tv Martin Bashir MSNBC January 5, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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>> it's not. >> targetthat conservative record. >> those are the same people that president obama talked about who clings to their guns and bibles. thank god they do. >> the sweater vest comes apart at the seems. >> you are an treatmentist mext. how do you reply to that. >> we begin with mitt romney, the front-runner. on the defensive as his rivals step up attacks in new hampshire with days to the first primary of the season. take newt gingrich. remember when peggy newman said he was a walking hand grenade? he might be getting ready to pull the pin. >> this is governor romney's three best states. i'm assuming massachusetts, utah, and here. he had a free ride and as we spend this last weekend explaining what it was like to
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have a moderate as governor, his support may melt rapidly. >> massachusetts, utah and here. a bit of a mormon dig in there. newt would never stoop to that. contrast that to how he described rick santorum at the same event. >> i won't say anything negative about mitt. i am more experienced than rick is at running a very large government operation. >> if you think of us as partners, he would clearly an historic experience. >> he's the junior partner. that's newt's idea of being nice. who is this junior partner in the fetching sweater vest who is catching fire with staunch conservatives? why don't we let the man tell you. here's rick santorum discussing president obama and abortion rights. >> i find it remarkable for a black man to say no, we are going to decide who are people
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and who are not. >> okay. here is rick santorum in iowa talking about americans and welfare. >> i don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money. i want to give them the opportunity to earn the money. >> here's how santorum defends those words by saying he never said it. >> i looked at that and i didn't say that. if you look at it, what i started to say is a word and changed it. it sort of came out. people said i said black, but i didn't. >> sorry, can we play that clip more time? >> i don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money. i want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money. >> that are didn't sound like blah to people. in other quarters, it's santorum's views about gays and lesbians that prompted the
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biggest outrage. take an interview where santorum said i have no problem with homosexuality. i have a problem with homosexual acts. the question is do you act upon those orientations. it's not the person, it's the person's actions. so, it's fine to be gay in theory, just don't do anything about it. if you act on it, santorum compares those actions to man on child, man on dog relationships. those are his words. now, judging by santorum's strong showing in iowa, conservatives feel he is speaking their language. the question is, can words like these offer a credible alternative to candidate mitt romney? for more on all things santorum, let's bring in our guest with strategist crystal ball. with us from washington, chief reporter for politico, ken vogel. in our intro, we played santorum discussing the issue of welfare.
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he seemed to use the word black, but then he went on to bill o'reilly's broadcast and seemed to want to correct himself. what did you make of his correction? >> i really honestly wanted to give rick santorum the benefit of the doubt and i listened a few times. it's hard to figure out what else he could have been saying. there is the fact that before he went on o'reilly he had a few different explanations of what it was and he was trying to justify the comment. his narrative on that shifted a bit. it's hard for me to explain it in any other way. >> was it blah or black. >> for sounded to me like black. >> you are an investigative reporter, he is up to third in new hampshire and a distance 30, but still are we going to see a closer examination of his history? everything from the money he made after the senate and his voting record to some of the more extreme things he said.
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i think of things like leak information to john ensign when he was about to be pursued? >> absolutely, martin. this is how it works generally and specifically in this presidential primary process. all of these candidates have surged at times from obscurity in most cases and gotten the thorough vetting that in some cases led to a plateau or even a downward trend on their surge. rick santorum though he peaked at the perfect time going into iowa and finishing a very strong second in iowa and now being seen as a more credible candidate than perhaps for the many months proceeding this, but now comes the scrutiny. yes, there reporters who are brushing off old santorum files as we speak and looking through the things that are known, but there more recent activities that he has been involved in during the time of the private sector.
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they haven't gotten as thorough of a vetting. there is a lot out there and a lot of things we talked about and there will be some new reporting. it's the same with newt gingrich. >> what are have you got? >> we are looking at as you suggested how he made money. time in the private sector. you can expect a lot of reporters to be looking at that. >> a bit of lobbying maybe? >> this is how former members of congress make their money and the washington influence. she no different and hoe had a diversified set of as o assets including ownerships of property where penn state university is that he rented out. it's not just the influence industry, but all this stuff warrants a second look in a twa did when he was languishing in the polls. >> when santorum was in the house, he was not earning vast amounts of money and able to purchase a $2 million property
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and so on. one of the things was his suggestion that the child sexual abuse scandal in the catholic church was not because of the behavior of priests, but because of bostonian liberals. >> yes. the liberal culture is undermining everything from his perspecti perspective. to me these extreme positions that he has taken on social issues from being sort of anti-contraception and thinking that states should be allowed to ban adultery to and to criminalize adultery. those are the most troubling. i should apologize for my liberal feminist views. i encourage you to work outside of the home and undermining the family. >> and undermining the e spipisl church as you speak. >> the corruption that ken was pointing out and things like taking money from his home district in pennsylvania to school his children while they were living in virginia. there was support for earmarks
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in congress that turned into boone dogles and muddying the waters on whether he is truly a conservative. those are the lines of attack i expect them to take. >> isn't it really that the extreme views that mr. santorum holds, they won't hurt him with the gop, but they will hurt him with moderates and independents were he to win the nomination and facedown for the president in november. >> that's the paradox here. some of these views that we are looking at them saying wow, did he just say that? that's not going to hurt him a lot in south carolina and the socially conservative states that he is eying were he to mount a campaign for the nomination. we have conservatives that are the elites if you will who are wondery iing what happens if th guy wins the nomination.
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his problems will be most acute and obvious in the general election. there is a move to consider we reported on a meeting coming up in texas with movement conservatives who are going to talk about is this guy. the right person to get behind the right not mitt romney candidate or should we unite behind gingrich or perry. there was a lot of thought that the statements make him unelectable. >> absolutely. gingrich just now made an effort to be terribly pat ronnizing and friendly. obviously he liked to be on the ticket if santorum were to win. that's a bit of a problem. santorum wants to ban adultery and divorce. >> it's an awkward pairing. there has been a lot about gingrich saying nice things towards santorum. i don't think it's because he thinks he will be the nominee. if gingrich is going to win this
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thing, he has to win over supporters. that's my read on the situation. it serves his purposes to say what a great positive campaign rick santorum ran in opposition to what mitt romney has been doing. >> crystal ball and the bearded wonder, ken vogel. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> when we come back, we talked to the one presidential candidate who wants to change the money game in 2012. stay with us. >> i'm not rich. >> i was charging $60,000 a speech. the number of speeches was going up, now down.
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three-time presidential candidate william jennings brian said no one can earn a million dollars honestly. try telling that to rick santorum who is boasting about raisinginging a million in day after finishing a mere eight votes behind mitt romney in iowa. the supreme court should be taking the bows because it was their decision that opened the floodgates to the ungettered buying and selling of political candidates. former louisiana governor buddy roemer is candidate for president of the united states is the only man who doesn't fear coming on to this broadcast. thank you for joining us. >> i didn't say i was smart. >> now, sir, you vow not to take any money from a political action committee or a pack or super pack and refused any
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donation of more than $100 in iowa you ended up with a total of 31 votes. i say this not to mock you, sir, but doesn't that prove the point that no money, no political success? >> it could. you i chose not to compete in iowa if you tell the full story. i gave one speech in february and i told them we ought to cut the subsidies and balance the budget and that would be their contribution. i love the farmers in iowa, but i didn't have the resources to compete. i didn't go back to iowa. >> you are now in new hampshire. do you expect to fare any better there without having the resources that all of the other candidates have? >> it will be difficult, particularly, martin, when you are not included in any of the national debates. i'm the only person running for president of the united states who has been a congressman and a governor. i'm the only person running for
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president who doesn't have a super pack and doesn't take pack money and goes directly to the people. my god, who do you want as president? a guy taking million dollar checks under the table or a woman or man who is free to lead? >> i'm sorry to answer your question, it seems to be the electorate prefers the guy with the money. they don't care about your experience. >> martin, be fair to the people. there have been 16 national debates. i haven't been asked to be on a single one of them. i was a good governor and a four-term congressman. eight years and organized the bowl weave ils. i like my record. i have been a private banker for the last six years and building a billion dollar bank that didn't foreclose on the mortgage holders. i had experience what a president needs to do. the people don't know me. they haven't heard of me.
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>> story your view -- >> one thing that surprises me. >> if i can move you to this question. is it your view that limiting the amount of money a person or a corporation can give to a candidate, does that amount to an infringement of first amendment rights guaranteeing free speech? >> not in it's done broadly and applied fairly and not in everybody is in the circle. what happened now is the super packs are illegal. the supreme court and the fec said very clearly that you could have a super pack, but it had to be independent of the campaign. jon huntsman's father is funding his super pack. is that independent? mitt romney has a former business partner running his. president obama has a former chief of staff running his. what's wrong with america? special interest on our government. where are the people? they disappeared. >> perhaps mitt romney can help
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us understand this. let me play what mr. romney said about corporate money in august while stomping in iowa. listen to this. >> corporations are people, my friend. we can raise taxes. everyday corporations there and it goes to people. where do you think it goes? >> indeed. where does he think it goes? how is that message selling to voters when it comes to the man who was born in wealth and spent years getting rich by playing with corporations as if they were properties in a game of monopoly. >> corporations are not people. they can't be drafted. they can't have an operation. they can't catch cancer. they can't have children. corporations are not people. they are a legal entity to protect the shareholders, but they do not have the rights of people. >> i have to remind you of course that the president himself will have a war chest in
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excess of a billion dollars. although he has condemned citizens united as a ruling, he too concedes in practice the power of money and politics. >> it's called hypocrisy. he doesn't practice what he preaches. he said we are going to change america. he hasn't changed a darn thing. >> what can he do? the supreme court made a ruling. >> no. you can do it. the supreme court didn't tell buddy roemer what he had to do. the supreme court said this is our ruling on campaign contributions. buddy roemer gets to lead, gets to decide what he will do. here's what i decided. no packs. no super packs. $100 limit. i made that decision. you know who can make the decision? the leader of america and the president of the united states. he doesn't have the guts to do it. he knows it's wrong. he said it's wrong. >> he has.
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>> why don't you stand up, mr. president and practice what you speech? i love america, but i don't like the politics. it's bought and sold by the special interest. you know and it and i know it and the president knows it. do something about it, mr. president. >> indeed. former governor buddy roemer, thanks for joining us and good luck on tuesday. >> thanks. >> stay with us. much more ahead on the race for the white house. >> our message, the president barack obama is, you can run, but you can't hide from your record. ok! who gets occasional constipation,
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forces that arage il, flexible and ready for the full range of consingencies and threats. >> the president today making a rare appearance in the pentagon briefing room where he laid out the defense review now that the tide of war is receding. the pentagon must prepare to cut around $450 billion over the next years. for more on this, let's go to mike viquiera. republicans have come out and voiced frustration with the president after today's speech accusing him of putting america's military dominance at risk. not with standing rick santorum's desire to bomb iran, is in a singular truth of where we are economically. we can't go on spending huge sums of money in this way. >> that's the point that leon panetta were making. he made no bones about crisis and equal opportunity and the equation was the fiscal crisis
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that the country is under. they had to add that this was going to happen anyway with the words receding as the president put it and you quoted and the fact that as the period said exceeding in defending the nation, there is a restructuring and a cutting back and the president was quick to add at the end that this is not a cut of the defense budget. they will be growing, but it's going to be a cut in the rate of growth of the defense and to that end, the bulk in terms of personnel will be coming out of the army and the marine corps. republicans have jumped all over the president. not with standing what they said on the trail and elsewhere, the chairman of the armed services committee buck mckeon from california. it is an example of the president leading for our country. this country that has been left behind. harsh and unsparing criticism from republicans and something that the president said he
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anticipated and the cuts are necessary. they are going to go forward over the course of the next years and the budget as well as the federal budget that comes out next month. >> that was cr news. u.s. private sector employment is going up. given that the economy will play a vital role in the election year, i assume from your sources and attendance at the chiefing that the white house may be beginning to feel more confident about things as we move forward? >> you are seeing that, but you have to look close and read the body language. they have been burned in the past ever since the out set of this administration making predictions about the number of jobs or rate of unemployment that is a result of the stimulus. that's a long story. they missed the mark and there was talk earlier in the administration in the worst stirrings of green chutes coming up. now over the course of the last year or so as the unemployment
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rate continued to worsen, you have seen the white house leave the prognostications, economic forecasting and especially forecasting unemployment to the private sector. they figured when the numbers came out and they started to improve, we were seeing sign that is the rate may come down for december. they can then jump out in front and point to the figures with some measure of pride. >> i'm sure you will bring us that information. thanks so much for joining us this afternoon. >> next, calista makes a cameo, but santorum stars. the day's top lines are coming up. >> i don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money. >> i looked at that and i didn't say that. people said i said black and i didn't. [ male announcer ] to the 5:00 a.m. scholar. the two trains and a bus rider.
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rick santorum as a blah problem. we thought that was mitt's issue. poor old newt, his honey pot runs dry. >> romney's economic plan is timid. >> politics is not a bean bag. it's a tough business. the way you win elections is come forward with your own positive agenda which is what mitt has been doing all along. >> i'm general and i approved the message. >> i don't use the term black. i use the term african-american. >> you may have wounded newt, but you left him alive, alone with his new love. hate. >> won't you buy a home -- i can't afford things like that. i'm not rich. i was charging $60,000 a speech. the number of speeches is going
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up, not down. >> i can't afford things like that. i'm not rich. >> only celebrities leave and sell fewer and fewer. we are selling more. >> when newt gingrich was called to service in the 1960s, he chickened out on that and got deferments. >> the half of mitt romney, i would like to invite you to his inauguration. >> dole, mccain and all the rest. nobody cares. >> hold on. it's my turn. you had your turn. it's my turn. >> i'm newt gingrich and i approved this message. >> let's get to it with your panel. "new york daily news" columnist with joanne reid. great to have you both here. i want to start if i can with you. before we talk about the substance, we have newt saying he's not rich, but then he is talking about being paid $60,000
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a year. which is it? per speech. >> he is also an historian. i think newt gingrich has the same problem that mitt romney has. he is so grandiose and sells it so well to the base that they are not paying attention to his flip flopry. he believed in climate change and the individual mandate. he had the same core problem. >> when you see stephen colbert preparing for the explosion that we expect this weekend, it makes you slightly frightened of what newt may do. what do you think will happen? >> someone earlier i think it was yesterday on one of the msnbc earlier shows said that newt was kind of -- >> there was an earlier show? >> i don't want to break it to you, but shows said that newt kind of looked like he was in apocalypse now coming out of a swamp with the knife between his
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teeth. that was genius. anyone that worked with newt back in 1994 or since is not going to make surprise headlines by saying he is difficult and angry. he can be a baby. i hope that we see more of his personality come out. when he gets out of the race, i don't want there to be any ambiguity about why people didn't like newt. >> isn't the truth that he might dissolve the ambiguity, but isn't he damaging the republican party by this? >> david described him or expects him to act like a suicide bomber. suicide bombers kill themselves, but other people too. >> these are victories. the new hot word of the election season. i think newt is taking this very personally. i think what you are seeing is he will go go after mitt romney because he feels slighted. i don't think he is attempting at this point to be president. i think this is very much in the
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personal realm for newton. >> what do you think of rick santorum where he is speaking in new hampshire. what's your feeling about rick santorum and the likelihood of the conservative base of the party surrounding and coalescing around him? >> for one thing he doesn't want to make black people's better. >> you mean blah people? >> blah people. i don't know blah people, but they should be offended by what he is saying. beyond his odd ball issues about race, he is a strange guy. he hasn't been vet and he popped late yuf in the race where he said he is the only undamaged candidate and he has that evangelical base. will that play outside of the hard core base? doubt it. once he starts getting vet and makes more strange statements, you will see him drift down. >> what's your assessment? >> convention will wisdom and
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honesty said that rick santorum doesn't have a chance beyond this week. this is his moment and it's not going to be -- >> he would just be a one-week -- >> but, i know rick santorum and i like him a lot. they are confident about the ground game they have in new hampshire. he spent the most time there second only to huntsman. he has lots of endorsement and has a legitimate game set up in north carolina. he has a long shot. mitt romney is the foregone conclusion in new hampshire. santorum has money problems and can he turn this moment into momentum? through all of the questions, i think it's a long shot, but not outside the realm of possibility. >> you think that? >> he will have to do better. >> he talked about the fact that in the first 12 hours after almost winning the iowa caucuses, the santorum campaign had not asked for money and done
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a fund-raising e-mail and updated the website to reflect asking for money. >> he made a million in 18 hours. >> say he can get through south carolina. he will hit florida where it cost a million a day to advertise across the markets. does he have the money, you have mitt romney with $32 million. he doll a lot better than a million to compete. >> wow. thanks so much for joining us this afternoon. a reminder that this sunday david gregory will moderate the final debate before the new hampshire primary and the facebook debate will air on a special edition of nbc's "meet the press" and here on msnbc at 9:00 eastern sunday. chris matthews will host a post debate special from 10:30 to noon. when we come back, elijah cummings on the president's appointment of a new consumer watch dog. [ female announcer ] have you met your skin twin?
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subverting the constitution with recess appointments. >> the national relations board has a majority that have never been confirmed bite the u.s. senate. that's a violation of the law. >> that's not the worst of it. the president is also filling another position required by law. to head the consumer financial protection bureau. so despicable was this act, so out landing in the reach for power, team romney issued a press release. the new bureau is the most powerful and unaccountable but rock rasy in the history of our nation headed by a powerful and unaccountable bureaucrat. this represents chicago style politics at its worst. joining us to discuss unaccountable bureaucraciys. why do we go through this dance?
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i thought consumers after 2 thousand 8 deserved a protection from predatory lenders and loan sharks and yet what we have is an attack on the president immediately for trying to install someone to protect consumers. >> i have to tell you it's very, very sad. you have to wonder about who the folks who are criticizing the president are representing and whether they are representing their constituent who is deserve protection after going through and continuing to go through one of the most difficult financial situations in the history of this country. i think that what the president did was important. it was definitely legal. he didn't like it, but it's legal. again, this president has done what other presidents have done and he's done it less times. as a matter of fact reagan did it on average about 30 times a year. this president only has less
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than ten. they are crying foul, but what they ought to be doing is crying to help the people that they represent, the people who need the protection that is our constituents. >> a number of these candidates think this is a winning issue, that actually not protecting consumer some way is helpful. what is your reaction? >> it's the same old thing. they want to make sure they protect the powerful and rich. the people who are going out there and have jobs working every day are trying to make a living and taking care of their kids and trying to send them to college and having vacation, they have forgotten them and left them behind. that's why president obama is going to win. i think people know he feels their pain and is trying to do something about it. just today the new service were reporting 325,000 private sector
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jobs. that's significant. no, it's not as many jobs as i would like or you, but the fact is we are going in the right direction. martin, i don't hear anything coming from the republican side that goes to the issues that the american people want us to work on. >> allow me to give you something from rick santorum that described income inequality last month. we will play it. >> the fact of the matter is that i believe there should be income inequality. we have ameritocracy. >> how do americans respond to something like that. >> we have to stay on course. we have got to reinvest in americans making sure that our children are educate and making sure that we are concentrating on an innovation and lifting up
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our people. and strengthening the middle class. >> i want to repeat to you what mr. santorum said. the fact sibelieve there should be income inequality in america. there should be. >> well, i totally disagree. everybody should have an opportunity to fulfill the all american dream and basically this whole idea of trickle down economics and folks being left behind is not what the american people want. when we finally have a candidate on the republican side after they figure out who they want, the people will see a glaring difference between president barack obama and the republican nominee and it will be clear that we are on the right path. with the president, that is. >> thanks so much for joining us this afternoon, sir. >> thank you. >> next, the candidates call for austerity for some. it's not a demockacy, it's
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mitt romney in case you hadn't heard knows a thing or two about how to run a business. >> i spent my in the private sector. 25 years. >> i was in business for 25 years. >> i happened to have spent 25 years in the private sector. >> yes, we get it. the way you turn around a failing business in the private equity world is you toss out the old management and bring in new leadership and take on debt under a new vision to somehow restore that company's col vensy. you do cut some costs, but referage as they call it is just as important. unless you are running against the man who is trying to do just that. then you claim the opposite. >> i dealt with budgets. in business you don't have an option. you either balance your budget or you go out of business. >> you also make wild claims
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about the man who is following the private playbook when it comes to the firework issues of social security and medicare. >> how can you be the president and offer no suggests as to sur security and medicare are sustainable? >> even if you do everything right, to save social security and medicare and rein in the budget, you make people angry. just ask mitt. >> this could be demagogued. it will be demagogued. >> joining us to discuss austerity and demagoguery is will yelm cohen, the author of "money and power: how goldman sachs came to rule the world." i've read your book. sorry for the mistake there, bill. it seems as though everyone in this country, personal, businessman, whoever, gets a mortgage, gets a credit card in order to live. basically adds debt, until you run for president, then you have to be absolutely and entirety austerity based.
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please spaexplain that. >> well, i think paul krugman, our nobel laureate, columnist at "the new york times" said it well last week when he talked about, you know, how we're focusing too much on our concerns about debt and overleverage at the federal government level. now, i'm not quite as extreme in my views as paul krugman. i do think that the cuts in the military that you talked about earlier in the show, the probable extinguishment of the bush tax cuts, which will help resolve some of the budget deficits, are an important way to begin showing fiscal responsibility in this country. last time we showed fiscal responsibility in this country, martin, was during the second clinton administration, and our economy took off. so i think some modicum of fiscal responsibility will be a boon to this economy. >> here's the problem, bill, i was in europe over the christmas holiday, and the uk, for example, is looking as though it's going to fall into recession again. and that government has chosen the path that virtually every single republican presidential candidate wishes to pursue --
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austerit austerity. and guess what, the economy's dipping. why aren't these people looking at that and saying, hang on a second, there's the experiment. there's your hypothesis, it's not working. >> there's the petri dish. and i think the obama administration is looking at it -- >> but not the republican presidential candidates. >> that's why, honestly, martin, i don't think once they have a candidate they are going to get elected. because i think their message is not the right one. you cannot have extreme austerity. it's not working in the uk. on the other hand, not being -- being totally fiscal irresponsibility, which might be similar to what paul krugman would have us be, i think the path that the administration is on, showing fiscal responsibility, is the right path. and we're beginning to see it pay off. we're seeing it in the employment numbers, we're seeing it in the job creation numbers, we're seeing it in the profitability of american corporations, which frankly has never been higher. and we're going to start seeing some of that $2 trillion in cash that these companies have on their balance sheet begin to be used to put back into the economy. it's about time. this will happen.
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>> if mitt romney went to the head honchos of various institutions on wall street and said to them, balance your budget or go home, what would they say to him? >> balance or budget? i mean, it's -- >> that's what he says. >> i understand. i heard him say it. and it means nothing. when you buy -- when you're a private equity guy and you leverage a company to the hilt, i defy you to show me ten private equity companies -- companies that have been taken private by private equity companies, that have positive net income. they have huge negative net income because they have so much debt and interest expense related to that debt that they're taking huge losses, but it's not about the losses, you know, for them to make money, as you pointed out in the opening here, it's about paying down the debt, reducing the interest expense, in fact, cutting employment, cutting expenses, and regaining, eventually, profitability, so you can take it public and sell it to somebody else. >> so when mitt romney stands up and says, listen, the problem with this presidency is the guy knows nothing about business, and then offers himself to the
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nation as a man who's an expert in the field, does that ring true? >> extremely disingenuous. mitt romney has never run a public company. he's never run a company. he's been a financial engineer. and he was allowed to become a financial engineer because he happened to be in the right place at the right time. and there are many people like him. and he probably wasn't even the best financial engineer. so lucky for him, he's made a fortune, but that does not qualify him any more to be president of the united states on a business platform than anybody else. >> william cohen, to the point, as ever. thanks so much. >> thank you, martin. >> we'll be right back to clear the air. ♪ he was a 21st century global nomad ♪ ♪ home was an airport lounge and an ipad ♪ ♪ made sure his credit score did not go bad ♪ ♪ with a free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ app that he had ♪ downloaded it in the himalayas ♪ ♪ while meditating like a true playa ♪ ♪ now when he's surfing down in chile'a ♪ ♪ he can see when his score is in danger ♪
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expected the newton bomb to explode this coming weekend. david corn, the esteemed washington bureau chief of "mother jones" magazine has said it better than anybody else. "in a bitter and spiteful concession speech in iowa, the former house speaker who finished fourth signaled a shift in his mission. he would no longer be running to obtain the republican presidential nomination, he would be campaigning to obliterate mitt romney." mr. corn even went on to suggest that for newt gingrich, the upcoming debates at the weekend will be an opportunity for him to become a suicide bomber. why would he do this? why, having seen the republican party embarrassed so many times during this process, why would he want to degrade and dishonor it even more? maybe it's because, perhaps for the first time in his life, it would appear that he's not going to get what he desperate wants, the nomination. you see, newt gingrich is the very essence of entitlement.
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when he wants another wife, the covenant he made before god and man with his previous wife, well, that's simply torn up and tossed aside. when he wants to purchase the most expensive jewelry that money can buy, he gets tiffany's to give him a $1 million line in revolving credit. from marriage to material possessions, newt gingrich always gets what he wants, until now. because now, after decades of nasty politics, deceitful lobbying, and vicious hypocrisy, newt gingrich is not going to get what he wants. and that's why he's probably going to implode at the weekend. because if he can't run for president, then it will be over his dead body before anyone else does. thanks so much for watching. dylan ratigan is here to take us forward. and dylan, i have to mention something to you. >> please. >> the image of the professorial
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