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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  October 17, 2011 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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street that has gone global. a key republican who referred to the protesters as a mob changed his tone. developing news after the death of dan weldon. experts say safety improvements for indy car racing may have come too late. the missing 10-month-old lisa irwin. police are at a home and planning to drain a creek in the search for this missing child. this as her family prepares to announce they have hired an attorney. decision 2012. herman cain is loving the attention and the crowd. cain is reportedly according to one article romney's worst nightmare and even with his 999 plan and what seems to be problems with foreign policy. i'm tom ron hall.
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the occupy wall street nation counting since hundreds of thousands turn frustration with wall street into a global outcry. they say they raised more than 300,000 in donations from people supporting the movement. they saw the largest marches over the weekend from new york where thousands packed in where anger turned to violence. 175 people were arrest and hundreds camped out overnight at st. paul's cathedral? in london. at the center of it all, one month later, what are they planning next? >> there has been a question since the beginning as to what do they want? what are the specific goals? that's a question that continues to be asked today. they are not closer to moving towards specific demands, they are gathering people's inside. they are starting a think tank work group and that gives an
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opportunity to work together. they have an idea box where people can make suggestions about things they should think about and they are going to let it go on for a while because it gives a good idea of what's important to the group and what ideas are important. they are operating with momentum right now like you mentioned. they had a big weekend of protest all over the world in new york. it looked like new year's eve. thousands came out to support them there. they are getting a lot of material support. they get donations from all over the world shipped here. multiple times a day. you see boxes roll into the park, up to 400 a day. from sleeping bags to hand wipes. there is the catch. hundreds of thousands of worth of cash. they are trying to figure out what to do with that next. >> live for us, thank you very much. we want to take you to the other
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side of this story in london. michelle, what is the latest there. >> protesters here in sait. pau area are here for three days and they are taking a page from occupy wall street. they are organizing and many of the same issues that started in the u.s. are resonating here in london and elsewhere as well as asia. in front of st. paul's cathedral, they chose the space to occupy because it is nestled. they hoped to march for the london stock exchange over the weekend. police barricaded the area and it's safe. they have permission from the cathedral organizers to stay in the space as long as they don't hinder tourists from entering the space. some of the platforms that resonated in the u.s., they are also using here, including the
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we are 99%. there some issues that are unique to this area such as the unemployment is high as it's been since 1994. they are concerned about the rising student tuition fees that you have seen in marches here in the past. they are also concerned about the environment and other areas. they are organizing, but ramping up because they are using that occupy wall street as a model. tamron? >> michelle franzen in london. thank you. is the president ready to use the occupy wall street movement? the president for the martin luther king memorial said the civil rights icon would identify with the voice. >> if he were alive today, he would remind us that the unemployed worker can challenge the excesses of wall street without demonizing all who work
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there. >> ezra kline is the columnist and a contributor. in your article will obama occupy wall street and you quote your colleague peter wall and reporting that the team is looking at putting this into the strategy. how are they planning that? >> by having mitt romney win the nomination for the presidency. he has become in recent months the favorite of wall street where obama was in 2008 and raised an enormous amount of money. goldman sachs was the largest company. now mitt romney is vastly outraising him. they said look, we regulated wall street and did a lot of things they don't like. they will give us an easier time of it. is it what you want? >> the president is on a bus tour and pointed out that some
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of them might want to see. that is probably not going to happen. he certainly can find a way to strategize even though you were down there and a lot of people don't identify with one party or the other. >> right. i should say i think the book had conflicted feelings about obama and they are not associated with either of the two parties. i don't think it would be a good idea for him. i think that what they are creating and showing is that there is an organic grass roots effort, a feeling that wall street is too powerful and had too easy of a ride in the recent years and this gap combined with stag nating median wages is a problem and we need to redress it if in a more serious way than in washington. it is providing cover for the white house to come in behind
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it. the occupy wall street folks have turned the conversation and the obama reelection is going to take advantage of this. >> eric kabtor got a lot of push back as a mob and last week at the end we had a poll that shows 54% view the occupy wall street versus a tea party in a favorable light. let's play what he said in his choice of the word mob. >> more important in my use of that word is the fact that there is a growing frustration out there across this country and it's warranted. too many people are out of work. where i am most concerned is we have elected leaders in the town who are joining in an effort to blame others rather than focusinging on the policies that brought about the current situation. >> what are do you make of the strategy from other republicans. we are at the one-month market
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with the movement. >> they found a similar thing with the fea party. it's never a good idea to say when people express grievances there is nothing to it. they are just a bunch of folks that don't need to be listened to. i think the rest of his comment is a little bit -- it sounds like typical spin. if you were watching the debate last week when they said they would like to repeal the regulation bill and the capital gains tax that makes them make investment income and banes oxley after the enron debacle. republican who is want to deregulate to come out and say the folks on the wrong side of the movement are the folks who want to regulate wall street more. >> thank you very much for joining us. thanks, ezra. an occupy is planned for dan weldon. a lot of questions are being
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raised about the fire that took his life. he was killed in the horrifying 15-car pile up near the beginning of the las vegas 300 race on sunday. now questions are being raised n the race from the start.ce joining me by phone is sports illustrated senior writer, lars. there improvements on the way regarding indy racing, but the changes are coming too late for dan. what do you make of the safety issues? >> dan was only a part-time driver this year and spent time working with indy car tests and the new design of a car coming out next year. i'm not sure that could have prevented what transpired on sunday. there is too many cars on the track, no question. 34 is too many indy cars on a
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1.5 mile track like las vegas. drivers were anxious even on saturday during practice because the speeds were 224 miles per hour. at the track like that where drivers don't have to lift up the throttle, it's a recipe for disaster when the slightest wiggle will cause a wreck. >> expert keith hewin is quoted and said next year the less oval racing tracks will be replacing the street and road courses and that in his estimation the las vegas track won't make the calendar next year because of the changes that will be made on the indy circuit. >> the only oval you will see will be at the brickyard for the indy 500. you will see the street and road courses which were the speeds that weren't so quick. you have this packed racing with
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20 to 25 cars next to each other. do i think indy car has to do soul searching this season and need to radically change the schedule. >> sprayed from the experience of the safety issues and the concerns, you have to talk about this great young man and his children and wife without him and his fans who are devastated. >> it's heart breaking. dan was a charismatic guy and did color commentating for indy car races this year and his charming smile and quick wit made him a real favorite of fans. he just signed on to get a ride for next year and taking the seat of dan ache patrick, one of the most coveted of indy car.
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most heart breaking for his wife and small children. i have been at the magazine for 17 years and one of the saddest stories i have ever had to cover. >> our heart is with the family and all of the fans who certainly will miss dan wheld on. thank you very much. >> now to presidential politics and on the cover of this week's issue of news week, the front-runner along with the headline, yes we cain. he is getting the flood of scrutiny as a top tier candidate. he acknowledged he has a 999 tax plan that raises taxes for some americans. >> some people would pay more, but most would pay less. >> who will pay more? >> the people who spend more money on new goods. the sales tax only applies to people who buy new goods. >> joining me now is the
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coauthor of those who shop on ebay. if you buy anything new, does herman cain have wiggle room in if you buy anything new, you will pay more taxes? >> strictly true, his new law applies to food which typically hasn't been taxed. low income americans spend much monostaples such as shelter and food. those things will be taxed based on what we know about the plan. so there is not a lot of wiggle room with it. >> you and your article, we talk about mitt romney having great performances in the debates and suddenly as you wrote, cain was suddenly the great black hope of the gop. the anti-obama. he goes on to say he believes that mitt romney is a decent man, but cain said obama is a terrible leader.
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what do you ax tribute to the success and many people asked this question. you talk about a lot of things, but what is the key to herman cain's success? >> he has a great personal magentism. you can see a little bit on tv we saw him speak outside of columbus, ohio. he speaks off the cuff and speaks from the heart. he is very fluid and doesn't say um a lot. that connects with people. things like 9-9-9 are simple. anybody can understand them and that connects with a lot of voters. >> i was watching realtime with bill maher this weekend and he was willing to put up $1 million to her $1 that he not survive longer and get the nomination. others say he is romney's worst nightmare. how is he going to consince people that he is not the flavor of the month? >> it's a matter of longevity
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and doesn't have the organization that romney had. romney has been running for president for years and he has staffers all over the country. cain is playing catch up. he raised more money recently and will be hiring more people, but even then the totals are well behind several other candidates running behind him in the polls. he has a strug toll keep up all the way long. >> thank you very much. greatly appreciate your time, david. thank you. >> developing news in the search for baby lisa irwin. police are surrounding a home as we speak. we are expected to hear from her parents in a news conference. >> rick perry publicly distanced himself from the minster who made incendiary comments regarding mormonism. a string of e-mails obtained by the daily beast reveals perry's campaign may be pushing an anti-mormon message. "news nation" is back in three. s rider.
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developing news about the parents of the missing baby are expected to hold a news conference. a heavy police presence cleared outside the kansas city home where lisa's parents have been staying. what's the latest there? >> we have been raceing for one search tight tight to another. one was happening at the home behind me where the irwin family lives and their daughter lisa disappeared almost two weeks ago. investigators came in looking for more evidence and went in front of a home where lisa's parents have been staying for the last two weeks with a relative. they're draining parts of the creek looking for evidence and
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all this to find whatever they can to find the missing girl. monof it based on a tip at this point. we finished within the last 24 hours. an extensive conversation with both of lisa irwin's parents and made in the course of our conversation was that debra bradley, lisa's mother was drinking in the hours before she said her baby daughter vanished. here's the conversation. >> were you drinking that night? >> yes. >> how much. >> enough to be drink. >> you were drunk? >> uh-huh. >> you were drunk that night. is there a chance that you did anything that hurt your daughter? >> no, no. if i thought there was a chance, i would say it. no. i don't think that alcohol can change a person enough to do something like that. >> it is a significant acknowledgement. they asked her if she blacked out and she acknowledged it was
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a possibility. if she blacked out, it may explain why the door was unlocked and may not have heard an abductor. not ruling anything out it. may explain how debra bradley may have been involved in her daughter's disappearance. they are working on that over the course of the search today. >> thank you very much, peter. lisa irwin's parents will hold that conference in a little over an hour. we'll bring you the latest development. on to massachusetts, a principal surround fire for a memo voicing anger over holidays surrounding historical events. she sees more atrocities than something to celebrate. she had banned kids from dressing up for halloween and highlighted the fault of the pilgrims and christopher columbus. she wrote teachers should be careful about celebrating columbus day and thanksgiving.
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talk show host michael smirconish, we heard about the war on holidays that usually involves christmas. what's wrong with thanksgiving? >> the mayor said sometimes history is messy. the italian community responds because they have a reverence for kristi for columbus and said he is being maligned in the process. i say a lot of good comes out of the holidays. thanksgiving is by way of example and we litigated this in the past. it represents families guiltying together and enjoying quality time and watching the lions play a football game in the afternoon. i'm for keeping them the way we have them. >> she wrote we might have been able to claim ignorance christopher columbus kplamed against the indigenous people. celebrating this is an insult and a slight to the people he annihilated. on the same lines we need to be
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careful around thanksgiving time as well. does she have a point? it is sadly a part of so many cultures. we saw it in texas when they attempted to reinvent slavery of all things. people were outraged and admonishing the texas education board. does ann have a point? are people trying to reinvent history? >> i don't have a problem of using these as teachable moments. if this is a lecture or lesson plan to talk about the way in which history perhaps mischaracterized the facts as long as there was balance in her presentation that, would be a good thing. if she is saying you are not going to show up as a elt skeleton because of witches and goblins, hang a sign that said no fun allowed in front of the school instead. >> thanksgiving is say great family holiday. no expectations and you are not
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looking for gifts and you don't have the pressure of shopping for people. >> a good nap expectation. >> thank you, michael. see you at your house. president obama kicks off the bus tour to build support for the jobs plan and said no to americans. plus -- >> it's been a shock. i recently found this out. >> entertainment reporter juliana ran sick reveals a devastating diagnosis she received while trying to get pregnant. details on juliana on "news nation." with a manual transmission? because there are those who still believe in the power of a firm handshake. the cadillac cts-v. manual or automatic, that's entirely up to you.
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v is rick perry's campaign pushing an anti-mormon mess arnlg? we will talk about the new e-mails reveal. >> president obama kicks off a bus tour to ramp up his call for action. under pressure, the u.s. reportedly pushes the united nations on nuclear intentions as iran issues a warning to the u.s. juliana ran sick reveals she has breast cancer and the stunning way it was discovered. now to decision 2012. new evidence suggests that rick perry's team may have been quietly advancing the notion that mitt romney's mormon faith should disqualify him from becoming president.
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it's the work of mckay and he joins us live from washington, d.c. >> good to be here. >> tell me the timeline of the e-mails you obtained. >> the series of e-mails that go back about two weeks and the first 1 that we see that has to do with this happened about five days after the value voters summit where reverent jeffress called mormonism a cult after endorsing rick perry. >> one of the people quoted in this said he is the head of this radio network and sheet self-described leader of christian talk radio. he was planning to interview jeffress and they called the pastor's comments a stroke of luck in this. >> yeah. the other person involved in the e-mails was david lane who is a
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prominent evangelical activist with close ties to the perry campaign. he show him encouraging this talk radio host to sort of advance the motion that that moermt onnism is a cult and he calls it the false god of mormonism and said we need to continue to spread dr. jeffress's message. it is clear he is trying to get the christian talk radio madia to advance the notion that the faith should be a wedge issue in the campaign. >> on realtime with bill maher, jeffress was on again and insisted that mormonism is not christianity. let me play a bit of the exchange he had on friday night. >> the fact is that mormonism has never been a part of historical christianity. they have their own set of doctrines and own book of
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revelation. i think mormons are good moral people, but not a part of christianity. >> in the same interview he said he received more heat from conservatives than from the left. is it the strategy that was tried and backed off on after the heat perry received? >> we will see going forward. it is occurred a forum with conservatives and liberals to say you shouldn't vote for this person because of religion. i don't think we will ever see the perry campaign running ads questioning romney's christianity, but it remains a fact that many evangelicals believe what dr. jeffress said. mormonism is not christianity. mormons believe they are christians, but evangelicals do. we will see the perry ram tan or
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supporters continuing to advance the notion that mitt romney is not a christian and not qualified for the presidency. >> interesting report you have. you obtained the e-mails there. thank you. the alleged attempted assassination of a diplomat has president obama urging the un to release information on the nuclear program. they indicate the do you means could detail a push by the leaders to develop nuclear weapons. the deputy editor for time magazine, thank you for your time. iran is calling for or demanding access to the man being held in the united states as part of an alleged plot to kill the saudi ambassador and said they will respond to anyone in appropriate measures in a robust way. what is the latest? >> as you pointed out, the obama
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administration is pressing the un to relieve the sensitive nuclear information. the attempt is to further isolate iran and the big question is whether the obama admin can get russia and china against iran and whether they can get russia and china to come on board. they hope if the nuclear information reveals that or proves that iran is pursuing nuclear weapons, that will force them to abstain and participate in stronger sanctions. the iranian response has been rhetorical. iran doesn't have many diplomatic tools at their disposal to hurt the united states. whether they can use other measures through the proxies like hamas in gaza or hezbollah in lebanon, that is yet to be seen. >> what are is the u.s. saying is on the table as a possible
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action that could follow? >> not a lot. at this point there is not a lot that the u.s. can do. keep in mind that there a lot of sanctions through the united nations and directly from the u.s. on iran at the moment. the only way the sanctions get tougher is to get china and russia to come on board. this is these optics that are directed at moscow and beijing. you have been protecting them for a long time and they have gone off the reservation and look what they are doing here with the nuclear program. it's time to stop protecting them and isolate and pressure them. that's the idea. >> with that, you have iran pushing back in many ways. it has no benefit if it assassinated the diplomat. no immediate benefit to iran. >> a lot of them don't seem beneficial to iran in the larger scheme of things. there is a lot of questions to
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be asked with this particular plot. there a lot of questions to be asked about what knew and at what level and at what point. perhaps the most charitable account is if you believe that this is done by rogue elements within the regime. people in the obama administration suggested that may be the president did not know this was going on. in any case, we have to accept there is a lot of intrigue that takes place and many faxes involved. what the obama administration is trying to do is use this as the lever to wedge out the iranian nuclear program and bring it out into the open so that others will be protecting or being reluctant to go up against iran. so they can back down and say loves are off and it's time to push hard on tehran. >> the international editor for time magazine, thank you for your time.
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president obama kicks off a bus tour to pass key pieces of the jobs bill. the president said it represents the next step to revitalizing the nation's economy. the president told an excited crowd how the legislation would move forward. >> i'm asking members of congress to vote -- what we are going to do is break up the jobs bill. maybe they couldn't understand the whole thing all at once. we are going to break it up into bite-sized pieces so they can take a thoughtful approach to the legislation. >> kristin welker is headed to the next stop in millers creek, north carolina. is this the first time we heard the president tell the crowd he wants to break it up and that may be the route? we have talked about it in political circles and is this the first time addressing the public about it? >> it is the first time saying we are going to break the
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american jobs act up. [inaudible] >> we have obviously a reception proper with kristin. she joins us on the phone and traveling with the president. she will with more as she continues on the tour. there will be a lot of time to talk with her and moving the jobs bill ahead. zachary quinto plains his decision to come out, describing the catalyst for change within him. details ahead. first, a lot going on and things we thought you should know. "saturday night live" debate pokes fun at the candidates at herman cain and the 9-9-9 plan. >> how do we fight terrorism? 5-5-5 plan. five airplanes, five soldiers
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yoplait original gives you 50% of the daily value of calcium in every cup. a new study projects cancer survivors over 65 will increase by nearly half. pr breast and prostate cancer is high survival and lung cancer is the deadliest. there will be a need for doctor who is specialize in geriatrics. >> coming up at the top of the
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hour, the preoccupation spreads. the president sympathizes. the banks make record profits and should we continue to celebrate thanksgiving? back to tamron. a woman stranded at the south pole arrived in christ church earlier after spending months in the icy wilderness battling symptoms of either a brain tumor or stroke. ann thompson has been following a major story and both of those possible medical options are very serious which points to the dire situation she was in. >> she was. it took her 12 hours to get from the south to christ church in new zealand. because they are 17 hours ahead of us, she probably headed to the hospital where she will tomorrow just exactly what
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happened in her head seven weeks ago at the south pole. the doctor at the south pole said she suffered a stroke that left her with impaired vision and speech problems. the national science foundation that runs the south pole base and said they didn't think her condition was life-threatening and would not send a special flight to airlift her out of the south pole. she had to wait seven weeks until yesterday when a regularly scheduled cargo flight landed and took her out. that was not without risk as she explained when she landed in new zealand. >> coming from south pole on the unpressurized plane which i was worried about whether it could do damage or a stroke or who knows what else, they kept the plane at low altitudes so if something ha happened to me, but
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luckily nothing did. it was a fantastic flight. >> that are part of our journey lasted four hours. she landed on the oast of antarctica and switched planes on to a c 17 and flew another seven hours to christ church. she said she is tired, but she is very anxious to see what the diagnostic test shows and if she gets the all clear from the doctors along with doctors in the u.s. who they are consuling with, she could be on a plane back to the states by october 21st. tamron? >> she in great spirits. when you look at the situation and even the unknown, we are trying to hear her medical condition. she seemed so hearty and strong. >> she said this is one thing that worked against her. when somebody has a stroke, you think they are incapacitated. they speak or move. that is not what happened to
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her. she said that worked against her because her symptoms didn't appear life-threatening. you don't know what's going on inside your head. for her in particular, the retired nuclear engineer and she got upset when she found she could no longer do simple subtraction. i am not great with math to start with. i live with that every day. for her that was frightening. the question was what they had to balance was the risk. was it worth it to send a plane in under horrific conditions. the temperatures are 72 degrees below and wind chill of 100. that was worth the risk? they determined it was not. >> we will see what happens next for her. thank you. blackberry giving customers $100 worth of free aps to make up for the worldwide service loss that
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we witnessed. the outrage interrupted e-mail, internet service for tens of millions of people. the offer runs until the end of the year. if you are one of the people who qualify, you better get it done. a young hollywood star reveals why he decided to reveal he was gay. bethenny frankel fights back against a flurry of accusations. let's go to courtney has let. >> let's go to zachary quinto from the nbc show, heroes or from the big screen version of star trek where he plays spock. he was always not really willing to talk about his personal life. that's not uncommon, but now he revealed he is a gay man after coming out to new york magazine
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after jamie rod myer, the teen who committed suicide did just that. it's a frank statement. he said in light of jamie's death it became clear in know instant that living a gay life without acknowledgement is not enough to make a contconstitution to the road to complete equity. a lot of people in and outside of hollywood praising him for coming forward. people do try to respect privacy as much as possible. when it can do good, it's good see celebrities come out and say something revealing to help someone else. >> speaking that was and showing bravery, juliana ran sick revealed she has breast cancer and what i found incredible is how she was diagnose and how she decided to get tested. >> it's an incredible story. many have been watching her reality show where she chronicles her efforts to have a
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baby and go through ivf. they found out she had breast cancer in this process. here it is in her words. >> through my attempt to get pregnant through ivf, we sadly found out that i have early stages of breast cancer. and it's been a shock because i recently found this out and a lot of people have been asking, we saw in the season finale that you got ivf. are you pregnant? sadly we had to put that off because of the news. >> there you have it. that was giuliani ran sick urging people to get a mammogram. andrea mitchell said the same thing. it was the mammogram that saved her as well. it was the message to all women. only being in her 30s, it comes as a big and upsetting surprise. >> she going to have treatment i understand in the coming weeks
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she said. our thoughts are with her and last on the list, bethenny? >> we got to know her through real housewives of new york. she has a reality show and her own line of products. she has been in the news a lot because she was accused of lying about how much she sold her company for. she was accused of possibly making up a story about being lost at city. she was on the "today" show and you can go over to msnbc to see the full segment and say i need to get the rumors straight. my fans made me and i want to be sure they know the right story. we have that same thing if you missed it. >> thank you very much. great list of things there for the latest entertainment news. logon to the scoop or be a fan of the scoop on facebook. we'll be right back.
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time for the "news nation"
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gut check. a principal said no to celebrating thanksgiving in her school's classrooms. in an e-mail, she highlighted the fault of pilgrims and christopher columbus and what she calls atrocities and said teachers should be careful about celebrating. people have e-mailed on this. should students celebrate at school? go to "news nation" to cast your vote or go on twitter or facebook. that does it for this edition of "news nation." martin bashir is up next. i'd race down that hill without a helmet.
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[ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ] dad's a real cleaning machine. and look at mom whipping up some kraft homestyle mac & cheese. sure it's easy to make, but it looks like she's been busting her hump in the kitchen. [ doorbell rings ] ♪ let the fireworks begin. hi, it's so nice to see you. something smells good. [ male announcer ] kraft homestyle macaroni & cheese. cheesy noodles topped with golden-brown, breadcrumbs. you know you love it. >> it's monday, october 17th and here's what's happening. occupy the world. a name of anger lit on wall street could explode with breaking news. bailed out


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