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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  October 10, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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road and preaching what's become a familiar sermon. pass this bill. >> if the republicans in congress think they have a better plan for creating jobs now, they should prove it. >> tough talk from the president and the republican response? >> we have a difference of opinion with the white house on how best to create jobs. we don't think doubling down on failed stimulus policies which have already proven to fail is the right way to go. we want to go with ideas proven to work. >> it has demonstrators around the country wondering if politicians can walk the walk as well as they're talking the talk. >> people are tired. >> this is a warning to my republican friends. when i hear paul ryan talking like that, i start to think even the guys up there that i like are on another planet. stop talking to us about why the other guy comes up short. >> the rhetoric also pales in the face of this harsh reality. from the official end of the recession in june, 2009 through
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this past june, median incomes fell 6.7%. more than double the 3.2% decline that took place during the recession. and that's people who have jobs. u.s. unemployment is 9.1%. and well above that in states with early primaries like nevada, south carolina, and florida. >> it is the first time in 30 years or so where you really have existential questions about the classic american question of will the next generation be better off than we were, and the answer now is no. >> john harwood, cnbc correspondent, and writer for "the new york times." john, good afternoon to you. >> craig, i think i'm even more depressed listening to the opening than i was sitting in the chair. >> sometimes truth can bring you down. your piece this morning, in that piece you note what many have been saying. folks are mad at washington, but you also point out that
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washington is mad at itself. the in fighting, the gamesmanship, how will that frame the president's debate on the jobs bill. >> they have everybody in a bad mood as they take up the jobs bill. everybody in washington knows their job is on the line because the american people are unhappy. as john meacham said in that setup, people are beginning to fear, young people and also their parents, that the next generation is not going to do better. we can't live off our housing bubble, which we lived off of for awhile on the internet bubble before that, and so it is very difficult for the economy to deliver higher living standards right now. the democrats are going to take up the president's jobs bill. they're going to change the way to pay for it, which they didn't like what the administration came up with. they can't pass it because they don't have enough republican votes to pass it. so it is going to be another symbolic exercise designed to make political points. >> a message bill. let's talk about some of the
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pieces of the president's bill because as you mention there, most acknowledge there's little chance this thing gets out of congress as it is written. which pieces make it and which pieces don't? >> the likeliest piece to make it, which in fact is most of the piece in dollar terms, is the payroll tax cut on the employee side and the employer side. that's the flaw in the bite that you played earlier for paul ryan when he was talking about the failed stimulus policies. tax cuts for republican point of view are not failed stimulus policies. that's likely where the two sides can come together with some sweeteners, and that would be most of the stimulus the administration is seeking. >> again, all of this against the backdrop of the cover this morning of your paper. people, families in this country making a lot less than they were a few years ago. >> absolutely. you can see it, craig, in poll rightings for congress. 11%, president obama, 39%. it is ugly. >> thank you, sir. appreciate you. republicans got an
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unpleasant surprise this weekend when one of their own tried to reopen a religious debate among conservatives about whether mormons are true christians. pastor robert jeffress, dallas, introduced rick perry to the value voters summit in texas. jeffress went outside and said this to reporters. >> rick perry, he is a christian, evangelical christian, follower of jesus christ. mitt romney is a good, moral person, but he's not a christian. mormonism is not christianity, it has always been considered a cult by the mainstream of christianity, so it is the difference between a christian and a nonchristian. >> that was in d.c. friday. david canton east joins me. is there a large swathe of the republican primary electorate that cares whether a candidate is mormon, and is that group large enough to effect a primary? >> i don't believe so. when you say large, i don't believe it is the majority of the party, but i believe there's
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a sliver of the party that this is very, very important to them. you saw some coming to mitt romney's defense. gary bauer that ran for president before, prominent in that movement said we have to unite. there are a lot of things we can agree on, on abortion policy, on gay marriage. so is this a problem for mitt romney? sure. but i don't think this will be the cause of him not getting the nomination. >> romney had to address the same topic almost four years ago. let's listen to what he said then. >> if i'm fortunate to become your president, i will serve no one religion, no one group, no one cause, and no one interest. >> how is he handling it differently this time around? of course, the question of his mormonism. >> the campaign knew this was inevitable.
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it was about timing, when would it happen. it happened at the value voters summit. he responded basically with a veiled swipe, not a direct come back, but a veiled swipe saying the poisonous language never happens in advancing our cause and we need to get together. so i still believe if anything, this is an issue in the primary. in the general election, a lot of the voters have problems with mitt romney for other reasons, because they don't believe he's sincere on some of their core issues, but i do think that if he's the nominee, the party will come together just because they want to beat president obama. that's what they care most about. >> david, if the debate in dialogue is about jobs and the economy, many say the republicans have a built in advantage over the administration now. for the gop, what's gained talking about social issues now? >> social issues are always going to be at the forefront for a certain part of that
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electorate. even when you ask for reaction from rick perry, a lot of other candidates, michele bachmann, nobody went near the mormon issue because they want to keep this on the economy. it will be an interesting debate, tomorrow's debate is supposed to focus on economy. but will the moderator brooch the topic of religion. >> thank you, sir. mitt romney taking flack from other republican candidates as he is now the perceived frontrunner nor the nomination. recent polls like this show that romney has a steady lead over the rest of the pack. that of course makes him the target dejour. joining us, karen finney, republican strategist, susan dell% i don't see. romney was attacked over his faith this weekend. rick perry has come out with a new ad, another none too subtle attack on romney.
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let's look at a quick clip. >> i am a conservative business man. >> the white house has pointed to the massachusetts law as the model for obama care. >> mitt romney transforming into barack obama in an ad there that looks like a trailer for a horror movie. congrats to chris hayes for his cameo. is everyone putting political ammo at romney? >> that's the joy and agony of defeat of the frontrunner, everybody will be coming after you. what we've seen so far, mitt romney has done a good job in each of the debates handling that fire, and again, answering in ways that are trying to make him seem presidential. that respond to the gop electorate but keeping an eye on the general election. thus far, he has done well. >> susan, can romney weather the attacks from both sides or do
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they start to have effect on numbers in the polls? >> looks like they're not going to have effect on him, he has gone through this process before and knows what he has to do to make it through the primary and through the general election. they may keep coming but i don't think it changes. it won't be much of a problem for him. >> talk about the candidates, a man named rick perry trying to present rick perry 2.0 this week. his wife said he will be more prepared for tomorrow night's debate in new hampshire. how important, susan, is tomorrow night's debate to rick perry and his candidacy? >> it is very important. he has done horribly in the last few debates. people are expecting a lot more. he did throw up a good fund raising number and this will effect future fund-raising.
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if he delivers even adequately, he'll come out ahead. >> do you expect we will see different type of rick perry? at some point the question has to become is he just not a good debater? >> well, you know, people ask that question i remember about barack obama. and when you're running for president, that's part of the job, doing the debates. he had other, don't forget the whole thing about the ranch, right, and that name on the rock and what have you. his campaign team handled that incredibly poorly. >> how so? how should they have handled it differently? >> first of all, they should have known that was the kind of thing that would come up. it is not unreasonable for a reporter to say i'm going to this person's hometown and see what life growing up there was like. they should have realized that's the kind of story that would come out. just because it wasn't a problem in previous elections in texas that when you run for national office, that's the kind of issue you better have a good answer
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for. the other challenge perry has, his performance tomorrow, he has to show not only can he attack mitt romney but does he have ideas of his own. at some point, attacking romney, that's fine, but a lot of attacks on romney are the kinds of things susan was saying, in the primary, most primary voters already know that about him. they need to see does rick perry offer something more. >> susan, do you think he shows that tomorrow? do you think we see a rick perry 2.0? >> not based on this last ad that came out. i think we're going to see perry attacking and not offering a lot of substance yet. he has a major address on friday on the economy, but i agree with karen, he really has to show some of his own ideas, and it is actually hard to do that in the debate format. >> all right. karen finney, susan del percio. thanks for your time. the family of a missing ten month old is scraping together a reward fund in a desperate attempt to find the one game changing clue that could lead
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investigators to their baby girl. lisa irwin was last seen sleeping in her crib. peter, what's the latest? >> reporter: craig, just about 20 minutes ago, we saw lisa irwin's father, jeremy irwin, drove by the family home behind us to pick up the family's mail before taking off to where they have been. they are not speaking publicly, they are keeping the focus on their daughter and the police investigation. heart breaking and challenging time for the family. but investigators had a busy weekend back here at the home, looking for any new clues that might lead them to the missing baby girl. at the irwin home this weekend, investigators tried to recreate how an abductor might have gotten inside as the parents have suggested, crawling through a window over and over, recording the entire thing. sunday, investigators also went door to door here, asking about a local handyman who hasn't been
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seen since before lisa disappeared. police haven't declared him or anyone else a suspect, but the detectives' questions have neighbors speculating. >> to especially think somebody that works next door may have had something to do with it, that has played with your kids, seen your kids, talked to them, you know, they know him. it's scary. >> reporter: meanwhile, they scandinavia the front and backyard with metal detectors and once again searched a landfill. >> we need her home. we are not a family without her. she's everything to us. >> reporter: after several desperate pleas last week, lisa's parents, jeremy irwin and debra bradley didn't speak publicly this weekend. last week, police said they stopped cooperating, but this weekend the parents met again with investigators. >> we're all tame table right now, and that's the best thing for the investigation, no doubt about it. >> reporter: lisa's parents reported her missing last week
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after jeremy returned from working his first overnight shift as an electrician, on a night debra says she can't remember locking the front door. >> handing out fliers for baby lisa. >> reporter: her heartbroken relatives stepped up their own efforts, handing out hundreds of fliers to nascar fans at the kansas speedway. >> she was kidnapped out of her home monday night and the cops don't have any tips, don't know where she's. >> reporter: it was a remarkable scene this weekend as we witnessed that re-enactment what it would take for an abductor to get in the home. obviously as you say, a process that isn't easy or quiet. an effort by authorities to try to validate, discredit that story of the parents of the young girl. speaking of it not being a quiet process, what else isn't quiet are the dogs in the neighborhood that makes it more suspicious to people that have been here the last several days. they have been barking through the course of the evening when we were here. many suspect they may have heard
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an intruder as well. >> peter, thank you. for more on baby lisa's disappearance, joined by former fbi profiler clint van zandt. no significant leads at the moment. what do you make of that so-called re-enactment of a kidnapping that police staged? >> it's done for two reasons, craig. number one, police have to satisfy themselves that the version that the parents appear to be preptisenting, that it co have happened that way. number two, they want films that show the recreation if there's a suspect that they eventually wind up with, they want to show how he or she could have actually been able to do this. so it is multi purpose. but again, craig, they have a two track investigation. track number one says stay on the parents, the family. over 90% of the time when a young child disappears, the parents have something to do with it, somebody in the house
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does. but the other part of that is who is that unknown offender that might have come through the window. >> 90%. that high? >> yeah, that high. in the last 30 years, there's only been a little over 150 or so cases of infant abduction by unknown offenders, by somebody actually trying to kidnap the baby. and craig, when that happens, that's usually a mother trying to replace an infant she lost in childbirth or shortly thereafter. this baby is two and a half foot tall, 25 to 30 pounds. you're not going to pass this little girl off as a newborn. so when you start to look at the statistical probability, it gets smaller and smaller for an unknown offender to have done this for the normal reasons, which is to replace a lost child. >> clint, neighbors say investigators are knocking on the door showing pictures of a handyman that was working in the
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area that hasn't been seen since lisa disappeared. why aren't they releasing more details on this guy if they can't find him? >> that's a good question. only thing worse than losing a child from a parent's point of view is being accused of having something to do with it. that's where the parents stand now. all of us remember the case of elizabeth smart, that, too, was a handyman that worked in the neighborhood, who worked in that house, and it took law enforcement quite awhile to come up with him as a potential suspect, too, but you know, i think law enforcement misses the bet, craig, when they don't use the media. you and your listening audience, you're a force multiplier like the army would say. when you show a picture, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands see it, that's better than 50 cops can do walking the neighborhood with a picture. >> clint van zandt.
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thank you. california back in the center of the immigration debate, giving the green light to the dream act there. will it spark a new national debate? we'll talk about that. first, a quick look at the boards. dow having a pretty good monday. up almost 280 points. s&p 500, nasdaq, both up. [ male announcer ] humana and walmart have teamed up to bring you a low-priced medicare prescription drug plan. ♪ with the lowest national plan premium... ♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ...saving on medicare prescriptions is easy. ♪ so you're free to focus on the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details. or a can of paint...
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24 people are dead after the most violent protest in cairo since mubarak's ouster in february. demonstrators are angry over a swell of anti-christian violence in the past few months. michelle ka sin ski joins me
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from london. that's not all the demonstrators are angry about i understand. >> this really swelled out of nowhere. stunk scenes of violence in and around cairo. started out state tv as a peaceful protest by christians, but turned into hundreds of people battling it out, shooting at each other. men armed with rocks, sticks, swords walking around. it spread to a hospital where people were treated and nearly two dozen people killed, it has been reported. and also an estimated nearly 500 people injured. while it seemed to erupt quickly, tensions have been simmering for a long time. interestingly, the revolution only exacerbated them. that's because the christians felt like they were somewhat protected while mubarak was in power for decades. his strong security force had to maintain stability.
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now they have been complaining about hard line muslims have been kind of picking on them, that they have been attacking their churches, you know, incidents big and small. and they feel like nobody is really protecting them. it is true in the past couple months, in april and may, smaller clashes got attention in egypt but didn't make it into coverage in the west often. either side would accuse each other of kidnappings, forced conversions. it does erupt into violence like this. what's to happen while the incident rum talks? the white house released a statement saying the united states believes the rights of minorities, including cops, must be respected. that all people have the universal rights of peaceful protest, religious freedom, that these tragic events shouldn't stand in the way of timely elections and continue to
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transition to democracy that is peaceful just and inclusive. we are expecting parliamentary elections in egypt hopefully in november. presidential election next year. but tensions are really disturbing to see this happening and not so long after the revolution, craig. >> michelle ka sin ski from london. thank you. a struggle at sea as a group floats in rough water for 20 hours after their boat capsizes. we'll take you there. plus, why tiger has all the attention at a weekend tournament, but not for his swing or score. we're going to explain why he's getting dogged on the green again. ♪ ♪ ♪ when the things that you need ♪ ♪ come at just the right speed, that's logistics. ♪
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protest, the largest one centers in new york city. demonstrators are capitalizing on angry and frustrated over the economy, jobs, corporate greed and inequality between classes now. the group has its first show of corporate support. ben and jerry's is backing the effort. some efforts have started in the u.k. and ireland. a weekend trip goes wrong in the florida keys. an 80-year-old woman drowned and seven others had to tread water in choppy seas for hours after the boat capsized. rescuers say a four-year-old was kept afloat in something like a cooler. the u.s. coast guard rescued them. and not so fast, netflix, backing away from a plan to rename the dvd service. netflix bowing to outcry from many that cancelled service over the summer. and tiger woods making news
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in san martin, california, but not for his score. a fan threw a hot dog at tiger as he was lining up a putt on the seventh green. security guards got to the guy who fell to the ground and peacefully surrendered. >> when i looked up, i was already in the air with the button kind of disintegrating there. he laid down on the ground. it looked like he was -- he knew what he was doing, laid on the ground, put his hands behind his back and turned away from security. so i mean, one of those deals. >> tiger missed the putt. the hot dog thrower was charged with disturbing the peace. new life for the dream act in california. how students qualify and the renewed debate over the issue. plus, the republican candidates for president rallying support in new hampshire. michele bachmann in particular, hoping for a reboot. her strategy straight ahead. with olay challenge that.
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welcome back to msnbc. i'm craig melvin. an autopsy is being performed on a firefighter that collapsed in the chicago marathon and later died. captain william kafr necessary was running to help burn victims. nba players are meeting to avoid a lockout and cancelling games. and we know who tipped off the fbi on a mob boss' whereabouts. it was a former miss iceland that lived in the same neighborhood and bonded with his girlfriend over a cat. she got 2 million bucks for turning them in. and sir paul, hoping third time is a charm. mccartney married an american heiress in london in a civil ceremony yesterday. this weekend in california, governor jerry brown signed the dream act into law. it makes it possible for illegal immigrants to apply for state
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financial aid and merit based scholarships to california public colleges and universities. anthony york covers the governor's office for the l.a. times. msnbc contributor maria kumar, thank you both for joining me this afternoon. >> thank you, craig. >> let's start with what's involved in getting grant money. this is not that any illegal immigrant that applies will get financial aid. what are the parameters? >> we're talking about high school students that have been here at least three years and that are in the pipeline, either seeking residency or naturalization, so i think, you know, we're talking about people that are on track to try to be an active role, play an active role in the economy after they graduate college. >> have to meet academic standards and show financial need as well? >> right, it is all about financial aid. so financial needs given going in. >> maria, your organization
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applauded the new law as a wise investment in the future. but how will the dream act keep california from becoming a place where scores more illegal immigrants go, not just for jobs and healthcare but now also for a chance at a subsidized college education? >> i think one is that they're going to have to demonstrate they're a resident for at least three years. also for the majority of the kids that are eligible, california invested 12 years of their life to make sure they're outstanding students and we are looking at california looking at the individuals that have excelled. right now, i think this provides a great tupt for bigger debate when you talk about the impact of comprehensive immigration reform and this is a step in the right direction. every state now are passing different types of laws, whether incredibly polarizing and dividing communities or what governor brown is doing, saying look, we already invested heavily in the individuals, let them graduate and pay good taxes. massachusetts did a study that found by providing the fees, you
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will find $2.3 million that the college system is going to get in return. >> marie a california's economic woes well known to close a budget gap of $10 million, the state had to cut service to legal residents. is it right to do what california has done? is it right to create a new entitlement program and other states have done it at the same time, new entitlement program when they're having to scale back other entitlement programs for people who are in the country legally? >> i don't think it is an entitlement program. these kids still have to compete with everybody else. and at the same time, it is not 100% subsidized. they have to pay additional fees to go to college. this allows the university to get additional funding from a different source. more importantly, rand did a study of undocumented person with a college degree ends up paying close to $6,000 more in taxes and reducing burden on government. this is a great opportunity to take a step back and say we're not dividing the community,
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we're providing a path for people to come out of the shadows, pay taxes, get educated and vest back in california. at the end of the day, the buck actually stops with congress. congress has to roll up their sleeves, we can't have a patch work of immigration laws. >> anthony, what kind of money are we talking about here in california? how much is this program supposedly going to cost? >> well, existing money. there were two bills signed by the governor. this latest bill is the public money. he signed a bill earlier this year that would entitle undocumented immigrants to apply for private financial aid programs. so we're talking about existing pots of money that other students are already competing for, so it is not about additional cost, it is about the money already laid out for financial aid that the students can now enter the pool and compete for. >> was this a bipartisan effort in california? >> no. nothing about immigration, a few things on the immigration rarely
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are bipartisan in california. it is a polarizing issue. this is less polarizing than the driver's license debate or fight in the '90s over proposition 187 because it is not as sweeping, but still a divisive issue. >> thank you both for your time this afternoon. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. the u.s. military is trying to track doup the sourvirus for predator drones. jim miklaszewski. >> according to u.s. military officials as of yesterday was still no. nevertheless, it is disconcerting. these drones, many are armed with deadly, accurate hell fire missiles, are considered the future of u.s. warfare. if it is easy enough to plant a virus in the control systems, in this case, the pilots there at the air force base in nevada
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that fly them a half a world away, what else can be done in terms of infecting the system. they say there is no damage apparently, no loss of classified material. they say there is concern, they're trying to track it down. according to one official, nobody's hair is on fire. >> al qaeda confirming the death of anwar al-awlaki two weeks ago. i understand there's a secret memo revealing new information about how his death was ordered. what can you tell us about that? >> the so-called secret or classified memo, this came out of justice department. as we understand it, it provided justification for putting the american born cleric, anwar al-awlaki, on the u.s. kill or capture list because the evidence indicated that al-awlaki was not only instigating attacks against the u.s., but he himself was behind attempts to launch terror attacks in the united states. so therefore, there needed to be
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some kind of authorization to put him on that kill or capture list, and in the government, particularly in places like the cia or u.s. military, if at any time you're forced to launch an operation that goes outside the regular rules of engagement as this one clearly did, everybody wants it on paper in case there's blow back later that they would have had that proof and evidence that they were ordered if not justified to do that kind of operation, craig. >> jim miklaszewski from the pentagon. thanks. why ron paul is not getting any love despite winning another straw poll. and a rare appearance of michael jackson's children to honor their late father. [ male announcer ] theraflu, mucinex,
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his children made a rare public appearance, took the stage in wales. we heard conrad murray's side of the story for the first time. prosecutors played an audio tape of his police interview where he described how michael jackson begged for the powerful anesthetic propofol, using a different name for it. >> at that time he said i'd like to have some milk. >> hot milk, warm? >> no, it's just a medicine. >> what is the medicine? >> it's called propofol. >> kristin dahlgren live in los angeles. what else did we hear friday? >> this interview took place two days after michael jackson's death, and as you said, it is the first time we heard conrad murray detailing the last hours of michael jackson's life in his own words.
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according to him, he says that he had to go to the bathroom. he left the room for only two minutes. when he came back, he was surprised to find michael jackson not breathing. prosecutors contend that dr. murray was gone at least 45 minutes from the room, talking to his office and also to girlfriends. dr. murray says michael jackson told him he can't function if he doesn't sleep. he begged him for propofol. said he was worried about having to cancel his upcoming tour, and also how michael jackson asked him if he could push the plunger to administer the propofol himself. >> and he asked me why would you -- why don't you want me to push it? i love to push it, you know, it makes me feel -- medicine is great. >> the first time that milk was used on him, was it your idea or was it his idea? >> his. his. >> murray told investigators he was trying to wean michael jackson off of that propofol that three days before his
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death. he started that process, that he loved michael jackson, and he thought about his children and that's why he wanted to get him off the drug, craig. >> i understand more of that tape will be played tomorrow when court resumes. do we know at this point what else dr. murray talks about? >> yeah. this tape is over two hours long. they couldn't get to all of it friday. they will resume tomorrow. we have seen transcripts. he is going to be talking about the moment at the hospital when the children found out their father was dead. he said paris said something about she's going to wake up and not be able to see her father any more and told him she didn't want to be an orphan. >> any word on whether his kids will be called to the stand? >> we still haven't heard. they could be called to the stand. the family has really been trying to keep them from the trial. they said multiple times, they don't want them on the witness stand, but we're still waiting to see. the prosecution should be wrapping up its case.
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the trial expected to take five weeks. and we're two weeks into it. >> kristin dahlgren, thank you. >> you bet. side bar now. if the two senators from massachusetts have their way, they say bipartisanship may win those coins. the federal reserve said they have more than a billion dollars in one dollar coins sitting in vaults. they say ending production of the coins would save hundreds of millions a year. however, they also say the law could be a boost for a massachusetts company that produces paper for currency. and the super committee may not be super after all. associated press reports that the committee is no closer to a deal than they were a month ago. the committee is reportedly deadlocked over tax cuts and cuts to programs like medicare and medicaid.
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they are supposed to get a trillion dollars in deficit savings in the next five years. failing to find those cuts would result in automatic across the board cuts for the pentagon and domestic programs as well. and "saturday night live" couldn't help but take a shot at mitt romney's problems with people that wanted chris christie. >> and by the way. wait, mitt, ear muffs. >> look, i'm going to run in 2016. i just can't do it now. let's just say i have to make a couple of things go away first. but after this poor guy loses, it will be great, fast president. come on, it writes itself. ent 12 hour hold challenge. ♪ apply fixodent once, and it holds all day. ♪ take the fixodent 12 hour hold challenge. guaranteed, or your money back. ♪
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social conservatives got the chance to say who best fits
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their values. ron paul won with a third of the vote. herman cain, rick santorum round out the top three. joining me to make sense of this, mark murray. mark, here is the fascinating thing about the poll. the organization that conducted the summit has already started to cast doubts on the results. tony perkins told cnn today, quote, i don't think ron paul is truly reflective of where value voters stand. why no love for ron paul? >> i think the no love factor comes in that ron paul and his folks really know how to work the straw polls. remember, he finished that very close second to michele bachmann in the iowa straw poll, also other organizations have straw polls and ron paul always does well, finishing first, second or third. so you see these organizers of this social conservative confab, they are people that are usually evangelical christians that want to legislate morality.
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having someone like ron paul win who is a strict libertarian, who doesn't believe the government should have any roll for almost anything, that's probably the reason the organizers are a little ticked. >> but if they dismiss the winner of their own poll, doesn't that discount the validity of the straw poll itself? >> a little bit. it is important to note that straw polls, sometimes you take them with a grain of salt. the actual voting is not going to begin until january or february. those are the contests that count. we have seen ron paul time and time again, no matter the venue, do well. remember he finished fifth in the iowa caucuses in 2008 and fifth place in new hampshire primary. he is a force to be recognize onned with, but not likely to get the republican nomination. >> how did michele bachmann do in the straw poll? >> not well. her status has taken a hit. this is a group along with rick santorum, michele bachmann should have done absolutely well with them. you also have to look at rick
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perry who is trailing from behind. these are the people that social conservatives are probably going to break to at the end of the day, particularly someone like rick perry, but it is striking to me that you end up having ron paul first, then herman cain second. that's a striking finding. >> mark murray, thank you. >> thank you. michele bachmann's win in august at the ames straw poll, it seems like a long time ago. rick perry, herman cain leaped forward in the polls. there are whispers on the campaign trail about money issues in the bachmann camp. the question now for some is can she even make it back to iowa. joining us by phone, jamie novogrod. what's the word on bachmann? >> how are you? >> happy columbus day. >> thank you very much, it is a beautiful day in new hampshire. well, michele bachmann finished and event, craig, at new england
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college, good crowd there. i would say more than 100 people. and she has been well received by people here, but the important thing is that these are people that really care about fiscal issues and care less about the social issues that she in part stakes her campaign on, craig. >> how important is new hampshire to michele bachmann's overall campaign strategy? >> well, this is an interesting question. there's no question she's running an iowa-centric campaign. they have a power point in which she calls iowa a must win state. there's a slide later in the state of iowa in which he says iowa is important but won't dominate our efforts. i'm sorry, new hampshire is important but won't dominate our
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efforts like iowa. >> jamie novogrod. see you tomorrow, noon eastern. up next, andrea mitchell reports. trade on luck. i trade on fundamentals. analysis. information. i trade on tradearchitect. this is web-based trading, re-visualized. streaming, real-time quotes. earnings analysis. probability analysis: that's what opportunity looks like. it's all visual. intuitive. and it's available free, wherever the web is. this is how trade strategies are built. tradearchitect. only from td ameritrade. welcome to better trade commission free for 60 days when you open an account.
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hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. right now on andrea mitchell reports, faith under fire. mitt romney's religion again chajds by evangelicals after a dallas pastor calls it a cult. >> mitt romney is a good, moral person, but he's not a christian. mormonism is not christianity, has always been considered a cult by mainstream christianity. >> it never softened a single heart or changed a single mind. >> as for jon huntsman, the other mormon in the race. >> here in new hampshire, that is seen as the most


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