tv The Ed Show MSNBC October 18, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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younger generation, he not only sp sponsors a video on youtube, but he targets "sex farm" and you have provided the new fun thing of the day. and mitt romney and david st. hubbin and "sex farm" and the best thing of the day. time for the ed show. good evening, americans. welcome to the "ed show" from new york. tonight, it was a republican on republican steel cage match in las vegas, and i mean romney went after her main caman cain, romney after rick perry, and what was that all about? and there were a lot of bad ideas, and also a lot of great fireworks. "the ed show" let's get to work and dissect it. >> i'm looking forward to
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finding the facts on that. >> i will tell you the facts. >> and rick, i'm speaking. i'm speaking. >> tonight, the full analysis of the eighth republican presidential debate with jon ralston of the las vegas sun, and author jim moore. unemployed millionaire mitt romney wants to let underwater mortgages drown. >> don't try to stop the foreclosure process, let it run the course and hit the bottom. >> we will ask msnbc's martin bashir, if he was able to clean up the remarks in the debate. >> he got everything that he wanted. he borrowed. he spent. and we have lost 1.5 million jobs. >> mitch mcconnell is caught red handed misleading about the jobs on fox news. former congressman alan grayson will set him straight. and lizytñ cheney's group has joined the fight against middle classers and unions in ohio. we will get an exclusive report from john nichols of "the nation "magazine. well, folks, welcome to the "ed
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show." i love it. we knew it would happen. the gloves came off and moments ago seven of the republican presidential candidates wrapped up a debate in las vegas and for the first time the gloves have come off. the first target was herman cain's 9-9-9 tax plan. >> are you saying that the state sales tax will also go away? >> no, that is an apple. we are replacing a bunch of oranges. >>, so then governor perry was right? >> no, he wasn't. he was mixing apples and oranges. >> but will the people in nevada not have to pay nevada sales tax and in addition pay the 9% tax? >> governor romney, you are doing the same thing that they are doing, migging the apples and the oranges. you are going to pay the state sales tax no matter what, whether you throw out the existing code and put in our plan, you are going to pay that. that is apples and oranges. >> fine. and i'm going to be getting a bushel basket that has apples and oranges in it, because i will pay both taxes and the people in nevada don't want to
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pay both taxes. >> and for the first 20 minutes every candidate took a whack at herman cain, but the pizza man stood his ground, and rick santorum came out at mitt romney about the health care. >> and your plan was the basis for obama care and your consultants helped obama craft obama care and to say you will repeal it, you have no track record on that that we can trust that you will do it. >> romney tried to go back at santorum and it got ugly. >> this is crafted for massachusetts and it would be wrong to adopt it as a nation. >> that is not what you said. >> you are shaking your head, and that is -- >> it is in your book that -- >> we took it out of your book. >> his turn or mine? okay. >> you are allowed -- >> well, governor -- >> you let me speak. rick y rick, you had your chance and let me speak. >> you are out of time. you are out of time. >> well, he ate into your time. sorry, mitt. >> sorry.
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i haven't had a chance to respond yet, because you were interrupting me the entire time i was trying to speak. >> and newt gingrich wanted a piece of the action, but mitt romney shut him down. >> well, newt, we got the idea of the individual mandate from you, and we got it from the heritage foundation and you. >> what you said is not true. you did not get that from me, but from the heritage foundation. >> and you never supported this em? >> i agree with them, but what you said to the audience is not true. that is not where you got it from? >> did you support the individual mandate with the heritage center? >> yes, we did. >> so that is what i am saying, you did. we got the idea from you and the heritage foundation. >> i think that rick perry had the best debate so far and he nailed romney for hiring illegalle immigrants. >> those people who hire illegals ought to be penalized and mitt, you lose all of the standing from my perspective because you hired illegals in knew for it,
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knew about it for a year, and the idea that you stand before us and talk about that you are strong on immigration is on its face the height of hypocrisy. >> i think that comment got romney off of his game for the first time in the debates, i think that romney in a sense lost his composure, and i don't know if i would go so far to call it a jim harbaugh moment, but this is how it happened. romney was so wound up, he grabbed perry and tried to set him straight. >> i am looking forward to finding your facts on this -- >> and you -- >> and i am speaking. you get 30 seconds, and this is the way the rules work here, i get 60 seconds and then you get 30 seconds to respond, right? anderson -- >> and you say that you knew -- >> and would you please wait? >> are you going to keep talking? let me finish what i have to say. >> mitt romney, i wonder if he is on the cnn payroll for moderator tonight.
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and now on the electrified fence controversy? >> would you build an entire fence along the entire border and would you have it be electrified? >> allow me to give the serious answer. yes, i believe that we should secure the border for real, and it would be a combination of a fence, technology as well as possibly a boots on the ground for some of the more dangerous areas. i don't apologize at all for wanting to protect the american citizens. >> i will tell you what, herman cain is the front-runner the most recent polls and i don't think he was hurt at all in the debate tonight. i think that perry had the best evening and it istime. romney shaken at times, and probably the mvp tonight for moving forward his cause, former pennsylvania senator rick santorum and i thought he was a player tonight. get the cell phones out. now, i would not vote for m anyf them, but i am giving an analysis here.
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did the republicans offer real solutions for america? text a for yes and b for no to 662639 and you can go to the blog at, and we will bring you the results later in the show. let's bring in our msnbc contributor jim moore tonight and author of the upcoming book "adios mofo" and why rick perry will make america miss george w. bush. and jon ralston who is a columnist for the "las vegas sun." and jon, talk about "face to face" this is your stuff tonight. and this is the first time that we have seen the republicans take off the gloves and go face to face, and what do you think that the highlight was tonight? >> well, certainly, it was what you were talking about, ed. they took the gloves off to use a vegas cliche and i thought that romney might hit perry in the exchange.
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obviously perry came prepared to be awaik in the entire debate and he unloaded the illegal immigrants line to put romney on the defensive and it worked. you said it. romney was always cool and collected, and almost lost it there. remember, the first few3d minu of the debate was everyone else attacking cain's ni9-9-9 plan a romney was sitting back to have the time of the life with everybody attacking cain and then suddenly, it turned on him with the immigration question, and then a little bit, he and gingrich getting into it on the affordable care act which they all call obama care. but i thought that romney really was hit in this debate in a way that he had not been. he brought it in, because he is the best debater still, but he almost lost it. >> jim moore, did mitt romney defeat rick perry? did rick perry rejuvenate his campaign with this performance? what do you think? >> well, i think that he looked very bad, ed. he soupd sounded like a rich gu
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having a hard time to find good legal help which is not a good way to appeal to the masses. and perry established himself in the takeaway from this becomes that it is mitt romney and rick perry in a long slog to who wins the nomination. you look for in a debate like this a break-through moment for somebody like congresswoman bachmann or former senator santorum or gingrich or any of the others to help their campaigns catch fire, and that did not happen here tonight, and people did deconstruct the 9-9-9 tax plan of mr. cain, and he will be dealing with that extensively, and i will affect his support and candidacy and you will see the numbers shift. we will end up with a perry and romney kind of thing coming out of vegas. >> romney attacked perry over the mormon cult controversy and let's take a look at it. >> instead of saying, in that
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i don't agree with them. i can't apologize anymore than that. >> jim, what did you any? will the mormon issue hurt perry or romney. >> well, it hurts romney, because the truth is that as we have said all along, that is a problem for southern christian evangelical voters and rick perry has been pushing this issue. he has been using the third-party surrogates to promote the white southern christians and helping him to keep mitt romney in the mid-20s and the numbers are not going down. if i were mitt romney i would have turned to rick perry and said, mr. perry, do you believe i'm a christian? do you believe that my faith is a part of christianity and he would have had rick perry
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cornered and this whole thing would have blown up, but mr. romney has tried to avoid this issue, because his campaign knows it is a issue to deal with. >> and mr. ralston, what about herman cain, because the first 20 minutes was attacking his economic issues, but he was very strong on jobs and how do you feel he got in trouble with immigration and so on. >> well, he got in trouble with the immigration and the alligators in the mote, and tal. he had good defenses of the 9-9-9 plan which has not held up to the scrutiny, but it sounds good on the face to a lot of people. cain's problem is that he has no campaign infrastructure and you ask ask him who the adviser is he and he saids it is an accountant from the midwest who came up with the 9-9-9 plan and he has systemic problems with the
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campaign, but he sounds better as a normal person than i think that some of the smoother politicians whether it is romney or perry who was certainly smoother tonight. just let me say one quick thing about the mormon vote here if i could in nevada, and it is interesting, because here in the nevada, the mormons are only 7% of the population, but they vote in big numbers in a republican caucus. and that could be an issue for him. nationally, it is changing a little bit. back in 2008, 36% of the people polled said they would not vote for a mormon. that is down to 20%. but that is still significant and that could be a real problem as jim mentioned for romney in the primaries. >> and especially in the south. j jim, i want to ask you about the foreclosure rate very high in the state of nevada. did you think that any of the candidates tonight offered solutions in dealing with the foreclosure issue in your state? >> you know, i think it is interest, ed, it is really bad here. the highest foreclosure rate in
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the country, 60%-plus of the people are under water in the homes, and how do you think they felt listening to the republican candidates talk about market-based solutions and let the market work here when it was a rigged market that caused this.&x yes, some people got in over their heads, but mostly the market was rigged, and then you had romney saying to an editorial board that the foreclosure process should be allowed to go through. how do you think that people here homes underwater, and the jobs are lost, and that rhetoric and believe me this is not just democrats, because there are a lot of republicans who are going to vote whose houses are underwater, and they don't want to know about the market-based solutions and they want to know how the banks are in line to help them hold on to their houses. >> i thought that the emotional response was made very well by michele bachmann talking to single moms in the state of nevada. jim, what do you think about how the independents are going to respond to this debate tonight? will they be turned off by the
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brawling? i can't remember a republican debate in recent history where it got so aggressive. what do you think? >> two-thirds of the republican voters still identify themselves as undecided. i'm not sure how tonight's "jerry spring eer show" helped them to make a choice. we will continue along this line and continue to hear the arguing and i'm not this or that and these things will come into focus over time. it is interesting this time, ed, that we are dealing with a very early process. there's so many debates so early in 2011, and people are just now starting to pay attention, and this did not solidify a decision for any of the voters tonight. >> and did any of them make inroads with the latino 8iñvote? jon, how about that? >> well, i don't think so. you saw romney talk a little by about how we all here support legal immigration which was a
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smart thing to do with the latino vote that will determine a lot of things including in this state, and obama won the latino vote 70-20 in 2008 and he won't have an easy time in this cycle, so romney talked intelligently about it, but still, the republicans have huge problems in the hispanic community in general, and they have the find more than they said tonight to make inroads i think. >> i think that the loser tonight is the man on the left of the screen and that is mitt romney. i thought he lost his come peace pure tonight, and trying to be a domineering force, and really interrupted the debate and started to talk about the rules of conversation. i thought he lost the poise tonight. i think that he didn't do himself any favors and maybe we saw the real mitt romney tonight underpressure. jim moore and jon ralston, great to have you with to us night from las vegas. to answer the question tonight at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on the ed show, twit us.
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and coming up, much more on the nevada debate and herman cain doubled down on the blame yourself comments regarding the 99% movement. host msnbc host martin bashir, and erica payne and representative alan grayson will be joining us. and also on the bus plan, senator mitch mcconnell on the senate is on fox news once again making up stuff about the jobs. stay tuned, because i have commentary, and we are right back. [ junior ] i played professional basketball for 12 years.
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today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. [ junior ] ge engineers found ways to cut my energy use. [ cheryl ] more efficient lighting helps junior stay open later... [ junior ] and serve more customers. so you're not just getting financial capital... [ cheryl ] you're also getting human capital. not just money. knowledge. [ junior ] ge capital. they're not just bankers... we're builders. [ junior ] ...and they've helped build my business.
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welcome back to "the ed show." as jon ralston was saying in the last segment, tonight's republican debate took place in the epicenter of the housing crisis of the united states. nevada has the highest unemployment rate and foreclosure rate. well, yesterday, self-proclaimed middle-classer mitt romney had a
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few word s fs for the americans struggling with the underwater mortgages -- you are on your own. >> don't try to stop the foreclosure process. let it run the course and hit the bottom and lale lou th llow investors to buy the homes and allow it to come back. the obama administration has prolonged the foreclosure process and as a result we have a foreclosure overhang. >> and one other thing that mitt forgot to say in the sound bite, just let your credit go to in a hand basket, because it is no big deal. hours ago romney side stepped the issue and gave this wishy washy response. >> the idea of the federal government running around to say, we will give you money for trading in your old car or give you a few thousand bucks for buying a new house or keep the> banks from foreclosuring if you can't make the payments and these kinds of actions on the part of government has not worked. the right course is to let the markets work.
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>> romney has been wrong about the auto loan and not bailout and he is wrong about this. coming up more coverage and analysis of the gop debate. martin bashir and erica payne will join us. stay with us. [ engine revving ] [ spectator ] gun it, bro! what's this guy doing? dude. [ laughs ] whoa! whoo! no way! go, go, go, go! are you kidding? [ cheering ] oh, my god. did you guys see that? maniac. [ male announcer ] the midsize nissan frontier with full size horsepower and torque. innovation for doers. innovation for all. ♪ (announcer) everything you need to stretch out on long trips. residence inn. [ sighs ] can't wait 'til morning.
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wait, it's morning in china... [ male announcer ] it's sweet. it's nutty. it's absolutely delicious. kellogg's® crunchy nut™. it's morning somewhere™. welcome back to "the ed show." our debate and analysis continues. republican debate crowds have booed and a american soldier cheered for the death penalty and applauded for a death of a man who could not afford insurance. and tonight the crowd cheered herman cain saying if you are unemployed, it is your fault. >> herman cain, you said, two weeks ago you said don't blame wall street. don't blame the big banks.
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if you don't have a job and you are not rich, blame yourself. and that was two weeks ago and the movement has continued, and do you still say that? >> i do still say that. and here is why -- [ applause ] >> that right there is part of his popularity. he doesn't back down, and that is what people like about him. the occupy wall street movement is more pop ular than any of th seven candidates on that stage tonight. and any republican who attacks this middle-class movement is writing a ticket to defeat in 2012. let's turn to martin bashir, host of the "martin bashir weekdays" here at 3:00 p.m. on msnbc. and erica payne founder and president of the agenda project. good to have you both here tonight. martin, who won tonight? who got the knockoutpunchf in the third round? >> well, this is the best reality show we have seen. it was a combination of "big brother" that ended with "big loser" and the big loser is the
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gop. they came on the stage with the fantastic music> and eric ker ri car er rica, competition of obama and other seasoned public servants, and it never got like this. what do you make of the demeanor tonight? >> well, it is a sign of desperateness of the candidates and they want to get in there and say what they have to say. and i think that most of them
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are out and three are standing. herman cain did a reasonable defense of his plan and mitt romney needed to maintain his cool when he was under attack and he essentially did it, and rick perry needed to come up from behind, and he did not get there. newt is so an nonoyed that he ct stand to listen to the rest of the them. >> he is like the older uncle who has had a few too many and sick of the whole thing. >> he looks like a good chief of staff. >> he does. >> and he looks like somebody's chief of.ysñ this crowd. but erica, he went after romney showing he can be aggressive, but the guy has $17 million and he showed more fight tonight? >> well, he could not have done worse, right. he was either going to kill himself completely or it would
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be some upside. he had a little bit of upside and the response on immigration was actually an interesting response given that he is one of the only people -- >> well, it was relatively measured. >> it was. and the fact of the matter is that he is one of the only people who have dealt with it, and listening to that, i think for a republican watching, you felt like you were having a honest answer when he challenged michele bachmann and said what he did, and knocked her out. >> and i felt like rick santorum had done his homework going into the night. >> yes, absolutely. if you look at the debate overall, they were terrible on foreign policy and not particularly inventive on the economy and most of them said they wanted to disband regulations and disband government, but if they were running for chaplain in chief as the head of the faith like the parson of the country, then all of them would be pretty good and santorum was brilliant in the way he explained how someone's
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faith translates to values, but you don't judge them as to how they find vsalvation, and then rick perry gave a robust response on challenged by romney on the issue of his friend pastor jeffers dismissing mormonism, and then romney, himself, was very, very good in making the point on the basis of the constitution that actually at the end of the day, it is not about your religious beliefs that denote whether you are a qualified candidate. so i would say that tonight was brilliant if it were a seminary meeting to select the parson in chief for the country. they were all very, very strong on that, but on other issues, it was horrendous. >> here is the thing and i agree with you from the political position i sit in, but being from north carolina, i know a lot of people who are a lot further to the right than i am, and if you think about what will happen, and they basically have to win the nomination, but then which way do they tack and what track do they take to try to win. i think that you put mitt romney
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with the vp candidate in herman cain who is gunning for the shot today when he said, you have the wall street experience and i have my main street experience and that is the next line like let's partner up and go for it. >> will the christian conservatives stay home if mitt romney is the nominee? i think that the mormon issue in the south and north carolina will be big. >> they want to get rid of barack obama. there's no staying home for conservatives, and so you put up two people who ostensibly have business credentials, and you know, mitt romney looking like a strong figure and i think that herman cain comes in with the true blue conservative credentials and it is tough for the president to beat. >> and he gives you the evangelical republican right, and he gives you the protestant image that mitt romney needs if he wants to go in. chris matthews was suggesting another character john thune for that position, and the same phenomena, romney with a mormon go who is a protestant christian and that is
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the ticket that you are looking at. >> they are introducing john thune to the country is a problem, because it is a name recognition and chris is brilliant to say that, because i know the guy. thun. >> well, you are one of the few that does. >> well, i think that jim demint would be as good for any of them, because somebody has to deliver the south for this ticket. no question. martin bashir, thank you for being with us, and erica payne as well. and more debate ahead. former congressman alan grayson is coming up, and he has a lot to say. and a couple of highly paid fox guys are demonizing the movement, and one of them compared it to the kkk and they rup next in psycho talk. and in my playbook, mitch mcconnell's attack on president obama's figures are wrong. we like corporations to regulate was a service or
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product. when i get on the airplane, i want to know that there is a federal regulator to check out the plane or the industry to k make sure it self-regulates effectively. you want a government to stand behind the safety and the health of that product. i have never met anybody who does not agree with this. we want regulation when regulation is clearly looking out for us. getting enough vege? yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number?
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and in psychotalk tonight. brit hume and dick morris and they want you to believe that the movement of the folks out there on the streets are nothing but a bunch of dangerous leftist. they believe it is risky for president obama to support the protesters. >> i believe he is playing with fire, because the protests are unfocused, and they are susceptible to infiltration and perhaps even being dominated to some extent by pretty hard l activists. >> yeah, the librarians will get you every time. president obama is not playing with fire, and in fact, he is
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dealing with the people who supported him three years ago. when i was in the protests covering them in chicago last week, just about everybody that i talked to said they voted for president obama in 2008, but they are not hard left activists, they are porters bec not fight as hard for the middle class and they don't want to see the same movie the next time around. they want to know if they vote for president obama again, he will fight for them, and it is a different show. so, they are making the voices heard. brit, if you have the guts to get out of the limo to meet some of the people face-to-face, you would see the same thing. but brit hume is not the only high dollar fox talent trashing the 99 percenters. here comes lou dobbs who put his shoe in his foot. >> when you have a leftist group that goes way over, it puts the president in a very, very difficult situation. think of the flipside and think
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if you had a large klan movement in the united states with a republican president. >> how insulting. dick morris must be getting analogy tips from hank williams, jr. there is no comparison between the occupy movement and the kkk. one is fighting for an end to the vast inequality of wealth in this country through largely peaceful protests. the other fought against racial equality and killed people they didn't like.f for dick morris to compare the two is outrageous psycho talk. coming up next, more debate and analysis with former congressman alan grayson who is running again. he is a major right wing player, and now liz cheney is using the family name to kill workers' rights in ohio. john nichols of the nation will explain with an exclusive story. you are watching "the ed show" on msnbc. all you have to do is call. [ female announcer ] call allstate now and you'll get a free lifetime membership
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debate in nevada all roads led back to the gop's favorite talking points. for instance the talk of the foreclosure crisis led poll leader herman cain to denounce the dodd/frank bill. >> we need to get government out of the way. it starts with making sure that we can boost this economy and then reform dodd/frank and reform a lot of these other regulations that have gotten in the way, and let the market do it just like mitt has talked about. >> the market fixes everything, doesn't i? the same question about foreclosures led mitt romney to blast president obama about not understanding the private sector. >> we have had a president responsible for the economy for the last three years, and he has failed us. he has failed us in part, because he has no idea how the private sector works or how to create jobs. on every single issue he has made it harder for the economy to reboot, and as a le suresulte 25 million of americans out of work or stop looking for work, and can't get full-time
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employment. you have home values going down and median income that has dropped by 10%. and americans are hurting across this country, and the president is out there campaigning? why isn't he governing? he does not have a job s plan even thou? >> and why the filibusters by the righties? joining me is is congressman grayson from florida. congressman, glad to have you with us tonight. what did you make of mitt romney's analysis of how president obama has handledled the economy? >> well, they are living in a dream world, and i understand w why. i mean, think about it. they are only talking to 4% of the u.s. population, and that is the number of people who actually ever vote in a republican primary, so they have picked the 4% that are the angriest most ill informed people in the population, and they are all trying to cater to them, and make it seem like they are one of them. in romney's case to be fair, he has to fake it. you know, he is not such an angry person and such an ignorant person, so he has to
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fake being that way, but with the others it comes more naturally. but they are being angry and ignorant in ample regards here. think about it. gee, the war in iraq cost us $4 trillion so far, and the president is close to finishing off. and they started the war without any idea of how to pay for it and it cost us 8% of the national net worth starting in 2003. then in 2006, the housing market started to collapse and the free market was not keeping it up. the free market is what brought it down. and people have been basically slapped in the face by tin visible hand in the housing market since 2006. then in 2007 and 2008 wall street collapsed and the answer is to deregulate? well, maybe if we had proper regulations, it would not have collapsed. if dodd/frank were in place, we would not have seen a 20% drop
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of net worth in the last year of the bush administration and 2007 and 2008 and that brings us to where we are right now and it it deficit is ar rhythmic which is the amount that you take in mi tus the amount that goes out. the amount taken in is crushed because people, many people are broke. the amount that we have to go out, it has not increased because of new government progr programs, and it is not like barack obama wants everybody to have a pony, but it is simply because of the cost of medicare and medicaid and all of the social programs are increasing because more people are dependent on them because of poverty. the number of food stamp recipients are increase because more people are hungry and can't survive and support themselves, so that the difference is the deficit. >> i want to get your reaction to some other sound bites of the debate. here is herman cain talking about the occupy wall street protests. >> herman cain, you said two weeks ago don't blame wall street, don't blame the big
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banks, if you don't have a job, don't blame them, blame yourself. do you still say that? >> i do still say that. [ applause ] >> here is why. >> it is the read med meat crow action, but what is your response to the dismissal of the protests taking place? >> well, this is somebody who made an entire career for paying people $8 an hour for delivering a pizza. is his plan for america a new topping? this is somebody who is out of touch with mainstream america all of his life. he doesn't know what it is like. >> what do you make of the lead in the polls? >> well, it is showing how delusional the republicans really ge, but to get back to the original question, it is not your fault when you are out of work when 24 million other americans are out of work. it is not your fault if you lose your house when so many other millions are losing your house, and it is not your fault when
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you cannot afford to see a doctor when you are sick and 24 million americans are in the same boat and why do you want to pretend otherwise? why do the republicans want to blame the american people for the tragedy the republicans have brought upon them? >> allan gan grayson, always a pleasure and always look forward to your take on things. thank you. >> and coming up, when the congressional republicans can't stop lying about the president's record, you know that the president must be getting the upper hand. the latest lies from the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell next.
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rush limbaugh has been called out on the senate floor for supporting a terrorist organization. on friday, rush went after president obama for sending military advisers to help combat an african terrorist group that routinely rapes, tortures and murders civilians. but limbaugh defended the group, because they called themselves christian. this week, republican senator jim imhoff of oklahoma and you
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don't get more conservative than this guy shot down limbaugh's attack on the president. >> almost everyone who is reporting on this, including my good friend rush limbaugh is talking about how we are going to have these guys and gals going into combat. no. some people have mistakingly said that this guy is a christian, and i want to make shure that everyone knows that e is officially disavowed by the catholic church. i stand behind the president in his decision, and i don't very often stand behind the president, but doi in thi do in case. >> is that a polite scolding? even senator inhofe, the climate change denier, and supports president obama on this issue, and rush does not think it is a big deal. but he mentioned inhofe's statement to plug his sidekicks. >> dawn, brian and snerdly all made their debuts on the house, i'm sorry, on the daent floor yesterday.:py
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all because i happened to be misinformed about something. you are in the congressional record because you didn't know something. how does it feel? [ laughter ] anyway. >> oh, yeah, make a joke of it and blame it on the workers. rush limbaugh is so disconnected from reality he is endorsing a brutal head of a group. and liz cheney joins a group in ohio. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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in the playbook tonight, president obama continues barnstorming the country and pushing the jobs bill and blast ing the republicans for doing nothing to get americans back to work. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell went on brent barre's fox news show today to talk about the president's jobs tour, and since the facts weren't on his side, he made a bunch of
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stuff up. >> ask the republicans what their jobs plan would do and i'd be interested in the answer. what is the jobs bill? >> well, try this for an answer. we tried his approach the first two years of his administration. >> can we stop the tape and hold it right2k there, because he w asked a direct question, what is the jobs plan? and remember the question as you hear mcconnell's answer. here it is. >> we tried his approach the first two years of his administration. he owned the congress. he got everything that he wanted. he borrowed. he spent. and we have lost 1.5 million jobs since then. well, the american people said that was not working. they changed the congress. and now he is trying the do another stimulus. >> i will tell you what, i don't know how they say wit a straight face. hold it again right here for a moment so i can explain. first things first. he owned the congress? he got everything he wanted. i find it hard to believe that
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considering the republicans in the senate sent a record for the number of success ful filibustes in president obama's first two years that he got everything that he wanted. i doubt it. then mcconnell blamed the stimulus for a loss off jobs. i guess that we should remind the senator about president obama's record of job creation compared to the predecessor george w. bush. and senator mcconnell should read the report from the congressional budget office, a nonpartisan organization that does all of the work for the congress when it comes to the numbers that said that the stimulus increased the number of people employed by between 1.3 million and 3.5 million workers in this country. and so mcconnell ignores the actual job growth under president obama, and he ignores his own deliberate obstruction of a record of filibusters in the saentd, senate, and he ignores the president who jobs than president
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bush, and one more thing, he ignored the question. >> he said, ask the republicans what their jobs plan would do, and i'd be interested in the answer. what is the jobs plan? >> well, let's try this for an answer. we tried his approach the first two years of his administration. >> there's a reason that he never got around to answering what the plan is. it is because there is no republican jobs plan. it doesn't exist. i will let you know where president obama needs to take the jobs tour next. here's a hint. liz cheney is already there. john nichols of "the nation" joins me. stay with us. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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doing the infrastructural work for those who are pro senate bill-5. they want to keep it on the books. john nichols is with me next. stay with us. ktle emotional hetlretl?tl aren't you getting a little industrial? okay, there's enough energy right here in america. yeah, over 100 years worth. okay, so you mean you just ignore the environment. actually, it's cleaner.
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public education and hurt public services. it affects a lot of people. mr. president, i think that you need to go to ohio the night before the election and tell those middle-classers that you stand with them. it is not a political calculation at this point, it is about the people. this is the first major test leading up to 2012. and the majority of ohioans, they want to repeal the law known as senate bill-5 which destroys collective bargaining and puts the budgets on the back of the workers and not the wealthy. it is governor john kasic's signature achievement and right now he is scrambling to save face and he is getting major help from out of state groups including some from liz cheney whose dear old dad was once a union man. and that is has not stopped the ground game. and as the "the nation's" john nichols explains, she is trying
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to destroy workers rights in ohio and plans on spending big bucks to get it done. this is not about one politician versus another, but it is about a victory for the people. john, glad to have you was, msnbc contributor and correspondent for "the nation" magazine. liz cheney lives in virginia and her kids go to a private school, and what does liz cheney get out of all of this? >> well, ed, the ohio fight is the central battle for right wingers who have been trying f the better part of a year now the deconstruct, tear down, aulg of the infrastructure of the progressive causes, trial law r lawyers, labor unions, and the govern governor's law undermines the ability of unions the play. and karl rove and liz cheney and other names that we know are coming big time into ohio to try to save governor kasic's law.
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>> and how much money is expected to be spent? >> well, we don't know, ed. w and you won't know until it has played out. last year she said they were spending $10 to $15 million on a handle of congressional races and how much she will spend in ohio and other groups will spend is unclear. but the columbus "dispatch" estimates it could be as much as $20 million. >> well, president obama did not go to your state of wisconsin to stand with the workers although he made statements about them. does he need to go to ohio? i think he does. what do you think, john? >> ed, i think that there is no question. look, this is a clear battle lines fight. on one side, you have dick cheney's daughter and karl rove, and you have the core people who really were responsible politically for a lot of the economic crisis we are in. if barack obama wants to draw the real lines and to say, you
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know, which side are you on, there is no better place to do of weeks. >> i want to be clear. president obama has been to ohio and he stood at the foot of that bridge and talked about infrastructure, and i'm talking about just days before this crucial vote. i think that the president needs to throw all of the political capital into this, and it is not about who wins and who loses politically, but this is about the people. and this is about standing with middle-class workers in this country, and also standing up for unions and protecting their right to negotiate. i think that the president needs to take a stand and go there and be there hours s before the vo to motivate people to make them go. i think he can make a big, big difference and this is what this fight is all about. john nichols, thank you for being with us. that is the show, and i'm ed schultz, and you can listen to the show monday through friday on sirius xm, and you can also follow me on twitter.
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