tv The Squeeze MSNBC December 3, 2011 1:00am-2:00am PST
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you got guys fighting. >> hey, hey, hey! >> hands on the wall! >> these guys sitting in jail. >> nobody going home. nobody going home. >> we concentrate on gangs and where it takes you. it can be drugs one day. it can be dogfighting another day. >> john john, you got another dog in here? >> how much matches you think? >> 15 or 16 matches. >> that many. so maybe 30 dogs. >> you dabble in everything, but you concentrate on getting information from gang bangers. >> do you have anything at your house right now?
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>> what do you want me to do? >> you start with your honesty. >> it's show time. >> policia! >> you ever brag about how much money they put out in? >> they make thousands on it. >> is it always hundreds? >> it's 50s, 20s, 10s. >> that's your ace in the hole right now, you feel me. you ever work with the police before, or no?
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>> hey, turn the car off. turn the car off. step on out. step on out. come on. right to that officer. this is a known felon. and they've received intelligence that he's in possession of three to five dogs that he trains for dogfighting. be advised. female and a baby inside the house. >> what's going on? >> we got a search warrant. we were lucky enough to encounter the target of the search warrant before he drove off. they found three dogs in the basement. two of them did have scarring. i'm not sure if that's the training or from what you will dogfights. >> this way. this way. come on.
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>> he's got scarring on the legs and chest. that's very indicative of dogfighting. yeah. she was tore up pretty good. tore up pretty good. come on, baby. >> yeah, i really felt bad for these dog. i got one at home myself. just the way they reacted when we walked up to the cages. it's just unreal. i'm hoping that, you know, the judges are pretty hard on these guys. not just handing down fines for the way he's treating these animals. >> a new home awaits this litter of pups that have been bred to compete in chicago's dogfighting underworld. a tip from a confidential source made the rescue possible. for the most part the tight knit circuit of professional dogfighters remains tough for authorities to crack. they stage hundreds of organized dogfights every year in the midwest. >> they're very, very mobile. more than anything else.
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most of the narcotics deals we work on, it's pretty structured. you work it out ahead of time. this one, you don't know the precise location or precise time. they constantly move. virtually all the big arrests, all the big fights, all the big breeders that we've got. almost all of them have been on tips from somebody else. >> the role that informants play in these cases is critical. but it only works if police recruit those who already belong to the subculture. >> the people involved, they all kind of run in the same circles. so they all know each other. it's one of the hardest things to catch. whenever they see a new face there. things might add up. they might pull the plug on it. >> a major push by cook county sheriff tom dart has led to stricter dogfighting. it's no no longer a misdemeanor to attend a dogfighting match. now it's a felon.
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armed with stiffer penalties, namely prison time, authorities have more leverage to use against arrestees. they can squeeze suspects more affectively for intel. >> people are purposely killing animals. they deserve a felon attached to them. >> how many dogfights do they usually have at these events? >> most about eight fights. >> about eight fights. that's four hours of fighting. >> it would be all day. we call it rodeos. >> five days before halloween, criminal intelligence unit investigator mike davis is pursuing a lead into an alleged dogfighting tournament on the city's west side. it's one of many expected to take place over the holiday. >> halloween is the biggest day in dogfighting. it's the super bowl. financially they save up for it
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all year in order to bet on. >> it's going to be a good case, though. >> is this that big of money involved with it? >> at a single fight? >> davis began working with his informant six months ago when he was locked up at cook county jail on a drug possession charge. we're calling him slim to protect his identity. he proved himself as an informant then, and is back on the street now. but this is the first time for him to give up his dogfighting connections. >> i've been fighting dogs since 13. i was good at training them. i can't stand the fights no more. i can't take them fighting. you hear the crunching.
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their eyes roll in the back of their head. >> i also heard that once the dog is done fighting, a lot of times they kill them in front of everybody. >> these are truly defective human beings. so what should we expect when we go in there on this raid? >> you're looking at probably 40 to 50 guys in one basement. everybody sitting around in chairs and standing up blind the other guys. all the dogs be in one room in cages. they got cages, like 50 cages. >> you think there's going to be a lot of dope in the house as well?
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>> has he been busted before? this is pretty much the major drug dealer. just as dangerous as the dope gang. >> that's pretty much what dope dealers do with their money. >> slim's insider status could be the key that allows the sheriff's police to crash the halloween party. they'll begin conducting surveillance on a target's house that slim has identified. >> the names that he was throwing in the players in the game that have been on our watch list for a long time, he has direct access with them. >> they also realize his personal baggage could throw the operation. >> if they have certain things
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in the past that will lead you to believe they have some sort of addiction, it makes them reliably unreliable. he's desperate for cash and he wants to get high. >> coming up on "the squeeze." >> the target just made it back to the restaurant now. he is inside the location. >> we're going to clear this place just like we clear a house. >> they're brothers. once we actually get them separated we might be able to get some truth out of them. m@n
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>> those guys are fighting. hey, hey, hey, hey! >> you serious? everybody turn around. hands on the wall! hands on the wall! >> gang banging? you were gang banging, right? you signed up for that. easy, man. >> desperation often drives the men and women incarcerated at chicago's cook county jail. 95% of detainees are charged but not convicted of crimes. they're being held until they face trial. some will try to cut a plea bargain with the state's attorney by providing information that helps law enforcement. that's where investigators for criminal intelligence unit or ciu come in. >> i'll put 1,500 people through the receiving room a day. the staff i have on all three shifts, everybody takes it down
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here as what can we do to help out? we call them. if we have the time we'll go search for information. there's a certain way we talk to people do find out if they have anything to offer us. >> the bottom line is we don't lie to them. we don't tell them we can do something for them when we can't. >> remember our motto. come again and bring a friend. >> but finding and grooming good informants isn't easy. not when the average candidate is either a drug addict or career criminal. and female inmatescan be the toughest to recruit for very different reasons. >> women have a different set of circumstances. than men. yes, murder is murder. possession is possession. >> hey!
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>> but when you deal with people that take care of children, you know, when you deal with a mother, a grandmother, it's a little bit different. they are less likely to talk than the men. because i think women have more to lose. they have children. that's always a deciding factor for a woman to divulge any information. their families are still out in the world. they're not as ready to give up the information. >> rather than risk putting their loved ones in danger, many women choose to fight the cases or serve time in prison. >> it's easy to get in here, but it's hard as hell to get out. you accept what you did, and you deal with it. >> i'm in here for first-degree murder and armed robbery to a police officer that i never even seen. >> i'm in here fighting first-degree murder and home evasion charge, which was self-defense.
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>> >> some girls was trying to jump on me, and i had a gun, and the gun went off. and it shot the girl. >> there's innocent peoples in here who ain't did nothing. >> only thing i can do is just wait my time out here. basically that's it. >> some women at county do go out on a limb and become informants. usually so they can return home to their children. that's exactly what this inmate, whom we'll refer to as cleo intends to do. >> i'm looking at seven years. >> cleo first landed behind bars for drug possession. she got out on furlough, but cut off her electronic monitoring band and now faces attempted flight charges. >> this is our first conversation obviously. but i was briefed by the sheriff's police team in regards to some information that you
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came guard with to them. in regards to a counterfeit money operation. i got their version of the story. i would like to hear your version of the story. >> they make a lot of money. they own printing machines. they've been doing it to my knowledge a year and a half. >> are they using $5 and turning them into hundreds? >> no, fresh prints. hundreds, 20s, 50s. >> you've actually seen them? >> yeah, i've had some before. >> you had some before? >> i still got $100 at home. >> we have a $100 bill at home. >> my mom will get it. >> if you called your mom and asked her, however you want to word it to your mom that the police want to get that. really that's your ace in the hole right now. right now this could all be script. i'm not saying it's script it all sounds good but until we get something in our hands to backup your story, it's all script. you feel me? i could let you pitch a call from here. i'm sitting with the people
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trying to get me out of jail, but we need that hundred. >> i'm going to tell her where it is. >> what are the odds on that money still being there? we don't get that money, we ain't got nothing. >> i pray the god she don't touch it. >> you and me both. >> we got the blood on the floor, huh? >> coming up on "the squeeze." >> what we like to do is get the dogfight the moment it starts so the dogs don't tear each other up , even if it's not with us. [ ding ] oh, that's helpful! well, our company does that, too. actually, we invented that.
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printing? >> it's 50s, 20s, 10s. >> this inmate has given up a counterfeit money ring on chicago's south side. it's her bargaining chip to get out of jail. >> any of those buildings look familiar to you? >> this one right here. >> this is the location for sure? >> yes. >> cleo says she's trying to go home for her children's sake and has no qualms about working with authorities. >> there's people that didn't tell and ones they wish you told. you never know what you would do unless you were in that predictment. >> i just need that money. >> investigators can't move forward until cleo produces the counterfeit $100 bill she claims she has at home. the trouble is cleo's drug-addicted mother may have already found the money and spent it.
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what's sad is this girl can't tell her mother this $100 is a first class ticket out of jail for her. because her mom is a dope fiend and she's going to take the money and smoke it up. i'm investigator carpenter. i'm going to pick that bag up from your daughter. i'm out front. could you come out front and just hand me the bag please. hey, how you doing, sir? is the bag here? all right. this is my contact number if you need anything. go ahead and let me know. we're trying to get her back out as soon as we can, all right? let her mother know we said thank you. all right? have a good night sir. all right. the if the money's he'll we'll move forward and it won't be hard to get her back out on furlough. then we can control her movement so she's not 100% confined to house arrest.
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we'll be able to let her move around when we want her to move around in order to make deal with these guys and get intel for us. >> i see it. open it up. see if it's good. >> you got a real one? >> i work for the county. you serious? >> feels short. it was a bad print job. it's short, for sure. but they could have gotten better. it's close. a quick look, a quick look, at the store, ma and pa shop, the back side, though. the back side is perfect. >> yeah, the backside is perfect. >> it does have some type of watermark in there. it has something in it, don't
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it? or no except it says $5. it says five. it does have the wrong water mark. the back looks good. a bar, a dark bar, $100 bill they're going to go like this and throw it in the thing. >> very good, guys. >> you got change for a hundred? nobody going home. ain't nobody going home. >> what kind of case you got? >> possession, man. >> drug case? >> me? >> yeah. >> super ex. >> you puff huh? oh, you straight. i don't want to talk to you. >> so halloween. do you know what time? >> fights usually start at 7:30.
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party will go on until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning. >> the biggest night of the year for dogfighting, halloween is just around the corner. and a street informant who we've been calling slim has close ties to the underground blood sport. >> we come together, we going to leave together. that's the rule. no leaving. no going to the car. no calling your phone. none of that. they're clever about the fact. they may call the police. you stay there when you get there. >> slim says he knows who is organizing a major tournament and exactly where it's being held on the city's west side. >> that's the only time of the years where you get all the gangs together. >> how much money you think we're going to see? >> maybe half a million. you got guys who don't have dogs but they bet on dogs. >> investigator mike davis calls police to set up surveillance on the target's house.
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but it's no sure thing. most dogfighting venues change at the last minute to elude authorities. >> you talk to people that have been dealing with dogfighting for years and years and years and years even they will say in 10, 15 years experience they have of trying to go after dogfighting, they've only seen one or two go on as they went through the doors. >> do you think they're a higher end dogfighter? >> two days before halloween slim meets with the animal crimes unit to help them obtain a search warrant. he insists that based on what he's hearing the venue won't change. >> we've got a zernl warrant. he's willing to bring in a third party because he's so intertwined with people. he was willing to bring in a third party that would have been a police officer. >> they keep the guns out of the basement? >> they got security?
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>> i think they're allowed to bring one weapon. everybody checks your guns in before you go. >> police move forward with the operation for now. even so, they're wary of slim's own agenda, scoring his next fix. >> he's your typical addict. this guy is working to pay for his habits. you just got to know what you're dealing with. >> coming up on "the squeeze." >> we're waiting for intel to come back from that location. the fight is supposed to go on in the basement. >> three total people came in. yeah, it's bad. >> how do you want me to do? >> you start with your honesty. >> right through tl in plain view is what we have.
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here. all right. i'm going to pat you down, man. you say you anticipate got nothing on you? you ain't got no weed on you? >> i'm cool. i'm chill. >> got it. book him up. >> any given night on the street the sheriff's police will catch a suspect red handed. often times that person will give up a bigger fish in order to get himself off the hook. that's the case with one south side chicago drug dealer they captured already and flipped. this will continue if he's going to continue to work with us or if we're just going to go ahead and charge him. >> the suspect told him about a family restaurant whose owners allegedly serve mexican fare and more. he claims they're moving heavy amounts of marijuana on a regular basis. fwl it's a tackle restaurant. the way he describes it he walks in. they know who he is. they bring him to this the back room. it's set up in bags ready to go. they sell it right there and walk out the door.
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people eating their tacos and everything. >> the source says his intel is timely. because i got it now. whenever he starts calling people and stops in. >> he's calling all his connections to come get his product it must be a large flow. >> he got 300 pounds last year. we'll seal. all right, guys. i want to thank everybody for coming out. basically we got a search warrant here today. we did a little surveillance on this last week. we observed people coming up to the actual businesses, making their purchases and leaving. there should be two employees up there. the target just made it back to the restaurant now, so he is inside the location. here's the deal. we're going to stop short of the target location. we're going to offload our vehicles. we're going to get into a nice orderly stack. mikey is going to lead the breachers.
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that's about a half right there. >> investigators don't find anything else at the restaurant. but they're not done. their next step is to take both suspects back to the station and put the squeeze on them for more intel. >> what i would like to do is separate both of them. we're going to put them in separate rooms, present to them what we have and see where we go from there. we may be hitting their houses tonight. >> word travels. these are probably some of his customers standing about the street here. and they may be in contact with his people letting him know what happened. time is of the essence. coming later on "the squeeze". >> any street here is a crack house. i'm talking about somebody that's actually doing something. >> i was just in bed! >> he knew it was over with. a complete and total act of desperation.
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policia! >> after raiding a family restaurant on chicago's south side, the sheriff police have the owners, two brothers, boxed in a corner. they've seized two and a half pounds of marijuana on the premise, and now they want to search the homes of both men. the brothers are allegedly tied to the mexican mafia. one of them was recently convicted of possession. he was caught with more than 300 pounds of weed but got sentenced to only two years probation. that's the suspect that investigator matthew jenna wants to put the squeeze on first. he needs his permission to zernl his house. it's a quicker alternative than waiting hours for a
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court-approved warrant. >> at this point it's do you want to help yourself out, or do you want to violate your probation? say what you want to say, you're both getting charged. you can help yourself out right now. we don't go through all the hassle. >> do you have anything at your house right now? >> i have nothing at my house. >> so you don't mind if we take a look there? >> you can go over and look there if you want. >> this form is basically a consent to search form. if you have no objections to us going over there and taking a look. >> we won't tear the place apart. >> exactly. >> how many people at my house now? >> my two daughters. >> then you have your wife? >> yeah, my wife. >> we're going to head over there now. we're going to ask you to sign this. if you don't want to sign it, no problem. i'm going to have your wife or one of your daughters sign this and we're going to search your house. >> if you want to talk to your
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lawyer, we have no reason to talk to you anymore. anything you find there is going to be additional charges. >> that don't mean i want to work with you. how do you want me to work with you? >> how want to charge me for something that's not mine? >> you can figure that out in court. that's not my problem. that's your problem. >> every charge that we can put on him is what's going to happen. >> let's go to his house. >> they made decision which way they wan to go. >> the plan now is to hit the homes of both arrestees. there's potential to find a lot more dope. >> the phones have been blowing up since we hit the stores. it's either customers or somebody trying to find out what's going on. >> police can still go to court for a search warrant. but they'll try asking the families to let them in first. >> how are you today?
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we're with can cook county sheriff's police. one way or another we're going to try to work the angle tonight. the longer we wait, the quicker it will be gone. >> they're denied permission at one residence yet manage to talk their way into the other. >> matt got a consent to search. right now he's located what appears to be a box downstairs. they did find an amount of money wrapped in plastic hidden in the area. >> the strong box doesn't contain what they're looking for. >> there's a lot of porno movies and collectible coins and lotion. >> they find a second hiding spot on the property. this time with better results. >> got more can cannabis at this residence that's identical to the packaging we got next door.
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>> this was located in the refrigerator thanks to the canine handler. right in plain view is what we have here. >> we're looking at one, two, three, four, about six pounds. for a little bit of persistence, definitely it paid off. >> the payoff is sweeter for investigators because they got it from the home of the alleged ringleader. now they can pin new possession charges on him. >> last time he got 24 months probation. now that he's still on probation, he's definitely looking at jail time. having that much weight on him. he's definitely going to be taking a hit for it. >> but one question remains, where is the mother lode of narcotics? investigators try talking to each of the brothers in lockup later. neither of them wants to cooperate. so they'll charge both with drug possession and intent to deliver. if convicted, the suspected could face up to 15 years in prison. >> what's up, bro? yeah, we hit it. it's all good. you did good. >> meanwhile, matthew's
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informant calls to ask about the outcome of tonight's raid. >> your end of the deal is good. and like i said f you ever want to work for nus the future now we'll start paying you. >> he was talking about earlier he needed money for christmas. did you guys get any money? if he wants to start making money with us he can. >> they locked me up for some stuff i ain't done. tell them that. make sure you film that. >> how much matches you think. >> should be 15 or 16. >> that many? so maybe 30 dogs. >> thanks to an inside source whom we've been calling slim,
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the sheriff's police plan to hit a high stakes dogfighting tournament on halloween. once fight night arrives, investigators are ready to scare up plenty of arrests. slim has promised them a house party full of guns on the city's west side. >> we have somebody in a surveillance van on the scene watching the area to see if people are coming and going and gathering. >> we were told between 8:30 or 9:00 is when things were going to start. we're waiting for intel to come back from that location. we do have a search warrant for the basement for that location. we have animal control to come in there and take the dogs. there's going to be a lot of people out there so you got to be on your toes. >> the only problem is their informant stopped returning their calls tonight. >> voicemail. >> and there's bad news from the police unit watching the house. >> three total people came in.
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nothing went into the basement yet. so we'll give it a little bit more time. >> you never know with these guys. they may change location at the last minute. this warrant is probably 50/50 right now. >> police, search warpt. open the door. >> police search warrant, open the door! >> search warrant! >> while a police strike team rehearses for the dogfighting raid, investigators try to track down their informant and hope that the trick is not on them. >> sometimes people get tipped off. sometimes the informants flip on us. sometimes our surveillance is spotted. a lot of variables in the game. >> next on "the squeeze." >> a lot of them are thinking can i take this guy? can i get away with it?
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it's halloween night in chicago. and the sheriff's police are waiting for the go ahead to raid an alleged dogfighting tournament. but their informant's disappeared and the stakeout team says the target is dead quite. after two hours with no change, authorities call off the operation. >> it's kind of disheartening. they probably are going to be fighting somewhere. just don't have the location right now. sometimes you win. sometimes you lose. >> they believe the informant either got scared or got strung out on drugs instead. they learn he did both when they
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finally reach him two days later. >> his mindset was i helicopter do it. i pulled plug on it. i said f you would have called us and said i got to kill it. it's way too hot. we would have understood and would have been willing to work forward with him on the next case. because he didn't do that, it makes it a lot more difficult to pitch it to your bosses. he burnt himself, absolutely. >> take it easy, boy. >> the animal crime ls unit moves onto its next case and its next informant, and catches another dogfighting ring weeks later. >> we got blood on the floor, huh? we like to get the dogfight the moment it starts so the dogs don't tear each other up. >> police pressure is driving more and more dogfighters out of cook county. the sheriff's team has busted 67
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suspects in the past year and helped save almost 400 dogs. >> oh, look at that face. he's a nice pup pi, too. >> the goal is to have them put back together physically. they're so scarred up and damaged and then to see whether or not they can be sort of deprogrammed and then adopted out. there are some dogs, though, that inspite of the best efforts, there's nothing that can be done. the whole thing is so outrageously sick. >> he said it works. you can till by looking at it it's short on one side. the back side, the back side is perfect. >> actions speak louder than words, and until informants come through with results, all their talk means nothing. this inmate whom we've been calling cleo has proven her information is on the money.
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>> this ain't even one of the better ones. >> yeah, we can tell it's short. >> this is the one you're talking about, right? >> she's given up a counterfeiting rik ring plus a sample of her work to show that her story is legit. >> this takes our journey to the next level. everything you same came to fruition. >> investigators officially sign her up. >> don't mess it up. >> all right. but sometimes good intel alone isn't enough. one week later the state's attorneys office reject her bid for a plea deal. the state says she's too risky to work with. >> sometimes even though you cooperate and we do everything we can do, it just doesn't work out. we're not the state. we're not the judge. we're not the jury. we'll do our part, we'll do yours. if it works out, great. if it doesn't, you got to do your time. >> cleo is not going home for
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the holidays, and neither are 9,000 other inmates at county. as another long chicago winter sets in, there's no slowdown of gang or drug activity on the streets. yet police can count on their informants to make it a season of giving year round. >> mini van going towards the drive-thru. >> got it. moving in. >> there's also a red car parked on the other side. somebody take that car, too. >> tonight they've received a late christmas gift from one of their sources. >> shut the vehicle off. shut the vehicle off. do you have any weapons or anything in the vehicle i should know about? mind if i take a look? go ahead. consent. >> they've been tipped off to an alleged crack dealer who is allegedly transporting dope in a friend's vehicle. whose car is this? >> it's her car. >> is there anything that vehicle that shouldn't be in
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there? zbr it's only a matter of minutes before a police dog finds the stash. and the target realizes that he's busted. you say up under the seat? >> yeah. >> jail is the last place that he wants to go. so it's either fight or flight. >> why would you do that? >> he knew it was over with. a complete and total act of desperation. stand him up. come on. roll over on your knees and get up. >> don't be sorry to me.
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you condition run from the police! we got you! let's go. >> and now he's caught in "the squeeze." >> you know somebody that's moving weight? i can go down any of these streets here and get a crack house. i'm talking about somebody that's actually do something. a little bit of weight, yeah, it would be nice. >> that's the guy you want. he's going to get us into more weight. he'll get us to somebody higher up on the food chain. >> you'll do it? now you know if you don't do what's going to happen, right? whatever they can charge you with they will. start thinking of names now. we'll sit down and figure some things out. all right? it's going from here to the next one. keep rolling and rolling. looks like a job well done.
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