tv News Nation MSNBC September 1, 2011 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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right now, "newsnation," the politics of jobs. and right now john boehner and president obama waits an extra day to address congress and introduce the plan. >> our interest is for the president to speak to the people and to the congress about doing things to create jobs and get the economy going. plus, what do people without jobs think about the political back and forth, and what they'd like to see in the president's plan. plus, under water, president obama visiting new jersey as the state is the struggling to stay afloat after hurricane irene. and remember this hockey shot? well, the familyf of the two twin boys finally learns if they get the cash prize. and did the refs make the right call? a high school football team gets penalized for paying tribute to a friend who died after scoring a touchdown. it is the "newsnation" gut czech.
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i'm craig melvin and tamron hall has the day off and the "newsnation" is following the latest dust-up in washington, d.c. betweenm pr and house speaker john boehner, and we are going to be hearing from the press secretary jay carney any minute now and possibly, po possibly with more hints on the timing for next week's speech when jay carney approaches the podium, we will take you there live. the administration officials saying they got the okay from the speaker's office to address the congress next wednesday which is the same day as the republican presidential date right here on msnbc, but now the president will unveil the jobs plan on the first night of the nfl season. here is jay carney today. >> our intent was for the president to address a joint
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session of congress as soon as they recessed. this is not a political back and forth. the president is wanting to speak to congress and to the people about the need to do things to create jobs to get the economy going. >> kristen welker is live from the white house this today, and we heard from dan pheifer saying that the president's speech will not interfere with the packers and giants' kickoff. >> well, it is not their intention to get into the middle or any way push back that speech, so they are being mindful of that, but the details are being worked out. but as you say, it was a dust-up, and the white house ready to pivot away from the dust-up saying they want to focus on the major speech that the president is going to give next week. we of course don't know specifically what is in the speech. we are getting little details and bits and pieces, and we
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understand that under consideration is investing in infrastructure and investing in schools and green energy projects as well as providing tax breaks for companies that hire unemployed workers, and things like that. also, potentially a housing component to this. there is a lot of pressure on the speech as you know, craig, because the unemployment rate has been stuck above 9.0%, for some is time, and the president has seen record lows in the approval rating this summer hovering around 40%, and the white house wants to pivot away from the issue the debate about when this is going to take place for the speech, and they want to focus on the actual speech. >> kristen, we are also hearing and probably heard about an hour ago now that house speaker john boehner will be giving his own economic speech in a week or two? >> yes, we just got news of that that john boehner will deliver his speech on the 15th at the economics club in washington, d.c., and final details nailed
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down today. we asked tspeaker to give us ag preview there, but the house republicans say they don't want anything to increase spending, and they have come out to say they want plan that includes tax cuts as well as freezing government regulations, so we have to see what is actually in the speaker's speech, and see if there is anything in the speaker's speech that mirrors or aligns itself with the president's speech. if so, that could be an indication of where we will see movement on this jobs issue. craig? >> kristen welker live for us live from the white house. >> thank you. and president obama's sales pitch on jobs next week has to connect with the business community and hopefully enticing the ceos to invest the trillions in cash they are sit on an investing the money in hiring people who have spent months and years on the sidelines. norman oberlander is the
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president of zip productions and we wanted to bring you in to talk to a guy who owns a business. >> yes. >> a small business. how large is the business? >> the business is about six people. right now. including mooi. >> and specifically, next week when the president rolls out this jobs plan, what do you want to hear? what do you need to the hear? >> tough question. i need to hear something that is rewarding as a businessman. that i'm going to be rewarded somehow for putting myself on the line, for going out there and trying to hire people, to stimulate, to develop, instead of i feel penalized. >> how so? >> um, the rhetoric, the talk, the promises that never came through. all seem to as far as i'm concerned and a lot of my friends, too, who are also small business owners. >> promises like? >> well, promises like i have a couple of them from the
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beginning, increasing the capital gains and dividend taxes for higher income taxpayers never came through, and some might be for signing, and whenever a bill goes before president obama's desk it would be put up on the internet for five days so people will know it. >> how does that affect you as a small businessman? >> it gives me confidence and not with those exact words, but the fact when he says something i should believe it. if he is not president, i want to hear something from him, and know that i can believe this is the truth, not that he is just telling me something, because i want to hear it. >> yes. >> you know what i'm saying? >> and if the president comes out next week, and there is some talk that one of the incentives that might be offered to small business owners is a tax credit, a essentially chunk of money from the federal government that says, hey, if you go out the hire this person who has been unemployed for the x-number of
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mont months, then the federal government will pay this percentage of that person's salary, would that en koucouragu to hire two, three, people? >> well, h sa shg, he said that 2010, and it never came through. >> i want to join rhonda from providence, rhode island, who has been looking for work since 2008. rhonda, what were you doing in 2008 when wu were laid off? >> i was in the i.t. field until my job was outsourced to india. >> talk to me -- >> i continually looked for work. >> and talk to me about the search, and what have you encountered? >> where haven't i gone. what i have en coucountered is silence. the process of submitting applications at this point is
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nothing short of crazy, because you have to go through a long process to fill out the applicationsb and because they get so many, you don't even get a response. i have had one interview in three years which is a new record for me, because i have older children, and i took time off, and i had no problem getting back into the workforce. there is a problem, and the companies have a huge vast pool of people to hire from, so people 40 and above are tending to be last on the list to be hired. >> quickly here, rhonda. one of the things i heard from a woman at the congressional black caucus jobs fair here a couple of days ago said she is not looking for a handout, but a leg-up, and do you feel that the government has given you the leg-up that you need to find work? and if not, what more would you like to see. >> no. they have not given me a leg up or anything. for a year and half, i have had no life -- i have had no life
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vest vest along with 8 to 10 million people. we don't get any reform, and we have been thrown to the political rhetoric and i want it to be coming to the top that the people who were first laid off in the recession get priority and i'm tired of this. there are reasons why the union people are laid off, and that is because we are not in the economy anymore and we cannot produce anything. i want a jobs plan that centers around the unemployed who have been out of work the long e. that is the 9 9ers who are smal biz ness owners who are out of the economy completely, and those are the people who are improve that economy and without us, it will not get better. >> rhonda taylor, thank you so much. good luck to you, rhonda. hang in there. >> thank you very much. >> and norman as well, thank you for carving out the time for us this afternoon and good luck to you as well. coming up in the half hour, we will look at the jobs plan
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being offered by the republican presidential candidates as well, and we will talk about how they might be different and probably a lot different from president obama's plan. and msnbc will bring you lye coverage of the president's address to a joint session of congress, and that is next thursday night right here on msnbc. the passaic river is receding now, but major flooding is complicating recovery efforts in new jersey today. president obama is scheduled to visit the state this weekend and he signed a major disaster declaration for parts of the state allowing businesses and homeowners affected by the storm to seek disaster aid, and with fema running out of money, some members of congress are projecting budget cuts tos offst the aid. and chris christie says he can't wait for the people to figure it out. >> you want to figure out the budget cuts, fine, it will turn into a fiasco like the debt ceiling thing and you expect the
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citizens of my state to wait? well rg they are not going to wait and i will make sure they don't. >> michelle franzen is live from paterson, new jersey. michelle? >> well, look behind me, craig. the river is not going down quickly enough. it iscereceding, but not fast enough. you can see that this is a privately maintained bridge which leads to a commercial area here, but beyond that set of trees, neighborhoods still dealing with the water, and it is starting to recede, too, but it is still several days before the water recedes. as you mentioned president obama is expected to tour the area on sunday and unfortunately, there is going to be plenty of damage for him to see. we spoke with the paterson mayor who hopes to be along on the tour, and he has a message for the president. >> we need aid. we need help and support, and we need more long-range conversations, and more specific will the long-range conversations about what has happened and continues to happen
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whereas the federal government has been involved in the past years, and yet the same result remains. i'm not expecting miracles, but conversations leading to the miracle for us to figure out a way to protect many of us from this would be a good start. >> and this he is referring to is the constant flooding they have endured year after year in several major floods including this one from irene. now, the bridges that lead to some of the neighborhoods at one point there was only one bridge out of five here that were operational, and they are slowly starting to see the water recede, but now, craig, what they have to do is that the engineers will come out and reinforcement the stability of the bridge before they open it up. >> thank you, michelle franzen. another hurricane on the horizon. hurricane katia is gaining strength out there in the atlantic. you are looking at images from the international space center. they say that the category 1
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storm may grow into a bigger hurricane this weekend. forecasters are also keeping an eye on the system in the gulf of mexico that could become a tropical depression. meteorologist carl parker is tracking both storms for us. he is at the weather channel's head quarters for us. carl, what's the word? >> well, right now it is a tropical wave, but the hurricane hunters are flying out into the system to get a look at the center. if they find a low-level west wind, and circulation and they will name it pretty quickly. we can tell you there is a lot of detropical moisture there and it is being sheared right now, so it is not terribly organized, but we have a persistent southeast flow and a lot of the showers coming into the gulf coast, and those are floodwaters into mississippi and louisiana and a lot more coming into the weekend and water is piling up and seeing surf in alabama and northwest florida going into the normally very busy holiday weekend. so it is not going to be a good beach weekend across the gulf.
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we could be looking at a depression storm for the next few days an incredibly potential heavy rain with 5 to 15 inches of rain in louisiana and other parts of the gulf coast in the coming days. here is cattia, ais katia, now tropical storm, and we think it could become a hurricane in the coming days and passing north of the leeward islands and likely to curve around and better chance of not hitting the u.s., but we can't, craig, rule that out. back to you. >> we certainly look to hear that though. thank you so much. appreciate that. folks are still waiting to hear from the white house spokesman jay carney who is expected to deliver the daily press briefing. any minute now. but when that happens, of course, we will bring that to you live, and expect to hear him talk more about what we can expect to hear from president obama's jobs speech next thursday, and look at that, almost right on queue, and there
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is jay carney approaching the podium. let's listen in. >> thank you, everyone, for coming to the white house for the daily briefing. i have no announcements to the top, so we go straight to the questions. >> thank you. the new budget projections that came out predict 9% unemployment next year when the president projected 7% growth for this year. does the white house believe that the jobs initiative that the president is going to announce next week will change the projections to the positive? >> yes, absolutely. as i mentioned yesterday and earlier this week, i this, the president will come forward with specific proposals that by any objective measure would add to growth and job creation in the short term. that will be part of, and a broad package that reflects his commitment to grow the economy now, and to build a foundation for economic growth for the future to ensure that we win the
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future. so, the answer to that is yes. >> and will the congress pass the package the unemployment will be under 9%? >> well, when you talk about based on economic predictions, yes. economic economists will be able to look at this series of p proposals and say that based on history, base add d on what we and based on the collective expertise, it would add to economic growth, and it would cause an increase in job creation. >> give ten flan the flack overe and timing of the speech -- >> what flack? >> well, a little flack, but is there something that the white house would have done differently announcing the joint session from the hill? >> our focus from the beginning was to have the president have the opportunity to speak to the american people and congress in front of congress at the soonest possible date.
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upon congress' return from the long recess. wednesday was the best option, and when that seemed to be a problem, thursday was fine with us. and we were just looking forward to the -- the president is looking forward to the opportunity to talk about what the american people really talk about the economy and the need to create for the jobs. so we are focused on that. >> so you would have gone through the process the same way? >> look. all we care about here is that we address the issues most important, and we are not interested in inside of the beltway political, you know, game gamesmanship, but what we are interested in coming up with proposals that make sense, that can grow the economy and create jobs that by historical standards would have broad bipartisan support, and that if congress comes back from their district, and members of congress come back from the districts and the states with the same sense of urgency that
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the president has and having heard from the constituents, the same thing that the president heard when he went on the bus tour through the upper midwest, everyone will come back with the same am of urgency and focus to get this done, because what the president will propose can get done, should get done and will benefit the country. >> one other topic, the justice department lawsuit to block the at&t t-mobile merger and is that viewed as the administration taking a more aggressive stance on antitrust -- >> well, this is a law question that should be directed to the department of justice. it is based on a law that is designed to foster competition and protect american consumers, but beyond that, i refer you to the department of justice. yes? >> jay, the democrats are unifying around the advice that the president needs to go bold in the speech. is that the way that you would
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characterize this proposal that he is going to roll out, and are there certain high expectations that one creates when you do a joint session of congress speech? >> i'll leave it to you and others to characterize the speech in the terms that you just described. what will be the case and the reason why the president wants to speak before congress is because this is an important moment in our economy, and it is an important moment for the american people who are demanding that washington put an end to the gridlock and bickering that has paralyzed the process here and take action to help the economy to help create jobs to help them. that is what they want. they don't want, and they are not out there scoring, you know, political points. they want vast majority of the americans, whether they voted
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democratic or republican or whether they are registered with the party or not. they want washington to work for them. they want them to take sensible actions to work for them. to create jobs, to grow the economy, and that is what this speech is about and the concrete proposal that the president puts forward is about. >> and economists, when you talk to them and talk about what constitutes gold like 4$400 billion in fiscal stimulus, is he looking at anything on the that scale or going to give specifics about how many jobs this package might create when he unveils it? >> i will not preview the speech anymore than i have except to say that it will focus on the need to gre the economy and create jobs. it will be a collection of proposals that, again, should have bipartisan support, and have had at similar times bipartisan support that will be
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by any objective standard, pro growth and pro job creation and acted upon right away if members of the congress come back from their recess ready to do things to help the american people. beyond, that i'm not going to characterize it. >> you talk about bipartisan ideas and should have bipartisan support and do you have any indication -- white house spokesman jay carn carney, talking about the president's long awaited speech about creation of jobs, and he has long on promises and short on details, but he says quote by any measure the president's plan will add to growth and job creation in the short term. we will be right back. time for the "your business entrepreneurs of the week." evelyn and her husband built high-end playgrounds in north carolina. hit by the recession they let the employees go, and moved into a motor home.
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hillary clinton are meeting in pairs to t paris to talk about libya's next steps. i am joined by stephanie gosk and let's talk about where you are right now, because it looks pretty bad behind you? >> hey, craig. well, there is no city in libya damaged as badly or suffered as much as misrat tmisrata, becaus supply routes were cut off and they ran out of food here, and now they are worried that there could be more fighting. just down to the road to the south and the east of here. gadhafi, himself, was on arabic television today and he said that the followers will not step down to demands of the national transitional council in the towns of bin al weed, and he says that he wants the fight to be long, and they will not surrender. >> stephanie, we got word late
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this afternoon, word that gadhafi has spoken once again, and that there was a television station, arabic station that played some of what he said, and what do we know about that? >> well, it is really a rallying cry. similar to the statements he has given in the past, but specifically, he spoke about this deadline. now, the interim council has extended the deadline for a week. it was this saturday and now it is a week from saturday and it addresses two towns. the city where he is rumored to be, and also sirte, his hometown and he is ral tlig flying the ls there, and followers and his son said they had 20,000 troops in sirte, and he has been known to exaggerate in the past, but it seems to be suggesting a deeper fight. and for the cities down the road
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from here, it seems they have already lost so much. >> stephanie, be say for us in misrata. and now a new poll about who is better qualified president obama or mitt romney. we will have the results on this poll. and did it really happen again? for the second time in two years, an apple employee left behind a prototype of the new apple at a bar. really? "newsnation" back in a few moments.
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purina cat chow helps you well-being. we're all striving for it. nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. welcome back to "newsnation." job jobs wanted. republican candidate jon huntsman pitches his plan to create jobs in america. and a worst month of killed american servicemen in iraq since the invasion. and a conversation about the
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gun bill including the one that shot congresswoman gabrielle giffords. and a nfl plan, and more about that. and today, jon huntsman is fighting against polling that puts him in the back of the pack. he made a pitch to the american people this morning on the "today" show. >> i believe this country is going to turn into common sense problem-solving reasoning that coming from people who have been governor and someone who has been in the private sector and lived overseas four times and been an ambassador three times for the country, and this country is crying out for solutions ark wnd renot getting them. >> i want to bring in msnbc political reporter domenica
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montanaro. >> yes, when you look at the early poll numbers of early states for jon huntsman and the national polls not mattering as much, but when you look at within two months he has dismissed his campaign manager, so two higher level people in the campaign and sagging poll numbers and now, it does not add up to momentum for jon huntsman which is something that he needs. he needs to do well in new hampshire, and he is putting the cards in. >> let's talk about the jobs plan that he unveiled. take a look at it here. this is huntsman plan that incolludes among other things, tax reform, the regulatory reform, and energy independence, and free trade as well. is this the plan that can get traction with the republican voters and are the voters even listening to jon huntsman right now?
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>> well, it is a difficult thing for him to maneuver, because there are not a lot of voters in the bloc that he is looking to appeal to. his fiscal record, certainly, nobody is going to say is really not conservative. he will tout that utah was number one in job creation saver sus mitt romney who he will say is 47th in job creation when he was governor of the state. and he implemented a lot of the same things in the job plan, and he was the first of the major candidates to come out with his job plan. unfortunately for him, you know, the part of the bad luck, yesterday, we were all dealing with the back and forth in congress between congress and the white house and what's happening, so right in the mid of all of that, jon huntsman comes out with the plan. we are talking about it today, but not so much yesterday. >> and mitt romney unveiling the new jobs plan in nevada, and there a new polling that says that more americans are more comfortable with mitt romney than the president when it comes to the economy and how can he
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use that the sway the gop voters who favor rick perry? >> well, that is mitt romney's entire argument, because he needs to build an electability case against rick perry and he needs to be able to show he is stronger on the economy than of course barack obama, because really mitt romney has tried to say i'm going to be the jobs guy, and tried to have a sharp message on jobs. that is all he wants to talk about, and any kind of polling that shows him doing better than rick perry or better than barack obama on the economy or mitt romney doing better against barack obama than rick perry, and those are all things that the romney camp welcomes. >> and we found out a short time ago that speaker john boehner is going to be giving his own economic speech in a couple of weeks here. what should we expect him to stray from the message or add anything new from what we have heard throughout the year? >> well, craig, it is one week after president obama is going to deliver his speech on the economy. and i was told by a spokesperson by the economics club they booked him last night and into
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early this morning which is interesting timing in itself, but if you look, look, he is going to talk about the jobs, and we will hear a lot about the same things that speaker boehner has talk theed about, e e ed -- about and it is hard to believe that anything in the past threes, we will see anything that big coming out of congress, and all of the common ground and coming together, because it has not really happened. >> kumbaya does not seem to be the strong suit. than you, domenico. >> and the gop republican debate will be next wednesdayt the reagan library and you can watch it right here on msnbc at 8:00 p.m. eastern. hurricane irene is casting a long shadow over vermont today. a massive effort is under way to repair roads and bridges there. thousands stranded, but aid workers say enough wreckage has
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been cleared to allow supplies to be put in there. and some areas are having supplied flown in by helicopters and all terrain vehicles are also being used. what is the latest there, ron motte? >> well, there are a lot of constriction project likes this going all around the region and many roads washed out in multiple sections. this is route 4, and major thoroughfare through the killington mountains, but i want to tell you about something that was lost here. i am standing in front of a house that was for sale and very close to nearing the end of the sale and it is nowhere to be found. the house sat right here, and you can't find a single piece of evidence that there was a house here. built in 1826 and one of the oldest houses on route 4 that was standing as of sunday. but fortunately the folks in vermont are about finding the
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silver lining. and that house was wedged up against the bridge, and a lot of folks believe that the house protected the bridge, because if that bridge had been taken out, who knows how long to get the access open to east and west traffic, and places like woodstock, and places to killington to rutland. and so a long time that the folks are going to have to deal with inconveniences like this, and this crew is hoping to get a second lane open, because they are dodging one another, coming and going, and the service vehicles coming and going. good news is power outages are out here in vermont and down to 10,000 to 11,000 which is pretty good from where it was sunday, and folks are back the places like work and getting to the grocery store and thij likes that, so life is slowly returning to normal. it will be a while, and one thpg th they want folks the know, if you are coming up here for foliage se enso, do not cancel the plans, because this is a big deal up here, and also for the
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ski season that is huge deal up here for the economy. >> they want the tourists there and spend their money. thank you, ron mott. and now topping the stories around "newsnation." for the first time since the 2003 invasion, a month now has gone by without a single american troop being killed. the deadliest month for americans was in july. and now, another man back in aruban jail as authorities are investigating the role of a presumed death of a female companion. gary gee diordano is under arre because he was the last person to be with her before the disappearance. and now before the deadly stage collapse at the indiana state fair, feinberg previously
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handled funds for the victims of the 9/11 attacks and also the bp spill victims. nine people died and four dozen people were injured there. and now a court testimony and how it is used in court is being following carefully across the country. the new jersey supreme court says that eyewitness invtestimo is not reliable. joining me now is nationally syndicated talk radio show host michael smerconish. good to see you. >> thank you. >> we usually have you in one of the boxes, so it is good to see you in studio. how significant is this decision? >> significant and interesting because brandon garrett is a law professor at uva and he did
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something interesting he looked at the first 200 people who were released from jail because the dna said, they didn't do it, and he wanted to find out the common denominator if any and why were they convicted in the first go around and he found out there were bad eyewitnesses predicated on lineup or misidentification, and then delved into the rules of what are being followed in different police departments across the country, and it is a wide range of rules or lack there thereof. so bottom line is that eyewitness recollections are often unliable. >> why is that though? i mean, obviously the folks are not going in to deliberately going to try to screw up the lineup. so what is happened? >> well, the way it is struct e structur structureded. the obvious is that they don't put individuals in the lineup who the individual is not suspected who don't bear any resemblance whatsoever, so it is obvious or perhaps the way in which the police department carries it out. maybe mug shots and then sending
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the person in to look at the lineup where there is overlap and someone's mug shot is now in the lineup so that the power of persuasion subliminally already exists. so there are a lot of decisions to have be made on how you structure it. >> a review is under way in 48 states and in the federal system and they found that the eyewitness identification is flawed, and is there a federal push needed for this? >> well, the supreme court of new jersey is not binding on any state other than new jersey, but everybody is looking at how they have approached the problem and some of the solutions that they have fashioned. here's but one of them. when they do a lineup now, the new rule in jersey is going to be that the person looking at the lineup may be told, it may not be any of the men or women so they don't take a guess of which person is it. >> well, michael smerconish, always a pleasure and appreciate you. still ahead, what venus
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williams is saying about the future of tennis after withdrawing from the u.s. open about her health. here are things that we thought you should know about. former secretary of state condoleezza rice says she does not appreciate what former vice president dick cheney says about her in his memoir. the claim that she misled president bush in nuclear negotiations with north korea is an attack on her integrity. and she says that one of cheney's stories about her was mostly untrue. and former secretary of state colin powell has also criticized the book. and how is this for a fund-raiser. republicans in arizona are raffling off the same kind of gun that was use ed d in the shooting of congresswoman gabrielle giffords in the same county. and there is the glock 23. and democrats say it is a stunning lack of judgment. and former new york
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don't our dogs deserve to eat fresher less processed foods just like we do introducing freshpet healthy recipes of fresh meat and fresh veggies so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido i'm martin bashir and coming up at the top of the hour, the next fumbling play as americans are still suffering through a job crisis. and got the flu? are you fired? and we are following a documentary as well. stay with us. and quick update of the 11-year-old little minnesota boy who made a miracle hockey shot with $50,000.
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nate smith won't get the money though, because his twin brother, nick, was supposed to take that shot. the next day their dad came clean and told the organizers what happened and the insurer paying the claim says it could not pay the money because of contractual breaches and however they did give money to two hockey associations and the boys did receive scholarships to a prestigious hockey camp. and venus williams say she will be back on the court. and marc anthony opens up about the split from jlo. and is the new cover out a hoax? thank for joining us from the scoop. >> well, talk about everything that she needed to battle with
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fatigue to win that match. we had no idea she was battling with sugar issues and she will be dealing with medication to help with the fatigue. she is hoping to come back by the end of the months, but the doctors are saying it will take three to six months to have the medicine kick in. and you have the question of whether she will be the same venus williams as before? >> well, she has a lot of fight, and she is one of the tophill fights in the world. >> let's talk about marc anthony? >> well, he is breaking the silence and you can't let j.lo have the floor on the breakup. he says that it is not a shock to both of them and not a burial or horrific thing, and of course, he said it is sad, but the best thing for both of them. >> did he lab rate at all on what led to it? >> yes, recently he was asked
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about if there was cheating involved and infidelity and he said, no, that is not it, but a natural kind of oend to the relationship. >> fell out of love. >> they fell out of love, and you know, they are both big stars and conflicting schedules and it is not easy to maintain the romance when you are both gone all of the time. >> are you buying that? more than that? >> well, i do believe him when he says there was not infidelity but the feelings for each other changed and things happen in hollywood. >> but you have to wonder if you know everything that happened? >> well, there are only three or four people who know what happened. >> and let's -- i won't follow up on that. and let's talk about the iphone 5, because this is becoming like almost every time a iphone comes out, this is what happens. apple employee loses the phone and at a bar, and whati thinking? legit orrer publicity stunt?
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>> well, it is very convenient and they are expected to roll out the new phone, but people are wondering, is this to generate more p.r.? >> well, look, when people hear apple, they leave their work and line up for days. >> it is not going to do anything but make the lines bigger. >> thank you very much. for the latest in the entertainment scoop go to, or you can be a fan on facebook and thank you, erica suter for coming in. and a football team who celebrate in the end zone by pointing to the the sky to honor a friend who died. and the referee says they were out of line and penalized the players. it is the "newsnation" gut check.
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time now for today's "newsnation" gut check. high school football fans in ohio are calling unnecessary roughness for a referee who penalized two players paying tribute to a friend who was killed in a car accident. and the wide receiver who made that catch, and they point their fingers to the sky, and the players said they made that gesture to honor their friend who died days earlier, but the duo was flagged for quote excessive celebration, and we highlighted the finger pointing for you right there and slowed down the video so you could take a good look at it. the display lasts a few seconds literally, but it was apparently long enough to draw the foul. one fan says that the costly penalty was based on a quote simple gesture to henaven, but the assistant coach to the athletic association says that
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the officials who were responsible for the call were correct. he says that without knowing the context of the gesture, the other team might have considered it offensive, and fans say that the officials should have made an exception, but what does your gut tell you? should these high school football players have been penalized for paying tribute to the dead friend? all you have to do is to go to "newsnation." to vote. i want to take a look at what the "newsnation" is saying about yesterday's gut check yesterday. it is a coloring book showing the events of the death of osama bin laden inappropriate? well, overwhelming 82% of you said yes. 18% said no. ralph simmons from dallas writes quote, as a transplanted new yorkers, i don't know why people would want to continue to relive that moment. but dblock moses says that the coloring book can be done in a manner where it is therapy for
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someone. that does it for this edition of "newsnation." i'll craig melvin in for mtamro hall. you can catch "newsnation" everyday at 2:00 p.m. right here on msnbc. martin bashir is up next. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the most headroom per dollar of any car in america.
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you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts medicare, get help paying for what medicare doesn't... and save up to thousands of dollars. call this toll-free number now. it is thursday september 1st, and here is what is happening. the disunited state of america and another childish game of he said, he said. we can't agree on fixing the economy and we can't agree on paying for the hurricane aftermath, and we can't agree of when the president should speak to congress. it is divided and dysfunctional government part three. >> americans are sick and tired of the partisan bickering and the gridlock, and people are fed up. >> you have got that right, jay. >> plus, get a flu shot or else. one debate rages as one company tells employees just that.
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