tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC August 11, 2011 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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this is not granite or on federal land, but it's the same notion it's more important than realities of the lives, pain, anguish, lynching they experienced. for that reason it's a-historical and deeply troubling. >> melissa, every view i read today made some of the points you made, but also every one of them said viola davis was just incredible. >> she is, and what kills me is that in 2011, viola davis is reduced again to playing a maid. i want to see that exquisite acting to the kind of roles she deserves. >> melissa harris-perry, thank you very much for joining us tonight. "the rachel maddow show" is up next. good evening, rachel. maddow >> good evening, lawrence, thank you, and thanks to you at home for staying with us. one way to know things are bad in the u.s. economy is when a drop of 520 points on the dow
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makes you say oh, is that today's news or am i looking at an old headline? the dow dropped 520 points, ninth worst point drop in the history of the dow. any minor joy experienced when the market went up 430 points yesterday was wiped away and then some today. today's stock market plunge as opposed to the stock market plunge two days ago or the one six days ago, today's was results of fears about europe and france. except theirs wouldn't be because of political stuntmen playing games with the nation's full faith and credit like ours was, their downgrade would be for worst reasons, and the worries are not just about france but about spain and it broadly speaking, it was not about the united states. it was about the european economic mess. their turmoil, of course, affects us because we all live
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in this big unhappy global economy right now, but also because one of the big questions in this big unhappy global economy right now is can america be a life ring to the rest of the world? can our recovery be strong enough to help a world in trouble? so far the answer to that question has been no. what's weighing down our entire economy is that we are just not growing enough, we do not have enough jobs. america has a jobs problem, and the whole world can tell, and even though jobs have been off the agenda in washington, as republicans have said no, no, no, we can only talk about the debt and deficit, the emergency right now, short-term, is about jobs. this is the imperative right now, something that takes people who are not working right now and makes them go to work because they are getting paid to do a job. that is what is needed. and for that i have an idea. actually, michele bachmann has an idea, but it sounds to me like a great idea.
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michele bachmann has an idea to create 1,500 new jobs in the city of big lake, minnesota, by providing funding for something called the big lake rail park, a project she notes that will enhance economic development and job opportunities in this rural minnesota community. there's 1,500 jobs right there at the big lake rail park. we know michele bachmann wants these jobs because of the intrepid sam stein at "the huffington post," he filed the freedom of information request to find out if while presidential candidate michele bachmann was denouncing the stimulus as, in her words, an orgy of spending, was she also asking for stimulus funding for her district at the same time? because regardless of what she was saying publicly for political effect, she actually knows this is the way that government can create jobs. was she saying something in public that contradicted what she was doing in private?
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yes, over and over again. sam stein was able to dig up 16 separate occasions where michele bachmann was publicly denouncing the futility, even the job-killing nature of the stimulus act while privately telling the obama administration that stimulus programs would create jobs and please, could chef some of that good none for her district. again, this is not a personal thing, this is not the kind of personal hypocrisy of denouncing medicaid as a program, like michele bachmann has done, it's not the same thing as denouncing farm subsidies, which michele bachmann has done while personally benefitting from farm subsidies. that's a different kind of hib ok hypocrisy, this is the kind of hypocrisy proves a policy point, which is republicans know there are some things government can do to create jobs.
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they know that, and so whatever hypocrisy political points you can score on this sort of thing, that's beside the point when the country is in the trouble we are in right now. look at the dow today, down another 520 points. we are in an economic pickle right now, we are in really big trouble and we need to do something fast. this demonstrative hypocrisy from politicians like michele bachmann, sure, it's interesting if you're interested in michele bachmann as a person or candidate, but more than that, this could actually save the country right now. steve benen is the man to be credited with this proposal, we'll be talking about this with steve in a moment. but the idea is this, it's genius, right now we are at risk of a double-dip recession, things going on globally in the economy are really, really hurting us. there's both an urgent, urgent need to create jobs quickly, to put jumper cables on the dead
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battery of the economy, and republicans are saying they will not let that happen. they don't want government action to stimulate the economy. nothing government can do to create jobs, so here's the pitch. have the white house take the several hundred letters republican lawmakers have sent to the executive branch from 2009 asking for investments to create jobs and let president obama announce he'll gladly fund all the republicans' request that have not been filled. michele bachmann, we know you say you hate the stimulus, we know you hate the idea of government doing anything like the stimulus act to create jobs, but remember when you wrote to the transportation department back in 2009 asking for stimulus money to help the city of st. cloud construct and widen a 1.2 mile segment of roadway there, remember when you asked for that government money because you said it would create 680 jobs?
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i have an answer for you, michele bachmann. the answer, approved. yes, the answer is yes. there's 680 new jobs for your district, 680 new jobs for our country, congratulations. remember when you asked for stimulus funds to reconstruct the trunk highway 36 bridge, a project you said would directly produce 1,407 new jobs per year? the answer, approved, yes. there's 1,400 new jobs for your district and therefore for our country. jeff sessions in alabama, remember when you wrote to the energy department in february 2009 asking for funds to help build a commercial scale cellulosic ethanol plant in the state of alabama, a project you said would provide 750 jobs throughout the region? senator jeff sessions, the
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answer is yes, approved. enjoy your 750 new jobs. the country needs them. republican congressman jerry moran of kansas, you asked for stimulus money for a company in your district that's working on lead-acid batteries, a project you said will create 320 direct manufacturing jobs and more than 1,000 total jobs. congressman, the answer is yes, let's do it. approved. don't tell me that we can't fund economic stimulus right now, because republicans will object to that. these are things that republicans asked for. because they know it works. they themselves made the argument it would work. they put numerical figures. they are asking and the answer should be yes. and the answer should be yes for anybody who can benefit from projects like this in the same way the republican members of congress know they can benefit.
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so when michele bachmann writes to the obama administration asking for money through the cops hiring recovery program, she is darn right that it would be good for cold spring, minnesota, to do that. that program would specifically fund police jobs in cold spring, minnesota, which would be good for cold spring, minnesota, that would also be good for the individual cops, jobs to the economy, it would have an overall economic benefit for that community, for that state, and therefore, for the country. that is true in cold spring, minnesota. that's the reason michele bachmann asked for it. it's true in every other community around the country that has benefitted from the line item for hiring cops. reinstate that across the country. do not tell me republicans would object to that, republicans have asked for it, even if they did only ask for themselves. they say politics is the art of the possible, beltway has been saying for more than a year that
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any political action to save the economy is impossible because republicans will just not allow it, but we as a country have been through four huge shocks that should have changed everybody's perception about what is possible right now. we learned the recession we are trying to crawl out of now was even worse than we originally thought it was. we came within a whisker of defaulting on our debt because of the flirtation with default, krit rating was downgraded and now the market looks like this every other day or so. we've absorbed these dramatic shocks in just the last two weeks. anybody who tells you about what's possible and impossible in washington, if their list of what's impossible is the same now as it was before all of these shocks, stop listening to that person. we've had a wake-up call followed by an alarm clock, followed by somebody throwing a
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bucket of water on us. we are awake. and even if nobody is willing to say the word infrastructure or stimulus or even investment because republicans are supposedly opposed to those things, republicans are supposedly opposed to any government action to create jobs, why can't you just use the republicans patent hypocrisy against them? this is the list of republicans who have made requests by funding specific projects. we put this list together more than a year ago when all the republicans were saying they were against the stimulus but were busy asking for stimulus money to create jobs. we posted this list on our website tonight as a reference. we also posted sam stein's new details on michele bachmann's funding request as well as the reporting done by the center of public integrity and st. progress. all this stuff is out there.
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it could be used, just add up the things that republicans have said will create jobs if the government would just spend money on it and just start there. you don't have to call it a jobs program, you don't have to call it stimulus if you don't want to, just start there. all their bridges and road building projects that would create jobs, approve it. yes, every program they lobby for that is a national program that would create jobs and help the economy, approve it, even if they are only asking for it for their own district, approve it for the country. that means it would work in other districts too. say yes, just start there. don't call it a stimulus, don't call it anything, if you call it anything they'll say they are against the thing. just start creating jobs and do what they asked for. if the republican opposition is the problem, this is the way around it. joining us now is the genius who came up to this plan, steve benen, steve, it's great to see you, thank you so much for doing
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this, my friend. >> good to see you, thank you, rachel. >> the idea here is that this could maybe work as long as -- slopgs you don't call it a jobs program, a second stimulus, or infrastructure investment. if the white house and democrats were going to do this and the idea was to avoid republican opposition, should they call it something else or do it in a way as if it isn't a program? >> i think at this point their rhetoric is almost irrelevant, call it a stimulus, but if that were a punch line, they consider it code for whatever it is they consider it code for, so at this point, the rhetoric, sales pitch, doesn't make a different, republicans are so against any kind of government spending at all. if this is a list that republicans came up with saying these are things they believe will create jobs in their own communities, own districts, own states, at a minimum, if democrats want to make these
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investments and create jobs, start here. one might say at that point you might look at job opportunities in blue districts and blue states, fine, get to that later. if we want to inject capital into the system, create jobs right away, create demand in the economy, start with the list republicans came up with and make an immediate difference. >> it does feel a little weird, i'm self conscious about singling out michele bachmann's request because even though she's a presidential candidate, she has been a fringe figure in congress, for example, she has never had a piece of legislation pass in her time in congress, but do you think michele bachmann is actually useful here politically, are her requests and is her candidacy useful for the politics here? >> perhaps. i mean, when you look at michele bachmann and the context of congress, she is not necessarily unique. as you noted in the earlier segment segment, she is one of
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many who have requested public funds, but publicly rail against public spending, so to a serp extent she's not unique, but she is uniquely brazen. someone, for example, was she requested funding from the epa, environmental protection agency, for her district despite the fact she doesn't think epa should even exist and she wants to eliminate the agency altogether. given all that, democrats are in a position to say if even michele bachmann believes that all this public spending can create jobs and help the economy, then other republicans can go along because she's to their right. >> and there's not many people in the caucus about whom you can say that. of all the stuff that could be done to help fix the economy, to create jobs in the short-term, infrastructure is one of the things that republicans speak most kindly about. is this one of those things
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where democrats are afraid of their own shadow here, there might be room to move on infrastructure if they target what they are trying to do specifically enough? >> well, maybe. one would like to think this is an area for kmondground, traditionally democrats agree infrastructure spending is good for the economy and innovation and everyone can agree on traditionally, but i know you've talk abouted it on the show before, we're in an environment republicans are against the ideas they are for. look back at the deficit commission or cap and trade or individual mandate in health care, these were republican ideas. democrats feel if they embrace the republican ideas they could build on it in terms of commonground, but republicans decide they are against their own ideas, which raises the question whether commonground is capable at all. endorse a high-speed rail program. now he's against it.
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at that point, what are you going to do with a member of congress who's against his own ideas? >> you can say yes, i suppose, basic idea here. steve benen, contributing writer to "the washington monthly." steve, as you know, i read your blog every day and appreciate you coming on the show tonight. i know it's not the easiest thing to do, so thank you. >> thank you for having me. here comes the presidential campaign of texas governor rick perry and because here comes the presidential campaign of rick perry, here comes the really important reporting out of texas about rick perry. please stay tuned
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the most interesting thing in presidential politics right now is governor rick perry of texas. the first presidential nominating process, is, of course, the iowa caucuses, they are set for february this time around, and the iowa caucuses are designed to capitalize, literally to capitalize -- iowa politics in order to capitalize to make money off the candidate's early attention to iowa, also hold the ames, iowa, straw poll. they encourage candidates to spend a ton of money to win, to give the kand candidates momentum. it's a racket, frankly, particularly the straw poll, but even the whole idea of iowa's influence and whether or not their caucus is all that important. it's not that important most years, just ask president
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huckabee who won last time around or president romney, who won the straw poll last time around. in republican politics, iowa doesn't matter that much anymore, but the beltway thinks it does, so the beltway is all excited about the straw poll this weekend. like a snake eating its own tails, the beltway's interest gives it whatever interest it does have, which justifies the beltway interest and so on and so on. this year there's a problem. the front runner, mitt romney is not trying to win it, which means him losing the straw poll wouldn't mean anything because he didn't try to win it, and him winning the straw poll wouldn't mean anything either. also, who can beat mitt romney, who has any chance of being the nominee other than him, well, texas governor rick perry just screwed up iowa coverage for this weekend too. nationally, he is polling second
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to mitt romney in some polls. that was true last month in polling from gallup and is true this month from mcclathy. some hope they could win iowa and some coverage thereof. rick perry has chosen the day of the straw poll as the day he'll start his unofficial campaign with speeches and appearances that day in south carolina and in new hampshire and another round of i'm running for president events in sunday, the following day, in iowa. it has seemed that rick perry was going to get into the race for awhile now, why is he finally doing it? part might be the opportunity to stick it to the want to be romney challengers who need good news coverage of their campaigns in iowa in order to be contenders, news coverage that rick perry has a opportunity to block by jumping in this weekend
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and stealing headlines. but another thing that could have cleared rick perry's campaign for take off is he's successfully put behind him his stadium prayer event in texas. governor perry, less than half-filled reliant stadium for a prayer rally to ask god to take over projects like fixing the economy. >> i'm all too aware of government's limitations when it comes to fixing things that are spiritual in nature. that's where prayer comes in, and we need it more than ever. with the economy in trouble, communities in crisis, and people adrift in a sea of moral relativism, we need god's help. >> governor perry invited governors to come to his stadium event in houston, only sam brownback showed up in person. but the political risk was not about attendance at his event,
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not even about mixing the roles of church and state. whatever you think about that issue, that is a constitutional inflation that republican candidates have been long-delighted to commit. the stadium prayer event this past week, the risk of his presidential campaign was not that he held a stadium prayer event, it was that the particular stadium prayer event he held was with these guys. >> japan, has a nation, is one of the nations of the world which has consciously, openly invited national demonization. the sun goddess visits him in person and has sexual intercourse with the emperor. >> in my judgment, permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the united states of america, not one.
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>> the heart of babylon is preparing the nations to receive the anti-christ. the heart of babylon will be a religion of affirmation, toleration, no absolutes, a counterfeit justice movement. >> so the emperor becomes one flesh with the sun goddess, and that's an invitation for the sun goddess to continue to demonize the -- the whole nation. since the night that that ended the present emperor slept with the sun goddess, the stock market in japan has gone down. >> i believe that one of the main pastors as a forerunner to the movement is oprah. she is winsome, she is kind, she is reasonable, she is utterly deceived. utterly deceived. a classy woman, a cool woman, a
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charming woman, but has a spirit of deception, and she's one of the clear pastors, forerunners, to the harlot movement. >> god sent a hunter, hitler was a hunter, how did it happen? because god allowed it to happen. why did it happen? because god said my top priority for the jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of israel. >> hitler discovered he could not get straight soldiers to be savage and brutal and vicious enough to carry out his orders but that homo sexual soldiers were willing to inflict on whoever hitler sent them after so he surrounded himself, virtually all the storm troopers, brown shirts, were male hoe mo sexuals. >> you know, there's a statue in new york harbor called the statute of liberty. >> we got it from french free
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masons, that's an idol, demonic idol. >> counterfeit religions, alternative religions to christianity have no first amendment right to the free exercise of religion. >> what happens when a nation makes a decision that is against god's principles? well, often what happens is the nature itself will begin to talk to us. for instance, violent storms, flooding. >> i believe that new orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to god and they are -- were recipients of the judgment of god for that. the newspaper carried the story in our local area that was not carried nationally that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the monday that katrina came. >> the blackbirds fell to the
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ground in arkansas. the governor of arkansas's name is bee bee, and also there was something put out of arkansas called "don't ask, don't tell" by a former governor, this was proposed bill clinton, and so could there be a connection? it could be, because we have said it's okay for people to commit these kind of acts to be recognized, you know, in our military for the first time in our history. there is a potential that there is something that actually happened in the land where 100,000 drum fish died and also where these birds just fell out of the air. >> those are some of the religious figures with whom rick perry did his stadium prayer event this past weekend. while many of their statements and views seem eyebrow raising for being associated with this
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supposedly mainstream presidential campaign, i think it's worth taking seriously where there are all these eyebrow raising statements with all these people associated with the rick perry event. these are not just one-off comments by these individual pastors where they had a moment where they said something that sounded strange, a lot of these pastors say things that do maybe sound strange, but they are saying things that also sound a lot like each other. there are some patterns among these folks, for example. >> there is a spirit called a harlot. >> the harlot babylon. >> she has fornication. >> harlot babylon, affirmation, toleration, no absolutes. >> also called the freedom goddess. >> she is winsome, she is kind, she is reasonable, she is utterly deceived. >> false goddess. >> utterly deceived.
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>> sun goddess, the goddess of liberty, japan, as a nation, is one of the nations of the world which has consciously, openly invited national demonization. >> we practice idolatry in america in ways we don't even recognize. >> what happens when a nation makes a decision that is against god's principles? >> the stock market in japan has gone down. >> violent storms, flooding. >> if you are noticing a pattern here, there's a reason for that. according to this month's extensively reported cover story in "the texas observer," the reason you're hearing similarities from the pastors from the rick perry event is because many of them are part of a little-known, very specific religious and political movement that is called the new a, pastolic reformation. the theology is that they are
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modern day prophets and apostles. they believe they have a direct line to god. c peter wagner wrote the first age of the apostles occurred just after jesus was resurrected a couple thousand years ago. the second apostlic age started around the year 2001 and the new apostles for the second apostlic age are c peter wagner and the others in this movement. evangelicals who think the end of the world is upon us now and it's time to get ready and fast, the new apostlic reformation guys think the only way the world can end is if they clear the way for it by infiltrating and taking over politics and government, taking over what they describe the seven mountains of society, the seven are family, religion, arts and
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entertainment, media, education, business, and government. they want to take over all of those things. they are making plans it take over all of those things, and that will clear the way for rapture, bingo. "the texas observer" recognized half a dozen affirmationists. including mike bickle, thinks oprah is the forerunner to the anti-christ, he's listed as a national endorser of the response even. john benefiel is also listed as a national endorser. cindy jacobs who you heard say "don't ask, don't tell" caused birds to fall out of the sky in arkansas. and c. peter wagner himself is the japan stock market never recovered from the sex with the sun goddess thing, the night before the event we could no longer find him on the website anymore.
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rick perry did not just do a prayer event in texas that was a no nonsense christians allowed, rick perry did a prayer event that involved a political movement that has political goals and wants a political vehicle and that seems to want a rick perry presidential candidacy to be their political vehicle. the story begins with the story about a visit two of them paid to governor perry in austin in 2009. "the pastors told perry of god's grand plan for texas, texas was the prophet state anointed by god and the governor would have a special role." the new refer ration movement appears to have chosen rick perry as their candidate, as their vehicle for their political goal, which is, of course, you know, world domination, blah, blah, blah.
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rick perry is announcing the presidential start of his campaign this weekend in new hampshire and south carolina and in iowa after hosting a stadium prayer event with all of these folks and frankly getting away with no one in the beltway media reporting on who those folks are or why they just did the stadium prayer event with rick perry. forrest wilder wrote the cover story on this
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morning we finally found out what it was, jon huntsman just got the endorsement of bush -- nope, actually, no, not that one. it was -- do we have -- this one. jeb bush jr., the promised major announcement from the jon huntsman for president campaign this week turns out to be an endorsement from jon huntsman by george w. bush's nephew. if you wonder why there was excitement this year about rick perry joining the presidential race, jon huntsman, i'm sorry, but that's why. if you have been wondering about emotions other than excitement about rick perry joining the presidential race, that story is next. thank you for calling esurance.
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communities in crisis and people adrift in a sea of moral relativism, we need god's help. that's why i'm calling on americans to pray and fast like jesus did and as god called the israel israel israelites to do. >> at his prayer event in houston this past weekend, the event hosted in conjunction with those who see themselves as the second group of humans picked to be jesus' apostles. after the ones you might be more familiar with from the bible. the affirmation has embraced rick perry as part of their goal to take over government in order to take over the world. the aspirations are the subject of "texas monthly's" cover story this month, forrest wilder joins us tonight with the interview. forrest wilder, thanks very much for making time for us, i really
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appreciate it. >> great to be here. >> what is the relationship between this new apostolic affirmation movement and what everyone describes as rick perry's religious right base? >> well, rick perry, in putting on the response, selected a very particular group of people to help him organize it, to promote it, to endorse it. and this group of people known as the new apostolic affirmation movement, as you discussed, and they are really kind of at the outer peripheral or bleeding edge of american christianity, so it's interesting that he picked them. i mean, he could have gone more moderate. he could have put on an event that had joel ostein's more moderate evangelicals, but the fact he picked the crowd says a lot about one, his political
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strategy as he goes into the presidential primary, but also maybe a bit about where he's coming from as a person and as a politician. >> my general -- my general feeling about faith and politics is nobody's theology is of political interest. there's two part of that, if their faith and the way they practice their faith leads them to having interest or pursuing policies, that's of interest, but also if their faith is using their candidacy in accomplishing theological goals, i think of the affirmation movement as a political movement, as a goal that -- as a group that has political goals. do you see it that way and what are their political goals? >> absolutely, and the response, a lot of the coverage of it said it was essentially a-political.
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when they are talking about revival, which was a major theme of the response, they are not just talking about a spiritual revival, they are also talking about a political revival, just as one kind of small example, there's an anti-abortion prayer that was read several times at the response, also sung in the form of a song, which ended god end abortion and send rerival to america. it is not that there's a 12-point agenda that they've handed out or anything like that, it's the basis, theological basis for the new apostolic affirmation movement, is as you pointed out, taking control of the seven mountains, family, media, arts and entertainment, so on and so forth. a particular group of christians taking control of the seven mountains in order to bring about go aheadly government and the eventually return of jesus,
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and so these things are the political and the spiritual religious aspects are totally tied up with each other. >> it is clear these folks seem to be politically ambitious, even if it is for political reasons, seems they picked rick perry by allotting themselves with him, but does it seem rick perry chosen them back, he would see becoming president as something that had theological consequences? >> you know, i don't know if we know entirely what his relationship is with them to what extent he may share their believes, but the fact again that he picked them to organize this event says at least that he's comfortable with them being on a stage with him. he very literally elevated this set of individuals and organizations and this movement to the national stage, and he,
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you know, surely he's a savvy politician. he knew the significance going into the campaign and also folks involved in this movement and leadership who believe there may actually believe prophets that they have received from god that talk about texas' role in this spiritual and political revival and the role that perry may play as a literal instrument, instrument of god. you know, and there was a moment at the response, right before he gave his speech, which he embraced a woman named alice patterson, this was a figure who believes, for example, the democratic party is controlled by jesabelle so does rick perry believe the democratic party is controlled by jesabelle? i don't know, but it's interesting to explore a little further. >> i will call him and i will ask him, and you will be the
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wire, a cliffhanger and a whole bunch of other metaphors that mean if you were like me you didn't get to sleep until way past your bedtime last night. six incumbent republicans faced recall election. two democrats did unseat the republicans they targeted yesterday. jennifer schilling beat dan kapanke. and hopper was defeated by jessica king. king's rally captured the spirit of a lot of happy democrats in the state last night. they were pumped up. that said, had democrats prevailed in just one more race, they wouldn't have just narrowed the republicans majority, democrats would have been in control of the state senate. republicans were delighted they didn't lose control of the state senate.
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democrats are happy they picked off two senators and they're happy the margin is at least down for now, down to one republican vote. also democrats say today they are happy with what last night's numbers might mean for a planned effort next year. >> recall walker! >> recall walker they are saying. folks celebrating. jessica king did not wait a day to turn their next focus to walker. they would like to begin the process of recalling the governor as soon as possible. the governor can't be recalled until he's been in office a full year. organizers would have 60 days to collect 100,000 signatures. if they force a recall election against scott walker, how
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vulnerable would scott walker be after just one year on the job. scott walker is more vulnerable than you might expect. here's what we know. scott walker was elected governor last year. in the sixth district in which republicans were challenged last night. governor walker did even better than that. statewide walker you'll recall got 52%. he didn't get 52% of the vote, he got almost 56%. while the whole state went for scott walker in 2010. these six districts from last night, really really went for scott walker. here's the bad news for the governor going-forward. in those six elections, only one of the republican senators did as well or better than scott walker did last year. what does that mean. how does that predict governor
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walker might fair in a recall election if in is one. if wisconsin votes in the same pattern they voted in last night, in a hypothetical recall of scott walker. well, i'll just quote nature silver from the new york times. if you want to use tuesday's results for a proxy vote on mr. walker that would be a vote that's too close to call. democrats are disappointed they didn't take the wisconsin senate last night. democrats are also excited about what they did do in republican territory, whittling the republican majority down to one seat. less republican in wisconsin than it used to be, than republican governor scott walker is still a national news story. and a recall effort against him will be two. and wisconsin will be the pulsing thissing pulsing throbbing heart of the republican party.
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