tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC November 8, 2011 7:00am-8:00am PST
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lp protect your family at [ beatboxing ] good morning. i'm chris jansing and welcome to our first msnbc super tuesday. it is one year to election day, and in the past several months if they're an indication, we're in for quite a ride. >> live or die, bring it, the 9-9-9 plan. >> 9-9-9. >> make in mistake about it,
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barack obama will be a one-term president. >> president barack obama officially kicks off his re-election campaign. >> pass this bill. >> pass this bill. >> pass this bill. >> corporations are people, my friend. >> i'm speaking. >> the newspaper -- >> i'm speaking. >> excuse me. excuse me! >> we can't wait for congress to do its job if they won't act i will. ♪ i can't wait >> we can no longer wait. >> we're not waiting for congress. ♪ i am america one voice united we stand ♪ >> so that's where we are. a year away from the presidential election, and one democratic pollster says, voter hope has been replaced by anger and fear. now, while that's not good news for president obama, he is still beating republicans. look at our new poll. mitt romney comes the closest to him, but still trailing the president by six points. here's the big overall pick color.
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57% disapprove of barack obama's handling of the economy. nearly 75% say the obama administration has fallen short of expectations on the economy and on improving oversight of wall street and the banks. i'm joined now by nbc deputy political director mark mur pitch mark, good morning. heavy super tuesday. >> and to you, chris f. you're in the obama campaign, what's the quick take away from the poll numbers? >> a glass half full, glass half empty type of situation. on the half empty side, the president's approval rate is just at 44%. certainly upside-down where it freed to be to win re-election. you have a very pessimistic public. e right irection. so some tough numbers there, but the glass half full situation, he still leads mitt romney by six points. herman cain by 15. a majority of americans think, approve of his foreign policy handling. so the idea is that things start to get a little better for this
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president that's how he ends up winning re-election, of course, things need to keep on improving for him and we don't know what the next year will have in store for us. >> a fascinating interpretation from peter hart, one of the pollster whose says, this is not longer about who is to blame. it's about who can get us out of trouble. when you take that along with the results we're seeing in the head-to-head matchups, i think republicans see that barack obama could still be a force to be reckoned with? >> absolutely. so the formula for president obama's success is to be able to have more -- to have better economic numbers, to show the country still is creating jobs. you do that over the next seven, eight moss, and president obama, when he ends up getting renominated in north carolina can make the claim thing, getting better. the country is moving in the right direction. he can't make that argument yet. there isn't the evidence, at least on unemployment numbers. that point. but you move forward.
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and that's what they want to be able to have. >> yeah. i guess if there is good news for the republicans and for mitt romney, it's that in that area that matters most to votersish the economy, he actually narrowly leads the president. right? >> right. and economic elections are always referendums on the current state of the economy. that is mitt romney, if he ends up becominged republican nominee, that is his entrance in there. we measured a host of numbers on being a commander, a good commander in chief. being consistent on the issues. president obama believes mitt romney heavily on the numbers. mitt romney is ahead, on the economy. that's what the ultimate republican nominee will make this case about 2012. trying to make it a referendum on the economic situation in the country. >> a lot of interesting stuff in this poll, but did you think there were any surprises, mark? >> chris, i thought the most interesting number was, 70% of the country agreed with the statement that the current economic situation in the country benefits a small few.
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at the expense of everyone else. that does end up giving a sense that whoever ends up grabbing a populist mantel, who actually be be the president resting who feel like they are pow eless in economics and politics could really have a leg up come 2012. >> you look at numbers and see 50% either identify with occupy wall street or the tea party that speaks to that, that discontent people feel. is going to be an interesting year ahead, and we'll do it together. thank you so much. >> thanks, chris. this afternoon at a news conference in arizona, herman cain is going 2 try to get control of the controversy that just keeps building. his campaign has already gone on the attack against a fourth woman who now claims she was sexually harassed by cain more than a decade ago. they deny this pointing out the woman has a history of bankruptcy. >> it's not about me. i'm not the one running for president. i think maybe mr. cain's definition of harassment might be different.
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maybe he doesn't feel he harassed them. >> herman cain will again address those accusations today as a news conference but he joked about it on "jimmy kimmel" last night. >> so, how was your day? >> well -- all things considered, i'm still alive. it was -- it got off to somewhat of a rough start. we had a little surprise to show up on tv. >> and a political reporter for the wp "washington post" and a reporter at politico. good morning to both of you. does having financial problems and i think we saw today something like close to 50% of houses in the chicago area are under water, so if you'd had financial problems, as this woman admits schae, does that mean you have no credibility? >> right. that seems like where they're going with this. this idea that somehow you have to be of a certain financial status or social status to actually make credible claims in terms of sexual harassment.
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she has come out this morning and said, explained those financial problems saying it was related to her mother's illness and trying to get things straight with that. and she also came out this morning to say that she hasn't taken any money for this. she isn't in cahoots with any of the other campaigns also something the cain campaign alleged. one of the things you've seen happening here over the last couple of days, republicans are setting a high bar what cain has to do today. saying he's got to lay out the facts. carl vokarl rove is saying he's release evidence that would in cain's mind, at least in his argument, exculpate him. >> and they're urging cain to get on top of this. he's going after not just the women that accused him but also
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gloria allred and putting her in the mix. does that help herman cain make the case that the media is out to get him? it's all made up? or when you start going after the media, alex, is that just really preaching to your small base? >> well, chris i think going after gloria allred is the card hrm harm to pl herman cain has to play. it's not a particularly good one but one that is available. what you're hearing from republican as the press conference in new york yesterday, the riesen herman cain's position got so much more difficult, he can't just attack the media, reporters, those unnamed sources that he likes to go after. there's now actually a woman with a name and a face and a voice who herman cain has to try to discredit, if he wants voters 20 put these allegations aside. that's a much harder thing to do and potentially much uglier thing to do. >> i want to mention the president is on the move as we speak, leaving on marine one for andrews air force base headed to philadelphia to tour a classroom
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and meet with students and teachers at a headstart center. who do you think benefits from this herman cain controversy? could it be the president? because it takes attention away from the republicans who might want to attack him? does it help mitt romney? does it help rick perry? >> well, i think one of the reasons you see republicans making moves to really have cain come clean about whatever happened is because it is damaging to the party largely. and helpful to the president. and in terms of the actual race, helpful for mitt romney or even rick perry from the standpoint they aren't getting the attention. herman cain is taking up all the oxygen in the room at this point, even though now it seems he's tied. a gallup poll said he was tied with mitt romney. for now it's obviously most damping to herman cain, damaging somewhat to the party as they try to mount a case against president obama. >> yeah, and in our poll, virtually neck and neck, which is fascinating to a lot of
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people, alex. they've been saying for a long time, even before the sexual harassment allegations he can't be taken seriously. this is a guy who never meant to be a serious kcandidate and yet he's hanging in there. >> chris, he's hanging in there so far. the polls to watch are going to be the ones at the end of this week, beginning of next week when the press conference yesterday starts to sink in. more voters are able to reconsider everything they've heard last week in light of this new accuser coming forward. frankly, whatever herman cain says this afternoon i think will weigh heavily on how seriously voters take his denials going forward. >> alex burns and amalika, thank you. who has more facebook friends? president obama or mitt romney? and what about herman cain's twitter followers? richard lui breaks it down this election season. that's coming up at 10:30. time now to put your political smarts to the test. unemployment is 9% and no
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incumbent president has won re-election with such a high figure thins 1940. so what's the highest unemployment rate that a modern president has ever had to win the jous the answer in a few minutes. ♪ ♪ mama said there'd be days like this ♪ ♪ "there'll be days like this," mama said ♪ [ male announcer ] the toughest job on the planet just got a little easier. with one touch technology and even an air scrubber. the nissan quest. innovation for family. innovation for all. get up to $3,050 total savings on the 2011 nissan quest. ♪
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525 electoral votes to walter mondale's 13. it worth noting unemployment was falling at the time of rreagana re-election. bill clinton said he should be able to run for a third time as long as they take also time off of his second term. he says he's not interested. but what about his wife. >> do you ever think the country would be better off if she'd have won the presidency? >> i don't think about it. >> you tonight? >> no. >> why? >> because i deal with the world as it is. i think he's done a better job than he's getting credit for. >> on the campaign trail tomorrow, new jersey governor chris christie. he'll watch the gop debate at romney's campaign headquarter. by the way, mitt romney made just his fourth trip to iowa yesterday touring a manufacturing plant in dubuque and touting his plan to turn the
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economy away. >> i will slay the beast. it's keeping our kids from having the prospects they deserve. >> and jon huntsman may be pulling single ditch knits the polls but he is not discouraged. >> failure is not an option as they say. if i didn't feel it in my bones if i didn't sense a connection with the people in new hampshire, where we started with house parties, a trickle of people in, then it morphs into town hall meeting. they hear this crazy guy is worth tuning into, worth listening to. >> one year from now, what will make the difference? well, the soaring hispanic population could be it in the race to the wus. more than 9% of all voters were hispanic in 2010. expect numbers to grow next time. the economy will be a major factor. after african-americans, hispanics have the highest unemployment rate in the nation.
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111 11.4%. we're doing to look at four potentially make or break starts. i want to start here in florida, which is jose's home state, and i think we have a couple of people who might be from florida as well. 10.6 unemployment rate. 57% of hispanics voted for barack obama in 2008, and they're expected to increase by 35%. so in this critical state, they will be 34% of the vote, jose. what's that mean for 2012? >> it's some good news for the president and some international so good news for the president. the good news is that over the past couple of years, the central area of florida has seen a huge increase in latinos, mostly puerto ricans who can't vote in the united states. they can't vote if the they're living in the island, but if they come over to the united states and live here, they are allowed to vote. and they tend to vote heavily democratic.
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the bad news is, chris, double digit unemployment. the foreclosure crisis in florida has been devastating to families, hispanics and non-hispanics alike. as you say, the african-american unemployment and the latino unemployment, those official numbers don't really reflect the reality in those communities. there is a great feeling of despair among many people that washington, the president and others, has not been focused on the minority communities and their plight as much as maybe they feel show have. >> all right. who else has sent a lot of time in florida, let's look at new mexico. a state with significantly lower unemployment than the national average. 69% of hits panks voted for barack obama and represent four out of every ten voters, although the govern sir a republican. susannah martinez. what will drive the vote in new
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mexico? >> i think jobs and the economy are still important, despite the slyly lower unemployment rate. this plays into new mexico. biggest factor in the state is the redistricting. the governor did veto a state-wide redistricting plan. there's still another plan to come. in terms of the delegation, redistricting a big issue, but immigration is not far behind it. >> from new mexico, nearby to nevada, and that is a state that has a huge unemployment rate. 13.4%. although three out of every four h h hispanics voted for barack obama and probably responsible for saving harry reid's seat in that state. you mentioned florida's foreclosure rate, jose and, of course, also an issue there in nevada. what's the big question, though, for hispanics and will they come out for barack obama as they did three years ago? >> that's a very good question, and as they came out for senator
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reid, i'm not sure senator reid got as much votes from the hispanics as sharoron angle los votes. people don't see movement in main street. they see wall street but not in main street. those are issues that will permeate this campaign for the next year. >> one more state we want to check out is colorado. colorado is the state with, again, lower than average unemployment rate at 8.3%. huge support for barack obama in 2008. only the sectsd democratic presidential candidate to win colorado in 40 years, joy-ann. can he do it again? >> i lived in florida but grew up in colorado. a very purple state. democrats doing better and better in the state. it's a green state. the green energy boom has long been supposed to take place, even before barack obama started talking about green jobs. i think environmental issues play vongly in colorado. a lot of people who are hunters and you again, bringing back the
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immigration debate. unlike florida, the three states we mentioned, nf neff as well as colorado and new mexico are uniformly mexican-american. the vote is much more salient than in florida where you have a much more caribbean vote. imsgrags key. >> that's right. one quick thing on new mexico. don't bet just because they have a latino governor that's going to help republicans because it al happens to do with how that latino positions on immigration and other issues and in new mexico, the governor there has been very anti. >> thank you so much. fascinating new study published in today's archives of general psychiatry may shatter long-held u.s. stereotypes. according to research, black and asian teens are less likely to use drugs and alcohol than teens of other races. american indian and white adolescents top the list of users followed by hispanics,
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just a little bit ago we showed you our new poll. interesting. even though it presidential approval rating is low he leads all republicans in our new poll in head-to-head matchup. but, another battle is going on and it's social media. it's become a very important part of presidential campaigns. msnbc's richard lui has been looking into that. you crunched numbers and found out something surprising. >> good morning, chris. yeah. romney is beating obama on facebook. not in the numbers. the president is almost 24 million fans, you can see here. romney, just over 1.1 million. but when it comes to intensity, it is romney. this according to a company that measures emotional engagement in media online. the data bucks conventional wisdom on romney. 55% in the study are called super romney fans. this based on how often they like or comment on his page.
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one-third of loyals. you can see there. also what some may not expect. 64% of obama fans are casual. look at that bottom right-hand corner fans who never comment or like. the top groups as we dug into this a little more following the president on social media, african-americans for obama. obama pride. a national lgbt group and latinos for obama, dropping satisfaction for the president as of late. as for romney. to the groups following him on social media, well-funded conservative group american crossroads. cpac, and the national republican congressional committee well funded in that list. finally, for the social media leader board for the gop field, mitt romney leads, can you see here by a fact perp look at number two. a factor of two with 1 million facebook fans. ron paul right behind and after that michele bachmann. her numbers still good.
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as you know, not polling well and finally you've got cain. twitter leader board, newt gingrich at the top. ship say this number may not be real people. the rest no major leaders, going through romney. the third, cain. finally on the fourth level, also other groups involved here. i want to go old school finally views. gingrich, cain and perry. big number, chris, and if pundits are right here, ones that aren't just chatter. they'll affect who voters pick for president come november. >> thank you so much, richard lui. fascinating stuff, and get this -- mitch mcconnell said on the senate floor this morning, quote "maybe we're making some progress here, because senate republicans and democrats are set to get together this week, and it looks like they're going to approve two parts of president obama's jobs bill." one would are the repeal of three government with 408ding taxes on governmenter contractors and bill to pry companies with tax cred fits they hire veterans.
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the house already approved those measures. so the president may actually be getting a couple of wins on his jobs bill. keep in right here. it's super tuesday on msnbc. [ male announcer ] our nation's veterans are real-life heroes. but when they come home, they don't want a parade; they want a job. the postal service employs more veterans than any other civilian employer. but congress is debating a bill that would force the postal service to fire tens of thousands of vets, close post offices, shut mail processing plants, and disrupt mail delivery. drastic cuts won't fix the postal service and aren't needed. tell your representative to vote "no" on house resolution 2309. it's time to deliver for our veterans -- and america. to vote "no" on house resolution 2309. "h wnk f would say atet anol coayoa l to vote "no" on house resolution 2309. "h wnk f would say
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in the world of personal finance, it's massmutual. find strength and stability in a company that's owned by its policyholders. ask your advisor, or visit the day of the firestorm of these accusation wes had the highest fund-raising day online in the history of this campaign, and it has not stopped. >> do you think the other candidates will follow suit and hire women to charge them with sexual harassment? >> if they're smart, they will. >> well we could learn a lot about president obama's chances by reading what happens at the polls today. and four key states could be crucial in 2012. nbc's political reporter, breaking it down for us. good to see you on super tuesday. let's talk ohio.
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my home state. very important labor issue on the ballot. >> reporter: absolutely. this initiative is something that really has been pushed by governor kasich, this law, it's been on the books that they're not going to vote to see if they want to repeal. if they do that, a huge blow to governor kasich. it's a bit of a referendum billed on his governorship and with his first year and a half and you know, if that's the case, then that would be a huge win for democrats. a big win for the national party in trying to organize in the state. if it doesn't pass, however, in a place where younion rightsen ground zero, could be major in the re-election. >> huge for virginia. today the tables could turn. right? >> no question about it. right now, virginia has a republican governor. it has a republican house, but a
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slight majority of democrats control the senate. well, in state senate races across the state today, that could change. and that could mean a turning poi point for the governor. somebody who a lot of people think could be one of the people considered on a short list for vice presidential pick. if this were -- if republicans were able to get enough senate seats turned over, which the smart money, by the way, is on that happening. republicans will be able to push through a lot of things that they weren't able to before. in particular, on legislative, on redistricting stuff where they'll be able to now control their congressional seat majority, keep that where it is, and certainly be a feather in the cap for governor mcdonnell, but also, again in another setback for the white house as it tries in a very key state, a state democrats hadn't won for a long time and would need this state, po leshpotentially a hug state for president obama to win.
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pollsters says other democrats would have a hard time in this environment. cross off virginia, cross off north carolina. if it weren't for the fact that president obama has such strong support with african-americans, in virginia and north carolina in particular, would be almost crossed off the list if it were anyone else. >> the poll shows nationwide, still has 91% in the african-american community. you're right about that. >> right. >> let's talk about mississippi. one of the hottest 2012 campaign issues. tell us about the personhood initiative. >> so this personhood initiative is on the ballot. it's actually pushed by a group from colorado. this would define a person at fertilization. fertilization is not a word that you usually hear from conservatives. usually you hear, what? conception. right? so this even had, you know, governor haley barbour, the republican governor in the state, saying he was conflicted. he said he did vote for it, but it might have even some conservatives but not at all clear what's going to happen
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here. this group from colorado would love for this to get on the ballot, to pass. it failed twice in colorado. if it can pass in mississippi they're hoping this goes up the ladder, gets cllenged and eventually makes its way to the spreep court to possibly overturn roe versus wade. that's the real goal here, chris. >> you're in michigan now. very big day tomorrow with the debate coming up. >> that's right. cnbc -- >> tell us what's in store? >> cnbc has its debate mostly on the economy, which we're here for, of course in michigan. michigan is a state, boy, talk at the economy. 9% unemployment nationwide. 11.1% here. hit hard by manufacturing job losses. all kinds of car, auto bailout stuff on the ballot. mitt romney, when you look at the politic of this, mitt romney whose was governor of the state, chairman of american motor company, which no longer xifrtexifrt
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exists, this is somebody mitt romney would probably win the michigan primary. in a general election, could make it competitive because of that and demming need to win michigan if president obama will win re-election, but he was against the auto bailout. that's a huge issue in this state going forward in a general election if he makes it there. >> always good to see you. have fun there in michigan. thank you. >> thanks, chris. now to get control of the senate, republicans need a seat gain of 4%. which are the most closely watched races? charlie cook. how you doing? >> doing well, chris. >> let's look at the race in massachusetts where incumbent senator scott brown is running likely -- against likely democratic challenger elizabeth warren. brown can no longer run at the independent outsider. can he? >> first, the math is a little more complicated. four seats if democrats hold the white house. three seats if they don't. the senate would be 50/50 on a three-seat gain. ndbut in massachusetts, it's gog
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to be a very good race. basically a democrat, elizabeth warren, is the likely democratic nominee. a democrat starts off with 45% off the top. she or any other democratic nominee would need, just need five more points to win, but at the same time, scott brown has really, i think he has carved out a fairly independent niche for himself. i think he's much stronger than a conventional republican candidate. i think it's going to be a very good race and one thing to be remembered is that candidates often -- people who have run before and won oftentimes have an edge over someone who's never run for elected office before. so elizabeth war han a lot to show, because she's never done this before. this isn't a classroom. we'll see what kind of candidate skill she develops. >> dough mand dominico just tal about that. the former governor, george allen and former governor tim
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kaine to defeat tim webb? >> as far as i'm concerned, the race in the country that starts off tied will probably end up tied. if i saw a poll the whole time that showed either one of them with more than a three-point lead i wouldn't believe it. this is going to be wire-to-wire and sloclosely linked to the president's race, also likely to be extremely close. >> talk about nevada in the southwest where so many contested battles are being wage pd one of the democrats best chances for picking up a senate seat next year, former president bill clinton already scheduled the campaign for shelly berkeley, running to unseat republican dean heller. what are the keys to this matchup going to be, charlie? >> turn out, probably again. and democrats were able to hold on. senator harry reid had horrible numbers in the mid-term election but able to get out a turbo charged democratic turnout in
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2010. the question is, can they do that again in an election where the overall turnout will be a lot higher in a key presidential state? so that one's going to go absolutely to the wire as well. >> thanks so much, charlie cook. always good to see you. we'll talk a lot over the next year. >> take care. back to today's election and that emotionally charged ballot measure in mississippi we were just talking to domenico about. when human life legally begins with major implications for the abortion debate. here's nbc's pete williams. >> reporter: if it passes it would be the tough test anti-abortion law in the nation by far. not merely restricting action but outlawing it. >> with over 1 million couples waiting to adopt these babies, isn't it time for the senseless killing to end? >> reporter: the initiative would change the state's definition of a person, someone entitled to legal protection to include "every human being from the hoemt of fertilization."
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advocates say medical science has come a long way since the u.s. supreme court decided roe v. wade 38 years ago saying it makes sense now to define life at the moment of conception. >> the technology that has advanced today demands that we change our minds. >> reporter: while some doctors in the state favor the proposal, many are against it. the state medical society declined to support it saying it could make it a crime for doctors who try to save a mother endangered by a problem peg nancy. opponents say it would outlaw not only abortion also morning-after pills and some other forms of birth control, and would discourage in vitro fertilization by banning destruction of left over embryos. as for women's rights, thousand challenge it in court if it passes. >> this is an extreme measure to take away their rights. their rights to make decisions for themselves about using contraception, access to abortion services and things
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like infertility services. >> reporter: polls show states divided. so broadly worded, it's confusesing. >> no question that the wording down here is what concerns people. not the idea that life begins at conception, but that the wording ever it is. >> that was pete williams. thank you so much. time for our super tuesday trivia. okay. the 2010 census changed the electoral map. can you name the four states that gained or lost more than one electoral vote? the answer, next. with a manual transmission? because there are those who still believe in the power of a firm handshake. the cadillac cts-v. manual or automatic, that's entirely up to you. we don't just make luxury cars, we make cadillacs.
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bill? and mississippi, hot talkers today at vetters decide on the personhood amendment criminaling abortion and mississippi voters decide on a controversial voter i.d. law. all that and much more in the next hour. chris? >> thank you so much, thomas. and back now with the answer to our trivia question. which sour states gained or lost more than one electoral vote during the 2010 census? texas added four, florida two, new york lost two and ohio two each. and a major shift at the taj. embattled chief daley steps down. row rouse assumes a far greater job in human affairs. gentlemen, it's great to so you. >> great to be with you. >> great to see you, chris. >> bill daley widely held as a
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breath of fresh air when appointed. his relationship the withes democratic and republican leadership in congress fell short of many peoples expectations. do you feel that, and if so, what happened? >> i think he was brought in to make some changes, and there's always people who don't like the changes, but what is really exciting is what the president's now doing. the president's been out on the stump working on foreclosures and working on student loans and working on veterans' jobs. whoever's making those changes is doing a good job. >> so you think that's working and you're hearing that from your constituents? >> yes. everybody's excited by the change in the president's performance since bill daley got there. so i understand that maybe there's bruised egos here and there but i like what the president's up to. >> talk about potential for some of the changes and the white house is saying congressman dole, not as a major shake-up, st senator. to pete rouse known
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tell us about what kind of relationship you have with him and if this can help from some of the intractability plaguing congress? >> my relationship having been in congress just ten months is not much in terms of dealing with brown but certainly bill daley i've worked with in the past. as he peels back, i don't care who you ask in the congress, how do we jump-start the economy and get more people back to work? >> there was good news today. mitch mcconnell saying on the senate floor there is some agreement between republicans and democrats. they're getting set to approve two portions of the president's jobs bill, which have already been approved in the house. does this bode well for the future or is this going to be just a little piece, congressman dole, that manages to get through? >> i certainly hope we can focus on more things to find common ground on. >> what else is out there you think can get through?
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>> look at what's happened. the president came and spoke before a joint session of congress. said passing the trade agreements would be a tkey part his jobs plan. we agree. passed the senate, house of representatives and the president signed it into law. talks about excessive re lation. we agree. passed a 3% withholding, the president jumped onboard saying to eliminate that. stuck in the senate. we hope that passes. other regulation we identify out there that is prohibiters for small businesses to move forward and we've got to create an environment in washington enabling the private sector to forecast, have confidence, invest back in their businesses and grow. >> congressman mcdermott, i don't need to tell you across the country people are fed up. we see that 50% in our late effort poll, 50% of people identify either with the tea party or with the occupy wall street movement, which really represents the kind of discontent with the status quo, with the economy in some cases with government. do you see areas going forward after all this rancor in
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washington where there can be more common ground? >> i think the republicans are figures out that you can't run on a record of doing nothing as they have done for the last three years and even mitch mcconnell who says, number one goal is to defeat the president of the united states. he's even changed his tune. and i think you're going to see things happen. what i don't see is them moving on infrastructure praur projects that would make some sense. huge numbers across the country that require us to begin planning the infrastructure changes, and it's just simply not happening, because the republicans won't consider that kind of job. they think that the private sector is going to produce everything, but it simply hasn't done it up to this point and the federal government has got to be a part of the solution. >> let's talk about one aspect. housing. we know how important this is to the overall economic growth and how much it contributed to the downfall.
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an article in the "chicago tribune "this morning. your home state, congressman. a little more than 46% of all single family homes with a mortgage in the chicago area were under water in the third quarter. astonishing statistic. what are we going to do about it? >> part of what you have to look in terms of housing, how do we get more confidence back? more people off the unemployment line to make mortgage payments? unemployment rate in illinois that's over 10%. in areas of the tenth district, 20% to 22%. we've got to talk how to get people off the unemployment line. you're going to hear about about do-nothing congress. that's certainly not the house of representatives because we've passed bill after bill after bill stacking up on harry reid's doorstep and plan to put america back to work. you go to and we have a plan. talking what we can do for the american people and a do-nothing congress is not what
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we're in washington to deal with. >> let me ask to you respond to that because we've heard that from a lot of republicans, that they're doing their job over in the house. it's the democrats in the senate that aren't making this move forward. is that fair? >> no. in fact, bob sounds just like the democrats for the two years we sent hundreds of bills over to the senate and harry reid tried and mitch mcconnell used the filibuster used more times than ever used in this country to stop things. he ran the country with 40 votes. as long as harry reid is faced with mitch mcconnell in the filibuster he can't move bills. mitch mcconnell is the one who has had his foot on the neck of his country's economy and the polls now show that americans understand that republicans are willing to sacrifice the health of our economy to have political advantage. >> i wish we had more time. congressman jim mcdermott in
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seattle. congressman robert dole here in our studio. thank you great to see you. talking a lot about 2012. today see lection day trending on twitter. today's tweet of date comes from you. writing, don't forget to go out and vote. occupy that voting booth. another tweet. we know what you have to do. go forth and do it. kent state writes, go tout your local precinct and vote affecting your education, safety and your pocketbook. [ male announcer ] want to achieve more with your money? pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more with your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at ♪ pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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okay. check out these numbers. tomorrow will be debate number nine. all eight major gop candidates will be there. and it's only about the number one issue -- the economy. your money your vote will air at 8:00 p.m. eastern time on cnbc. and their chief washington stoernt our friend john harwood one of the moderators and he
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joins me from michigan. what will we see? how will this be different than the other eight? >> chris, incredible focus on the economy. clearly the herman cain scandal has dominated the republican race in the last few days. we can't ignore big news in the race, but we've seen from our new nbc/"wall street journal" poll american people remain deepry troubleed by the state of the economy. they want answers and we'll go in real dipth to distinguish between these candidates and president barack obama. >> how much will we be able to see? format is so important in these debates. >> you never know which candidates will show up loaded for bear, want to engage with the others but there's going to be plenty of opportunity for anybody to engage with mitt romney, herman cain, nude gingrich, whatever. wide open. >> i can't wait. thank you so much. always good to see you, my friend, john harwood. >> you bet. that wraps up this hour of
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