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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  June 17, 2023 10:00am-10:31am PDT

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ty. - wh do you y to peoe whkind o whpass jud ent onhat, younow, wh you guygot caug up in "why weryou out stling?" or, ke "youad a cho e."- i meanthey rig-- everody has choi ce could ha been a ctor i could ve went sch oo been lawyer, ut growg up in environnt th ain't wt i saso why dsomethini ain't saw? - d you goa differt po rig ht geme? yeah, yeah.- and whe's-- did you ow up wi h im? - na my dad?ah, na nah, he t lockedp when iwas, like, eight ars ol and got t when ias, like 27 - mn, that a long re tch.- yeahyeah, th, um, an thenli ke anthen, li, soon ahe got out, i aea dy i end up getng lockeup ... yeahso that s, like,another ree, thr or, almost fr ye ar♪ sol: nowlee is tvi's ird son. a sile
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fatheraising o daht ers. he workehard hishole li to get t of kans city get hisaughtersinto aetter nehborho betterchoo ls th come ba for a wkend and, lik boom-- how quicy it canap pen, and w everytng caget turn upside wn. wh we get ck home,i had me legalroub le like, e of my wyers dn't show upfor myourt dat so i goa waant out r me. my bdsman caed me. sowhen i g to k. i y to go ke careof my gal st f. they heai was inallas ou on bd, they n't like it, ey refus they, ey refusto bond back t, send me raight tja il. t even ahour ter i geto kansaci tyi'm inail wi a $2,00cash b d. i'm,ike, s k. anthen, um. ma what wathe charge? - posseson of maju ana. haa littlejust a ltle gramin thear rolle up. i sn't smong, it sn't .. th just enup findi the am and towing men ja il sot was a ttle posssion of marij na. my kids,hey're wh thr mama,
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ol. necaster: eaking ns foyou tonight. kansas city poce are aing pele in thcommun yto stay side, albecause accusemurderers on the un. so i got aall om travi ine. ere had en a sho ing. lee's dahter li was iol ved. she was the house.her moand her ster lef to gget brea ast, ke, up t street,get sothing to ook, leftor, likeyou know maybten minutes.mama'soyfriendas there he h a beef th some guy, and e guy pued out a gun and ot the boyfrienfour times. le and sheiterallytried help pi him u he's losg conscisness, slowly b sur el sol:he was wh th man as d ied. amlance, pice, evything came. lee pull up, momulled . kali's bng broug out byer m am shgo to pukali in e car, ani see noing but ood allover mdaught . li, it wou (muted)p andult. likeguys go war andome ck with sd for ts same uted) indent and herey, you know,
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eight-ye-old dauter is dealing th this ut ed). in ost cies, you', like"yeah, t east si of the ty s the baside the nortside is..." no, alof kansaci ty.if younside thinner ci in ksas ci yore in th'h ood. i'm ver comi back here. at's whye're notoing bac for anksgiving. i ld them,'m, like "i'mever comg back h e." m just n going tdo it, i'm, i'm ood. ♪ l: the t-a-top d is my ster trast ine. - (laughg) - e matriah of theam ily. holdit d owchild:ma maman: what we t go in- we g hamburg s...dwayne:we joke th her a otbut wead hard mes, but me peopldidn't en eaat nig .we atevery night. le so, lik when urth gra h itmama taut you hoto take re ofourself arting then. meal you knowhat i mn? pr food, t whole nine. ma made su that ev with owithout r being meeverytng stillot d on travisti: qu, qu it yodon't--you wa me to snk y
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ou sol:ow, travtine don haveime to py any games. man, shean't evekeep tra of h many grdk ids, phews, a nieces e has. she doest even know allheir names. avistine mm, , mm, mm mm. (phone rging out sol uckl es sol:he literly just lls onof the kidsthree-tter b y.- what three-lter's ba real ame? won: ji o? a. shsaid-- sll t ha j- i- mm, ree letters. that my threletter n ce. and how d is s ? (botlaughi ) so what do fami mean to ou? i fe that's l i gotin theorld is,s my family. m: oh, mily's eryth infamily ithe one o loves you. yoknow, noatter whgave rth to you you're o brother can'nobody te it.can't body tak it. nichle: m not meithout mfami ly ju us all ming togher again, iteans a wle l otand yore my lile brother.lil richmy
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dad td me out y'alabout a w ti me likehe told me a you lood al ik "you gotn un cl "that los just le you, you nevemet hi you got nties incanadahat you ver me " d that'sust abouit r re al travisti: kids. th always nted to, yoknow, sey' all, meet'a ll. you knowthey kney'all before yll e ve fore theeven seey'all, so it wa lik e. ey couldt evenit waslike, ovwhelmed them wh you didcome tkansas city. 'cse they s glad tsee yo 'cau they alys heardabout you, whever, soand thsharonnd all t m... ♪ at was t best ti it rlly wa and r me, to to actuly r you toome downhe re so..yeah i liked at, to (lgh ing) sol:e, too.- i lid that, ah.
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♪♪ sol: i absolutely hope that you guys get to meet them. i think you, i think it's impor tant for u to undstand whe you come f m. ani think 's impornt tory to unrsta nd fr someoneho's liv it, the periencef be in of beinglack in erica, d being, m... yeahthe richss of itnd thstrugglef it, anthe... the beau, the pa. ke, it ces with lot. m kind ogratefulhat u didn'tave to gw up wit th . it fls almosbad to s beuse you el like u' re u're sayg someing wronabou t. buyou're n sayingsomethg wrong out people u're sayg somethg-- at i'm sing is thers somethg wrong the wathat theociety fctio ns and hers peoe, anhasn't cfron te or acknoedged threalityof theistory othe country thatut peoe to theseircumsnc
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es. ♪ ♪ on the0th annirsary dad's dth i inted the mily to ther his gra site inan ada. this is e first me we'dll seen ch other sincthe funeral. lee. e lee: how you ing? (tvistine uckl g) tristine:how yodo ing? lee lee:mw ahtravisne: how you ing, lee? how u do in (lgh ing) lee lee huckles) i justave to . l: aw. travisti: how yobe en? ! lee e: just ke youliving ife. travisti (chuckl): okay! ♪
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♪sol: i wt to tha all u guys f being sport ivand i ow it wa't alwayso iay, thisthis pross hagiven me differe, uh a fferent lationsh with, with dad mem ori'm a ry diffent perso than was whehe pas d. beg able tspend ti withhis, thione overere and r welcom welcomi me to the f ily. i meanwhen i wt down tre was so, was so s red,i was ying to oid it - (cck les) - you we so swee and rew me aittle party anjust getng tonow ever ody, it's bee it's be prettyspec l. soand everody justaking the ti it just ans a loto me. if've hurtny of yoguys ong the way, m sorry, didn't. (sniles, voi break g) th wasn't at i wasrying do.i justi just nded to fd a dierent wato relatto dad because m not a d anymor you know? i want tbe a goo pare, and i late to him 'cse a lotf his li is silar
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to ne, you ow? sol: as l good aentures i s changeby the jrney. how ch so i dn't reaze unl i started editing is film r you.this irafe. rafe: hello. freye: h, sport,nice to et you, ah. ra: what'sour name frey fre ye ra: freye.freye: eah. sol: en i got call. mytep-fath, your gndpa eye, he'had a fall. heas just tting inhe car and his g gave out. mehow, fye knew was l.s. a urologic diseasewith ncure and he'd only have a few months tli ve. althis timmaking this foyou, i tught i w makinga storabout race abouidentity aboufamily a fatherhood. out amera anour brok fam il at needso reconce if whope tsurv e.
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and it w, and its abouall thosthings. t, ultimely, it s aboufacing mfather'seath. ♪ ♪ d what mbig sist travtine tau t me , we don run frofe ar. i s about repeat e same thing th i did wn my d s sick, ich is, ran. aninstead runningway, ran to t. (pne enginhumm in (ftsteps cnchi ng bbie: he back. (sol chules)- hell - hello.(laugh: hey, f ye. l: he kn that byilming s last mths on eth he wou be ableto shareomethingore intimate anmore vulrable than we' used toee ing. freyhoped that in aring th with
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yo there mit be somhing her to helus all th our jrney in is wor . in you ve to puit together. bbie: ye, like, u, you ju stlike ts, and tn he oks at you d you sathe letts, l ik li, if he oked her i'd say, , b, c",nd when hit, u hit thlett er he ss, yes, ke t hi ah, so y go real... then yourite it wn 'cau it's ha to remeer. oh, yeahletter tlett er- it's lter to l ter. 're workg on somhing re high- ch. yeah, but...- (laughs) t it's gng to be whi le sol: he ys weet our pers like his. bobbie that hilario. (fye vocal ing)(sol lgh ing) e freye ispe re - uh, g? h?bobbie:ah, both. - oh, ean and untains th. s, of co
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se.bobbieyou got it.- yes,ou have th. unlievable sol:hat was od, shakur. l: yove taughme many ss ons, but u know wt a real goodne you tght me s? you morehan anyo i k nofound way to wk en outo, toaintain urse lf but have a re round life, ere you uld do yr prac ce and to me yourse, to askquestis, and timpr ov and to me yourse a bett per so (kses) that how we our kisses. (ina lau ing) i lo his kiss, theye so g d. (i laugh g) ey're ve smallbut th're veryignificant. augh in aryou co ?you wa to go bk in n ? (fye vocaling) ye, okay, t's do t.freye:o. sol: no? oh, you nt to sasometh g. (grunts) alright, bk on thece
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ne. t-u-v.we liv y eah? new rd? m-n- p q-r-m. we le simply yeah, yeah. yeahi kn ow (peoe talkinin backgund) bbie: 30ears d three nt hs. sol: 3years anthree mohs? - ah. - ishat yourlongest relatish ip?- oh, s-- 's definely hi he neverasted mo thanwo-and-aalf ye s. was it, en you gs were ge ther for o-and-a-lf years was getting...
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- chy feet - wahe getti itchy feet? were y, fr ey - ohmaybe the's mething don't kn h ere.- wereou getti itchy feet afr, afterwo-and-aalf years?let's see. oh, says, hsays-- show me ain?no, go. i just wt to want to y that you,ou're hang a natal ... yourody is bically dng a tural press ofyou knowlike, yo like i y, yore not eing very're, u have pn, so y have mecati oni meanthis is route of towa dying, ght?you'ren a process. (solurmurs) l: "the le is, flow e brightt light. that's good que from eye park use. reye vocizing, sol chuc es) l: you kw, i thi you kin of snd like ewbacca w.(laughg, chewbca audioplaying pho ne(freye lgh
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ing) (cwbacca snds cont ue) (lau ing) (a laughin (toobrush buing) so it's inresting, because you can tually fl the... i cafeel theifferencin u. t in a b w ay. do you wt to sayomethi ? m-n- o- eparatio ye .you'rerepari .(softly)ye ah.♪
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l: thankou very ch. bbie: thk you. woman: you're vy welc e. sol: seyou, buddy. woma bye. bbie: gobye. (sniles) l: it's ay, bobo give ma hug. (bobbicryi ng(rain lling) ♪
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sol: t day fre died, i was ab to let m go d i let father go. ani'm not lding the dness ornger at i t nk i kn i heldwith my ther's d th. e sufi mlim poetumi sa it like thi "gooyes are only "forhose whoove withheir es "becauseor thoseho lovewith tir heartnd s ou theris no su thing as separio n." i was 44hen i stted king thifor you.
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d for . m 46 n .i'll b47 wheyou watc it. maybe yoll see iagain when i'mong go . oraybe youe sharinit wi your chdren rig n ow. myrayer, mhope forou ishis, my n, my daht er. mayou live life ofur pose anin servi to others. may u fight r poor pple d littleeo ple.may you eak the cles at hold u ba ckmay you brave eugh to kw anhold youfami ly yo whole f ily. ♪ and i lo you alldeep ly l: i lo you alldeep lywillia very de ly. sol: verdeep ly del toro: follow the conversation
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fotonight' americreframed usin#mytwofa ers. i justant to i st want thank y guysor this ek end. - i had a bl as (a talkingt on ce - fu man, it, like, n we ju have onmore t e? everody liveo many cturies apart w. we'll getogethermore oen becau of th . ll laughing) nestly, 's hard ough forme w h mywo siste growingp, then i got ahird o noi got two mo i gofive sisrs. (a laugh g)look, e won't st op. augh in - he g out of e car, and said, "y, how d you likehe name l?", to you.and yobecame sol. sol:hat's a azy stor - (lghs): i ow! ♪
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del toro: stay up-to-date on america reamed worldchnel. or subscre to wor channel's yout ube to go beyond the lens with our filmmake rs. tell us what you think using #americaream ed. majo r funding for america reframed was provided by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundati on wyncote foundati on the corporation for public broadcast ing. addition fundingor amera reamed prided b en socie foundat ns acton family giv ing, park foundat ion, the national endowment for the ar ts and the reva and david logan foundati on. ♪ ♪sol: wn we capre stori thatre in ouline ag or iour commity, have a ch bet
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r understaing of w we ar d i thin thatit's thenly way 've surved asumans isli kewe tell or ies. ♪ ♪ name isol g uy i'm e direct of the deatof my twfath er , you kn, backgrnd is amixed ce. myarents a both amic ans. mom om upsta new yor she'born jewish. fath from kaas city,missou, a blac man. bui grew uin a sma town in briti columbi can adcalledrand forks. ve small cmuni ty not verse inwhat wwould y traditional ways now but diverse in, in experie nce and in kind of the way that peop wante tocare f each other. also, a fe pla ich i thk for a t of brotherand sisters growing in america, you're fe u can ta ris ks you n explor you canhink can ask esti on u can geoutside what isyour kwn
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envirme nt. and at's whai thinkhas shap, shapede the most. this, is body m in while i'mi xed, the rld has ly ever en me approacd me as black n. whenou're bo in thisountry as a bla m an the's this tng thatgets p on yo it, like, om! it just drped, it like a, 's just li this...(imitatechains lki ng)it's aost like-- it ctains u. and,nd it's ur ur safetis in da er. e gift ogrowing in cana in tt small wn w asthat dn't get t on m and so ias ablto navigate, i've beeable tnavigatethe wod very dferent . i e some omy frien who a ve successl and do all ththings ithis cou ry and ey stillave at thingn th em d i don'think pele real understand at that els li . u know, i'm hont, i nt into king thi film bit self hly. i need to goo some pces at i wascared . whermy fathewas rais kans city,
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mso uri, whe he's from, reconnting or nnectingith e black de of myam ily. it wasomething needed do. the top-top dog my ster travti nethe maiarch ofhe famil - (lgh ing) - hos it d n.dwayneconspira to stributeocai ne actuly got lked up tet her. - wh do yosay to pple o kind of, who ss judgmt on you ow wh you guygot caug up in "whyere you t hustli?" , like, ou had ahoic e" - i an, theyig ht. everody has choi ce i could ve been doct or i could'veent to sool d been aaw yer. t growinup in myenviroent, ain what i saw. so whyo somethg i ain' saw? i have aot of, le, anxie when iome he becaus i don'tnow why,i builup expecti, ge t... i ... i thk it's g lt. ♪ ♪
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i d never tched thtapes that my ther lefbehind cause i uldn 't i caied themro und. you,ou know,ear of h de h, sat looked ia old vhcame ra d camcorder,and rerded eig hours o videtelling s life s ry. beg an onlchild in the nghborh d at i greup in waa rari . st me anmy m om we were quite poorand, y k now,we didt have aot of moy foa lot ofhi ngs.but inhose day you didn't, there wa't a lotf thingsyou ne ed. wasn a lot othings to be d.sol: a i just sn't rea to fe that loss. i love y g uys. i lo you guyso m uc♪ sol: t film ga me an opportuny to facthat los but needed treshapethe, mrelationship wi my fath becausi'm
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a, aat her.we canepeat paerns ore can arve to adess th anwe can ph past them. anthen perps you d't pa them . thers things've inheted at i havthe oppoun ity toot pass on.but itas really a press of a healinpracti . d you'reaking arto get tside ofhat you knowand pusomethinin frontof y . d i waradicallchangedover t coursof tho thosfour yea-- i'm gte ful. i hope tt theirss a plac where can talab outthe thgs that feel asas n, that encrage peo e to find the way bac 'cau eventuay, you will. it cou be in yr last b ath. wes societ couldo a lot ore acknowlge that at's a fficult ing to o. the her thin i ho that, f audie es is thawe underand the wer of he and portancef our story, d tellinour stor and cumentinour st y and sharg, you kw, anit does t have to be in ts form . we got tse l these vi ces. go tk to yougrandma d, orour
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granat her, or yr sons a daughtersor youaunt or cle, orhe o.g. at u knowhelpedou when u were 4.go sitown and,ike, puthe phone onnd recorau dio. get ese stors so youan she them wh othe . it might just be to play it la ter. it might be 'cause someone else will discover it. u're 13 now. u'll wat this en you'r 14 or mbe 23 or5, i don k now. anwho knowwhat thifootagewill loo like byhe time u watch it? li how thifootage om '88when ias your age, los to me now. - ye, i'm fr grand fks o, and . so for anyilmmakerout ere who are thinng aboutoing a rsonal s ry i woul i wouldust encoage u to takthe firsst, ke the fst step d ke walkingowards yrs elfand wa towardshat you' mosthallengeor fearf of. because there are things at you dco ver ong the way that are transformat iv
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