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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  August 19, 2011 9:11am-10:00am PDT

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building behind me, there really hasn't in the republican led house of republicans, where's the jobs? all 2010 we heard it was about jobs. we haven't seen a jobs bill put on the table. and i think that's what frankly americans are so frustrated about with both sides. that to some degree, here you've got this massive unemployment and people are feeling like why are we talking about the debt ceiling when i need a job? >> guys, i want to tell you -- ask you about another headline here today. rick perry was out on the campaign trail and he was making headlines because he was pushing creationism and doubting publicly evolution and climate change. so then we see jon huntsman taking a shot at rick perry on twitter. he wrote, to be clear, i believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming, call me crazy. wow, has this made a splash, doug. >> i was amazed. it really led the politico play book, where i thought people are
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really seeing this. what's really unusual about it is we often see staff take shots at each other. karen did that at the dnc, i did that at the rnc. for a candidate to do that and attach his name to it is a change. communications have changed. >> and twitter too, that's your way to get your message out now. he's just taking on christine o'donnell today. is this the wave of the future? are we going to see more politicians using social media to make a real impact? >> sure. in this instance this is a pretty classic tactic, if you're the guy who's behind, you can attack or find a way in to get some attention using one of the folks who are leading the pack, you've got to go for it. this was a brilliant stroke and some message attached to it. it was pretty smart on a couple of fronts. i would be remiss if i didn't say one thing about allen west. we didn't talk too much about the comments the overlord comments that he made about the cbc. i have to tell you as an
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african-american i found that incredibly offensive. he also compared himself to harriet tubman which i think is also offensive. i would really hope that allen west would really cut that stuff out and focus more on what he can do as a mb of congress to either create jobs or move the country forward rather than cow towning to the tea party base. >> karen, you get the last word on that one. thank you very much. >> that's not fair as all. >> i'm up against the clock here. >> okay. big question, today, what kind of world do we live in when supporting science and saying so steals the spotlight? get me on facebook. i want to hear from you on twitter or my email. it appears libyan rebels are gaining the upper hand. in the next few days we could simo mar gadhafi flee the country he's ruled for 30 years. troops are jockeying for position just outside the libyan
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capital of tripoli. powerful storms created a big mess across parts of the country. baseball-sized hail fell in nebraska. the storm shattered windows and homes and cars yesterday and produced winds of more than 65 miles per hour. omaha's airport closed and about 35 flights were delayed or cancelled. in arizona a massive dust storm. these are pictures of the storm advancing on phoenix yesterday afternoon creating dangerous driving conditions and delaying some flights. in fact, this is the third big dust storm to hit arizona this summer. a possible new lead in the search for susan powell, the utah mom's been missing for nearly two years. . plus one mom's creative punishment for her kid could end up as punishment for herself. should he really go to jail for this version of discipline? first on wall street right now, another wild ride, the dow is down almost 30 points. the s&p is flat. the nasdaq is up almost eight. we'll be right back.
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after two years police may have a break in the case of a missing nevada mom. they're searching for susan powell in a remote mountain desert. the result of new credible evidence. investigators just held a news conference on the new lead. the mother of two mysteriously disappeared in 2009 reportedly while the kids were camping with their dad. police have called her husband a person of interest in this case. 11-year-old mayor for a day of forney, texas, isn't going to be happy. her first act in office was to rename main street after heartthrob justin bieber. the sign for justin bieber way has already been stolen. the full time mayor had a new sign put up and they're hoping it will at least last until school starts on monday, people. is forcing a 7-year-old to
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eat hot sauce amount to child abuse? an alaska jury will decide this unusual case. they're hearing it right now. it involves a mom who says she resorted to using the sauce to punish her son for misbehaving because traditional methods didn't work. yesterday jurors were shown a video of her shooting the hot sauce in the mouth of her adopted son. the video originally aired on the dr. phil show and it caused a public uproar. we have more on the story. they're in court. what's the charge against her. >> reporter: good morning. she now stands trial for misdemeanor child abuse in this trial. and basically she is charged after she was videotaped oushing hot sauce in the mouth of her young adopted son and forcing him to take a cold shower. she made the nine-minute videotape to submit to the dr. phil show. it came about after she reached tout to the show after she watched an episode on angry
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moms. several months later the producers of the show reached out to her to ask her if she would be participating on the show on mommy confessions. she said yes the show asked her to make a video and she did. she made the tape four days before the airing of that show which aired in november. when it did, it sparked tears among audience members and outrage of viewers. she was charged with misdemeanor child abuse. she said the mom of six and her husband had tried milder punishment and tried harsher tactics. it meebs that the maximum she could serve is one-year of jail time and a $10,000 fine. >> thank you for bringing us the story. a donze university of miami football players implicated in a scandal involving money, sex, cars and gifts, but that's not what they're focussing on today. plus, just another family car ride with the kids and a
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baby. you've got a baby if your pickup truck in the back. we're back right after this. time for the "your business" your entrepreneur of the week. two men wanted to personize the surfing experience. they started grain surf boards out of a farm in main. customers can buy a kit and design their own board or take a course at the farm where mike and brad share their expertise and passion. for more watch yt your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m. yo sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m. "yo sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m. "yo sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m. [ male announcer ] looking for a complete picture of your money?
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we're getting a look at this week's friendly basketball game that ended in a brawl. the hoyas were playing a team in china. players threw punches, water bottles and chairs at each other. the georgetown team walked out with 9:30 left on the clock. the state department said the trip was supposed to foster sports diplomacy. there was a makeup session when the basketball team was at the airport getting ready to leave. this was embarrassing the vice president was in china trying to promote good economic relations with that country. oops. shocking behavior by a 23-year-old baby sitter caught on camera in florida she went for a ride on the bed of a pickup truck and brought along
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the 8-month-old she was supposed to be looking after. witnesses saw the stroller driving by and alerted police. the baby was fine, but the baby sitter now faces child neglect charges. who thinks that is a good idea? governor rick perry got a lot of praise during his first week as a presidential candidate. congressional republicans are a little concerned about him and what he's saying on the trail. plus another deadly stage collapse, the fourth one this summer the second in less than a week. we'll tell you where. hot on the web an 18-year-old legal battle is topping google today. the west memphis three were convicted in 1994 with brutally killing three second grade boys in a sta tannicry chal. the case had all kinds of problems. in 2007 new dna evidence was submitted. in 2008 a judge said the dna tests were inconclusive and refused a retrial. but at this hour an arkansas circuit court judge is holding a hearing that could set these
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guys free in exchange for their plea to lesser charges. the long arm of the law may reach out to ashton toucher. "the new york times" first pointed out the actor edited the online edition of "details" magazine and kept paradesing heads of companies he's invested in or pushing tech services where he's got money on the line. now the federal trade commission says it could investigate the case and the sec rules could apply here. "details accounts says there was disclosure that toucher puts his money where his mouth is back money of the companies he champions here. i surrender to the wedding hubbub. in case you've been living in a cave and haven't heard, kim kardashian's getting married tomorrow. i'm not sure why everyone is such a advertisy. it might be the $10 million reported spent on the wedding. it might be the rock on her left hand that could substitute for free weights at the gym. or maybe that she's marrying a guy with the same first name as her mom, whatever.
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the girl with probably the world's most famous booty is now accepting all kind of boot by from her wedding registry. who couldn't use a $1700 coffee pot? let's hope her first dance with her husband is more smooth than her days on "dancing with the stars." by the way, best wishes to the happy couple. you've been stuck in the garage, while my sneezing and my itchy eyes took refuge from the dust in here and the pollen outside. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. it's the brand allergists recommend most. ♪ lily and i are back on the road again. where we belong. with zyrtec®, i can love the air®. where we belong. or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee,
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it's not just good for business -- it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities, so we're helping them with advice from local business experts and extending $18 billion in credit last year. that's how we're helping set opportunity in motion.
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woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon! tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven.
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aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam! just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back. with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam haircolor! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. welcome back to msnbc. i'm contessa brewer. a court ruled that the confessed killer of 77 people in norway has to spend at least four more weeks in isolation. investigators worry he might tamper with evidence or contact possible accomplices. families and survivors returned to the crime scene for memorial. a piece of evidence in the casey anthony murder trial has been destroyed. her car, the white pontiac sun fire her dad took it to the junkyard yesterday. hewlett-packard is pulling
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the plug on the touch pad, the come computer tablet. it was widely criticized and only been for sale for two months. if you bought one, you're regretting it now. former president bill clinton turns 65 today. he's celebrating at home in new york. congressional republicans are pleading with rick perry cut it with the crazy talk. according to politico lawmakers worry about sharing a ballot with a guy with loose lips who suggested the fed chairman is treason ous. even ron paul who criticized the fed for years thought that was over the top. don't forget perry threatened the nation with texas succeeding from the union. jay cohn embry is bureau chief for the austin american statesman. good to see you. >> good to be with you. >> a lot of voters might admire a guy who says what he thinks. but does rick perry have a filter? >> it's worked for rick perry, too, in the sense that in texas he has sort of played to the
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most conservative part of the republican party. it's worked for him. when he does stuff like make a flirtation with succession in 2009 that was right as his poll numbers started to go up. after that comment they continued to go up. when he has said things that a national audience said that might go too far, that worked for him well in texas and he's never lost an next in his career. >> there were reports that when perry toned it down this week after the criticism that implying that the fed chairman was treasonous, the crowd gave him a tepid applause. is he the kind of politician that will succeed by truly embracing who he is and letting the chips fall where they may? >> it's going to be hard for governor perry if he is to become the republican nominee, i think he has a good chance, it will be very interesting to see and a challenge for him how he can move to the middle.
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he is somebody who has always gotten to be where he is and been successful by, he's guarded with his comments. he's careful. he's not as careful as a lot of politicians. a lot of times he does say stuff that he maybe wishes he could take back. again, it's never really dealt him a blow he couldn't recover from. >> let me play something he said on the road. he talked about global warming and then about evolution. >> it's a theory that's out there. it's got some gaps in it. but in texas we teach breath creationism and evolution in our public schools. >> as him why he doesn't believe in science? >> a lot of people would have problems with what he said there. let's start with it's not really true. the teachers union say it's not part of the official state curriculum. that's a problem. >> sometimes when he is going out there and campaigning governor perry is prone to making statements that you go
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back and do the research may not be true. there has been a lot of conversation in texas about the teaching of evolution and the people that governor perry has appointed to lead the state board of education he appoints the chair of that board have certainly talked more about bringing creationist ideas into the classroom or not necessarily creationist ideas, but talking about evolution as a theory and this idea that there's other theories out there. they have pushed that more than i think a lot of people would expect in other states around the country. >> jason, it's good to talk to you. i see you're going to have a busy season ahead of you. thank you for your time. >> thank you. we've been talking to jon huntsman's response to perry on evolution. huntsman tweeted that he does believe in evolution and trusts sciences on global warming, quote, call me crazy. gregory solis writes he should work for the obama administration. the right the will crucify him.
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he's not crazy, he's one of the only sane ones in the race right now. i like hearing from you on the stories that we cover. i check these frequently. former massachusetts governor mitt romney is choosing not to criticize rick perry. he said there's plenty of time for that aert during the major debates like the three scheduled in september. garrett hague's within on the road with the romney campaign. what have you witnessed while you're watching romney campaign firsthand? >> he's a very disciplined campaigner. i think with him being out of the public eye today there's two main take aways that are worth mentioning. the main thing is that they're in this for the long haul. first, he's refused to criticize rick perry. they've been really, really strict on this. he gets asked maybe 3/4 of the questions. 2/3 every time he does a press is about perry. he says he's a fine governor and he'll criticize him later.
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>> what about the fund raszing? i'm going to follow suit and ask you about rick perry. it looks like all the money rushed to rick perry once he said yes, i'm in it. is there any concern on the romney side that they're going to lose big fundraisers. >> not that they're talking about. they were way out in front for fundraising. romney is doing big dollar fundraisers. he did two yesterday in wyoming. two today in utah. both states where he remains incredibly popular. he's going to bring in some of that money today. >> he was fairly silent on the debt ceiling when we heard from michele bachmann she was getting a lot of headlines. rick perry was getting a lot of attention ahead of the straw poll. ron paul, it does seem like ron paul is garnering a lion's share of the attention when you put him head to head with mitt romney. is there any concerns about the attention. >> this goes back to to long haul strategy. the votes right now don't get
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you elected. you don't win in the ames straw poll. you don't win an election in august the year before, but you can lose one. they're not trying to get caught up in the day-to-day. >> maybe they should have told that to tim pawlenty. just throwing it out there. thank you. it's a hurricane of a scandal for the university of miami. the school is losing some of its sports fans because off the accusations that some of its players and coaches took gifts and all kinds of perks from a wealthy booster. the football team continued to practice this morning waiting on word whether or not the ncaa will make them sit out the entire season. a former booster claims he spent millions providing money, cars and even prostitutes to hurricane players over the past decade. the team coach says his players are cooperating. >> i think if anything it's going to bring us closer together. again, 90% of the guys have nothing to do with this as it happened in the past. for the most part, inside here
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we're moving forward. >> nbc's mark potter joins us from miami. how serious are these allegations, mark? >> reporter: they're very serious. the question is how true they are, that is still being determined especially with each individual player who has been named in this scandal. many of them are now denying these allegations that have been made by nevin shapiro who sits in prison sitting out a 20-year term for a $1 billion ponzi scheme. the allegations are serious, they are scandalous they are being taken very seriously now by the ncaa, the national colleaguuate athletics association which has been looking into them for the last five months. they're being taken seriously by the university of miami. you heard the coach say that they're cooperating. other officials say they'll cooperate fully and transparentally. it's having a huge impact in south florida, too. the fans are very worried about
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this. business owners are concerned because of the possibility of sanctions by the ncaa if these allegations are proven true. if they're rue, they would seem to be on the face in clear violation of the rules that apply to student athletes. there could be punishment for the university. one of those being discussed is a thing called a death penalty. it's an extreme measure that would ban the team from further play for a while and that would have a huge immaterial pact on the university. a huge impact on this community. most people think it would likely be too severe and doesn't seem that that would be the way the ncaa would go. it is something being discuss and that organization the ncaa says that it will determine what happens to the university, whether there is to be punishment by some time early next year. >> mark, when we're talking about what's next, there's also a possibility here that the players would face laults, i understand trying to get back some of that cash or gifts? >> reporter: that's something that's been reported for the
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last couple of days. the bankruptcy trustees overseeing the company that sha spiro ran is defungt. there are claims from investors who say they were bilked. those trustees are indicating they might go after some of the players if again the claims are proved true. they might have to pay that money back. so again, one more spinoff from this thing that hit this community very, very hard and again is being taken very seriously. >> mark potter, thank you. a massive thunderstorm hit with deadly force at a music festival in belgium. the amateur video shows fans running for cover and equipment and awnings dangle in the wind. at least five people were killed here. 60,000 fans were attending the festival. the foofighters, eminem and offspring had been scheduled to perform. and were just now learning in fact that a sixth person has died from injuries suffered at last week's state fair in indiana. 22 jeerld jennifer haskell has
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lost her life. we'll be right back. and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. her life. we'll be right back. jennifer har life. we'll be right back. - jennifer her life. we'll be right back. y jennifer her life. we'll be right back. e jennifer her life. we'll be right back. a jennifer t her life. we'll be right back. r jennifer lost her life. we'll be right back. - jennifer lost her life. we'll be right back. o jennifer lost her life. we'll be right back. ld jennifers lost her ♪ take on me... ♪ ....take on me ♪ take me on... anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. ben and his family live on this block. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. re/max agents know their markets, and they care enough to get to know you, too. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today.
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a missouri church is encouraging its followers to send text messages during the service to ask pastors about religious themes. it's parts of an effort to communicate ideas among the 2,000 or so church goers that fill the pews every sunday. we're joined by a pastor and a parishioner. riley, were you texting before it became approved? >> i never really like to text in church. i'm one of those weird kids who's worried about that. there are several kids that used to text around me before it was proved. >> what do you think, mike? were you trying to get those kids in there texting instead of listening to get more involved?
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>> absolutely. that's the whole point of doing the texting is to create dialogue and engagement. from the beginning when we did our message series at morning star, we wanted to be practical and relevant to where folks were living and apply the gospel to their everyday lives-before the texting, before a message series put a note in a note card in the bulletin and asked people we're getting ready to preach about heaven, what questions do you have? we put together our message series around those questions oftentimes and now it just gives us the real speed time to do that in the middle of the sermon people can text their questions in and have them responded to right then. >> some of the examples of questions you've had here, why hasn't pastor mike shaved today? i'm pregnant am i going to heaven? we were spared the damage that we saw in joplin, missouri, does sin have anything to do with that? is there a filter for the questions? do you cringe sometimes when certain things come through?
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>> great question. that was with the hesitancy of getting in is this like stump the pastor time. the questions do go through a filter. they go through our media department. they get the questions and they type them into the come computer and send the feed into a monitor on the floor by the pulpit. so just really the questions that are relevant to the topic that day are put through. >> riley how has it changed church for you? >> i think it's a great asset that morning star has. the mission of morning star church is to meet everyone where they're at on their spiritual journey. and init's a great way for anyone who's at any point on that journey to ask a question that applies specifically to their life that might also apply to what the pastor's conveying that day. i think it's a really neat tool that they have. >> mike, one last question for
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you. i was in church at easter and a lady took a cell phone call during the service. is that okay? >> you know, we discourage that. it was interesting when we first started encouraging texting before that, we had a little slide that went up on the screen before services said please turn your cell phones off. now we're like leave them on. just don't be checking the sportscenter update or msnbc. >> oh. now you've lost me. now you've lost me. thank you so much for joining us today. i appreciate it. >> thank you. political side bar today. let's talk about sex or not. talk about sex in christine o'donnell's case. if you recall she walked off an interview with piers morgan because she didn't like his line of question about same sex marriage. she told him it was inappropriate and he was being rude. here's what she told savannah guthrie this morning on "today." >> i wanted to stop that
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borderline sexual harassment that was going on. piers for whatever reason, perhaps desperate for ratings was not letting up in his creepy line of questioning because again, he threw -- throws it in there in the middle of these sex questions that he would not ask with a man. >> again, he was asking about her stand on same sex marriage. christine o'donnell is out promoting her new book "trouble maker." one of ron paul's supporters wants to talk about sex with rick perry. he took out a full page ad in a weekly newspaper looking for women who have slept with the texas governorer. moro claims perry is an adulter because he's a quote patron on us a trin strip clubs and has quote, friends in the strip club nunt. however, there's absolutely no evidence perry's had extramarital affairs. let's talk about affairs, hair, guns and husbands. you can learn a lot about a republican presidential candidate if you just google him or her. "slate kwds " magazine did.
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rick perry one of the first things google suggestions his gun. the texas governor loves his guns. he even jogs with one. mitt romney for him it's about the hair. in the last presidential election he warned his elections not to touch it. husband is the keyword for michele bachmann as in marcus bachmann. his clinic was in the headlines for being able to quote, pray away the gay. and ron paul is well known for the blimp he launched during the 2008 primaries. you just might see it again this year if he can raise enough munch for all these candidates one of the first search terms husband or wife. everybody's interested in who their spouses are. we'll be right back. [ man ] i got this new citi thankyou card
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all right. just roof that it's not really a vacation, vacation. it's a work vacation. here's president obama just a few minutes ago talking to people outside the bunches of grapes bookstore on martha's vineyard where he went in for a
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moment and as you can see shaking hands with folks and saying hi and having pictures. people say it is a working vacation for the president. arizona jan brewer is fighting back against a change in immigration policy. she's calling new rules that allow illegal immigrants without criminal records a chance to stay in the country, she calls it back door amnesty. pete williams has more from washington, d.c. what's with the change? >> reporter: this is a policy change the obama administration says it's a matter of practicality. if they rigidly enforce the immigration laws they will overwhelm the court system and the detention centers centers where people are held. what the administration says this is a matter of discretion. they want to concentrate on immigrants that have a threat to national security and not try to round up people who might have legitimate reasons to stay. they have spouses or family
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connections here. they are the very young or the very old. they're raising a family. they have military service, they have other reasons to stay here. even though technically they may be here illegally, the obama administration says let's concentrate on the dangerous of these people and not round up everybody we potentially can. >> pete williams, thank you. we've just received news from the court hearing the west memphis three the three con men convicted of killing three young boys will be set free. the judge has just said they should go free. they were in an 18-year legal fight to prove their innocence. lots of problems in the case. dna came up a few years ago and the judge had refused a retrial. now the judge says these three are free to go. thank you for watching. i hope you have a great weekend. i'm contessa brewer. i'm next hit"andrea mitchell
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reports." up next on "andrea mitchell reports." he is the man many republicans would hope was running himself. now is he a king maker? mississippi governor haley barbour. and rick santorum is joining us. is libya leader ready to go. "andrea mitchell reports" next on msnbc. to your car. [ recorded voice #2 ] turn right on hill street. go north for two miles. ♪ [ man ] this is onstar. i got a signal there's been a crash. do you need help? yes, please. i've got your gps location. i'm sending help. [ female announcer ] introducing onstar fmv. get it installed on your car at best buy or visit for more stores.
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or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? "andrea mitchell reports," high anxiety on wall street and main street. >> i just want a job where i can support my family and help some of my family members out. >> i'm a single mother trying to support me and my son. it's very hard finding abjochl. >> but some republicans worry today that even in a lousy economy a texas who once proposed succeeding from the nation may not be the best choice to topple president obama. rick perry tried to joke about that today.
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>> in texas we're another country. you understand? we've actually got -- we've actually got a tourism ad that says texas, a whole other country. >> so is rick perry ready for primetime? joining us this hour mississippi governor haley barbour, a party king


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