tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC November 7, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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talked about that story when you stopped him and ticketed him and did your job? >> i was very offended by what he said. it wasn't because of my job. it was because of the job that he endangered, which was a state highway patrol trooper, who i was there to protect. >> you did your job. >> just like all these other americans are going to continue to do their job. that's "the ed show." we'll be back live here in columbus tomorrow night with election results. the rachel maddow show starts right now. they love you in columbus. >> i love them back, man. amazing show. amazing show. i'm so glad you're there. hello columbus. thanks to you at home as well for staying with us for the next hour. there's so much going on. the long-running gross-out genius radio spectacle that is the howard stern show on satellite radio, they're apparently promoting a singer. somebody who howard stern enjoys
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or a paid arrangement for something. today republican presidential politics in america were briefly taken over by this. >> this is not what you think it is. just calm down. no, it's not what you think it is. just calm down. this is about elisa gir daund notice. this is not about me. this is about elisa injure dawn notice. the serious thing is about jordana. i'm going to say a bad word. the name of one of her songs is [ bleep ] i'm fine and also young love is a good song to listen to. >> these are live mikes. seriously. seriously. could you move? >> the name of the -- i won't say the bad word, it's f you i'm fine. >> that's the name of the song in question. ♪ i want you out of my sight ♪ i want you out of my sight
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♪ sight sight sight ♪ but i'm fine ♪ [ bleep ] i'm fine ♪ and i'm not even sure of the sign ♪ >> so it's true. we fact checked it. maybe this all today was just an advertisement for this singer person who was beloved of the howard stern show. maybe this is just the greatest long-running gross-out genius art satire radio spectacle of my generation, the howard stern show, being jealous that another performance art sensation is hitting that patented howard stern sweet spot. that is the overlapping area between horrifying and compelling. okay. here's how this was supposed to go today. at the frirs club in noshgsz city known for comedic roasts of celebrities, a press conference was scheduled today to hear further allegations of sexual harassment concerning herman cain, a republican candidate for
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president. as many members of the media gathered to hear from the new accuser and her attorney, a howard stern sidekick who is named benjy took over the proceedings. >> just listen a second, all right? maybe i'm the girl that was accused by herman cain, okay? you don't know that. you don't know if for sure i'm a male, because i might be not be. i'll say who i am. who asked that? who asked who i was. >> i'll ask it. who are you? >> my name is it benjy bronch. >> now you're interrupting a religious service, my friend. >> that was sort of how it went as the entire national press corps sat and waited for this herman cain-related press conference to begin. >> oh, i met you. you, come here.
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>> sorry, sir. i met you at the anthony thing. are you from japanese tv? i met you. we met. >> we met. when he says i met you at the anthony thing, he's talking about the anthony weiner press conference back in june, which benjy, the hurd stern sidekick, he also at the anthony weiner press conference did the same thing. he sort of stern-bombed it. the howard stern sidekick guy took over this press conference today before it even began. >> first the name. who wants me to say -- who wants me to leave. >> go away. >> get out of here. >> nay. >> just go. just get out. >> at one point it seemed like the press conference was going to start with benjy from the howard stern show with that guy introducing gloria allred her
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attorney and the new sexual harassment accuser. >> ladies and gentlemen, all the way from los angeles, california, miss gloria allred and the accuser. >> that was the announcement from benjy. according to reporters on the scene, gloria allred turned around and decided to wait backstage at the friars club for a fau more minutes so they can enter on their own terms instead of being announced by the howard stern guy. ultimately the press conference finally did start. the accuser that came forward today was a woman that worked with him in the mid 1990s. she said after losing her job, she met mr. cain in washington to ask him for help to get rehired and getting another job. they alleged mr. cain made an grea gresive and unwanted sexual advance toward measure. >> he suddenly reached over, and he put his hand on my leg under
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my skirt and reached for my genitals. he also grabbed my head and brought it towards his crotch. i was very, very surprised and very shocked. i said, what are you doing? you know i have a boyfriend. this isn't what i came here for. mr. cain said, you want a job, right? i asked him to stop, and he did. >> the herman cain campaign responded to this. actually, they preresponded to this putting out a state during the press conference that said mr. cain has never harassed anyone. quote, all allegations of harassment against mr. cain are completely false. there are a number of these allegations now, depending on how you count. this was either the sixth woman or seventh woman who alleges that she was harassed on or was allegedly harassed by mr. cain. the first two were women employed by the national restaurant association when mr. cain ran the association. both of them, after complaining formally to the association, were separated from their jobs
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and given cash settlements of tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for agreeing not to speak about the incidents in the future. a conservative taum show host in iowa said he witnessed inpro inappropriate behavior of his radio staff in iowa. a long time pollster who works for mr. perry said he said it in the washington, d.c. area in the late '90s. what's unclear in the counting of the total number of women here is whether that, the woman mistreated at the restaurant whether that's the same woman described by the associated press as a former national restaurant association employee who said she was harassed by mr. cain but never received a settlement as a result of all of that. all of those allegations preceded the one today, which was preceded by the howard stern show taking over the entire proceeding.
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in addition to the mr. cain has never harassed anyone today, the herman cain art project tweeted a welcome to the campaign message to the attorney who is representing the new accuser. the tweet said, welcome to the campaign. what took you so long. it included a link where people can donate to the herman cain art project in iowa. the herman cain art project has been bragging about how much money the sexual harassment allegations have helped them raise. they say they raised $2.8 million between july and september this year. that was before the sexual harassment allegations started to come out. once cain supporters learned of the allegations of him sexually harassing women, the numbers took over. 2.8 million raised in three months before the allegations and they've raised almost that much since, about $2 million since the allegations have come out. there's an old well-stoked conservative paranoia that any allegation has been made up by a media out to get them. in this case the herman cain
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performance art project has brilliantly come up with this satire, made that seem as ridiculous as possible because we're not talking about one accuser here or two or three accusers here but rather six or maybe even seven different women, all of whom were apparently part of a liberal media conspiracy. send your checks, cash and money orders. her main contain made fun of the other major scandal, the allegations that while his managers, campaign manager, the smoking guy was working for a koch brothers group, that group used money from unknown donors to illegally fund mr. cain's campaign. >> this may be a breaking news announcement for the media. i am the koch brothers brother from another mother.
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yes. i'll their brother from another mother. and proud of it. >> that's the response to the scandal so far today in washington another watchdog group asked the irs to look into the alleged illegal funding of the cain campaign bu unknown donors. while his campaign manager was running a state chapter of the koch brothers conservative actors group, the financial records show it illegally paying for campaign stuff. for things like herman cain going to a koch brothers event in oklahoma, and herman cain's campaign manager flown to d.c. to meet with one of the koch brothend phillips. tim phillipsas been a guest on the show.
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jack aber mof is out of federal prison and promoting his new book about his crimes. he got guys like tim phillips and ralph reed, jack abramhoff worked with those guys to dupe conservative voters into supporting the interests of their lobbying clients. they would get voters who hated gambling, for instance, to oppose some specific gambling association. it will held eliminate the competition for the casinos they were working for. ralph reed is supposed to be a christian leader. it couldn't look like he was paid by the casino. instead they laundered the money through a conservative group to make it look like it was all paks it and bt money. the grover norquist tax reform group. if you follow the money, it looks like conservative activism. it looks principaled, right? the money is laundered through
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conservative activism. really it's what some rich company wants and is willing to pay for. tim phillips and ralph reed got christians to write support in keeping the nad in the usa label in clothes that were made in islands in a commonwealth. folks manufactured in near slave labor sweat shop conditions that included things like forced prous tuition and forced abortions among the destitute workers there. how did they get christians? how did they gel values voters, conservative christian americans to write letters supporting that? they mailed christians materials that said the workers on the islands were exposed to the teachings of jesus while they were working there. that was the jack aber mof scam. that's tim fill limbs and ralph reed's scam. he runs the faith and freedom coalition.
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all of them went to the ralph reed event in iowa last mochlt this was the podium. there's ralph reed. he was his guy, right? there's his logo, faith and freedom coalition. what's that other logo behind him? the iowa energy forum. hold on a second. a quick google search says the iowa energy forum is a project of the american petroleum institute, right? naets twho these guys are. that's the value voters summit of ralph reed brought to you by big oil. ralph reed and tim phillips didn't go to prison, but they were part of the scam to get conservative voters to do something that they thought was ideological motivated, but it was really just what some big corporate funder wanted and was willing to pay for. iowa energy forum. oh, yeah, and faith, too. that's what jack did before he
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went to prison and that's what ralph reed is doing now. now there's the herman cain art project. a charismatic candidate who does not know that letting a woman decide if she wants to have an abortion or not is not allowed if you're pro-life. a candidate who has never heard of neoconservativism and who answered this way this weekend when he was asked about medicare. >> you go first, newt. >> that's only fair. >> the herman cain art project, which seems to be a conservative cause, which is attracting a lot of support, is something with no campaign staff, no substantial staff of its own. it appears to be bank rolled possibly illegally by the billionaire owneres of the oil company whose political group is run by a former associate of
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jack abramhoff. conservative voters, i know you're not my big heest fans. i know you watch because i can tell from the hate mail. this is meant as advice and i mean it in a big-hearted way, legitimate way. i'm a liberal. i would love for herman cain to be the republican party's nominee for president this year. part of me tells me i should shut up, right? just as an american if i speak to you as a conservative voter i want you to know, these guys are pros. if you're one of those people who wrote a letter saying you want the island workers to get made in the usa labels because that was what jesus would have been wanted because they were exposed to jesus and you found out they were subject to forced prostitution and abortions and you were duped because somehow ralph reed got your address as a values voter, if you have regret about this, consider this about the herman cain campaign. these guys have done it before.
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they know what they are doing, and they now appear to be reassembling the old team to give it one more try, and that one more try is you. today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at
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that is better than today. since 1894, ameriprise financial has been working hard for their clients' futures. never taking a bailout. helping generations achieve dreams. buy homes. put their kids through college. retire how they want to. ameriprise. the strength of america's largest financial planning company. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you, one-to-one. together, for your future. ♪ state, ohio. the people of ohio say today if they could redo the laekdz in which they elected john kasich, they would pick the other guy by 18 points.
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the polling says john kasich has the worst approval rating of any governor in the country. polling this year for kasich put him at third, second or third place depending on the poll and the times in the bum me out sweepstakes competition for most disliked governor in america. ohio may have picked this guy just last year, but they really wish they hadn't picked him and really don't like him now. if you're running a political campaign of any kind in ohio, do you make the face of that campaign john kasich? really, mr. buyer's remorse and mr. 33% approve rating. they're going to stop it from being repealed features john kasich personally at every turn. this is voted on in ohio tomorrow. kasich and the republicans and the out of state conservative groups durching money into ohio right now to help kasich, they want ohioans to vote tomorrow to keep the law to strip union
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rights, they want them to vote yes to keep the law. their campaign is not working. the signature policy is very unpopular. this is the polls on the repeal effort over time for the un-stripping bill. this is how public policy voting has polled it over time. this is between 50 and 60% there, people who want to repeal john kasich's law. the repeal kasich's anti-union law rights side is doing well and better over time heading into tomorrow's voting. so now at the end alongside the tide of outside money from every conservative group you've heard of and some you haven't, the conservative groups are switching up their spokes people. turns out ohioans don't really like john kasickasich? sarah palin is lending her
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endporsment in ohio. also pat boone. pat boone. don't like john kasich or sarah palin, do you like pat boone? they have him doing robocalls now. there's fox news personality former arkansas governor mike huckabee who is not only against union rights in ohio, he has tactical advice for ohioans against them, too. >> make a list of 10 family members, 10 friends, 10 neighbors, 10 folks you have worked with in the past and call them and ask them, are you going to vote on issue 2, and are you going to stroet for it? if they say no, well, you just make sure they don't go vote. let the air out of their tires on election day. that's up to you. >> tell them the election is moved to a different date, let the air out of their tires. it's up to you.
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joining us now is connie schultz. she wrote about mike huckabee's advice for ohio voters recently. she's a former long time columnist for the plain dealer in ohio. >> thank you, rachel. i apologize for my vice. i sound like the man i'm married to. sorry about na t. >> we should say you are married to u.s. senator brown of ohio. have you lost your voice because you have a cold or hollering on this issue? >> according to my kids, i've been hollering on this issue a lot. >> how do you think mike huckabee, with his advice, and sarah palin and pat boone and all these other republican celebrities brought into this, how do you think their advice will go over with ohio voters? what do you think is going to happen? >> it proves the arrogance is unmitigated apparently on their stooit. huckabee when he brought his lounge act to ohio, i couldn't help but think this. i'm a liberal and so are you. we never discourage anyone from voting. we want everyone to participate. you and i, women went to prison
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and were force-fed until they vomited so we could have a right to stroet, rachel. congressman john lewis, one of the gentlest and bravest man i know had his head slashed out when he was marching for black american's right to vote so we don't find it humera humorous. my concern is ohio voters haven't voted yet. do not get overconfident. show up at the polls tomorrow and participate. >> we've seen some, i guess, con stern nation mungs strategists who are on the no on issue 2 stid of it. who want this union stripping bill repealed saying the polls doesn't necessarily reflect exactly what's going to happen. they're worried that people are going to relax about this and think they don't turn out to the polls. do you think there is some -- that people are overconfident on
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the side of issue 2 that you're on? >> i guess what i would say is there's always that concern, because we can't take anything for granted. i have never seen this level -- born and raised in ohio. i'm 54 years old. daughter of a factory worker, union organizer himself. i have never seen this level of participation on the part of volunteers. i was at the cleveland teachers union call center last night. their goal for the whole campaign was 200,000 calls. they had already made more than 509,000 calls as of last night. >> you wrote recently that all eyes are on ohio this week. what happens in ohio will tell us a lot about the 2012 election. why do you expect the results to resonate on a national scale? >> first of all, everyone is it watching ohio. as ohio goes so goes the nation. i don't think anyone outside ohio fully understood the ground swell here in ohio.
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john kasich has been the best community organizer in the state for democrats. it's not just democrats who have decided they're voting no. we've seen so many republicans come out against this, we stee independent voters. in my own neighbors yards with mccain signs in 2008 have vote no on issue 2 signs. everybody knows a schoolteacher or a police officer or firefighter or a nurse, for me this is personal. my sister toni is a public schoolteacher and my sister leslie is a nurse. the man who came earlier this week last week to our home to install our new microwave had a son who is a firefighter. he said he's never seen his son participate in a grassroots effort like he has with this one. he's going door to door. this is what kasich and the republicans did not anticipate, is when you go after public workers, you're going after family members of tens of thousands of ohioans. >> why do you think they made it
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such a priority? last year we saw republicans take over in ohio and wisconsin and michigan and other places, too, but we watch these new republican governors and legislatures make it a huge priority it to take away union rights, even when it was predictable it would cost them. why is it so important for them? >> i think they got drunk with power, quite frankly. the governor's race went to the republicans, and they ran on jobs. they couldn't create the jobs they promised, and they started going after -- it was a little surprising how quickly they did this one to be honest with you. when you go after the rights workers to collective bargain for wages, benefits and job conditions, you are suddenly not just going after unions. you're going after the promise of america. it was so interesting to watch people who thought they didn't care at all about junes suddenly realize they care very deeply about the rights that unions brought to workers in this country. this has been an incredible
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groundswell movement of support for unions and what they stand for. >> connie shuttchultz, thank yo very much for your time tonight. on the eve on the vote all eyes are on ohio. you've helped explain it to a lot people. >> thank you, rachel. >> i will mention her husband is the u.s. senator sherrod brown. it's relevant. okay. dedunk shun junction. it involves jay edgar hoover and lice and what's considered a weapon. so that's still to come. police episcopal bishop gene robinson is here for the interview. that's all ahead. while still using less. its design is soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft. for a hot dog cart. my mother said, "well, maybe we ought to buy this hot dog cart and set it up someplace."
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so my parents went to bank of america. they met with the branch manager and they said, "look, we've got this little hot dog cart, and it's on a really good corner. let's see if we can buy the property." and the branch manager said, "all right, i will take a chance with the two of you." and we've been loyal to bank of america for the last 71 years. guigi pw. y pw. k. guigi
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"occupy wall street" has gone commercial. not as in, hey, mom, your kids will like the new "occupy wall street" figurines, but it has gone commercial in the sense that they literally have commercials. a campaign of ads that you can watch and it to which you can donate online if you want to help them air on the tv machine. >> every job counts. every job counts said the postman. every job counts. the beautiful american is not only the big leader who stands over there for all to clap their hands. the beautiful american is also a little worker who is unknown by all. every job counts. yes, every job counts. >> we'll be right back. please stay with us. [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people are choosing advil®.
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here's one story. [ regis ] we love to play tennis. as a matter of fact it was joy who taught me how to play tennis. and with it comes some aches and pains and one way to relieve them all is to go right to the advil®. i have become increasingly amazed at regis's endurance. it's scary sometimes what he accomplishes in a day. well i'd rather not have time for pain but unfortunately it does comes your way every now and then. and that's when i take my advil®. [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®. [ chuckles ] you think that is some information i would have liked to know? i like tacos. you invited eric? i thought eric gave you the creeps. [ phone buzzes ]
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oh. [ chuckles ] yeah. hey. [ male announcer ] don't be left behind. get it faster with 4g. at&t. ♪ it's true. you never forget your first subaru. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs.
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at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. inches a year ago election nights 2010, this was the good news that night for democrats. he was a governor of colorado
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after a hard-fought race. best remembered now is the guy who said he was a secret agent, but he wasn't. joe man shun won the street, beating john racy who said in an sfwur vee i made my money the old-fashioned way, i inherited it. sharon engel said they would turn to remedies approximate if they didn't get their way at the polls. she lost. harry reid held onto his seat. linda mcmahon had a ton of money going into her campaign for chris dodd's senate seat, fut in the end democratic richard bloomen that you will beat linda by more than 10 moints. mark dayton became governor of minnesota succeeding a
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republican named item pawlenty. not ringing any bells? democrat michael bennett won the colorado senate race again ken buck. bennett won in part by who knew how cad ral they were particularly on social issues. actually asking buck in a debate who he wanted to go to jail if he succeeded in making abortion illegal without exceptions confidence his policy position. a year ago on election nights 2010 i was pretty much -- i'm not sure i left anything big out. i think that was pretty much the entire universe of good news stories that night for democrats. other than those stories, election night a year ago was a really bad night for democrats. it was a red, red night. a red, red year. delightful if you are a republican, but a bum her of a night for democrats pretty much. that was a year ago, 2010. now it's been a year, so tomorrow it is election day again. it's off your election day, but there's a lot going on. mississippi voters are deciding tomorrow on an amendment to
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their state's constitution, an amendment that would define a fertilized egg as a person. this would ban all abortion, no exceptions. it would also ban the most popular forms of birth control and some types of fertility free treatment and turn a miscarriage into a cause for a investigation. a heavy period could be cause for an investigation. what if there was a fertilized egg in there? that's a person. colorado voted on on this twice in 2008 and 2010. 68% in 2008 of coloradans told pollsters they opposed it. when it came time to vote, more than that votesed no. 68% said they were opposed bus the no vote was 73% again in colorado last year. two years later the percentage of coloradans who said they opposed this thing was 56%, and
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another percentage of pollsters were against it were 62%. when it came time to vote more voted against it than had told pollsters they would. the actual no vote in 2010 was 71%, which was higher than the opposition had ever turned up in the polling. so both times this has been voted on before. both times in colorado, not only did this -- the fertilized egg is a person thing lose and lose badly, but the no vote ended up being higher on election day than predicted in the polling. tomorrow voters in mississippi vote on the same sort of amendment they voted on in colorado, and in mississippi right now the polling it is tied up. this is the latest. it shows 45% of mississippians support this personhood amendment and 44% oppose it. the aim thing is true in mississippi like colorado. voters are understating their opposition, than this personhood
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ban on abortion and hormonal birth control might fail in mississippi tomorrow. this time tomorrow night we will know for sure. mississippi voters decide tomorrow on whether or not to amend their constitution to say you cannot vote any more in the state of mississippi unless you show documentation you have never had to show before. the polling on that voter i.d. issue looks lopsided into election day. 64% of mississippians saying they would vote for that in the latest polling. in maine they'll vote on voting tomorrow. the republican legislature and the republican governor in maine got rid of a decades old policy in maine whereby you could register to vote on election day. they got rid of that law, but tomorrow mainers get a chance to reinstitute the law. support for repealing the bill that took it away is up in the latest poll, 55% to 38%. also tomorrow there's legislative races in virginia that could flip chrome of the
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state senate in virginia from democrats to republicans. there will also be a special election in iowa that could change control of iowa's state senate. right now it is democratic controlled. it could after tomorrow be an even split, depending on how that race goes. the latest polling in mississippi shows that republicans there could take control of the statehouse. statehouse in mississippi now controlled by democrats, but that is at stake tomorrow. so, again, a year ago, election night 2010, it was a really bad night for democrats. and now on this 2011 offyear election eve, we are halfway between that last election, between that deep red tide of 2010. halfway between na and the next big election, which is, of course, november 2012. plan on being here tomorrow tonight from msnbc as election returns come in from all over the country.
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down the hill? man: all right. we were actually thinking, maybe... we're going to hike up here, so we'll catch up with you guys. [ indistinct talking and laughter ] whew! i think it's worth it. working with a partner you can trust is always a good decision. massmutual. let our financial professionals help you reach your goals.
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appearance from dead j. edgar hoover and some original reporting from the american ferret association. none of that is made up. please stick around. what is this shorty? uh, tissues sir, i'm sick. you don't cough, you don't show defeat. give me your war face! raaah! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop.
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totaling $100 million in new deposits. on long island one local credit union reported opening 1,400 checking accounts last week. half of the new accounts were opened on saturday alone on bank transfer day alone. in washington, d.c. the national capital bank, xh is a two-branch community bank, says the vast majority of by fed-up bank of america customers. in new york city home of wall street and those who would occupy it, the lower east side peoples federal credit union says it's enjoying more than 55 new account openings a week, up from an average of 10 new acts per week all of this started happening. the association that represents credit unions conducted a survey of 5,000 credit unions around the country prior to the bank this weekend. they found according to estimates more than 50,000 consumers across the nation have joined credit unions since september 29th.
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that's the day bank of america announced it's now rescinded $5 monthly debit card fee leading to people getting angry at them who weren't otherwise angry for good reasons. also during that time credit unions added $4.5 billion in new savings act. credit unions will conduct more surveys to see how many people and how much money transferred on bank transfer day alone. whatever that number is, it will be on top of the $4.5 billion trafred ahead of saturday. "occupy wall street" shows no signs of slow down. they're using donations to run advertisements on tv explaining in their own words why they're protesting. >> i want economic justice. >> i want to speak my voice without jepizing my job. >> i want a greater regulation of the banks and markets. >> i want my kids to have a job and health care. >> i want true democrat stcy foe 99% of us who don't have it anymore. donations on bluebe
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bloomberg, on espn and history internal and cbs sports and on gayle king show and gray's anatomy and on friends outdoor channel and fox news. today an 11-mile march from the northern tip of manhattan in washington heights down to the park on the southern tip of manhattan on wall street. marchers called the march today the end to end for the 99%. joining us now for the interview is someone at that march today, bishop gene robinson, and he attended that march this afternoon and has been down at the park. bishop robinson, thank you to much for being here. >> i'm delighted to be here, rachel. thank you. >> in your role as a bishop, why are you supporting this movement? why do you see it as important. >> part of what a bishop does is look for god at work in the world. i think i saw god at work in the
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park. it's astounding to me na the feeling i come away with down on wall street is this grieving over the loss of community that i think this represents. it seems to be about the dollars a and the figures are terrible how the wealth is so concentrated in so few. but it -- but the emotional content of it tooshgs any, seems like people are mourning it the fact we've become a society every man, woman and child for themselves and not a society in which we actually do care for one another as a community. >> i am struck by the fact that the sentiments being stroised by and attributed to the 99% movement and "occupy wall street" movement are not just widely held and widely sympathized with now. they have been for a long time, but something has happened and it was a feat of organizing and something else that caused
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people tont just believe that but to want to physically put themselves somewhere to show that they believe that. do you think that is to people can find each other, or do you think it's something about none straighting with your physical presence to the rest of the world? >> so i -- last week i went down to the "occupy new hampshire" movement in manchester and went to the western part of the state. i drove by the small town of cenepie, and this was one young man, 20-something, sitting in a metal folding chair on the shoulder of the road holding up a sign that said "occupy cenepie." i thought if this young man hears something going on in this movement that moves him to do that, this is huge. it's the beginning of a conversation that we have needed to have for a very long time about what our responsibility is to one another. >> do you think that -- if the movement is answering something
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important, if you're saying a sort of turning out to resonate with people's both grieving but also filling a need for people, does that mean you think it should be expected to stay around for a long time and has legs? >> i do think it has legs. this cry for help that i think we hear, it remains to be seen whether it's the birth pangs of something new and creative and positive or whether it will just filter away. and i think that's why people getting involved in this is so very important. this has to start conversations in living rooms and at cocktail parties all around the country about have we really lost our way as a nation? and whatever happened to each of us wanting to contribute our fair share to the well-being of all of us? the common good? >> what do you stay to people who sympathize with the aims of
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"occupy wall street" but have not participated physically? haven't been to any local "occupy" protests? do you think people should go in their own lives? what do you advocate. >> i did go down there today, and i kept my mouth shut. which for a bishop, that's a tough go because i think we've got something to learn. you know, the prophets of the jewish oldestme testament said difficult things to those in power. the nation of israel was saved because some of those kings and those in power listened, and i think there are a lot of us sort of in the middle of this country who need to go to talk to these people, just ask them. there's no reason to be fearful. it's one of the most peaceable kingdoms i've been part of in a long time. people handing out clothing to
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those who have need of it and food. i sat in the middle of a think tank talking about whether the community that had formed in the pack was a microcosm the larger society or not and how to make connections between those two. we have to become reconnected to one another, and that my well-being is dependent on my well-being. i don't want to live in a country where it's every man, woman and child for themselves. that's an awful existence, sxani think the cries of pain we hear from this movement are the cries from the loss of that kind of unity. >> reporting last week on the vatican statement of the robin hood tax and talking to you today about the feelings about this movement. i feel like i'm talking about religion more than i usually do in american politics. i think because we are starting to have a morality-based discussion about economics.
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>> i think that's exactly right. we ought to look forward to that, because we all know there's something wrong. >> yeah. bishop gene rob beirobinson, i enjoyed speaking with you. >> i'm delighted to be here. thank you so much. >> stay with us. look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪
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states official munitions list, which means their sale, their export to other countries is restricted by law. kek cal toilets are alongside things like flame throwers and laser and tanks. the state department is looking to change the classification proposing it be taken off the munition list. until that state department proposal goes through, which might take a maonth or so, they reap remain in the arsenal of controlled weapons, which makes it feel very dirty to see the word arsenal and do. next up, true or false, legendary fbi director j. edgar hoover, subject the to the new movie, j. edgar hoover in real life was so freaked out that an "l.a. times" reporter was going to report he was gay that hoover denounced the reporter as a lice-covered ferret. j. edgar hoover called a reporter a lice-covered ferret.
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is that true or false? also true. the "l.a. times" this weekend revealing the results of a freedom of information request for the fbi dossier on their late pulitzer prizewinning reporter jack nelson. he told hoover that jack nelson was ought to get him. hoover sicked his fbi agents on jack nelson to find out what he had. they heard from another reporter that what nelson was going to reporter was that j. edgar hoover was gay. nell stoson denied he was going report that, but hoover became obsessed with nelson scrawling that nelson is a mental case, rat and jackal and necessary son is nelson is a lice-covered ferret. according to the
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