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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  October 17, 2011 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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"politics nation" with al sharpton starts right now. hey, republicans, are you ready to get schooled? >> they're going to have to come down to north carolina and tell kids why they can't have their teachers back. >> president obama pushes the first piece of his jobs program, carving out $35 billion to put teachers back to work. >> maybe they just couldn't understand the whole thing all at once. so we're going to break it up into bite-size pieces. >> congress brad miller and richard wolf on the test even republicans can pass. corporations are people -- >> the picture-perfect campaign. that's mitt romney and his dollars are showing. melissa harris-perry on the photo that romney camp doesn't want you to see. we all know they've been secretly pulling the strings in the gop. now they've got their own
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candidate. >> 9-9-9. >> we'll expose herman cain's deep ties with the koch brothers. and marching for jobs and justice, my weekend in the nation's capital. if you won't get the jobs bill done in the suite, we will get the jobs bill done in the street. >> "politics nation" starts right now. welcome to "politics nation." i'm al sharpton. tonight's lead, president obama increases the pressure the president took to the road today. we went to north carolina on the first day of his three-dae jobs tour. and watch out, republicans, he unveil add new strategy for the
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jobs bill. >> what we're going to do is break up my jobs bills. maybe they couldn't understand the whole thing all at once. so we're going to break it up into bite-size pieces so they can take a thoughtful approach to this legislation. if they vote against taking steps that we know will put americans back to work right now, right now, then they're not going to have to answer to me. they're going to have to answer to you. >> get ready, republicans, because you'll have a chance to answer to the american people really soon. today senate democrats unveiled the first standalone piece of the american jobs act. $35 billion to preserve jobs for teachers and first responders. it's a bill that creates or protects nearly 400,000 education jobs.
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it's entirely paid for through a surtax on millionaires. republicans, don't even think about saying no. because if you do, you're going to hear a lot more of this -- >> they said no to putting teachers and construction workers back on the job. they said no to rebuilding our roads and our bridges and our airports. essentially, they said no to you because it turns out one poll found that 63% of americans support the ideas in this jobs bill. so 63% of americans support the jobs bill that i put forward. 100% of republicans in the senate voted against it. that doesn't make any sense, does it? no, it does not. >> no, that doesn't make sense. and it doesn't make sense for you to block this bill either. 75% using money to hire teachers and first responders -- 75%
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support that. three out of four people in this country support that. and 54% of those in your own party support higher taxes on the rich because it's not just the president who's demanding action. this weekend, i marched for jobs and justice in washington. and we made it clear, the american people want action. on monday in this, the capital, they had the audacity to turn down a jobs bill, so if you won't get the jobs bill done in the suite, then we will get the jobs bill done in the street. joining me now is congressman brad miller, democrat from north carolina. he's a member of the house financial services committee, and richard wolf, msnbc political analyst. thank both of you for being here
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with us. >> thank you. glad to be with you. >> congressman, let me ask you first. will the republicans feel the pressure that the president is bringing on them now? >> they need to. american people know we need jobs. the whole plan would create something like 9.1 million jobs. and north carolina is like most states. we just had big state budget cuts that are going to cut teacher jobs. that's going to affect the quality of education in their kids' schools. looking at the overwhelming support of the american people for putting -- for hiring teachers or not firing teachers and first responders and raising taxes on the people who really can't afford it. that has overwhelming public support. and at some point, republicans are going to have to start paying attention to that. >> now, let me ask you, this bill, the jobs bill, would have brought how many jobs to north
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carolina and how many jobs by not passing it did it cost you right there in north carolina? >> you know, i don't have that number at my fingertips. i don't know. but nationally, it's 9.1 million. north carolina is a big chunk. it's jobs people understand really do matter. teachers really do affect the quality edation. >> let mowst in north carolina e numbers are that 42% approve it. but here's the jobs number. 234,000 long-term unemployed would have gone back to work under the american jobs act. when you're talking about this bill not passing, 234,000 people in your state alone, not talking nationally -- talking about north carolina where the president was today, could have been working if this bill passed. >> that's a lot of jobs. and north carolina has hard hit. we've been right there with
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michigan in loss of manufacturing jobs. it's a tough economy here. i think north carolinanas and america want the president to be focused on jobs. >> you think about the march we had this weekend, occupy wall street, we're talking about going to the streets, not talking about any violence. we're talking about putting the pressure on, showing masses of people that are concerned, don't you feel that it would be hard for the republicans to ignore that when they really play it up when the tea party was in the streets? now when others that are questioning their industries, all of a sudden we become some funny adjectives that they want to describe us as? >> no, i don't think consistency worries them at all. i don't even think the political consequences of their positions bother them that much. when you look at how they responded to the debt ceiling debacle, when you consider that
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many of them thought default was fine, there wasn't that much seriousness to the idea that america wasn't going to honor its own debt, they don't care, because the ideology -- the house republicans anyway, the ideology trumps everything. even in the presidential polls we're looking at, republican voters would refer a candidate that agrees with them ideologicallyer than one who can win. if you're in the house republican majority, your worry is about getting a primary challenge from the tea party folks to your right. so if there are any taxes involved, millionaires, billionaires, doesn't matter who it is, your worry is all from the right. so i'm afraid they don't care about consistency and they don't even care about what it does to jobs because what they're worried about are those primary challenges. >> congressman, if you look at the polls, the american people say they trust the president
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more -- in fact, it's gone up since september. he has risen nine points in who they trust to create jobs and the republicans have gone down six points. so maybe richard's point is being communicated to the american public where they understand their priority is not creating jobs. their priority is politics, what is growing trust that the president is trying to create jobs. >> i think they've seen that. they've seen it in every big debate we had when we almost shut down the government in the spring with the debt ceiling debacle as richard accurately described it. americans have lost all faith in the republican congresses. republicans have to look over their right shoulder at being challenged in a primary. but they have to start getting worried, some of them at least, over having lost the rest of the american people. with continuing to fight any kind of increase in taxes, even to take it back to the 1990
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rates on the richest americans, many of whom have done nothing particularly useful to get rich, and in firing teachers so we can pay for tax cuts for the richest americans, they just can't keep doing that. >> i think if you look at the fact that they always talk about, well, regulation has been the problem and this is what has strangled the corporate america that they can't move because they're regulated. the fact of the matter is, if you look at the bureau of labor statistics, 0.2% of layoffs was caused by government regulation, 30.6% caused by lack of demand. so it's just a blatant lie, it's hogwash what they're saying. but already before the bill even gets to the senate, this breakdown of now how we're going to go piece by piece, eric cantor, before he even studied how it breaks down, this is what eric cantor showed in the spirit
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of unity and bipartisanism. this is what he said -- >> what about in the obama plan, $35 billion for states so that they don't have to lay off teachers, police, firefighters? >> here we go again. this is the type of monies and these are the types of programs that the president advocated in the stimulus program. i think that the country understands washington doesn't create jobs. >> washington doesn't create jobs, richard. and the public understands it, and the stimulus program -- and i don't have enough time left in this segment to go back and show the graph of when the stimulus was there, how unemployment went down. but what is eric talk about? does he live in a parallel universe, richard? of course washington can create jobs. and protect jobs. >> he lives in a safe republican district. the problem is, what's going to happen in the senate for those senate republicans who need to win statewide? what's going to happen to your friend, mitt romney, who knows he cannot win the presidency
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without reaching the middle, without talking about these public sector jobs? the troops are also government jobs. they do believe in some government jobs, just not this particular way of doing it. this debate means that republicans in the house may be safe. eric cantor may stel still have a leadership role in the republican side of the side. but for sure this is no path to win the presidency. and what's going to be interesting is seeing mitt romney trying to squirm his way around this one. is he with the president and with public opinion in trying to defend these public sector jobs, the teachers, the firefighters and the police officers, or is he going with the tea party vote and trying to stay away from raising taxes? >> the president won north carolina in '08 by a fraction of a point. i read where karl rove said, if we could just get black votes
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down 1%, he'd lose north carolina. you're a congressman in that state. it's a critical state. can the president win that state in 2012? >> he certainly can. polling in north carolina continues to show it close here. and president obama has a lead over all the republican challengers. and i think the african-american vote will be there for obama. and it will turn out. the republican legislature did everything they could to try to suppress the vote. passing voter id laws and everybody else. >> they were trying to protect us from fraud. they just haven't found any fraud. clear that didn't work. we'll stay tuned, certainly, and hopefully watch what goes on in north carolina. congressman brad miller and richard wolf, thank you for coming on the show tonight. >> thanks, reverend. ahead, we'll have a winner from the picture of the campaign
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contest. i'll announce the winner. and congratulations, willard. this picture is just money. plus, herman cain pretends to be the main man on main street. the main street pizza guy. but a new investigation shows who's really behind his message. and we marched for jobs and justice over the weekend. now it's time for solutions. you're watching "politics nation" on msnbc. [ man ] i got this citi thank you card and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective.
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a picture is worth 1,000 words -- or more. and here's the proof. america, i give you willard mitt
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romney as the ceo of bane capital. i have more than 1,000 words for this one, next. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. your core competency is...competency. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. i'm getting an upgrade. [ male announcer ] as you wish, business pro. as you wish. go national. go like a pro. now through january earn a free day with every two rentals.
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find out more at folks, sometimes a picture says a lot more than words ever could. just take a look at this photo of mitt romney from his days as a wall street businessman at bane capital. this is willard right here in the middle. they're posing with dollars and big bills, even dropping literally out of his suit. this is the man that is obviously in the culture of where think they it's just fine
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to have money literally dropping out of their pockets, money everywhere, rolling in money. this is the man that wants to preach austerity. at bain capital, romney was a vulture capitalist, that's in quotes. he often bought companies just to break them up and sell them off for large profit, laying off thousands of workers in the process. some of these laid-off workers spoke out in this political ad from 1994 when romney was running for senate against ted kennedy. >> i don't like romney's creating jobs because he took every one of them away. >> i worked there 30 years. and i never dreamed that i'd lose my job. >> mitt romney says he helped create 10,000 jobs. these former workers say something else. >> if he's created jobs, i wish he could create some here, instead of taking them away.
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>> all those worker layoffs made romney a lot of money. he's now worth between $190 million and $250 million, yet his estimated rate is just 14%. 14% is his estimated tax rate, much lower than 35% tax rate paid by working class folks like teachers and firefighters. fighting that kind of injustice and inequality is what the wall street protests are all about. that's why thousands of people turned out for our jobs rally on saturday. it's clear what the american people want. they want justice. it's clear what wall street wants. they want willard mitt romney because he's their kind of guy. >> corporations are people. they're people who work there. there are customers that are people. shareholders are people. they're people. raising taxes on corporations is raising taxes on people.
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either the employees are going to pay or the shareholders are going to pay or the customers are going to pay. so corporations are people. >> we could raise taxes on people. that's just the -- corporations are people, my friend. we can raise taxes on -- >> joining me now, msnbc contributor melissa harris-perry, tulane professor and columnist for "the nation." melissa, can a wall street candidate like willard really succeed in this political climate today? >> possibly and here's why. because we have a big mismatch between what we think is true about how republicans perform economically and how republicans actually perform economically. so after i talked with your producers, i was so excited we were going to be on set today, i did a little bit of my wonky
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research. >> what did you come up with? >> from the period of fdr until 2000, we had just as many years with democratic presidents as we had with republican presidents. so it makes a nice comparison. when you look at economic performance on all the major economic indicators, democratic presidents outperformed republican presidents on gdp growth, on full employment, on the relative equality -- there's always a great deal of inequality in the system, but relatively more equality in the system, when democrats are president than when republicans are. and yet business leaders tend to prefer republicans as candidates. >> okay, let's take this slow. let's un-wonk this for those that are at home like me. you're saying since fdr, we've had equal amounts of democrats and republicans in the white house. but that the gross -- >> gdp, the gross domestic product -- >> grew more under democrats than republicans?
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>> consistently. >> but isn't their calling card that they grow the economy -- >> it turns out that they actually grow the deficits. deficits get higher under republican presidents. gdp gets higher under democratic presidents. relative equality under democrat presidents. >> let me show you this to help support your argument to the american jury watching. under george bush, the economy, 2002 to 2007, 65% of economic gains went to the rich. >> and that's why. so the reason -- >> this is to the top 1%. >> that's right. the reason business leaders prefer republicans isn't because they're better for the economy. it's because they're better at growing the individual wealth of the wealthiest group. so the one indicator that goes way up under republican presidents is that the very top percentage actually accumulates a higher percentage of the wealth.
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>> you're answering something that i didn't understand. i got up yesterday morning to go to the king memorial dedication and i see in "the new york times" this story that wall street, who president obama helped bail out, is giving their money to romney. look at this. how do you have a guy bail you out and then you contribute more to the guy that's trying to run him out? look at the figures. $1.5 million has gone to romney already. only $270,000 has gone to president obama. that doesn't make sense -- or maybe it does. >> look, it's a really clear formula. the fact is that we actually do better as a country when we spread the wealth around. remember those kind of -- oh, he wants to spread the wealth around, he's a communist, socialist. but the fact is, just in a capitalist system, in a system where we want to grow our economy, have more consumers, have demand for the products that people are creating, all of that actually does better when working-class people have
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disposable income to purchase homes, to purchase cars, to purchase ipads. all of those things. but what republican administrations typically do is grow deficits because they grow military spending and they cut taxes and they grow the wealth of the tightest top 1%. >> wow. well, thank you. that's why everybody thinks i'm smart. i talk to you and then i walk out and just rehash it. sometimes i give you credit, just sometimes. melissa harris, perry, thanks for being with us. still ahead, the astroturfed candidates. how the biggest brothers who helped bank-roll the tea party are helping herman cain's run for the nomination. but first, please tell john mccain he lost the election.
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republicans are so scared by the president's winning message on jobs that they're reduced to making ridiculous attacks about the bus he's using on his jobs tour. today, john mccain wasted the people's time on the senate floor criticizing the president for traveling on a bus that was made in canada. >> i must say again, i've never seen an uglier bus than the canadian one. he's traveling around on a canadian bus touting american
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jobs. >> interesting. but you know who else likes canadian buses? john mccain. his so-called straight talk express in 2008 was built by the exact same canadian company that built the president's bus. too bad mr. mccain didn't bring some straight talk to this issue. of course, this whole thing is bogus because the secret service did order the president's bus from canada. but it was outfitted by a company in tennessee. and they ordered two. so the eventual republican presidential nominee will also use this bus. senator mccain, the wheels are coming off. nice try, but we got you. it's your fault. naturally blame the mucus. try advil congestion relief. it treats the real problem, reducing swelling due to nasal inflammation. [ male announcer ] advil congestion relief.
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prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia. welcome back to the show. the billionaire conservative koch brothers are at it again. they're the guys who basically bank-rolled the tea party
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movement for their personal interest. and now we're learning they have their own presidential candidate. yes, ladies and gentlemen, i give you herman cain. he has a long history with the secretive right wing billionaires. here's cain praising the kochs back in march. >> i think david koch is a patriot because david koch cares about the future of this country. his brother charles koch is also a patriot. they get attacked because they happen to be rich and they happen to believe in america, they happen to believe in the constitution. they believe in the declaration. they believe in the values of the founding fathers. that's why they get attacked. >> no, no, no, herman. they get attacked because they're using power and money to influence policy. think progress exposed some shocking ties between them. herman cain's campaign manager, seen here with cain, was the
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president of a chapter of the koch-funded americans for prosperity pact. and then there's rich lowery, the so-called economist behind the 9-9-9 plan who really worked at wells fargo while he was on the board of advisers for americans for prosperity. you can see the logo behind them. cain says he's mainstream. i don't buy it. his policies are out to destroy main street america. joining me now is scott keys, the reporter at "think progress" who broke the story, why herman cain is koch brothers' favorite presidential candidate, and dana millbank. scott, how far back does this connection go? >> thank you for having me, mr. sharpton. herman cain's history with the koch brothers and specifically with the koch brothers as tea party front group americans for
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prosperity goes all the way back to 2005. he was actually hired as an official head of their prosperity expansion project where he basically barnstormed the country giving speeches, meeting with voters, connecting with donors, essentially running a shadow campaign for years before running for this presidential cycle. >> let me show you a graph. some people says he has the rights to get donations, all people in public life do. and all of us have causes that people support. but when you look at this graph of what the koch brothers have supported and what he's supported, you will see why they want to support him financially. kochay epa -- they fund the tax against the agency. cain says he would eliminate the agency. they support lower taxes. cain calls for a 9% tax rate .
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so there is a policy agreement on major, major points here that can't be ignored. >> right. look at mr. lowery, for instance. he was on the board of advisers of americans for prosperity. wrote this 9-9-9 plan which would lower the corporate tax rates of companies like koch industries from all the way from 35% to 9%ment that's a matthew h humongous corporate giveaway. this is coming from the koch brothers who are advising mr. cain. the connections are unseemly but they're starting to pervade into the presidential campaign and into the policy proposal that is we're seeing. >> now, dana, talking about mr. lowery and the 9-9-9 plan, mr.
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cain was on "meet the press" this weekend. and he made an interesting admission about his 9-9-9 plan, that it actually might raise some taxes on some people. let me not be accused of misquoting him. let me show you what he said himself. >> the wealthiest americans would pay less, the poorest americans and middle class would pay more. you don't dispute that? >> i do dispute that. more people will pay less in taxes. more people will pay less in tax -- >> it's incontrovertible. >> that's right. some people will pay more. but most people will pay less is my argument. >> and those some people, dana, are the people that go and buy things with the sales tax -- people in state that is don't have a sales tax. talking about working people and poor people, are those some people. >> right. and believe it or not, that was probably his most coherent
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moment during the entire david gregory interview. herman cain is now getting the kind of scrutiny that he had not received before. and a lot of people are coming out of the woodwork to criticize him. it's not just coming from the left. grover norquist is now saying this 9-9-9 plan is unacceptable now that he's gotten to have a look at it. i think that these ties to the koch brothers are very interesting but are not anomalous in the since that we've been seeing for a long time now that the chamber of commerce, lobbying interests and others have basically hijacked the tea party movement. there were well-meaning conservatives out there angry about things going on in the economy. basically they were taken over by corporate interests to turn this into a vehicle to further the corporate agenda. >> dana, you said that was his most coherent statement on "meet the press." let me show you another statement that might not have been as coherent. but i sure got it. they asked him about supreme
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court justices he most admired. and listen to this answer. >> i believe that justice clarence thomas, despite all of the attacks that he gets from the left, he basically rules and makes his decisions, in my opinion, based upon the constitution and solid legal thinking. justice clarence thomas is one of my models. >> has he been targeted unfairly, do you think? >> i think he has been targeted unfairly. >> so judge clarence thomas is his model. he's been targeted unfairly. the koch brothers have been targeting unfairly. there's a whole lot of targeting going on, scott. >> but i think you have to take a step back and ask, why is it that the koch brothers here are investing so much in the cain campaign? they've already said they're going to put in $200 million into this race in 2012. i think if you start to look at
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why they would be backing a candidate like herman cain over, say, mitt romney, you put yourself in their shoes. mitt romneys and your rick perrys, they've already been in politics for years. they've been thinking about these issues. they've built these connections. herman cain is someone who came up through the koch network and is essentially beholden to those connections he's made within them. he gets into the house, the koch brothers have a direct line to governor walker in wisconsin, they're sure as heck going to have a direct line to president cain. >> dana, i'm running out of time. but he also said he would put up a fence to deal with immigration that would electrocute people, an electric fence that would kill people. he said knit a fiery speech and then the next day, he said he was joking. but "politics nation" found out he was meeting with sheriff arpaio. scott keyes, dana mil baengs,
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thank you. ahead, we marched for jobs, stay with us. people have all kinds of retirement questions. no problem. td ameritrade has all kinds of answers. call us for quick help opening your new ira. or an in-depth talk with a retirement expert. like me. stop by my branch for a free retirement check-up. retirement hows and how-muches? whens... and what-ifs? bring 'em on. it's free. you're gonna retire. and we're gonna help. retirement answers at td ameritrade. roll over your old 401(k) and get up to $500. is to dig right in. but as his dentist, i know that to do that, he needs to use the brush more dentists use. oral-b. trust the brush more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. life opens up when you do.
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top bank to campaign for his father. quote, he resigned his job two weeks ago because he can't go out and campaign with his father because of s.e.c. regulations, so i can empathize, end of quote. then she blamed it on the president. quote, my son lost his job because of this administration, end of quote. this makes no sense. s.e.c. rules were designed to members of the security industry from influencing politicians. next thing you know, she'll be saying corporations are people. s rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be. ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way.
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♪ cruise like a norwegian ♪ welcome back. let me tell you a bit about what i saw over the weekend at the rally in washington, d.c. a man came to me and says, i'm a businessman and i am all for fighting for jobs, i'm all for the 99% getting their share, i agree with you, reverend. but also, there are those of us
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that suffer not only class but race and that have been disenfranchised. how do we deal with that? the jobs numbers for minorities tell a terrible story. the national unemployment rate stands at 9.1%, but even worse for minorities. the african-american unemployment rate is 16%. hispanic unemployment is 11.3%. but talking about it isn't enough. we need to turn that energy into action and find a way to fix the problem. we also need to remove the glass ceiling of those at the top and how they are chosen because a lot of the people at the top are not just there by merit, they're there by relationships and access. and my next guest is someone who says he has an answer. and because of what he's achieved for himself, i think he has something that we need to hear. robert johnson who's the founder of black entertainment television and the first
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african-american billionaire, he has the pleasure of being with me tonight -- i have the pleasure of having him on my show. and to hear about the rlj plan. there was the rooney rule, right? tell me what the rooney rule. >> it was the way the nfl wanted to change the fact that there were few african-american coaches and few african-american gms. so when there's a coach or gam vacancy, the owner of an nfl team must interview an african-american candidate before filling that position. that led to a significant increase in african-american coaches and african-american gms, including those coaches who have taken teams to the super bowl. it shows that african-americans, when given an opportunity, can compete at the highest level. >> now, when the rooney rule came in, a lot of us who were around, people said it wouldn't work. but let me show you the graph of
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what you just said, bob, that we went from three in 2003 to eight by 2011. so it really more than doubled what the goal was in terms of -- well, it doubled the numbers. so the rlj rule is based on that for the private sector. >> based on that concept with one difference. in the nfl you get fined into the owners don't comply with the rooney rule. i'm asking corporations throughout this country to do it on a voluntary basis, what i call enhanced best practices. any company you talk to, they say they're committed to diversity inclusion. but it gets around the network that affects jobs at the vice president level and above. and i'm adding into this minority contractors. don't issue a new contract unless you interview at least one or two qualified african-american minority companies that can fill that job. don't hire a vp position, don't
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fill a vp position unless you interview one or two qualified minorities who could fill that job. it's a very simple rule, no quotas, no mandate to hire. but interview. >> these contractors are on the ground hiring people in the community and they don't necessarily get access to bid on these contracts or get these contracts. so if you had this rule voluntarily there, people would be seeking out minority contractors that don't normally even get a shot at trying to get a major contract. >> if a ceo of the top 1,000 companies said to the h.r. person, their diversity person, part of your job and assignment is to follow the rlj rule -- i don't have any pride or authorization of the name. they can call it whatever they want to. but before you issue a new contract, interview one or two minority qualified companies. before you hire vp and above, meet with and interview one or two minority candidates who
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would be eligible, qualified for that job. they may not get that job, but they could get the next job that came along or if they do get that job, they're going to be sensitive to hiring in diversity all across the spectrum because as you know, whether the numbers are ten years or 20 years from now, most of the people working and consuming in this country are going to be minorities. and it's in the best interest of companies to find the best talent now, just like the nfl did, just like baseball did when jackie robinson was recruited. >> you are one of the first black billionaires this country has had. and there hasn't been many. you could sit them around this table. but you started not rich at all. but you also worked in government. this whole thing of, government has no role in opening doors, do you believe that is true? >> i never worked in government. i worked on capitol hill for a
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congressman. and i worked at the trade association -- >> you worked for a congressman. >> i worked for a congressman, yes. government has a role in anything. and i think government particularly has a role here in this area. and as reverend dr. martin luther king said once, you can't legislate morality, but you can regulate behavior. and i think there's a role for government to regulate behavior in certain areas. but what i want to see, for example, is government used more of the bully pulpit of focusing on companies to do things that are in their best interest rather than mandating that they do them. i'm more to the school of, let's go to companies and ask them to do what is in their long-term best interest. and then if you have to, you can use the stick. but i'm more in kaifrt of putting the carrot in front of people.
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i believe week do the rlj rule if companies recognize it's in their best interest. >> robert johnson, thank you for coming on tonight. you use the carrot while i'm soaking the stick if the carrot don't work. thank you for being with us, tonight. rlj rule, we're going to be getting updates on that as you move. >> thank you. up next, a weekend fighting for jobs, justice and hope.
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on saturday, thousands turned out for our "march for jobs and justice. watch. >> it's time for us to occupy wall street, occupy washington, occupy alabama -- we've come to
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take our country back to the people! let the history books reflect that on october 15th was the beginning of working people coming together, standing up and demanding jobs and justice. because if they say cut back, we're going to say, fight back. if they say cut back, we say -- >> here today, you have the foot soldiers fighting for economic dignity, fighting for jobs for americans, fighting for americans together to not simply be about the rich but be about all of the way america is. >> they want to take away our vote in 34 states talking about voter id, talking about ending early registration, ending early voting. they want to honor dr. king and
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revoke the voting rights act at the same time. you can't kill the voting rights act and honor dr. king. you can't unemploy people and honor dr. king. we will not let you make a mockery of what dr. king stood for. this is about our survival. you want us to pay for your loopholes. you want to go into our parents' social security. when you mess with our social security, this is not about obama, this is about my mama. if you can't stand up for the unemployed, we're going to vote to make sure you join the unemployed. somebody said that the occupy wall street was a mob. occupy washington was a mob.
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they're not a mob, they are saying what we're saying -- that you cannot act like this country is your playground while single mothers can't take care of their famili families, you have schools that don't have enough money to give us the teachers that can teach us. then you want to demonize teachers. you want to cut the teachers, you want to cut the firemen, you want to cut the policemen, you want to cut the municipal workers while you take care of your tycoons. we are telling you, look at the mob today, we're just getting started. we're getting ready to organize. let's demand our rights. we're dr. king's children. we're coretta king's children. we're not going to bow down. we're not going to bendment we're not going to buckle. stand up, america, stand up, america! stand ,


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