tv News Nation MSNBC August 2, 2011 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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for the nation. and the senate just a approved the final vote of 74-26. many lawmakers on both sides confessing while they would vote for that bill, they did not like it. >> i will support this legislation, but with serious reservations. >> at the end of the day,ly vote with this measure and obviously with a heavy heart. >> speaking to the white house within the last hour, president obama said that the next order of business is getting the economy back on track. >> and in the coming months, i will continue also to fight for what the american people care most about, new jobs, higher wages and faster economic growth. >> all right. a live look right now at the debt clock in times square in new york city ticking away strongly and both sides agree there is a lot of work to be done in bringing down the debt. we have team coverage for you at this hour and luke russert is at capitol hill, and we have
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washington's chief correspondent john harwood. john, we are watching the markets so far and down over 170, 180 i was looking at a moment ago and not reacting positively to the deal. >> well, no good deed goes unpunish and this partly reflects that the markets had baked in the assumption that the deal would pass and we have been talking about that over the last couple of weeks back was the markets had not been fluttering despite the political turbulence, because they expected it to be done in the end, and i it it, but it is why the president in the remarks in the rose garden repeatedly hammered for the washington manufactured crisis and the self-inflicted wound he said that this stalemate has been, and in trying to shift to the next items on his agenda, trade deal, and extending the payroll tax cut and infrastructure bank and all of the things that he believes need to get the economy going, because nothing has done it so far this year. >> and we are hearing that the jay carney the white house press
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secretary says that president obama has signed the bill and it is law, and this as we are discussing the aftermath and the reaction on and the markets, but as of this moment, the president has signed this into law. and we are hearing news as well, of another credit rating agency saying that there is concern about the united states, and still s&p and the requirement that is still hanging out there, too. >> well, the likelihood is that the aaa rating remains for the united states. remember, standard & poor's got themselves into a little cornco, but they were reacting to political clouds that have been moved. and they will try to extricate themselves from that. and moody's indicating they are not likely to downgrade and fitch saying that the deal passed by congress is consistent with the view of the aaa rating and it could be that washington dodged a bullet by getting it
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done. >> and thank you, john harwood, and let me talk to luke russert. what is to follow now that this is done? >> well, what's next? well, they go on recess until early september, september 7th i believe, and go to their own districts and sell the recent plan to the constituents, and from there moving forward the main order of business is what john alluded to. obviously the free trade deals and folks on both sides of the aisle want to see it done and held up by what folks call minor issues that could be worked out. also, though, one last thing that we have is september 30th is the end of funding for the current fiscal year, so that i'm told that there is not a threat of a government shutdown like last time, because within the debt compromise, there is funding levels set for what they have to hit for the budget. however, what was not set was what departments are going to be cut. so, you will see a battle in september between the republicans and the democrats in the house of how much money does
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the epa get? how much money does health and human services get? those battles are up front in september, and they only have a small window when they get back to do it, but a little bit of a lull, richard, but come september, right back in the ring going at it full speed ahead. >> luke, you would not let it stay for us, as part of the relationships that you are following so closely between capitol hill and the white house -- damaged? >> well, it certainly took a hit. i think that when you saw this idea of the possible grand bargain between john boehner and president obama and folks thought that you could see substantive change in reducing the deficit and talking about $4 trillion in deficit spend, and it is not a relationship that is rosy by any means, but it is cordial, and if you look at who came out of this in terms of looking like the real leaders, i think that a lot of folks will say that congress led on the issue once the obama and boehner talks broke off, especially
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mitch mcconnell who essential hi on this past weekend took it into his own hands and said, you know, i am going to the negotiate with the president and bring reid in there. it is one of the things where nobody really won the day, especially if you look at the l polls where no one says that, but congress asserted itself as not to be messed with, if you will. >> thank you, luke. >> take care. >> and joining me live from capitol hill is benjamin cardin of maryland a member of the finance and budget commit tease a and he voted yes on the bill. luke said not a lot of winners, there and you were saying and the office was telling us as you walked in, you were not sure how you would vote, and does that sort of show the conflict? >> well, richard, there is a lot in the agreement they didn't like. i wanted to see a more definitive statement on revenues. if you have a balanced approach to getting the debt under control, we need more revenues. having said that, the choice
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today is whether we are going to go with the only opportunity to raise the debt ceiling or whether we were going to default. i think that the responsible vote was to go for the compromise, and a true compromise between democrats and the republicans. >> i want to play sound for you, senator, and democratic congressman raul grijalva responded a moment ago. >> i think we are going to end up in a deadlock and looming over is the trigger that is devastating across the country and to too many people. >> he is looking forward to the deal of how it may or may not work in his opinion here. and can this new 12-member bipartisan budget committee that is to put together the cuts, can they break the stalemate? >> well, i hope. so let me point out when we get to the second round of cuts, at least $1.2 trillion and if we fail the joint committee is
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unable to get a successful conclusion, we go to sequestration for automatic cuts, but if you look at the automatic cuts, they are nowhere near devastating as the default on the debt would have been and it is balance between defense and domestic which will cause heartburn for democrats and republicans and something that we need to avoid, but neither side has an advantage in the negotiations. we hope that we will be able to come together. i hope it is for more than $1.2 trillion and i hope it is balanced and including revenue and if we do that, it is is going to be best for the country. >> and we have many bipartisan committees before, but should this new gang be the gang of six plus six? >> well, they have to work together and listen and i hope they are talking to each other so that we can get a group that is compatible to a really comprehensi comprehensive, fair, balanced
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approach. >> and for those watching across the nation, cnn polls are showing that 74% of americans believe that the lawmakers dealing with the debt ceiling so far have acted like spoiled children. those are the numbers right there. what did you learn from this last month of debate and acrimony? >> well, i think that the public view is accurate. i think that the way this was handled and particularly in the way that the extreme elements in the house of representatives were able to say, look, it is okay to default, and we don't want the compromise, and we don't want to negotiate, it was a difficult time, and clearly we needed the debt ceiling increased and clearly in a way that is responsible to those who very much are dependent upon what we do here. now, at the end of of the day we protected social security and protected medicaid and medicare and the federal workforce from cuts in the mandatory spending side, so i think that when people start to look at it, they will see that, you know, this was not done in a particularly good way, and there are a lot of things that you could have done
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better, but at the and of the day, you got part of the job done. >> something got done absolutely after a lot of work, and signed into law by the president 15 minutes ago. senator ben cardin, thank you. >> thank you. and tropical storm emily is slowing down according to national weather satellites. it is heading over puerto rico and the coast guard is urging boaters and swimmers to avoid the ocean in that area. heather tesch is tracking the storm for us in the weather channel's headquarters in atlanta. how is it looking? >> well, disorganized. i will show you that in a second, and a lot of things to talk about. certainly the heat is a huge story for us. and we have been cooking here across parts of the south, and what you are going to find is that the heat continues. right now, it is day 32 in a row that we have had triple digits in dallas. as you see tomorrow, 110, and we
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will do it again and that puts us up to day 33. we won't have a record though until we hit into the 40s. as we take a check here, atlanta 99, so hot stuff is going to continue here across the south in the days to come. so, lots heating up here. we also have storms heating up here across the midwest where we will watch the midwest and the northeast for some of the storms, and you can see some of the areas that we are concerned about that threat for severe weather today. that would mainly include winds and hail and also the potential for heavy rain. and here is what you are asking about, too. tropical storm emily, right now, you can see the winds have beefed up, 45 miles per hour, so, it is on the lower end of the tropical storm, but we will be watching this closely. right now, it is working to the west at about 12. there is a possibility, if it can make it over some of the land areas that it could work its way closer to the u.s. so, there is a potential it
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could fall apart and we could see it coming towards the u.s. as a trople cal storm and even a chance that this could strengthen into a hurricane before it is closer to the u.s. so still some uncertainty as we watch this. but we will certainly keep our eye enoit in the days to come. >> hurricane season upon us. heather, thank you. >> yes. hawmakers put partisan bickering aside for a moment as congresswoman gabby giffords made a surprising visit to capitol hill. and any news for re-election. and bin laden, what happened the night his compound was stormed. new details off what you and other flyers will face as part of the screening process next. my doctor told me calcium
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it was a stunning scene on capitol hill last night as the debt deal passed the house, and all eyes were glued to the back of the chamber on a congresswoman that no one expected to cast a vote. congresswoman gabrielle giffords returning to the capitol for the first time since the tucson shooting and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle gave mer her extended round of applause, and debbie wassermann schultz walked in holding her arm, the chairman of the democratic party in the house. >> it was a moment that the congress needed and the nation needed and we have been so proud
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to see that she was the consummate representative that sent her to washington. it was an unbelievable and beautiful woman. >> after that vote, congresswoman giffords said that i believe that strongly crossing the aisle for the good of the american people is more important than the party politics. i had to be here for this vote. i could not take it if my absence crashed the economy. and people were inspiring her, and she said to keep the messages coming. and tssa will be speaking to every member at logan's airport asking questions like how long are you traveling or how long have you been in town? and it is to detect suspicious behavior and the program has been in place, and now the office of accountability questions the effectiveness of
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this program. and joining me is michael smerconish, syndicated radio talk show host, and so many people feel this is singling out fliers. >> well, it is not singling anybody out, because of your caricature, but everybody is going to be scrutinized. we are going to use the hairy eyeball test, and you can size up people and see if they are acting with a nervous tick or some other outward expression, and i flew in tel aviv, and the israelis know how to do it, because we look for bombs, and they look for bombers, and this is a page out of their page. >> and since you have flown on el al, what is happening in this situation is far cry from what is happening in other foreign airports. >> i don't know if americans would stand for on a day today
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basis domestic flying for what i went through from newark to tel aviv, and i could see a whole host of questions that the aclu would be objecting to. but i don't see harm at logan with 15 to 20 seconds of what brought you to boston and how was your stay or where are you headed next? and so they can see if you are sweating profusely and the eye switching and the jaw clutching and then using that as perhaps a basis to carry it a step further. >> and you know, michael, these are questions that have been actually on the books and only used after failing an initial test and pulled aside and as we look at the movement more to the front being asked of all passengers and should we get used to, if we get on a plane, that is the experience? >> that, richard, and something to be said for constantly changing it up. the tsa gets a rough going from a lot of the folks in the public and the press, but what i like
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is that they seem to be adapting at all times. therefore, we hope keeping al qaeda on the toes. thank you, michael smerconish, very much. >> all right. richard. and coming up, a giants fan suddenly dies. we have the details. and find out why the secret service is paying rent to vice president joe biden. and jennifer lopez opens up about the split to marc anthony and why she says she had to walk away. designer lolita healy copyrighted her first cartoon character when she was 12 and 20 years later she did the same with hand-painted martini glasses. and her technique took off and she launched the brand from
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is my hope and the majority leader's hope that we can do the basic work of government which is the appropriations committee reporting bills, moving them across the floor of the senate, and getting them done. but this year, we are so late, it will be difficult to have that kind of normal process for the fiscal year '12. >> when you say clumped together, what do you meanb? >> well, as you know, we don't have enough time, and we end up in either a c.r. or putting together several appropriations bills which is not the best way to do it. and hopefully that will not be done in '13. i don't see any way to avoid it for '12, because it begins in two months. >> and what about how you sort it out? >> well, we will see how we sort it out, but it is difficult to move 12 bills across the floor in september. >> and there is the speaker talking about the bills and the resolutions that might be considered there, and some say that the senate majority leader
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and joe biden may have put the grease in the wheels that signed by the president a few moments ago. and now what happened in the daring u.s. raid by osama bin laden. we know that the compound was never a capture and kill mission. it was strictly a kill mission. details come in a article in the "new yorker" magazine and confirmed by nbc news, and more now from peter alexander. >> reporter: the target was the world's top terrorist, osama bin laden. on the night of may 1st, a pair of blackhawk helicopterers including the one that crashed unloaded 23 zeal s.e.a.l.s. ang and deterred pakistanis. >> we said there is a security operation going on behind the walls and go back home and turn your lights off, and that is it. they did it. they had no reason to believe
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they were talking about america. >> and according to the sources, the s.e.a.l.s. carrying a booklet with the photos and descriptions of who to be found inside was to first kill the courier, and then enter the al qaeda leader's home. >> and as they made their from the second to the third floor there were met cages blocking the stairs and they felt if there were metal gates blocking the stairs, they knew they were on to something. >> reporter: they knew that the bigger target was upstairs? >> yes, and when the first ranger made his way upstairs, he saw a tall man and knew that the target was in there. >> reporter: and the wife was carrying suicide vests. >> and the first s.e.a.l. bear hugged them and pushed them off to the side. >> reporter: he was willing to
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sacrifice his life as he moved the women with the vests. >> yes, and the first s.e.a.l. shot bin laden in the chest and he fell back and then he shot him once in the head. >> reporter: nine years and seven months after 9/11, the most wanted terrorist code named geronimo was dead. but had the s.e.a.l.s ever contended that they would capture him? >> no, they said that it was not a capture or kill mission, but it was a kill mission. >> that is peter alexander reporting for us. and coming up, casey anthony's attorneys are back in court challenging a judge who ordered anthony to return to florida immediately. and plus a man who threw a shaving cream pie at rupert murdoch inside of parliament learns the price he has to pay for his prank. i love that my daughter's part fish. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry !
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minutes ago we heard that president obama privately signed the compromise bill that keeps the nation from defaulting on the debt. immigration battleground and the justice department is taking on alabama's tough new immigration law that is described as harsher than the law in arizona. plus, today's "newsnation" gut check, two men hailed as heroes for saving a woman from a fiery crash, and now suing that woman that they rescued. we will tell you why. >> all right. we continue to follow the developing news on the hill right now, and minutes ago republican senators spoke out after the senate approved a bill to raise the debt ceiling with less than 12 hours before the default deadline. minority leader mitch mcconnell said he will act soon to make appoints to the bipartisan super committee that the bill creates to define more ways to cut spending which will make more than $2 trillion in the next ten years. and president obama quickly signed that bill into law. we will see how the markets are reacting this hour. down 165 and down 190 ten minutes ago and also another
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credit rating agency fitch says it has concern about the size of the deal and it not being large enough, and we are continuing to watch the reaction in the financial markets. and after the president gave final congressional approval to the debt deal, he pivoted to the concerns of the economy and the jobs. >> voters may have chosen divideded government, but they sure didn't vote for dysfunction government. they want us to solve problems. they want us to get this economy growing and adding jobs. >> well, the president has said when congress returns from the recess, he will seek approval of getting businesses to start hiring and put more money in the pockets of americans to spend. joining me right now is peter gooden, business editor for the "huffington post" and author of "past due, the end of easy money and the economy." peter, widespread jobs reports and adp coming out tomorrow, and
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unemployment report friday, and how does this deal hurt the jobless? >> well, it takes money out of the economy at a time when people cannot spend and they cannot buy houses, buy cars or the things that we put into our houses, and people are cutting back and there is a household austerity moment, and we know that consumer spending is 70% of the economic activity and if people don't spend, they cannot grow, and the employers can not hire if they know that the customer does not have money the spend, and what this bill does is that it signals that over the next many years to come, the government's going to be stepping back from the role of trying to spur economic growth by spending money and also, there is no safety net in place for people who have been out of work for six months and longer. >> and reaction that nobel prize winning economists and new york times columnist paul krugman had this to say.
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>> spending cuts will worsen unemployment. i know nobody who believes that the unemployment rate will be below 8% next year and with the spending cuts well above 9% at the end of next year. and what do you thinkt is going to be? what sort of numbers will we see? >> well, any given month, we can see the fruktations, but it is not a significant improvement and my gut tells me it is not a improvement at all. >> and back to the point of you saying that the businesses are spending $2.5 trillion that some say they have in the bank account right now, but the question out there was uncertainty about uncertainty, and that is done now that we have a deal signed just as we heard in the last 20 minutes? >> well, in the sense that we are not going to go plunging off of the cliff and have a sovereign default. >> but enough to start hiring? >> well, where is the energy growth? we had the tech bubble and the housing bubble, and we have no
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bubble to take over the stagflation for over a quarter of a century. so we have the bubbles behind us, and we have to grow the economy in a real way and get off of the addiction that we have had to finding the next bubble and letting wall street cook up some new fantasy. >> and what, peter, is going to be the next big push in the economy? in the next continuing resolution, and the next budget deal that will push us forward in jobs? >> in terms of the political process, you just don't see it. i mean, we have to hope that the best most creative minds that we have got, and many know that. >> and some say energy? >> well, clean tech is a great area of of growth and we should look to biotech and medical devices and services, and certainly wind power, solar -- all forms of clean energy, making our homes more efficient, and that is certainly where the action is in terms of the growth, and a way we can wean ourselves out of the dependence of imported fossil fuels, but
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what we need mou is a concerted plan and need the government to spend the money in the right places, and we need incentives so that small businesses can actually take a little risk and get their hands on the capital and start hiring people, and right now what we see is unfortunately a bleak picture. >> we have a month off at least on the hill to see what happens after they come back. peter goodman, thank you. >> thanks very much. >> and a programming note for you tomorrow, we kick off a series called "jobs wanted." dylan ratigan joins tamron hall to discuss critical ways to create jobs now. and a mysterious death of a 11-year-old girl tops the nation. divers found her body monday in the connecticut river a quarter mile from her new hampshire home, and invest gators have labeled the death suspicious, and no suspects in that. and update that bryan stowe
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has died in the beating death at los angeles. and one of the attackers has died after eating a salad with nuts. and the san francisco woman who was charged with breaking into alex trebeck's hotel room has pleaded not guilty of charges of burglary and possession of stolen property, they say that lucinda moyers stole cash and a bracelet from alex trebeck who chased after her ander er and achilles' heel. and two weeks ago, the man threw a pie in rupert murdoch's face while he was testifying before parliament will be sentenced later today. and casey anthony's defense team is challenging an order requiring the one-time murder
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suspect to return to orlando to serve a year of probation. after being acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter and disappearing from public view, anthony must serve probation for writing fraudulent checks. kerry sanders is live from orlando with that. kerry, it looked as if casey was a free woman after the acquittal and the lawyers are now expected the file a motion against that order, any minute i understand, and when do you expect that the motion can come through? >> i think that they are going to file perhaps within the next 20 minutes. they indicated that they would have filed by now, so i think that we are told by defense attorney cheney mason that there needs to be adjustments to the language to the motion they are filing. but the problem is that they will file this the clerk's office here at the courthouse, but the judge who has ordered her to return, judge stan strictland is on vacation. and the court has already indicated that he does not plan to come in to court today, open up the courtroom, and break from vacation.
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so, it is unclear since he won't be back from vacation next week whether he will entertain this motion, which means that his standing order for casey anthony to return to begin the probation would hold. casey anthony is supposed to be returning by wednesday, 5:00 p.m. showing up meeting her probation officer and according to the probation demand, she must remain in orange county here in orlando for one full year. >> one full year. and kerry, how does that case look? does the legal team have a leg to stand on here in terms of fighting that probation? >> it's difficult to say, because the judge, judge stan strictland and this is a different judge as you remember, and you pointed out, for passing the bad checks, he amended or clarified his order about this probation yesterday. he did not speak up beforehand when it was pretty widely publicized especially here in the court system that when she got out of jail, she was walking
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away free, and he knew that would take place and he said nothing, but it was only until yesterday he issued the amended clarification and said that she needed to serve probation, he meant that the probation had to be served while she was a free woman and not as it was interpreted initially that she was serving that probation while she was sitting in an orange county jail cell waiting for the trial for allegedly murdering her little daughter, which of course, she was acquitted on those charges as everybody knows. >> well, everybody has been following that. and nbc's kerry sanders, live in orlando. thank you. the justice department has filed suit challenging another tough state immigration law. alabama law set to take effect september 1st was passed and signed by the governor in june and subject of protests and civil suits already. pete williams joins us live now from washington. pete, alabama's law goes a bit further here than arizona's controversial immigration law which the federal government
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challenged last year. >> that is right. that law has been put on hold by the federal courts, and opponents of of the alabama law says it goes more than a bit further than the arizona law, but it gives the police in alabama more power to detain people suspected of being in country illegally and to ask them for the papers and detain them if they don't carry their papers and it also requires that any parents or children who seek to be enrolled in the public elementary schools in alabama must prove they are here legally. if they are not here legally, the children can at the end school, but what proponents of the law say that the mere fact that the state requires them to demonstrate that the child is here legally for record-keeping purposes would discourage many parents from enrolling the children, and by the way the u.s. stream couupreme court rulf a child is here illegally, they must be afforded a education in the public schools. and this would make it illegal
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for them to do business with the state and get work and invalidate any contracts with people here illegally and also say that landlords cannot rent any property to people illegally, and the justice department says that all of the things are federal law domain and not state laws, and that the state is basically going where it can't go under the federal constitution. now, defenders of the alabama law say that they want to make it very clear that illegal immigrants are not welcome in the state, and that they are here illegally and they have no right to be here and they don't want the folks to be coming into alabama and trying to get work which they say is the magnet for drawing the illegalle immigrants into the united states in the first place. there are new laws that the justice department is looking at and recently passed immigration rules that are strict in indiana, and utah and colorado are held because of court
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rulings and also in south carolina, another one that is going to go into effect next year, and lawmakers say they will look into those as well. >> and they are saying they are waiting for the federal law to do something fobt about immigra but intiuntil then, they have t something at the state level. and jennifer lopez says that her biggest dream of all did not work out. and first, a lot going on today and here are some things that we thought you should know about. detroit exmayor kwame kilpatrick is out of prison after serving 14 months behind bars. he pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice and resigned from office in 2008 after trying to cover up an affair with his chief of staff. and kilpatrick still faces a federal corruption trial that could send him back to jail, too. vice president joe biden has been moonlighting as a landlord to the secret service. the washington times says that biden has collected more than $13,000 from the secret service since april to rent a cottage
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adjacent to his delaware home. and they have agreed to may for the use of the house in an effort to provide security to the biden house. and at taylor swift con tces so night and tomorrow, whether have republican senator john thune and jo bonner and michael grimm and tom price and kay granger and paul broun and heath shuler. if you want a pair of tickets to be there from 1,000 to $3500, and those are the things that we thought you should know about it. there's another way litter box dust:e purina tidy cats. tidy cats premium line of litters
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deal. and mike huckabee, is he trying to turn a profit on 9/11? we will speak to a firefighter who lost his son on that tragic day, and he is not best pleased with mr. huckabee's latest venture. back the richard. thank you, martin. jennifer lopez is speaking out about her split with marc anthony. the two announced that the divorce in mid-july after seven years of marriage. let's get the scoop from courtney hazlett. >> well, just when you thought that we are done talking about jennifer lopez and marc anthony, we are not done talking about them. jennifer lopez is on the front cover of "vanity fair" and it is interesting that she did this interview prior to the july 15th announcement, but she dropped some hints that are quite telling especially in retrospect. she does a lot of talking about how much she needs to work on actually loving herself and being able to make decisions
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based on loving herself, and here is one of the quotes that she pulls, that she says in the magazine, and she says, sometimes we don't realize that we are compromising ourselves to understand that a person is not good for you, or that person is not treating you in the right way, and i love myself enough to walk away from that now. >> and treating you in the right way? it makes you question. >> it raises a lot of questions. people have been e-mailing me all day asking pointed questions about what does that mean? not treating you the right way? and i think that knowing what i know about the marriage, it was a passionate marriage. their ups were very up and their downs were very down, and this speaks to some of that. she also said that, this does not mean she is done with marriage entirely or at least with love. >> there is still hope, guys. still hope, right. >> richard lui is like, over here. she says that she does still believe in love, and exactly, she says it does not always work out, and that is sad, but i'm an eternal optimist about love, and it is still my biggest dream,
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and that 1 put out right before she announced the divorce. and people who interact with j. lo j.lo, you will see with the photos, this is a woman who puts herself out there, and it comes through in the photos. one other thing we are talking wbt wiabout with j.lo, because e needed p.r. help with it and i am told that she is going back to "american idol," and the biggest number i have seen is $20 million a season, and from the folks i have spoken to who are familiar with the salaries there, it is not entirely out of the question. >> it is in the range? >> that is something that could be ballpark. i will tell you this, too, she does not have to say right now she is going back. last year, and this is a great example, randy jackson didn't
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sign until kind of the last minute even though he knew he was coming back. >> oh, the dawg. >> and these things take a long time to hash out, and there are a lot of tiny, tiny details to work out and not something that has to be decided today. >> and it did certainly bring new life and breath of fresh air to the show by she being a part of it as well. >> absolutely. and it brought a human side to jennifer lopez as well, because what we saw before is her relationship with diddy an ben affleck and larger than life and hollywood-types situations, and when she was dealing with the people so to speak, it was great for her. >> and courtney, what a point of punctuation that she was there with her husband at the end. >> absolutely. >> for this story. >> it is a hollywood afterall. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. for the latest in entertainment go to the scoop and gut check, two good samaritans safe a woman from a burning car and now two years
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later, they are suing the victim for the ininjuries. we will tell you how the weigh in next. a lethal combo. i'm jon haber of alto music. a lethal combo. i've been around music my entire life. this is the first alto music i opened when i was 24. my business is all about getting music into people's hands. letting someone discover how great music is, is just an awesome thing. and the plum card from american express open helps me do that. i use it for as much inventory as i possibly can. from maracas... to drums... to dj equipment... you name it, i can buy it. and the savings that we get from the early pay discount on those purchases has given us money to reinvest back into our business and help quadruple the size of our floor space. and the more we expand, the more space we have for instruments and musicians to come play them. rock n roll will never die. how can the plum card's trade terms get your business booming? booming is putting more music
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time now for the tonight's "newsnation" gut check, a flaming hummer and a woman's near-death event, and a rescue attempt. back in 2009, two men discovered this wreckage along a ohio road after hearing a woman's desperate screams for help. the men knocked down barbed wire fences and went down to the embankment where they found the hummer in flames. they pulled the woman from the vehicle saving her from certain death, but men say they suffered physical and psychological efforts from the efforts, and one man said he suffered smoke to his lungs so severe he cannot carry up a laundry basket, and he is haunted by the screams that day. and now after hearing that it is
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a suicide attempt, they are now suing for the damages, and asking for $25,000 each to pay for the mounting medical bills. so what does your gut tell you, should good samaritans be able to sue the people they help? go to to vote on that. see what "newsnation" is saying about yesterday's gut check. should businesses be able to ban children, and overwhelmingly 83% said yes, and 17% said no. well, check out the responses. mary says, quote, ban the burkers from restaurants and team thech mann teach them manners at home. they are too young to appreciate finer restaurants. >> if you don't want kids go to the bar that serves food, and kids are kids and some parents are always lousy parents, end quote. that is going to do it for this edition of "newsnation." i'm richard lui and tamron hall
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