tv The Ed Show MSNBC January 25, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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the same country. we know this, the day before he left for texas, president kennedy was thinking about an ex-it strategy. he asked a an aide to organize a study of ever possible option including how to get out of there. that is "hardball" for now, thanks for being with us. "the ed show" starts right now. good evening, americans, welcome to the ed show. breaking news out of phoenix, arizona. where the president was about to speak about jobs this afternoon, the president and arizona governor jan brewer got into it on the tarmac. the president was unhappy with something the governor wrote in her book. brewer didn't like what the resident had to say, and stuck her finger in the president's face. we'll have more on this with e.j. dionne in a bit. we have a lot to talk about tonight. this is "the ed show," let's get
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to work. >> all totaled the tax rate is closer to 45 or 50%. >> mitt romney unveils a brand new misleading defense for his sweetheart tax rate. robert reich will set the record straight. newt gingrich is stepping on mitt romney's back to climb the polls. >> i think you have to live in a world of swiss bank accounts and cayman eye haisland accounts to this fantasy. >> sam stein is here with the latest. nancy pelosi a grim prediction for gingrich presidency. >> it isn't going to happen. >> why are you so sure? >> there is something i know. >> she lives in san francisco environment, a strange fantasi s fantasies, if she knows something, spit it out. >> alan grayson is here with the latest. we want walker. >> big developments in wisconsin today. scott walker is raising loads of cash to fight the recall, but
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that money could mean trouble for the governor. state senator lena taylor is here on explain. good to have you with us. president obama knows what kind of fight he's in for this year. he was in iowa today at a manufacturing plant, just what he talked about in the speech last night. the president told the crowd "we can't go back to failed policies of the past." >> after everything that's happened, there are people in washington who seem to have collective amnesia. they seem to have forgotten how we got in this mess. they want to go back to the very same policies that got us into it. same policies that stacked the deck against middle class americans for years. >> this was the same message the president had of the state of the union last night. american people approve of the message. 91% of the people watching the speech, they are in favor of the
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proposals the president laid out last night. think about that. 91%. 9% disapprove. that is a heck of a number. of course republican members of could congress are with the 9%. they don't approve of policies like this. zplchblts it's time to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas and start rewarding companies that create jobs right here in america. send me these tax reforms and i will sign them right away. >> republican house leader eric cantor sat on his hands while president obama outlined a plan to stop outsourcing of jobs. cantor isn't interested in good things for america, that is what it looks like. even improvements in the economy aren't good things to eric
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cantor. >> the bottom line is overall, this economy could be doing a lot better and the reason why we're not doing better is the policies that have been promoted by the president and the white house haven't worked. >> time-out. he said the bottom line, i got a bottom line, mr. cantor right here. right here. proposals president obama made in the speech. here we are. here is where the country is, 91% approve, that is a cbs news poll. disapprove, 9%. is that a good bottom line or bad bottom line? i don't know, i am asking. i was amazed at the behavior of some of the members. no need to get angry, it's a speech. republicans would not applaud the rebirth of the american automobile industry. >> in exchange for help we demanded responsibility. workers an automakers to settle
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their differences. we got the industry to retool and restructure. today, general motor is back on top as the world's number one automaker. >> did he say number one? you mean we're number one at something? the united states of america, we're not three, we're not two. we have a company that is number one, president obama didn't take credit for the automobile industry success. he used the word "we." but he has every right, i think, to take some credit. in february of 2009, here's another bottom line for you there, cantor. in february, 2009, 72% of the american public said that the united states should not give chrysler and general motors a loan. most of the people who are against it. but the president, well, he knew he had to do the right thing for american jobs. i guess you could say that he
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showed true leadership. the loan saved more than one million jobs and prevented a loss of nearly $97 billion in person income in america. let's consume that now. 72% of the people, this is another good thing for america. but republicans can't applaud because -- that might help the president. they don't want to do that. it's the same thing with good news about jobs. >> have created more than three million jobs. >> where i was sitting, it was to the left -- the president is right here speaking, i was sitting to the left right up there in the balcony, and down below, there was about probably 100 republicans sitting together you could tell none of them were moving during the speech.
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they tried to integrate republican-democrat, but some of them didn't do it. but there was this one section last night in instances like that, they couldn't put their hands together for anything. why were you not applauding, speaker boehner? are they following your lead? the numbers are undeniable, 22 months of private sector job growth and last year was the most growth since 2005? all i'm saying here tonight, isn't this a good thing for america? have we gotten so cynical in america we deny facts? deny families having good success, our economy is starting to move in the right direction? republicans can't bring themselves to applaud this good news, and they couldn't do it last night. last night, you know what you saw? you saw the full illustration of a record number of filibusters in action in about one hour. republicans don't have passion for good economic news, they have passion for defeating the
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president of the united states. but president obama knew exactly what he was walking into last night. this is he ended by talking about the shared mission of seal team 6. and what it symbolizes. >> no one built this country on its own. this nation is great because we built it together. this nation is great because we worked as a team. this nation is great because we get each other's backs. and if we hold fast to that truth in this moment of trial, there is no challenge too great, no mission too hard, as long as we are joined in common purpose, as long as we maintain our common resolve, our journey moves forward. our future is hopeful. and the state of our union will always be strong. >> i mean he's like a coach in the locker room talking to a team that has a bunch of hot
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dogs on the team and a bunch of big personalities on the team and they have so much potential and can do so many things, if they just come together. president obama basically was saying last night the american people playing to our best impulses of americans is that it is amazing what we can accomplish as a country, as a people, if we're not concerned with who gets the credit. think about that. a coach has got a team, it's basketball season right now, isn't it? how will the teams get to the final four unless they are a great team? part of being a coach is focusing your talent and focusing your team. the president knows there are talented people within the arena last night, and he's asking them to get together and play together for their fans. i guess you could say the american people. playing to the best instincts of all of us as americans, it's amazing what we can do. did you see what seal team 6 did? it's amazing what we can do when we're unselfish.
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and we don't care who gets the credit, because we know the team, the united states of america, is going to benefit. if we just work together. get your cell phones out i want to know what you think. tonight's question, what do republicans care more about, creating middle class jobs, or defeating the president? text a for creating jobs, b for defeating the president to 622639. you can go to our blog at we'll bring you results later. joining me tonight, e.j. dionne, columnist for the washington post. i tell you what all about team work, i believe you wrote about that today, e.j. dionne, did you not? >> i thought it was striking the way at the beginning and the end of this speech he used the bin laden attack and killing of bin laden to talk about community, and those words common purpose, common resolve, and i really think this is a big argument in
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the country between people who think that the only thing that defines us is individualism and our love of individualism and i think the other side that also values individualism and individual freedom but says we don't work well when we don't have a sense of community and we don't work together. so anybody who likes elections that are about big things i think will like this election. >> in a new nbc news wall street journal poll, e.j., the number of americans who think the country is on the right track is up eight points from last month, 13 points since october. president obama's approval rating right now has never been this good in the last six months. is obstruction hurting republicans more than the president? the american people love streaks, we love winning streaks, we hear there is 22 months of private sector job growth, how public sector jobs are going down. government job numbers are going down. the republicans should be loving this stuff but they can't --
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they can't bring it to themselves to say hey, we're moving in the right direction. who is winning and who is losing on the numbers? >> i think the president is gaining ground for a bunch of different reasons. one, and we talked about this before, he finally went on offense after that mess during the summer over the debt ceiling and i think people like their presidents to look strong and make arguments, it's what made ronald reagan popular. it's made president obama more popular. i think people are starting to feel and there are a lot of other numbers that suggest too, starting to feel the recovery may actually be taking hold, so people are still hurting in a lot of places but they are feeling better about the long term. and thirdly, i think you're right, the republicans have lost ground on this obstruction and they really misplayed the fight over the payroll tax cut at the end of the year. and i think john boehner knows that. i don't think he wanted to go down the road he ended up going down for a while, that hurt him,
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too. at the top of the show tonight, moments ago i showed the audience this picture, i'm sure you saw it. this is arizona governor jan brewer, visibly as we can see from the picture, upset with the president of the united states. she wrote about a meeting that the two had in the oval office, and the president took exception to it. she delivered a letter to the president when he arrived in arizona, and handed it to him, saying that she wants to meet again, the president said he would meet again. and then this heated exchange took place, the president ended the conversation but e.j. dionne, i have never seen anyone, any elected official in the history of this country, unless i'm missing it, treat the president of the united states like this. what is your take on this exchange and from what you see of this picture, i guess we could say a picture tells 1000 words. >> a great picture. it's an amazing picture. i suppose you could say governor brewer will sell books and help herself with her base but i'm not sure how middle of the road
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voters will feel about that picture with the president. i think it also tells us something that president obama actually said i didn't like what you wrote about me, he stood up for himself. back in the bipartisan days you wonder if he would have said i didn't like the attack but it was well written. he stood up for himself, he got a response. but i'll give brewer this, she did say after i know again that he loves this country, heck, there are a bunch of republicans who won't even concede that. we got some concession out of her. >> i don't think you treat the president of the united states like this, whether you agree with what he said, did, acted, whatever. she is in a position of leadership, and she ought to know at least have the brains to understand that he, too, is in a position of leadership. what a bad moment for a governor, an elected official. that is not good. >> i think it shows us something that happened all during president obama's term, which is and yeah, our republican friends
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will say democrats and liberals weren't nice to president bush and there is truth to that. but there is something that got even worse under president obama where people were willing to say things about him the whole birther thing, we hadn't said about presidents in the past. >> there will be americans say way to go, jan, way to stick it to the president. that is not what it is about. it's about responsibility and leadership and having respect. for her to come back and cover herself by saying i really respect the office of the president. no you don't. because that is how you treated the man who has the office of the presidency. e.j. dionne, thanks for your time, appreciate it very much. answer the question at bottom of the screen and share thoughts on twitter, at #edshow. there has never been a better time for democrats to win an argument on taxes. mitt romney is heading in the buzz saw. gingrich and romney are in a
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coming up on "the ed show," robert reich joins me to talk about mitt romney and fairness in the tax code. in "psycho talk" the rebuttal from indiana governor mitch daniels tries to discredit the president's job record by citing jobs apple created in other countries? and as wisconsin governor scott walker delivers his state of the state address, we'll have the latest recall news with state senator lena taylor it's interesting. share your thoughts on twitter using #edshow, we're right back.
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welcome back to to "the ed show." democrats have a rare opportunity to win an argument on tax reform based on basic fairness. here's president obama putting it in simple terms haas night. >> right now because of loopholes and shelters in the tax code, a quarter of all millionaires pay lower tax rates than millions of middle class households. right now, warren buffet pay as lower tax rate than his secretary. tax reform should follow the buffet rule. if you make more than a million dollars a year you should not pay less than 30% in taxes. >> president obama is trying to have a conversation about unfairness that is long overdue. mitt romney's effective tax rate for 2010 was at 13.9%. i guess you could say he's the
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poster boy of how well theealth americans take advantage. >> senator durbin said i think it's impossible why a man making $21 million a year pays less than a working family in illinois. if you apply the buffet rule to mitt romney, he would be paying more than 14 or 15% in taxes. >> is this buffet tax designed to come at you? >> it's designed to come at me if i'm the nominee. if i'm not he'll take the 99 versus 1 attack. he's trying to difficult america and say that republicans are all about the rich people. republicans are about middle class americans. i'm fighting to help middle class americans get better jobs and better incomes. >> good sting, i'd say. republicans set the table for the rich. people like mitt romney are
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taking advantage of it. his tax plan would give more tax breaks to the wealthyist americans. his tax plan would do better to the wealthyist americans. since 2006 democrats voted twice in the house of representatives to get rid of the tax loophole known as carried interest. i know you have to be an accountant to understand all these lofty tearrms, the democrs tried to do something because of the alternative tax issue, it didn't go over in the senate. lobbyists beat it back on behalf of the private equity council. mitt romney's old firm bain capital benefits from lobbying efforts like this one, no question about it. i'm joined by robert reich, a professor of u.c. berkeley. i tell you what, mr. reich, it just seems to me mitt romney's
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releasing of the tax returns is the right place at the right time for a good political discussion in the country about fairness, what do you think? >> it's not just a political discussion, ed, it's an economic discussion, discussion whether we're on the same boat together as americans. look back in the 1950's under dwight eisenhower, republican president, nobody ever accused of being a socialist, the top tax rate was 91%. now you have mitt romney earning $20 million a year, more than anybody, how many people do you know who are earning $20 million a year, top one-tenth of 1% taking in more money than a percent age of total income since the late 1920's and he and most other very wealthy people are paying 15%. we have a budget deficit, we are laying off teachers, our roads are impassable. we don't have money to do what we need to do and here you have
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the wealthiest people in america getting off not doing their patriotic duty. it's morality. >> you win the crowd you win the issue. it seems to me if the democrats will win the conversation and explain to americans as everybody seems to be paying attention now to this discussion about economic fairness in america, it would seem to me that romney's tax release came at the right time. no doubt. go ahead. >> it came at exactly the right time but comes at the right time because americans know they are losing public services. and their tax bills are going up because the people at the top are not paying their fair share. >> here is mitt romney saying his actual tax rate is about 45%. here is how he spins it. >> one of the reasons we have a lower tax rate on capital gains because capital gains are also being taxed at the corporate level. so as businesses earned profit, that is taxed at 35%, as they
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distribute that, it's taxed at 15% more. all totaled the tax rate is closer to 45 or 50%. >> you got to have a go at that, mr. reich. i don't believe that for a moment. this backs up the comment he said people are corporations. >> it's ridiculous. by that logic if i pay a sales tax because i buy something locally, and there is a sales tax of 5% on it, that is double t taxation because the company that produced it paid taxes, the company selling it to me paid taxes as well. once you go down the line it spz -- whether you call it capital gains or earned income or not earned income, it's income from his job. he's paying 15%. while people most -- middle class americans paying much more, a lot paying more than
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that. if we're having a society in which we're all bearing part of the responsibility and part of the sacrifice, then how can we tolerate that kind of tax system? it makes a mockery of the whole idea. >> robert reich, you speak for millions of americans tonight in the arena of common sense, appreciate your time. thank you so much. next up, republican governor mitch daniels tries to slam president obama by invoking steve jobs? but daniels, he can't get his facts straight again. nancy pelosi says newt gingrich will never be the republican nominee? gingrich says nancy pelosi has strange fantasies. former congressman alan grayson will join me for a reality check. stay with us. does any mother ever feel like their kids are adults?
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. in "psycho talk" tonight, anti-union, indiana governor mitch daniels back at it trying to respond to the president's state of the union address last night. the main purpose of daniels speech was to convince americans president obama is actually lying when he says the economy is improving. even though the facts tell us otherwise. part of daniels argument was the bogus idea that president obama is anti-business. >> contrary to the president's constant dispar acknowledgement of people in business, it's one of the nobliest of human pursuits. the late steve jobs, what a fitting name he had, created more of them than all those
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stimulus dollars the president borrowed and blew. >> come on, mitch, jump in the race we would love to have you. apple creates plenty of jobs, but not in america. an article in sunday's "new york times" reports apple employs 4 -- 4 #,000 people in the united states. 43,000. there are 700,000 people who manufacture apple products like ipads and iphones, and almost none of them work in the united states of america. meanwhile, the congressional budget office estimates the president's stimulus spending directly created or saved at least 1.4 million jobs, 32 1/2 time the number of apple jobs in the country you're in, the great u.s. of a. paul krugman points out obama's auto loan just by it self saved a lot more jobs than apple's
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u.s. employment. since june of 2009 the american automobile industry added back more than 170,000 jobs, almost four times more than u.s. employees apple has in the country. so for mitch daniels to say steve jobs created more american jobs than president obama is mathematically incorrect "psycho talk." i want to help the 99%. mitt romney is looking out for the 99%. except when he is chopping them down. >> you're wrong. >> the number one man at fox news i ready to pull the plug on mitt. le sam stein of the huffington post is here. newt gingrich is now wearing his marital past as a badge of honor. >> may make me are no normal than --. >> alan grayson will respond. wisconsin roars back in the
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headlines. their big surprises in the new polling and new fundraising totals for scott walker state senator lena taylor is here. can. and when it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day so you can be ready anytime the moment's right, even if it's not every day. [ man ] tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. [ man ] do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you.
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trade commission-free for 60 days, and we'll throw in up $600 when you open an account. welcome back to "the ed show" thanks for watching tonight. things are heating up in florida with the latest cnn time poll showing mitt romney and newt gingrich in a statistical tie. romney delivered this head scratcher at monday night's debate. >> governor romney, one thing i'm confused about you don't want to go round up people and deport them but also say they would have to go back to their home countries and apply for citizenship, if you don't deport them, how do you send them home? >> the answer is self-deport tax, people decide they can do better by going home because they can't find work here, because they don't have legal documentation to allow them to work here. >> gingrich mocked his response during an interview with a spanish language network calling
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the proposal inhumane. >> i think you have to live in a world of swiss bank accounts and cayman island accounts and $20 million a year income with no work to have some fantasy this far from reality. i talk very specifically about people who have been here a long time, who are grandmothers and grandfathers, paying their bills, working, they are part of the community. now, for romney to believe that somebody's grandmother is going to be so cut off that she is going to self-deport? i mean this is an obama-level fantasy. >> let's turn to sam stein, political reporter for "the huffington post" will we see more of this? >> you marvel how good gingrich is at turning the knife there. but yes, it will get -- even more heated. the super pacs are buying up tons of ad time in florida which
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has ten media markets, a lot of money to spend. and it seems like it was a while ago but only two weeks ago gingrich was pledging to run a positive campaign, it's clearly that caution has been thrown out the window, just going to get ugly from here on out. >> it would seem to me that exchange, those two bites we played, that is a real soft underbelly for the romney camp right now. if they don't do a better job on immigration, this is going to cost them a bunch of votes. and we've seen mr. rom know go back and forth, have we not, on this issue? or is he solid on it? on immigration his one soft spot has been he hired a lawn care company that employed illegals. that is an aspect of his personal life that is an embarrassment to his current position. he has more hard line on immigration and suits him fine for the primary but really a problem in the general election. hook at any demographic trends, hispanics are a rising voting
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plok oh bloc. this is a big issue that will confront romney should he be the nominee nominee. romney was talking about his wealth, he was squirming when he was asked about his wealth. here it is. >> between $150 and $200 some odd million dollars, that is what the estimates are. by the way, i didn't inherit that. >> sam, are you worth maybe $100 some odd million? what kind of answer is that? let me talk to arriana about my worth. i'll get back to you. an uncomfortable answer. one of the things that struck me in the past week, when his taxes and his income has been in the news is just how uncomfort mitt romney is talking about this stuff. he is a man of obvious wealth but there was a great article in the new york times he's frugal
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when it comes to his day-to-day activities. this is making him squeamish, he's uncomfortable and they interpret badly. >> to that point, rupert murdoch tweeted today romney's tax returns might kill his chances. see the republican establishment panic now. how do you read that, the head of fox is saying that it could be over for romney because of his taxes? >> he's no dummy. i don't know if this is an editorial position by murdoch but it's a political position. he can read the writing on the walls. you can spin this all he wants as class warfare, the fact of the matter is it's easy for democrats to turn him in a caricature of the 1%.
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>> do you think either one of these candidates will break out in florida? >> the polling says gingrich might have peaked a little bit, but it will be tight, i'm curious to see what happens with santorum voters who could make the calculation that rick sab tore rum won't win in florida, i think that is what we have to look out for. >> sam, great to have you with us. this was the scene on capitol hill earlier today. >> a standing ovation in the chamber, a rare moment of unity as members of congress saluted their colleague, arizona congress woman gabrielle giffords. today giffords resigned from congress a little more than a year after she was shot in the head. tributes poured in from both sides. she hand delivered her resignation to john boehner. debbie schultz read the letter on the house floor.
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>> all that was lost on january 8th, there was hope and faith. hope and faith as we are set back by tragedy or profound disagreement in the end we come together as americans to set a course toward greatness. every day i am working hard. i will recover and will return, and we will work together again, for arizona and for all americans. >> giffords last piece of legislation, a border security bill passed unanimously. coming up, democratic leader nancy pelosi says she knows something about newt gingrich. gingrich says if that is true, spit it out. former congressman alan grayson weighs in on all of it and more. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, available only with liberty mutual auto insurance,
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with speaker gingrich what goes through your mind when you think about the possibility which is more real today than it was a week or month ago he would be the republican nominee and you could come back next january or february with a president gingrich. >> let me just say this, that will never happen. >> that was democratic leader of the house nancy pelosi on newt gingrich's chances of getting his party's nomination. and here's what else she had to say. >> he's not going to be president of the united states. that is not going to happen. >> why are you so sure? >> there is something i know, the republicans if they choose to nominate him, that's their prerogative. >> here is gingrich's predictably snide response. >> who knows. she lives in the san francisco environment of very strange f fantasie fantasies. i have no idea what is in her head. if she knows something, i have a simple challenge, spit it out tell us what it is. i have no idea what she is
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talking about. >> what she is talking about is the house ethics probe that eventually led to gingrich's resignation from congress all of which is public information. as leader pelosi told greg sergeant, any reference i would make to the ethics committee is confined to the public record. joining me tonight, alan grayson, former congressman from florida and also running for congress again. alan great to have you with us tonight. what do you make of this exchange? is there more on newt gingrich that could deep six his can candida candidacy? >> i don't know, but i do know a lot of things newt has said and done are not familiar to people yet. i'll give you one example. here in florida more than 10% of the republican vote will be hispanic and i don't think many hispanics in florida have any idea newt gingrich said english should be the official language and take spanish out of the courthouses, out of the police
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stations, out of the schools and out of the department of motor vehicles. and that spanish is a ghetto language. how many people know that? very few. s same things he has said and done. his record hasn't come out yet. he's getting a free ride because romney is on the defensive. >> romney trying to go on the offensive. he told fox news if nancy pelosi knows those things right now she will hand them to barack obam'sp if gingrich is our nominee. how this is back and forth being played out with floridians, are they paying attention to this romney-newt back and forth and now nancy pelosi in the mix? >> i think so. about half of the vote in florida is in the tampa and orlando area, among the republicans, that is a free floating vote. these are people who by and large come from elsewhere, no strong political or geographic affiliations, they could go in any direction, i think what will
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happen in the end they will decide they are more comfortable with romney than gingrich. a lot of them are born again but not born yesterday. >> gingrich was pandering to the folks on the space coast today. let's take a look. >> we the end of my second term. [ applause ] we will have the first permanent base on the moon and it will be american. [ applause ] >> he forgot to say this wouldn't be any taxation up there i'm sure. how does that going to work? how is that kind of talk playing? >> well, it's -- there is a race between his egomania and racism. i think he's running the most overtly racist campaign i've seen in the country since george wallace. if you talk about presidential campaigns. i think what he tries to do is do these dog whistle things to people he thinks he can kakt
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with to make up with short comings frankly as a human being. i can't believe people have so much disrespect for the th commandment they would give him serious consideration at all. >> what did you think of the speech last night? >> i think a hot of good things in it. if there was one thing missing, i don't want to detract from it, it was a great speech, he needs to be more specific about his plans to put americans back to work. >> i'm sure he will do. that great to have you with us alan grayson all the be tomorrow night we will have a one-on-one leader with nancy pelosi, tune in on the ed show. scott walker desperately tried to make six months of job loss look good in the state of the state address in the state of wisconsin. state senator lena day who a-- r responds to the spin, next.
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audience what do republicans care more about, creating middle class jobs or defeating the president? folks, i'm coming up on my third anniversary here at msnbc, this is an "the ed show" first. zero, we have a zero percent, zero percent say creating jobs, 100% of you say defeating the president. we've never had a 100 to 0. i like to think i'm a good salesman. coming up, wisconsin state senator lena taylor gives us her take on governor walker's state of the state address. there was shouting, that is coming up next, stay with us.
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our unemployment rate is down from a year ago. in fact the lowest it's been since 2008. we're turning things around. we're heading in the right direction. after three years of losing 150,000 jobs, wisconsin actual hi added thousands of new jobs in 2011. moments ago scott walker delivered his state of the state address in madison. he told wisconsinites the state was heading in the right direction but left out key details. wisconsin has lost more than 35,000 private sector jobs, since scott walker's budget passed in june of 2011. including the loss of 3900 private sector jobs in december. this chart shows total jobs in wisconsin in 2011, the blue line
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is before walker's budget was passed. the red line is after his budget was passed. wisconsin has lost jobs for six straight months. governor walker is heading in a recall election, with the worst jobs record in the country. but his rich donors don't seem to care about that or jobs. money is pouring in his war chest most from out of state. he raised $4.5 million dollars. 61% came out of wisconsin. walker can keep on raising money. he can take unlimited funds until a recall election is officially declared. today a judge granted the state officials an extra 30 days to validate the recall petitions. with me now live from madison is wisconsin state senator lena taylor, senator, good to have you with us. i understand the governor was interrupted four times tonight.
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give us your characterization of the crowd and how it was received. >> well, yes, the governor was interrupted a few times, ed, people were taken out. clearly, they had the house packed with individuals from the administration and individuals, guests that the various legislators had. however, outside of the chambers, in the halls of the capitol you have wisconsinites around saying they want to recall governor walker. that is the chanting you hear behind me now. >> there are four interrupt s n shunions. >> because i respect the hard working people of wisconsin i will continue to be a good steward of the taxpayers dollar. >> liar! liar! >> was that planned or was that spontaneous?
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>> you know, that was pretty spontaneous. the moment that he said that he's been a good steward, someone shouted out "liar" and clearly, there have been many examples of where the governor has not been honest with the people, in particular he stated that he would not tax wisconsinites and guess what, he did tax wisconsinites. he took 2.3 billion dollars and gave it to the biggest corporations, in order for him to tax seniors, the poorest, working people among them. so that person who shouted that out, really only spoke the facts that he has not been a good stewart and she then said recall, the people of wisconsin have done more than a million signatures to try to recall him. additional lies, that same menu he giving people of dishonesty. >> a new poll shows he is running ahead of any of the potential opponents.
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governor walker, leading tom barrett, 50-44. former dane county executive kathleen falk, leading dave obey, and tim cullen by 10 points. what are democrats see, what will you close the gap and how serious of trouble are you in? >> i think the first thing is there are several polls out there, that is one of many polls and that particular poll, the pollster is a republican and the particular individuals that he used when he did the poll there is a question about the individuals that were used in the poll. so, i question it, that is the shortest version i can give you but at this point, with almost as many signatures as he had votes, i think we're headed in the right direction, ed and i think we will have the candidates we need to go forth and continue to show this governor to be dishonest to the people of wisconsin. >> quickly, do you anticipate a
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