tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 2, 2011 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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there. we're live in new orleans with the weather channel. and e-mails from the dead, a man is accused of covering up a murder by hijacking his victim's e-mail account. good morning, everyone. we start with breaking economic news. the white house may have to think bold now with their new jobs plan after seeing this morning's unemployment report. about million people who look for work in august couldn't find it. and take a look at this. zero net jobs. the unemployment rate didn't budget. it still sits at 9.1%. take a look at the market reaction right now. that downed red arrow has been there ever since the market opened. we'll have more on that in just a moment. >> there's no question. i think this only validates that
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we need to put real meaningful bipartisan action on the economy. >> mike viqueira is live at the white house this morning. jared bernstein is a contributor for cnbc and msnbc and the former economist for vice president joe biden. ryan, i want to start with you. let's talk about the big numbers here. we've seen the market reaction. what do today's numbers mean for the average american? >> well, you know, i hate to say it. they're unequivocally bad. there was very little good news in this report. average hours worked were down. the goose egg, we have not seen that on a monthly report since 1945. clearly, this was not the worst job report we've seen. what it means is that the economy may at some experts on wall street are saying has hit stall speed, that we're at the risk of rolling over into another recession. we saw that in the manufacturing
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data this week. we're seeing it in the employment numbers this morning. we are at risk for much lower growth than anybody hoped for this time of the we're. >> the white house issued a statement a short time ago that many of us in the news room found to be surprising. they said basically it's important not to read too much into one monthly report. >> well, i think they're in the habit of saying that. an interesting point to bring up because it feels almost prefun tor tori. the numbers are high. we had the head winds. they cite the fact that we are now into the eighth consecutive month of private sector job growth and the jobs created in the obama administration have been north of 2 million. they pretty much say that every month, even though the numbers fluctuate from bad to worth on most occasions, especially recently. but everything you need to know about the white house communication strategy and how they're approaching these numbers today can be born out on the fact that we don't expect to see the president at all today, craig, except for his departure
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from camp david where he goes to spend at least part of the labor day weekend. previously, there had always been trip toes a manufacturing plant locally sometimes where the president was highlighted some of his initiatives. we don't have that today. instead, what we have is basically white house officials say, just wait till next thursday when the president puts out a bipartisan plan and is they emphasize the bipartisan nature time and time again, talking about how the republicans have voted for some of the things the president has put forward. but trying to, in some measure, put the pressure on congress to work with the president to try to do something about these jobs number. >> those republicans running for president wasting no time blasting the president. house speaker not running but tweeting saying, where are the jobs? mitt romney saying this is proof that president obama has failed. jaurchb huntsman saying zero job growth, unfathomable.
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michele bachmann saying americans don't need speeches, they need jobs. how vulnerable is the president next thursday? >> i think the reactions are totally predictable. one thing that's interesting, it's going to be up to the republicans and particularly boehner and his team to get behind the president's agenda or block it and the strong odds are going to be on blocking it. at that point, the president has to go out there and fight before the american public trying to explain to people who precisely is standing twem then and the economic opportunities. so i think that the point is that the white house is going to have -- i think the point is that this puts a lot of appreciate your thursday's speech is true, but frankly, there was a ton of pressure on it already. now, let me say one thing about that. >> go ahead. >> one thing about that comment the white house said don't take one month too seriously. okay. but what else if you average a bunch of months together?
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if you average the job growth over the past three months, and i think that's a trend, you get 35,000 jobs per month. now, that's not zero, but it's disarmingly close. >> ron, for folks watching at home, how many jobs do we need to see per month to consider it growth? well above 150,000. to get these economy growing like it has in prior recoveries, you're talking about 300,000 to 400,000 jobs a month to seriously bring down the unemployment rate, to get tax receipts meaningfully higher that would help to reduce the budget deficit. the other thing i would say, craig, is that i referred to ben bernanke as both atlas and sifiuss at the moment. right now, he's all we've got. if indeed there remains gridlock in waulg, the fed on september 20th, 21st may very well come out with bold steps of its own.
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it can only do so much. >> can i add something to that? >> go ahead. >> the thing about the fed is they could push that rock harder if they wanted to and they keep saying we have other weapons we could bring to bear. we're just not quite there yet. i suspect this report gets a time closer to there yet. at least i hope so. >> borrowing money is essentially free right now. the fed has spent trillions of dollars on securities. what more can the fed do to move the economy forward? >> can i answer that? >> please do. >> there is a son. there are no practical or three rhetorical limits on what the federal reserve can do to stimulate the economy. some of it is written by ben bernanke himself. they can actually -- and this was called to me by a former fed chairman go out and buy goods and services in the economy. they could buy real estate if they wanted to. if things got that bad. the fed can do effect ily anything it wants in the balance sheet.
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hopefully the white house will announce this refinancing plan. i think the white house right now, they don't have enough umph in the jobs plan to get the labor market moving again. >> jared, quickly, and then vick, i want to wrap with you. let's focus on minority unemployment for a little bit. 16.7% for blacks, 11.3% for hispanic americans. that's the national average. you look at some of these cities across the country, it's double that. these are grave numbers for a struggling group of people who occupy the president's basis. >> yeah, exactly. >> should he fear losing their votes? >> well, i can't speak to that as much as the following. he has to target those workers. i think he'll come out targeting the long-term unemployment and something on the infrastructure side that will help get some of
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the construction workers back on the job, some of the workers who are, you know, in those high unemployment rates. and that medicine has to get into the system quickly. but then again, you run right into the congressional blocking. that's the challenge. >> vick, next thursday, we'll get this speech. do you think we'll hear anything regarding that and these dismal numbers? >> the president goes to paterson, new jersey. you can bet over the course of the camp david and every time in between, he's going to be working on some of these details. it's unclear where any of this goes and ron's point with the fed being the last best hope might be a very cojent statement. >> all right. jared, vick, ron, we certainly appreciate your reference to greek mythology. one of the sectors that continues to drag down the economy, housing. uncle sam says many of the big
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banks are partly to blame. the "new york times" saying the same agency that oversees fannie mae and freddie mac will file lawsuits against bank of america, jpmorgan, goldman sax and chase they say they essentially lied about the security of housing. to the weather now, a storm system is threatening to dump as much as 20 everyone else of rain across the gulf region forcing storm warnings from mississippi to texas, and louisiana, as well. there is the threat of flash flooding. mike seidel has more from new orleans this morning. mike. >> yeah, craig. this morning, so far, so good. right down here in the french quarter, we had a little rain
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before sunrise. let me show you the satellite loop. we have two systems to talk about, first in the gulf. this is our tropical depression number 13. it may become a tropical storm later today. it would get the name lee or maria, dpepgd on if the one in the north atlantic which has no impact gets here first. it's drifting northwest at 2 miles per hour. it's going to bring a lot of rain here to louisiana, parts of mississippi, and towards the coast of alabama. between now and labor day, as much as 10 to a 15 inches of rain. it's a slow-moving system, unlike irene last week which whipped through new england. this is a long, period drawn out affair and it may crank up to a tropical storm and we may have some wind and costal issues. we don't think it's going to become a hurricane. look owe right side of that loop. that's hurricane katia. it's back to hurricane status, just upgraded again. it's weak.ed over the past day or so. 70-mile-per-hour sustained winds moving west-northwest at 14 and
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that will continue over the next couple of days. it's still well east of the island, but the concern now is the models on the long range are bringing it closer and closer to the united states the middle and latter part of next week. we're not saying it's going to have a direct impact, but it's looking like we can't say it's not going to hit the u.s. by my means and stay off the coast. so that's something to be concerned with and something that maybe some of the same places that had to deal with irene about a week ago. first thing is first this weekend, a washout here for labor day and maybe so much rain we have to certainly deal with flash flooding and here in new orleans, we're going to have this pump going morning, noon and night to get the water out of the streets and back into the river and the lakes. back to you, craig. >> mike seidel, it's been a busy couple of weeks for you, my friend. meanwhile, the swollen passaic river slowly receded today. many folks in new jersey are still in shelters. many of those who are not don't have power. more than 44,000 homes and businesses are still in the
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dark. right now, the garden state's hardest hit towns are calculating the damage in hopes of being eligible for federal disaster aid. nbc's michelle franzen is live in paterson, new jersey, where president obama is scheduled to visit sunday. >> you mentioned slowly receding, the pa sssaic river. it's still rushing behind me. they've been out cleaning all morning, the debris on that bridge and the river has been slowly receding a little bit more. but that's exactly what they're going to be doing throughout here this weekend. no holiday weekend here for the residents. as you mentioned, many of them still in shelters or still unable to get to their homes. those people who are able to get to their homes, what they're coming back to is water in their basements up to the first floor. we spoke to several families yesterday. some of them who were rescued by boats during the height of the storm, they came back, they said
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their homes have never been flooded in previous years, all in these years in patterson. they now will have to wade through that fema process. the disaster sh should open here in the next 24 to 48 hours. right here in paterson, they're going to locate it here so people have a place to go to get the answers hopefully that they need. >> right. michelle franzen, thank you. will she or won't she? at what point will it be too late for sarah palin to be considered a serious contender in the race for president? also abdomen a dramatic developed in the case against jeron van der sloot. stocks opened 1% lower right now. the dow is down about 176. f the '80's woman: hit it, mr. butters. ♪
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sarah palin keeps republican voters guessing as time begins to run out to enter the race to face barack obama. palin hitting the key early stage this weekend. saturday, she'll speak at a rally for the pea party of america. then it's off to new hampshire. could a major 2012 announcement be just days away? ken voguel is a chief investigative reporter. ken, are these events this weekend for her to gauge this thing for voter support in those states or is she trying to set herself up as a kingmaker again in 2012? >> i think she's just trying to stay in the spotlight. whether that leads to her being a kingmaker or not, i don't think it's going to lead to her declaring her candidacy. and even if she did, i think the window may have already closed for her to be able to run a
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serious, viable campaign because she simply lacks the organization to be able to pull off such a thing. it really takes a lot of legwork and a lot of preparation and a lot of people around you to be able to run a viable campaign. she doesn't have that. that doesn't mean, however, that she wouldn't have a huge impact in the race and scramble things because, of course, she is very polarizin polarizing. she would probably pull rick perry to the right and scramble the field for the tea party vote. >> let's talk about mitt romney here for a second. let's listen to his reaction to the jobs report that we had. >> this president has been an detroit failure. he said if i can't get this economy turned around in thee years, he said, then i'm looking at a one-term proposition. well, he's fail, it's been three years and he's out. >> that is mitt romney there talking about the pr-dk9q9ñ here is the thing with mitt romney, ken. he has been taking in a ton of cash from wall street.
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is that going to be enough for him to weather the rick perry surge? >> he proudly points to that and says evidence is the fact that the folks most involved in the economy on a mook row level trust him and trust his judgment. those folks are wall street executives and employees at some of his favorite firms. they were contributors to obama to a surprising extent in 2008. so it's somewhat telling that obama's support there has dropped while mitt romney has increased. the wild card here will be rick perry who has proven himself to be a prolific fund-raiser, has not made many end roads on wall street with that big money and you hear some zeeziness about folks on wall street about rick perry owing in part to his populous rhetoric and specifically to his comments about federal reserve chairman ben bernanke who, of course, is very popular on wall street. >> sure.
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quickly, before i let you go, i want to bring up the nbc news politico debate next wednesday. which candidates need to have a strong showing? who needs to hit a home run, who needs a grand slam? >> i think michele bachmann is one who really needs to do something, make a case to stay relevant. we see her fading as rick perry really coalesses the tea party support and the right extreme of the republican party. she has to show why she's a viable alternative to him and to mitt romney. mitt romney also needs to be able to show that he sort of is still relevant and is still the front-runner. and maybe we'll see him take a shot at rick perry to sort of bolster his standing. >> politico's ken voguel, thank you. have a great weekend. >> my pleasure. all right. don't forget, he can catch the whole field of republican debaters right here on msnbc.
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he's most well known for his involvement in the natalie holloway case. but this time, joren van der sloot has been charged with murder of another woman who was killed five years to the day after natalie holloway vanished. >> parading him before the cameras like a prize, police in pure rue locked up van der sloot last may in the brutal killing in stephanie florez. but no charges until now. prosecutors have officially charged van der sloot with murder, seeking 30 years in prison. floress was a beautiful, 20-year-old business student, lawyer of a prominent businessman. prosecutors say van der sloot was after her credit cards and photo. you say joran and stephanie walk
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in. joran later leaves with stephanie's body, police say, inside. >> peruvian police think joran savagely attacked her, tortured him to obtain her pin numbers. >> joe represented joran during the natalie holloway case. >> jeff, the evidence in this case is overwhelmingly strong. it's hard to cross-examine a videotape. >> the kind of evidence politic did not have in aruba when arrested in in 1995. word of the new murder charge in pure rue spread fast here. >> we're allob@%ç relieved. this is something that has been very difficult for the island of aruba .never charged here in aruba for what he's done. >> late thursday, natalie hol hallow woe's mother total nbc news god bless the peru
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authorities. perhaps now justice will be served. unemployment worries, it's not just affecting those without jobs. there's growing insecurity among workers who have managed to stay out of the unemployment line. we'll talk about that. plus, business say a woman found dead in a historic $12 million home. but a lawyer for her family says that doesn't pass the smell test. this couple built high-end playgrounds in north carolina. they let employees go and moved into a motor home. for more, watch your business sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. ben and his family live on this block. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. re/max agents know their markets,
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the four western fox islands after an earthquake struck deep below the ocean this morning. this area is sparsely populated. at this point, no initial reports of injuries or damage there. another hurricane this morning, as well. this one was a 6.4 magnitude quake. it instruct north central argentina. that quake was deep underground, ñ service. the shaking prompted several people to leave buildings and
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the capital yap of buenos aries hundreds of miles away. world leaders have agreed to release some $15 billion in frozen libyan assets to the national transaction council. that's the group of rebels now running libya's government. that decision came after a fiery message from omar gadhafi. rebel forces outside that city say they're giving gadhafi loyalists inside the city one more week to put down their guns. this labor day, aaa predicting 31.5 million americans will travel away from home. that's a nearly 2.5% drop from last year. higher airfares, many shying away from the airports. so most will be on the roads. aaa reporting that the price of regular unleaded now stands at $3.65 a gallon. that's less than a month ago and it was $3.70.
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it's flat compared to a year ago when gas was about $3.68. it's supposed to be a way to raise money, but it's being so-called a stunning lack of judgment and sensitivity. less than nine months after the tucson shooting which left six dead and 13 wounded including congresswoman gabby giffords, the republican partynxjj ralphig off a handgun. in the newsletter headlines, it says help pema gop get out the vote, maybe help yourself to a new glock .45. he sent his family e-mails saying he was on vacation in africa, but it turns out a california man was really dead. how police say his e-mails was used in a cover-up. that story, straight ahead. plus, the new outcry this morning over the death of a woman at her california mansion. her family says, no way this was a suicide. [ male announce r ] walls can talk.
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we are back now with wall street's new unemployment report. zero percent growth in jobs. the report, the weakest in a year and it is sparking more fears of a double dip recession in america. new gallop poll shows many lucky enough to have a job these days spend a lot of time worry background keeping that job. according to that poll, 30% of workers are worried about getting laid off. that's the highest job insecurity rate that we have seen since august of 2009. that is also double the percentage of people who had injuries back in 2007 and we're joined now by personal security
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experience farnoosh torabi. consumer spending drives the economy, we all know that. how can we inspire more confident right now? >> well, you need jobs. i've been saying it for three or four years now. it's no secret. i think that to the survey about fear and insecurity in the job market, first, people have to realize that no job is indispensable in this economy, whether you're a ceo, a teacher or a lawyer, rang and file, you cannot control some of the forces in the market. if a company wants to downsize, you need to control and the way you control in the first step is to not show your fear at the work lace. don't let fear paralyze you where you're slowing your performance at work, that it's affecting your progress, your ability to keep attentive to what your responsibilities are. >> if you see people around you, if you see someone on thursday or friday and all of a sudden on monday the cubical next to you
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is empty, it's kind of difficult to not be fearful. >> absolutely. hey, herb is going through this, it's totally human nature. but my whole point is that, you know, you have to take control of your fears. don't deal with the what ifs. deal with the what now. what can you do now to secure a job that you have, knowing that, of course, some things are out of your control but you want to give 110% at work. you don't want to talk to your boss about the fact that you're scared or you're insecure. i want to take a leadership position and really show that you are as much as possible indispensable. and secondly have another source of revenue. don't put all your eggs in this one job. >> how do you have another source of revenue if you don't have a job or if you barely have a job? >> okay. so here is how you do it. you want to find out what are your skill sets? you work 9:00 to 5:00, sometimes 9:00 to 9:00, we don't utilize all of our skills. you might have a green thumb, he might be really good at counseling. so jobs like gardening,
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teaching, counseling, catering, jobs you can post online through sites like price list, people are doing this and it is the saving grace when you lose your job, you have something to fall back on. >> that's something else that caught my attention in this gallop poll. it's not just people who are worried about losing their jobs. 44% of workers who are polled said that they are worried that their benefits will be reduced. they are worried that their wages will be cut. with the latest jobs report showing no job gains through july through august, folks like this, what are they left to do? >> they need to save every penny. they have to look at how they are spending their money day-to-day. track that and at the end of the day, what is going to save you in the event of a job loss is having that rainey day. know that right now it's taking americans an average of 40 weeks to find a job. that's ten months. so what are you going to do? you have to keep your life
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moving forward hopefully with a job loss. that means paying your mortgage, paying your bills, putting food on the table. that takes money. so make sure if you want to have a risk of being unemployment, losing your assets, you have to have the savings. >> thank you so much. >> we've got breaking news that we are follow right now. the u.n. atomic watchdog agency says it is now increasingly worried that iran is secretly working on a nuclear arms program. it says iran's total output of enriched uranium reached 4.5 tons in august versus 4.1 tons in may. the agent cites sources, as well. we'll continue to watch this story as it develops. but again, the u.n. atomic watchdog agency saying it is increasingly worried that iran
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is secretly working on a nuclear arms program. a bizarre murder mystery, a man has confessed to killing his business partner, then posing as the victim and sending e-mails to the dead man's family. nbc's lee cowen is joining me live with this morning this story. how did this happen? >> this is a pretty complicated cover-up that lasted for more than a year. police say they have never seen anything like it. but they say as complicated as this cover-up was, as long as it losted, it was still done for one of the simplest reasons in the book, money. >> the more high octane the experience the better, says his family. when they got an e-mail about the thrill thinking trip he was going to take to africa, they didn't thinking anything about it. i just went sandboarding. it was epic. headed to cape town.
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the day before christmas, i'm headed back up through the congo. i'll be off line for a couple of weeks. because couple weeks turned into a couple of months. eventually, they filed a missing person's report. >> the missing persons investigation revealed some inconsistencies and a possible crime scene was located in san juan, capastrano. >> investigators say they found blood, a lot of it. dna confirmed it was his. he didn't die in the congo, police say. he likely died right here and the last person to see him, they say, was his business partner, edward chin. >> he was a person of interest in the beginning. but investigators soon learn shin was having financial trouble. they also say he agreed to buy smith's half of the company for $1 million. it didn't happen. >> rather than pay the agreement upon settlement, it is believed that shin murdered smith in their office. >> after a six-hour
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interrogation, police say shin confessed, although his attorney says he still plan toes plead not guilty to murder. but what about all those e-mails, the ones smith's family had been getting for months? police say shin confessed to writing those, too. >> he went to extremely great lengths to cover up the crime scene and to keep the family and friends believing that chris was ali alive. >> police say he masqueraded as smith to a reporter who he e-mailed repeatedly and asked him to put a more positive spin on his financial troubles. police only have chris's range lover and some clothes found hundreds of miles away. after posing for their son for so long, smith's parents now want shin to answer the one question they have so they can
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bring their son for for good. >> police also arrested another man named kenny kraift. she was shin's driver and personal assistant. police believe that he helped hide smith's car and clothes. he has pled not guilty. craig. >> lee, thank you. the family of a woman found hanging from a balcony at her millionaire boyfriend's mansion say there is no way she killed herself. investigators haven't officially ruled the death of 32-year-old rebecca zaou a suicide. but her family says she was murdered. an investigative trooim crime reporter michelle sigona is joining me now via telephone. michelle, can you break down the latest? >> yes. what will happen today is a press briefing will happen, 11:00 a.m. san diego time. it's going to be very detailed. they're going to release a lot
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of information. this happened seven weeks ago, so the medical examiner, along with the san diego county sheriff's department, the homicide division, along with the cronoghy division are going to have a powerpoint report there. they're going to have the toxicology report. and a lot of evidence to be able to support the findings to say, you know what? we do not believe this is a homicide and these are the specific reasons why. so we'll have a better layout, a better understanding and we'll know a lot more about the evidence that they've collected over the last several weeks. >> michelle, she was found hanging from a makeshift noose, naked, hands down behind her back. that was two days after another fatal accident there, right? very sadly, her son, max, died. -- not her son, her boyfriend's
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son, max, died in the home, as well. he was rushed off to the hospital and was pronounced dead a couple days later. we're also going to learn a little bit more about his death, what he may have been doing at the time. he may have been playing a game and that is what ultimately led to his death. so there's been a lot of details. obviously, it's very odd when you have two bodies inside the mansion found within a very short period of time and, you know, immediately, your brain goes to thinking the worst. but i think today we're going to learn about why it would be not, in fact, a homicide. and also, it makes you think about, for instance, later on down the road, could it turn into something like that? could? anything is possible. did you think about the drew peterson case, his third wife, kathleen saabo, initially her death was ruled an accident and i'm not saying that that is
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going to happen with this case. but i'm saying anything is possible. >> and it will be a few hours before they have that news korchbls. michelle, thank you. a fiery sight in des moines, iowa. check this out. the video showed servelt police officers running up to an suv spraying the flames with fire extinguishers and pulling the occupiants out. the teenage driver of that suv and three other passengers inside managed to survive. police say the driver of a dodge charger caused that crash after he ran a red light. he's been arrested. meanwhi meanwhile, in kansas, another rescue i want to show you right now. police say a driver ooh a truck hit two cars before crashing into a guardrail. the truck, as you can see there, burst into flames. two deputies pulled the driver out of the truck to safety. criminal charges could be filed as early as today as a result of this ugly scene in sarasota, florida. the referees, some coaches, some
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parents, they all come to blows after a youth football game. a player tackled a referee just before halftime. that sparked an all-out brawl. one adult tried to kick the ref in the head apparently. that ref was not seriously injured, but we expect charges could be filed against those parents in the next few days. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. and i was a pack-a-day smoker for 25 years. i do remember sitting down with my boys, and i'm like, "oh, promise mommy you'll never ever pick up a cigarette." i had to quit.
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of don't ask, don't tell, is giving one appreciatorjw6 s the opportunit cheer who men and women really are. the official acceptance of gays in the military is being commemorated on select army and air force base these month. it features nearly 00 active @&h(lc% some reviewing their w publicly for the very first time. jonathan is the manager for outserve.
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he is a former u.s. army captain. jonathan, i know you were honorably discharged on your don't ask don't tell about awd year ago. >> it's a momentous occasion for gays and lesbians serving in the military to, one, just go on serving and to do it proudly, but without this fear in the they'll get released at any time. so it's a wonderful day, but people arev just going ahead and doing their job and itii32÷ allows them to more honest while they're doing it. >> tell us about the magazine special here. >> well, the magazine is pretty÷ near. it's going to, as you mentioned, show those 100 people. there's that interview with kate clinton. ÷ coupl projects that we were working on that will bep%s in the magazineo
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>> even with the common repeal, how difficult was it for some of the service members to participate in this thing? >> well, i mean, there's 65 or 70,000 gays and lesbians serving in the military. we have 4,100 in our group and about 100 of them said, yes, i'd like to be part of this profile. it varies for every person. some people can't wait for this day because they've been dying to say, hey, this is who i am. i want you to meet my boyfriend or my girl friend. h varies. but the end of this law makes it easier for people just to serve and not have to worry about things that deextract from their jobs. to two most important things about the magazine, it helps
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people connect. if you are -- there's nothing that in the milts that weñx&ar alone. we always do it as part of a team. so if you're gay and maybe closeted somewhere,5yext$en you might feel like you're the ohm one. this magazine helps you realize you're not, connects you with others, helps you deal with your organization and make your military better. and the second ÷nkh' about it i just education. it's for the full force that the way we lead best in the military is by knowing our causing them facts about themselves. only by knowing our troops that is the height of nondiscrimination is to know the differences among us because we're all different and accept discrimination anyway. that's how the military the going to move forward because of the professionalism in that organization. >> appreciate it. >> it's my pleasure. a busy day. lots happening. here's what we're watch manager the live feed. news throughout the day that you do not want to miss.
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first up at noon eastern, the tea party express national bus tour continues on its swing through the midwest. it's going to stop in elk heart, indiana. then at 4:45 john boehner will deliver some remarks for a grand opening for jobs in his district. he will be leading a bipartisan delegation to shanksville, pennsylvania, to honor the victims of flight 93 who may have saved the capital from being attacked on 9/11. yeah. 24 bucks later. that hurts. it's not like i really had a choice. snack on this. progressive's "name your price" tool showed me a range of coverages and i picked the one that worked for me. i saved hundreds. wow, that's dinner and a movie.
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time for the flip side. our look behind the headlines. unemployment may be stuck at 9.1%. but one segment of the economy is doing better than ever. lottery ticket sales. "usa today" reporting that ticket sales are up nationwide with 17 states even posting all time records. and there's evidence that it's no coincidence. during hard times people are
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more likely to try for a quick buck or a megamillion bucks. there are direct correlations between down economies and lot to sales. people who make less spend more of their income on lottery tickets. with the recover stall hopes of hitting the jock pots are not the only escapism either. the summer movie season is on track to finish up 3.5% over last year. that's even though the box office took a beating from hurricane irene last weekend. overall movie attendance up for the first time this year since 2007. alcohol sales are going strong as well. rising almost 10% over the last year. the booze business saw growth across the board from bars to liquor stores to wholesalers aez well. all goes to show as long as we get the urge to drown or sorrows 80 proof might just be recession proof. that does it for me. i'm in for thomas roberts.
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veronica picking things up next. how are you? >> i'm doing well. going to buy some lottery tickets. >> some booze as well. >> not the bar. maybe some lottery tickets. the new jobs numbers were released this morning for the first time this year no new jobs were added. the dow is down almost 200 points. is a four-day school week really a good idea? what you as a parent to do with kids on day five? let us know what you think. you can tweet. and emails from the dead. a man accused of covering up a murder by hijacking his dead business partner's email account. it's all coming up after a break.
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