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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  November 18, 2011 7:00am-8:00am PST

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that could lead to dramatic cuts in defense and domestic programs as well. kelly o'donnell joining us live now. at this point, any sign of a possible breakthrough? >> reporter: in a big picture sense, we're not getting much optimism about the kind of deal the people had hoped for when the super committee idea began. and having real agreement between the two parties. now what we get a sense of is, is there a plan b? is there a way to do something smaller? is there a way to deal with sequestration? it's one of the big awful washington words that has to do with the automatic spending cuts? is there something to do later? to give you an idea of why that's such a concern, if cuts are automatically triggered, half of that would come from the defense budget. there are many republicans who are concerned about that. many democrats who actually wouldn't mind seeing some of that happen.
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but leon panetta has expressed concerns. one of the key players is senator pat toou mee. he's been talking about where things stand. >> the $1.2 trillion in cuts are necessary. but the composition is something we could improve upon. the amount that's currently planned for defense is way too high. in the event that we're not successful, i think it's important that we recon figure. >> reporter: one of the issues that makes this sort of washington crisis a little different than ones we have seen before is this kind of a brink point. if they do fail, the government doesn't shut down. people don't automatically lose their jobs. that kind of a lack of urgency has made it more complicated. you have traditional divides over taxes and how much change to domestic programs should take place. it's not looking all that promising this morning. >> quick question.
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at this point, any sign that congressional leaders or even president obama himself may swoop in and try to save this thing in the 11th hour? >> reporter: no indication that the president would get more involved. but leaders in both parties have been dealing with their members on this committee. there has been sort of the tracking back and forth between various offices. they have a hand in it, even though they are not on the official group of 12. >> kelly o'donnell, thank you. joined now by jared bernstein. also wall street journal senior editorial board member. you've been on these meetings before. what's it going to take to get a deal at this point? is that even a realistic expectation? >> i don't think it's a realistic expectation. perhaps something small could be kicked out of the committee. that's a washington shuffle. at times like this, you come up
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with something small and say we succeeded. but even if these guys were to come up with $200 billion of deficit savings, you would still have a trillion dollars in cuts. they set the rule at $1.2 trillion. so they started as far apart as you could get. you had a negative ion and a positive ion in the room. science says they can't come together. there were some efforts there and some suggestions that perhaps there was some movement. a little give on the republicans in taxes, but they backed way off of that. so, it looks like gridlock. >> steve, both sides seem to agree on eliminating some things. but there seems to be an untapped market that's not been explored yet like mortgage interest or retirement savings. things that could bring in hundreds of billions in tax revenue. should those things be on the
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table? >> they should be. i've always been in favor of getting rid of all those tax breaks. and using that revenue to lower the tax rates as much as possible. if we're going to get a boost of revenue, we have to get a lot more economic growth. and i just think the idea of a big tax increase right now, republicans have taken that off the table because i think they believe quite correctly that that would hurt the economy. if you look at the editorial in "the wall street journal", it's time to take the sequester. >> even if the president were involved, honestly at this point, would it make that much of a difference? >> it's just that the presidents is the one who created the super committee in the first place when he signed the debt bill. having the white house there at the table as a sign that he wants this thing to succeed, i think it would bring the two sides together.
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the thing that's really tragic about this is we have $10 trillion of debt we're facing over the next ten years. the first trillion should be the easiest ones to make. it's really distressing we can't even get an agreement on $1 trillion let alone $10 trillion. >> you have written that no deal at all would be better than the two major deals that have been put forth so far. explain that. >> sure. let me just correct a couple things. first of all, it wasn't the president who set up the super committee. it was negotiations coming out of the debt ceiling debate. also there has been $900 billion of cuts so far coming out of the budget control act. so incorrect to say we haven't inplemted some cuts. the deals that are on the table, whether it's the democrat deal that i heard about or especially the republican deals, which don't give nearly enough on new revenues, have been worse in my view than no deal at all. meaning the sequester kicks in.
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the reason has to do with balance. the deals that we have seen coming from the super committee have spending cuts to revenue increases 5 to 1. that's a terribly unbalanced deal. if we accept something like that, and we leave the new revenues out of the picture, the extent to which you're going to cut government leaves you with an unrecognizable sector that will be unable to meet the demands that we have forthcoming in the future. >> steve, go ahead. >> i agree with you, jared. that's the point we made. a sequester is the only way to go. the cuts and the national security of our country are going to be significant. you don't have to believe me for that. you can listen to leon panetta. >> really quickly here. any chance if this deal, if we
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don't get a deal, are we going to see anything before the 2012 election? >> i don't think we're going to see any major new tax reform deficit reduction plan before the election. what we have to watch out for is what you heard in the segment you played before. this idea of recon figuring the trigger. that's not what congress agreed to. that's not what the president signed. so if we're going to go with the sequester, we need to stick to the framework. >> we're out of time. 10 seconds. >> even if it's going to jeopardize our national security? >> absolutely. >> wow. >> i'm sure we'll be talking about it for days and weeks and months to come. thank you both, gentlemen. newt gingrich comparing the gop race to survivor. will he be the one voted off the island?
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that's in about ten minutes. right now, sad news to report. oklahoma state university's women's basketball coach and assistant coach were killed in a plane crash last night. they were on a recruiting trip to arkansas. that plane crashed 40 miles west of little rock. the pilot and another passenger not affiliated with the university were also killed in the crash. you might remember him associated with the men's basketball team was killed back in 2001. new allegations of child sex abuse are rocking another major university this morning. syracuse university has put long time assistant basketball coach ernie fine on administrative leave. that's because police are now looking into claims from two former ball boys. 39-year-old bobby davis tells espn that fine molested him for more than a dozen years. all the way back to the '80s. syracuse chancellor says the school will not turn a blind eye
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to the allegations, but adds that fine denies the allegations. meanwhile, jim bay hiem had this to say. i know this kid. i never saw him in any rooms or anything. it's a bunch of lies. the timing is suspicious. there's only one side to this story. he's lying. that's the men's basketball coach at syracuse. at penn state, nbc news has learned that former football coach jerry sandusky could now face federal charges as well. senior law enforcement officials telling nbc news that federal prosecutors and fbi agents are seriously considering their own investigation. that's because there are allegations that sandusky crossed state lines to commit child abuse. right now, sandusky accused of preying on eight boys. others have come forward. join i joining now by michael bareboot.
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devastating to the penn state community. we want to start with the mood on campus there at state college. two weeks after all this came out. >> it's still very somber. i have never experienced anything like it in my life. >> how did that culture contribute to what's happening at the university right now? >> i think it accounts for everything that's happened at this university. we're not alone in being a top down place. most universities, the faculty isn't even part of the deliberations. i just learned from the paper this morning that our acting president is now president. it just happened. and i wish him all the best. i don't envy him, but we'd like a little more procedure.
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that would be really good. >> had the faculty been involved more at penn state, how might this thing have played out differently? >> well, i can't say for sure. i will give you a counterexample. if you go back a couple years, we had a scandal. the faculty was on that 15 years before the administration did anything. they passed a nondiscrimination statute. it didn't get enforced until there was an open scandal where portland kick ed off a player wo was straight because she thought the player was gay. but sometimes, the faculty have a better sense of the long-term interest of the institution than central administration. in this indication, it's not hard to say. >> acting president at penn state, rodney ericson. he promised to appoint an ethics
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officer who will report directly to him. you sounded skeptical about whether that would have prevented something like this from happening. >> things are bad enough as they are. but you were talking about another link in the chain of command. the problem with this scandal is that everyone reported it up to the chain of command. and no one went to the police. i would like to learn more about that. the head of penn state police doesn't go to police? that seems strange. just adding another link. that ethics officer is going to report to the president. i would like the ethics officer to report to a faculty committee as well. >> your official title at penn state is paterno family professor, a job created by joe paterno and his family. what are your thoughts on his fall from grace?
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>> it's infinite sadness. first of all, everyone asks about paterno because he's so identified with penn state. it's the only thing people know about penn state. the circle of culpability is wider. yet the fact that he didn't report up is a terrible mistake. we're talking about a coach, the very fact that the endowment position in the english position, how many football coaches and their families care about the humanities on campus? as i was saying, for those of us in the humanities, all the more mind boggling. really very sad. >> professor, thank you for your timor. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> at 11:00 a.m., thomas roberts will talk to some of the attorneys involved in the sandusky scandal. you do not want to miss that at
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11:00. some stunning allegations involving the death of natalie wood. coroner officials ruled her death in 1981 an accident. but the l.a.p.d. has now reopened that investigation. she drown after a night out drinking on a yacht with her husband. the boat's captain appeared on "the today show." >> was the fight between natalie wood and her husband what ultimately led to her death? >> yes. >> how so? >> like i said, that's going to be up to the investigators to decide. >> during that interview, the boat captain said he lied to investigators in the past. the detective leading the investigation is scheduled to speak at a news conference later today.
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on tonight with david letterman. herman cain now has secret service protection. his campaign asked for the detail after a series of incidents with reporters. cain now the only candidate with secret service protection. also today, the newt gingrich campaign may release details of the payments he received from fannie mae. he earned $1.6 million to consult for freddie mac. >> i answer every question they ask. and at the end of it, you will be convinced, i believe, that i did no lobbying of any kind.
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i did no influence. >> i want to bring in larry sabano and carol feign. good morning to you both. larry, i will start with you. it's like a game of survivor. does this stuff get him voted off the island? >> freddie mac plus a lot of other things. there's an embarrassing of riches. so many topics. so little time. news has been around a long time. that gives him a plus of experience. but he's made a lot of entities. they seem to be running not just to the news media but to the other candidates with information. >> it does seem like things are getting worse. bloomberg pointing out as well. "washington post" reporting he got $30 million. if you're advising newt gingrich at this point, what would you
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advise him to do? >> i would say get out. look, here's the problem. the rational for newt's candidacy this time has been all about this is the new newt. i have changed. things are different. unfortunate unfortunately, we're finding out nothing has changed. i remember newt gingrich. he was arrogant. he overreached because he was so drunk with power after they took over congress. we're seeing many of the same behaviors repeat over and over again. i will answer every question you have. and then he doesn't really answer those questions and is offended nobody trusts him. he's not going to make it all the way to being president. >> let's talk about herman cain really quickly. he seems to be surviving these allegations of sexual harassment. but he broke down during an interview yesterday.
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this is a local interview in new hampshire. let's take a look. >> holding the bible. >> emotional huh? >> that was herman cain there talking about what it would be like if he were to be inaugurated. is the campaign finally starting to get to herman cain? >> yes. and it was inevitable. it's a tough business. anybody who has been around it has sympathy for the people in it. even if you don't agree with them. this was inevitable. herman cain has no real political experience in office. he's run for the u.s. senate once, but he also has a lot of problems and a lot of baggage. he doesn't have as much baggage as newt gingrich. cain has less baggage, but what has come out is certainly enough to stop him. and sure enough, we're seeing
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the inevident blt of this drip, drip, drip. it's hurting him in poll after poll. >> l.a. times headline here. remain weary of mitt romney. at this point, how or can romney get the tea partiers on board? >> here's the thing they should be looking at. they have to decide do you want to win? that's the inevident blt argument that romney is trying to make. or do you want somebody who is a purest. here's the thing to keep an eye on. it's a candidate who can make the changes that they need to make. make those course corrections in the course of the campaign and improve over time. that's the person you ultimately want to nominate. herman cain can't do that. mitt romney has done that, if you look at his performance this time from last time. newt gingrich can't do that. rick perry, what a disaster. >> karen and larry, i'm going to
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have to cut you off. thank you for your time. have a great weekend. >> thank you. two major announcements from president obama early this morning. details on those next. ♪ [ female announcer ] give a little cheer to a family of a soldier. just cut out the cheer from your specially marked box of cheerios, write your message, and we'll see that they get it.
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d f one of president obama's major announcements today. he's sending secretary of state hillary clinton to myanmar. the move is the most dramatic sign of a changing relationship between the u.s. and myanmar. the president currently in indonesia and says he's detected flickers of progress. speaking of secretary clinton, she discussed a wide range of topics with chuck todd. listen to this. >> i'm out of politics. happy to be out of politics. but i am very proud of the leadership that president obama has shown. he's demonstrated unequivocally
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that he's ready, willing, and able to do whatever is necessary for our country. >> not confident from the republicans? >> i haven't been paying a lot of attention. >> been busy? >> i'm on a lot of airplanes. i will wait until it plays itself out. >> she thinks her biggest contribution to president obama's campaign is to do the best job she can as secretary of state. the second big announcement. more than 100,000 new jobs for american workers. details next. ♪
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welcome back to "jansing and co." i'm maria lorosa. we're getting towards the holiday weekend. things are quiet in the eastern half of the nation. out west, it's a mess. we have a little bit of rain and snow happening now. everything is going to pick up as we go through tonight and tomorrow. you can see for saturday morning through much of the west, perhaps as much as one to two feet of snow.
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up to a foot as the system pushes tonight into saturday into the plains. then for the rest of the day into saturday, saturday evening muching into the upper midwest. minneapolis, you could pick up a half a foot of snow. rapid city, a foot. if you're headed westbound, 6 to 10 inches. ski resorts, great skiing, but maybe tough travel. craig, back to you. >> breaking news right now. at this hour in reno, 90 schools in northern nevada are closed today as crews battle a major wild fire there. i believe we have some video from our affiliate in reno. there it is there. video of the fire. 20 structures have burned about a dozen more are being protected. but even more than that are in danger. two high schools are being used as shelters for evacuated families. that reno fire, as you can see
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in the video, burning out of control there. having a tough time getting ahead of the flames because of the high winds. >> here's a look at some of the other stories people are talking about now. an idaho man accused of firing shots at the white house claims he is jesus and president obama is the antichrist. he's charged with atepting to assassinate the president. having allegationedly fired nine rounds at the white house. he could face life in prison if convicted. two ohio men are in custody in connection with the death of a florida man. the man responded to their bogus help wanted ad on craig's list. authorities investigated after another man say he was shot by the suspects and managed to escape when he answered the same listing on craig's list. they found the body of the missing man and arrested the pair. and three oklahoma girls are
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recovering today after being nearly crushed in a bizarre elevator accident. they thought they were stepping into the school elevator and quickly realized that the elevator was actually above them and coming down. the terrified students laid flat on the ground and called 911. >> please lift it up. lift it up. oh my good. >> hello. >> we're trapped und a sas high school. >> okay. okay. >> we're trapped under an elevator. >> please help us now. >> it's amazing they managed to be so calm. one of the things that may have saved them is one of their boots was lodged between the elevator and the wall before they were resc rescued. now you can get inside albert einstein's brain. they have 46 slides of einstein's gray matter on display. the donation came from a doctor
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who was given them in the '70s. einstein died in 1955 at the age of 76. after five decades on live television, regis philbin signing off the air. more on that when we go down to the wire in 20. 46 days until iowa. we need to get a check on key states in the road to the nomination. breaking it down for us on this friday. let's start off with iowa. rick perry, really trying to make a push there. what's the latest? >> rick perry has struggled in the polls. especially after the oops moment. he's trying to recharge his campaign. the one thing he has going is a lot of money. he still has money in the bank. he's spending half a million on ads. trying to rebuild his image with just about a month and a half to go before that caucus starts. he's trying to recharge his
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campaign. he lost a couple of staffers yesterday, who had been not with his campaign. but with an outside group that has gone back to newt gingrich. >> to new hampshire. what are the polls there show that it's romney country. but herman cain trying to make roads in new hampshire. what's happening there? >> no question about it. it is romney country. herman cain, he hadn't campaigned there since august. he was there yesterday and had a couple flubs. he had a hard time trying to explain his position on a lot of things. yesterday he was going to be with the union leader. but it came when he was with the milwaukee journal. he didn't want cameras. and then he cancelled on the union leader. that's a big deal. the union leader. it's very influential in the state. cain said, if i come in second, that's great.
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he's kind of written b some kind of a boom to him. >> let's go to florida now. newt gingrich bringing out the tea party in the sunshine state. is he getting a good turnout there. >> newt gingrich was well received yesterday. he even seemed surprised by it it. he said look at everybody out here today. he said, i welcome the scrutiny. somebody who is going to be president has to get a lot of scrutiny. he said, bring it on. that means we're going to be hearing a whole lot more about newt gingrich's record and there's a lot to go through, craig. >> finally, things heating up in massachusetts. a dustup here that could have bigger implications. what's up there? >> it sure could. this is a story i really like. when you look at what happened there, the boston globe reported that 11 of mitt romney's aids purchased their hard drives and then erased them. there's no way to get a lot of
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the records from when he was governor. now i'm sure there's still a lot left, but what that sparked is the dnc hitting the romney campaign on this. the romney campaign went back and said, fine. we're going to file a public information request on the current democratic governor and see just how tied up with the obama administration he is. and maybe insinuating that the leak came from the patrick governorship. a lot of back and forth. the dnc said that they are going to file a freedom of information act on all the information they could get on romney. you have a real back and forth. why this is important from a broader standpoint, is it raises the question just how transparent a romney administration would be. there have been a lot of examples. gerrit haik had a piece on this. but the other thing that's going
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to be interesting to see on this is the scrutiny that he's going to have to face. gingrich with herman cain and whoever else might be trying to be the antiromney. but mitt romney now, a lot of people thinking he could be the guy who winds up getting the nomination. if that's the case, you're going to see a lot more scrutiny on him in the next couple months. >> all right. thank you. appreciate it. big announcement from president obama during his asia pacific tour. a new deal between boeing will between 100,000 jobs here at home. >> this is an example of a win-win situation, where the people in the region are going to benefit from an outstanding airline. and our workers back home are going to be able to have job security and be able to produce an outstanding product made in ameri america. >> what can you tell us about the deal, mandi?
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>> this is boeing's largest commercial order ever. it's the sale of 230 boeing 737s. if you haven't heard of lion air before, this is a private carrier in indonesia. the list price for these planes is $21.7 billion. and i think what's really important here as well is the fact that it's also a boost for boeing's efforts to develop a revamped version of the 737, which is a best-selling model, to try to compete a model produced by its european rival, air bus. >> speaking of airlines, southwest we understand that there's a traveler who is suing southwest airlines claiming that they owe him 45 free drinks. >> crazy huh? this guy from chicago filed the lawsuit this week against the discount carrier over a change in its free drink coupon policy. he booked numerous flights for the business select class, which
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gave free drink coupons with no expiration date. they changed the policy saying they could only use the coupon on the day of travel printed on them. so he said he was left with 45 undere deemed drink tickets. that would be a gift certificate say for a retailer a month later when they try to redeem the certificate. they say we are not honoring them anymore. and that's just plain nuts. >> thank you so much. have a fantastic weekend. >> you too. a group of shoppers in north texas getting an early start to black friday. they are already camped outside a best buy store in denton. they have been there since tuesday. they want to be first in line for the deals. those deals are going to begin even earlier. best buy one of a handful of retailers planning to open at midnight on thanksgiving day.
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but not everyone is happy about it. some retail workers who have to work on thanksgiving are pretty upset prompting one target employee to start an online protest petition. joining me from nebraska, the guy who started the pe in addition is anthony hardwick. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. thanks for having me on. >> how many signatures do you have so far? >> the last time that we checked it was at 160,000-plus. it's getting up there. >> what are you hoping to accomplish with this thing? >> ideally what we would like to see is target push back its black friday open to 5:00 a.m. but in the big picture x we would like to see key members at target and other retailers have the option for black friday more temporary hiring so that we can tackle some of this unemployment. and everybody goes home happy.
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people can spend thanksgiving with their family. >> we've received a response from target. i want to share a portion of it here. the company says, "the team member you are referencing is not now, and never has been scheduled to work on thanksgiving or black friday at target. in early november, he informed his target managers he was scheduled to work at his other job on black friday and indicated that he needed the day off from target. we honored that request. target does our best to work around the schedules of all team members making every effort to accommodate requests. target will offer holiday pay to all hourly team members who work on holidays. what's your response? >> anyone who has worked for retail realizes that it's completely untrue. black friday is one of those days you can't request off. everybody had the ability to
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request off, then they wouldn't have enough staffing to run the store. so i'm flattered that target is trying to shift the focus to me, but it's not about me. it's about all the target team members and all the retail workers having a good thanksgiving. >> anthony, thank you for your time, sir. >> all right. thank you very much. the wait is finally over for twilight fans. "breaking dawn" opened at midnight in theaters across the country. it features bella's wedding. how is this for counterprogramming? "happy feet 2." featuring brad pitt. great prices. i just wish you could guarantee me they won't be beat. oh, actually... then i'd be like, you rule! and my kids would be like, you rule! i'd be like, yes, i do rule!
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ohh! that rules! oh, load up the sleigh; this is going to be a great christmas. yeah. ring dinga-ding, ring dinga-ding, ring, ring, ring me up. [ male announcer ] no need to wait with our christmas price guarantee. we're so confident in our prices if you do find a lower one between now and christmas, we'll give you the difference on a walmart gift card. save money. live better. walmart. hut! go! here it comes! right on the numbers! boom! get it! spin! oh, nice hands! chest bump. ugh! good job, man. nice!
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okay, halftime. now, this is my favorite play. oh! i'm wide open. oh, fumble. fumble. don't want to fumble any of these. [ male announcer ] share what you love, with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. it's up... and it's good! good?! they're grrreat! did you hear sam... promoted to director? so 12 seconds ago. we should get him a present. thanks for the gift basket. you're welcome. you're welcome. did you see hr just sent out new... rules? cause you're currently in violation of 6 of them. oh yeah, baby? ...and 7. did you guys hear that fred is leaving? so 30 seconds ago. [ noisemakers blow ] [ both ] we'll miss you! oh, facecake! there's some leftover cake. [ male announcer ] the new htc vivid. stay a step ahead with at&t 4g lte, with speeds up to 10x faster than 3g. ♪
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helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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a woman's age and her body mass index could affect her risk of developing diabetes. a new study studied caucasian women and they were more likely to have pregnancy-related diebs. it affects about 3 to 5% of pregnancies. good morning. i'm thomas roberts. in the next hour of msnbc, a new indictment. investigators officially referring to jerry sandusky as -- a new victim. natalie wood drown three decades ago. why are they reopening the case? is there new evidence? how is her husband at the time responding? and will newt tell the truth?
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he may release more information today about his 7-figure payments from freddie mac. more in the next hour. there's another reason you may want to consider a hybrid or electric car. new reports say they tend to be safer. crash tests conducted by the insurance institute for highway safety show hybrids protect passengers better compared to similar gas-powered cars. the average hybrid is 10% heavier and when a collision happens, more of the energy from the crash is generally transferred to the lighter vehicle. joining me now is environmental ed baggily jr. good morning to you, sir. you have been an environmental activist for some time. when did you decide to go green and why? >> 1970. i was a 20-year-old man. i lived two decades in smoggy
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l.a. we have cut the smog incredibly. we can do this with good technology. >> you have a whole list of ideas on unique ways to go green. they include exact fluorescent bulbs, double-pane windows. home gardenin me about that. >> well, it takes a lot of fuel to get produce to you. and if you have a piece of dirt in your backyard, it's a good idea to grow some food and it takes a lot of fuel to take the leaves and grass and table scraps away from you. make compost out of it. if you have the space and ability to do that, if you don't, get part of a community garden. or start one. there's ways to grow food in urban settings and in many settings. i urge people who have the piece of dirt available to them to do just that.
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>> what's the best thing to happen in the past five years in terms of conservation in this country? >> the best thing that has the most promise, i think, is the smart grid. that has tremendous promise. another good thing, i've got to say, plug-in hybrids. you can plug in and go the first 40 miles on electric. then you can drive to san francisco or new york if you like. they have a lot of promise. and a lot of reality. people are driving them today. >> we're starting to see a lot more of the charging stands pop up as well. what is the biggest thing for conservation in the next five years? >> the bestest thing for conservation is the mother load at the center of all this is to consume less. to try to find other ways to buy things that are recycled and antiques or used things.
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to spend less money. it's good for your pocketbook. everything i have done from 1970 has been good for the environment. it's also good for my pocketbook. i did the cheap and easy stuff first. that's what i urge everybody to do. >> ed, thank you so much. we should note here that you ditched that toyota of yours and rode your bicycle to the studio we're told. >> i did. low tech. the world it my gym. i don't need to belong to a gym. >> we love it. thank you. demi moore, as you probably have heard, filing for divorce from ashton kutcher. this coming amid-rumors that kutcher had more than one affair. more statement illudes to that saying, as a woman, a mother, and a wife there are certain values and vows that i hold sacred, and it is in this spirit that i have chosen to move forward with my life. today's tweet of the day coming from kutcher himself.
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i will forever cherish the time i spent with demi. marriage is one of the most difficult things in the world. unfortunately, sometimes they fail. you also have to wonder whether demi changes the twitter handle as well. ♪
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♪ you ooohoohooh... ♪ you are my heart... [ male announcer ] vera wang love. ♪ oh yes you do... the new diamond bridal collection from vera wang. exclusively at zales. fantastic! [ man ] pro-gresso they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less.
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regis's last show. it's all over. his last day hosting just an hour ago. >> i will always remember spending these moments with you. god bless you all. i hope i see you again real soon. thanks, everybody. >> here he is on letterman riding a scooter. be careful there regis.
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ricky lake is on the top three on "dancing with the stars." she looks great and lost a bunch of weight, now she's coming back to talk in 2012. the ricki lake show will cover topics for women. and check out bob the diving dog. he performs a signature swirling dive below the water as well. paddle down. spiraling through the water. he picks up his favorite toy as well. that wraps up this hour of "jansing and co." i'm craig melvin. thomas roberts up next. now with alex waggoner here on msnbc. look, every day we're using more and more energy.
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the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ [ female announcer ] who'd have thought that the person you'd grow up to be -- how creative or confident or kind -- was shaped before you lost your first tooth?
7:58 am
♪ the first five years are forever. ♪ that's why pnc is devoting $250 million and ten more years to helping families discover learning opportunities all around them. pnc. grow up great.
7:59 am
new details at a victim not included in the indictment


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