tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 20, 2011 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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team obama gets a star player. billionaire nba owner mark cuban says go ahead. get rich and pay your taxes. senator barbara boxer and congressman charlie rangel on the president's get-tough approach. plus, promises kept. the end of don't ask, don't tell. after 18 years everyone in the military is finally on equal footing, and troy davis' clemency appeal is denied. the scheduled execution is just 25 hours from now. is there anything that can be done for justice? >> you have to be absolutely certain. there are no do-overs when you're talking about taking a person's life.
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>> welcome to "politics nation." i'm al sharpton live from east lansing, michigan. tonight's lead. republicans have their new battle cry, class warfare. speaker john boehner is very good at endlessly saying no new taxes, but when it comes to helping those looking for work or rebuilding our nation, well, he has a pretty shocking description. >> at a time when -- time when it's spending that's out of control, giving the federal government more money would be like giving a cocaine addict, all right, more cocaine. >> giving more cocaine to an addict? that's how the republican house leader sees extending unemployment benefits. that doesn't seem like a winning message, neither does rallying
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against taxes. when you're like gop congressman john campbell who is worth $37 million. >> i don't want to raise my taxes. i don't want to raise your taxes or raise warren buffett's taxes, raise anyone's taxes. warren buffett says he thinks he ought to pay more money. well, you know, there's nothing stopping him from doing that right now. he can pay more money to the federal government if he wants to, but don't ask me and a whole lot of other americans. >> well, congressman campbell, you might not like paying your fair share of taxes, but the 46 million people living in poverty in this country don't like that either. and at the end of the day this isn't class warfare, it's about getting the 14 million unemployed back to work and raising taxes helps do that. president bill clinton raised taxes on the rich and created 23 million new jobs during his presidency. by contrast, george w. bush cut taxes on the wealthy during his
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time in office, and he created just 3 million jobs. as the president said, it's not class warfare. it's math. joining me now, senator barbara boxer, democrat from california. senator boxer, thank you for coming on the show tonight. >> it's great to be on your show. >> republicans called president obama's plan class warfare. that's their usual cry. will it work this time, senator? >> oh, absolutely not. if we're smart enough to call them on it, and i just came from the senate floor where about a half hour ago i just said i think i'm going to send a box of kleenex tissues to the republican leadership so they can have tissues when they cry for the millionaires and billion airs. the fact is it isn't class warfare when you suggest that someone earning $1 million or more pay the same effectively tax rate as their secretary or
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as a fire fighter or a nurse. that is only fairness. it's actually, i think, moral. so i think we're on high moral ground, and, reverend, i have to compliment you when you show the way that bill clinton led this nation. he had a vision. his vision was this, that we don't spend on wasteful spending. we spend on important investments in our people, to build the middle class, and we ask everybody, including the wealthiest, to pay their fair share. and president obama has taken a page out of that book, as well he should, because it's a winning page. we will balance the budget that way. >> we've got 23.1 million jobs under clinton and only 3 million under bush. we were a surplus under clinton and a deficit under bush. in fact, we had a mayor from oklahoma that said this, that i thought was extremely interesting. let me show you his statement
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senator. >> sure. >> he says that mayors see up close the deferred maintenance that's going on in nation's cities. it's just a ticking time bomb. we also know that it puts people to work. we need to be working on all of these really big picture items that are generational. this is a republican mayor from oklahoma city, mayor mick kar y carney. you are big on infrastructure and a lot of these things he's talking about which these funds can get to. >> i'm the commissioner of the chairman that funds the highways and bridges and rodways. can i tell you happily that i'm working with my republican counterpart, senator inhofe, because he's from oklahoma, and he tells the story of where a bridge actually started to fall apart, and it fell on this young woman, a young mom and killed her. we have 70% of our bridges that are deficient. now, if you love this country, and we all say we love this country, then we have to pay our
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fair share because we -- you know, i've seen some of the commercials from msnbc when rachel maddow says you can't ask the average person in the street to rebuild the bridge or highway. that's what we do, all of us, and we all give our fair share. that's what it's about. it's not class warfare. if there is any warfare, it's on the middle class brought to you by the republicans. >> that's exactly right. >> who are blocking the way to more jobs. who are saying that they don't even want to give tax breaks to the middle class. they are fighting president obama on his payroll tax cut that would help the middle class, and they are just crying these tears for the richest of the rich. it just makes no sense at all. >> well, senator, now one of the things that i like and you know where i am on all of this is the president has come out fighting. yesterday he was feisty. i was so up. i was jumping up in my office watching his speech, and the
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last couple of times out, but the republicans seemingly who felt that his kindness was weakness are now are saying oh, they would rather have the other kind of president obama who was trying to treat them like an adult, but it seemed like no matter what they did he wanted to fight. i was reading this morning, david brooks in the "new york times," a comfort tim columnist. listen to what he says. he says the white house has decided to wage the campaign of fighting liberals. i guess i understand the choice, but i still believe in the governing style obama talked about in 2008. i may be the last one. i'm a sap. but it's not about him being a sap. it's about the president has to stand up and fight for what the american people need. 14 million people are unemployed, and it seems like no matter what he put on the table, they wanted to fight it. is it not the right thing for the president to say this is where i go to draw the line in the sand? >> well, reverend, i can't tell
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you how happy i am to see this president do what he has to do now. this is a battle for the working class. this is a battle for middle america. middle class america. this is a battle that's way bigger than any one of us, because as you look around this great country of ours, we see certain states that are really taking after working people, and, you know, i'll tell you, i have kids who are quite grown, not to give away my age, but they are very old now. they are in their 40s now. when my -- when my son was going through college, he worked as a checkout clerk at a grocery store. i'm telling you, reverend, he earned the same amount of money that is now currently going to these clerks. we have seen stagnation. >> wow. >> stagnation, and people can't do it. you look at the top 400 families. listen to this one. i think you've heard this before. there's two things i want to tell you, and you should use
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this. the top 400 earners in this country are worth more, okay, than half of the american people, and since 1995 the top 400 wealthiest families have seen their incomes go up 400% and their tax rates go down 40%. this is a no-brainer, and i just am so proud to see this president get it. yes, he is one of the most patient people. i know him well, and i was pulling my hair out of my head because i said to myself, mr. president, i want you to try, but you can see -- you don't have anyone there to shake your hand so he has to take this fight to the american people. by the way, since he's done, that i've seen a little more cooperation over here, not enough, but i've seen us extend the highway bill for six months. i've seen us make a little progress on faa, so it's working
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already in small ways, but he has laid out a deficit reduction plan for the long run. it's very strong. he's laid out a jobs plan for the short run. he's taken a page out of history, bill clinton's presidency that worked so well, and now he will tell the american people the truth, and the truth is this isn't about class warfare. this is one nation under god, all of us in this together, and we go nowhere if we lose our middle class. >> well, i think you're right, and i appreciate you spending time breaking that down for us. we cannot have shared sacrifice if you only want my share on the table. senator barbara boxer, thank you so much for your time tonight. >> it's not such a big sacrifice for a millionaire to pay a little more, okay? okay. >> a little more, just a little bit. >> just a little more. >> thank you. now i want to bring in alex wagner, msnbc analyst and reporter for "the huffington post" and david corn, washington
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bureau chief for mother jones and msnbc political analyst. thanks to both of you for coming in tonight. there is all kind of analysis going on. alex, on the president coming out strongly yesterday, but i think one of the things that was very striking to me is another billionaire, he named when he came out with the buffet rule. >> right. >> but today he picked up mark cuban came out, a billionaire, and mark cuban said this. he says we shouldn't be trying to shift the benefits of wealth behind some curtain while some people might find it distasteful to pay taxes, i don't. i find it patriotic. i think that that's an interesting that now we're starting to see different people of that top 1% or 2% come out and say what are you all talking about? what's wrong with this? and in fact cuban says, alex,
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it's patriotic. >> billionaires coming out of the woodwork saying take my money, please. i think that that, you know, speaks to a sense that we are sort of off the rails in terms of our tax policy and as senator boxer said, look, the top 0.1% of the country makes 10% of the gross income. there's something -- there is something off kilter there, but to your earlier point, reverend, there is backlash to what the president did on monday, and that's inevitable and a lot of people understand why he's doing it. one, the sort of political strategy. i mean, the gop has basically dug in its heels on every level to the extent that they are balking at a payroll tax cut. two, he has a campaign coming up. he's really got to offer two striking different visions of what he's offering the country and what the gop is offering the country. three, i think there's a lot of frustration. he's played that centrist card for the last year, and it has not served him well. i think a lot of people think it's high time he go and speak in no uncertain terms about what he's going to do and threaten to
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veto. >> well, david, the problem is you can play the centrist card all you want, but if they keep moving the right boundary further and further to the right, the center becomes not centrist anymore, but then you get -- you're getting different signals on the democratic side reviewing this. let me show you what mark penn said about the president's strategy, mark penn for those that don't remember was a strategist for the clintons. he writes in "the huffington post," barack obama is careening down the wrong path towards re-election. he should be claiming the vital center, not abandoning it. he should be holding down taxes, rather than raising them. he should be bringing the country together, rather than dividing it through class warfare. but then another clinton apostle, if i can use that term, jim carville says that obama had a good start yesterday. he says i think he fired his own
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negotiating philosophy which was a pretty good start. the white house is responding. this was a good start yesterday, and i want him to go through and make some other good starts. well, what do you think, david? who is right? >> well, if mark penn knew what the american voters wanted, we'd be talking about president hillary clinton today. so -- and, you know, can you say the same thing about james as well. it shows the divide within the democratic establishment, not the democratic party. i think the democratic party is pretty much behind what barack obama did. i mean, listen, the republicans complaining about class warfare is a little bit like bernie madoff complaining about wall street, you know. it's the game that they play, but they try to throw it at the president. the president, much to the chagrin of people within his own party, spent a good part of this year, i know, a lot longer than he had anticipated at the beginning of the year, trying to strike a deal in the center with republicans, and what he did was he moved to the right.
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he moved more to the center to try to accommodate tea party-driven republican party and make it a little bit easier for john boehner to cut a deal. at the end of the day it was boehner who walked away, and he could have gotten a lot more in terms of entitlement reforms and maybe less revenues with the grand bargain they were talking about a few months ago, a few weeks ago, but yet that was rejected, and what did that do? that tout barack obama a lesson that you can't negotiate in the middle with the republican party because boehner can't control his own caucus. thus, if you're going to have an honest negotiation, you start off to where you want to be, and then you see what they say and you see if you can work to the middle, and if you can't, then you create a clear contrast, like alex was talking about a moment ago. the president knowing that next year is an election year, knowing that it will be very hard to legislate anything with this republican congress this year, had looked to spend this year trying to set up that
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contrast and having a big national discourse. he got stuck in the debt ceiling tar pit and now he's climbing and crawling his way out of it, and we're finally having the sort of fundamental discussion that's actually good for the country, despite what david brooks may think. >> well, alex, if you look at the polls in terms. reaction of the american people, people want to see in the only the fight, but they are leaning in a policy way towards what the president is talking about. support for raising taxes on the rich, 80% of moderates, 68% of independents, 51% of republicans, so i think that what the republican leadership has miscalculated is the american people will rally around this given their feelings on the issue. >> exactly, reverend. i mean, i think you look at any poll. there's five or six that show the same overwhelming majorities of people want some combination of spending cuts and revenue
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increases. look, the president i think has calculated well in this, in so far as he's taking his case directly to the american people. now it's up to the gop and really the next move is theirs. are they going to play ball with him? >> well, i think we've got to go, but thank you both, alex wagner and david corn. thank you very much. >> sure thing is there we'll be right back. >> thanks, rev. on a beach? on a mountain? or wherever you happen to be... the first step on that road may well be... a bowl of soup. delicious campbell's soups fill you with vegetable nutrition, farm-grown ingredients, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. putting you on the road to happiness. bon voyage. campbell's -- it's amazing what soup can do.
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rick perry's in new york fund-raising for his presidential campaign, but i bet the last person he'd expect to see at one of his events is a top ranking congressional democrat. congressman charlie rangel showed up at a restaurant in the middle of his congressional district where perry was dining with local leaders yesterday. >> i guess i'm here for the same reason that all of you are here, figuring out why he's here. isn't that so? i kind of think he's the best thing going for president obama, but i'm a democrat. >> pay attention, cry baby caucus and follow charlie rangel's lead. it's time to take the fight to them. step up and take the fight to the gop. jinx me now is congressman charlie rangel of new york. so congressman, what did you and rick perry talked about?
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>> we actually didn't. i was in the car, and i heard over the air that rick perry was visiting someone in my district. it was a very small bar and there wasn't that many people, and there was no dinner. there wasn't even any hors d'oeuvres, but after i got there and found out he wasn't there, i took some pictures and met with some people that i didn't know from queens and outside the district, and then he comes in, and, of course, it was a little awkward for him but i was very comfortable there. when it came time for him to give his speech, i -- i welcomed him to the district and told him that in no uncertain terms the best thing that ever happened for president obama was his candidacy. and quite frankly outside -- >> when you say that -- when you say that, why do you feel the best thing that ever could happen to president obama in his re-election efforts would be rick perry? >> actually i watch the debate that was taking place among the
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republican canndidates, and i ws embarrassed as an american that foreigners would think that we've put our best team forward. no one really discussed economic growth of our country. no one came up with a job plan, the same way no republicans down here. no one made any sense except beating up on the president of the united states at a time when we should be coming together and finding out how we can negotiate a solution, but i think they made it abundantly clear that the further they get to the right, the ones that's the most popular in terms of allowing sick people without insurance to die or how many executions you have and not losing any sleep over it, the best we can see what could really happen to this country when they are more concerned about their own feelings than they are about the great united states of america. >> but congressman rangel, you
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represent upper manhattan, my middle headquarters of your district. there's a lot of seniors there. don't you feel that perry will resonate telling them that they are part of a ponzi scheme and following a lie? don't you think it will resonate with him that he feels that we must protect the rich and that they are the ones that have to bear the burden of this? wouldn't that resonate in harlem? maybe that's why he had such a huge turnout yesterday? >> you have no sympathy. reverend, you're supposed to know when someone has made such dumb statements that you don't start digging yourself further in the hole. you try to explain t.listeniit. listening to his explanation of attacking social security is the craziest thing i've ever heard of, but it is sad to see that so many americans could be listening to him. that's why i think the best thing that president obama has done is to take this argument of equity and fairness to the
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american people, and now we have to listen to the american people. our ministers, our rabbis, our muslims, our mormons, they have to recognize that we're talking about the vulnerable, the sick, the aged. if ever there was a time for america to say those people that talk about cutting these programs are not speaking for me because i am convinced that the republicans have decided that they hate the president of the united states more than they want to save the economy of the great united states of america, and that is sad. >> now when you talk about the president taking his plan to the american people, you and other senior members of the democratic caucus in congress are going to have to fight and this plan means a lot to a lot of people. let me show the graph with this american jobs act and what it will mean. it will mean creating 1.9 million jobs, reduce unemployment by a percent.
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boost the economy 2%, and then you're dealing with the support of the american jobs act. 45% of americans for, and only 32% against. my question to you. you are a senior member of the house, being honored thursday with your portrait being hung. how do we get this act through the house without losing the real core of what we need to create jobs? >> what a question, and the only way we can do it is for all of us to be able to talk to the people. people who are jobless and hopeless and lost their savings, they don't go to sleep at night thinking about who is winning republicans and democrats. all they know is that in this country that's supposed to provide so much hope that we find people fighting the president. united states instead of working with him, and so we can do all of these things, and one important thing that i heard, and you mentioned it on your
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show, they keep talking about we're raising taxes. the bush tax cut expired. expiration means dead, it's gone, that you'd have to recreate a new bill in order to increase them, and we're not doing that, and so it's -- it's just wrong for them to talk bin creases in taxes when actually at the end of this year the congress ends until the next two years come up, so at the end of next year, i meant to say. really, we can do this. we can win this if the american people would only come together, find out who their member of congress is and to recognize that we all have to make sacrifices, but you can't take the -- the millions of people without jobs and ask them to wait until they -- they have a program. there hasn't been one thing, not one thing that the president has proposed that they have been willing to say, well, that
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sounds like we can work together. >> that's true. well, thank you, congressman. congratulations again and i will see you at the dinner saturday, but i don't wear cowboy boots. i hope you don't mind. thanks for coming on the show tonight. >> you've got a great show. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> ahead, willard mitt romney hates fannie mae and f-mark so much that he decided to make money off of them. unbelievable hypocrisy. and a historic day for justice in this country. the don't ask, don't tell policy is officially dead. >> i'm 31 years old, i'm a woman, i'm a united states marine and i'm a lesbian. >> this emotional marine corps captain joins us live. [ venus ] what are they doing to stufy?
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so rich and full of flavor. it was a grueling trip! try new activia french and greek yogurt. a world of great new tastes. we are now printing on the back sides of used paper. and we switched to fedex 'cause a lot of their packaging contains recycled materials. tell them what else fedex does. well we're now using more electric trucks and lower emission planes. we even offer a reusable envelope. now, can't we at least print on the back sides of used paper? what's the executive compensation list...? [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. as of 12:01 this morning, after 18 years of injustice, don't ask, don't tell is history. president obama has delivered on another campaign promise, and
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like president harry truman he righted a wrong in our military. >> no longer will tens of thousands of americans in uniform be asked to live a lie or look over their shoulders in order to serve the country that they love. that's why i believe this is the right thing to do for our military. that's why i believe it is the right thing to do period. >> it's a change fueled by evolving public opinion. when the law was passed in 1993, only 40% of americans favored letting gays and lesbians serve openly. by last year 67% were in favor. this policy was a waste of time and money for this country, and it was simply unjust. more than 14,000 gay and lesbian service members were discharged under don't ask don't tell. today those serving in secret finally came out to celebrate this historic moment.
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>> my name is first lieutenant josh seefried and i'm a gay member of the united states air force. it's a huge burden lifted off my shoulder. every day this policy was in place, not a single day that this policy consumes you. this conversation comes up constantly. you're always in fear that you're going to lose the career you've loved. >> i'm 31 years old. i'm a woman. i'm a united states marine, and i'm a lesbian. and, pardon me, prior to today if i had said that i could expect to be discharged from the military. i feel like today is a great day for the marine corps, and i feel like the marine corps only gets stronger today. semper fi. >> joining me now is marine corps reservist captain sarah pezzat and former air force major general mike almey who was thrown out of the air force
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after 13 years of service including overseeing a team of 200 men and women after superiors searched his e-mail. thank you both for joining me on this historic day. captain pezzat, we just saw a tape of you coming out today. did you ever imagine this day would come? >> it certainly was a -- a long time in the making. in a lot of ways it seemed like the 60 days itself was never going to end, but here it is. it's september 20th. don't ask, don't tell is gone. >> major almey, how do you feel today? >> it's a tremendous day for all of us, certainly for the lbgt community. it's a huge step forward for all lbgt citizens and we can serve openly and honestly without having to lie and sacrifice our integrity every day. hi to lie for 13 years, every
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day that i served in the military, and despite never once that made a statement that violated don't ask, don't tell and yet i was then out. and yet for my friend sayro who came together to have the courage and strength to stand up to the public at the congress and say that not only is she a captain in the marine cox that she's also a lesbian, that just took tremendous strength and integrity on her part to do that. what we need right now, now that don't ask, don't tell is finally history, we need more people like her. we need gays and lesbians serving as leaders and role models, officers and enlisted alike throughout our armed services, showing the valuable contributions that we make every day to our national security. >> let me ask you this, major. some politicians tried to deny that people like you were facing this kind of intrusion and this kind of bias. let me show you an exchange with
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senator john mccain as a case in point in terms of some of the denial that we saw in washington leading up to this law being changed. >> regulations are, we do not go out and seek to find out if someone's sexual orientation. >> senator, that's -- >> you do not. that is the fact. i know the military very well, and i know what's being done, and what is being done is that they are not seeking out people who are gay. and i don't care what you say. i know it's a fact. >> he says they were not seeking out people who were gay. you were a major. you come from a family of military men. your father went to west point, flew helicopters over vietnam, uncle celebrated, and they went in your e-mails. you were -- had your privacy invaded, they were looking for gaze, is that not true? tell us your storey. >> that's absolutely true.
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i served for 13 years, did four deployments in the middle east. never once during my time wearing the uniform, never once did i make a statement to the military that violated don't ask, don't tell, and yet air force went out of their way in iraq during the height of the insurgency to search my personal e-mails looking for whatever potential evidence they could find that i had violated don't ask, don't tell, so the air force in essence asked or rather demanded that i give them an explanation for the private e-mails and i never told and yet i was still thrown out. i lived up to my end of this bargain of don't ask, don't tell. it was the air force that violated it, and yet senator mccain, and i know that exchange very well. i tested before the senate armed services committee last march, and senator mccain has heard my story. he's familiar with it, and yet he -- i don't know if he had forgotten my story or he just was out of touch with the reality of don't ask, don't tell. i would like to believe that senator mccain is an honorable man, and he's certainly served
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his country well and faithfully and sackified far more than any of us can imagine, but i think he is out of touch or was out of touch with the american population on this issue. the secretary of defense, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. all of the senior leadership of the military, as well as approximately 70% of the men and women wearing the uniform today and the vast majority of the american population think don't ask, don't tell is history -- had to change. and thankfully that day is now a reality thanks to president obama and the leadership that he has provide on this issue. >> sarah, captain, let me ask you. what about the critics that say that this will hurt the military? you're in the military. how do you answer that? >> well, here's what i can tell you. we may be trained war fighters, but we're not robots. we all have different backgrounds, different opinions on just about everything, and the fact is just because i
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disagree with some characteristic of somebody or their opinion, i still have to treat them with dignity and respect, and i have confidence that, you know, the marine corps leadership and the leadership in all the services is going to step out smartly and implement this repeal with only minor issues. >> well, major mike almy, and captain sarah pezzat, thank you both for your service to the country and for joining us this evening. >> thank you for having us on this tremendous day. >> thank you. >> still ahead, the secret investment willard mitt romney doesn't want you to know about, and the ultimate injustice. troy davis will be executed tomorrow. no gun, no dna, no fingerprints. we'll be right back. ncer ] you are a business pro. executor of efficiency. you can spot an amateur from a mile away... while going shoeless and metal-free in seconds.
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teen: have you guys seen captain stewie and lil' miss neptune? dad: did you look all over the place? under your desk? all around? teen: uh, they're fish, they live in a bowl. dad: what're gonna do? anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: there's an easier way to save. teen: whatever. ncr: 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. >> death row inmate troy davis is scheduled to be executed tomorrow despite massive support claiming he is innocent. is this justice in america today? many of us are headed to atlanta, including me, to stand and say this is wrong. stay with us. ♪ ♪ when the things that you need ♪ ♪ come at just the right speed, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ medicine that can't wait legal briefs there by eight, ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪
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♪ freight for you, box for me box that keeps you healthy, ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪ ♪ saving time, cutting stress, when you use ups ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪ [ cat meows ] ♪ [ acoustic guitar: pop ] [ woman ] ♪ i just want to be okay ks ] ♪ be okay, be okay ♪ i just want to be okay today - ♪ i just want to know today - [ whistles ] ♪ know today, know today - [ cat meows ] - ♪ know that maybe i will be okay ♪
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like most republicans willard mitt romney is okay to bash freddie mac and fannie mae. earlier this month in south carolina willard said he'd like to privatize freddie and fannie and slammed the company's behavior. >> the failures of fannie mae, freddie mac and barney frank and chris dodd are so prevalent we need to see how we're going to support a growing housing industry. >> apparently what he thinks is a failure for america is great for his own personal bank account. the "boston globe" reports romney has up to $500,000 in mutual funds that invest in fannie and freddie. last year alone romney made up to $50,000 in interest from that investment and romney seems to be fully aware of this investment. the "globe" says, quote, unlike most of romney's financial holdings which are held in a blind trust this, particular investment was among those he
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the georgia board of parole was the only thing standing between death row inmate troy davis and his execution by lethal injection, but this morning the board denied him clemency. he has run out of appeals. he's run out of time, and it's a bleak day for anyone who cares about justice in this country. troy davis was convicted in 1989 for the slaying of police officer mark macphail, but serious questions surround his guilt. our justice system is based on the rule that you're innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
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davis was convicted almost entirely on unreliable eyewitness testimony, nothing else links him, no crime, to the crime at all. no gun, no dna. no fingerprints. most of the witnesses later recanted or changed their stories. america's justice system allows death row prisoners to file appeals and to fight their senses, but because he had no money, davis was forced to rely on a probono firm and when his funding was cut, the firm lost most of its legal team, and they were unable to do important interviews and investigations. davis' appeals were rejected. the supreme court refused to grant him a retrial because of procedural reasons. the doubt that plagues his conviction led three jurors from his original trial, three jurors, to urge the board not to
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execute troy davis, public figures, world leaders and hundreds of thousands have demanded clemency, but the board has made its decision to execute troy davis. he's scheduled to die, die in a little over 24 hours. he's declined his special last meal. many of us will be there in prayer. i will join them tomorrow in johnson, georgia. this is america's justice system, but is it justice? joining me now reverend dr. rafael womack, senior pastor at the ebenezer baptist church, spiritual home of dr. martin luther king. you and i visited troy on death row several years ago. i remember we got within an hour of his execution that time, and it was stopped. i stood there with his mother. this time he has run out of
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where he can go, according to all that we know. is there anything that can block this execution tomorrow? >> well, that's an excellent question. certainly we were hoping that the board of pardons and parole yesterday would have made a different decision, and even today they do have the latitude to reverse their decision. they have the power to do that, and we would urge them to do so. this board of pardons and parole said in 2007 that it would not allow an execution to occur in the state of georgia if there was any doubt, and yet they have made this decision, and so i -- i would like to know, those of us who have been advocating for troy davis would like to know at what point and on what basis did the board of pardons and parole decide that there was no doubt, no doubt in a case based purely on circumstantial evidence? you've had all of these witness
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recantations: you literally have a man running around savannah, georgia, implicating himself saying he did it and here we are. >> you were in the room yesterday at the hearing. >> that's right. >> you were sitting this with members of the family. you heard three of the jurors that voted him guilty come before that board and say he should not be executed and that they did not have all the information. is that so? >> well, actually, one of the jurors at least testified on yesterday that i -- that i heard, and she said that if she knew then what she knows now she would not have voted the way she a matter of fact, the district attorney down in savannah said that were he trying this case today, it would not be for him a death case, yet he went yesterday to argue for troy davis' death. this is a tragic day for the davis family, but it is a scar >> i want to get that right. let me -- let me interrupt you,
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reverend. one of the jurors testified, iio three have come forward, but one testified yesterday, and the d.a. that had said that he would not have prosecuted this case and reversed and went forward and argued for the execution. >> he shared with me and others at a meeting in june that this would not be a death case for him. this is not how he would try this case today but somehow he parses those two things and sees that as different. that is not his task. yes, he argued the case on yesterday, and here we are. this is a tragic day in the history of georgia. >> now, let me say this. we know that the convictions was based on eyewitnesses. we know that seven of the nine have recanted. we also know that if you look at this graph, reverend, 75%, 75%, three-quarters, of the cases
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that are overturned, by dna tested involved witness misidentification which means that we're looking at three quarters of the cases that dna cleared were also cases where witnesses misidentified people for whatever reason. with that kind of data, with the recanting, how can anyone sit up and say take this man's life? >> people who study this issue know that i don't understand testimony is incredibly unreliable, and here you have witnesses who stood up and said that they were themselves the victims of police coercion and intimidation. this is a civil rights issue. this is a human rights issue, in the only has tray davis' civil rights and human rights been violated, so have the rights of many of these witness es and ye with great courage they stood up and signed the affidavits and
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said they did not tell the truth 22 years ago. they said what they were forced to say and they had no reason to say this. yet, here we are. this is a very, very dark day, and yet we're determined to fight. i know there are many who say we weren't as focused on troy davis as much as effort of many to overturn the death penalty itself. well, there are people who are proponents of the death penalty who were a part of this campaign, people like william sessions. >> and i think that that is important to bring up. reverend, i'm going to run out of time. >> thank you. >> i want to thank you for being with us tonight. i'll see you in atlanta tomorrow. >> see you tomorrow. >> let me make it clear. people for the death penalty, opposed, all of us will be standing there, why? not because we feel that our presence alone is the thing that matters, what matters is that justice in america must work for everyone, and
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