tv News Nation MSNBC November 18, 2011 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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>> you are saying that wagner did not do everythinge should have done to look for her after she went missing? >> exactly. >> was he responsible for her death in some way? >> well, like i said, i think we all made mistakes that night and -- >> that wasn't my question. was he responsible for her death? i'm not asking about your answer. >> yes, i would say so, yes. >> robert wagner said he supports the investigation. let me send you to the sheriff's department. >> the morning of november 29th, miss wood somehow ended up in the water and drowned. at the time of the incident, it was investigated by us, the l.a. county sheriff's department and the coroner's office. her death was ruled an accident. as a homicide bureau for the los angeles county sheriff's department issue we are always open to receiving additional
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information about older cases as well as current cases. we assess that information and deem it to be credible or reliable and if so, we are not opposed to acting upon it. recently we received information which we felt was substantial enough to make us take another look at the case. the case has been assigned to two sheriffs homicide investigators who will be following up on the additional information as well as any other information that may develop. any questions? >> is robert wagner a suspect? >> no. >> [inaudible]. >> i'm not really going to comment on the type of information we have whether the evidence or the statements we are geting for people. >> is someone coming forward on what he told you recently?
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>> we have sources with additional information. we found it to be credible enough to go ahead and take a look at the case. >> is it more than just what happened? >> anybody else? >> is it an ongoing investigation? by your criteria would you go by whether the investigation is going on at this point in this investigation? do you rule out that she was murdered? >> her death was ruled an accident. an accidental drowning. that's what it is. if our investigation at the end of it points to something else, then we will address that. right now her death is an accidental drowning. >> can you rule out murder at this point in your investigation? >> it was determined to be an accidental drowning, but the information we received made us want to take another look at the case. >> [inaudible]. . we planning to?
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planning to go to hawaii and take a look at the boat? we will go wherever the investigation will take us. >> you said on national tv that they lied to the investigators. will they face charges for lying to police officers? >> we will talk to the captain sooner or later and we will assess what happened then and now. >> most of us probably learned about it yesterday and you are talking about someone who suddenly recalls what happened 30 years ago at the same time a book is being released. >> she asking about someone remembering things from 30 years ago and a book being written. i'm not concerned with the book. that's not our concern. having already just the media attention we received already on this that we generated calls and people who have remembered things from back then or didn't
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talk to the police and now want to tell their story, already people are coming forward and want to talk to us. >> why wasn't there a more extensive investigation in 1981? >> i'm not saying there wasn't. i'm saying it's substantial enough to make us want to take another look at the case. you concerned about the timing that it's something media-related and an independent investigation? >> that seems inconsequential to us. we are not concerned with the anniversary date. it may have jarred other people's memories and they came forward with the investigation. that may have been the timing and why it relates to that. . >> [inaudible]. . >> isn't it standard procedure to tell them you are reopening an investigation. you saying he was not contacted. >> isn't it standard providure
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to notify the family? >> we are just starting to reinvestigate the case. sooner or later we will contact his family. [inaudible] >> we are doing what we do. we will follow-up on the leads we have and reinterview some people and new people. talk to people and reevaluate the evidence. >> you say there was a possibility that it was not an accident. is that a possibility? >> like i said, her death was ruled accidental drowning and that's what it is until we find something that says it isn't. until that time it's an accidental drowning. [inaudible] >> is there a possibility that it wasn't an accident? >> we are not afraid to get new information we deem to be credible and we go out there and act upon it. that's what we are doing.
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>> does the information conflict with the information they had 30 years ago when they made that determination? >> i won't comment on that and what the information is. >> [inaudible]. >> we want to talk to you f. you saw something lack then and have information back in 1981, give us a call at the sheriff's headquarters. >> will christopher walkin be interviewed? >> i won't comment who can and can't be talked to. you can speculate on that, but i won't talk about who we will talk to. >> just a clarification. outside do you have additional information or people coming forward? >> she is asking about in addition to the captain. i won't comment on who told us what. >> is it possible --
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[inaudible]. >> i won't comment on that. i won't get into that. >> [inaudible]. >> whatever is available to us, we will use, yes. >> [inaudible]. can you confirm that once you present a case it's solely based on someone's recollection? >> i'm not saying we are basing the case on that, but it helps if the people know something to give us a call. we will evaluate what they had to say and if we find it credible and reliable, we may use it or disregard it. >> any chance natalie wood's body will be exhumed? >> i don't know if we will do that or not.
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>> will they face charges? >> will you make an arrest? >> this right now is an accidental drowning. that's what it is. just the information we have, we felt it was responsible to follow-up on it and that's what we are doing. >> if someone admits they lied, could they face charges if i said i lied to you 30 years ago, could i face charges as a captain who said he lied to investigator investigators? >> if they are inhibiting the investigation they could be possibly, yes. >> he admitted on national television today he lied to investigators 30 years ago. >> i'm not going to comment if we are planning on arresting anyone. we want to talk to people and follow-up on the information we have in the further investigation. >> you won't say? >> i won't talk about who we talked to. >> how does this affect his credibility in the investigation? >> i'm not going to comment on
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his credibility. that's okay. that's it. thank you very much. thank you. >> there you have it. as intriguing as the breaking news is, the los angeles county sheriff's department is reopening the investigation into what happened to natalie wood. the press conference would probably leave many of you stymied. our press reporter and syndicated talk show host, michael, the news broke last night and they are opening the investigation. this lieutenant holds a press conference to say i can't tell you this and i can't tell you why we are reopening it, but can you tell me if we are wasting our time? what's going on? >> i felt the same way. what can you tell us? here's what i can tell you. i didn't find the boat captain to be that impressive on the "today" show. if that's all they've got, you wonder if it warrants what we just heard. they have to pursue a lead when
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somebody steps forward and said robert wagner was responsible for her death. that is what the guy said after david asked him about 50 questions. >> he wrote a book and he said he is not in it for the moneyy. let me present the statement. he said he fully supports the efforts of the county sheriff's department and evaluate whether new information resulted to the death of natalie wood wagner is valid and it comes from a credible source of those trying to profit from the 30-year anniversary of her tragic death. this woman died at the top of her career at only 43 years old. she has a lot of fans in her age group or what would have been her age group and younger fan who is have seen westside story over and over. this lieutenant is saying they are not facing it on this yacht captain and there several sources. what can you tell us? >> there a couple of key points out of the press conference.
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this is still an accidental drowning. number two, several sources with credible information that led them to reopen the case. also that these particular sources have obviously triggered something for them to be able to say okay, we will move forward in this direction and need to uncover this or explore something. also robert wagner is not a suspect. there no suspects in the case. i spoke with the coroner's office and mr. white pulled up the original police report and went over the timeline. between 10:00 and 10:30 on november 29th, they were all seen leaving a restaurant and there was alcohol involved. around 11:45, the last time she was seen alive. around 1:30, robert wagner road in a call for help. at 7:44 a.m., that's when her body was found about 200 miles north of where the dinghy was found in the water.
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these are the facts and we know she drowned and we know that there was alcohol in her blood stream. >> robert wagner and natalie wood and the boat captain you referred to. let me play what else in that interview on today. >> we all had our story to tell the homicide detectives at the time. that's the story i told. >> you agreed with robert wagner to tell what he wanted you to tell and not the truth? >> yes. >> would it be foolish, your expertise makes you question the credibility of this guy. the sheriff's department knows when they came out today all eyes and ears would be on them. they stand the chance of looking sill fe they don't bring more information here. >> right, but they are dammed if they do and dammed if they don't. regardless of what i may think of the credibility of that
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individual this morning, if you have somebody step forward and say i lied at the time, they have to take a second look. >> they do. >> i will get you to stand by and thank you very much. we want to update the audience on penn state. yet another coach at a different university is accused of sexual abuse. two men are accusing assistant coach bernie fine of molesting them for years. it started when they were ball boys at the university. they are step brothers and one is 39 and said it began in 1984. his claim is it continued until he was 27. fine denies the allegations. syracuse was first contacted about the allegations in 2005 and they conducted an investigation and determined the allegations were unfounded. the official said syracuse city police declined to pursue the matter because then the statute
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of limitations had run out. the penn state case may be a federal case. federal prosecutors and fbi agents necessary pennsylvania because of allegations that jerry sandusky crossed state lines to commit child abuse. michael smerconish is sticking around to talk about it. it is a federal investigation. sandusky according to the allegations may have taken boys to at least two bowl games. the alamo bow specifically. where does it stand? it's almost two weeks into this. >> it's interesting that penn state is finally trying to engage themselves in a public relations response. i published something that goes back in time and said you know, it all just department hit the fan two weeks ago today with the arrest of sandusky. six months ago the patriot news in harrisburg ran a story on the front page and said a grant jury has been at work investigating
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this legendary coach. the point being, they really appear flatfooted in their response in terms of the handling of the president. in terms of handling of joe paterno and offering any explanation. they had six months to try to get together some kind of a strategy and now they are hiring according to advertising age the organization out of new york to provide that role. it's too little, too late, but they are trying to get ahead of the curve. >> they officially made rod erickson the 17th president. he was the interim president at the beginning of the scandal and now he is officially the president of the university and perhaps he can help transition them into a better way to handle this publicly. more information will continue to come out on this. thank you very much. two big breaking stories. thanks, michael. a new report from "the washington post" said a think tank founded by newt gingrich
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collected millions of dollars from health care companies over the past eight years. our panel will weigh in on the new revelation. a new decision from the fda about a drug used to treat breast cancer. how the fda ruled on avastin. it's a big story. >> one purchase is all it takes. >> you may have seen the ads for small business saturday. we will go live to explain what the movement is all about. [ male announcer ] nature valley
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saying it's not just a coincidence that i look like jesus. he was arraigned thursday for allegedly firing nine shots at the white house with an assault rifle. he faces live n prison. the last white house shooting incident happened in 1994. newt gingrich is bracing for more political attacks and accurate reporting of his record. a new report in the "washington post" shows a think tank collected $37 million over the last eight years from major health wear companies. blue cross, blue shield and noefo are listed as some of the biggest companies. according to the same report, the think tank recommended
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requiring an insurance policy. democratic strategist and comcast network and reporter from the "wall street journal." let's start off with this report. it sounds like rick perry said first you were for it and now you are against it. with newt gingrich, if mitt romney is say flip flopper, what is he? >> that will abe big issue. if nude will be the anti-romney, he has to present himself as something different. if mitt romney's problems are these accusations of flip flopping. he doesn't make a good stand in. this health care thing, i don't think it's a huge political deal. and it's not the bookie man others should be. he doesn't have the issue that the friendy mac issue has.
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newt gingrich called for all politicians to return money given to them by freddie mac. that's something else. if he's railing against the plan and against having a mandate in his think tank and saying anyone making over $50,000 should be required to have the insurance coverage, that would be very different than what he is saying now and not music to the ears of conservatives that are helping him move up in the polls. >> newt gingrich admitted when mitt romney cornered him and said you supported the mandate, he agreed with that. in the 1990s, he was supporting the individual mandate and that goes well into the 2000s. >> i want to play a new play on newt when he was demanding that
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others give back money he was keeping in his pocket. let's play it. >> i thinks en tor mccain should say senator obama are you prepare to give back all the money and fire your housing adviser who paid $90 million over six years while helping ruin fannie mae? >> he said a similar thing with o'reilly. what does he do here? it's on tape. >> it's hard. this is a tough line for him to walk. what he has to do is tell the truth. the fact is that either he or newt gingrich took the money. they are offering advice and for the average american, it doesn't pass the smell test. the easiest thing is to say look, this is the truth and how much i was paid. these are the reasons why i said it and the reason yes i took the money. it seems since he is trying to -- i'm being serious here. here's why i took the money.
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i needed it. why else would you take it? >> he can say i took it because i believe in the cause and he can say what is the cause you believe in and why did you take this money and what advice did you get? he needs to be more transparent. >> they wanted sarah palin to run because she had so many holes in her resume. what democrats are itching to see a showdown with newt gingrich? >> i love it. it not only doesn't pass the smell test, but doesn't pass the laugh test. this is the worst kept secret in washington. newt inc. has been in business for years since he left the speaker's office. he tried to get money and the money that he was a high thinker and a speaker and author is nonsense. he really cashed in on his time as speaker and made a living out of it. nothing wrong with that, but the
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distinction of i'm not really a lobbyist is a distinction without a difference. >> i want to transition to herman cain. she getting secret service protection and they are saying people out thering e are sugges that they're wrong and unethical in reporting something like that. what do we make? >> we anz i witnessed that reporters had a hard time getting close to herman cain. it can get physical out there. there is something to this. i doubt -- i have faith in the street service and i don't think they will be used as a blocking agent, but i'm not sure how good this looks for herman cain. he is trying to be the outsider candidate and now he will be surrounded by secret service
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agents. >> i get a quick round of you reacting, shows romney with 23% and cain hanging in there. gingrich at 16%. we are endsing another poll and the lineup is about the same. even after. >> romney can't put these guys away for some reason. even with all the negative news, you can't put him away and it will stay like this. >> robert? >> the real headline is that primary voters are scratching their heads and doing their homework and trying to figure out what horse to back. they are not happy with cain or gingrich or perry. they are doing the homework and trying to figure out the best candidate. >> you have got huntsman making the rounds on "morning joe" and believing that it will be a two-man race. he said 1%.
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>> my last thought is look at the state polls we have seen. with gingrich surging in iowa and new hampshire. it has gingrich in a statistical tie with mid-romney. that was the fire wall and a dramatic poll. >> have a great weekend. see you soon. >> you too. >> coming up on news nation -- >> we are painfully aware of the deadline that is staring us in the face. >> with just days to go, the congressman said lawmakers will work through the weekend to try to reach a deal. does that impress you? the boston globe reports staffers when he was governor bought their computer hard drives and then wiped out e-mails. the reports were exalted in a legal back and forth that involves the dnc. we will talk with the reporter
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who broke the story. you can join the conversation online and find us on our twitter page@"news nation." more colorful. ♪ and putting all our helpers to work? so we can build on our favorite traditions by adding a few new ones. we've all got garlands and budgets to stretch. and this year, we can keep them both evergreen. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. make your season even brighter with 300-count icicle lights for just $7.48. ♪ and just let me be [ male announcer ] this is your moment. ♪ your ticket home ♪ [ male announcer ] this is zales, the diamond store. yeah, i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ]
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here's what the "news nation" is following for you right now. working through the weekend is what the committee plans to do on cutting america's debt with days to go into the deadline. the fda makes a huge decision about a drug used to treat breast cancer patients. historic visit, secretary clinton will visit myanmar making her the first diplomat to do so in more than 50 years. shop small. we talk about the movement called small business saturday and what it means for you. we have breaking news out of capitol hill. the house rejected a proposed constitutional amend am to force congress to balance the budget every year as a way to reverse years of deficit spending. kelly o'donnell joins us to talk
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about that and the super committee. we will tart out with this vote. >> reporter: to put a measure forward to change the constitution, you need more than the average number of votes. you need 2/33 and they were short by 23 votes. this is a major objective that said they balance their own books and democrats say it would potentially cut from social programs at a time when the country would be in dire straights now. in years to come. it fell short. those who are on the republican side and opposed it said it is an excuse to give lawmakers a chance not to do their own job. some say it's too big of a change to make that happen. speaker boehner said it shows the democrats don't really want to cut the budget deficit and that's going to be a political talking point going forward. >> all right, kelly.
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there is a new poll out that shows 85% of registered voters are not confident that a deal will be reached in time by the super committee. they are feeling the pressure again, but you have all of these reports out that this deadline doesn't mean anything and the cuts would not take effect for a long time and people are looking for ways to get around it. >> the expectations have been softened so much for members as well as the public you pointed out. it gives people a sense that nothing will get done. they are shuttling between offices and talking about working on a deal and promising to go through the weekend if necessary. there is talk bubbling up about a fall back position and a plan b that republicans would like to see. democrats are not buying into it. it would take off the table taxes and cuts to the most cherished entitlement programs and sort of take the hot button issues away. that's one of the ideas floating.
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they are meeting and talking and results are hard to find. >> it's interesting when you talk about plan b and c when this was supposed to be an explosive deadline. thank you very much. we will see what the weekend brings. this sunday by the way on "meet the press," david gregory has interviews with two senators, john kerry of massachusetts and sunday on "meet the press." the fda made a decision on a drug that some breast cancer patients have been waiting for for months is revoking approval of avastin that some patients say saved their lives. the chief science and health correspond ept joent and we hea sides. >> the decision is what three expert panels and a lot of studies concluded. avastin does not work. it's doesn't do more good than
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harm. even though there emotional anecdotes with women who have advanced cancer saying it helped them, the fda decided it had to go with the expert opinion. we have to point out that avastin is the most financially successful cancer drug ever. it's also about $88,000 a year. it remains for colon, kidney and brain cancer. those approvals stay? place. it just has to do with breast cancer. >> we talk about the emotional side. we saw women weeping when they testified about the drug saving their lives. as i understand it, it will remain on the market for treatment of other types of cancer and doctors can suze it off label for breast cancer, but insurers may not cover it and that can be $88,000 a year. >> that's the issue. does the fda with science or the emotion of the anecdotal stories? this happened because the fda gave approval in 2008 under the
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condition that a lot of people wanted it so they put it on the market and wait for the studies to see how effective it was for breast cancer. when the studies came back showing it wasn't effective in large groups, you haveanecdotes. >> could there be more testing and trials? >> absolutely. it's possible down the road there will be genetic testing developed to see which patients are actually candidates for the drug. right now for most women it doesn't work. >> thank you very much. a big decision from the fda and a lot of women will be talking about it. the democratic national committee filed a massive freedom of information action for records in mitt romney's tenure in massachusetts. at the same time romney's presidential campaign is requesting records of correspondence between president obama and current massachusetts governor duval patrick. all of this follows a boston
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globe report that staffers sought to wipe their electronic records clean before leaving office. boston globe political reporter mike viszer broke the story and thank you so much for joining me. let's start with your report and what you uncovered with romney staffer when is he was governor. >> for all starts at the tail end of his term as governor in 2006. in late 2006 as he gets ready to leave office, 11 of his aides performed 17 hard drives. in some cases they performed their own and some n some cases more than one. this was as he was leaving office. they have said some of those people that we have reached said it was legal for them to do this. it was state property they wrote checks for the property. >> it included e-mails sent and
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received. what would be on those? first of all, what would be the reason someone would purchase to take these hard drive fist this was company or state property. >> it's hard to say. the romney campaign and the people that we have been able to reach that performed the property have not said specifically why they performed it. speculation as to why they would. the dnc's request is asking for the e-mails that falls under the massachusetts law where it doesn't fall under the public records law. a lot of e-mails would not be made public. the distinction here is that they cannot be destroyed. >> in the request from romney's team, the e-mails they say they would like to see from duval patrick's office are interactions with david axelrod and those on the list.
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>> the three people that romney's chief of staff filed that public records request to the state. that came after the initial story where they were seeking information about duval patrick. they are both former duval patrick advisers too. you expect communication, but they are looking for more detail about these types of communications over president obama. >> your report had a lost requests and filings and it may turn up more. great report. thank you for joining us. mass evacuations in reno, nevada from a raging wildfire tops our look at stories about 9500 people have been forceed from homes in the path passion of this fire. so far 20 homes have been lost and several people have been sent to the hospital for smoke inhalation. high winds are mayking it tough
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to contain. hillary clinton will be the first secretary of state in 50 years to visit myanmar. the trip will help determine how serious the military ruled country is about democratic reform. you know it as burma as well. while millions of americans gear up to hit the stores in search of black friday bargains, ads are running to promote small business saturday which is also next week. . >> i pledge to shop small. >> the effort to get your business this saturday, this sunday morning. your business has jj ramburg. sunday, suspected, suspected. appreciate you joining us. small business saturday is the creation of american express that sponsors your program with all of that aside. it is a great thing to support
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the small businesses out there. >> absolutely. most people want to support small businesses. most people would love to. >> why don't we? what's the problem? >> often times it's easier to run to a mall where you might be with a chain store or do something online where you are with a big company, but everyone likes the idea of supporting small businesses. what this day is doing is shining a light. go help your local community. the repercussions are bigger than the gift you may buy. >> what support is this movement getting? >> a ton of support. we have the mayor on from atlanta. let's hear him talk. >> this really is a significant public private initiative. we are getting our local stations involved really just to spread the word so that this important shopping period doesn't just focus on large retailers. >> that's the mayor in atlanta.
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mayor from 50 cities across the country have signed up and said we support this. they are getting all kinds of things involved from the local radio stations and station. if you go online, you can get as a small business all kinds of support on how to market this. >> it's interesting with the economy and a turn around, we know that the president tried to offer ways to help small businesses and tax credits and whatever we can do to help support them outside of what the lawmakers are debating right now. >> we hear from the politicians all the time. taxes and health care and everything they talk about. the small businesses that i talked to they say mostly what we need are people coming through the doors. we need customers. >> it's great that you were highlighting this on suspected. thank you and a reminder that your business airs 7:30 sunday morning on msnbc. tweet us the name of your
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favorite small business. >> ashton kutcher gets back to work a day after it is revealed that he and demi are no more. what they're saying about the end of their six-year marriage. amazon's kindle fire is on sale, but it is being sold for less money than it costs to make the tablet. how is amazon able to do this? a lot going on today. here are things we thought you should know. arizona supreme court reversed republican governor jan brewer's decision to remove the chair woman of the state's independent redistricting commission. the court ruled governor brewer acted illegally. brewer removed colleen mathis, accusing her to drawing a democratic-friendly map. we have a preview of a major new exhibition called the first ladies at the smithsonian natural museum of natural history. it is 26 dresses worn by first
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ladies including nancy reagan, laura bush and michelle obama. there also portraits. china and many personal possessions. those are the lovely things we thought you should know. is this a chevy volt? [ stu ] yeah. it's electric. i don't think so. it's got a gas tank right here. electric tank, right over here. an electric tank? really, stu? is that what you pour the electricity in? it's actually both, guys. i can plug in and go 35 miles gas free, or i can fill up and go a whole lot farther. is that my burger? oh. i just got bun. i didn't even bite any burger. and a healthy choice for the planet? [ female announcer ] try pantene nature fusion shampoo. its pro-v formula captures the potential of cassia to make weak, brittle hair up to 10x stronger. and now it comes in pantene's new bottle. made from up to 59% plant-based material.
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[ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. the 8 layers of whole grain fiber help keep you full so you can avoid the distraction of mid-morning hunger. no thanks, i'm good. of mid-morning hunger. what are these guys doing? [ horn honks ] could you please not honk while this guy's telling me about his chevy volt? is that that new... is that the electric car? yeah. but it takes gas too. ask him how much he spends on gas. how much does he spend on gas? how much do you spend on gas? how much do i spend on gas?
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if i charge regularly, i fill up like once a month. he only has to fill up about once a month. [ woman ] wow. that's amazing. >> tgif is what some candidates may be thinking this afternoon. we will tell you why. what about the curious case of missing mitt? working for the weekend? more like working through the weekend. back to tamron hall. >> martin, don't leave because all week long you have renamed me. i'm tamron hall, but this is how martin all week referred to me. let's play it. >> oh, boy. >> back to lady t. >> back to tammy. back to ranking miss t. >> a woman who scores 10 out of 10 every day.
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>> miss tamron hall. >> what is the deal? >> i deserve marks for creativity. i'm linking you to the stories we are covering. come on. i'm just trying to introduce the audience to the fact that you are a wonderful journalist and a wonderful person. you also paid me to write a number of things in my copy. what's wrong with that? i will take your money any time. next week, more to come. get on with your show. >> thank you, martin. a charming chap, isn't he? it is official. a ashton and demi are breaking up. this is sad. the twilight movie is breaking records and sms something. regis signs off. let's get the scoop from the columnist, courtney. >> he is out of control.
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i like lady t. we have been talking about smoke and fire. ashton and demi are splitting up. demi released a statement first. a lot of people said she will be the first to do a statement. as a woman, a mother, and a wife there certain values and values i hold sacred and i hughes r choose to move forward with my life. >> i can't say i'm thrill offed with the decision to tweet this. marriage is one of the most difficult things in life and stiles they fail. they are moving on with life. ashton went to work yesterday and goes on. we will be following that as it comes. what people are following this weekend will be the new twilight film, breaking dawn. if you want to know how popular this is, 250 locations and the film brought in $30.25 million to put in perspective.
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that's even with the eclipse film and up from last year we have a little bit of sound. doesn't stay up late. take a look. >> you can get pregnant, bella. that's what she's talking about right there. it won't be your normal pregnancy. >> it will be a not normal pregnancy. >> they are bringing in a lot of money. kendall fire. >> this is a very interesting -- i'm a huge fan of the kindle. i have about every contraption and kindle fire is the newer model and a lot like the ipad and that has the big color screen and aps. the news today said it only costs $201.70 to make. it sells for $199.
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how is amazon going to make money? this is like the old cell phone model. remember you used to get your phone for free? they depend on you subscribing to the service and things like that. same sort of idea. they are banking on the fact that you will buy this and buy books and that sort of thing as well. his last show, an emotional show. >> five decades and she is not going away. she is not hosting live anymore. she is on the show for 28 years. a really great show. if you didn't catch it, there bits online, but great to see home people praise a legend. he is a class act. miss him in the mornings. >> the latest entertainment news. logon to and our news nation gut check, friday edition, up next. ♪
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>> time for the "news nation" gut check. regarding the investigation into the death of natalie wood, we got a statement that christopher walkin made talk with a sports radio show. it was christopher walkin, robert wagner, natalie wood and the boat's captain who were there the evening of her death. christopher walkin is saying he went to bed on a yacht he was on with natalie wood and robert wagner and awoke to learn she died. he told a station there was drinking and shouting on the boat and then "there was tragedy." christopher walkin is saying he went to bed that night and saying he woke up to learn that natalie wood was dead. her death was in 1981. the sheriff's department said it
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is reopening the investigation even though her death was ruled an accidental drowning. they are not saying what is behind the fact that they are reopening this. on the today's show, the captain of the yacht claims he was not telling the truth. he implied the fact that robert wagner had something to do with the death. should they reopen the investigation into natalie wood's death? cast your vote. that does it for this friday edition of "news nation." thank you for joining us. watch "news nation" every weekday at 2:00 p.m. eastern. have a great weekend. see you next weekend. marty b is up next. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day
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