tv Martin Bashir MSNBC January 31, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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grace on thee ♪ we begin as florida republicans go to the polls to decide the biggest and the nastiest contest of this primary to date. mitt romney emerges after a major southern set back to hold a commanding lead going into today's vote. with just hours till the close of polls, our political forecasters nate silver gives romney a 97% chance of claiming all delegates in the winner take all state. it's a sunny day in the sunshine state for romney. the governor just has to burst into song.
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♪ oh, beautiful for spacious skies ♪ ♪ for purple mountains ma jesty above the fruit eed plain ♪ >> he's no president obama in song. would newt gingrich race up with a song? >> we going to get some singing out of you? >> a man should know his limitatio limitations. >> dirty harry couldn't have said it better. romney did offer a bit of a sad song for poor newt gingrich down in florida. >> i know the speaker is not real happy. he's not feeling very excited these days. i know. social security sad. he's been flailing around a bit trying to go after me for one thing or the other. you watch it and shake your
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head. it's been painfully revealing. >> it is a bit sad. who would blame newt for being downcast. one of his biggest boosters is waffling. >> if you were voting tomorrow, you would vote for newt. am i interpreting that right or not? >> i'd keep the process going. i'm going to continue to say good things about every gop candidate. >> good things about every candidate. thanks for nothing miss palin. at least newt gingrich has herman cain in his corner? >> if you look at both, one has some negatives that are going to be attacked, the other has negatives. the only difference is what negatives what will be attacked. >> the only difference is the negatives. that's how you talk about the man you endorsed for president.
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fine, newt can launch his on campaign of destruction. >> the conservative movement is not going to sit by and let a massachusetts liberal who is pro-abortion, pro-gun control, pro-gay rights, they aren't going topg sit back and say let rom buy the election. >> we've got a triple panel to start us off. good afternoon. david, newt is crying about the lies that mitt romney has spread in florida. of course, newt never lied about being the soul inheritor of being ronald reagan's heir, he never lied about any of his
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wives as cheated on them. do you have any sympathy for the pounding he's taken? >> i'm just not that good of a person. newt is turning himself into a doomsday machine. thp is why it's hard to feel sorry for him. turn back the hands of time to 1978. he's running for congress. he give a steech to the college republicans. he says the problem with the republican paerpt is we're not nasty enough. he's had 33 years to show us how nasty he can be whether it's lying or using the most extreme rhetoric. now when thooes on the receiving end of that, it's hard to say poor newt. he's been such a stand up guy for decades.
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he's always told the truth and this is how he is treated by mitt romney. you reap what you sow. it's a good lesson. >> goldie, how has gingrich gone from strik tor in south carolina to potentially losing fl foriday 20 points? >> to paraphrase clint eastwood, every wince in a while you run into a guy that you shouldn't mess with. mitt romney system hitting him back with newt's own record, and that's something that won't go away. we have 33 years of him on record being one of most nasty campaigners out there and now the chickens are coming home to roost for him. i think it's going to be a difficult day for newt gingrich
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today, but a very difficult february ahead. i don't see where he wins in any of the primaries or the beauty contest happening in missouri. >> newt has been complaining about being out spent high pressure his campaign announced they raised $10 million in the fourth quarter of last year and $5 million in this quarter alone. do you think he's missing the fact that voters don't like him? >> newt is whining about pretty much everything. everybody's gunning for him. the establishment doesn't like him. rick santorum won't drop out of the race so people can align behind him. mitt romney is being mean to him. it's really hard to be newt these days, in newt's ahead. >> newt has a point. he is fighting for what he would deem to be the legacy of ronald reagan.
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we know that mitt romney changes his positions more time than a hindu god. he does have a point? >> i'm not going to talk theology with you. he's receiving what he's ben doing for the last three decades as well. if he thinks he's not a flip-flopper, the paul ryan plan, sitting on that wonderful couch with nancy pelosi and attacking barack obama for being born in kenya, that's the whole thing here. the attacks that are coming against newt, a lot of them happen to be true. he just can't admit that. >> only 5% of gop delegates will be awarded. even if gingrich is wiped away today in florida, he still has something to go forward in
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february with, doesn't he? >> oh, sure. i think that's mitt romney's worth nightmare. newt is the gift that will keep on giving clearly through february even though he can't win and clear up and until super tuesday. he's going to take this into the republican convention in tampa this year. i don't think he's going to get that. he's just on a payback and a vengeful move. i think that's the long and short of it. >> don't you think newt is bound to feel positive about the south? there are a number of states there that are likely to take newt's message and run wp it again, aren't they? >> i don't think it's impossible for him to collect fair number of delegates. what you wind up with is as the momentum gets behind romney, newt will have a harder time
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with fund-raising and pressure from the delegates to get out of the race. this isn't just vetting of romney. this is full on abuse of these two guys. that's going to help obama come the general election. >> david to michelle's point, he doesn't need donors. he's got sheldon adelson on his side. if sheldon wants to push for newt, that can keep going through the summer. >> newt just be able to fly places and do what the campaign needs to do, he does need money. at some stage republican establishment will come to newt and say nice little consulting business you have there in
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washington. you knemade $2.6 million last e. it would be a pity if something happened to it. his threats like everything else he's said for 30 years aren't to be taken seriously all the time. >> david corn describing the republican establishment as the mafia. thank you so much. thanks for joining us. next, newt gingrich's money man joins us live. stay with us. >> how close is this to being over? >> i would say six months. >> six months? >> unless romney drops out. o sa, i just got the popular girls from the local middle school to follow me around. ew. seriously? so gross.
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to hear newt gingrich tell it, there are lies and then there's mitt romney. it's part of take no prisoner strategy that began after his campaign was listing in december. our next guest joined newt's new super pac. join pg us is rick tyler. >> thank you. >> newt raised $10 million in the most recent quarter and $5 million along this month and then you have sheldon adelson helping your super pac. that's correct, isn't it? >> that's what i heard. >> why is he complaining about being out spent when he has millions of dollars himself? >> all accounts i can tell they
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spent anywhere from 17 to $20 million. we sent six. we have been out spent because we have less cash. we need to reserve cash going forward. we did our best to compete here. there was no question that mitt romney spent a lot more money here ant spent almost all of it on negative attacks against newt gingrich. >> thinking for the specific relationship with sheldon adelson and his wife, was it you that negotiated that because obviously newt isn't allowed to? >> no, sort of. >> yes, no, yes, which one would you like? >> he can speak for any donor he wants. he can't ask for more than 25 hundred. i did not, no. i did not speak to him.
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>> who negotiated that deal? >> i'm not going to comment on it. >> why not? >> i don't speak for my donors. i don't represent them. if you want to know why they supported newt gingrich, ask them. >> i'm not asking you why. i'm asking who did the deal? >> i'm not going to get into the process. >> that's interesting. let's move on . here is what mitt romney said in part about the lessons he learned. >> in south carolina, we were vastly out spent with negative ads attacking me. we stood back and spoke about president obama. >> romney said he was vastly out spent in south carolina. is that the way you remember it? >> no. we've heard it all now. this is guy is so at odds with the truth. there's got to be like a birth defect. he doesn't understand when he's not telling the truth because he
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says it so convincingly. the idea that we out spent him in south carolina is ridiculous. >> you're fairly clear that mitt romney is a liar from birth. is that what you're saying? >> i can't explain how this guy lies so convincingly. he lies about his record. he lies about newt's record and now he's lying about how much money we spent in south carolina. we know we spent $3.5 million. >> let's focus on lying. mr. gingrich and his supporters release add robo call. it was targeting elderly jewish republicans. take a listen to this. >> mitt romney ve toed a bill paying for kosher food and our seniors in nursing homes. >> what do you know about that
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robo call? >> i don't know anything about it. lots of calls go out for lots of reasons. i have no idea what the source is. i can't comment on it. >> do you know the massachusetts legislature overroad the veto. the kitchens were never eliminated. >> romney ve vetoed it. >> why did you not include that if you're concerned about telling the truth? >> you'll have to ask them. >> we can't talk to you about sheldon adelson or that robo call. after his second wife, newt gingrich's second wife gave an interview where she said he wanted an open marriage, mr. gingrich said during the debate
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that he offered several independent witnesses who would disprove his wife's claim. that was a lie because his spokesman admitted that mr. gingrich didn't offer any individuals aside from his two daughters. >> first of all, i don't comment on the speaker's life. i'm not his personal spokesperson. >> you've complained, you've had every opportunity on our broadcast to complain. you've accused mitt romney of having a birth defect that means he can't tell the truth from falsehood. >> he can't tell the truth. he can't tell the truth. >> i've allowed you to say that, sir. i'm interested in why mr. gingrich would lie twice in a debate and with the moderator afterward that his spokesman admitted was untrue. why would he do that?
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>> i don't know the details. >> what about the claim that mr. gingrich is the true inheriter of ronald reagan's legacy. >> that's what michael reagan said. he said he's the inheritor of the conservative legacy. do you really think mitt romney is the inheriter. >> we're talking about your candidate for the moment. >> if it isn't newt who led the republicans to the victory for the first time in 40 years, who balanced the budget under his speakership then i'd like to know who it is. >> reagan's biographer claimed he had nothing to do with the
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revelation. >> nobody is claiming he has full responsibility. he worked with jack kemp who passed reagan's economic program that led to a massive job creation. he was tonl guy that believed the republicans should billion the majority and worked for 16 years to get him in the majority. you don't want to hear any of that? >> i do. i would like to stop on what mr. gingrich has been hammering relentlessly. it's the issue of his relationship to ronald reagan. he blasted reagan for his summit with gorbachev. it was the most dangerous summit for the west. in return, gingrich is mentioned once in reagan's diaries where the late former president said newt's idea on a budget freeze would cripple the program. >> what's the point?
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>> you claim mitt romney lying and your own candidate is not telling the truth repeatedly. he lies repeatedly. >> newt also complained about ronald reagan wanting to raise taxes in 1982. when newt was complaining. ronald reagan was a great president. his legacy holds. >> it's slightly false to claim to be the sole inheriter. >> he didn't say that, nancy reagan said that. it's on video. you can watch it yourself. >> i've seen the video. she refers to mr. gingrich and members of congress, as you know. let's move on for a moment. >> who he was leading the republicans in the congress.
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>> let's move on. >> let's move on. >> there's some commentators, you've refused to answer specific questions. >> you asked me questions that i can't answer. we'll move on. >> some commentators who say that mr. gingrich's lie concerns the notion that he's an outsider and another lobbyist. you know that he was elected in 1979. he served for 20 years. he opens an office on k street. he consults for numerous companies. he claims to be an outsider. that, sir, has got to be false, hasn't it? >> no, it isn't. newt gingrich spent his whole career by being the anti-establishment.
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there's a reason the establishment doesn't like newt gingrich. they know if he's in washington, he'll change things. that's a falsehood. newt gingrich never lobbied. i worked with him for 12 years. i attended those classes every year. mitt romney who claims to have saved the olympics, and i'll give him credit for that. you know how he did it? influence peddling. it's ridiculous. >> i think we can conclude that both of them have probably misrepresented the truth in equal measure. thank you very much for joini i us. stay with us. more more from sunny florida straight ahead. ♪ oh, beautiful for spacious
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there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first. get more whole grain than any other ingredient... just look for the white check. just a few hours to go before the final polls close in florida. newt gingrich is attempting to garner last minute voters. mr. gingrich is vowing to stay on. moments ago gingrich commenced his fourth campaign event for the day. joining us now is ron mott who has been on the trial will mr. gingrich all day. how are you? >> good. how are you? >> how they are they handling it? >> he seemed upbeat.
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i think he is doing what you learned in politics 101 is put the best face forward when staring at defeat. he's trying to send a message in a lot of ways to voters down the schedule. we go to nevada with him tomorrow. there's six other states that there hold primaries and caucuses. he wants to make sure those voters who are considering supporting him, don't abandon him if he goes down in a mighty big way here in florida, which the poll numbers seem to indicate. >> you heard him earlier today saying that he'll stay in this for another six months until mitt romney drops out. how realistic is newt gingrich being at the moment? >> probably not real estate for mitt romney to drop out. you have to have some money. i had a sit down with him last friday and asked him how was it going in terms of fund-raising.
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he said it's gotten better. he's got to have money. he's got mr. adelson out in las vegas. he's going to need a lot more money to compete on an even kil with the romney campaign. there's no debates until the next three weeks or so. he's got an uphill climb in the month of february. >> thank you very much for joining us. prim time coverage of the florida primary starts at 6:00. stay with us. more fireworks as the day's to lines are coming up. ♪ ♪ onpas. it's powerful relief that works at the site of pain and lasts up to 12 hours. salonpas.
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really no comparison. here are the day's to lines. >> i know the speaker is not happy. he's not feeling very excited. i know, it's sad. >> it's not over if you lose big here? >> he's been flailing around a bit trying to go after me. >> pro-abortion, pro-gun control. >> you just watch and shake your head. it's been painfully revealing. >> my kind of crowd. ♪ for purple mountains ma jesty above the fruited plain ♪ >> i think you have to know your limitations. ♪ i so in love with you >> the obama administration is engaged in war. >> at no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that
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could be considered a rational thought. >> we deserve better than gutter politics that we have been seeing. >> i will not accept debates in the fall. >> if you were voting tomorrow, you'd vote for newt? >> i'd keep the process going. >> send them to the moon, he says. >> we are going to go all the way to the convention, and we are going to win in tampa. >> the time and the calendar and the team and the organizations. >> we're going to be the nominee be your help of the republican party. >> in a gop primary that's soaked in sins of envy, adultery and lying just to name a few. let's get right to our panel.
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nevada holds caucuses instead of a primary. would you expect the same result this time around? >> yeah, i think romney has to be the favorite there. one danger for him is that there are very high expectations going into nevada. last time around about 26% of the primary was made up of mormon. there hasn't been any polling real recently there. it's was a lot closer than people might have expected. >> right. lynn, in your blog you wrote this. nevada like florida that been crippled by the collapse of the housing market. the romney team jammed gingrich on his consulting contract with fretd dee mac. romney made it crystal collar freddie mac was not going to go away.
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will his ties to freddie mac be ultimately gingrich's achilles heel in nevada as it has to some extent been in florida? >> possibly because you cannot overstate how important the housing collapse is in nevada. nevada and florida are perfect bookends if you want examples of the worst examples of the housing collapse. nevada, he's already had some advertising by the nevada paper. so far he hasn't bought anything. there are a few days left. romney and the super pac had some effective ads running. newt gingrich has to figure out a better answer for what he did for the company other than being a historian. >> right. nobody seems to accept that.
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>> he was not in the contract. >> of course, absolutely. where will newt's resources come from if he loses tonight by more than ten have to point out, i saw an unbelievable stat related to that that 92% of the advertising dollars spent in florida were for negative ads. 92%, which i just find shocking. the big question is sheldon adelson or another one of his family members willing to kick a bit more into the super pac. newt raised about $5 million. he has enough money in his own campaign to continue flying around the country and going from state to state. i think he's serious when he says he's going to keep going. >> even a billionaire caseino
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owner will look at a double digit defeat and realize it isn't worth betting on? >> he plays to win. i don't want to get inside his head. >> lynn, what are your thoughts about money and newt going forward. >> it's a much cheaper media market. you need millions. really battling with about 60,000 republicans in nevada and compare that to 600,000 already voted early in florida. it's a more intimate process. to look at the longer few months ahead, newt gingrich can compete but he may not be able to compete to win. a lot depends on his strategy for explaining his minuses knowing he's going to be hit were more negative advertising. not enough to complain about it. find a solution.
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>> i think it's important that ron paul has been organizing in nevada and does well in these caucus states. he could be a factor there as well. >> thanks so much for joining us from florida. thank you. >> thank you. next, even the band survivor is mad at newt. stay with us. ♪ [ kate ] many women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller.
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a little over a year ago, this nation fell into a moment of real reflection after congresswoman gabby giffords was shot in the head and six other people were killed. concerns were expressed about the lack of civility and our lack of discourse. many promised to improve the way they spoke to and about each
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other. here is what happened over the weekend when one congressman unleashed his views on the president, former speaker and nan see pelosi, harry reid and the chair of the dnc. >> take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will somewhere else. you can take it to europe. you can take it to the bottom of the sea. you can take it north poll, but get out of the united states of america. >> we're joined now by democratic congressman jim moran of virginia. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> what is provoking this behavior? we have a congressman suggesting that the president who won a
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majority at the last election should get out of this country. >> you know human nature. it's weakness of character. did you see the play the "lion kin king"? >> i did. >> don't they remind you of the hyenas. people like mr. west is not only representative of the african-american community or of the republican people yet alone the american public. what he says is of little or no consequence. it's unfortunate. he just seems clueless. now that he has climbed aboard ship, he's climbed this ladder of opportunity that was constructed by so many of his ancestors, sweat, sacrifice, blood. they did everything they could for his generation to be
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successful, but now he's climbed board, he wants to push the ladder off. i'm up here. if you're not with me, too bad. president obama, fortunately, is the kind of guy that says i was very fortunate to get where i am, and i'm going to steady that ladder of opportunity by reducing college tuition and training our workers, trying to get a decent job for everybody and making sure that while i'm african-american, it really doesn't matter. what matters is my commitment to public service, my love for this country, and i'm going to leave a constructive legacy. he doesn't engage in any of this nonsense. there's all these other hyenas in the background trying to cause trouble. i think they should get what they deserve, which is to be completely ignored.
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>> one of the things that many of our viewers find interesting in republican circle s how they refer to governor sarah palin who couldn't kplicomplete a ter office, speak of gingrich who was forced to resign and yet they find it impossible to refer to him as president obama. why is this? >> they're insecure. it's because it's weakness of character. i think they resent president obama because he has a self-confidence. he knows his inner core is in the right place. he knows he has a vision for america. he knows it's the right vision for america. there's always going to be people on the sidelines booing
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no matter how successful you are. that's just human nature. they are unrepresentative. that's the good news. the bad news is they get a lot of attention and especially with mr. gingrich, he seems to be competitive. he's going to self-destruct and that's going to be the story of the republican primary. what becomes apparent is the grace, the strength of our president and the weakness, the rudeness of his distractors. >> congressman jim moran, thank you, sir. >> thanks. >> we'll be back with much more. ♪ wake up!
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it's been a mean week for newt gingrich. not only is he expected to get traunsed in florida, but he's been hit by the band survivor for using "eye of the tiger" at campaign events. jed phillips is a supporters of mr. gingrich for president. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> now the tea party helped elect governor rick scott, senator marco rubio, and alan west, and that's just in florida. why have they not come out for newt? >> a lot of the tea party have. and we're going to see what the results are tonight. a lot of the polling indicates that the race is tightening a bit. >> judson, the poll was 20-point
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difference. that doesn't suggest narrow. >> as of today, it was 9%. the polls seem to be narrowing a bit. there's a lot of them out there. we'll see the results tonight. we can have that discussion what actually happened next time i'm on. >> do you think it's because mitt romney has been effective in explaining that gingrich claims to be an outsider and just completely bogus. he claims he's not a lobbyist. he hasn't persuaded anyone. as a contributor said, he hasn't given a persuasive enough answer for the things he's done. >> romney has been in florida just absolutely carpet bombing florida with negative ads. >> 92% of the ads have been negative. you're right. >> it's horrendous. i spent the last four days down in florida on a tour talking with people down there. and that was the big complaint that everybody had. and i don't care who they were
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supporting. they were tired of the negative ads. they wanted candidates to start talking about what they are going to do and what the election means and what their plan is for 2013. nobody cares that anybody is lying. they all lie. what they want to know is what are you going to do. stop the bickering with each other. tell us what you're going to do. >> thank you so much. you just said they are both lying. that's what you said, didn't you? >> yeah. every politician lies. >> you agree there's a vast amount of lying by both the main candidates. >> i'm going to defend gingrich. mitt romney is lying about almost everything. >> come on, judson. >> i know something about lying. if mitt romney lies one more time, the florida bar association is going to investigate him. >> very quickly. how did gingrich go from doing so well in south carolina and then to perform so poorly, if
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the polls are right, here in florida? what has happened? >> i think as a practical matter, mitt romney has a better demographic down there. this is the middle of winter. a lot of the folks who are down there are the snow birds who requested financial asylum from places like massachusetts and other high tax states. >> judson, is the real reason for why newt collapsed because he said recently that by the end o of his second term he would be developing a colony on the moon and by 2020 there would be a regular shuttle service to mars? >> no. the reason newt's numbers are so low, he's being outspent four to one on attack ads. and one thing you and i will agree on. negative attacks are very effective. and when you're outnumbers four to one, that's the impression that a lot of people are going
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to be left with. let's face it. you and i love this stuff. we eat it up. day in and day out. the average voter down there does not. that's what influences. >> judson phillips, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, martin. >> thank you for watching. prime time coverage of the florida primary starts at 6:00 p.m. tonight with "politics nation." dylan ratigan is next. [ male announcer ] if you think tylenol is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain,
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