e ♪ o ♪ ♪ook at t peopl ♪ ♪ oh ♪ look athe people ♪ ♪ standing
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at the judgmen t ♪ ♪ gotta to be tried ♪ - they were very powerful singe rs. those three ladi es sister ethel elliot had the highest vo ice. the next voice down was sister lena mae pe rry and the aunt sister benn ett. she had the lowest voi ce. and there was some beautiful three part harmo ny.- theyere constent in e so that th chose tsi ng whh was thold hy s. d they wld put tir litt twist o it. and u knew, ay th is the anchet s. i can s my moth ♪ [mae] asime moveon au mae sorof drted off om us but etl and i pt singi. ♪ you know that sin have love ♪ ♪ fever stajust as u are ♪
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- wh the lorsay ve [indiinct] so fire geunder yo f oot. you st can'tit sti .you gonnholleryou'reonna jum whater comesorth, yodo it. anit makese feel, l ike,just fl like itake wgs and fly. oh ♪ ♪ to gi my ow ♪ ♪ younow thataith ♪ i belong to a noy cr ewshouti, and fo stomng and cpp ingand prse the lord. a churchospel, nsy c re[wilbur ughi ng - [mae] ght.right.- just line or wo. [upbeat ano] - caanybody lk aboutwilberithout sli ng? he loveso play pno. he lovesus ic. - wier pla . he plays. ♪ou gottarust himand gi him tim♪♪
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no tter howong it tes ♪ - evens a smalch ild,i saw pios in myle ep. i ink thatas a meage from od. ♪on't youorry ♪ ♪ it y not co whenou want ♪♪ butt's righon tim ♪ [mae] weidn't docome here go lord" d we? [phil] whave notdone tt one t. - ah, thatne ictory imi ne."- ye . - anthe otheone, "i n't el no wa tir ed cause m still undin'.[lau gh- that rig ht e first me i met er we wersinging within0 minu s of mting eac otheall toge er. d she wateachinge pa rt ♪ h hey ande go on anytime 're on atage matter ere we a e will bng pele to thal tar. she wi invitesomethinout of p ple. she's taht me how to flow he - i love im. he caning andhe fallsn li ne wi the resof the cld
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ren. buwhen we nd it, we gottae sort o widepen, younow? - [pl] oh yeah. - when wwind i- [phi y eah. - i proachedister rry at o point a ut let's ma a recortogeth . wod you beilling t make record th me?i love h she resnd ed. - ye. - hat'd bein e". ♪ to ♪ - as s as that buwe hear e same t ng.- [maeyou don'have say [instin ct you down ere♪ reareal jes is real ♪ - y it aga. ♪ rea♪- ange kent isne oforth carin a's ablutely fndationa gosp singe . she'just a perho us ju a phenonal singer. whoa yes ♪ ♪ ge me theictory ange has kno sisterperry
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r most oher li . and her esence and her rsonal y are st essenal to inging tt third rt. ♪ that why i le him so♪ ♪ he's real toe ♪ i lovehis. is is great. these ar't any othe tune i wre down, d i love it.i justotally io it. [pl laughing] ce we deded it was a li rec or we tald about lot of t ngs. - at did y s ay? what didou mean?- we tald ab ouhonori the oth branche es.obviouy we tald abt placesn ro omshe's en in heli fe. and would gback to, ell,where es the ne the branchets come from? ramatic ano] - longranch discipleof chris it rlly makeme feelgood wn i comep this ivew ay 'causehis isy stomng groun
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we had a wonderful family. we had singing, pare nts, singing family. ♪ my lord ♪ ♪ were you ther e ♪ my sisteand my bther andwe madour own sic, in the yd, back in aorner sowh ere. would ha a shoeb and sister d the fo t ub. laughedwe frolied. had a gd time, t wenew whate had to do. at sompointswe had tfill up a rn of tocco the me d ay anit was aertain way that tobco had tgo on th stic put it that st ng. and oh, uld i dot? ♪remble ♪♪ trele ♪♪ trele ♪ we thoug it washard, t it wasn't. it w just pa of li . ♪ wn they my grandther andy
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aunt rememberhere atlong bnch church. th was eldly senio thataught uso much.three lile kids ew whathree-parharm on because heard iso m uc we knethat we re gonnahave tsing at urch. ey calleus then,the beett thre [upbeat sic] weops up, es down ere the fro of the urchand weould sta sin gi d they wld be ju clping the hands and me singi along wh us. and i hed my grama s ay "tear all to eces". ♪ misery ♪ ♪ oh have you eve r ♪ ♪ a man like you is a mer y ♪ a misery ♪ ♪ ohave youve r ♪ ♪ a manike you a mis y ♪- [lena is t
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ha your senr? - ae] se or cls pict e. - ena] o y. - ae] i lod scho . really led to goo scho . and at is le mae bentt ledictorn class 1957. [maeaughing]- lenaae benne valector ia - [lena] es. we reheaed in daddy's rn patch anwe startinging this lite song at my grddad hadaught . sothing ke♪ we e rolling ♪ ♪e are roing now. ♪ little bty children. we are lling inthis uriendly rl d ♪ ♪ we arrolling we are llin g whene got rey to t in dad's car wenew exacy wherewe wersupposedo sit to make at harmony.
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♪e are roing ♪comingn highwa70 wards smhfie ld saw theign and had ard peop talkingbout i but it h three gat big k.kkk. ♪ we arrollin ♪ ♪e are roin g ♪ th us beg kids, didn'treallynow whatt me an and weidn't ta about tt. ♪ we e rollin♪ it was a sense of fe ar. there were some klansmen in our community. someamilies d told ty waafraid tgo outsi.somebodyaid theyonna co to theiho use. weouldn't thatuch abouit.all we cld do wapr ay.
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we are lling ♪♪ thrgh an uniendly wld ♪ [traic whirrg] irds chiing] - hope thirecord fds peop wherevethey are someere in tir li in a cry way. it's thright peon 's gonnahange thr life. i ew up in tiny to in norern wiscsincalledhippewa lls,and everne went confirtion on dnesday ghts and we sg songs ke. ♪ as a er drinkg fothe water ♪
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you ow, thatas the vibe. i feelike musifinds yo and either abs you, or idoes n' soeah, it'a littlefunny at, of c rse, gospel mic came to mehrough t for m the moe sister ct. you ow what me an?i meanif i'm bng hon t.♪ hap day s ♪h happy ys ♪ oh happdays yea h - a multude of vces alltogeth at the me t imlike hmony, bunot just ike harmony ♪ like har ny. yoknow, ju going le all ose thin shaking and brating the samti me. you knowlike, doi have cho ic no ♪h happy ys ♪ [ueat musi oh my go that tu is so gd.
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[phil lahing] - ae] wo w. [phil] h. - y. [phil] ce by her - hos everybody? - yolook absutely goeo us. [mae] thk you. thk you. - and memb] how yodo ing? - i'go od i'go od. [philaughi ] - a handske h uhjust a ltle hand ake? eople chteri ng eople lahi ng] well, what yoth ink? - i id, i di't know have toet all ts stf in thilittle p ce. [pple laug ng] - told chr, the engineeri sa id "wn they wk in theroom, u hit re rd. "becse when u get th branchtes into r oom, "you nev know what's gna come up".and surenough, wber sadown andad recorded anntire alm's wortof marial in half h r. itas the fst thinghat ppened athe
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session.♪ somay i'm gng toee my lo ♪ walk arnd the hve n ♪ spread e news ♪ ♪ putn my shi goldenhoes ♪hen my sior lls me h e ♪ ♪ well u'd bett get rea ♪ every d ♪ ♪ telthe thin willlways st ♪♪ heaven te s ♪ ♪pen wideor m e ♪ whemy saviocalls meom e ♪ ♪mm mmm ♪ that's aood one.- yeahthat's t great song thatas sung thwalker ste rs of ralei, north roli na ifhere was right pmo ter, oromethingown in ts ar ea th would'vbeen pusd tohe top aong time go. some peoe get brks ansome peoe do n' [peoe laughi]
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hi sug. [peoe chatteng] - hil] allight. wa the strt to the ity.let's done in g rst. - i ought i ng thatin c bause it s,you knowwe had aittle nflict or th er- no, i'sorry.- uh-uh,hat's no it. no, it's ot! eople lahi ng] - it a - h? - ae] let'find o . at is it [wilbuexhali ] - ld tig . [mae] i ld you t resthile he es it. - no, no no.- [maelisten t mom. - when y continu to, u gotta ea the. everody has breathejust a ltle bi - [mae] ah, you ve to. - you goa catch at bre h. that'she tru .- [mae] t me seewh at?- what w his namof the song? - [mae] at i saito y ou- threyears ag had probms withcirculion on mleft l . so i h to havet amputed belothe kn . every y i hit,ncourage me tcontinuen.
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♪ was tre ♪ ♪ll ♪ ♪ t tim e ♪ he wather e ♪ he s ther ♪ all theim e ♪ all theime ♪ ♪ he wawaiting tientl ♪ ♪ waiti patient ♪ ♪ hwas waitg patien y ♪ ♪h in life ♪♪ in fe ♪ he wa ♪ was the ♪ - the gowho put h ere, is for mto inspi people d i praynd ask g you know"lord, i'm
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workg for u. "plee open drs for m lease".i prayhat pray lotsf ti me - [phil]he brchettes d friend at a nsing hom in dlin ireland. - ena] rember that- [mae yes. - ena] so m, whereere u guys ithis photo? at lookelike whe y'almaybe fit starte - [maeyeah. - ena] i dthink. - [mae] ah. and thatas an anvers arthat w the fir anniver ry. 'cause whad [indtinct]. firsanniversary. - wow.- ye . - is one ithe clost one. th one s s. 1982. - 19 82 - okay. and lbur wou've beenin this me, or o? - no.we wasn a journey. weere singg at fferent urch es sowe went this church iangier nortcarolina
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righdown the oad. [ueat gosp singing wilber ce to pla for is churc en he puthem lon fings on thapi ano, i said "sa, that the m ". ♪ iray that pray ♪ ♪ prayed all night long ♪ - we'd be invited to so many minist riesall overorth car ina.saturdayights, nday mor ngs, sund evening we we gone evy week d. - trel, trav trav, trav . ♪ just uldn't rt a da ♪ ♪y soul ♪ - peaker] hnson coty ansurroundg co un definity known r stng gospero ots.[upbeagospel sging] gospel cir annivsaryis a celration oanother year at you he been sadfa
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st unmoble dointhe workf god. ♪ g he holde up ♪ ♪ g ♪the atndance set will n from2 to 15 oups eac day. ♪ord i thank you ♪♪ lor ♪ ♪ ld i thanyo u ♪ we start it herebut thchurch w too small. [pple cheeng] [peoplsinging spel] - [speak] i knowshe hatraveledar becae of theupport tt shgets at r annive ary. some othose grps treled twoours ansing twomaybe the so ng buthey traled because, ey were nna be ithe dst of sething remarka bl
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ery grou every pson, dot have tt abilit to ge the people a mistry thathey w ant, a miniry that ey n ee ana minist that they gon hunger for. [whirring trafc] - cumbers oltradit n. let me s, let meee. [water tckling]we learn a lot othis wh we weret home d daddy ew his cumbe rs and wilb tell meometimes "sisr perr when hsay it le that, knowomethingbout coo wa me to tl hehow to put what tput togeer. - she wi tell meexactlwhat t do and will co out ght everti
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me.i'm surised th she esn't ve sier lena e perry' cookok on thmarket. - geit all med up. wh it up rl good. d i got me of althe ttle uteils thateople, that ly peopleuse to kp from you usinyour arm you st take me and it and 'll whipp. - e of therevious apters of sisteperry's fe she ownea soul kitchen ralei calledae's coury kitchen. i cookedeal meal not sandwiches. - would goown the every day. i dot care aut woing in cary. would co back at2 o'cloc and eaat mae'sitch en - i hathe litt booths and do the sidof this wall. i d the lile b
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ar so i could walk around and talk to each one of th em. - you see all kinds of people th ere. all lks of life. so of 'em ve drunkbut ey woulde there t. [jnny laugng] [sizing oil]- she uld hand a conggation o hundds of pe le. all us hung at theame ti . l of us ing intothe feowship hl athe same me. u knew tt motherperry d put helove and her professional touch to it. if you didn't come back for the preachi ng you sure came back f the f d. [laugh g] [oilubbl in- she d her faly she meals geth er seral timea we ek u know, d they a all g wn and maied and ve theirown lis and caers. buthey dintogetherseveranights a eek. il bubblg] - thr daddy arte d and if ty weren'here peciallyy this time,
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he'd be the pho callinevery onof 'em. ♪ here g o ♪ ♪alking ♪he wouldook aftethose ds while was g e and stayed othe ro . anhe neverver saidto me th you can go. he madit possie. - [speaker] even though she traveled a lot she let people know, i gotta get back h e.i still am a wife and a mom. ♪rying toet riof all omy ♪ - les say a ay er. the heavly fathe we ank you r this m ent. thank y for whawe ha accomplhed this ay. we tnk you f us bein a cle, conneed fam y. thanyou for ing le to semy children by almosevery y. ke 'em saf is it is yr will. [speakeryes.
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- w lo rd were trulynd thankl for what we e about rec eifor thnourishmts of our bodi for chrt sa ke amen. - roup] amen. - itasn't tolong wast? - [lena]t wasn'too l on didn't ve to ge the fering tys o ut ae laughing]- [len y eah. - rena has wked another.she coulalmost he ran e restaunt for e. y'alpretty wl knew at you sposed to do. - i ew i hado cleathe st eand i dn't wasmany dishes. - someti i went ck the to wasdish es justo get outhe fr t. [lau ing]- [maeregi na - body be the kihen but ma. - and ill can' go in ere no can't gon there now. - [cric] don put thing inhe s in cat wash t dis he- can'do nothing. - [cric] can evenalk in t re. [pple laugng]- whenll of the ki was youngi taughthem to le everybody, becae i knewhat in ts lifethere'lot of tngs u gotta nfro nt you got have engh f ai anyou got be ableo put ough tru in go that y can hane what mes up ainst y . 1997
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- enny] ok. - [m] i losty oldesthi ld nny. [indti nct] heas a sma child. he was ssw eet and he rlly lovekarate. and rit outta gh schoohe weninto ser ce. he was averseas whole loand wh he come ome, would jt be so erwhel d, the come mbaby. [mae lghing] [st mu si whene was si wh he call me,i wento germanand went to sit hi anthey hadhis longboard ross the th diffent plugsn it. anmy baby uld, d somethg in e h, every onof them
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ugs trying tkeep him in.i nevesaw him ve. i just s there a watched there's thing like losg a chil u can't lp but tnk abouit and ihurts. just like it happened yester day. as we are born in the world, we don't know how we gonna lea ve. and i didn't want to question god, 'cse he's control and seems le when ibegan toike trusgod, i t a litt bit of re ease. usually y, "god,you hale t hi "i can handle is". [dratic pian i don't ♪ ♪ feel waste
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t e ♪ come tofar fromwhere started om ♪ nobody ld me ♪ ♪ that e road wld be ea ♪ ♪ i don believee brght me ts far ♪ to leavme ♪ ♪ i don feel noaste tim♪ ♪ come o far fr wheri startefrom ♪
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♪ noby told mthat th road wod be eas♪ ♪ ion't belve he brought this fa♪ ♪ i don believe h brout me thifa r ♪♪ i d't belie ♪ ♪ don't bieve he brout mehis far leave me ♪ [peoplclapping [gene piano] - [saker] he how areou? - [mae] llo. look ayou, ohthat's butiful.
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- [saker] he sweee, how a you?- i'm od. ve you all. - [speer] go . - [mae] how u doing ndso me- [speer] everody ves ms p ry. [mae] go to see you. - gos dream man. you can ok and cnt on r. chur is her ddle n e. [people chtering] [speakergood morng. - [speak 2] good morni ng - wh a mightgod we s ve.- what mighty god. - [preacr] we've come io this h se gatheredn his name.- that rig ht - weay as we go and give h the praise. - lleluj .[people appi ng - mama alys told me "keep yoself prad up". d that'shat i do [speakeranyone ee? - e same g that in the ur ch ishe same d that'sut the with mon thoseta ges. mighty, migh good. ♪ i prad up ♪♪ lor
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♪ ♪ jes ♪ ♪ i'molding u♪ - goel musicas a ndency to go whe the goel itse cannot go. we, the goel is th poweof god uo salvation. wenow we nd the go el. but to g some people tthe gospel yogot to ge them t appezer of t mus ic you get ch out o a so, as a smon. thatne gospesong canpull younto the urch beuse the irit s been uif ted.♪ gotim up ♪ ♪ a him ♪ telhim whatou are ♪ - [gro] yeah. [peoe clapping] - ye
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ah - [saker] am.- [gro] am en- [speer] amen and so praise him. i have he. i want'all to t that t.- [speak] yes. - lot of sff is gog on. we livinin a hopess ti me. can can be re ?can i lk to so - [saker] ye y es. - al peoplto day? this tng has tbecome rsonal ty'all. - [speak] that'sight. that's r ht. - can encoage yo yes.- and i n offer ur hopeand i catell youbout jesus. buyou gottget thisright your owhe art and inhe h om - th's rig . th's rig . - se i want u to havho pe. ph i want u to havho pe. t i do, really o. want youo have hope. t you goa get . - [saker] ye. - ye, ye ah wean't wai until t battles over t sho ut got to out
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no [indistinct] - s. i can't e my waall the me bui still ve toive up t e nd. i don'always he wh i wanna have, but lift up h ead ani say "g - thk you go- "whyoes the[indisnct] beces m uc- [mae yes. [peoe clapping] - fogod i ve and r god i e. - [saker] yeah. - [barba] and fo this have hope. - ho pe yes. [birds crping] oh, od morni vanessa i was ju checkinon you aftethe convsation last nightto see h you werdo ingand see you're eling od this rn ing. bui'll givyou a ll a lite bit later.okay, e- bye. ♪ g will ta care ofou ♪
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♪ throu every day alonthe way - soany peop call sister la mae pey, to pray r them athough she was eir mini er. buthen aga too she knowhow to pray. ♪ of u ♪ - ery time'd been ck innd outtahe hospital,she wath ere.♪ godil l ♪ ♪ take re ♪ ♪ oyou ♪ [phone rgi ng] ♪ throu every d ♪ my good ss. ♪long theay ♪ hello? m doing eat. how e you? ohi'm gladi'm gl to hear
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hat. i'm glado hear that. had you my mindnd s ai let me cck on evybody, so t t,you'lle surprid th the things at some ople e going ro ugh. yes.and i sithere sotimes hours,tryingo let th know that there not a ne. niel, thnext thi you gottlook ter yourlf also. so take re.- she's ened meup so mu more, to where see godvery d . so my more pces, tha i did ve years go. ineople, inature in allinds of ings. ♪ hwill shoyo u ♪ i've jusnoticedgratite being lot mo at the fefront omy bra . ♪ wheree bled a died ♪ ♪ get rht with d ♪ ♪et rightget rit with g ♪
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♪very chae ♪ ♪o the hiest mounin ♪the pele's keyard.♪ hand gol d kennarrived om maland andasic al ju walked to the rm and we handehim a miop honeand he jt went i o it and i thk we wenstraightinto aong he tght us ♪ whoyeah ♪ ♪ll the l e ♪ - ve knownenny sin he was little boy. he an exceent sing. ♪ yh ♪ and wh make ito go od he not ashed toive god ai se. he givgod all got. i'm tryi to th
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k. w, i sana totaldiffert way. sometimei'll lo the fst part d then erybody ce in on i don'wanna ta everybo outttheir coort zo . - [saker] no that be co .- [ken] everytng anjust kind of pick ery note edg es - i askethe lordo inill intoy mi nd songs th will fl througthe conggation so that ey mightbe ablto feel . and i mit say mething ke. ♪h, i knoit waa lot ofov e ♪ edward g-s-p-e . th's fai . ♪ tt's giveme strenh ♪ e churchs a builng t the chch is inde of u. ♪ tod ♪ ♪ it ll never♪ ♪ ner
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♪ - the we g♪ nev los e ♪ is powe ♪ whoa i ow it rehes ♪ t me knothat♪ to e highesmountain ♪ and whei foundmyself ithe low ace ♪ ♪ i fou out tha thatame go ♪ is flowall the y onown to t lor d ♪eah lord♪ ♪ ts valley ♪ somebodsaid on ah ♪ ♪ oh ye ♪♪ i knothe loveea h ♪ ♪ tt gives strength ♪♪ froda y ♪ to da
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♪ and we ll never ♪ ♪ lose ♪es how ♪ ♪ wanna tl you ontime i sai ♪ ♪iste n ♪ whoa know it ache s to the d all ofthe hiest mounin ♪ ♪ and tn i founout at that me lord ♪ samflowing ow ♪ all theay on do to t sweet l d ♪ ♪ is fod ♪ somebodsaid oh ah ♪ ♪h yeah ♪♪ theove thatgives strength ♪ ♪rom day to da
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♪ ♪ take ♪ you ever ♪♪ i d't know out yo ♪ ♪ut i'm aelieve ♪♪ we wi never ♪ ♪ you'lnever ev ♪ ♪ nev never ner ner never ver ♪♪ nev never ner never ♪ ever lo his pow ♪ ♪ yeah [unteligib] u ought tap ur neighr and y "neibor the ood stilwo rks" [pple clapng]
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irds chiing]- [lena]o mom, wt are u gonna ar tod ? - [maeoh, thepurple ipret ty [lena] yh, all t detas with t feather th yellow ll be prty t oo - y eah. i ha put a whole lotof prayein this oj ect anone of t things at wod just till me smu ch if in is service with god beg in chae, th somebodwould ju stanup in th congregionand te god "thk yo i've be saved". ople mig not expss it, but ere's goa be a change isomebody l ife. that's wt i'm woing fo there's song thawe sing,pleasee patienwith me. god is n throughith me yet. and wh god get througwith m
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i shalcome for likeure gold myold diggg is her d i'm soappy tha i waed on thlo rd. ♪ erybody tking abo if u gonna ke it toeaven ♪- [speer] all ght. ♪ all ous talk out aven or ybe no hven ♪ ethel mawas my fend. she ew what liked an she uld cookome of tt. and we picked the so ngs, where we were going to sing togeth er. that's what you call real true l ove. - the two, iwas ke a mar age,lovingsupportive bre, honesand em comintogeth making the branchett es i think it gave them tt streng at god'srace wasgonna sufficient togeer and sar ate.
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entle melancholic music] the branchettes never forgot where they came f rom. they suntheir ros and they suna messagto you. lord wi you keeme lord ♪ ld keep m♪ ♪eep me d by da ♪ ♪ if yo♪ in a pu ♪ ♪ purand perft wa y ♪ i wanto live ♪ i wt to livon ♪ ♪ iant to le on ♪ ♪ ia buildi not
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de by ha ♪ [bds chirpg] okay, rit here is my gr dma. that oneight the iser firstousins.ethel, y know imiss youo much d even n, when w go sewhere tsi ng i n't carehere it is. i n alwaysear yoin this ear and is so beautifuthat voice. you'retill onef us. 'll neveforget you. th s is stl on brahett es
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when i wt to vis ethein the hpital, i ma a promi to h in her long the lorlet me live, the branette's ne wi keep onoing til i lee here a that what i'do ing. [ueat pian ♪ ce by ♪♪ hers the lo ♪♪ come her e come byere's thlord ♪ome by h e ♪ ♪ ce by hers the lo ♪ ♪ome by h
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e ♪ ♪ea h ♪ ♪ oh rd come her e ♪ ocome by re if you don'stay lon♪ ♪ comby her ♪ ♪ ce by herdon't st lon g come byer e ♪♪ come her e ♪ don stay low ♪ ♪ ce by here ♪♪ oh rd ♪ ♪ome by h e ♪ ♪ i saisomeone in tuble lord ♪ ♪ ce by here ♪ somebodis in trble lord ♪ ♪ ce by here ♪ somebods in trole lor ♪ come byer e ♪ ♪ oh lo ♪ oh lord ♪ ♪ o h
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come byere ♪ ♪ oh - thank u.thank yofor all the we,for everne that rticipat foall of tm that ce out too this fst wi the brahe ttes and thank gofor thati knowod is pl sed. i ow thosether twobranchets are pl sed,they'lstill caying e legacy on. now,'ve comeoo far now to tn around coinue to ve us th streng that we eed,all our mili es weeed you a ti just li t his. all r frie s.we neeyou too d ev our ene es. we a need u. no god ble us, shall bbles se verend, ll you please dmiss us?
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- goour fath.god, wthank yofor owing upnd showing. god wehank youor allong your ly spi t to rest ling godin thiplace d. d let usind everhing tha we lefbetter tn it w . as we turn g . nowatch ov us and ep usntil we et a ga d we allay a me - rowd] am. - [speer] am . amen aga. - rowd] amen. ♪ l the chuh say am ♪ ♪et the crch say en ♪ ♪ g has spon ♪ ♪ l the chuh say am ♪ ♪ wouldou mindsayingne more me ♪♪ lethe churcsay amen ♪ - [m] the lo has essed ankept u ve us thstrengththat wne ed do whate are doing and we are happy. we are so, so ha ppy. [phil] ty're nogonna rere. that'sot
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how iwo rks. theyill do ts unl they'rno m or inding dn upbeatusic] - how yodoing swtheart? - [speak] you waawes om - and i st feel od t oo [wilbulaughi ]absolu ly. [gentlmusic] - [pl] there an d hymn tt i love called "satisfiemi nd". every me i heathat son i thk of sisr perry. - i lo people,ecause i didn'love peoe,
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all of mrunningwould ben vain d i don'want ito be in in. - [pl] her wle life, she rengthen the tie betweehuman be gs. they fl closer ey see eh other cause of the vt amountf love th is in h hea rt that just anxample of one pson can in oneommunityperson person,ay to y. so to songover e coursef a life [gtle musi
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i want g to justeep d contin to eleve me. i fuse to ve up now at 8years ol anhe broug me thisar. i want h to use untihe use mup. then i'lbe satised. when well see jus ♪ ♪ wwill sinand out victy ♪ ae hummi]
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[phone rging] [mae cckling] he llo? hey, h are you yeahme too. me oo. taki it one y at a time and trng to ke on goin [mae lau ing] aha. go, good. good irds chiing] [upbeat gospel music] - [singer] here we go.
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listen ♪ there'll be singing over yonde r ♪ ♪ there'll be singing over there ♪ ♪ when our singers get together ♪ ♪ how we're gonna enjoy one anothe r ♪ ♪ we gonna lay down our lives for the lord ♪ ♪ yeah, i know we're gonna lay down our lives for the lord ♪ ♪ there'll be shouting over yonder ♪ ♪ there'll be shouting over ther e ♪ ♪ when the shouters get together ♪ ♪ how we're gonna.. . ♪ - [male announcer]: support for reel south is provided by: additional funding for "stay prayed up" is provided by: and others. a complete list is available from p bs. ♪ you're watching pbs.
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>> today on "earth focus," neonicotinoids. is the world's most widy used pesticideestroying e base of the food chain? coming up on "earth focus." >> they're a mutagen. >> they're extremely persistent and extremely mobile. >> they are now found routinely in stream samples as well as well samples across the united states. >> if it's going to affect everything from honeybees to earthworms, uh, that is serious in and of itself. >> neonicotinoids are among the most widely used pesticides in the world. they bring in billions in profi


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