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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  September 19, 2011 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> i will not support any plan that puts all the burden for close are our deficit on ordinary americans. i will veto any bill that changes benefits for those who rely on medicare and does not raise serious revenues by asking the wealthiest americans or biggest corporations to pay their fair share. >> the president outlined the plan to cut a deficit partly by raising taxes for individuals making more than $1 million a year. >> i reject the idea that asking a hedge fund manager to pay the same rate as a plumber or teacher is class war faure. >> live from the white house, we heard from all sides, it was an interesting weekend to see the president plan and the drabs we were hearing. what is the next move for the white house? >> president obama is going to sell this to the people. we saw him do that with the american jobs act. we started that visiting battle
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ground states, virginia, ohio and north carolina. he will head out later this week. you can bet he will continue to sell his american jobs act. he had a plan that he unveiled and review the highlights of the plan that is heavy on new tax revenues as you indicated. not as heavy on entitlement reform. a trillion and a half dollars come from new revenues from letting the tax cuts expire in rolling back tax breaks for big corporations. about a trillion for drawing down troops in iraq and afghanistan. another $580 billion coming through entitlement reform to medicare and medicaid. social security is not on the table under this plan. the battle lines are really being drawn already. the period laid out his plan today and they are seeing a lot of heated words on both sides.
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nancy pelosi is encouraged by the plan and you have a lot of republican who is are calling this dead-on arrival and saying it's class warfare. accusing the president of politics and trying to rally his base. whether or not that is the case, some folks in his base do seem to be encouraged by this. we will have to see how it plays out. these are recommendations to the super committee to find about $1.5 trillion in reductions by thanksgiving. >> joining me now live is democratic leader james clyborn of south carolina. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you so much for having me. >> republicans are saying this is dead-on arrival. many believe there won't be much adopted by the super committee. what do you think could happen next? >> i don't know that this plan is going to get anywhere with the house as is currently is
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configured. i do believe that those of us on the joint select committee are interested in what the president has to say. we also are interested in what our constituents are saying to us. over the weekend, i was up in boston and people want to see job creation take place. i think the president's plan is very big on job creation. they want to see the safety nets in the country preserved and think the president is doing that. this is a good balanced approach. the joint select committee is going to continue to do its work and we will certainly consult with what the president has proposed as we will do the same thing with the budget that he put up.
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and then we will look at the other thing that those have. all these things and the gang of six. they will look at it in the same way we looked at all of those. >> your tone sounds far more optimistic and the republicans including o ren hatch and speaker boehner what we heard over the sunday morning programs. the republicans are really going on the attack about this plan. let's play it. >> with regard to his tax rate, if he is feeling guilty, he should send a check. we don't want to stag nate this economy by raising taxes. >> class warfare may make for good politics. >> you pick one area of the economy and tax those people because most people are not those people. that's class warfare. >> we are back to the same
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conversation. you need revenue to make any progress here. the republicans say it is a non-starter. for the people who are watching this and they heard the series of sound bytes from several republicans, how are we to believe that anything will move forward even with your optimistic tone compared to what the individual shows said. >> this whole issue of class warfare, i have been hearing that all of my life. none of this is about class warfare. i want to know why it is that if you say to a multimillionaire your tax rate ought to be the same of your employees. you ought not to have the low tax rate than the people who helped make you a multimillionaire. we want fairness in the system. why is it class warfare when you say to those people 70 years old getting social security,
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medicare, in a not so wealthy person paying 27 to 29%. that kind of stuff is a little bit silly and we ought to stop it? let's bring in the former director of the congressional budget office and adviser for and republican candidate john mccain. you have it. the administration saying they will veto any plan to cut benefits to medicare recipients unless they are required to pay their fair share. what the wealthy paid in the 90s
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before the bush tax cuts. how is that something we can't reach an agreement on. >> he was out of touch. we know from the work of the commissions, we know from the president's own budgets. he assumes the economy gets back to full employment. he gets to raise the taxes and we will have debts unless we control the explosion. the president was silent on entitlement programs and taking social security off the table. it's running red ink. modest nips on medicare that is running a red ink every year. medicate is finance. this is the social safety net. it's broken and won't be there for the seniors and poor people and to leave that out of a major address on deficit reduction is oversight. >> is it leaveing it out when there was a deal on the table in july that the republicans walked away from? that would have been these big
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moves they were talking about. they walked away from the deal. >> no one has seen that deal. the president never put out a plan. once again, he had the chance to get the budget to write down the details and show us what understand happen. he gave another speech in which there was a mismatch between the rhett wick and the reality. on the fairness, why is it fair for warren buffett to receive medicare and social security the way a poorer senior does. why not cut a dollar of social security benefits instead of raising a dollar's taxes. on key kwex. can we have quality schools. he is ignoring the fact that they are squeezing out the spending. it's not the case that our choice is say millionaire tax that is bad tax policy and doesn't address the inequity in america. >> do you have to put revenue on the table? is that not a part of the
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conversation in your mind. if you want to talk about revenues. you need to talk about tax reform. broughtening the base and lowering rates. the po prosals complicate the code and target of benefit for a constituent there and now instead of fixing the tax code or leaving us with a broken code, we'll have a broken tax code and now a buffett tax. that's not reform. that's going in the wrong direction. >> is it fair for the wealthy americans to pay what they paid in the 90s? is that fair? >> no question that you can tax the wealthy. that's your notion of fairness. it's in the eye of the beholder. >> is it in your eyes fair? >> you must do it in a way that is consistent. the problem with the discussion now is the dollar that warren buffett saw now, you probably got taxed again in a business,
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you look at it as the third tax. it looks like all the taxes, you get it right. >> do you believe the republicans have the idea on the table. does it present the idea that you are talking about here. >> they are serious and the democrats would need them. the super committee is a wonderful thing. it's congress doing its job. that's not going to happen without presidential leadership. to start with the veto is not leading us. we are posing this gut check question to you. should those earning a million or more pay higher tax than those earning less. do you think the tax would help or hurt the economy. also you can tweet me at tameron hall and read your responses later in the gut check. another person dieed from injuries caused after the awful
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crash in an airshow in reno, nevada over the weekend. a total of ten people including the pilot were killed in the accident. new video. it shows the plane losing altitude. one said the plane was like a missile crashing to the ground. the video best described as gut wrenching and people ran for their lives and tried to save others. george lewis is live with the latest for us. one more person has died in the awful crash and still trying to put together what happened there. >> yeah, they may have new clues that will help the ntsb investigators, a bunch of computer chips like this one. memory chips found amid i wreckage. that old plane, the world war ii p 51 mustang had modern technology on board. a video camera and a flight data recorder that would give information about what that plane was doing in the crucial moments before the crash. that video actually shows a
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piece of the plane's tail section missing. a trim tab off the tail and without that trim tab, the pilot had a very hard time maintaining control of the plane. that could explain the violent pitch upward and the straight down crash into the tarmac. i talked to the young man who shot the video. the dramatic video. he said for a moment when he was looking through the view finder, he thought the planes were headed towards him and they were all going to die. he said it could have been a lot worse. >> we will see what the investigation brings. horrible thing to see. coming up next. the life of the inmate troy davis outside. the latest hearing to keep him or spare his life. naacp president is testifying at the hearing and will join us live. israel said it could lead to
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more violence, but palestinian leader said he is going forward with a bid for state hood at the united nations. a six-ton satellite the size of a bus is expected to come crashing down the earth in a matter of days. nasa said it will break into pieces and fall. bl [ male announcer ][ [ [ when it comes to saving en, we're off to a good start. but now it's time to go to the next level. ♪ so let's do a little detective work. pick up what we need. roll out...caulk...and install. and pretty soon, we're seeing the fruits of our labor right there at our bottom line. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, owens corning ecotouch attic insulation is only $12.50 a roll.
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tensions are high as palestinian authority has planned to ask for state hood. the fate could come down to
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america's vote on the security council and highlights foreign policy that traditional sides with israel before leaving. the israeli prime minister said the bid will fail because it bypasses peace negotiations. >> i called to resume peace negotiations. direct negotiations. right now. what is the motivation for palestine at this point in making this move? they know they will be. >> they have.
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>> they are trying to play this as a last throw of the dies. they are saying let the world community decide what we are able. >> they are being spurred by the confidence that this obviously won't move forward, but it increases the dialogue and what could happen next. >> it's a political calculation and they think the united states now desperately wants to be seen on the side of the good in the arab world on the side of democracy and giving people the right to say they have their voice heard. they think that if they bring this before the united nations, the u.s. will feel unable or unwilling to veto this. they have that wrong. >> the calculation there is a mistake. >> they staked out the position and the position is clear. they may feel ambivalent, but in public they have really no
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choice but to support israel consistent with foreign policy over decades and what this administration said. >> worry this president, this timing is very interesting. there severals that say this is an opportunity for the president to show he does back israel and ease some of the tensions for lack of a better word between this president and israelis. with that said, how does the president bring everyone back to the table to negotiate or how does the administration do that if there is a veto. >> that are is a $64,000 question. the administration has to take advantage of the fact that international communities are paying attention to this in a way that the focus veant in many years and the players are going to be in new york this week and the ball has started rolling. he has the opportunity to tell everybody at the table, listen, we can't bring to this all the old formulas. we have to move forward. we need new solutions, that is
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clear. otherwise this resolution is going to go forward and make everybody look a little sill, including the palestinians. >> do you believe that the administration will resume negotiations and put something on the table that entices and tries to come back here. >> will they succeed? that's a harder question. they are trying very, very hard. they have been over the last few days and not just the administration. the quartet and the europeans have been involved as well. every ounce of energy available for this has been spent now. there is a sense that this is a moment that it could change. we have come to this point so many times and failed. it's hard for anybody to be really optimistic. >> with time magazine and entering editor. thank you, bobby. >> republicans are pushing to change the winner take all system for presidential elections. gop lawmakers including the state governor want electoral
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college votes to be awarded by the winner of each district. they won all 21 by giving votes by districts. obama would have taken 11 votes and john mccain would have gotten 10. also an msnbc contributor. being pushed by gop lawmakers, they would debate over the benefit were it to happen. >> right. the way things are going thus far for the president, some say someone like mitt romney could win pennsylvania. maybe there is a close national election and romney would be denied the 20 electoral votes that pennsylvania will have in 2012. tameron, and you recognize this, we don't elect our presidents with the national election and a state by state elections. my problem with this is i don't
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like pennsylvania going this route alone. that's a selective process. i think it's gerrymandering. texans are saying we would like to respond with a vote. if you do this piece meal f they decide to have an election, that's a different conversation. >> two states use this winner take all system that they are considering. as i pointed out, it's not clear they are pointing to a number of changes. this is all some people speculate is part of a greater plan here.
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it doesn't sound like it's a concerted effort. when you put them together, there is a reasonable case being ma made. netflix ceo apologizes for arrogance, but is not changing the one thing that made customers angry. the testimony will shake your very confidence and human kind. the trial is under way for the second man accused of killing a mother and two daughters and an hor risk home invasion in connecticut. we are live with the latest. [ male announcer ] heard this one?
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on the defense over a new book that paints the white house as a hostile work environment with the president in way over his head. the author of the book will talk about who he is and the reaction already from administration officials. we have the details. bl host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: do people use smartphones to do dumb things? man 1: send, that is the weekend. app grapgic: yeah dawg! man 2: allow me to crack...the bubbly! man 1: don't mind if i doozy. man 3: is a gentleman with a brostache invited over to this party? man 1: only if he's ready to rock! ♪ sfx: guitar and trumpet jam vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. >>. >> pathe second man accused in a home invasion in connecticut said it was all his codefendant's idea. new details as day one of his trial gets under way. should we be worried? the satellite the size of a bus is falling out of orbit and pieces could hit the earth in just a few days. netflix under goes major restructuring, but it could be double the work for customers and will it turn the company around? they have been getting bad press lately. a picture is worth a thousand
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words. what is behind this shot of charlie sheen and the man who got his job, ashton kutcher. >> deciding behind closed doors whether to save the life of troy davis. the final appeal before he scheduled to be executed. he was sentenced to death for killing off duty police officer mark mcfail in 1989, but he maintains innocence. thousands flooded the streets, calling for clemency and just this morning davis's supporters gathered where the board is meeting. thank you for your time. >> thank you, ctameron. >> what happened? >> we are focused on ensuring that this board hears from the voices that they need to hear. a wide spectrum of people making sure it's clear and this is not about whether you are a democrat or republican or support the
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death penalty and think it should not exist. this is simply about justice. that's why it's key that you have the former director of the fbi bill sessions out there with jimmy carter and so forth. it was that type of thought that when there was a choice to change who spoke, we wanted to make sure there was as wide a range of speakers as possible. >> what convinced you that he should not be executed? >> 7 out of 9 people whose word put them on death row and there was never any physical evident to connect him to the case. it was nine people's words and 7 out of 9 admitted they lied that leaves two. many more people have come forward to say that one of the two people is the actual killer. that doesn't just convince me. more than one million people have written to this board to
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sign various things online saying please, there is too much doubt. that's why you see bob bar. >> you said there were voices that need to be heard. one of the voices is that of the officer's family. the daughter of mark mcfail. she spoke recently that she believes troy davis brut that to her father. >> that are brought right up to the forefront. those wounds are ripped back hope. >> i love him and i want to tell him how much i love him. >> the family of the officer who was murdered believed the right thing will be executed on wednesday. do we know when the board will
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make its decision. the clock is ticking here. >> that's a heart breaking thing to hear and our heart goes out to the family. i want to be clear that the officer is a hero. that night he was off duty, but he did his duty in trying to make the community safer by saving a homeless man who is being attack and he lost his life and he is say hero. i want to be clear about it. our heart goes out to him. two wrongs don't make a right. in the country there is too much doubt and we don't execute. the reality is that lie in prison is a stiff punishment. frankly even go further and do life without the possibility of any freedom ever. a very stiff punishment and both of those are revokable. when you kill somebody, it is not revokable. given the doubt, given the former head of the fbi is saying
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there is too much doubt. that's why we are here and hope that at least three out of five people will make sure that troy is not killed when there is so much doubt. >> president, thank you so much for your time. >> the trial of a second man accused of killing a mother and two daughters in a home invasion in connecticut starts today. the attorney claims he shows it was his codefendant who committed the brutal murder. he was sentenced to death in the murders. they were killed and her husband was the sole survivor in the awful attack. nbc is live outside the court in new haven, connecticut. it is an interesting strategy. not an original to blame somebody else, but that is what we are hearing from this attorney today. >> the two have been blaming one another for being the worst of the two evils all along. this is not really new here.
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we heard opening statements on the first day of the trial. the prosecutors from the state had middle to say, saying that the evidence in this case would speak for itself. the defense attorneys argued that he is not guilty of arson or capital murder. he has not argued that he is not involved in the crime. this trial was expected to be similar to that of the coconspirator and the trial ended last year. he was sentenced to death for the crime. we are expected to see a lot of the same evidence. there reports we will be seeing evidence in the form of cell phone photos. the defendant in this case took himself of the younger daughter while she was still alive tied tote bed. the trial is expected to go about three weeks. if the defense had their way, this trial would have been delayed. they sought rulings on a number of motions that would have delayed the trial.
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they argued with all the publicity they wanted to replace the jury and keep doctor pettitte who testified about anything other than the crime. they don't want him testifying about the charitable works about his wife and those things will be happening here. this has been called the worst homicide in the state's history. jurors were offering the counseling after that. >> live for us in new haven, connecticut. >> a nasa satellite has fallen oust orbit and it's expected to crash into earth later this week. this is a real story. it's expected to break up into pieces as it gets closer, but where it will fall is anyone's guess. tom costello joins us live from washington. this sounds like the movie with bruce willis and ben affleck was with it too.
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that was an asteriod. i got that all wrong. >> do you have a hard hat? >> i have a hard head. >> six tons, the size of a school bus was launched by the space shuttle discovery in 1991. the ur's satellite designed to study the o zone and the atmosphere. it did that for a number of years and now at the end of life expectancy and plunges back to work. it looks like friday they think, it could be thursday or saturday, but friday at this point. here are the odds. the odd that is a human being will be hit is one in 3200. there 7 billion human beings on the planet. the oughts that you will be hit is 1 in 21 trillion. >> those are too close for me. what day is this again in saturday? too close. >> call in sick. it's supposed to be friday.
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>> you may say hey, didn't this happen before? you would be right. space debris falls regularly. this is the biggest piece from nasa since sky lab. tameron, you are only 23, but i remember sky lab falling to earth in 1979. i was a kid and i was visiting washington, d.c. back then. the whole world was going crazy about sky lab falling to earth. it fell harmlessly into the ocean and western australia. nobody was hit whatsoever. they think that the vast majority of this satellite is going to completely break up and burn up in orbit on the way down. again, if you are really superstition, bring the hard hat to work. >> here's hoping they are right. talk to you about it maybe friday. the bloodiest protest in yemen tops the list. thousands armed with sticks and backed by armed military
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defectors battled security officials for a second day. medical officials say more than 50 people have been killed. >> a court in miami is throwing out the 17-year prison sentence for plotter jose padilla. they ruled the schbs too lenient and sent the case back. padilla and two others were convicted in 2007 sending money and splice to terrorist groups like al qaeda. two southern arizona cousins charged with accidentally as you causing the worst wildfire in history are expected in court. the wall of fire burned more than 538,000 acres in arizona and new ex-coand destroyed 32 homes. it cost nearly $80 million to fight. netflix's ceo is apologizing for "sliding into arrogance after not properly informing customers about a major price hike for members." they announced a major shift in
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the strategy that splits netflix into two services with different names. one is streaming videos and one for getting dvds by mail. here's part of the video he posted online. >> i just want to say again how sorry i am of the way we handled the communication around these big changes. >> joining me now is joe brown. i love that you can apologize with a smile and not lower the price. they are keeping the price hike in place. >> as you recall, a couple of months ago, netflix doubled the price of the plan that gets you streeping videos and hard dvds. some things are not available on streaming and they had a problem with keeping good stuff on the streaming collection. stars movies are not there. sony movies are not there. they are having issues keeping the good catalog going. this move from them is to split it up. i think the dvd customers are a different demographic and let
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them stay on the plan and the streaming customers let them be the streeping people of the world. it's weird. a little bit of a strange thing. they split off to netflix and quickster and they don't even own the twitter handle quickster. that's a foul mouthed kid that is posting on twitter. the quickster people will use that and you have to switch the change of address forms for both if you use both. it's really confusing. >> the stock price fell 40%. do you think this is the proper way to realign over something confusioning and jen, they kept the price hike. >> calling a spat a spade, they are treading water and trying to stay in good faith with customers. one of the things we think might be happening is if you lower the amount of people who are using your streepiaming plan, if i am sony and i sell the videos for
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30 million people, it will be a lot more expensive than for five million people. hopefully they can spit off the people who are just doing dvds and keep the streaming population not paying too much more. >> they are treading water because there was so much fanfare at one point. >> they are in a bad way. >> thank you very much for breaking it down. alex baldwin was a no show because one of his jokes got pulled? he has that's not true. live in l.a. there is a lot going on today and things we thought you should know. john boehner has a challenger and david lewieu describes himsf as a devout pro life leader and distaste for boehner's support for the federal budget and funding for planned parent hood and the obama administration is causing controversy. it is called confident and chronicles what he said is
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internal dissent within the white house. the book is riddled with errors and miscategory zags. some of them include one woman who said the white house was a hostile workplace for women and criticism over the administration's policy. again the administration is slamming it saying none is true. those are the things we thought you should know. happybaby strives to make the best organic baby food. in a business like ours, personal connections are so important. we use our american express open gold card to further those connections. last year we took dozens of trips using membership rewards points to meet with farmers that grow our sweet potatoes and merchants that sell our product. vo: get the card built for business spending. call 1-800-now-open to find out how the gold card can serve your business.
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i'm the smartest raccoon i know. and if you got your home insurance where you got your fifteen-minute car insurance, you could be paying for this yourself. [ laughs ] so get allstate, you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate agents. she won't eat eggs without hot sauce. she has kind of funny looking toes. she's always touching my hair. and she does this dancing finger thing. [ male announcer ] with advanced technology from ge, now doctors can diagnose diseases like breast cancer on a cellular level. so that women, like kristy's mom, can get personalized treatment that's as unique as she is. [ kristy ] she's definitely not like other moms. yeah, my mom is pretty weird. ♪ yeah, my mom is pretty weird. ♪ ♪ ♪ when the things that you need ♪ ♪ come at just the right speed, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ medicine that can't wait legal briefs there by eight, ♪
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on nbc. let's get the scoop from the pop culture columnist. did you sbi your time on the e out in los angeles? >> it was quite the price here when i was talking to the control room. the blood cast and the glee cast were everywhere. if you are fans in particular, this was a good weekend for sightings. how was the show overall? first of all, lots of buzz about alex baldwin. he was supposed to be part of the opening of the emmys. his spot was not there. that pretaped spot. he himself was not part of the show in any way. there is talk about why that might be the case. because his joke was cut? that's a possibility. alex baldwin said the key was not there said he already agreed to host tony bennett's birthday party. believe which said that you choose to believe and alex
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baldwin was someplace last night. not like he was home tweeting. >> the joke was about wire tapping and fox or something. if you have a choice between tony bennett's birthday anyway, what else? >> one surprise we did see at the emmys and we heard about this has beening out, that's that charlie sheen would be making an appearance to present best actor in a comedy series if i'm nat mistaken. he was nominated and lost out four times. he had something interesting to say. take a listen. >> to everybody here from two and a half men, from the bottom of my heart, i wish you nothing but the best for the season.
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>> it felt strange because it wasn't really the time or the place. of course you want him to think no ill will of the show. this was about the category and the actors nominated. >> here doesn't have a job. why? she an entertainer who doesn't have a job. the young looking guy who is replacing him. the two had nothing but ill will to each other. that say big night on television
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with 2 and a half men premiering for the first time with ashton kutcher with the lead role. they had the roast on comedy central. i am not going to be watching that. i'm done with the whole charlie sheen train wreck and skipping it. also on television, "dancing with the stars" begins the new season and lots of buzz about that. always is with dancing with the stars and finally got the playboy club on nbc. >> a nice lineup. you will be watching the playboy club. >> i will be looking for your tweets. for the latest, logon to we will be a fan on facebook. the "news nation's" gut check is up next. [ female announcer ] you have all this chicken.
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new the results of the two
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gut check questions. we ask should those earning $1 million or more pay higher income text than those ownering less. 93% said yes. 7% of you, all the millionaires who are watching said no. do you think the millionaire's tax would help or hurt the economy. 93% said it would help the economy. 7% of you said it would hurt this economy. among the responses david wrote yes it will help the economy and they were doing just fine under the reagan and clinton eras. we got this one from jane. she wrote money will be taken out of the private sector to pay more tax to the government which does not help create jobs. we greatly appreciate you chyming in. you can still vote by going to "news nation".msnbc and we bring it to you tomorrow.
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is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido it's monday, september 19th. here's what's happening. class warfare in the president asks millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share. we know what's right and it's time to do what's right. opposition making light of the matter. >> warren buffett would reich to give up benefits, we would be happy to talk about it. >> if this is war, the middle class was trounced a long time ago. for the first time more americans die from pills than spills. drug deaths top traffic deaths and a washington pharmaceutical.


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