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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  June 24, 2023 10:00am-10:31am PDT

10:00 am
[wom cheerin - i thinbeing wi stantonhas rely sloweme down, beuse he--becaushe's vermature.he's vy, like,aid-back you ow. i'wonderin- i nder abo that. whene get maied--ande are ing to g married d we hav't had this conrsation t, but e impactit's gon have onim beuse he'sit's notike 's down w or notut. i meanyou can- but 's not vy... vocal anvisible,you know and i ju can't igine himdoing ything vy public anit's gon take us minuteto kinof figurit out. - oo!
10:01 am
ndistincchatter] - e of ourriends st passeaway.his niname s "aunt len." evertime you see him he waslways potive. i didn feel we at all. fact, don't fe well toy. i don'know it mighte the nepills e doctorut me on have wat pills d all ki of-- i gomore pil than do brai. [lghs] [laughte - sist startedhis. it's memoriatree d when s startedt, u gave aollar, and theyave you ball and ey wouldonate thdollar to a chaty or sothing. thisear, 've losto many pple
10:02 am
that just waed it toe justut your mories ohere. see, iork the morng shift and e mornindrinkersare uslly the der ones i've losjust out my wle morni crew, you ow, that's passeaway re latel i sh thereas a wayhat pele woulday more tentionto the oer gay fks. not st pass them, "oh, looat that rvert, you kn ching chicn." well, u knowhope tgod you t old engh to chasehicken seday d be ablto afforit ause, yoknow, thway ese peop pay forans and althat [blp] th they dot need, ah. and the peop have ved me--ye--anywayokay. is tre anying else y'alare gonnhave me wling out he geing all-gh. [cheers and plause] - thk you. it so niceo see so many ople her to celebte the le ofob hayes
10:03 am
who waaffectiotely kno to a of us aaunt hel. - ya helen! [cers and plause]- he kw everyby, eveniblicall [lauter] - yes, hdid! he's lefhis markon hisecond ho whh is herat lafit's. - hallelah. - ah. - yes,ir. - ah. l: good rning. aughter] heers anapplause good morng! - od morni. okay, evybody, put a hay though toour balln of aunhelen. uh-huh. - d on cou of thre let'let themo, touch e sky, and toucthe hear. e, two, ree. - od morni, helen! [ches and apause]
10:04 am
- there e goes.- yes. - th's prett that gay. - that'serfect.- that pretty y. that wor. - e got caht, red. leit go. - one's uck on t tree. [laughr] - at's aunhelen hanging ound. - oh, ok. [iistinct atter] and to he anothedrink. [laughte [indtinct chter] myover's ohere. and now nt helen here. but wee all goa die one of tse days. juston't knowhen. - thers a rld-famo puppet ow crted
10:05 am
by rert "theouth the sou" himsel - mm-hmm - it robert'brainchi. 's his cracters.- yeah - i ess he'seen doinit 25ears or and it--these aractersand the ppets, ey're--they'rbehind y. [car jiani's hit d run lor] - but he ed awayin theiddle ofhe night♪ he's a t and rulover i ke knowi the adition,nd it's- - she lis the hiory of i - i . i ve the htory of . - u ready?i'm nosure i'm gon do thisoday not. - wh - i goa bad heache. and weait tillhe last nute get this starte and that - no, don't. 're not nna waitntil-- not one ing. yeah, yodid-- - not onthing. - yodidn't rember. - what'd not rember now? - uh--- you ju don't wt to do . - um... well, yocan do i you'resed to dng it. [laus] pull togethe - so erything alreadyad on t playlisis good? it's flaess. okay.
10:06 am
- bert's n doing i - ohmy god.- do y think tt wh robert es this, it has athing to do wi his age - h. why do y think does ithen? - he's goming yo to te his ple. aughs] - thank u. - od eveni laes and gtlemen.welcome t to robt's lafie on saturdanight. hoy'all feing? [ches and apause] nomake somnoise for the ppet sho heers anapplause myohort inrime miss die monroe [cheers d applau] - want to ar y'allmake se noise r the be bartends onhis isla, bar no. pleaseive it u for rome thenome d ben "oover." - has a hdache. - i ve a heache. ve got aigraine. - yes,a'am, rort "the uth" s suppord every ag queen that ever roed thugh thisown at a time.
10:07 am
[enge starts - ♪randma g run ove by aeindeer ♪ walng home om our hse chrimas eve ♪ youan say ere's nouch thinas santa♪ ♪ but afor me a grandpa we bieve ♪ - ♪ maha mah na - ♪o doo beo-do - ♪ah na mana - do do-ddo ♪ mah nmah na - ♪ ddoo be-ddo be-do-dbe-do-do ♪e-do-do-odle do do-d do ♪ mah na h na - ♪ do o be-do- ♪ mah nmah na - ♪ do -do do - ♪ m na mah - do doo -do-do [laughr] be-do-ddoodle do do dooo do ♪ [humming - ♪ah na mana ♪ do dobe-do-do - ♪ mah na mah na - ♪ do do-do do [music fades out] [horblaring]
10:08 am
azz musi ♪ - th cruise sponsor by t aquafespeople and th're a gagroup. think it gonna bfun. appearshat thers que a few ung peop. d then idepends what your criria for e is. i an, thers age, and thenhere's m aughs] [indistit chatte [dance mic] ♪
10:09 am
- smilfor the mera, bo. lo up.- dennis - veryice to mt you, dnis.i'm bica. ank you ry much.- oh, can't wa to s you. e you dog it r hallown? i' see youhen. l right. hello, hlo, everody. this iour fami at sea. lcome aquafess 10th aiversary [cheerand applse] s. thk you. have onhell of week anned foyou all, d i hopeyou'reeady to rty! [cers and plause]come o you cano bett than th. [cheerand applse]
10:10 am
[slomachinesingling] - hell - he how areou? fine. - good, w's youray going - ohpretty gd. - ha you metianca ye - no, haven't. - i kn dennis.[laughr] waitinfor dee morrowright? - yes.- [laus] - we're lking abt-- dennis. - deis? ce to me you. - and yo name wa - chri - chs. - s, sir. - those asses are justoo much. [laughte so wre are y from? - orinally fm arizon but righnow, live in n antoni
10:11 am
- san annio. yes, sir - oh.- so i wk for us out the. - oh.- doininvestmes with tm. are you? thanyou for ur servi. defitely appciate th. so are y by yourlf too--- yep. - oh. - yep, bmyself, -- - ye. it was ne talkinto you.- nice tking to u.- and very gooafternoo ladi and genemen. this ikyle your crue direct. just wted to ge you a remind of some the higight eves cong up th afterno-- - night ishe big ent thatquafest holding and th'll have $1,000 ize r those tered.
10:12 am
[my girlplaying]- ♪ wt can ma me fe this wa ♪ - hello. . - w can i lp? - i had appointnt at--- oh, s. for yourakeup. is that ? - ah, for makeup.- yeahokay. how are u? - , how aryou? looking etty. - oh, thk you. - u can ha a seat.- wherare you om? - uth afri. - uth afri, my. - s. let's se what cors do y want? like--- probly blackack here - yes,kay. sort of ke yours yos look vy nice.- okay. you lookeautiful - [cckles] o thank y. - ok at th costume [indistit chatte
10:13 am
- ifou look the lig and ose youryes, do you tnk-- oh. is it fi? - think th look ve nice. - what dyou thin a lile bit dker? - no, itooks finto me. wow, youook hot.- [laus] [slot maines jining] [big bd music] ♪ [laughte - oh, at is-- can i gea quick cture? - oh, su.
10:14 am
- u look asome. [laughte okaythank yo - hell darling - heo. beautifudress. - thank u. - thk you. ance mus] - we'll startinthe showin five nutes. evyone, ta your ses. evyone, ta your ses. - okaydoes evebody hav a cotail? [all cheing] this is ur momen everne's exced. ey want feel prty. [snicker you' not. erybody ady to he fun? [all cheing] robernard,nd what e you tonight,oy berna? i'm a prce. - u're a pnce. you're idenial, y, ar't you? [lghter] okay, wa a minut [lghter] you knowin my 18ears this eah, i ed to ta a minut and ok at th.
10:15 am
u look le two thmoses at explod. youndersta that? [laughte , [bleep lady ga and brney spea just ca in. [laughr] look athese tw remind m when i t to tt age, tstop doi drag. alright, n... have tolers in aras! heers anapplause and , how aryou? - i'm st tryinto thinkwhy i gon these ings.
10:16 am
think i s the on singlecross-drser on brd thatasn't with a cpanion.there'a stigmattachedto bei by yourlf. - thosdolphinsre cute,aren'they? - yeah yeah [crch bellringing] - it really believab beuse in t days, osis actuay gog to getarried. this is t somethg th i
10:17 am
envisned. 're bothind of bncing, believe or not,becausi am theest man,and i'-my respsibiliti will bto carryheir twoings d to disrse that so it's lot. 's a lot hi. what areou doingere? oh, my g i ought thglasses. and ngratulaons. okay, co on in, anks. ohplease.come oin. you woulthink th by h gettingarried twdays fronow d i'm no that the would bmaybe some typof envy whateve not rely. couldn'te happiefor him. we're nna havethe hors'oeuvresere. the chee and's oy-- - is tt gonna ay there - it-- flers are nna be he. we'rgonna ha flowers - ght, so think that morng we need clear ts off. - well, ly thing thesthings a just the. you don'have clear tm off. you knowyou don'- - ay, so y're okay
10:18 am
witheople cong in he-- - is is--ts is-- and lookg at-- seeing w i am, y. i'fine witthat. i'll movthese bos, yes. - ah. the bookcan go undernea here. - okay. - that'sll. now, theusic, i'gonna-- m gonna a playlt ofomfortab music. - yeah, ke phyll hyman or stephie millsor dioe warwic uh, rbra strsand. - are yosuggesti that--- i'm st sayin- - aryou sayi that i n't ow what ople likto hear? - no, , no, no no, , no, yosee, i knowou know ur music but i ink somemes, yojust neea little - as what? ause i d't-- m not foowing yo no, yourlarity eorced wh othepeople wt to heaalso. that all. - oh, su, this i- - ay, that fine. - look, rsonally i justant to s that i here toe supporve. - th's all rht. you knowstanton d i-- - m just sing thati'm gl what yore doing - ofourse--- real, i real am.
10:19 am
couldn'tave doneall th withoutou. - oh, ll-- the rin-- wherare the ngs, d how's at gonnaork? - ga is givi me s father weddingand. i sa "iant to b you a weing bando matchyour fatr's." he said . heaid, "th's ridicous. that wastingoney." birthste isis weddi ring. - anwhat is gonndo with ? - he gonna wr it ound hiseck on ahain. - don'you thin matcng gold nds-- - noi have trespecthis wies. he's doe't--if i he'ljust getpset r me to out anbuy matcng weddi bands. - yosee, staon and ihad thsame conrsation. - okay.- and th wasn't r soluti. - okay if y-- it sms that- - yohave to ve a rin yoneed a rg wh you getarried. - he h a ring.he hasi have aing. - , you ne a siificant ng. - it is nna be--it is gnifican it the thoht behin- see, ring isust a-- piece ofaterialthat oneaid you
10:20 am
ve to ha. - 's a syml. - d it's aymbol. why woulanybody nt toet marri in thei60s? - cause, nber one,e-- u asked that qution i am getng marri in my 6. - s, i--wh-- well, nuer onewe wanto make re th both ofs are--that wtever i ve-- beuse we'vbeen togher r so lon- whever i he will gto him d whatev he has es to me - thatas to ha a grear impacton theelationsp. - wellsure. - yoknow? - sure, solutely it's--it what haens ter that it's h much yore gonnaut in making work. - but--b your retionshipis no re of a cmitted rationshi thanines.
10:21 am
- it'srue. you know - yes, kn, it's t same thg. anthat's wn goingback tyour orinal queson abouyou and anton stl, you ow beg as onepartners and ry and ieing spoes. [sighs]- i kn it goesack to mand garybut that-- - , i'm no- i'm no.. - i ow. - sighg becausit's u and ga t it's t same arment. need to ink abou wherdo i wanto go? and howill i g there? mm. [cting pap] - thiss reallyxciting,this who prep. yowould thk th i was gting mared. you uld thinthat was gettg marrie huh? - tra third me? - u would ink at i wasetting mried.
10:22 am
[mutrs] how do y feel abt that?- aboutheir geing marrd? - i me, yeah, w-- ah. - whater makeshem happ it'sot my buness. - ll, not at it isyour biness. do y have anpinion aut-- it's gre for the - okay. it'sreat forhem. becaus - that'shat theyant. - i knewou was gna say at. "best wies to yoboth "as you t out tother on life'most beaiful venture. eat. at is so and ese are o guys.. it c be. billionsf peopleget maied all e time and 's eithe"i wantto mar you," o"i don't an you kno i ju can't---- - and th get divced l the ti. - --so-- - [laugh - sohy--for sohy are whaving is greatntellectl deba?
10:23 am
and ife have tdebate ts, maybe shouldn have this disssion, that's y we didt ki of--i sd-- - but th's my apoach toife. i anale. i lo at whathe optio are wh the advtages and disaantages e. - puthat the shoing bag. ca-can thafit there? yes. okay, grt. - understa what yo- wh's goingn. - put th into tt shoppi bag. - yes.- that it. - i was nna put in t blue bafirst. - buit doesn have too inhe blue g. it a weddi gift. - what dferencedoes imake? - it mak a diffence. i thina lot ofeople sume that we ll get mried some pot. think that's wt we asse. , that'shat i asme. [laughs] - can't spk for--[laughr] - the ju's stillut. oh, okay
10:24 am
[indistinct chatter] [even "champne" king sham - ♪ o, i woul't want live with theain ♪ ♪ o it's a ame ♪ oh, is a ♪ o it's a ame - i justot off wh robertwith t phone. he'seally no feelg good he's nogonna bedown hertoday. , so he ally dot feel gd, 'cse he lis all th and heikes to nd of walk arod outsid an you kno sewhat'soing on t there.he's airty, d man, u know. [p music] ♪ - court te is out 2 2 weeks ay and becae of se paperwk technilities at weren done exactly the bk, itooks le everytng that robt owns wl go awa
10:25 am
[indisnct chatr] think itould vastate m. i ink if hwas gonndie er some tward evt, that wld be it he's beevery depssed thpast coue of wee becausof that. i mean, think itould bedevastatg to a l of peop. i n't knowf he'llhave to out thaday or wheth they se the prerty or- or wt happen but 'll be aig chang [itaan operausic] ♪ hi, boysnd girls welce to mar gras. 're dointhis represe robert fitte's.- happmardi gr. this is at you cl "pncing." halleluj! [a cheerin ♪
10:26 am
hey, guy happmardi gr. - inging iitalian] ll cheerg] - yore beautul. hay mardi as. [indisnct chatr] - [singi in italn] [botcheering ♪ - evybody ge older. ♪ 's just at i regt i dot have t energy at i hadhen i wayoungerand i uld do me things [dmming] [laughte♪
10:27 am
but that life. anthen befe you kn it, u're alrdy dead d gone. ♪
10:28 am
[druing] oothing sic] ♪ - gay pre, huh?- yeah. - 's one othe highghts the yea - yeah. ♪
10:29 am
10:30 am
dee? - oh, ce to me you. - ye.[laus] serisly, thas hot. eople chring] yeah?- oh, ah, oh, ah.- is the room? - yeahyeah. st step ere. ll cheerg] [whistlelowing] - give iup fothe roseity t-gis! ll cheerg] happpride, eryone! [lady ga's bornhis way] ♪ ♪ my ma told mewhen ias young♪


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