tv The Ed Show MSNBC August 18, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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good evening, americans. welcome to the ed show. congressman west from florida compared his house colleague maxime tweerts an overseer of a plantation and said he is the modern day harriet tubman. what did whatever did freedom fighter west tell him to do? he told him to go to a jobs fair hosted in part by congresswoman maxime waters. tonight the fight for workers rights in the heartland. it is heating up again. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. >> you have established certain black leaders who are nothing more than overseers of that plantation. >> last night allen west took a shot at the president and congresswoman maxime waters. today waters responded. >> mr. west's brother is here. he found himself out of a job. and he asked his brother to help him. and his brother told him to come to me. >> now allen west's brother is weighing in. we'll play you the tape.
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>> he said that wisconsin was open for business. it wasn't just a slogan. >> today awful job numbers out of the state of wisconsin. we'll see how scott walker spins this. and we have the latest from ohio. and then psycho talk. el rushpo can't help himself when it come to race. >> the triple double oreo. it isn't long before it will be called the or bam-eo. >> as inon the program last night, i've never sustain middle class in this country so engaged when it come to the issues of labor as i have seen right now. whether it is residents of wisconsin or ohio or union members or minority communities. the middle class is getting restless across this country. waiting for washington to do something about jobs, and the rights of american workers. take the african-american community, for example.
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the current unemployment rate for that community now stands at 16%. members of the congressional black caucus came face to face with black voters demanding during an event in detroit earlier this week. congresswoman maxime waters said she understood their frustration with washington, and with president obama. >> we want to give them every opportunity. but our people are hurting. the unemployment is unconscionable. we don't know what the strategy is. we don't know why on this trip that he's in the united states now, he is not -- we don't know that. all i'm saying to you is, we're politicians. we're elected officials. we're trying to do the right thing and the best thing. when you let us know it is time to let go, we'll let go. >> the congresswoman was sending a clear message to the president and member of congress. elected officials need to take specific measures to get people back to work before the human
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toll becomes overwhelming. it is a lesson that conservative congresswoman allen west learned in the last 24 hours. last night he was on fox news calling congresswoman waters and fellow members of the congressional black caucus modern day slave masters for their efforts on jobs. >> you have this 21st century plantation that has been out there. where the democrat party has forever taken the black vote for granted. you have established certain black leaders who are nothing more than overseers of that plantation. now the people on that plantation are upset because they've been disregarded, disrespected. and their concerns are not cared about. i'm here as the modern day harriet tubman to lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation to a sense of sensibility. >> in case you think he misspoke, here was the statement released by his office today. democrat physical enslavement has now become liberal economic enslavement, which is just as horrible. so in allen west's mind, liberal
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economic policies are just as bad as forced slavery? which he calls democrat physical enslavement. in private, congressman west has a very different take on the democratic initiatives. you're looking at hundreds of people in atlantic, georgia today, lined up at a job fair hosted by the congressional black caucus. congresswoman maxime waters was there today and pointed out that allen west's political posturing might not match up with his personal reality. >> we're using whatever influence and power that we have. not only to connect people but to inspire them. as a matter of fact, his brother is here. he found himself out of a job. and he asked his brother to help him. his brother told him to come to me. to come to us. that we're here in atlanta where his brother lives and he came up. he introduced himself. and i want his brother to get a
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job. and i hope that his brother gets a job here today. >> allen west's own brother, arlen west, has been unemployed unfortunately for more than two months. he's the father of four living in atlanta and he told nbc news, that thing like the jobs fair are exactly what our leaders should be doing. >> the responsibility of our elected officials is to serve the constituents in any capacity that they can. and this is an example of them doing that. a true genuine sincerity from the congressional black caucus to try to get a community employed that is unemployed. >> what does allen west think of people like his brother calling democrats the overseers of the 21st century plantation? >> that kind of conversation, that kind of dialogue is not productive.
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we need to have productive dialogue in washington. we need to all sit at the table together as one and figure the problems of the country out. together. that's what we need to do. we need to stop using negative rhetoric and negative dialogue. that's not productive. >> very well spoken. and on point. the republican party and the democratic party, if they don't understand what's going on and if they keep playing with fire and they think they can politicize joblessness in america without solutions, they are dead wrong. there are too many people out of work. and i know the 99ers are upset because we've gotten them off the front page. we're thinking about it. obviously we want to do the stories. too many families across america and it is starting to multiply, are hurting. too many excuses are being made. there will be a breaking point. even congressman west had to dial back his rhetoric after it
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came out that he told his brother to go to atlanta for the job fair. west's office sent this statement to "the ed show." clearly with my brother out of work, the struggling economy is very personal to me. i like millions of americans during these difficult times have stood by a family member, providing suggestions and encouragement as my brother continues to try to find work. i'm encouraged by any job conference which helps individuals find a job. however, the underlying problem remains. the economic policies of president obama have not set the conditions for job growth, especially in the black community. so congressman west, what kind of conditions have you set for your brother to get a job? what have you done? congressman west, have you talked to speaker boehner about maybe a jobs package? correct me if i'm wrong. correct "the ed show" if our producers are wrong. you have not offered one jobs initiative. you have not put your name to one effort to get american back
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to work other than to sit on the side line and hecklet he president, heckle the democrats. you haven't done a thing about it. in fact, you told your brother to go to a jobs fair which was hosted by the democrats. so hypocritical, isn't it? get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, is the gop going to do anything to get americans back to work? text a for yes. text b for no. you can always go to our blowing and comment there. i'll bring you the results of the poll later on. joining me now, michael dyson and author of the book, can you hear me now? and dr. james peterson. he blog for the "huffington post." so great to have both have you here with us tonight on this sub.
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there are just a lot of frustrated people in this country. and this frustration is growing. we see this obstruction taking place in washington where both sides came together on a jobs package and i have to ask, what is this country going to look like? one year from now if we don't do anything about jobs. did you hear that crowd in detroit? what are your thoughts on all that? >> well, you know, my home town is detroit. so i their cries and the call of the people. i their blood curdling screams of desperation for economic recovery. and for a stimulus of their direct area. there that i think a year from now, we don't have a jobs package, we don't have a job legislation put forth. the masses of americans will be suffering. take for instance, rick perry's own state where one out of four kids are living in poverty there somewhere near there. despite thought republican rhetoric about cutting spending and denying the raising of taxes
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to generate new revenue, we're in trouble. we need a jobs package that deals with the direct infrastructure. infrastructure spending will create millions of job for those who are out of work and we can also talk about bringing some of those jobs from overseas back home where people who can do the kind of job that we outsource. when we come up with creative policy that's lend fiscal integrity to those who are vulnerable, we will have a revived american policy that speaks to all people. in the meantime, this vicious name calling and epithet throwing does nothing to help the fundamental structure of the joblessness in america. especially in black america. >> mr. peterson, we've been told by sources that the congressional black caucus will make a real effort to have a straight talking session with the president of the united states to make sure that he knows the level of frustration within the black community. what should the president do? what can dough when he gets no help from republicans? >> well, listen. this is a really tough situation. the political theater has a
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purpose here. so the president has to address the jobs issue the way the president of the united states needs to address it which is broad swath main stream america. the congressional black caucus who is the represent black folk. throws the districts they represent. some of the political theater had a a purpose. maxine waters is right here. they have to draw attention that this is an excruciating process. the president should take notice. if he addresses it through the african-american community the way he will reduce the overall unemployment rate much more quickly. >> michael eric dyson, why are they saying thing about being a modern day harriet tubman in public and in private, he is telling his brother to go to a jobs fair put on by the democrats. what about that? >> he needs to take one of the professor's classes where he can learn to parse the symbolism of english better. talk about slavery? that's ridiculous. it is hypocritical. his own brother is suffering from joblessness. what did he do? he didn't call john boehner.
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he didn't tell him tough. he didn't say this is the fiscal downturn that is consequence of policies. he said go to the congressional black caucus. if it is good enough for his brother, it is good enough for million of americans. i think professor peterson is right. the president had a hit the job -- on a job bus tour. he is out there trying to hear from main stream america. the particular suffering of african-american suffering must be taken seriously. if he addresses black unemployment, then american unemployment will be addressed. >> i have to broach this sub. i was living in this country at a very impressionable age in the '60s when civil rights was a major issue and people took to the streets to make a wrong right. i mean, are we at this point, mr. peterson, do you think we could be at a point where people will go to the street and demand
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action when it comes to the economic injustice that's are playing out in our economy? could we see some kind of a movement that what we experienced in the '60s? what do you think? >> absolutely possible. look at the energy in that detroit room where the cbc was at. the president understand that's as well. the kind of things do you with your show by giving pro labor forces in wisconsin a platform and you start with overlap lap, you can see the things that people have to do. what congresswoman waters means, we need to unleash the people. she means unleash the people. once the people get an understanding of what's really going on, the ways in which a minority tea party is blocking progress for our party. we have to stand up and be accountable and be heard to have some progress and job creation in this country. >> i think maxine waters and some others were somewhat taken aback by detroit and the
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attitude them want them to push this white house, to take action. it will be very, very interesting when they come back from recess. msnbc political analyst michael eric dyson and dr. james peterson. great to have you both with us tonight. remember to answer the question at the bottom of the screen. we want to know what you think. robert reich thinks the president may be ready to propose something bold in this jobs initiative. that's next. and later governor walker's damaging agenda continues to take a poll -- a real toll on the people across the river in wisconsin. thousands, thousands of jobs went down the tube last month. state senator chris larson will be here to add everything up. ] why do relationships matter? [ grandpa ] relationships are the basis of everything. [ grandma ] relationships are life... if you don't have that thing that fills your heart
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republicans. president obama, the guy is going on vacation. ten days. vacation at martha's vineyard. the vacation criticism is out and about and well underway. rnc chairman priebus said the president has been on vacations and golfing and campaigning nonstop. sarah palin and donald trump also got into the act today. >> you know, i wouldn't if i were he. especially to martha's vineyard. i fear what our president will do, and do i predict that he will not be gone the full ten days. i think he will hear from enough americans that he'll come back early. i fear he will keep his head in the sand. >> he takes more vacations than any human being i've ever seen them used to complain about george bush. but i understand he's already exceeded george bush and we're not even through the year. so he likes vacation. and we have a president is constantly, whether it is martha's vineyard or someplace else, constantly on vacation. all the time on. vacation.
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>> once again, donald trump proving there ain't a whole lot of brain underneath the hair do. of course the trumpster, flat out wrong again. now look at this. president obama has taken, if we can score at home, 38 vacation days away from the white house and 32 days at camp david. folks, that's a total of 70 days. by this time in his presidency, george w. bush had spent 102 days on his texas ranch and 123 days at camp david for a total of 225 days. sarah palin is concerned, what the heck does the quitter from alaska really know about a work ethic anyway? give me a break. donald, admit you're wrong. here's what he had to say yesterday about rebuilding america. [ man ] behind every business is a "what if." what if we designed an electric motorcycle? what if we turned trash into surfboards?
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here's what he had to say yesterday about rebuilding america. >> a lot of construction workers that are out have work when the housing bubble went bust. interest rates are low and contractors are ready to come in on time under budget. has the great time to rebuild our sea ports and our airports. we could be doing that right now. if congress was willing to act. >> it all sounds good about it won't mean much if the president
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can't get something through congress. player when all the republicans want to cut spending into absolutely nothing else. the president also said his jobs proposal will be paid for and in september, he'll be proposing another grand barring of an deficit reduction for the so call super committee to consider. so how does this all mesh together? let's bring in former labor secretary under the clinton administration and author of the book, robert reich. >> to have you with us. you wrote today that president obama might be ready to propose something bold. why do you think that and what do you think it will be? >> i think it because the republicans have been so recalcitrant. anybody in washington with half a brain knows they'll say no to anything. why not propose something that is bold and big enough to deal with the jobs problem? and then campaign on it. fight on it. be the fighter for a working people. the president is getting conflicting advice. my information is that some of his advisers are saying don't
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done do much. it will look bad if you try for something big. the republicans will call you. it will give them more tinder to call for a big government liberal. but some are saying, now is the time. unemployment, 25 million americans unemployed. the economy is almost dead in the water. you have got to, this is the perfect time for you, mr. president, to get out there and tell americans that you are fighting for them. and if the republicans won't go along, you'll fight all the way through the election. >> mr. reich, isn't he dealing with a new part of the equation? you've got congressional members are home. that are getting an earful. it is emotional. people are distraught. they need help. they've been unemployed for a long time isn't this the perfect time to make sure that you get the people's attention by offering up something grand? who cares what the republicans think? >> ed, absolutely. it is not just emotional. it is absolutely just, it is
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economics. economics 101. when you have so many, 25 million people working part time or looking for job, when you have so little consumer demand. consumers are 70% of the economy. when businesses are not hiring because they're not customers, you have to have government there as the spender of last resort. you want the long term debt under control. unless you get growth back, the long term debt will be worse and worse and worse. so it makes economic sense for the president to stand for something and demand something that is bold in terms of a jobs package. >> what would be the most boldest thing in your opinion the president could do that would be achievable? in his term? >> well, there are a number of things that i think would go boo the job package. exempting the first $20,000 of income from pay roll tax from the next couple years for one thing. number two, a kind of an infrastructure bank that would take advantage of a low interest
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rates out there. and as you said, could pour that into bridges and ports and all the thing need to be done. school buildings that are falling apart. he could employ a huge number of people doing that. a civilian conservation corps. right along the list of what could be done to get people working and i think the president should be saying it. and demanding it. >> if he doesn't get it, when does the president turn to 2012? does he continue doing this throughout and not give up on it? is there going to come a time where he will have to turn to the american people and say, i've done everything i can do to work the republicans. here's the proposal. they're saying no to everything. when does that day come? >> i think right after labor day, he announces his jobs proposal, his job plan. he is bowl enough to get people jobs. he goes to the republicans and says i want this. if the republicans then say no as i expect they will, then he energizes, mobilizes, tries to organize the american people.
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if the republicans continue to say no, the president says okay. this will be part of the election. this is part of the 2012 election. america, you want your jobs back. you need to have an economy that's growing. this is the plan. let them just say no. >> so this would be harry truman 1948 run against the congress. >> well, run against the republicans in congress but expose the lie that they had continued to tell the american people. the republican lie which is that a smaller government mean more jobs. that is absolutely counter to any kind of logic. but they have to be smoked out on that. >> great you have to with us. former secretary here on "the ed show." he called himself a liberal when it wasn't popular to do so. senator paul wellstone was a true fighter for the middle class. today i was absolutely honored to receive an award. and rush himbaugh compares president obama to a new part of oreo cookie? this is way over the line.
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senate. he was a proud liberal. a voice for the middle class and an advocate for the poor. he fought for worker until the day he died. earlier today in las vegas, i was honored and humbled to receive an award from the united steel worker in senator wellstone's name. >> paul wellstone, what an honor. it is an honor for me to get this award and i think we can really think back about the kind of fighter he was for the middle class and how he was always giving unwavering support to organized labor and collective bargaining and the rights of workers and the middle class in this country. so i want to ask you about where we are as a country right now with paul wellstone in mind. do you think paul wellstone would have said, yes, let's extend the bush tax cuts? do you think he would have done that?
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do you think paul wellstone would have been on the front lines of the people in madison, wisconsin, fighting against governor walker's radical agenda? do you think he would have been there? do you think paul wellstone would have been silent with this attack we have on public education in america? do you think he would have stood on the side line? i am honored that my name is on this award. and i am also honored that you think so highly of your profession, your family, your community and your country that you are willing to stand up and say no to a radical agenda that is sweeping this country. >> many thanks to the steel workers flag it has been a bad couple of week for wisconsin governor scott walker. he lost a couple his cronies in the recall elections and now we find out his state lost more than 12,000 private sector jobs in the month of july. i think this validates the walker recall effort, a recall election.
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scott walker's agenda, it is unraveling. just for the record, so we're all on the same page, this guy came in and he cut corporate tax rates which everybody is screaming about. he didn't raise tax on the job creators, the top income earners. how is it going? now his state numbers are going south. a new report shows wisconsin has had a net loss of more than 8,000 jobs in the month of july. the state lost a whopping 12,500 jobs in the private sector. and the unemployment rate is up. did you hear that? 7.8%.
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now this is more evidence that walker is long headed when it come to the economy in creating a jobs. he took on an old failed republican philosophy. the bottom line is it is not working. the july losses almost completely wiped out the june job increases walker was spouting off about with his buddies over on fox news as they were bragging about it earlier this month. >> the state of wisconsin is seeing success. in job growth. fox news alert. >> we are in a pickle when it come to job. what are you doing there that we might be able to do craw the country? >> well, i think the biggest thing is getting your fiscal house in order and then easing off -- >> scott walk order fox and friends, taking a victory lap in his wisconsin miracle. and miracle it is. >> miracle? now that is psycho talk. now the miracle has disappeared. but governor walker, he is not taking the blame. heck no. his administration, they
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released the following statement. wisconsin is not immune to the national economic slowdown this summer and we are seeing the effects of the national economy in our jump numbers. so when the state adds jobs, it's because of governor walker's policies. but of course, when they lose jobs, it is because of the national economy and president obama doesn't have a clue what's going on. i'm not buying it and i don't think my next guest is going to buy that either. let's bring in wisconsin democratic state senator, good to have you with us. is this just proof that's on that i have the. the old republican theory to reducing tax to everybody you possibly can will reduce the economy and stimulate jobs? >> this hasn't worked. this is pretty obvious. they tried to tote these number last month in saying this was a miracle in wisconsin. we're happy when jobs are created in wisconsin. we're happy when we can work together to do things in the long term to help our state. but unfortunately, this month's
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job numbers show that hasn't happened. his policies have failed. we're going the opposite way. and this, i mean, he's having a bad week. he lost his two colleagues. the two republican senators them weren't able to pick off any of the democratic senators. now these numbers come out. ear you saw. this walker endorsed paul ryan running for president. so walker is really, i think he is endorsing his plan to recall him if he will last the rest of the year. >> the recall effort in wisconsin, the number, 5-4. democrats winning over republicans. you picked up two senate seats. and i want to point out, i have someone in las vegas say to me a tough loss for the democrats. i said, wait a minute. all 14 senators who left the state in protest of a radical agenda are still in the by wis wisconsin state senate.
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they're all working. the republicans weren't able to recall any democrats whatsoever. so what does this mean moving forward for wisconsin? does this really make it a shoe-in for recalling governor walker? >> well, it will be tough. it is not going to be easy but you're right. we have a pretty big victory. the only victory we didn't get was in getting the majority but we won a majority of the seats up for recall. if you take all the votes together, democrats won more votes than republicans. we were able to hold off any of them calling any republicans. we were able to increase the margins for democrats over republicans from where walk wear a few months ago. they're even going so far as to change way -- to working in a bipartisan fashion. we haven't seen him doing it. he is trying to say. that i think his pollster is nudging him to do that. that effort to recall walker is going to move forward. >> for him to come out and support paul ryan shows how
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radical he actually is. here's the rnc chairman this morning on this network talking about a potential walker recall effort which we were just talking. about here is how he's viewing it. >> the republican employee unions want to flush another $30 million down the toilet and then allow scott walker to be even stronger and win a recall election. then we'll pass more reform after that. they should do it. the 30 million they flushed down the toilet will be 30 million they don't have for other races. so hey. go for it. >> go for it. chris larson, what is your response to that? >> well, i think it's great that he is endorsing the idea of recalling walker as well. i would encourage him to sign a petition. i think the chairman got beat by one of the candidates. one of the democratic state senators who was up for recall on tuesday. one with 57% of the vote. it shows that he was rejected
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personally. republicans have been rejected. democrats are standing up. we're standing up and winning in wisconsin. come january, this is wisconsin too. come january, we're going to go out and collect half a million signatures and recall the governor of wisconsin. because when we stand up, when we fight, we win. >> no doubt. great to have you with us tonight. i've met some great people from ohio today in las vegas at the steel workers convention. they are very motivated to do what they have to do on senate bill 5. yesterday, rush limbaugh had to share the psycho spot white hannity. but tonight he has it all alone. he can't help himself with those racial slurs [ fema le announcer ] introducing crest complete whitening plus deep clean. you feel it working, so you know it's working. and that means you're good to go, for whatever the day brings.
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new crest complete. unlike ordinary toothpaste, you feel a deeper clean. it's a signal that tells you your whole mouth is clean. you're also protected. because most of life happens outside the bathroom. feel it working, know you're covered. with new crest complete, life opens up when you do. woman: day care can be so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for free. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise woman: flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. let's talk ohio. the folk leading the effort to repeal the union busting collective bargaining law have
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formally rejected the call for negotiations. leaders of the group we are ohio and the ohio afl-cio are refusing to meet with kasich before it is repealed. he is mad they rejected his offer. but you see back in february, he was singing a different tune during the interview with the right wing talker bill cunningham. >> i know what they're concerned about. i've spoken to them. >> meet with them, governor. >> well, bill, the simple fact of the matter is that a lot of my people that put this stuff together have spoken to them. >> but the governor, you have to get in a room with him, governor. >> bill, bill, let me explain to you. i'm not going to put you in a position to say i don't listen. i've listened. i've heard. >> the governor is done talking. you're walking. >> it's time to do some things.
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>> time to do some things. well, that's exactly what the democrats are saying now, mr. kasich. kasich is right. the time for talking is over and millions of vote letters walk into the voting booth and repeal in november. "the ed show" will be there in september for the million class work here's are fighting the good fight. next up, rush limbaugh turns into the cookie monster. every day, all around the world, energy is being produced to power our lives. while energy developement comes with some risk, north america's natural gas producers are committed to safely and responsibly providing decades of cleaner burning energy for our country, drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within self contained well systems and using state of the art monitoring technologies, rigorous practices help ensure our operations are safe and clean for our communities and the environment we are america's natural gas.
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tonight rush limbaugh back for the second night in a role of it is quite an honor. he was talking about a new oreo cookie called the triple double oreo. he came up with a different name. >> the triple double oreo. you wait, it isn't long before it will be call the or-bam-eo or something like this. a biracial cookie here. this story is from the "chicago tribune." it is all about kraft's juicing
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up its investment in the oreo in recent years. every time michelle obama goes out and starts talking about healthful eating interesting food industry responds with oh, yeah? and take this. and kraft come one the or-bam-eo. the triple double dipper. >> leave to it rush to come one bogus attacks on president and mrs. obama in one story. but this isn't the first time rush has compared president obama to an oreo. you see, he did it in 2005. at the end of a rant about how food safety regulations are supposedly putting companies out of business. >> they're going to come for potato chips. and after that they're going to go after wine. and after that they're going after oreos. they might have to wait until obama is out of office. >> he spews this garbage knowing full well it is a racial sure. he wants the democrats over an unconfirmed report. people threw oreos at michael steele. he has no excuse for this one.
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you have to admit the crazy talk with michele bachmann is starting to add up. we have a library you wouldn't believe. michele bachmann makes it awfully hard for folks to take her seriously as a presidential candidate when she come one stuff like this on the trail. >> the day the president became president, gasoline was $ 1.79 a gallon. look at what it is today.
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under president bachmann, you will see gasoline go to below $2 a gallon again. >> that will happen. >> how much a gallon? maybe i should go back to being a republican if it will be that good. i doubt it. while she's at it, michele bachmann might as well promise a golden chicken in every pot and a unicorn never every garage. her campaign website said she would roll back gas industry regulations and open more drilling areas. if we open drilling areas off the coast, we would produce 500,000 extra barrels of oil a day by the year 2030. that would knock a whopping 3 cents per gallon off the price of gas. reality check. the price of gasoline is driven by the global oil market. if we see $2 gal gas any time soon, it probably means we're in the middle of a worldwide economic meltdownism would wonder if michele bachmann would
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still want to take credit for that. doors or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business -- it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities, so we're helping them with advice from local business experts and extending $18 billion in credit last year. that's how we're helping set opportunity in motion. at exxon and mobil, our smart gasoline works at the molecular level to help remove deposits and clean up intake valves. so when you fill up at an exxon or mobil station, our gasolines help your engine run more smoothly. it's how we make gasoline work harder for you. i'm not looking forward to my flight. try this. bayer aspirin? i'm not having a heart attack. it's my back. no, this is new bayer advanced aspirin... clinically proven to relieve tough pain twice as fast as before.
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what, did you invent this or something? well, my team did. i'm dr. eric first, from bayer. wow. look. it has microparticles. it enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief right to the site of pain. better? great! thanks. [ male announcer ] new bayer advanced aspirin. extra strength pain relief. twice as fast. test our fast relief. love it, or get your money back. [ ben harper's "amen omen" playing ] we believe doing the right thing never goes unnoticed. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? today presidential candidate rick perry assured new hampshire voters that social security is staying put for seniors. which is in direct conflict with what author rick perry wrote in his book just last year. in the book titled, "fed up," he wrote that social security is a ponzi scheme. he compared to it a bad disease and said it is, quote, a
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crumbling monument of failure of the new deal. even better, he suggested that social security violates the constitution. needless to say author rick perry is making it real difficult for candidate rick perry these days on the trail. 98 new hampshire, a lady asked him about his stance on social security. and perry said he couldn't answer it because his mouth was full. see, he started eating when that question came up. joining me now is comedian and co-author of "the daily show." and ring of fire mike papantonio. lizz, let's start with you. so rick perry can't answer questions on social security because he's eating. what's happening here? >> because his mouth is fulfill the republicans could just make a 500% improvement if they would just find a candidate who didn't have a photo op of something with their mouth.
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>> here's one for you, mike. perry's spokesman did tell the "wall street journal" that perry's book is not meant to reflect the governor's current views on the issue of social security. he just released the book last year. what does this all mean? >> well, that's the problem. perry doesn't understand that he is not at a fair in texas anymore running for governor. eating funnel sxaks deep fried butter logs. and now he has to live with all the stupid talk we heard him say when he was running for governor in texas. where he could go to a county fair and he could talk to the people about stupid idiotic things that might sell in texas. but right now he can't talk to the american public and tell them, we should do away with medicare. we should do away with social security. we should do away with the 16th and is the 17th amendment to the u.s. constitution where we can't even have a standing army.
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or that texas should secede from the united states. the problem they have with perry is this, ed. he is going to be the republican candidate. it is going to happen. because -- >> that's right. >> their attitude is no mormon at the top of the ticket no matter what we have to live. with they have to live with this guy. >> lizz, i want to play this piece of tape. here what perry had to say about evolution in school earlier. >> it is a theory that is out there. and it has some gas in it. but in texas, we teach both creationism and evolution in our public schools. >> well, a spokesman for texas teachers union tells us that creationism is not part of the official state curriculum. it puts michele's elvis gaffe in perspective. >> sometimes i really start to think that the reason these tea party people don't believe in
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evolution is because they haven't been part of the process. part of evolution. so it seems. >> i have to tell you. this you know what? what they missed here, i can't top what lizz just said but i will tell you this. in texas, that is where we saw the big fight to actually rewrite the books. rewrite the science books and talk about the fact. make it a major part of the science books. so, and perry was the guy who was pushing that agenda. for him to sit back and say i didn't know about that. we just teach both is absurd. they have huge problems with perry. there is no way to clean this guy up. the good news for democrats, the good news for president obama is, this is the guy you're going to be running against. he is george bush. they love the -- george bush minus ten. they love the guy in texas. and they're going to double down with him. that's the good news for all democrats.
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>> do you know what else? it will be hard to chant we're number 43. we're number 46. like texas isn't number one in anything. so good luck, dude. >> if he flames out though. if he flame out, what about paul ryan jumping in? >> this is what i think is so great. basically the media name is yeah, maybe somebody normal will eventually jump into this race. and it is just not happening. you saw huntsman's tweet today, right? i believe in science. nibble evolution. it is like, dude, it's like the one shirt that has the two arm at the outlet mall. they don't want someone saying that. >> if you look it a, they're throwing spaghetti at the wall and hope something will stick. it is fun to watch karl rove. he is in hell right now. he understands what is getting ready. they've turned into the tea
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party. he know it. they can't solve it. and rick perry is their guy. the more we look at him, the more whaends the new republican really looks like. >> i think they're all praying for the rapture. please just have the rapture come. please. >> great to work with you. great to have you on the program. thanks, both of you for being here tonight. tonight in our survey i asked you, is the gop going to do anything to get americans back to work? 6% of you said yes. 94% of you said no. that's the ed show. you can listen to my radio show. you can follow me on ed party crash. let's play "hardball."
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