tv The Squeeze MSNBC December 26, 2011 10:00am-11:00am PST
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everything that we do here in this unit, we work off of -- >> what is he, head of the block? without a struggle? >> without a struggle. >> he knows, he knows the block. who's there. who's doing what. >> whenever we get play-by-play, right from the block. >> there's our guy right there with the burgundy hat on. burgundy hoody. >> it's really on the informant. if they want to sell you, they can. >> no, no. kniss is it right here. you've got to sell her today. you've got to sell my guy. >> you just got to be straight with us. >> who says she wants -- >> who's the up and coming guy in this group? >> how loyal do you think he is? >> we always need guys from certain areas.
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people out front. >> go in the house. everyone go in the house. >> police search warrant. open the door. police, search warrant, open the door. >> come here. walk towards me. walk towards me. walk towards me. right here. stand right here. >> it's another day in chicago's south suburbs where police raids are all too common. >> other than the crack cocaine that's on your dresser, is there anymore? >> i do not know. >> okay. any guns in your house? >> no. if there's more it's going to be a shock to me. >> it's not going to be a shock to us because that's what we're here for. >> authorities came looking for a boatload of firearms. that's what an informant had promised them. instead they got a bag of crack and one arrest. it's not the outcome that they had hoped for and a tough pill to swallow.
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but that's the rick they take working with confidential sources. chances are they will be back soon serving another warrant in fort heights. >> right. >> you try to deal with the same families. like the sergeant goes out there. remembers his dad. the guy locked him up 12, 15 years ago, their kids are out here now that we're dealing that. it's that cycle that just is never ending. >> when our informant was in there, this is the guy that served him. >> everything that we do here in this unit we work off of informant information. >> i'm going to sign you up as an informant. it's a fake name. that's what we'll use every time we use you. that's how you get paid. >> every informant signs an agreement. a source of information agreement. in that agreement, it lists all the things, you can't sell drugs. can't pretend you're the police. they sign it and abide by it. but they need to say viable as well.
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they need to run with the same crowd that they ran with and still see the same people, and that's the only way we're going to get the information from them. >> this is my last time up here. we're going with this, man. >> how many times have you been locked up? >> three times. >> how many times did you say -- this is it? do the game. >> i'm going home today and only stay here one day. i ain't coming back. >> three times. >> i ain't coming back. >> three times -- that's what i said. >> many of the best informants begin their careers while locked up at chicago's cook county jail. detainees here are ripe for recruitment. most are accused, not convicted of crimes, and are being held awaiting trial. those who flip and cooperate with authorities can get reduced sentences. some of them will continue working for money after they get out.
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that's exactly what one former inmate who grew up hustling drugs on the city's west side is doing. >> basically his entire life has been a dopey. probably at one time has been a little more successful than he is now. he had a nice car and a hot girl. when you come home and out of the realm maybe the younger guys are running the block. you can still work but you're never going to be the man on that block. so i think that will change your motivation a little bit. how much are you guys making on a day-to-day basis? >> about $3,500. >> $3,500. how often do you think the cops are on that block? >> every day. >> this informant whom we're calling roosevelt to protect his identity is providing intel about a west side neighborhood known for its heavy drug traffic and murders. roosevelt claims that two dozen members of rival gangs, like the travelers and pea stones have
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gathered together to do businesseneder one boss. >> how did he get it? he just too it? >> without a struggle? >> without a struggle. >> what are these guys, travellers? >> travellers. >> two main guys. >> two main. >> he knows the nicknames and what they look like. we're basically mapping out their entire operation right now. >> what's the security like out there? are you just driving cars on through? >> we don't serve cars that we don't know. >> what about walk-ups? >> no. >> what if you did an intro. if you brought a guy in the car or whatever, like, man. my guy wants to bay 20? >> that's not a problem. >> he knows everything. he knows the block. who's there. who's doing what. we're able to get play-by-play right from the block. we need one of them to get in there. >> now armed with a list of targets including the top boss, his right-hand man and workers below them investigators hash out a game plan.
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>> one side with the heroin. another guy with the cocaine. this is all the runners, lookouts and all that stuff. >> their first step is to set up surveillance on the boss who delivers narcotics every day for his people to sell. >> we put you on the block early in the morning. you stay in constant contact with him. with this phone. you can call out to sandman and say, do drive on east right now. >> we're trying to schedule a guy who drops the patch. we have the vehicle and the target. it will make it easier to set up the surveillance. >> two main houses. do you have any idea? the situation we're looking at him is taking down the head of the monster and then everybody else will fall in line, and that's how we decide to take the case where you might get 25, 30 guys and clear out the whole block. >> they might be doing 7,000, 8,000 now. 4,000 in cocaine.
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28, 27 for weed. this is an every day thing. so you're looking at at least 17,000 in all three products out there. >> one block. >> one block every day. right. >> what your looking to get out of this? >> i'm not looking to get nothing in particular, because, you know, i've been dealing with them for so long, it's like a favor for a favor. you know? >> you have to show him that there's some reward in this and the reward for him is money. he knows that. >> we're not going to do a quick hit. this is going to take a while. you stay out of trouble. >> oh, yeah. >> you can't smoke weed. you can't do anything. nothing. all right. no drinking either. >> man. it's hard, because i'm used to -- i used to be, a lot of money, before i was on the other side of the game, and i'm tempted sometimes. when you back on your feet, you
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always get cold. >> how about tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m. you're on the block. >> okay. >> being on the block for roosevelt, though, means playing a role. he's got to pretend that he's still in the game without breaking the law. >> they will wonder why am i out there on the block? hustling wasn't my thing. >> it's a fine line for him to walk. one false move could get him killed. >> it can change with one bullet. it can change in a heart beat. >> coming up on "the squeeze" -- >> there's something with this informant. something shaky. >> you have to sell my guy today. >> i want to figure out why he's lying to us. >> all right. we're on the move. >> all right. ♪
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u. know what we got to do? >> i'll be -- yeah. let me tell you, i work at the jail for six years, and it was, it's just amazing to see so many young black men being shipped off to the penitentiary every day. i used to honestly feel my stomach coming up, maybe a couple hundred guys off to the penitentiary every day. even if it wasn't necessarily my people, just anybody, just to see that was, it was disturbing. wondered how do numbers get that high. you know? >> our plan of attack is to hit
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the south jets first. we've gotten plenty of guns out of there as everybody knows and a lot of drugs. going to the house authority so make sure you have police markings on. watch your backgrounds and stay with your partner. any questions? all right. let's go. >> there's certain areas of the suburbs more so than others that we hit regularly, and, frankly, it's because of the action. i used to be a prosecutor before i became sheriff, and tried a lot of cases out here. a lot of these problems have been going on since the late '80s. many neighborhoods don't change. compromised with limited opportunities for kids that grow up here. if you look at the door, every single day they head off to school. when you see this activity, you think what are your options in life? >> many people's options dried up decades ago on chicago's
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south side and in the south suburbs. abandoned steel mills and empty lots served as reminders of what used to be a thriving community. now the criminal element that took root in those areas is spreading to the near west suburbs ten miles from downtown. >> it's right in your face. you have four different gangs in this area. >> yo, come here. >> they feel they can come out here and hide and get away with what they need. >> what about you? >> but gangs aren't the only ones selling drugs for a living out here. >> what's up, boss? >> today, sheriff police investigators are pursuing a have different kind of target. a middle class white female who allegedly traffics cocaine to support her family. >> she's been a dealer for a long time. she sells large amounts. and hasn't been caught. informant said she's really
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smart, she may see the undercover and say no i don't want to deal with him. we'll see if it works. >> is this -- >> their informant has agreed to set up a deal and introduce an undercover officer to the target but he's a self-admitted addict working for money which makes him difficult to trust. >> what's important, the intro. you've got to sell my guy. a cousin. did you say he's related to you, or no? hey, this is your cousin, and -- hey you may sure you take care of my cousin. you got to sell him, though. >> he's kind of hard headed. we're trying to coach him what to say and he's not doing it the way we're telling him to do it. he's all nervous. >> no, no. this is it. you got to sell her today. this is my cousin he's always been with me. he took care of me when i was locked up. you sell it like that should be good. cousin or brother. cousin is better. right? okay. all right. good. >> i find myself with him that i
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always have to keep reminding him that, hey, this is the way we have to do it. you're not going to do it the way we want to do it then we won't use it. >> the informant whom we'll refer to as nixon manages to follow order, and completes the intro and drug buy. >> they'll doing the deal right now. we got to get to them. good deal. he can call back later today. say, hey, my cousin, he really liked that product. can we come back tomorrow? that's how it works. >> he says she hasn't been arrested in ten years. this is all she's doing. she's obviously got a pretty good connection. we'd sure like to find out who that is. hopefully we got a good case going.
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what if you did an intro. if you brought a guy into the car or whatever, like, man, my guy wants to buy 20? >> handling informants is more of an art than a science. investigators never know if or when a confidential source will turn on them. so far, this informant, roosevelt, is making good on his word. he's identified a $20,000 a day narcotics ring on the east side. >> we got good security. he's secured. >> everybody. >> impossible neighborhood sit on. guys on both end watching for police. they don't know you don't get served. you're not going to get served. >> that means authorities need roosevelt on the block to tell them who's coming and going with the payloads of drugs and money. >> wherever his stash is at. all you got to do is watch. >> their first step, doing reconnaissance with roosevelt the next day.
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>> our informant is going to be calling out realtime information to sandman and gleezen. so they're going to be directing everybody where they need to go. >> their goal is to get an eye on the ring leader. >> all we're doing this morning is seeing what time he's leaving his house. who he's dropping off at the block. maybe we'll follow him to a couple of places and then we're done. >> our guy is down on the block. another guy on this corner right here. these guys are working for sure. beautiful west side of chicago. >> today is all about intel and that's why we got our guy out on the block so he can call it out keep a loose perimeter. give us his exact location. he's on the phone talking to anybody else. sammy. seen him coming up the alley. i believe he's looking to see -- this block, this area, this dope line these guys are out early in the morning, getting their hustle in.
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. here's one of your friends. white guy definitely doesn't live in this area. the heroin addicts get up early. they need that as soon as they get up. it's like coffee to them. these kids should be walking to school or catching the bus. a mixture of foot traffic. unfortunately it's going to be kids and dope fiends. >> as surveillance teams continue circling the area their informant phones in updates over the next two hours. >> 0 inch 20 inx 11. so our main target is on the block. he's not working. but he's supervising the product. >> when roosevelt reports that the dope hustlers are getting suspicious, because he's not buying or selling anything, investigators call him off the block. one unit takes a quick past drive the target on the way out.
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>> there's our guy right there with the burgundy hoodie. >> did he ask him if he wanted to work or ready to work? you want to work. yeah, probably later on. so, he said that they kind of flagged him a little like what are you doing out here? they don't want guys to hang out just to hang out. >> while authorities weigh their options, their informant says he's willing to go back on the block. that with we had help undercover officers make dope buys there. >> it's just a job. but i understand you got your own decisions in life, you know, and hopefully you go the right way, because the jails will always be here, and cemetery, only got one time to go there. it can change your life. if not you get the same results. >> coming up on "the squeeze" --
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i can't remember a whole year straight from the age of 7 that i've been out of jail. i seen a lot of guys don't make it my age at all. >> this informant who we've been calling roosevelt is helping authorities infiltrate a drug ring on chicago's west side. they've already scoped out the target neighborhood. now the sheriff's police will begin sending undercover officers to try to purchase narcotics there.
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it's the start of a long operation they're naming "game over." roosevelt will be watching for the main players. >> can you talk? all right. who's out there? how many people out there all together with you? get out. that many people? what have they got? rocks and blow? weed? all right. stay on the block. don't be serving. all right. bye. >> come in, gleason. there's about ten people out there already. >> all right. 10-4. >> we're getting a live play-by-play. it doesn't get any better than that. >> far from the open air drug markets on the west side, more and more high-level dealers are setting up shop in the suburbs. >> this is prime real estate. prime real estate. >> one successful female dealer has been catering to users out here for years. >> apparently she owns several
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houses and cars. this is all she does. this is how she a sports her family. talking to the informant, he says if we arrest her she will flip. >> their informant nixon already set up one narcotic buy between the officer and the target. >> they're doing a deal right now. we got to get going. >> but he's skittish about bringing them together a second time and insists on doing the handoff himself. >> all right. i got a white chevy coming on to austin. i think that's her. it's the target. >> nixon is behaving suspiciously but they will play along with him for now. >> target is driving northbound, austin. >> we got the -- the round. he came out of the car and -- he gets so worked up, this guy. there's two ladies walking down the street on their nightly walk and he comes up, here, take it. i'm going, can you wait until we get around the corner or wait
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until -- we get away from these ladies. oh, god. calling 911. he's running to the -- >> it sounds like the whole place is busy with people. no reason this guy can't walk up. he looks like a target. i would stop. if he's running. >> you can see why he gets popped up. >> it's on the informant. if they want to sell you they can. i keep telling him, we're not going to pay you until you do what we ask you to do. >> police decide it's time to cut nixon out of the picture. they try calling the target themselves to set up another deal, but the phone number is no good. so they bring in their informant to find out what's going on. >> this guy better to have him in person, because he changes his story so often. for all we know he might have went back if this guy calls you we don't know what he's up to. >> while nixon is in another room, invest fwaters scroll through the kren phorough the c
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to get the target's number. >> it's very important. we do this so it works out. you need to be onboard. we'll take care of you. you got to do what we ask you to do. >> he gave us -- i got it written down. >> he gave us 705. >> yeah. he gave us one number off for the phone number for her. >> but that's not the only secret he's been keeping from them. >> ah. he's still talking to her. he talked to her yesterday. look he's lying now. he talked to her, looks like twice yesterday. yeah. he's been talking to her six, seven times a day. he told me he hasn't talked to her since last week. right? >> yeah. >> since the last buy we did. she won't talk to him. after that, supposedly. >> let's see if she's been calming him, too. >> yeah. she's been calling him, too. no. she won't even call me. she won't answer my phone calls. she's calling him three times
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monday. >> i want to figure out why he's lying to us. he doesn't want her to go jail. >> he had second thoughts about it. she's his best -- that's his most, pretty sure consistent dialer -- dealer and so now he doesn't want to give her up. >> just got to be straight with us. because we looked at your phone. you said she won't talk to you. we looked at your phone. you got calls and text messages back and forth to her. what are you trying to say then? she's texting you. tell us what's going on. >> you don't want us to do her? you don't? >> why did you say that in the first place? >> because i read you. i told you guys that's what you was doing. >> are you scared of her? she beat you up? she take care of you? okay. so the next question is what will it take for you to continue
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so we can -- it's a question. you can't answer that? >> the ning ithing is, you're go have to call her up one more time. that's all. put her out there to begin with. he's probably mad at her. now he has a change of heart and feels bad. you know how that goes. probably in love with her. continues to jerk us around and waste our time and we have to cut our ties. >> you'll get arrested by somebody. we're like whatever it takes to get her and then we could care less with what happens to him. >> your best informants always go bad. >> next on "the squeeze" -- >> we always need guys from certain areas. go out there hustle you'll get popped or get paid with us. >> after it all went down he said man i'm going to get high. that's not part of our agreement. you can't follow the rules we don't need you, period.
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newt gingrich's campaign is comparing his failure to get on the virginia ballot to the attack on pearl harbor saying they've experienced and unexpected setback. a christmas day shooting in texas, left seven members of the same family dead. the member dressed as santd ta and then killed himself. and coming to the united states for medical treatment after relinquishes power. more news in about an hour. okay. thanks. >> a confidential source has been feeding authorities realtime intel about a drug ring on chicago's west side.
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he's undercover while a couple officers make buys on the targets. >> this can go on for two, three months, building case on these guys and eventually shut down the whole block. >> it's part of a sheriff's-police operation called "game over." >> today was huge. we know we can get buys out of there easily. we'll get the guys we need to be transactional and on tape and then the whole thing will come down. >> he was out there? >> yeah. see? >> but investigators find their informant, roosevelt, already slipping back into bad habits and getting high. >> you get any sleep last night? >> i'll be going to sleep about 3:00 in the morning. >> a weed nap. right? [ laughter ] >> so both of these put the coke out there and the heroin comes from him. where does the weed come from?
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you need a cigarette or something? you've got to wake up, man. your reaction time is very slow right now. >> you ask him a question it takes two minutes for him to respond. that's not good. we got to go. we got to keep moving. who's wearing what? who's that? you can't be out there halfway. you got to be all the way ready. >> i think part of what you saw today was nervousness that he knew we were on the block making buys, so if something were to go bad, maybe he thought he could somehow be found out. after it all went down he needed to release some stress and he thought i'll go get high. we had a long conversation with him about that. that's not part of our agreements. you can't follow our rules we don't need you, period. you can't trust them 100%.
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>> who is the up and coming guy in this group? who is the guy with some ambition that wants to be up here? how loyal do you think he is? >> knowing how quickly an informant can go astray, investigators already have a backup strategy in play. they've begun gathering intel from another confidential source on the same block unbeknownst to roosevelt. >> checks and balances. neither of them know each other but they know of each other. doesn't get better than that. >> and the potential, with hundreds of new detainees arriving every day, someone from the target block is bound to show up. that's when authorities will put the squeeze on them. >> you said that. that's a hot spot.
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that's my partner carpenter. that place is hottest. who else you know from over there? anybody? >> [ bleep ]. >> there's a lot of these big ones hanging out in that area, too. i'm just saying. you can make some paper on that. we always need guys from certain areas to get some of this. we know you can't work. go out there and hustle you'll get popped or you can get paid with us. it's a tough spot, man. >> he was a little reserved at first. threw a couple of names at him and he was just stuck. man, you guys know everything. no. you know. he's out there. i'm sure he's got to be on our turf somewhere. these guys are coming in and out. >> drug rings are a dime a dozen on the west side. nearly every block within a
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60-block radius has its own boss who is selling narcotics. that means the area is a magnet for law enforcement and investigations are bound to overlap. >> you have other agencies that are also running case, not going after the same targets that we are but they are running parallel cases maybe two blocks over. >> the chicago pd and fbi have been building their own sting operation for months. it's no secret to the sheriff's police who just started "game over," but now the feds announce that they're ready to make sweeping arrests and the timing takes the sheriff's police by surprise. it will be much more difficult for them to do undercover work once the other agencies heat up the neighborhood. >> so, whereas if, you know, i rolled out and was able to get it just like that, now they're going to start looking at me differently, see the police. they might start questioning the buyer more. >> the sheriff's police decides to put "game over" on pause.
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>> we're going to hold off for a little bit and go back and start making some more buys. >> that leads their main informant roosevelt to his own devices. the risk is if he's like most informants he'll have a hard time staying motivated without a paycheck. >> when guys are calling you every day when they get out it gets on your nerves. but you ought to be glad they are calling you. then every other day, then every week. every two weeks. then you know you're losing them. >> coming up on "the squeeze." >> we've got today, the search warrants for weapons. >> i didn't like tricks, but i got to stay loose. how do you do it? i have my little helpers. boop. oh. [ chuckles ] [ male announcer ] hurry in to chevy's giving more. these savings are almost over. now very well qualified lessees
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not everybody can be on the beat. some law enforcement will only deal with the certain people. in county jail, you have every neighborhood. so you have to deal with a lot of personnel. >> while he waits for "operation game over" to come to fruition, he found a person he knew since childhood. he found him a year earlier when he was locked up on a weapons charge and asked him if he wanted out of the gang life. >> i think it's like every other informant we deal with. it comes to a point they just get tired. at some point, they have to grow up. whether it be at 18. or they grow up at 40. they have to grow up sometime. when he got out of jail, i told
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him, you want to work, you want to make some money, give me a call. he gave me a call one day. and he jumped in, no hesitation at all. >> his informant has twice helped the sheriff's police acquire illegal guns. now, he's talking about an alleged dealer who is about to make a big sale. >> he said he had a couple people coming on saturday. >> who was coming? the guys? >> sergeant jason o'malley wants to move quickly before the target sells his merchandise. >> did they ever talk to you about using those guns? shot the guns before? like, yeah, man, i used this one to did a drive-by? >> yeah. >> he talked about stuff like that? >> he says the .380 is a buy out. talks about weapons all the time. >> he's coming tomorrow to look at it? >> yeah.
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>> what time? >> i'm thinking probably at night. >> at night. >> some of us chose the right way. some of us chose the wrong way. but now he's starting to see where it's leading to, and hopefully he doesn't end up that way. hopefully, we can help him. >> i didn't like tricks. i guess i'm one now. >> we have a search warrant for weapons. >> i give up on people because they're not my friends. just like they did me, i'll use them as a leverage to get out of the life. >> the target has six arrests. aggravated assault with a wea n weapon. a documented member of the latin saints. he lives in the residence with his parents. he has a 16-year-old sister. and there's possibly on infant child in the house. it's going to be a breach hold and fall out operation. this will serve as your cover. your team move up. get that door open. once the breach is there.
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we fall back to condition and cover until we actually move into the house. >> all right, jay. we're on the move. >> all right. >> cook county sheriff's police. we have a search warrant for your residence. put your hands up. this is the police. we have a search warrant for your arrest. exit your residence. exit your residence through the front door. exit your residence. policia. policia. exit your residence. >> our target is not home. the family thinks he is at work since 6:00 this morning. >> as soon as the dog goes through there, we're going to search. and once we find a place of employment, we'll shoot a couple of cars over there and take him in custody.
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>> but police don't find what they've been expecting inside the house. >> we just have a bunch of ammunition. there's ammunition for an m-16, .45s, .22s. .357s. no weapons. >> they still believe their informant's intel was good. the problem was, they arrived too late. >> that's the chance we take when we do search warrants like this. especially for weapons because they're constantly moving around. >> they have evidence, more than 1,000 rounds of ammo to make an arrest, but the suspect will face a lesser penalty for ammunition and no firearms. >> damn. >> just mad. >> it's still a hit. still got illegal ammunition. >> in order to nab the target red-handed, they'll need help from an inside source again. >> it's going to be real hard, unless we can get somebody else to work him. i really wouldn't want to used same guy.
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block. he decided to double dip. he was working in an area we were not watching obviously and now he's incarcerated again. >> you are stressing. we still got too tired out there, but i need you on the street. obviously this ain't that, but it's changed. no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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>> listen, if you have been talking to her, we don't care. you got to be straight with us. >> deception is part of the trade in police work. whether it's going under cover oruing a paid source to set someone up. investigators are not surprised when they catch mix on weaving his own web of lies. he has been sabotaging there is case against an elisive female cocaine dealer.
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>> you have to call and order up one more time. that's all. idiot. at one point he wanted to give her up and now he changes his mind. rethinking it. he's probably her best connect. >> he seemed like he was getting high a couple times a week and now it's every day. it's intest tabl he will get caught. i will get caught. what can they do to make the case to accepted him away as long as possible. informants come and go. there is a thin line. you have one end and they have the other and it's like a tug of war. once the line breaks, it can hurt either one. >> police bought cocaine twice through her through the informant. that weakens the case. they might try to catch her another way. >> we have enough to send her to
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cook county, but she will probably be out the same way. she gets money or whatever. a bond. we have enough to pick her up. i will be patient. >> she will get caught. based on her history. i would like to see her in jail at least a couple years. >> no matter what target they are chasing, authorities can always expect the best laid plans to change. a sheriff's police informant called roosevelt was helping them set up a narcotics raid. now he's behind bars again after a federal sweep scooped up him and 100 other alleged dealers. they hit part of the crew that police were targeting for operation game over. the ringleader and second in command remain untouched. the westside is too hot for now. >> something like that sends shock waves throughout the neighborhood. that puts it on point.
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the people are more careful of who they sell drugs to. >> the whole area, police say, is teaming not just with drug hustlers, but informants. roosevelt was not a target for the chicago pd or fbi until someone set him up. >> we believe he was given up by someone he knows. he is so disgusted, he is thinking i can't probably go back on the block and make no money anyway. it's the nature of the beast. >> we have two targets out there. i don't know what you will be able to do. us trying to help you get out of here. >> we were out there on the block today. still guys out there. on a lot of different blocks. we have seen before. now what? >> we just swept like a hundred guys and like 50 of those with bosses. the bosses is these guys here.
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>> there is our guy here. they get in the car and it can be out there standing and it's a lot of followers from him. he can become one of the biggest in history. he feels like that right now. >> the original target of game over is about to be more powerful. taking the operation to a whole new level. game over isn't over. it's just getting started. >> the guy who used to control block might now be in charge with seven or ten blocks. it won't go from just that one area we were looking at before. it's going to be bigger. it's better for us, actually. >> they will have more opportunity to flip someone as more people begin working for
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him and they have already got 100 new arrestees from the westside in lock up. >> i was going to need to grab a couple of guys and i'm with each other. as long as they don't know about it. who are you going to point the finger at? listen, we are going to do what we can do, but pull you up another day and look at the other blocks and start identifying the guys. obviously this ain't dead, but it's changed. all right? you accept what they give and it's not worth the aggravation to the guy you know will be screwing up. when he's out on the street he's good for a little while and he falls back into it. that's just the game. it doesn't work out. you have to move on to the next person.
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