tv The Ed Show MSNBC October 11, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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today will be ab to tell the kids. late at night with a flash light under the chin on halloween. that does it for us tonight. now it's time for "the ed show." good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show" tonight from new york. the republican presidential candidates just finished going after each other in new hampshire. i loved it. newt gingrich wants to send barney frank to jail. herman cain's 999 plan was repeated about 99 times. rick perry looked dazed and confused. and mitt romney is still pretending to be middle class mitt. we got a lot to talk about. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. >> mitt's had six years to be working on a plan. i've been in this for about eight weeks. >> 999 will pass and is not the
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price for pizza. >> full analysis and fact checking of tonight's debate with jim moore, dr. james peterson, and joe watkins. tonight the senate voted to kill the jobs bill that economists say could save us from another recession. bernie sanders joins us with reaction. and the 99% movement is growing and republicans are beginning to change their tune. >> i for one am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs. >> ring of fire radio host mike papantonio is here with us. great to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. i don't think anybody got any smarter watching this crowd. moments ago eight republican hopefuls just wrapped up a debate at dartmouth college. it was boring. but i have to say it was the most detailed republican debate so far. the economy, jobs, and bailouts were the highlights. tonight mitt romney who clearly leads the field in recent polling made several statements
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this evening that just don't coordinate with past comments. >> would you or would you not be open to another wall street bailout? >> well, no one likes the idea of a wall street bailout. i certainly don't. >> you said that in 2008 that it prevented the collapse of the financial. >> there's no question that the risks they took was designed not to just keep the collapse of the individual banking solutions but to keep the country worth something. was it perfect? no. was it well implemented? not particularly. were there some institutions that should not have been bailed out? absolutely. should they have used funds to bail out auto makers? no. >> the old briefings he used to have when he started asking the question. but key point, especially you tea partiers out there, you paying attention to that? mitt romney would bail out wall street and let the american
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automobile industry die. herman cain has made more gains than any other candidate in the last three weeks. the pizza man seems to be hinging the whole campaign on his 999 plan. >> 999 will pass. and it is not the price for pizza. because it has been well studied and well developed. it starts with unlike your proposals throwing out the current tax code. >> how does he know it's going to pass? the democrats would never put a 9% sales tax on the poorest americans. to cain's credit, though, he has other candidates quoting his plan. >> once you get a new revenue stream, you're never going to get rid of it. and one thing i would say is when you take the 999 plan and you turn it upside down, i think the devil's in the details. >> candidate cain claims he can make it simple. he can save the economy. and he's not letting the facts get in the way. >> mr. cain, you say that your plan is revenue neutral.
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last year the u.s. collected $2.2 trillion in tax revenue. but bloomberg government has run the numbers and your plan would have raised no more than $2 trillion. and even with that shortfall, you'd still be slapping a 9% sales tax on food and medicine. >> the problem with that analysis is that it is incorrect. >> so bloomberg is incorrect in their analysis because the pizza man said so. it's pretty entertaining. this whole debate was high on rhetoric and absent of solutions. newt gingrich wants members of congress to go to jail for the financial crisis. >> if you want to put people in jail, i want to second what michelle said. you ought to start with bernie frank and chris dodd. look at the politicians who profited from the environment and the politicians who put this country in trouble. >> yeah. and who was it that voted down glass segal and deregulated wall street? newt i thought you were supposed
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to be a historian, dude. missed that one. rick perry looked like a deer in the headlights at times. >> we're sitting on this treasure-trove of energy in this country. and i don't need 999, we don't need any plan to pass congress. we need to get a president of the united states that is committed to passing the types of regulations, pulling the regulations back, freeing this country to go develop the energy industry that we have in this country. i can promise you that we do and we'll create an environment in this country where the manufacturing will come back to this country. >> now, you have to admit that rick perry has gotten better with his bullet points. that was just generic talk right there. no substance whatsoever. but i found it interesting late in the debate tonight he was asked a very direct question about the income gap in america and how the top 1% income earners in this country, their income has gone up 300% over the last 30 years. i love this graph.
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i wish they had said you know on ed's graph this is what they're saying. you see that blue line on the bottom? those are your hard working middle classers. that's where you have gone in the last 30 years. and rick perry's answer was to blame it all on president obama. how dumb does he think americans are? it makes me think tonight that the christian conservatives in the south have to be wondering. is this the time for us to hire mr. light weight? i don't think so. i don't know if it's a hormonal thing or whatever this time of year with deer hunting coming up, but he looks like a deer in the headlights often tonight. the other question that popped up was about poverty that dealt with that graph as well. and rick santorum got that question. rick santorum says the destruction of the family in this country the why we have poverty. i don't think it's helped and surveys out there will probably back that up. but it's not the key reason. let's look at the republican
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party and how they have outsourced jobs and how they have shut down 50,000 factories in the country and cost 3 million manufacturing jobs to go overseas. that's why we have poverty going where it's going. we also have poor people in this country who had to wait 11 years to have minimum wage changed because the republicans stood in the way time and time again. we also have an attack on labor which is all about depressing wages. we also have the institution of public education being vilified where they're cutting everywhere they possibly can instead of investing. and i think you got to be educated if you're going to have a chance at a good living in this country. so it's not just the destruction of the family, mr. santorum. it is clearly republican policies that have taken us to where we are in this country over the last 30 years. and dude, i got the graph to prove it. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think.
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does mitt romney or any republican candidate actually care about the middle class? text a for yes, text b for no to 2622639. one other node, we have seen protesters in how many cities over america? tonight's debate was supposed to be about the economy. and not one said they had anything that would change the plight of the 99% in this country. it's more rhetoric about corporate tax cuts. it's more rhetoric about can't raise taxes on the job creators. nothing new here in case you missed it. that's why i'm glad you're watching me tonight. joining me now is jim moore. writer at moore and the "huffington post." and also the author of "adios
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mo mofo." did rick perry make a comeback of sorts? is he still in this in your opinion? >> the standard of performance for him is so low going into tonight based upon what he did in the other debates that he probably would have had to fallen asleep at the table to have done worse. i don't think he moved the needle in any direction in any case. but he didn't harm receive either in this particular debate. no matter how many times you watch these things, i'm always surprised by the genteel nature of them. there were so many opportunities to pick on rick perry. came at the end when talking about the emerging technology fund. the cronism he used to allow to skip through the process to get the checks written for their companies, this borders on corruption. they could beat this guy up talking about how he used tax dollars to write checks to his
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friends and corporations. but he didn't get touched on that. they spent more time picking on mitt romney and cain since they are the current front runners. >> cain asking romney about romney care. here it is. >> governor romney, your chief economic adviser glen hubbard who you know well, he said that romney care was obama care. and romney care has driven the cost of small business insurance premiums up by 14% over the national average in massachusetts. so my question for you would be how would you respond to his criticism of your signature legislative achievement? >> the great thing about running for president is you get the chance also to talk about your experience as a governor. and i'm proud of the fact we took on a major problem in my state. >> what d you make of the question and the answer right there? >> well, the question was really foolish on perry's part because
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he's opening himself up to all the criticism that is available to the republicans and certainly to the democrats on health care in texas. one out of every four people in the state of texas is lacking in health care. and they didn't get around to talking about that until the end. then perry spends all this time talking about asking for waivers from washington for medicaid. he'd gotten 15 of them and still didn't provide health care. then he also did this outsourcing to a private contractor to manage a children's health insurance program. and he completely destroyed that and lost hundreds of millions of dollars of texas taxpayer money trying to do the outsourcing. >> and what did you make of mitt romney tonight saying that he would bail out wall street again? he was very clear. i mean, he is not against the bailouts. and defying the tea party on bailouts. what's that going to do to him? >> i assume it's going to harm him with the tea party. the interesting thing is there are a lot of autoworkers in
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michigan who have jobs now that got government assistance to those auto industry jobs and they got a bailout yet he was geps that in this debate. but he was for bailing out wall street. and he tried to make the claim it was to hold up the economy and the dollar and keep it alive. i think it's going to harm him. >> jim moore, thanks for being on the scene at the debate. now let's turn to dr. james peterson associate professor of english at lehigh university. and joe watkins republican strategist. let's focus on herman cain. it seems every answer he gives, joe watkins, is about 999. he had other candidates quoting his plan. do you think that this is a good way to run his campaign? i think it's taking him actually pretty far. what do you think? >> i think so too. this is a man that really understands what you need to do to publicize yourself to get people to play your game.
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and he did it certainly in turning around the godfather's pizza franchise. he got people to take a second look at his pizza and buy his products. and he's doing the same thing with his candidacy. he didn't have a whole lot of money yet he's second in the polls. >> it'll be interesting to see if he can raise any money. >> james peterson, what's the 9% sales tax going to do the poor in this country? >> people of lower class folk spend part of their income on consumer products. which means essentially the 999 plan is a tax that would exacerbate those folks. >> james, how did cain do tonight? >> i think he did with el. he should be commended. the reason we're talking about him is because he has a plan. these other jokers don't even have a plan. i think what we're seeing the emergence of the romney/cain ticket. you notice they give each other
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passes on opportunities throughout the debate and the public discourse. >> what about that, joe? >> that would be quite something. it certainly would -- when you consider the fact that african-americans are proud of the fact that we have an african-american president, having an african-american on the ticket on the republican ticket who is so popular in these primaries would be interesting. >> joe, he's been pretty tough on the african-american community especially this week. some of the things he said out there. but will, joe watkins, will the tea partiers accept mitt romney's stance on bailouts? >> i think the tea partiers will vote for the republican candidate because they think the republican candidate will put americans back to work. we've got 14 million americans that currently aren't working. whether you think mitt romney is for or against middle class people, he's actually for them because he wants to put them back to work what americans think about are being put back to work. >> mitt romney is not for middle class people. the answer to your question is
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mitt romney is going to flip-flop on it when he's pressured by the tea party candidates. he will flip florm. >> he won't flip-flop. he said what he liked about them and what he didn't. he said the bailout was meant for good. >> but he didn't say no, joe. he didn't say no. he's open to bailouts again. and that's what the tea partiers have been upset about. that's what the 99% is upset about. i think he alienated himself to a lot of people. >> i don't think so. i think you'll see him strong in the polls. and no matter what anybody says, he's somebody who has a strong background in business. he understands turning around companies and fixing problems. >> romney is the equivalent of none of the above candidate for the republicans. no one is in love with him but he's steady. even tonight he was steady and measured. he does fairly well and stands on the sidelines as the others self-destruct.
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you look at how cain is emerging and the way they have a hands off policy between romney and cain. that's interesting. >> african-american on both tickets. wouldn't that be something? >> it would be extraordinary. herman cain won the straw poll in florida. maybe the most important state in any election. so he's not to be taken lightly. but that 999 plan, don't be fooled by it. >> he's somebody who cares about working class people. so don't write him off. >> gentlemen, great to have you with us. james peterson and joe watkins tonight. remember to answer the question at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on twitter @edshow. coming up, newt gingrich wants barney frank to go to jail. we have frank's response next. we'll talk to msnbc contributor
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well, here's an earth shaker. today governor chris christie of new jersey endorsed mitt romney for president. but the question was attacks on romney's religion. >> these time of religious matters have nothing to do with someone's quality to lead. not based upon their religious beliefs but based upon who they are. and i think that any campaign that associates itself with that type of conduct is beneath the office of president of the united states in my view. >> really? christie must be starting a brand new position in the republican party. you see, republicans eagerly pounced on then candidate obama
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over jeremiah wright. ca mccain tried to distance himself. >> i know president obama he does not share those views. >> but that didn't stop republicans from using comments in the campaign. and this ad from the pennsylvania republican party. which the mccain camp said was unauthorized. and of course before and after obama became president, right wingers stoked the false claim that he was a muslim. so if chris christie says religion is off the table, he's got his work cut out for him with his own republican party. then when we come back, more on the gop debate. stay with us. the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition.
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welcome back to "the ed show." more on the gop debate beginning with a quick fact check. herman cain said his 999 plan would help bring down deficits and debt. >> we must grow this economy with a bold solution which is why i have proposed 999 and statement get serious about not creating annual deficits so we can bring down the national debt. >> all right. well, let's hold the phone on that one. an analysis found that herman cain's plan would create the largest deficit since world war ii. and even one of tonight's moderators said a bloomberg analysis disputes the claim by herman cain. well the pizza man said the analysis was inaccurate. newt gingrich actually revived sarah palin's claim about death
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panels. >> i think candidly governor palin got attacked unfairly for what would be death panels. >> politifact called it a lie in 2009. newt missed the memo. it was always a lie and still is. and jon huntsman talked about an army of new irs agents because of the affordable health care act. >> the mandate will be in place. the irs is already planning on 19,500 new employs to administer that mandate. >> are you sure it's that many? dealt with a similar claim long ago and determined it was false. the affordable health care act requires the irs to give tax credits, not collect penalties. the irs may or may not need to hire new employees to administer the affordable health care act. rick perry says president obama
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has over taxed. >> you have a president who does not understand how to create wealth. he has over taxed. >> well, president obama has cut taxes. he has not raised them. unless of course you smoke. then the taxes have gone up there. i don't smoke so i don't care. let's bring in msnbc political analyst and blook berg view columnist jonathan alter and imogen lloyd webber. great to have you both with us tonight. here's overall impressions first. let's get overall impressions. jonathan, what'd you think? >> i think it was another crank show. i mean, these guys are so far right they're right out of the mainstream of this country. with the exception of mitt romney who is slick enough that he just kicks it in almost all these debates. they didn't really lay a glove on him tonight. he's going to be a tough
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competitor for president obama should he go on to win this nomination. looks likely at this point. except he did one thing tonight, ed, that i think will come back to haunt him. he went after the assistance that the u.s. government provided chrysler and gm. and he can kiss michigan goodbye. because that bailout of the auto industry worked. it saved hundreds of thousands of jobs. and he's not going to be able to defend that statement. he gave the obama campaign a nice piece of tape. but i think that that's the only thing that'll have any lasting effect from this debate which was mostly about herman cain. >> imogen, you're overall impressions tonight. who won? who lost? >> this is it. we've lost christie. we've lost palin. and you look at it and think really? is this the best of the republican party to come up with to lead the free world? i think romney absolutely won
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tonight but he did wobble. i did not like his answers on the eurozone. and the country too big to fail not clear at all. i think perry is out of it now. he was wobbling over reagan. cain was beaten up. he shown himself as inadequate again. bachmann again, she's out of it. so it was sad to see tonight, i have to say. >> here's bachmann talking about ronald reagan again. here it is. >> in the 1980s ronald reagan produced an economic miracle. and while all of us for wishing and yearning for a third term for ronald reagan, governor perry, you were campaigning and cochairing al gore's election campaign for president of the united states. you went on to increase spending in texas by over 50% and you financed that spending by increasing bond debt by over 137%.
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that's exactly what barack obama has been doing. increasing debt by trillions of dollars. how can we trust you to not go down the obama way and over spend and pay for that spending within indebtedness. >> but reagan also created record deficits for that time and raised taxes as well in part to try to get this huge deficit down at the time. so view -- there really was no new revelation with any of these candidates tonight, was there, jonathan? other than what you had mentioned previously about mitt romney stubbing his toe. >> no. i don't think there was too much that was dramatically new. but we did see more evidence of the kind of games they play. bachmann, the most interesting exchange involving her was when mitt romney was offered an opportunity to ask her a question. everybody else asked a tough question of one of their rivals. mitt romney offered her a real
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softball. trying to get some of the social conservatives who he knows distrusts him. each had some kind of an agenda. perry seemed kind of low energy again. he didn't, you know, completely stink up the joint he way he had last time and fall on his face. but he also didn't do himself any good. i think people who write him off at this point are being premature. because, ed, you know this. the process does not allow a static campaign. there will have to be some kind of rival to romney who will emerge. so perry will get another look. he will have over debates to get back into this. and we shouldn't assume right now it's over. >> imogen, what did you think of rick perry's performance tonight. certainly smoother than the last time. it didn't seem he was going to get too detailed.
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>> but the detail is part of the problem. this was all about the economy tonight. but he put his economic plan for later. for the next few days. i think he actually looked quite small and pretty scared when the reagan clip was played. i think moving forward it's going to be interesting to see who is going to be up against romney. romney is obviously the default candidate at the moment. but republicans when they go for the default candidate, it doesn't always work. look at bob dole and john mccain. >> imogen, we have seen these protests 99%, there wasn't much reference about the 99 percenters tonight. these protesters. i thought they would have been able to reshape their position with the middle class as a party and candidates if they addressed that tonight. and they didn't. what do you make of it? >> you would hope so. but i think they're scared of them. they don't whether they're blaming obama. they were all playing it safe tonight. >> okay. great to have both of you with us tonight. i appreciate it. jonathan alter and imogen lloyd
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webber with us on "the ed show." thanks so much. the kids on "fox and friends requefriends" are going to the zone where they belong. another national security victory for the obama administration today. it will keep us all safer. and if you think he's getting any credit from republicans, well, think again. [ female announcer ] instantly smooth wrinkles with a shot? wait a second... with olay challenge that. new regenerist wrinkle revolution...
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in psycho talk tonight, eric erickson and the people on fox and friends keep pushing the bogus right wing talking point that 47% of americans don't pay taxes. erickson started a website called we are the 53% which mocks a web page created by the 99% movement. but erickson's site lashes out. the piece of paper he's holding in this picture says i work three jobs. i have a house i can't sell. my family insurance costs are outrageous. but i don't blame wall street. suck it up you whiners. sounds like he's doing the whining. the three jobs he does is a cnn gig, blog, and radio gig. not bad. all he has to do so is be a right wing hate merchant talking points. but steve and brian, they're on board with erickson's bogus movement. >> wall street occupiers meet their match. the people who actually pay their taxes are on their way.
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they call themselves the 53%. and they want you to pay your fair share. i'm optimistic that'll be a good segment. they say quote, suck it up you whiners. i am the 53% subsidizing you so you can hang out on wall street and complain. the protesters are famously now -- their motto is join the 99. we are the 99% versus the 1%. take a look right there. class warfare. >> so when folks protest wall street greed it's warfare. and just to be clear, even if people don't make enough money to pay federal income tax, i believe that they still are paying a lot of taxes like state taxes, local taxes, payroll taxes, sales taxes. so for eric erickson and his buddies on fox and friends to demonize less fortunate is
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psycho talk. next up, republicans vote to defeat the president's jobs plan. that happened tonight. i can't believe it. but president obama says this fight is not over. senator bernie sanders joins us live tonight coming up. eric cantor called the occupy wall street protesters growing mobs. now he's running scared from those comments. mike papantonio tells us why some are changing their tune about the protest. ♪
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good to have you back with us. thanks for watching tonight. with 14 million americans out of work, this should have been a no brainer for the united states senate especially the democrats. yet just 40 hours ago, 46 republicans and two democrats voted against creating jobs in this country. it would have been a slam dunk job creator. they voted against putting veterans to work. they voted against fixing roads -- it failed tonight.
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it failed to get the 60 votes to move forward. the final total was 50-49. harry reid changed his vote. gop planned a and they got some help from the democrats. senator ben nelson pish pitched in by voting no on a bill that would have put 2800 teachers in nebraska back to work. i can't figure this out. montana also sided with the gop turning his back on at least 2800 construction workers in the state of montana. folks, these are people who you elected as democrats. the country needed them today. the president needed them today. and they let us down. joining me tonight is independent senator bernie sanders of vermont. thanks for joining us so late. our audience loves to hear what you have to say when it comes to working families in this country. tonight was a real kick in the
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teeth by the united states senate to people across this country. your reaction? >> it is beyond my comprehension how when we have in real terms 16% of our people unemployed, 25 million americans, when we have millions more who work longer hours for lower wages. when we have an economy today which is in as bad of shape as any time since the great depression, it is literally beyond my comprehension how we could not get one republican vote in order to put millions of people back to work. >> senator, what is the upside of voting no if you're a democrat and you stand for democratic values? >> well, you got me. i don't understand that either. i think if you go out on any street corner in the united states of america and you ask people do you think we need a major jobs program which among other things rebuilds our
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crumbling infrastructure, our roads, our bridges, our water system, public transportation. i think the vast majority of people say yes. let's put americans back to work rebuilding this country. in terms of laying off teachers, we have a crisis in education. let me tell you, ed. the solution is not laying off hundreds of thousands of teachers or police officers or firemen. i can't understand why in the midst of this economic crisis why anyone voted against this bill. in my view i think we've got to go further than the president proposed. i would put more money into infrastructure, into energy, and i think we can create a whole lot of jobs doing that. >> so what kind of political climate does this create for president obama? he's put a lot of political capital into this. been out on the road. he's got the polling with him on this. but he didn't get the senate to vote his way tonight. where does this leave him? >> from a political position, i think it leaves him in very good
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shape. i think the overwhelming majority of the american people understand that the republican agenda is a fringe agenda. these are the guys who do not want to support job creation because they think it would be good for president obama. these are the guys who want to destroy social security and medicare. these are the people who with a huge deficit want to give more tax breaks to the richest people in this country and they also want to continue to deregulate wall street after wall street has caused recession. so i think this right wing republican agenda is a fringe agenda. i think from the political point of view obama has got to keep running around the country talking truth to the american people. >> it is obstruction at an unpru unprecedented level. do you think the american people get it? the 99% that's out there. >> i think the american people do get it. i think the protesters are touching a real nerve end. what the protesters are saying
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is there is something wrong when the crooks on wall street who caused this recession are now making more money than they ever did before while unemployment is soaring and people have lost their life savings as a result of wall street has done. the other point they're making which needs to be made is this great country cannot survive economically when we continue to have a gross desparty of wealth. >> on a different matter tonight, the republican debate took place. newt gingrich made the comment that he thinks that dodd and frank should be in jail. what's your response to that? >> well, that tells us why newt is doing so well in the republican primary. i think that's what it tells us. senator sanders, good to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. the effort to recall wisconsin governor scott walker is officially underway and off
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to a great start. we'll bring you the latest next. the justice department announced another terrorism bust today. don't hold your breath for republicans to praise the obama administration for being tough on terror. okay, so you mean you just ignore the environment. actually, it's cleaner. and, it provides jobs. and it helps our economy. okay, i'm listening. [announcer] at conoco phillips we're helping power america's economy with cleaner affordable natural gas... more jobs, less emissions, a good answer for everyone. so, by reducing the impact of production... and protecting our land and water... i might get a job once we graduate.
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and we are back with the latest on the effort to recall wisconsin governor scott walker. last night we broke the news here on "the ed show" that the recall process was officially underway. in the first 18 hours after the announcement, the party raised $85,000. also the group organizing the recall united wisconsin says more than 200,000 people have already pledged to sign the recall petition. they need about 540,000 signatures. so the movement is well on its way. and another development in wisconsin today. jeff fitzgerald who helped ram through the anti-union bill is looking to take his union busting ideology to another level. he announced he's running for
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the republican endorsement of the republican senate seat. coming up, president obama gets another homeland security win. and the 99 percenters are making eric cantor nervous. stay with us. the uv lotion helt skin and firms during the day. the cream hydrates to firm at night. gravity doesn't stand a chance. regenerist, from olay. [ female announcer ] starbucks via® is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. ♪ it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via® ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via® taste promise. look for it at starbucks stores and where you buy groceries.
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in my playbook tonight another major announcement on national security from the obama administration is more proof that the president's tough action on terrorism is working. >> today the department of justice is announcing charges against two people who allegedly attempted to carry out a deadly plot that was directed by factions of the iranian government to assassinate a foreign ambassador here in the united states. >> the elaborate plot charges two iranians with trying to assassinate the ambassador to the united states. attorney general eric holder said the united states is committed to holding iran accountable for its actions. hillary clinton said the administration would consider
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further action to isolate iran. the arrests are the latest in a recent string of successful anti-terror operations for the obama administration. you would think the president's record would take national security off the table for the republican opponents. but unfortunately you would be wrong. >> i will not surrender america's role in the world. this is very simple. if you do not want america to be the strongest nation on earth, i'm not your president. you have that president today. >> really? i want to know what mitt romney and other republicans would do to keep the place safe like president obama has. republicans may want to run away from the past. but they cannot ignore the facts of the presence. occupy wall street protests continue today.
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now some republicans are backing off their negative descriptions of the protesters. mike papantonio tells it like it is. and the cause for the flip-flop. an airline has planes and people. and the planes can seem the same. so, it comes down to the people. because: bad weather, the price of oil those are every airline's reality. and solutions will not come from 500 tons of metal and a paintjob. they'll come from people. delta people. who made us the biggest airline in the world. and then decided that wasn't enough.
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♪ welcome back to "the ed show." survey tonight i asked you does mitt romney or any republican candidate actually care about the middle class? 5% of you are convinced yes. 95% of you say no they're not. i'm one of them. coming up, republicans are changing their tune when it comes to the 99% movement. mike papantonio joins me next. across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at
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i for one am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying wall street and the other cities across the country. and believe it or not, some in this town have actually condoned the pitting of americans against americans. >> that was house republican leader eric cantor last week in the voters values summit. and since then the groups he's called growing mobs, they have not let up. members of the 99% movement marched again in manhattan today and in other cities across the country. including washington, d.c. where six protesters were arrested at the senate office building. suddenly eric cantor is singing a different tune. he told reuters today people are upset and they're justifiably frustrated. they're out of work. the economy is not moving.
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their sense of security for their future is not clear at all. people are afraid and i get it. really? do you get it, congressman? and it's just not cantor. other republicans including the presidential front runner are changing their tune about the occupy wall street movement. joining me tonight is mike papantonio host of the ring of fire radio show. great to have you with us. does eric cantor people are starting to worry about the political influence of this movement and it might be for real? >> they're worried about this message. and the message is stop the looting and start the prosecuting. because the people that these folks want prosecuted, the people in occupy wall street that want the prosecutions they want are the very people who are the money behind people like eric cantor and the money behind mitt romney. look, the message is clear, ed. it's a good message. the message is capitalism is a great system. one of they have greatest systems in the world, but right
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now it's broken. and the people on occupy wall street, occupy d.c., atlanta, you name it, the message is the same. they want to fix it and it's real simple. first of all what you have to do is remove all of the money from politics. a guy like eric cantor doesn't want to hear that. he doesn't want to hear that you have to remove the money from the lobby system and the political system. the second part of it is that you have to stop this insanity of too big to fail. look at the money that eric cantor and people like mitt romney have gotten from those banks that are too big to fail. >> we have seen a real shift here. mitt romney also backed off his statements in the course of just a few hours. here's what he said yesterday afternoon about the occupy wall street movement. >> all the streets are connected. wall street's connected to main street. and so finding a scapegoat, finding someone to blame in my opinion isn't the right way to
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go. >> and then here's what he said just six hours later in the same evening. here it is. >> i don't worry about the top 1%. do we need to help them? i don't worry about that. they're doing just fine about themselves. i worry about the 99% in america. i want america to be the best place in the world to be middle class. i want to have a strong and vibrant and prosperous middle class. so i look at what's happening on wall street and my own view is boy, i understand how those people feel. >> really? is this just another standard romney flip-flop or feeling the heat from the movement? what do you think? >> remember, romney called himself a middle classer, ed. but what he's part of is part of that 1/8 of 1% that controls american wealth. that's okay as long as it would really trickle down. but occupy wall street is saying this. they're saying capitalism only
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works if you put money in the hands of people who are going to spend the money. people who are going to go buy a television set or buy clothes or buy food. that's where you have to put the money. not in the top 1/8 of 1%. romney doesn't understand. >> quickly let's talk about the debate. made a comment about throwing a sitting congressman in jail. here it is. >> if you want to put people in jail, i want to second what michele said. start with frank and dodd. >> what do you think? >> he's had the opportunity when he was in the senate to perp walk so many people who had stolen trillions of dollars from this economy. never did a thing about it. he's a dead man walking. this is his last meaningful debate. >> mike papantonio, always a pleasure. thanks for being with us on "the ed show" tonight. i'm ed shultz. you can listen to me on sirius xm monday through
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