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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  September 26, 2011 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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act that he announced a few weeks ago. one thing is they will be small business owners at this event. there will be community college students as well as veterans. why? according to the administration, they will benefit from the american jobs act and of course the president talked about providing tax breaks for small business owners and tax breaks for businesses who hire veterans and we are getting an announcement that the administration is announcing a $500 million grant to community colleges around the country which will be targeted at job training and workforce development. certainly a chance for the president to talk about his jobs plan for the public to ask questions about it. of course this comes as you mention amid seven fund-raisers that the president will be participating in while he is on this three-day tour. he already attended four yesterday. he has three more later on today
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in san diego and los angeles. >> back to the audience and the people who comprise this. it's interesting that some of the people have small businesses. the president is walking out right now. let me take you to the town hall hosted in conjunction with linkedin. let's listen in. >> thank you. please have a seat. thank you. thank you very much. that's a nice crowd. i have to say, jeff, you warmed them up very well. >> thank you, mr. president. >> thank you so much for your hospitality. let me begin by saying how excited i am to be here.
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every time i come to silicon valley and this region, i am excited about america's future and no part of the country better represents i think the essence of america than here. what you see is entrepreneurship and a forward orientation and optimism and a belief that if you have a good idea and you are willing to put in the sweat, blood, and tears, not only can you succeed for yourself, but grow the economy for everybody. it's that driving spirit that has made america an economic super power. we are in a period of time right now that the economy is struggling and a lot of folks across the country are struggling. part of what i hoped to do is have a conversation with all of you. about how can we continue to spark the innovation that is going to ensure our economic
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success in the 21st century and how can we prepare our workforce to be able to plug in to this new economy. how do we recognize that in this competitive environment there all kinds of opportunities that lincoln presents for interconnectedness and people being able to work together and spread ideas around the world and create value. at the same time understanding that there is perils as well. if our kids are not properly educate and we don't have an infrastructure that is world class and we are not investing in basic research and science, if we are not doing all the things that made us great in the past, we are going to fall behind. we have a short-term challenge, how do we put people back to work right now. i put forward a proposal of the american jobs act that would put thousands of teachers back into the classroom who is have been
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laid off due to downturns that would make sure we are rebuilding the infrastructure and taking construction workers who have been laid off when the housing bubble went bust with the airports and schools and laying broadband lines and all the things that help us make a success. also make sure that we are providing a small business, the kinds of tax incentives that allow us to hire and succeed. i said to congress, there is an election 14 months away and tempting to say we are not going to do anything until november of 2012, but the american people cannot afford to wait. the american people need help right now. all the proposals put forward will not only help us now, but in the future.
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will lay the foundation for long-term success. the last point is it's all paid for. it's paid for in part by building on some very tough cuts in our budge tote eliminate waste and things we don't need. $1 trillion over 10 years. we proposed an additional half trillion dollars over 10 years of spending cuts and adjustments on programs that we want to keep intact, but haven't been reformed in too long. what i also said is in order to pay for and bring down the deficit at the same time, we are going to have to reform the tax code in a way that's fair and make sure that everybody is doing their fair share. i said this before and will say it again. warren buffett's secretary should not be paying a lower tax rate than warren buffett. somebody making $50,000 a year as a teacher should not pay a
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higher rate than myself or jeff who have been blessed. i don't know what you make, jeff, but i'm guessing. who have been blessed by the incredible opportunities of this country. i say that because whenever america moved forward, it's because we moved forward together. we will have to make sure that we are laying the foundation for the success of future generations and that means each of us are doing our part to make sure we are investing in our future. with that, thank you so much for the terrific venue. i look forward to a bunch of great questions both live and through whatever other linkages we have got here. >> you got it. we are going to be going back and forth between folks in the audience members and some previously generated questions from the linkedin group. this is from chuck painter. chuck, we will get you a mike.
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>> good morning, mr. president. >> morning. >> i'm from austin, texas and i have been in sales for 20 years. i lost my job in 2009 and have been fortunate enough to be reemployed. my question is what can we do as american citizens to unite ourselves and help the economy. >> first of all are you a native of austin? that's one of my favorite cities in the country? >> i'm a native of charlotte, but i relocated and i love it there. >> austin is great. charlotte is not bad. that's the reason i had my convention in charlotte. i love north carolina as well. how long did it take you to find a new job after you got laid off? >> it took nine months. >> nine months. that's one of the challenge that is a lot of folks are seeing out there. you have skilled people with experience in an industry and
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that industry changes and you were fortunate enough to move some folks because of the decline in the housing industry are having trouble with mobility in fining jobs and relocating in pursuit of opportunity. >> yes, sir. >> the most important thing we can do is to help jump-start the economy which has stalled by putting people back to work. note surprisingly the most important thing is to pass the jobs bill. think about it. independent economists have estimated that if we pass the entire package, the american jobs act, we increase gdp by close to 2% and increase employment by 1.9 million persons. that is the kind of big significant move in the economy that can have ripple effects and
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help recovery take off. there is a lot of dispute about the kind of impact that we had after the financial crisis hit. the fact is that the vast majority said that the recovery act by starting infrastructure projects around the country and making sure that state his help on their budgets and didn't have to lay off teachers and firefighters and others by providing tax cuts to small businesses and by the way, we cut taxes about 16 times since i have been in office. four small businesses to give them more capital to work with and more incentives to hire. all those made a big difference. the american jobs act is specifically tailored to putting more of those folks back to work. it's not going to solve all of our problems. still have a housing situation where too many homes are under water. one of the things we propose as part of the americans job act is
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we are going to help reduce the barriers to refinancing to get record low rates. it will provide tax cuts to not only small businesses, but almost every middle class families and that means they will pend it on products and services which provide incentives for businesses to hire folks like you. it's the right step to take right now. long-term we pull together around making sure the education is the best in the world and continuing to invest in science and technology and stabilize the finances and drive down the health care costs and making sure the state is fair and intellectual protection is available when we are doing business in other countries like china. there a lot of long-term agendas
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we have to pursue. right now the most important thing i can do for you even if you already have a job is to make sure that your neighbors and friends also have jobs because those are ultimately the customers for your products. >> yes, sir. thank you. >> thank you, chuck. we would now like to take a question from the audience. anyone interested? >> this young lady right here. >> get a mike over there, please. >> i have a question for my mother who will be 65 next march. she lives in ohio which has a high unemployment ready rate. she has a ged and worked in food service. she is un. and got approved for section 8 housing and social security and food stamps and she wants to know when can she get a job and what's going to happen to social security and medicare. >> where does your mom live in ohio? >> mentor. >> where is that? >> east side of cleveland.
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>> tell mom hi. you get points for being such a good daughter and using your question to me what's on her mind. >> you have no idea. >> my mother-in-law lives at home in the white house and i have some ideas. first of all, let me talk about social security and medicare. this is obviously been an issue that has been discussed a lot in the press as we think about our long-term finances. tell your mom that medicare and social security will be there for her. guaranteed. there no proposals that would affect folks that are about to get social security and medicare and she will be qualifying --
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she is starting to qualify for medicare and will be qualifying for social security fairly soon. together they lifted entire generations of seniors out of poverty. most important social safety net. they have to be preserved. now, both of them have some long-term challenges that we have to deal with. they are different challenges. social security is the easier one. it's just a pure simple math problem. that is that right now the population is getting older and more people are going on social security. you have fewer workers supporting more retirees and if we don't do anything, social security won't go broke, but in a few years what will happen is that more money will go out than come in and over time, people on social security get 75 cents on
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every dollar they thought they would get. the social security system is not the big driver of our deficit. if we don't want -- if we want to make sure the social security is there for future generations, we ve to make modest adjustments. when i say modest, i mean, for example, social security contributions are capped at a little over $100,000 of earnings. that means the vast majority of people pay on everything they earn. if you are earning $1 million, only 1/10 of your income is tacked for social security. that would solve a big chunk of the problem. medicare is a bigger issue. not only is the population getting older and more people using it, but health care costs have been going up too fast. that's why part of my health care reform bill two years ago was let's start changing how our
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health care system works to make it more efficient. if your mom goes in for a test, if she goes to a specialist, she shouldn't have to take it all over again and have medicare pay for two tests. the first test should be e-mailed to the doctor who is the specialist. right now that's not happening. what we said is let's incentivize providers to do a more efficient job and over time reduce the costs. i made suggestions about how we can reform medicare, but what i'm not going to do is what frankly the house republicans proposed. to voucherize the medicare which would mean she would pay $6,000 a year for medicare. i'm assuming she doesn't have it. >> no. >> we are pushing back and that raises what i have earlier. if people like myself are not paying a little more in taxes,
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the only way you balance the budget is on the backs of folks like your mom who end up paying a lot more in medicare and they can't afford it. i can afford to pay a little more in taxes. that's on medicare and social security. in terms of her fining a job, the most important thing we can do right now is to pass the american jobs act, get people back to work. if she has been in the food service industry, that industry is dependent on people spending money on food. whether at a restaurant or cafeteria or buying more groceries. if a construction worker and a teacher or veteran have a job because of the programs that we proposed, they are going to be spending more money in food services and that means that those businesses are going to have have to hire more and your
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mom will be more likely to be hired. >> we are listening to president obama take questions at this town hall in california. he's in the west coast fund-raising. a very busy schedule for the president. we will bring in california congresswoman maxine waters, a member and a former chair of the congressional black caucus. thank you so much for joining us. let me get your reaction to the president having this interesting town hall with linkedin. a social website where millions go looking for jobs or even to get a lead on a job. the president taking a question on social security and pointing out that he is against the house republican plan on having a voucher system for social security. >> well, i'm very pleased that the president is out talking about the american jobs bill. people need to know more about it. he's in mountain view,
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california. i would like to see him in south central los angeles or appalachia and some of these places where the unemployment rate is extraordinarily high. mountain view i think has a rate of about 2.2%. of course you know i'm so focused on the high employment rate at 16.7% in african-american communities and of course in our rural communities where the unemployment rates are so high. i'm glad he is talking about jobs and his proposal and what he is trying to do. >> you mentioned this in the past when the president was in iowa. in other members of the caucus, he felt the president should have been in detroit or other areas that have also been hit hard and instead of focusing at that time on iowa, why do you believe the president makes choices as you point out with an
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area that has a low unemployment rate. >> what our conversation was about at that time was targeting how we would like to see the president target the resources to these communities, both urban and rural. the unemployment rates are so high and the communities are so desperate. we don't begrudge the president taking resources to iowa and some of the other places. we would like to have that same kind of response. in the communities that you have high unemployment rates and the pain and misery that is going on in the tour that we did in the five cities that we visited during our break. we saw thousands of people standing in line and the people were appreciative that number one, we recognize the pain in those communities. we also brought employers there to give them an opportunity to try to get a job and so we are
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working hard and we are very focused and we want to make sure that the president understands what we are doing and that he works with us and that we address our resources to those places where the highest needs are. he protects his base. >> let me ask you about the speech that he gave before the black caucus and a clip of the speech. you called it curious among other things. let's listen in to what he had to say. >> take off your slippers and shake it off. stop complaining and grumbling and stop crying. we are going to press on. we have work to do! the president's comments to the congressional black caucus. what is your reaction to the speech some. >> we received a lot of calls with people asking what did he mean and who was he talking to?
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i simply responded by saying i don't know who the president was talking to. certainly not the congressional black caucus. we have been working hard and not only doing the job fairs and the town halls, but we spent a lot of time documenting the misery and the unemployment and the joblessness. he wasn't talking to us. we didn't go on vacation. we were working in the break. he could not have been talking to the unemployed people. they are not just grumbling, but asking for help. i don't think that anyone would believe he thought they were crying and crumbling and they were not basically helping to try and get jobs. i'm not sure. i think he got carried away. got off script and got a little bit beside himself. i certainly don't believe he thinks that the congressional black caucus is sitting around in house slippers and bed
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slippers. i don't own them and understand the image being described there. the people in the room where many folks have been in the civil rights movement and worked hard for many years. people were pushing back saying you are not supporting the president that you are looking for holes in his jobs plan. they push back and ask the question, where are the bills from the congressional back caucus and where itself had been with the unemployment rate in the african-american community. this has been a consistent problem in our communities. >> i don't think so. i have not heard that at all. i have not heard people saying that the congressional black caucus has not always been on the jobs issue. to begin with, as you know,
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those of us who serve on a financial services committee of congress created offices of minority and women inclusion in all of the financial services offices. that includes the sec and fdic and occ and treasury. we have been working for and about jobs. most of us and all of our lives. we have a reputation. we have a real background. we have shown what our commitment has been over many, many years and in addition that, the congressional black caucus has over 40 bills they have introduced in addition to the work we have done going out on the road with these job fairs and bringing employers in. i don't think anybody that really watches what's going on and who understands what's going on would make that accusation. >> i know you can speak for yourself and i don't want to clump everybody into this group, how would you describe the
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relationship with the caucus? >> i think the president wants to do the best job he can possibly do. i think the president can get to know the black caucus a lot better. i think there should be more interaction. we should work on strategies together. i think there is a lot of room for a lot more cooperation. i think the president wants to do that. i don't take what the president said as an insult as people would like to think of it. how dare the plt tie the congestiressional black caucus. he meant to talk about what he wanted to do, but he knew he was talking to hardworking members of the black calks and you workers who were doing this for years and marching for years and really understands what it means to march. not people sitting around in bed
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slippers and house shoe. >> maxine waters, thank you very much for your time. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. >> another republican contender meets with donald trump. the push for prek in most states don't require them to start at the preschool level despite evidence that proves children greatly benefit from pre-k education. i will talk about the importance of early education with the president of the association. "news nation" is back in three. ] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa auto repair. gary... he hung up. ...why do we have so many a's in our name? so we're listed first in the phone book. ya know, gives us an edge. you know fedex can, give us an edge. how? well, fedex ships auto parts from factories around the world, they clear em through customs, and that'll help us fix cars faster. great idea. you know you got a bright future here at aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... [ male announcer ] supply chain solutions.
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. >> interesting stories in the republican national convention. chris christie is heading to the reagan library and where is herman cain headed? mark murray joins us. let's start off here. a combo, if you will. this win in the straw poll and
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chris christie's puz again are connected in that mark, you have people saying this is proof that republicans are still just not happy with the people who are in the lineup right now. >> absolutely. there really is an open area and opening for a republican to be able to make a move. the only question is, is there someone willing to do that right now. all indications are that chris christie continues to say no. he is answering people's phone calls and saying no. the other question is, is there enough time? there is less than four months before. there is a little bit of time. rick perry is proven sometimes the people get in late or having a hard time catching up. >> he nls that people will read in a lot to that visit. >> absolutely. it was a few weeks ago that marco rubio, another rising star
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also spoke over at the reagan library. this is getting chris christie a lot of attention. he is probably enjoying it right now. i'm taking his word that he is not going to run. he said it so many different ways, but it's something worth watching. >> the trimmers from that are being felled. this is supposed to be rick perry and wrapped up for him. somebody else going up to the east side. what are they seeking from donald trump. they are not just going for pizza. what is the end game? does he hold the holy grail?
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>> it's amazing to think that. can't too long ago where they question whether the president was born in the country. donald trump is a conservative litmus test for the folks. i don't know what this gets him, but it is keeping the reporters busy. he is not looking to pat them on the back. it's this current that he may get in the race. >> yeah, he might decide to get in the race. he said he wasn't earlier, but you have a sense that the meetings that trump is having with perry or romney gets into donald trump. it's a way to still be involved in the game without being an actual candidate.
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>> they validate that by going-over to meet him. they believe he has some power and influence. thank you very much. greatly appreciate it. this week we are focusing on the topic of education with the education nation. we are looking at how critical it is to get kids in the classroom before kindergarten. according to the national research, 60% of american children are enrolled in some type of prek program. 40% of american children are unprepared. now the center is releasing the final report, capping 10 years of prek now campaign and challenging the government to overhaul the and have children start at the prek level. with us is the president of the national education association. thank you for your time. the numbers are incredible that we are looking at and you have the proof where children who are in a pre-k or head start program do better and children learn the
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most information at that early stage. >> absolutely. >> it's a critical point in their lives. >> for the national education association, we support school for all 3 and 4-year-olds and full day kindergarten. the research is unmistaken. we know by every measure, students will do better with a good solid pre-k. i know of no means that deny that. if we want to ensure the future, we need to invest in the young children. >> you point out that it brings into the issues of the have and have notes. those that are left behind, those children need it the most. >> the federal government has done a great job in filling the holes left by the regular system. no child left behind is an exception, but when we talk about special education, that's a federal program.
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they were not being served. children of migrant workers. >> what is the solution. who or what do they need to lobby and push to the key point in the child's live sn. >> we have to decide what future we want. we cannot have the status quo. >> but we are. >> we have to change that. we need them to make a decision that is very difficult for them. they won't get a change in two or five years. it's a long-term investment. i heard the figure that we spend $500 billion a year that we wouldn't sfend we invest now in prek education. >> it's one of the topics we are looking at. thank you for coming out. "news nation" will be broadcasting from the education nation experience and include philadelphia eagles quarterback. i will get his name right.
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randy weingarten from the american federations of teach s teachers. we are happy to have them on. [ carrie ] i remember my very first year as a teacher, setting that goal to become a principal. but, i have to support my family, so how do i go back to school? university of phoenix made it doable. i wouldn't be where i am without that degree. my name is dr. carrie buck. i helped turn an at risk school into an award winning school, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] university of phoenix is proud to sponsor education nation. because we believe an educated world is a better world. even though i'm a great driver and he's... not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money.
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see? he's taking his vitamins. new one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups. . a protest against wall street greed and corruption is in the ninth day, occupying a part in the financial district. the protest turned ugly over the weekend when at least 80 arrests took place on saturday and several videotaped incidents show what protesters called excessive force by police. among them, police sprayed mace on a group of women bystanders. the arrests were mostly for blocking traffic. charges include disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. here to talk about why they are
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there and the frustration, ezra kline is msnbc analyst. it's great seeing you. separate from the allegations that police used excessive forces interesting and they posted up all over the internet. people want to see how they are starting. you talk about the pitch fork when is the bank bailouts are happening. this is no laughing matter, but what's happening on wall street and with the banks is being ignored. >> a lot of the anger is justified. obama said i am the guy between the banks and the pitch forks. a lot of people wish the pitch forks got closer. i think they have done a good job getting the message out and doing something more high profile than what has come before. as with any protests, what the demands are what and what will be met. >> do you know the answer? what are the demands? >> i don't know the as to where
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they will be met. i had trouble getting the list. my understanding is that there is not a specific group of demands and there is what they call a living document online that people can vote different demands in and out. it's unusual. people have a pretty specific set of deliverables before they engage in a protest of this sort of commitment. on the other hand, i think they are trying to create a pen for people to find a home in their movement. >> a lot of these people are college students which i find interesting. we know how they are factoring into the discussion on who will turn out to vote, but these are the folk that is the republicans and others like to say their future is in jeopardy. they can't get jobs and they have the bill when is they leave college. >> i was in new york and i stumbled across earlier in the program and looked to be orderly and peaceful. i couldn't go too far because
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they are young, they were deeply representative. if that were true, you would see thousands and millions on the streets. there is a case that they tend to be more in the movements. they are worse from the recession that we know from the research tends to depress the earnings. >> we will continue to follow what's happening with the protesters and try to get clarity on what it is they want. thank you. >> thank you. >> there is new hope in the fight against breast cancer. a drug therapy is showing promise in early trials. researchers say the drug increases survival rates among those with advanced breast cancer. oncologist at the cleveland clinic and researcher in britain. the doctor is calling this the holy grail of cancer medicine. what is your thought on this medicine?
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>> i think that there is a couple of factors. one with metastatic cancer. using two drugs which have been approve and used for a number of years. by changing the way you deliver the drug, there was an increase in how effectively they work and a decrease in the side effect. >> what was the change? >> the difference is that this is actually sort of a proprietary formulation with a drug calleder is centin bonds to a receptor present in 25% of women with breast cancer. it is linked and attached to the taxes here which is used to treat breast cancer as well. by linking the two drugs, only
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the cells that do that take the drug into the cells and are affected. >> about 137 patients, that's a small group of people. this was the trial test. they are seeking an opportunity to have a larger trial. what gives you a tone regarding this treatment? phase two trial is small at 137 patients. i guess half of those got the experimental drug and half got the two drug as separate standard therapy. there was a 41% decrease in the risk for progression. that's a really significant benefit for those patients. as you mentioned, the next step is to go to a phase three trial.
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some don't carry through. >> all right. we will see what happens as it moves forward. it is an interesting development none the less. greatly appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> coming up, krabian women are not allowed to drive, but they are able to vote in some election elections. and run for office. we are looking at the timing.
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coming up at the top of the hour, president obama and the seven political dwarfs. in full command contrast nicely with an array of hopefuls spinning around in circles. plus the do nothing congress is at it again and what republicans could learn from vladimir putin. back to tamron. >> saudi arabia's king abdullah
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is announcing that women will be allowed to vote and run for municipal office. the change does not take place until 2015 and two elections have been held in the past 50 years in saudi arabia. the king's announcement is after consulting with the nation's clerics. joining me to talk about this is david keys, executive director for the daily beast. we had you on before the very important issues in saudi arabia. you say this is only a leap from an f minitous an f plus. that's nothing. >> it is nothing. the reason i said that is because the same week that the king made his announcement about allowing women to run in elections, a woman was taken in for questioning and will be tried. the same week this announcement was made. one was beheaded for the crime of sourcery. while there has been progress, it's not enough.
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if you imagine the campaign a woman will have to run if she wants to campaign, a man will have to drive her. if she wants to step inside entire cities, if she is not a muslim, she won't be allowed to. >> this played out internationally. women have the right to vote and you read further down and see all of the criteria that must be met. how it is not a wide sweeping right to vote. you wonder the typing here. we have seen the spring pushed by young people. is there a worry that the women and the voices of women will cry out louder and get more support from international communes like in the states? >> we certainly hope so. if you look at some of the more dangerous aspects of the saudi regime and take one example, the whipping of women, part is an attempt to remove the concentration from the brutal practices and i would like to make history with you today and for the first time show a saudi
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whip used to whip women. every time the words moderation and saudi arabia are used in conjunction, i want them to think about a woman sentenced to 300 lashes for walking outside her home without a male guardian. even at 75 years old, merely for walking around with men who are not her relative. that's outrageous. >> we know that expressed outrage towards the united states who many say and believe and still supports this king and laws that allow the women to be whipped. >> the article by one of the board members about the whipping of women. at the same time they sold arms to the gender and repressive dictatorship. we can start by treating them the same way that they treat
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women. if he wants to leave the country he shouldn't be allowed to drive as long as they are forbidden for driving. >> the executive directionor and contributor for daily beast. as always, we learn so much from you. we'll be right back. i couldn't conceive this as a heart attack. the doctor leaned over and said to me, "you just beat the widow-maker." i was put on an aspirin, and it's part of my regimen now. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go see your doctor now.
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welcome back. new details for the hikers who were just released from iran. josh fattal and shane bauer returned home yesterday and spoke about the more than two years they were held captive in iran. they were beaten and thrown down stairs and heard screams from other prisoners. they said the only reason they are held is because they are american. a powerful house explosion earlier this morning sent two people to the hospital. they forced dozens to chrome the blaze. a natural gas leak in the home is to blame. finally drivers are getting
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relief. the average price for a gallon of gas, that's down nearly 50 cents. that does it for "news nation." we will talk to randy wine gard at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. martin bashir is up next. bl we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep.
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and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. she's supporting breast cancer programs for her neighbour's tennis instructor's daughter's 1st grade teacher
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who's also her mom. help fund breast cancer programs in your community. redeem your lids today delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it.
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good afternoon, it's monday, september 26th. here's what's happening. the cain mutiny. >> who? >> rick perry knocked off his saddle by the godfather of pizza. while the president looks ready for a fight.
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>> i don't have time to feel sorry for myself. i don't have time to complain. i will press on. i expect all of you to march with me and press on. >> plus, to the brink again? boehner and his crew refuse to budge on aid to irene's victim, leaving millions in the mud. we begin with president obama broadening his attacks on a grand old party increasingly in disarray. this is a picture of president obama wrapping up a town hall forum in mountain view, california where he was asked by a wealthy search engine pioneer if the president would please raise his taxes and offered this push back to republican no taxes plans. indeed, the president's campaign is engaged in a full court press trying to make up for lost ground when he was


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