tv The Last Word MSNBC November 17, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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habitat and now you are putting water back in. make sure you don't drown them. there is an international hunt for more species. if you run across a gastric breeding frog or a mess poe tamian beaked toad call a park ranger and then call us. meat does it for us tonight. for "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. republicans running for president have a rule to never ever publicly agree with president obama especially when they actually agree with president obama. >> it's not just a lot of ear bashing. >> he grew up in a privileged way. he never had to really work for sfwlefrg there is a lot of ear bashing sometimes. that's a good one, ear bashing. i can use that in washington.
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>> rick perry and mitt romney are desperate to find new ways to lie about the president. >> he said americans are lazy. >> we have been a little lazy the last few decades. >> do you believe that? i don't think the president understands america. americans are lazy, that's pathetic. >> the remarks the that president obama said are taken out of context. >> he said the u.s. has gotten soft about selling its stuff overseas. >> we aren't out there hungry trying to attract new businesses in to america. ♪ newt gingrich is busy looking for new ways to lie about himself. >> i did no lobbying of any kind. >> i have never profited, never profited from public service. >> if you are not tough enough to with stand this kind of scrutiny. >> i welcome this kind of
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examination. >> there's to so much more. >> his thinking that he's the smartest guy in the room has hurt america. >> seven documentary films. >> we need a leader, not a reader. okay. you just are not going to believe what mitt romney actually said about you. >> americans are lazy. >> can you believe that? that's what the leading republican presidential candidate thinks is wrong with america, that americans are lazy. that's pathetic. but he's not the only republican presidential candidate who thinks that. you know the oops guy, the guy that can't finish a sentence or so-called thought in a presidential debate? >> the third agency of government.
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the third agency i would do away with commerce, the third one i can't, sorry. oops. >> yeah, yeah, that guy. he actually said pretty much the same thing romney did and it wasn't one of those off the top of his head, unscripted crazy moments. it was actually scripted and performed by him. in a campaign commercial. look at this. >> americans are lazy. that's pathetic. >> okay. i know what you are thinking. you are thinking, okay, maybe rick perry is stupid enough to say that but romney definitely isn't. you are thinking that i'm manipulating the video here. all right. let's take a look. >> sometimes i just don't think that president obama understands america. now, i say that because this week, or was it last week that he said americans are lazy. i don't think describes america.
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>> okay. that was kind of sleazy to just pull out the words americans are lazy from romney's full quote in which he's actually saying that president obama said americans are lazy. yeah, you got me there. let's take a look at the full context of the rick perry quote. >> we have been a little lazy i think the last couple of decade sghs do you believe that? that's what our president thinks is wrong with america, that americans are lazy. that's pathetic. it's time to clean house in washington. it's time for a balanced budget amendment that forces washington to stop overspending. if congress bachs, cut their pay, send them home. obama's socialist popcies are bankrupting america. we must stop him now. >> oh, i guess that was pretty sleazy, too. cutting that rick perry thing to make it look like he said that
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americans are lazy and they are pathetic and that was, you know, i guess some pretty serious video manipulation on my part. and now that you have caught me, i just want to apologize to the nation and hope we can move on. joining me now -- what? okay. we have to move here by the crew to actually take a look at the full context of what president obama said in the rick perry ad. let's see exactly why the president thinks americans are so lazy. >> looking at the world from the chinese side, what they would characterize as impediments to the united states. what do you think of that? >> there are a lot of things that make foreign toward see the u.s. as a great opportunity. our stability, our openness, our innovative free-market culture, but we have been a little lazy i
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think the last couple of decades. we have taken for granted people will want to come here and we aren't hungry selling america and trying to attract new businesses in to america. >> whoa, whoa, wait a minute. we have been a little lazy i think over the last couple of decades. we aren't out there hungry selling america and trying to attract new business in to america. he's not saying the american people have been lazy. he's saying the american government has been lazy about attracting businesses worldwide to come to the united states. and it turns out there's more. >> and we think that we can do much better than we are doing right now. because of our federalist system, sometimes a foreign investor comes in and they have to navigate not only federal rules but they have to navigate state and local governments that may have their own sets of interests. being able to create, if not a
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one-stop shop, then at least no more than a couple of stops for people to be able to come to the united states and make investments. that's something that we want to encourage. >> okay. this is absolutely clear now. he's just talking about what state, local and federal government can do in a coordinated way to attract business to the united states, to do what china and india are doing right now, to do what all governments should be doing in a competitive world economy. he's saying, our government has been a little bit lazy about that over the last couple of decades. it's actually a very republican sounding idea that government is, to some extent, standing in the way of new business coming in to this country and the government has to make the business climate in this country more welcoming to business. it's a classic, republican, pro-business statement with a little insult to government thrown in there. is there a republican out there
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who doesn't think that the government, the government, is a little bit lazy? is there a republican out there who doesn't think that every single government worker is a little bit lazy? is there anything in that statement a republican would disagree with? of course not. but if you just cut out a few words in the middle of it and show that to people, just like i just did with mitt romney and rick perry, then you have got yourself the makings of a republican campaign ad. and yes, the campaign ad is based on a purposeful, and absolutely pure lie. and republicans now want to make it the big lie of this campaign, the big lie that president obama thinks that americans are lazy. rush limbaugh will be saying that for the rest of his life.
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and they are making some headway with it in the main stream media. politico's argument begins this way a video clap of president obama calling america a little bit lazy is quickly becoming a focus of pub cab campaigns. there's the lie, right there in the first line of the much-respected plil politico, read by all of us who follow politics. politico goes on to point out that pa president obama was talking about america's pursuit of foreign investment but the context may not matter as much as the punch line. the context won't matter at all if the news media does not do its job and provide the context that makes what rick perry and mitt romney are saying an outright lie. the headline of the politico piece should not be obama's lazy remark catches fire.
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it should be, romney and perry lie and plan to continue to lie. you will definitely see more of it, said karl 4, a former top official at the republican national committee who is a founder of political consulting firm black black rock group it is something campaigns will use. that's the story. the republican campaigns openly plan to lie about what president obama has said. the question for the news media will be when rick perry and mitt romney lie what will you call it? now, at fox news, they will call it the truth. they will simply allow them to do it at will, as will the right wing websites. complaining about that is like complaining about the weather. it's a condition we can't do anything about. that's going to happen but when romney and perry face fair-minded debate moderators, will those fair-minded debate
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moderators alou them to tell the lie that president obama thinks americans are lazy? the candidates have announced, have publicly announced they plan to lie. they are like students who have announced they plan to cheat. any debate moderators who with allow this lie to be told about president obama will immediately in that moment become come police it is in that lie. joining me now is howard fineman and alex wagner, host of "now with alex wagner" weekdays at noon on msnbc. thank you for joining me tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. >> it was fun to do your show this afternoon, alex. >> thank you for coming on. >> this is the kind of thing they get away with. it becomes part of their folklore.
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republican folklore has its kind that president obama says americans are lazy and they will say it as long as the media allows them to. >> the republicans have proven adept at myth making. this is the party that put the -- out there that president obama wasn't born in the united states. with the lazy thing, they are trying to say that president obama is anti-business, something they have long sought to cement in the minds. and fundamentally outside of the united states and anti-american. he doesn't understand what goes on here and is not representative of our democracy and our needs and can't lead us forward. to the degree this comment can be used throughout the 2012 campaign, i don't know but you are certainly seeing an amount of efficacy in terms of the fact it is being picked up at state level and on the national level. >> howard, i want you to weigh in here as our senior authority on journalistic ethics and standards.
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what is journalism, objective journalism to do in the face of outright lies? this is an outright lie. president obama never said what these two men are saying he said. how should journalists handle that? >> well, you have to explain it. one of the things we have done at the huffington post, in addition to putting our own reporters on stories like this is to team up with which is a nonpartisan academic based independently funded organization of really sharp people who break down everything on the democratic and republican side in terms of the accuracy of ads and stories and so forth. they tore this thing apart. we have a link to it on our site on the huffington post. i think a lot of other media have done the same. i think everybody has to be his or her own editor, lawrence, as a citizen with the assistance of whatever sources they trust, including this show or the websites we work for and msnbc
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and others. we have no market on the corner on the truth either here at msnbc but i think we try hard to get the facts straight. i think this campaign all the way through is going to be about using these distorting ads. what karl forti said in that quote, where he said the facts mean less than the punch line, i think that's what he said or the writing said is emblematic of so much of american politics and political discourse today. we ought to be vigilant about it. i think the horse race story here is both mitt romney who hasn't moved in the polls in a year and rick perry who got bucked off the bronco faster than any rodeo cowboy in history desperately trying to keep -- mitt romney where i am going to vote for rick perry. they are not going to vote for
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either in the end i don't think. >> alex, would america come to an enif one of these guys says, praumt said that americanss are lazy and if the moderator stopped the candidate and said, sir, that is a lie? >> look, lawrence, i think there are a couple of republicans on the stage, jon huntsman is one, he is tried to put truth and fact out there and slapped to the bottom of the polls. >> no reward. >> what's there to win? half truth and falsehoods are sevened this field incredibly well. i think peoples populated on the internet and otherwise are the flavor of the day. unfortunately the trend is not toward transparency and accuracy but to convenience and messaging points. >> actually, lawrence, i don't think it has served them very well. these candidates keep going up and down like yo-yos on a string. now it's newt gingrich's turn to sort of rocket to 25% of the
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total. i think a lot of republicans out this, and i talk to them all the time looking to see where they are going, they are -- they don't like this field at all. they think they are either flip-floppers or liars or inaccurate or can't be trusted. a lot of smart republicans are incredibly despiert spirited and unhappy about the republican field and maybe this kind of advertising, which so condescends, so demeaning to the average iowa republican caucus goer could backfire on all of them. somebody has to stand up and tell the truth i think because the iowa voters are smart and well informed. >> let's listen to what rick perry said. this is another line of attack on president obama. this horrible problem president obama has of just being plain too smart. >> his thinks that he can go and
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negotiate because of his great debating skills -- as a matter of fact, his thinking that he's the smartest guy in the room has hurt america around the world, particularly when it comes to foreign policy. i think mentality of i'm the smartest guy in the room and therefore it couldn't be my fault is really hurting america. >> alex, i take that as a promise from rick perry to never think he's the smartest guy. >> and to always be the dumbest guy in the room. a rick perry for 2013. it is practically an ad. it is an effort to rehabilitate his image. he's got a long climb ahead of him. i think attacking president obama for being smart and intelligent to me seems like a losing proposition. but when you are rick perry at this point you are grasping at anything. >> howard? >> to be fair to rick perry he didn't say that obama is the
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smartest guy. he said that obama thinks he is the smartest guy. i think it is more troubling if rick perry has that low of an opinion of himself. i think foreign policy, if you stand back is one of the president's strong suits in many ways. i think the president would love to run on foreign policy. unfortunately for him he can't. he has to run on the economy. >> howard fineman of aol, huffington post and alex wagner of msnbc, thank you for joining me tonight. howard, someday, i want you to explain to alec and me just what it feels like to be the smartest guy in the room. >> i couldn't do it, i'm sure because i'm not. >> it is a burden you should never have to suffer a. >> i'm not. >> the improving poll numbers for newt gingrich's campaign also mean more questions about how he made the kind of money that allowed him to run up big bills at tiffanys. "meet the press" moderator david gregory is here. and today, the occupy wall
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street movement is two months old and things turned chaotic for the protesters in new york city. michelle goldberg was there and she will join us later. [ child ] it's so cool! you can put a force field on him and be invisible! [ child 2 ] i call first player. no. i already called it. [ dad ] nobody's playing anything until after we get our homework done. thank you. hello? test drive's not over yet. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ louder ] hello? but we still need your signature. right now during sign then drive it's never been easier to get the all-new passat, the 2012 motor trend car of the year, for practically just your signature. that's the power of german engineering. visit ♪ and just let me be [ male announcer ] this is your moment. ♪ your ticket home ♪ [ male announcer ] this is zales, the diamond store.
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when you are rick perry and you are the worst debater in the history of television debate, what do you do, you challenge someone to a debate who will never ever debate you. that way you will actually get to claim there is someone out there, somewhere, who's afraid to debate you. that's why perry wrote this letter to nancy pelosi, who's
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running for re-election as the representative of the eighth congressional district in san francisco which does not normally involve debating governors of texas who are involved in losing presidential campaigns. i'm in washington on monday and would love to engage you in a public debate over my overhaul washington plan. should you choose to not respond or engage in a healthy discussion i will take it to mean you will continue your obstructionist ways in the face of much-need washington reform. pelosi chose to respond today. >> monday, i'm going to be in portland in the morning. i'm going to be visiting some of our labs in california. in the afternoon that's 2:00, i can't remember what the third thing is i am going to be doing. >> i will talk to david gregory about the latest controversy surrounding in and thiz extraordinary interview with jack abarack obama nauf who was
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convicted and served time after a federal investigation in to his influence pedaling schemes. he gives us jack abramoff on newt gingrich next. breathe robert, out of your mouth. [ male announcer ] that onion after taste after you again? new crest complete with scope dual blast technology blasts away bad breath germs and food after tastes. new crest complete with scope dual blast. blast your way to fresh breath.
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in the polls means more scrutiny. he acknowledged as much in a warning to a tea party crowd in jacksonville this afternoon. >> in the next three weeks, i predict you will have all sorts of questions about me, and it's fine. i will cheerfully answer every single question they ask, and at the end of it you will be relatively convinced, i believe that i did no lobbying of any kind. i did no influence pedaling of any kind but the truth is if you have the reputation and i'm not going to use the words because they will distort them but if you take just what people say about me in the debate and say to yourself, gee, is that a person someone might have hired for advice? i think it is hard to argue they should have hired somebody that was truly dumb. >> that was newt gingrich's way of addressing a bloomberg report that said that newt gingrich made between 1.6 and $10.8 million in consult tagging fees
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with freddie mac between and 99 and 2007. joining me is david gregory, moderator of nbc news "meet the press." thank you for joining me. >> my pleasure. >> this is the latest bubble. we have seen several of them. the gingrich bubble. is it is your sense this is an exploration of is there a romney alternative and that it has built in to it all the curve that all the bubbles have had a few week and it's gone. >> it's remarkable. the thing i come back to is if you are mitt romney you are looking at the rest of the field and you are saying, who's the complete package? who puts it together the anti-establishment, tea party base, pop list, anti--washington type, who puts it together? it was perry. he was the one that was supposed to do it. newt gingriching was not the leading man for that role in that movie. what he's done here is attack the media. he's positioned himself in debates where he's not really
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going after his rivals. he's going after obama and he has caught a little something here, largely because of the debates. what is he doing, challenging the moderator and the predicate of questions and he is saying some pretty, to a lot of ears, outladies and gentlemen rageous things, going after the fed. he's drafting a lot of these movements to be close. i know he's thinking about herman cain is not to go after herman cain. they have been buds in the campaign trail. but is to be there. when i know people close to him believe that cain's support will evaporate and they hope they inherit the earth at that point. >> one of my favorite things today was i will cheerfully answer every question they ask. >> there is a self awareness about gingrich, the candidate who says privately and publicly, i lose that sense of awareness that i'm a presidential candidate now. i have to be more disciplined. when i interviewed him a couple of months ago, he said i have to be more disciplined and tempered
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in the things i say. i'm a presidential candidate now and yet we have the latest example. >> and a big question of what did you do to make all of that money in consulting fees or whatever you want to call. the some people are saying lobbying fees from freddie mac. you did the most fascinating interview yet with jack abramoff, the convicted former lobbyist who knows dirty deals when he sees them. let's listen to what jack abramoff had to say. >> he is doing, he's engaged in the exact kind of corruption that america disdains. the very things that anger the tea party and occupy wall street movement and everybody who's not in a movement and watches washington and says why are these guys getting all of this money, why did they become so mitch r rich, why do they have these advantages, unfortunately newt seems to play in it. >> you call that corruption. that is a heavy charge. >> it is corruption. at the end of the day i say in the book, i believe now though i didn't believe then unfortunately that any provision
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of favor or any provision of anything to members of congress and their staff is bribery and any cashing in on it coming out later is corruption. >> very powerful stuff. i should point out he was a republican lobbyist. >> he also broke the law and not everybody is doing that. a lot of people recoil at him casting these dispersions now. essentially who is this guy. and gingrich's camp is saying isn't he in jail. he is out of jail but makes a serious point. >> yes, what i did is criminal, but if this if you think this is a white and black area, if this is good and bad stuff, in lobbying that is not true. he said the whole thing is some shade, some degree of gray and gingrich was involved in using his performer position for money in effect. that there's no way on earth they would have come to him and said would you advise that if he didn't have that job.
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>> fannie mae and freddie mac is kweisi public agencies. they survived and made a great deal of money because they worked the hill but they went beyond working the hill. they had the hill by the throat. this is republicans. this is democrats. both sides of the aisle made a lot of money tloouz through these companies. that's the backdrop. newt gingrich said in the bloomberg debate the real story after saying frank and dodd should go to jail. he said the real story is how close politicians got to fannie mae and freddie mac, including him. they reached out to him. he was a former -- the web of business dealings, the enterprise of newt gingrich after he left congress is one that i think journalists will explore. speaking fees, about reagan. as he said he was a small businessman buttal a consultant, strategic adviser, someone who gave advice. if he wants to talk about that in terms of being valuable and had some wisdom and knew the ways of washington, fine.
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but that is what he was decrying in the course of the debate, politicians being close to those companies. >> david gregory, host of "meet the press" thank you for joining me. on sunday you have senators john kerry and jon kyl will be joining david on your local nbc station. coming up patriotic millionaires go to captiol hill and demand their taxes be raised. that's in the rewrite. and the late-night comedians give us their take on the week in political comedy. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now.
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two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy.
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the occupy wall street movement reached the two-month anniversary today as demonstrations swept the nation in a day of action. michelle goldberg of "the daily beast" was at the protests in new york today. she will join me. and there's a group of one-tenth of 1 percenters who went to washington to plead with congress, not, not to continue to protect their wealth with. a group called "patriotic millionaires" met with the super committee and grover norquist to tell them they want their taxes raised. that's in the "rewrite."
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we are now printing on the back sides of used paper and we switched to fedex cause a lot of their packaging contains recycled materials. tell them what else fedex does. well we're now using more electric trucks and lower emission planes. we even offer a reusable envelope. now, can't we at least print on the back sides of used paper? what's the executive compensation list...? [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter.
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around wall street in an attempt to effectively shut it down. >> reporter: through the side streets around the stock exchange they have amassed. as usual the police have set up mutual areas and they hold them, the protesters around the areas. there are arrests if you see there are people on their knees with their hands tied with plastic handcuffs at the back. >> that was the first of several clashes between protesters and police today. a police officer had his hand sliced by a flying object and was taken to a hospital for stitches. aa protester with his head cover ed in blood was walked out of zuccotti police and a reporter covering the protests for the conservative website the daily caller gave this account of being beaten by police. the police officers were beating the protesters with batons and were also beating the media. they hit us with batons.
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they hit other members of the meb press in order to get them to move out of the street. when i fell to the ground, i said at one point, i'm just covering this. i'm just covering this. and the officer just said, come on, get up. get up, before pulling me up by my jacket. the protesters came up to me right away and asked if i needed my medical assistance. they were actually kind and helpful. it was the police officers who were very aggressive. joining me now is michelle goldberg, a senior writer for "newsweek" and the daily beast. >> thank you for having me. >> you were down there? >> yes, i was down there and i think the police in the city might really wish the protesters had been left in zuccotti park because they kind of showed they can cause a lot more chaos and disruption when they are actually trying to occupy wall street opposed to occupying this single square block, concrete expanse. >> on that first saturday, where
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they had that violent episode where the pepper spray guy was caught on tape and transferred to staten island which is normal procedure with guys that get in trouble if manhattan that was outside of the sioux dottie park zone. that was more up toward union square, like today. so you would think that there was something in the original strategy of zuccotti park on the police side that said it's better for us if it is here. >> what's bizarre is the protests almost seem to be petering out. the weather was getting worse, various kind of va grans and sketchy characters were moving in. it seemed less safe. i think a lot of people thought if the police left it alone it would have gradually dwindled. what you are seen again and again in the protests, first with the pepper spraying incident. no one was paying much attention to the protests in september but then the pepper spray incident got attention and started it to grow. there was a march over the
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brooklyn bridge. 700 people arrested. suddenly it is on everyone's radar and it grows bigger. then it starts to fade away. the police go in with this completely over-the-top raid where they are not just roughing up protesters but roughing up and arresting journalests, refusing nbc to cover it from the helicopter and then all of a sudden it is reinvigorated. >> let's listen to what mayor bloomberg had to say today. >> we will ensure i that everyone has a right to exercise their first haemt rights, as well as the right to go to work, go to school, ride the subway and go about their day. we take enormous pride in the fact that people in new york city can express themselves freely and openly. but we also take pride in the fact that they can do so safely, civilly and with respect to each other. >> the mayor's team has made it clear they want to be judged compared to other mayors. if you think he's handling it badly, look around the country. >> yeah.
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i suppose if you compare him to rio de janeiro in terms of his approach to this, it is a pretty low bar. nevertheless, the approach to protest and dissent in this city and other cities around the country and these raids were coordinated has been increasingly militaryized, it is increasingly overwrought. whatever you think of the protesters message or their tactics it is a non-violent protest and you see police coming in with riot gear and batons in overwhelming force. >> before we go, what do we know about the nationwide coordination of mayors and police chiefs on this? >> we know there was a conference call. we know there was a conference call between the different mayors who kind of talked about their sweeps. what we don't know, and what there are a lot of rumors about, is whether there was involvement by the department of homeland security. >> michelle goldberg, thank you. coming up the 1/10 of with 1% decides to lobby for higher
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taxes on themselves. that's right they want congress to raise their taxes. that's next in the "rewrite" and the late-night comedy writers thank you note thos the presidential candidates for another week's worth of material. congratulations. thos th presidential candidates for another week's worth of material. sthos the presidential candidates for another week's worth of material. co the presidential candidates for another week's worth of material. t the presidential candidates for another week's worth of material. se the presidential candidates for another week's worth of material. the presidential candidates for another week's worth of material. to the presidential candidates for another week's worth of material. ... as the people inside them. congratulations. because when you add verizon to your company, you don't just add, you multiply. ♪ discover something new... verizon. what? pay you? hang on. kitchen counselor here. mom, i think what she means is "greasy dishes." cascade complete pacs fight tough greasy messes better than the other tablet. there's only one cascade. love it, or your money back.
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in one hardworking mirror. because life happens while you drive. for a limited time, get an onstar fmv mirror for only $199 after a $100 off. visit for retailers. >> the republican presidential candidates have really been fighting for attention this week. in fact, rick perry actually proposed cutting the president's salary in half. perry was like, what do i care, it's not going to affect me. [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people are choosing advil®. here's one story. [ regis ] we love to play tennis. as a matter of fact it was joy who taught me how to play tennis. and with it comes some aches and pains and one way to relieve them all is to go right to the advil®. i have become increasingly amazed at regis's endurance. it's scary sometimes what he accomplishes in a day.
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it's our way of showing a little holiday spirit. but hurry -- the offer ends soon. ♪ . a group of millionaires think their taxes should be raised. the patriotic millionaires who represent 200 people making more than $1 million a year met yesterday with super committee members, tea party caucus members and grover norquist. the patriotic millionaires asked everyone they visited to consider raising taxes on them. grover norquist's response was, of course, they can write their own checks to the treasury if they really want to. norquist also said, quote, if i don't have to pay any taxes for it, i would forego all of those things.
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the things grover is willing to forgo include, police officers, firefighters, public schoolteachers, the list goes on and on. grover, you see, is at heart, not just anti-tax. grover norquist is an anarchist. one of the patriotic millionaires, eric schaumburg, told the huffington post his response to norquist was government is not a charity and we can't rely on voluntary contributions if people to support the things that government does. ladies and gentlemen, i give you the patriotic millionaires. >> president kennedy said, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. to our elected leaders, we say, it is time to ask us, america's most fortunate citizens to do what we can do for our country.
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our position here today is we ought to return to at least the levels that were in existence before the tax cuts of 2001, and that were part of a very successful society. the economy's doing a lot better in the '90s with tax rates at that level than they have been the last ten years. >> this week the super committee has a job to do. we will ask them to do something that will affect us and our fellow .01 percenters as much as a dead fly interrupts a picnic. >> each of the people standing with me and each of the 200 patriotic millionaires we represent believe the first step that congress should make, the very first step to take toward this goal is to immediately, end the bush tax cuts for knicks over $1 million a year. >> people earning over $1 million a year and they pay lower tax rates on average than the middle class. >> the country over the past ten years through two unfunded wars, through tax cuts to its wealthiest citizens has dug a hole that is bigger than the
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hole dug by world war ii. >> the economy is in trouble. the national debt is in trouble. we don't have the jobs. we need to sustain the economy. we have actually undermined the employment gains our economy made in the prooit sector by firing thousands of workers in the public sector. just to emphasize this point, we have been firing people who work for us because we are unwilling to ask a few of the more fortunate americans to pay exactly what they were paying just a few years ago in taxes. are these people necessary and important for our society? yes, absolutely. and they have to get paid. and because they work for us, they must be paid by the people through taxes. because we made a lot of money from our society, more money
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from using these functions, we should invest more in maintaining it. >> we hear at the last word are happy to provide equal time to any of america's greedy millionaires who would like to come here and explain why they just can't afford to pay one more dollar in taxes. ♪ i think i'm falling ♪ i think i'm falling ♪ i think i'm falling [ male announcer ] this is your moment. ♪ for you [ male announcer ] this is zales, the diamond store. shop our largest diamond store online anytime at
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the other office devices? they don't get me. they're all like, "hey, brother, doesn't it bother you that no one notices you?" and i'm like, "doesn't it bother you you're not reliable?" and they say, "shut up!" and i'm like, "you shut up." in business, it's all about reliability. 'cause these guys aren't just hitting "print." they're hitting "dream." so that's what i do. i print dreams, baby. [whispering] big dreams. and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now.
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republican presidential candidates. they are like crack. in that they way will devastate black communities. but folks, i got my fix on saturday with yet another debate. listen to this, ron paul only got 89 seconds to speak. seriously. rick perry gets more time than that to try to remember something. >> how do you know if you have had too many debates? >> here's a clue. saturday night's 3,000th republican debate was an hour and a half. but cbs only aired one hour of it so they could still bring you, the viewer, a fresh ncis rerun. probably because cbs wanted the people to learn something of how the government worked. would newt gingrich's recent poll surge continue?
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does me say poll surge make you think of herman cain. >> newt gingrich is doing very well and mitt romney and romney apparently tied. that's a tough decision right there. [ laughter ] it is funny, because romney is the mormon. and newt gingrich is the one with three wives. it's odd. >> it makes sense gingrich is rising. he's the only candidate who appears to be made of dough. >> mostly people think he is moving up in the polls, his strategy has been to avoid mistakes and play it safe. a lot of other republicans have been making mistakes and he's been avoiding gaffes but judging by newt's latest, i think he is maybe being too cautious. >> i'm newt gingrich. i worked with president reagan. >> herman cain having a rough couple of weeks. it was all over the news. herman cain couldn't answer a basic question about libya. yeah. all cain could say is i believe
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it is part of the vulva. here's what happened to herman cain's brain. watch. >> so you agreed with president obama on libya or not? >> okay, libya. >> two nights ago the powers that be in new york city answered this people's call and reclaim zuccotti park in lower manhattan, aka, the park that no one, even those who live across the street had heard of until the occupy wall street movement. apparently it is a park in lower manhattan where people from wall street would go to smoke around noon. any way, we got it back! and for the movement, protesters have vowed to retake the park, if only to erect a monument to
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what was perhaps once the occupiers biggest challenge. >> we have to hurry up because mayor bloomberg is threatening now to clear the theater. i'm sorry. >> police in new york are reporting that any individual who enters with a large backpack may be refused entry to zuccotti park. yeah. and in a related story, police have just arrested dora the explorer. occupy wall street protesters are planning to occupy the subway in new york city. [ cheers and applause ] because if there is one place to confront the nation's wealthiest 1% it is on the subway. >> but the mayor said the reason people were thrown out of this the park is the conditions were hazardous, dangerous and unsanitary. i'm saying if that is a reason to throw them out of the park we'd all have to leave new york. >> the comedians get the last word. you can have the last word on-line at our blog
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