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tv   Martin Bashir  MSNBC  September 12, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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for a body in motion. . it's monday, september 12th and here's what's happening. >> no regrets, no apologies. three cheers for rick perry's execution record. >> that are is you will be executed. >> 234 inmates put to death and not one innocent man or woman among them? think again. the governor who questions the science of global warming has trouble with forensic science too. plus, sign it now. the president tells congress they need to make his $447
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billion jobs bill law today where republicans stand in the way of a plan to put america back to work. >> we begin just five hours from the first ever tea party debate tonight in tampa, florida where republican candidates will vie for support from a significant political movement in a crucial swing state. as with the last debate, texas governor rick perry is likely to be in the hot seat defending controversial views on gun control, social security and criminal justice. with the governor holding the record for the most executions on his watch, 234 in total, the subject of the death penalty is likely to come up. as it did at our own debate last week. >> your state executed 234 death row inmates, more than any other governor in modern times.
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have you struggled to sleep at night? would the idea that any one of those might have been innocent? >> no, sir, i never struggled with that as well. >> the applause at the mention of those 234 executions have drawn criticism. quite aside from confidence in his state's criminal justice system. case he might like to look at again is cameron todd willingham put to death in 2004 for the arson murder of his three small daughters. governor perry refused even a 30-day stay of the sentence despite contradictory witness statements and an arson expert concluding the evidence was seriously flawed. a further panel reviewing the arson indicators concluded that each one was scientifically proven to be invalid. if the physical evidence was flawed, the surrounding evidence was weaker. despite no clear motive for
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killing his children, two mental health experts testified that he was a sociopath based on things like his skull tattoo and the presence of iron maiden albums in his record collection. in fact, they never met him. willingham maintained innocence until the end, refusing to plead will go to murdering his daughters even though a plea bargain would have spared his life. does governor perry never ever suffer a moment of doubt about putting this man to death? for more on the case, we are joined by elizabeth gilbert who first befriended the man as a pen pal and came to work for his exoneration. with us from austin texas, formally of the texas to renzics science commission in charge of looking into the case who was fired by rick perry. elizabeth, i will start with you. when you noticed the contradictory eyewitness accounts, mr. willingham had been assessed by a psychologist
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who had no experience in the field and a psychiatrist who was subsequently expelled from the american psychiatric association. was it this to lead you to conclude that something badly wrong? >> yes. that was what i call a red flag. he had the reputation for being called in when the prosecution wants to ensure the death penalty and the use of johnny webb's testimony was the other red flag. >> johnny webb was a former inmate, correct? >> yes. he was in the county jail at the time. a trustee and he said that todd leaned down and through the food hole confessed he started the fire. >> as i understand it, he subsequently said he would have been confused and mr. willingham may have misunderstand what he said. >> yes. he had a sketchy past and he was released early from his
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punishment phase. he was also somebody performed him a truck in corsicana and i found that unusual. >> as you began to reconsider the forensic evidence, what did your panel conclude about this case? >> we hired an independent expert, craig biler who is one of the leading fire scientists in the united states to conduct his own investigation and review of the record and the evidence. the forensic science commission hired an independent expert because we didn't want to rely on the expert opinions provided by the complain ants in the case. the doctor concluded that the finding of arson in the case could not be supported by fire science in today's world. he also railroad surprisingly concluded that the finding of arson couldn't be supported by the standards that were in effect at the time of mr. willingham's trial in 1982. >> elizabeth, what kind of
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reaction did you get when you attempted to bring to light this information that you learned about mr. willingham's case. what was the reaction? >> well, when i contacted mr. hurst, he said it was very difficult. you would have to almost be a saint to get out of the texas system once you went in. i was discouraged by his response. in the beginning when i had be fended todd, i was optimistic and i thought that people would realize there was an error and i began to think that maybe he was going to actually be executed. it was distressing. >> what's your reaction, elizabeth when you hear rick perry asserting with such confidence in a debate that he has no regrets and no doubts about his execution of justice in texas? >> it's very disturbing.
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i feel that todd deserveda at least the time, the 30 days to look at this information. rick perry said he had gone through the appeals process, but the appeals were not at all about this. this was new information. i know now we have in texas an exonerated man who is talking the streets and i feel that todd was convicted of a crime that didn't happen. >> sam, can i ask you, did you think mr. perry is an old testament literalist who doesn't want to be bothered with the complexity of science. he wants an eye for an eye and wants it done there and then. >> sorry, sam. >> it was very disappointing to me to hear the governor almost mock dr. biler has a so-called expert when his report first came out. i believe that any leader should
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recognize that there experts in the field that know much more about given issues than themselves. it was very frustrating for me to see him discount the doctor's opinion. dr. biler is recognized worldwide as one of the leading scientists in his opinion carried great weight with us. i was disappointed to learn that the governor dismissed it so quickly. >> do you agree that to some extent this governor has a propensity to disregard science? >> yes. as i was saying earlier, i think he is politically astute and knows how to keep the information from the public. he dismantled the commission just before his election and i think that he feels that he can keep this information out of the public's way and i hope that doesn't happen. >> elizabeth gilbert and sam, thank you for joining us. >> next, let's do this. the president tells congress to
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pass his jobs bill asap. stay with us. [ venus ] what are they doing to stufy? they're making him triple double. why? this! new triple double oreo. ♪ yo stufy, come here! [ shoes squeaking ] looked better on paper. [ strike! ]
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her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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the push to get america back to work. in a few hours the president is expected to formally send his new jobs plan to congress urging them to pass the bill right away. he pitched the american jobs acta at a rose garden effect surrounded by the stakeholder who is will benefit. teachers, vettians and other small business owners. >> this is a bill that puts people back to work across the country. this is the bill that will help our economy in a moment of
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national crisis. this is a bill that is based on ideas from both democrats and republicans. this is the bill that congress needs to pass. no games, no politics, no delays. >> later this week, mr. obama will again take the message on the road to the battle ground states of ohio and north carolina. after zero job growth in the month of august and unemployment still hovering at 9.1%, job seekers are hoping that this may be the solution to the nation's unemployment crisis. also in the rose garden today was our very own kristin well ker. speaker boehner called for the congressional budget office to score it immediately. then we learned from the white house that one way the president would pay for the plan is eliminating certain tax deductions for the wealthy. i guess that will be a problem for republicans, isn't it? >> you are absolutely right.
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all right is. eric kantor has come out already and essentially said look, we are not going to get behind anything that resembles a tax increase. what we have seen in recent days is a bit of a contill tori tone. john boehner said we are open to considering some of what the president put forth in the jobs plan, but we saw a bit of a step backward when is as you say that proposal to change was revealed. i spoke with folks on the hill who said the president is playing politics. this is something he is doing for his campaign and not something he is doing to work with republicans. here we are again. a bit of deja vu all over again, fighting over the tax code. as you mentioned, the president is going to be traveling in the coming days to the battle ground states. ohio and north caroline.
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he will make the case to the american people that this plan needs to be passed. members of congress with both parties feeling the heat from the public. they know that the american people want to see some action on this. martin? >> at the white house, thank you very much. so can these desperate parties come together to find a solution to write the national crisis? for more on this and the president's jobs plan, peter welsh is a democrat from vermont. good afternoon. >> some of us express surprise that of their apparent tone after the president's speech last week. are you surprised? >> i'm not really. we have been home in august and think the republicans were hearing the same as democrats were. people are fed up. they see the congress as gridlock that translated into
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80% of the american people thinking congress is doing a bad job and they are right. the only way to make progress is if we work together. working together means we have to be willing to make cuts and they have to be willing to go with revenues and the president is focusing on jobs which everybody knows is what the real issue is in this economy. >> eric kantor said he didn't like the implication that this was an all or nothing plan. do you accept that the president's proposal may be a little too ambitious putting so many elements in the bill? >> it shouldn't be all or nothing. the bottom line is -- >> you agree with eric kantor? >> it's not all or nothing? sure. i think the house republicans and democrats might make modifications. i favor having much more of an investment-oriented stimulus as opposed to consumption. there may be room that republicans and democrats work
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together, but the president as long as we are working towards a jobs plan ought to be part of that. the president told congress today, no games and no politics in his words and no delays. do you like the look of the president now with greater assertiveness and an element of impatience and isn't this about time? >> it is. a lot of enthusiasm and disappointment as you know. >> you are saying that you are pleased as it were on the president. >> we have to engage the fight. bottom line, the american people get it. we are shredding jobs. we can talk deficit all we want and need long-term relief. people have to get back to work. we have between people who are out of work and looking for work and about 16% unemployment. this is a crisis. we have to have a president who is leading and fighting and drawing lines and engaging in the battle. >> republicans said they will
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not support new government spending. we have heard today of a potential change to the tax code which closes loopholes. as you and i know, that is to so many of these republicans who sworn they that have never raised taxes. >> right. this is where i hope they have gotten the messages as we got messages from the american people. many of my friends know that the tax code is a mess. we clean up the loopholes that are not doing anything productive and giveaways who don't need them. that's the way we get revenue. we spend it in places like the infrastructure. the roads and bridges and the ports, these are investments that will benefit the economy. i would like to see common ground on cleaning up the tax code and getting rid of things that are useless and rebuilding the country. >> we all agree to that. the final question, is this bill
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going to pass? >> i don't know. seriously, we have been chasing. the blame game is over. the american people are indicting all of us. the most important thing is to restore some confidence after the debt ceiling debacle that they can make decisions that will benefit the country. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> next, the idiots whose bad bathroom behavior mile high sent fighter pilots scrambling. stay with us. [ male announcer ] what if we told you that cadillac borrowed technology from ferrari to develop its suspension system? or what if we told you that ferrari borrowed technology from cadillac to develop its suspension system? magnetic ride control -- pioneered by cadillac,
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♪ [ male announcer ] in here, you're never away from home. it's the at&t network. and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. tidy cats premium line of litters now works harder to help neutralize odors in multiple-cat homes. and our improved formula also helps eliminate dust. so it's easier than ever to keep your house smelling just the way you want it. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea,
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gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. you are looking at a picture earlier today of the 9/11 memorial plaza open for the first time to the public. visitors invited to walk among the white oaks, trace the names
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of the lost souls and listen to the water falls. it was one of several places including the pentagon and shanksville, pennsylvania where americans stood in solemn tribute on sunday. at the same time security across the country was enhanced. fear of a possible terror threat thankfully never materialized, but patrols were on high alert with vehicle inspections on the roads and in the skies where this terror attack began, there was no room for horse play. indeed norad dispatched f 16 fighter jets to escort flies on which persons were behaving suspiciously and questionable conduct in bathrooms that caused concern. on an american airlines flight from los angeles to new york, three men were questioned and later released after making repeated and prolonged trips to the lavatory, perhaps having drunk too much. never advisable on the long distance flight. on a frontier aircraft from
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denver to detroit, further i had jinxed. this time with potentially more mischievous nature. reports suggested that the two passengers had engaged in sexual activity in the plane's toilet. the fbi dismissed that suggestion earlier today, but it is the belief that people would act so foolishly on a day of heightened sensitivity. couldn't they wait until landing? it's hardly surprising that they raised suspicions. he spent 20 minutes in the bathroom on christmas 2009 before trying to detonate explosives in his underwear on a detroit-bound flight. moving forward from this important anniversary, let's cut out the nonsense on our aircraft and start behaving more sensibly. next, wond whear florida seniors think of rick perry's attack on social security. [ male announcer ] this is lara.
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her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. captain, unidentified object -- detergent chamber. that's a cascade complete pac. the best of cascade powder and gel combined in one vessel. brilliant. we're gonna need it! lasagna pan -- lower rack! fire! [ female announcer ] conquer tough foods and greasy messes. [ woman ] wow! [ crew ] yeah! [ female announcer ] cascade complete pacs. love it or your money back.
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battle ground florida where the presidential candidates are debating in an event cosponsored by the tea party express. the tension is squarely on the battle between mitt romney and rick perry. also an opportunity for other candidates to raise their profile and chal nj the two front-runners. at the same time there is a new opinion research poll that asked republicans and republican leaning independents which candidate has the best chance of beating barack obama. rick perry came out on top with 42%. mitt romney trailed with 26% and sarah palin with just 7% and michele bachmann with only 5%. for prefight analysis, a democratic strategist and columnist with the "washington post" and msnbc contributor. florida is clearly a key state
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in the path to the white house. it's also home to a large number of seniors. it's also home to a number of people who lost serious amounts of money through the bernie madoff fraud. how do you think rick perry's stance on social security will play in florida? >> it will be very interesting to see how he fraps things tonight. i connect him to not use the word ponzi scheme. i think he is going to try to reframe this and say we have to talk and be provocative and ask the hard questions, but he will try to avoid saying it's criminal the way he has in the past. on the other hand, there is a challenge for mitt romney. he is one that was going after people who opposed paul ryan's medicare plan as demagogues and he is in danger of looking like a demagogue on social security and looking like a hypocrite. he said social security was criminal as well.
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>> jonathan, what does mitt romney are have to do tonight and do you think it will make a difference adding the name of tim pawlenty who was an abject failure in this race to his team. those establishment republicans. for rick perry, it's not bad. tonight what governor romney needs to do is what he has been doing throughout this campaign. he recognizes that this is the classic tortoise versus the hare situation. he has seen many tortoises come up and disappear or hares come up and disappear throughout the entire time and yet there he is moving along. rick perry is ahead in the polls, but mitt romney has a ton of money. mitt romney has run for president before.
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as we saw, mitt romney is very ready to go toe to toe with rick perry. as we saw in the last debate, rick perry started out fresh and eager in the beginning and flagged at the end. we will see if he can keep his energy level up. just because rick perry is ahead in the polls, i don't count out mitt romney. i think mitt romney will go through this to the very end. the ownous is not on romney, it's on perry. >> michele bachmann, after the last debate here, her former adviser said she did brilliantly. she was just not asked enough questions. does tonight represent a big opportunity for her given that it's a tea party cosponsored and in florida? >> it should be her people. she did okay in the last debate. her people have telegraphed that she is going to be more aggressive this time. i think we can expect her ironically to go after perry from the left and claim he wants
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to dismantle social security and she is going to be the savior. >> for this gas at $2 a gallon. what can she say to outdramatize that? >> i can see her going on the attack, particularly against perry. we will see if she has shots for romney and she will take on president obama. >> apart from the trip to the west palm beach tiffany, what's the point of newt gingrich being there? >> that's a great question. i was wondering why he was at the debate last week. i'm not sure why he's still in this thing if only to try to prove the naysayers wrong. i really -- that's my honest opinion. i'm not sure why he is eating up floor space, oxygen or air time. >> i'm sure cartier has an outlet there as well. >> they do. coming to us from nbc, bobby
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jindal from louisiana planned to endorse rick perry today. will that make a difference to mr. perry? >> it makes a difference to governor pery in that it's good to have a tea party darling like governor jindal of louisiana on your side. it helps to add to him at a time when people are questioning whether rick perry is a latter day donald trump and he can go the distance. when you have a rising star within your own party and within a faction of your party that is driving the energy momentum within your party, it can't help but be a benefit. >> the final question. what do you think of jindal's support. >> for offsets pawlenty's support. neither is surprising. he's a mainstream guy and no doubt he endorses romney.
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>> we will be posting highlights on our twitter account. as always we invite you to follow the show on facebook at >> the jobs plan will rest and the challenge will be to secure sufficient support from republicans and 14 million americans are waiting desperately for the jobs the president so badly hopes to create. will this see and the americans disapprove of vehemently. will this congress find unity in this time of need? with us on capitol hill, eric kantor briefed reporters this afternoon. last week he seemed a little more emollient following the president's speech. what's the latest from the leadership today? >> eric kantor continued the tone towards the obama administration and made a
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distinction from where we were last week. they said look, i don't believe in president obama's one size fits all, all or nothing approach. saying a lot of folks took that as offensive when in the house chamber they passed this bill approximate passed this bill, pass this bill as is. there things within this that can work with the president on things perhaps his free trade agreements and things about extending the payroll tax holiday. the one thing they said today was when it came to how is this bill going to be paid for and the administration said it wants to raise taxes and the bush tax cuts and those making over 200,000 or families making $250,000 a year. they view that as a tax on job creators. that's a pit that the other proposals have fallen into. republicans have drawn a hard line going back to the government shut down. they will not see that moved in any capacity. kantor was really reinforcing
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that today. >> so was that more reasonable tone simply playing politics? >> i whang you have seen is a reaction to how bad congress's poll numbers were. they showed congress at 82% disapproval when a got this sense from folks. they said look, you guys are not working collectively enough to satisfy our needs. republicans have seen that and democrats have seen that. they are willing to work more closely. the debt limit fight scarred both sides badly. the republicans are definitely showing that they were affected by that. >> thanks and congratulations on the buffalo bills. >> i love that, martin. >> there we go. it was a disaster. >> never bet against buffalo. >> never bet against luke russert. no love for bang of america as
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cutting costs means cutting jobs. thousands of them. stay with us. [ carrie ] i remember my very first year as a teacher, setting that goal to become a principal. but, i have to support my family, so how do i go back to school? university of phoenix made it doable. i wouldn't be where i am without that degree. my name is dr. carrie buck. i helped turn an at risk school into an award winning school, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] university of phoenix is proud to sponsor education nation.
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to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. welcome back. milissa ray berger has a electric at stories developing right now. >> nbc news is confirming that four members of the military are in libya working with a team to check security at the u.s. embassy in tripoli. a spokesperson emphasizes this is not a change in policy about u.s. boots on the ground, but on temporary assignment with the safe department and report to the mission chief. they believe gadhafi is hiding somewhere in libya. take a look at this newly released video of gadhafi. it was recovered from his son's laptop. the images show a different side of the feared colonel kneeling on a prayer mat wearing a white track suits and playing with two children who appear to be his
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grandsons. it is not clear when this video was recorded. the is the u.s. prepared against a major cyber attack? a new study alliance said definitely no. the report warns that the u.s. government must further develop cyber intelligence to stock computer-related threats and the stakes for governments and businesses have gone higher than just finances or intellectual property. this report comes days after a major cyber attack exposed vulnerability in their internet security. back to you. >> thank, milissa. the nation's largest bank about to get much smaller. stay with us. [ groans ] you okay? i'm not looking forward to my flight. try this. bayer aspirin? i'm not having a heart attack. it's my back. no, this is new bayer advanced aspirin... clinically proven to relieve tough pain twice as fast as before. what, did you invent this or something?
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>> per i'm amanda drury. let's look at how stocks are
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doing. we are well off the lows as we speak and the euro is off lows helping the situation too. you have the nasdaq moving into positive territory. in terms of corporate use, volkswagen is recalling more than 30,000 jettas to fix the exhaust pipes on the models. the recall was issued after the nh tsa received complaints that the tail pipe stuck out too far, burning people's leg fist the tips were hot. unsettling news for drivers although every state required drivers to carry car insurance, a new study finds in seven motorists go without. that drives up the cost to the insured. that is it in cnbc for now. martin, back over to you. >> thank you. more sobering economic news from bank of america, the nation's largest bank that revealed that 30,000 jobs will be cut in the next few years as part of a five billion reduction plan.
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shares of bank of america that have taken a beating down nearly 50% this year got a boost on news of the plan and already that buzz is fading. it is another dose of the grim financial picture, with roots not only in this country, but europe as well. and president obama must confront as he pushes his bill through congress. joining me now is a columnist for bloomberg view and the author of money and power. how goldman sachs came. the news of these 30,000 job cuts. i thought that bank of america laid off a vast number of people after the 2008 crisis. why 30,000 now in 2011? >> bank of america is the largest banking corporation in the country. 300,000 people work there. that's 10 times the size of goldman sachs. what they are doing is pruning the bottom 10% which every
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company in america needs to do. the irony and the terrible thing is this is the moment where we don't want people to lose their jobs. we want people to keep their jobs and more people to be having jobs. bank of america is in such a fix, they have to cut cost. as we know, 50 to 60 cents of every dollar goes to compensation. what better way to improve the bottom line than to cut people. >> so slash cost. is there a slightly underhand motive in preparing for potential litigation so that the bank has sufficient liquidity. $30 billion prepared for potential costs? >> they face a rash of litigation primarily because of their countrywide acquisition. don't forget they get a $5 billion cash injection two weeks ago from warren buffett that everyone seemed to forget and the stock is trading below the strike price. that doesn't seem to work. the ceo of bank of america and
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giving interviews and having meetings in front of groups talking about how much liquidity the bank has. hundreds of billions of dollars. they have it stashed up for litigation and they're going to need it. >> they clearly are. let's talk about the crisis in europe. this is serious. we have now got fears that the greeks may default again. what are the implications for ordinary americans if what is happening in a group of islands a long way away from here, what are the implications? >> as you know, many of them are essentially tied together because of the common ur oi currency. 17 of them. they are like a rope team on a mountain. if one falls into a chef as, the rest will be pulled down with it. >> 'does it affect america? >> people don't remember, but financial crisis in the world don't just start in this country
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as they have for the last 25 years. once upon a time, crisis started in europe when the credit in austria failed in the 1920s. that created a problem worldwide. that could happen again. this is something that is hugely important for the american consumer and public and politicians to focus on because of the risks in europe and we are so tied to them not through the currency, but goods and services and we have a common language almost. important that they succeed and we succeed with them. >> do you think the single european currency experiment will fail? >> it probably will fail if they don't come to the rescue of their brethren. they are looking relatively better and it's an ability to raise capital. it has its own currency. others are going it see that as well. germany may have no choice but to disengage because of that. if germany does, that will be
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the end of the euro. >> indeed. thank you very much for joining us. with all the focus this weekend on the 10th anniversary of the one of the terrorist attack in american history, you may be surprised to learn that a few years ago, a rat cal environmental group known as the earth liberation front considered by the fbi to be the number one domestic terrorism threat. why? take a look at this clip from a new documentary entitled if a tree falls. >> firebombings included attacks on lumber mills, wild horse corrals, and meat packing plants. >> this investigation was the largest domestic terrorism case in the history of the united states. >> sometimes when you see things you love being destroyed, you just want to destroy those things. i thought, man, this is butchered. it made me think like, why are we being so gentle? >> the goal is to just send a
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message that consumer america is destroying the world. >> marshall curry is the man who made that film and he joins me here in our studio now. good afternoon, marshall. the man at the center of your film, daniel mcgowan, he doesn't seem to fit the stereotype of a terrorist, so what motivated you to tell his story? >> well, it actually dropped in my life. my wife runs a domestic violence organization in brooklyn and came home from work one day and said four federal agents had walked into her office that day and arrested this guy out of her office. >> wow. >> so like you say, he doesn't look like our expectation of a terrorist or talk like that. and when reality cuts against my interpretation, that interests me. >> so who is this earth liberation front, what are they? and do they actually believe that expediting these horrendous attacks on premises and buildings is the best way to further their cause? >> well, so there's -- the earth
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liberation front is not a group that has a leadership and membership roles, it's kind of a cellular structure. individuals decide that they want to burn a timber company or a company that's splpolluting t environment and spray e.l.f. on the wall and issue a communique, and that is an e.l.f. action. and they do believe that it's serving their goals. they think it's drawing attention to things that people aren't paying attention to and it's punishing the bottom lines of companies that are polluting the environment. >> so is it therefore fair or unfair to group the e.l.f. with terrorists? is that really an appropriate label? >> well, it's a big question. and it is sort of the heart of the film. i mean, people who support the e.l.f. say these the guys are not terrorists. this is the boston tea party. it's symbolic property destruction, no one's ever been hurt in an e.l.f. action. on the other hand, we spent a lot of time with the prosecutor and detective on the case and arson victims, and they said after their businesses were attacked, they didn't know who these people were.
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and when you use fear and intimidation to get somebody to do something, that's the essence of terrorism in their minds. >> is it your view that this organization, and indeed individuals like daniel, who you feature, that they've been disappointed by this administration's handling of environmental issues? >> you know, i can't speak for them, but i can imagine that they have, since i've heard a lot of other -- >> you've also heard them speak, haven't you? >> sure. since most of them have been in prison for most of this administration and actually daniel is in what they call a communication management unit, so it's sort of a special terrorist prison that dramatically restricts his outside access with the world. >> what's the future for this organization? will they just continue to conduct these sort of things? because we know if organizations like green peace, that will go on to a whaling vessel, for example, but they don't go and firebomb the premise of the organization that protests the meet and so on? >> there is a lot of argument within the environmental movement.
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obviously, this is a very extreme group -- portion of the environmental movement. most of the environmental movement doesn't approve at all of what these folks are doing. but -- and i would say even within the individual themselves, there's a lot of conflict. you know, they don't want to hurt people, but they feel frustrated with the democratic process. they feel like it's not listening to their environmental needs. >> marshall, i've watched the film and it's fascinating, and it airs tomorrow night on pbs? >> that's right. >> great. thank you for joini ining us. >> thank you so much for having me. >> we'll be right back. my name's jeff. i'm a dad, coach, and i was a longtime smoker. in my heart i knew for the longest time that did not want to be a smoker. and the fact that i failed before. i think i was discouraged for a very long time. ♪ knowing that i could smoke during the first week was really important to me. [ male announcer ] chantix is a non-nicotine pill proven to help people quit smoking.
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it took place on the other side of the world in new zealand and came just before the united states rugby union team began their world cup campaign against ireland. a minute's silence to honor the victims of 9/11. rugby union is not one of america's marquis sports. the vast majority who play the game are amateurs, but it has been increasing in popularity over the last ten years, and the national team is now competing against the very best, at the rugby world cup. i also must confess to a personal interest here, having played the game throughout my life, and i continue to support the village lion's rugby club here in new york. one rugby player, whose life was memorialized yesterday, was mark bingham, a man who ran his own public relations consultsy. i he also happened to be a passenger on united airlines flight 93 to a friend's wedding. typically for mark, his attendance at the wedding was not just about celebration, but
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also about service. tragically, flight 93 never arrived at its destination. but this was not without the efforts of mark bingham and its fellow passengers who bravely fought the terrorists in a desperate attempt to wrest control of the aircraft. shortly before united 93 went down, mark called his mother, alice hoagland, who worked for the same airline as a flight attendant. on this broadcast friday, she spoke of her son's actions and made a direct link with his love of the game. >> mark spent half of his life being a rugby player. he knew how to pit himself against an opponent on the other side of the field line, and he was table to draw a best of the talents there. >> sometimes our sporting heroes badly let us down, they can behave like spoiled children who take their good fortune for granted and assume that the same rules of courtesy and decency don't apply to them. but then there are people like mark bingham. not jus