tv The Ed Show MSNBC August 17, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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gets repealed this november. this is the ed show, let's get to work. we are now standing here saying to people, bring your grievances to us, we will look at them. >> the people of wisconsin have spoken and now ohio is listening. governor john kasich is backtracking on his radical bill to strip collective bargaining rights in ohio. will the democrats and unions take a deal on senate bill five? nina turner and melissa pasikas are here tonight. the president dared republicans to stop his new jobs initiative. tonight senator bernie sanders of vermont and terry mcauliffe are my guests. and mitt romney reveals part of his jobs plan is to start firing people. tonight we'll talk to bill burton of priorities usa on the republican jobs plan. over the past few months the people of wisconsin had their chance to send a message to
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scott walker and his cronies. that message my friends is loud and clear in ohio. where legislators on the republican side are pretty much shaking in their boots. less than 24 hours after wisconsin democrats won a major victory standing up for workers, now ohio governor john kasich announced he wants to negotiate with unions over senate bill five. governor kasich along with the ohio house speaker and senate president sent a letter to unions pleading for a sitdown meeting this friday. the letter reads in part, while we passionately believe in the reforms of senate bill five and stand ready and vigorously, and successfully defend them. we ask you to consider this option and join us in working with determination toward a compromise for the benefit of the taxpayers we all serve. such a different tune, isn't it? at this hour, the unions, i have to give them credit, they're not taking the bait. back in january, almost as soon
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as senate bill five was announced, this was the scene. thousands of protesters filled the capital day after day to stop this bill which, of course, dramatically reduces the power of unionized wage earners, state workers in the state. now the governor is sweating because unions and a group named we are ohio have collected over 1.3 million signatures to repeal the law and put it on the ballot this november. kasich's approval rating, what's happening? well, it's tanked. ever since he signed the bill. 50% of ohioans disapproved of kasich's performance. and 35% support the governor. have you to come to the determination that clearly senate bill five is his waterloo. 56% of ohio voters say the new collective bargaining law should be repealed, compared with 32% who favor keeping it right in place. the numbers are forcing the governor to pretty much retreat,
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today he held a press conference to put pressure on unions to try to take the deal. >> today we sent a letter to the unions in regard to their efforts to repeal senate bill five, actually inviting them to the table. we're inviting them to talk. we think that would be a good thing for all of us to see if we can sit down and reach some agreement. they initially reached out to us, and i was asked whether i would approve of conversations that were being held by former speaker davidson. i brought this to the attention of the speaker. and am willing to have conversations to come to an agreement. >> he spent his first eight months as governor arguing about cutting the collective
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bargaining rights. >> this is a package designed to save the state. i'm trying to put a package together that can reduce the costs of job creation in ohio. we can balance our budget, reduce taxes, and this is just one piece of an overall reform package designed to stabilize the state. the other thing that people need to understand, that in this bill, i think they have a fear that somehow they're going to lose their pension. i mean, that's not what this bill is about. this bill is about restoring a balance, so that employees can bargain over things like their wages. but when it cops to preserving pensions or health care, that's something that we think management ought to control. >> kasich doesn't sound too much like a real tough guy today, he sees the writing on the wall. he knows senate bill five was going to be going down in flames. >> it's never too late to reach an agreement, there are people who are willing to reach it. you know what i suspect? i suspect there are people out
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there who favor repealing this bill who would be willing to sit down and talk to us if they were permitted. i get a sense that some of them can't talk to us because they get ex-communicated. i hope that's not the case. we're asking everybody, bring your concerns. >> this is exactly why unions and the organization we are ohio should flat out not take the deal. the spokesperson for we are ohio isn't buying it. >> it's nice that the governor and the other politicians who passed senate bill five are finally admitting the bill is flawed. the approach to the compromise is flawed as well. they could have compromised through the legislative process and they never did. what they did is lock people out of the state house and shove this bill down their throats and take away their rights to sit down and negotiate. >> are you willing to sit down and talk with them now? >> if they tell us they will repeal the entire bill, we will talk about it. >> the middle class people of
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the buckeye state shouldn't have to come to the table to negotiate. ohio republicans passed this bill and john kasich signed it into law. they own it lock, stock and barrel. ohio workers in my opinion need to take a page from the five democrats who won the recall elections in the neighboring state of wisconsin. none of the 14 democrats, the famous wisconsin 14 who left the state to protect workers rights, none of them were recalled by the voters. in fact, two senate republicans are out of a job because they backed scott walker's radical agenda. the wisconsin 14, we have to change their name, folks. they're now the wisconsin 16. what is the lesson to be learned in all of this for the democrats all over the country? if you stand with workers, democrats, if you stand with workers, you cannot lose. i have never in my lifetime seen
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the middle class in this country so politically engaged. you have wage earners who are paying attention to the kitchen table bills, probably more so than ever. the big story is the economy, and creating jobs. and now you have this radical agenda, and kasich is finally admitting this is a radical bill, senate bill five. he may have gotten it past, but he's looking at 1.3 million signatures to put it on the ballot. now he's retreating saying, we have to talk a little bit. democrats, just remember, 24 is a message not only from wisconsin and for ohio, but all over the country. you stand with workers, you stand with pensions, you stand with health care, you stand with wages, you make it so the republicans can't come in with a radical agenda and take from families. and you can't go wrong, because that's where the country is. get your cell phones out, i want to know what you think. tonight's question, should ohio
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workers negotiate with governor kasich? text a for yes, b for no to 622639. can you always go to our new blog at we'll bring you the results later in the program. joining me now is ohio state senator, nina turner. great to have you with us tonight. what do you make of this move by governor kasich? why is he doing this? he got the bill he wanted, it's in place. what do you make of this? >> it's good to be with you, ed, it's interesting now they want to negotiate or have some type of bipartisanship because defeat is staring them in the face. the time for negotiations was when that bill was in the senate. was before 1.3 million citizens in this state signed that. the time for negotiations was before the citizens in the thousands came begging and pleading. they have shown through this
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feeble attempt that they are just pretenders. it's time to stand up for the working class and middle class, men and women in the state of ohioing either you are with them or you are not. >> and what do you say to your fellow democrats in the senate, and over in the house? is it time to negotiate? would your advice to them be, we're going-forward with the recall, the talking's over, this is what we're going to do? what about that? >> it's time to stand strong, locking out thousands of firefighters, teachers, police officers, trying to get into the state house to negotiate to talk, we have to stand strong and let the ohio citizens have the last say on this bill. >> well, what do you make of the voters of ohio. how do you think democrats, if you draw a line in the sand and say, we're not going to negotiate, we're going to go forward with the recall. how do you think ohioans are going to receive that hardline
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approach? do you think your constituents want you to negotiate with governor kasich on senate bill 5? >> i don't consider that a hardline. since february, we've been going through this fiascoing and now here it is, august, and all of a sudden they've had an epiphany and they want to negotiate? we should continue to stand strong for the working class and middle class families of this state. so the governor and the rest of the republicans who supported this bill hear loudly and clearly if they didn't get it, that working class and middle class families in the state of ohio are not going to take second class citizenship, and we are not going to take it any more. >> and do you think the governor is genuine? can you trust john kasich? >> i can't read his heart, but i will tell you this, as soon as that bill passed, he signed it the next day. >> i guess that's all the voters need to know. we will follow the story, ohio state senator nina turner, thanks for joining us tonight. let's turn now to melissa
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fazaces, a spokeswoman for the organization, we are ohio. good evening, melissa, good to have you with us. what do you make of this move? my question should be, governor kasich says you folks reached out to him first, is that the truth? >> well, thanks for having me, ed, i really appreciate this time. first, we just want to thank governor kasich for coming out today and admitting what 1.3 million ohioens have already known. senate bill five is a flawed bill. it take away the rights of police officers, firefighters, nurses and teachers to come to the table. and now he stands before us, and that's what he's offering. >> well, what's your response to him wanting to negotiate all of a sudden, after he got what he wanted. he got the bill passed, he wants to balance the budget on the back of wage earners, he sees these 1.3 million. what's your attitude, do you feel the same way as senator turner. >> i was at the state house and
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saw is the thousands of people who were locked out in the cold. they weren't even allowed to come in and testify, their voices were drowned out. and those 1.3 million people stand strong today, and say, we want to repeal senate bill five, and we want our opportunity to have our voice heard at the ballot box in november. >> if the vote were held today, do you think you would repeal totally senate bill five, and do you think you'll get it done in november? >> i think the more ohioans learn about senate bill five and learn how unsafe and unfair it is, the more ohioans are with us, we have more than 10,000 volunteers who have been out collecting signatures, knocking on doors, talking to their friends and family, about what this bill is going to do to their families. i am confident that the more people learn about the negative impacts, the more they're going to learn about us and come out in november. >> does your organization have
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an official position on whether you want the president of the united states to get involved in this? i mean, this is an issue not only in wisconsin and now in ohio, but it's all over the country. you know, wage earners are under attack. do you think it would help to have president obama do a bus tour in ohio and talk about repealing senate bill five? >> well, i think it's really important that we continue to talk to ohioans that don't know about senate bill five yet. we encourage them to come out in november and vote no on the issues. >> i'm asking you about the president, do you want the president of the united states to get involved in this fight? >> i think that the president has his own decision making authority to decide whether or not he'll be involved in this fight. right now we're focused on motivating our supporters and making sure they come out and vote in november. >> that's an answer/nonanswer, you're not ready to ask the president for help at this point. there's no question your
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organization has done a lot of great work. i hope it gets repealed. this is why we're going to be doing a town hall in ohio in the coming days. thanks for your time tonight, great work. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen, we want to know what you think. john boehner continues to ask, where are the jobs and does nothing to create them, the president prepares to release his plan to get americans back to work. and the republican presidential candidates attack president obama on jobs, but their answer is just a cut more of them. cut their way into a profit. and next, i'll talk about the president's jobs plan, senator bernie sanders of vermont is with us tonight and former dnc chairman terry mcauliffe weighs in on the strategy. and you see this... it's the end of the road. the last hurrah. it's when ford's powertrain warranty ends. but in this ram truck, you've still got 39,999 miles to go.
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with me when i have an ounce of criticism for president obama. it's not malicious, it's not mean. i want this president to win. i think the white house needs to wake up in a sense. president obama and his team i think should watch this next clip very closely. during a congressional black caucus event in detroit, michigan. maxine waters was asked why the congressional black caucus doesn't challenge the obama administration. this was her response to the mostly black audience. >> we don't put pressure on the president because we love the president. [ crowd yelling ] >> we love the president. we're very proud to have a black man. [ crowd yelling ] >> for the first time, as president of the united states of america. and if we go after the president
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too hard -- when you tell us it's all right, and you unleash us. and you tell us you're ready for us to have this conversation we're ready to have the conversation. we want to give every opportunity but our people are hurting, the unemployment is unconscionable. we don't know what the strategy is. we don't know why on this trip that he's on in the united states now, he's not going to any black communities. we don't know that. when you let us know, it is time to let go, we'll let go. >> the president needs to get out on the more now, the last thing the president needs right now is for his core supporters to let go. his new jobs plan is already under attack from the right wing, and the details haven't been released yet. new newtons fruit thins. real cranberries and cranberry citrus oat... crispy whole grain. newtons fruit thins, one unique cookie.
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there's no reason why we shouldn't put americans back to work all across the country rebuilding america. and traditionally that hasn't been a democratic or republican issue, that's been an american issue, we've taken pride in rebuilding america. the only thing that's holding us back right now is our politics. >> president obama concluded his jobs tour today, but house republicans tried to jump in front of the president's bus. the associated press reported that the president will unveil a comprehensive jobs package during a speech next month. house republican leader eric cantor wasted no time swiping at the president saying americans want results not speechers.
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house speaker john boehner used the occasion to repeat his favorite line, where are the jobs? at times like this, i like to take a look at this website, put together by the democratic congressional campaign committee. it's been my friends 224 days since the republicans took the house. since boehner got the gavel and not a single jobs related bill has been introduced in the tan man's chamber. not one. independent senator bernie sanders of vermont joins us tonight. good to have you with us, is the white house dreaming if they think the republicans are going to step to the plate and help president obama and the democrats create jobs just 13, 14 months before an election? are they in a dream world? what do you think, senator? >> i think they are. i think it's very clear that the function of the republican party today in congress is to represent the wealthiest people in this country and the largest
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corporations they could careless about the middle class or working families. i think the american people are beginning to catch on, the president cannot keep trying to compromise with people who do not want to compromise. what he needs to do is come out with a bold, b-o-l-d job creating program to put millions of people back to work, and challenge the republicans to support it. and if they don't, you go around the country and you educate the american people as to the role the republicans are playing. >> well, when you take a look at what the republicans have not done, do you think the american public is figuring this out that they are just total obstructionists? and should the president go harder on the campaign trail and talk about the climate that he's dealing with? >> well, i think what's happening now is a strange moment in american politics. is that the people do understand the obstructionist and reaction airy role that the republicans
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are playing, on the other hand they are not excited about what the president or the democrats are doing. and i think the time is now, for example, the president talked about infrastructure, jobs programs. we have to be a lot bolder than what he's talking about. the american society of civil engineers said we need to spend $2 trillion in the next five years, if we start spending real money, rebuilding our roads, bridges, water systems, rail system, public transportation, we can begin the process of putting millions of people back to work. the other thing in my view that we've got to do and the president is not doing this, is deal with the disastrous trade policies that have cost us millions of jobs in the last 20 years. we have lost 50,000 factories over the last ten years alone, millions of good paying jobs, nafta, cafta. permanent trade relations with
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china have not worked. we must demand through good strong legislation that corporate america start reinvesting in the united states of america, rebuild our manufacturing sector and stop the outsourcing of jobs to china and other developing countries. >> senator sanders, independent from vermont, again, you're spot on. i totally agree with you, i hope the white house gets it. thanks for joining us tonight. let's turn to terry mcauliffe, the former chairman of the republican party, he's now the chairman of green tech automotive, and former chair of the dnc. great to have you with us tonight. >> great to be here. >> i appreciate your time. you know, when you take a look at the climate that president obama is dealing with, i want to ask you, you've been around this racquet a long time. when do you say, enough is enough and turn to the election? is it too soon to do that? and what do you make of the president's last ditch effort on a jobs bill? >> we all know we need jobs in
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this country. we've lost 50,000 manufacturing plants, five million jobs have been lost, people are tired of the speeps from politicians talking about jobs. they want action. i applaud the president who's going to come out with a major initiative on jobs. i wish he would have done it a month ago. we should not be taking time off right now, we need to do it immediately. i hope the white house staff is making sure that there's going to be a bill in the senate, in the congress that will be voted upon immediately, and if the republicans don't want to vote for it, they should be held accountable for that. enough with the speeches, we need action today. i'm in the private sector, i just got back from china, where i opened up a car plant. i guaranteed that all the major core components of our cars will be made in the united states of america. we can do this. but the government's got to get in gear on this, we are losing jobs all over the world. we have to get american jobs here, we need a major manufacturing long term strategic plan.
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we have to have a plan to get the jobs back in this country. we can do it. with 15 million people out of work, we have to create 150,000 jobs a month. just for population growth. we're tired of the speeches. we need action. >> terry, i don't hear outside of senator sanders and just a few others, collectively, i don't hear the democrats saying what you just said. and if the white house is saying it, i don't think they're saying it loud enough. you're a business leader, you're a successful guy, you just laid it out, what has to happen, what's wrong with the democrats? have they been obstructed so much they're freeze something. >> he can't explain to you what happened in congress over the last couple months, i thought it was a national disgrace, the whole issue we tied the debt limit to the national deficit. that was a mistake. we're not building and investing in the infrastructure of our country. we're not investing in
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education, look at china announced the other day, they're going to increase their r&d budget by 85%. we're not doing that in this country. we invented the kindle here in the united states of america, we couldn't make it here, it's now being made in taiwan. every time someone now buys a kindle, we're adding to our trade deficit. we have got to make products. how do you create jobs? you have to sell products. we have to create new products here. i saw representative cantor on this show here. a report just came out in virginia, three years ago we had 2.6 million people working in ver. now we have 2.6 million people working in virginia. we haven't added any jobs. i wish more members of congress had met a payroll in their life, i worry about payrolls every day. people need jobs, they're tired of the talk, let's put a long term plan together and vote on
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it. if the republicans don't want to vote for it, let's hold them accountable. if the tea party wants to hold up the congress hold them accountable. your member of congress did not vote for this plan we had out there, to put money into manufacturing, we ought to -- energy efficient every single public building in the united states of america, we ought to stop the foreclosing of these mortgages? why are they foreclosing all these mortgages? because the banks are making money on the servicing of the foreclosu foreclosure. we have to stop it. it's not all that complicated, we're the greatest nation in the world. let's quit talking and let's start doing it. >> yeah. terry mcauliffe, i'm making an executive decision here on the ed show tonight. you have to appear here more often, okay? you're just -- you're too good. what i'm hearing, i've always respected you, you are a risk taker in business. you're a guy that was willing to
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invest in american workers and find a way to make it work, and right now, and i see it in business too, terry, we have a lot of people who are afraid to write the check to take some kind of fortune that they may have, no matter how big or small it is, and get into it, and invest in american workers. and this is the kind of conversation we gotta have, and we have to have access to capital. >> you bet. >> i've been pounding on that for a long time. >> last year, i went to china, i bought one of their biggest electric car companies, moved the entire company to the united states of america. 13 cargo ships later, here in america, in mississippi we're building those cars here, i now have a plant in china, i'm competing against them. we'll win, we have better workers, better technology, we can do this? >> guess what, the ed show is going to be coming to your plant. i love that story. >> great. buy one of my cars. >> all right. republicans -- see, that's the attitude we have to have in
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america. republicans have been pushing chris christie to jump into the 2012 race. in psycho talk tonight, the double whammy, rush limbaugh and sean hannity. dududucts from body and bath shops? with olay get what you love at half the price with new olay body collections, tantalizing fragrances and olay moisturizing ingredients that transform lathering into lavishing. olay body collections.
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race. after today, they may change their tune, because today the fitch rating agency officially downgraded new jersey's bond rating from double a to double a minus. christie's staff has been lobbying to get new jersey's rating upgraded. they claimed their recent pension and benefit overalls put their state in a better fiscal position. obviously the ratings agency disagreed. this isn't the first time this happened to christie, standard & poors downgraded the rating. and christie blamed the democrats for not passing his draconian budget bill. he strong armed legislation through this summer. there is no doubt that this time the fault for the state's credit downgrade rests completely on the governor of new jersey chris
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christy. now we'll see if republicans are still blaming the president for the nation's s&p downgrade. we'll apply the same blame and standard to their savior from the swamps. as for the candidates, with their hats already in the ring. rick perry says the president's actions are killing jobs. but the president's actions helped create jobs in the great state of texas. and a whopping 71% of working texans, guess what, they don't have health insurance. is that something rick perry is proud of? the presidential hopefuls dismal record on health care coming up. but i did. they said i couldn't fight above my weight class. but i did. they said i couldn't get elected to congress. but i did. now i'm trying to make it in music. ♪ sometimes when we touch ha ha! millions of hits!
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don't care. listen to this, today governor rick perry compared his record on jobs to the president of the united states. here it is. >> actions speak louder than words. any actions as governor are helping create jobs in this country. the president's actions are killing jobs in this country. it's time to get america working again. >> the truth is, the president's actions, the stimulus package created jobs in the great state of texas. you see, the bush recession costs texas 178,000 private sector jobs, the public sector jobs grew by 125,000 through last year, folks that's almost half of all the government jobs created nationwide. it happened in texas. the kind of stimulus spending republicans love to hate have kept texas from going into a deeper financial hole. then, of course, there's mitt
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romney, he wants to lay off more federal employees. >> federal employees, we have too many of them and they're paid too much. in many cases we respect the work they do, it's important the work they do, we just have too many. >> in the last two years, federal, state and local governments have gotten rid of 500,000 jobs. and that really has slowed the pace of the recovery. mitt romney would like to do more of that. republican rhetoric on cutting the government is even ringing hollow among some of their constituents, this is what happens when republican congressman fred upton tried to talk about reducing the cost of medicare. >> you can see on this part of the pie chart. medicare is $590 billion out of $3.5 trillion. >> where's the jobs. >> where's the jobs.
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>> upton is on the so-called congressional super committee. let's bring in the former white house deputy press secretary under president obama. and now the co-founder of priorities usa, bill burton. good to have you with us tonight. it would seem to me that a governor perry/president obama discussion on jobs would be very interesting. how do you think that discussion would go if they were face-to-face? >> well, ed, thanks for having me on tonight. i appreciate it. listening to rick perry talk about texas and the texas miracle. you would love to see that debate between president obama and rick perry. for a guy who took a state that was at 4.2% unemployment and brought it to 8.2% now is stagnant. a quarter of its residents don't have health insurance, you would love to see that debate with president obama about who has the better vision, the better
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capability of creating jobs and strengthening the economy. >> does the white house feel they have enough material to make the case against rick perry? i mean, the numbers on education are bad. the numbers on health care are bad, the numbers on job creation are bad, the numbers and the amount of stimulus money that rick perry took is pretty astronomical when you look at it, it's against his conservative roots. it would seem to me the white house would want rick perry to get the nomination. take us down that road. >> he certainly would offer a pretty tremendous contrast with who president obama is. presidential elections are decided on big character issues, who's on your side, and if you look at the kind of leader that rick perry's been in texas, he seems more like a george w. perry than anything else. he's a person who has created a lot of tax breaks for his rich friends at the oil companies. the middle class is hurt, be it
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health insurance, wages, education. it's harder for parents to send their kids to college in texas. it's harder to get health insurance in texas. all the while, you have a governor in rick perry who tried to -- who suggested seceding from the union when he didn't like how the health insurance debate was going in this country. so i think that the contrast thatprovided by a perry versus obama fight would be a good fight. >> how is the president and the white house going to sell a new jobs initiative. a new jobs package in this political climate? i mean, is this the last ditch effort by the white house before the next election? >> well, you know, washington is a very nasty place right now where it's hard to get anything done as a result of these tea party republicans who are
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holding john boehner and the rest of the congress hostage. like you were saying, the dccc website that points out how long the republicans have had control of the house and still have done zero to create jobs. the only job they care about is trying to get president braum to lose his job. they should be concerned about the american people, how they're going to go back to work. not just the petty partisan politics you see in washington every day. >> bill burton, priorities, usa, good to have you with us tonight. making stuff up or you might just say it's liein'. and it lands limbaugh and hannity in the zone. ♪ this is our pool. ♪ our fireworks. ♪ and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours.
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without health insurance, rick perry is determined to repeal president obama's health care law if he gets to the white house. for activia selects in paris we discovered the inspiration for a totally new yogurt. activia selects french so silky and smooth with lots of juicy fruit. then our search took us to beautiful greece and this thick and creamy greek yogurt, so rich and full of flavor. it was a grueling trip! try new activia french and greek yogurt. a world of great new tastes. energy is being produced to power our lives. while energy developement comes with some risk, north america's natural gas producers are committed to safely and responsibly providing decades of cleaner burning energy for our country, drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within self contained well systems and using state of the art monitoring technologies, rigorous practices help ensure our operations are safe and clean for our communities and the environment
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in psycho talk tonight, rush limb fwau and sean hannity together. they flat out lie about the unemployment level inherited by president obama. >> he inherited a aaa credit rating, an unemployment rate of 5.some odd percent. does anybody doubt this is on purpose. >> that's a good point. just like he inherited unemployment of 5%. >> did you hear that? 5.6%. >> limbaugh claims it was 5.7% when obama took office. they're both way off. try 7.6% and climbing. dhafr thanks to years of failed republican policies, of course.
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no matter what professor limbaugh tells you, sean, the reality is much different. the reality in 2009 wasn't nearly as rosie as hannity and limbaugh would have you believe. a rapidly deteriorating economy promises significant losses ahead. the u.s. economy is in a free fall. as for hannity and limbaugh. steve bennett of the washington monthly may have said it best. hannity and limbaugh want their minions to believe bush maintained a prosperous nation. hannity made the mistake monday night, he hasn't corrected it since then. limbaugh originated the lie last week, and no word from him. or any of the websites that watch this stuff. lying about the state of the economy president obama
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inherited. and lying about a fact as important as the one is just bald faced psycho talk. if you live in rick perry's texas, then you probably don't have health insurance. even if you have a job. the real life implications of perry care coming up. at exxon and mobil, our smart gasoline works at the molecular level to help remove deposits and clean up intake valves. it helps your engine run more smoothly and leave behind cleaner emissions. it's how we make gasoline work harder for you. exxon and mobil.
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you saw some shots of that huge bus the president has. it's owned by the secret service. i was shocked to find out where it was made and who got paid. >> the right wing hiss tear ya over president obama's bus tour. karl rove's group plan on creating attack ads on a bus tour? the eventual republican presidential nominee will be using an identical secret service owned bus on the campaign trail. fox & friend crew found
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something else to criticize the president obama. here it is. >> guess where these buses came from. they're not made in america. they're made in canada. this bus which is owned by the secret service, was outsourced to another country. >> how embarrassing is that? >> you know, i wonder if fox & friends group in the morning, if they all drive american made cars? just wondering. maybe boy wonder brian has a point. what kind of socialist travels around in a bus made in canada? here's one, it's president george w. bush embarking on his yes america can tour. remember that? 2004? the housn chronicle reported, bush's bus was also made in canada. in fact, both buses came from the same manufacturer in quebec. okay. coming up, rick perry's
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dangerous legacy on health care. what it means for real americans next 37 it'll make your chicken creamier, dreamier, with lots of flavor. spread the love in four fabulous flavors. spoon in a little new philly cooking creme. [ vet ] your turn max. [ cat ] inside and out. and i'm not the only one who thinks so...right doc? [ female announcer ] vets agree, a healthy check up starts inside. our breakthrough iams premium protection formula is developed with vets... ...with cutting edge ingredients for the lifelong health of your pet. [ cat ] what a surprise... straight as again! [ female announcer ] iams premium protection. our most advanced iams nutrition. ever. [ cat ] oh, i'm not in your way, am i doc? i...[yawns] am an iams cat.
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for 2012 nomination, have said that they will repeal the law if elected. nonlouder than rick pirry of texas. as we pointed out on this show, the number of insured in texas has gone down since rick perry became governor. now he wants to do the same for all of america. one statistic in particular that really jumped out at us at the ed show. 71% of those in texas who don't have health insurance have jobs. it's an incredibly high number, and one that tracks very closely with what i've seen when i've been at the health clinics that we put on with the national association of free clinics. think about that. about 70% of those who show up to one of these clinics to see a doctor, they're employed. they get up every day, go to work, play by the rules, but they can't get insurance to cover their basic minimum health needs. the far right wing in this country calls the insurance
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mandate tyranny? the republicans said that they would repeal and replace the health care law. but, of course, they were lying again. they have tried to repeal it, but we're not -- we've not heard from them talking about replacing it at all. joining me now is dr. bobby capore, an er doctor from baylor college of medicine in texas. what do you see in the emergency room? you've got a hospital that's dedicated to caring for uninsured folks. have you seen the number of uninsured go up since governor perry took over as governor in that position? >> good evening, ed. thank you for having me on your show. currently in texas, one in four individuals do not have access to health care. that's the highest percentage of all states in this country. houston, specifically, where i
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practice, that number is one in three. that means over six million texans and nearly 1.5 million houstonians go to bed without health care coverage. >> has governor perry hurt the health care industry in texas when it comes to delivering services? what do you think? >> we have an enormous number of individuals who don't have access to health care. we did the very first national association of free clinics here in houston. we saw an amazing 1800 patients in one day. people waited in lines all night long to see a physician that day. and 83% of those people had jobs just as you've been emphasizing on your show. >> health care -- >> what if people watching tonight need to know about these free clinics? is this just a snapshot of
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what's going on? is it a microcosm of what's going on in america and maybe we haven't awakened to it as we should have. >> it's important to remember, despite all this background noise about health care reform, whether it's constitutional or states rights. over 50 million people do not have access to health care across this country. that's people in new orleans, texas, people across the country do not have access to health care, and these free clinics are an important and valuable way for individuals to get access to health care. >> from bobby kapur, thanks for joining us tonight. thanks for your dedication. to make a donation or learn about volunteering at our new orleans clinic coming up on august 29th,
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