tv Martin Bashir MSNBC February 16, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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don't tell. yes, we begin with mayhem in michigan. the crucial battleground state where mitt romney is facing the fight of his campaign. a new poll shows more trouble for mitt in the state where theo be the to dog. rick santorum is up four points up on romney in the state where romney was born, spent to school and his father was the governor. romney has gone to great, terribly awkward pains to remind voters that he's an old time michigan er. >> i was born and raised here. i like seeing the lakes. it's very special here. i love cars. i grew up totally loving cars. i love american cars and long may they rule the world. >> as the millionaire tries to cast himself as mittey from the
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block, santorum is doing a drive by giving a major speak just 25 miles from romney's high school and taking him to task on his taxes. >> i do my own taxes. romney paid half the taxes i did. i believe in creating opportunities for working folks. hi grandfather was a coal miner. he was the treasurer of his union. >> romney faces his biggest challenge because the settle in michigan matters. every day to bring fresh misery for mitt. take today's news that general motors posted record profit last year, $7.6 billion. that news coming just two days after romney argued in an editorial that the president's rescue of the auto industry was wrong, all wrong. for voters in michigan, it's another chance to watch roboto
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romney trying to turn himself into a care bear. >> i care very deeply about the auto industry. i want to make sure we have good jobs not just for a few weeks but many years. i want michigan to come back in a big way. i've taken on union bosses before. i'm happy to take them on again. >> you fought the unions like on your 2002 campaign website. it said in today's challenging economy it's more important for union members to work together with state government to promote economic development and job opportunity. always notable for his unchanging commitment to the issues. let's bring in our panel now.
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welcome to all. mitt is down in the polls. gm posts higher profits ever and rick santorum pays double the amount in taxes. how is it going for mr. romney in michigan? >> this is very, very awkward for him. santorum's campaign has made it very clear that they would like to kind of change the trajectory by changing governor romney in the state that he was supposed to win easily, and they're making good grounds. if he can't carry michigan they're going to argue he can't get the swing states. i'm not sure what romney will be left with. >> dr. peterson, i don't really know how to introduce this next sound bite from foster freeze on the issue of contraception. >> this contraception thing, my
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gosh, it's such inexpensive. back in my days they used bayer aspirin. the girls put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly. >> this is the man who is funding rick santorum's campaign. what do you make of that kind of comment? >> it's despicable. it's sad that we're having these kind of discussions. we're rolling back scores of years of progress that women have made and we fought to try to maintain and if the republican right is going to situate themselves on this side of this particular debate, they're going to lose. they will lose women in the republican party. they're going to lose women in other parties and women who are independents. they cannot win this battle. >> jonathan, i was hammered for drawing a visual comparison between rick santorum speaking and george orwell book, 1984.
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foster freeze book sound as if they are from another generation, putting aspirin between your legs. help me. >> it just happened. these fire storms take a little while to develop. i think within the next day or so you're going to see an awful lot of blow back on mr. freeze. he is keeping the santorum race alive. this is what we have come to that these campaigns depend not just on the candidates but on billionaires who are behind them. somebody like foster freeze is going to be an overnight sensation, notorious in this country. i'm not sorry that contraception is an issue. i think it's fantastic news because what it does is it exposes the culture war for what it is which is on one side you have people who want to take us
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back to 19th century approaches to dealing with our problems, intrude into people's bedrooms and private lives. on capitol hill they are debating a bill that's co-sponsored by scott brown. this bill allows not just insurance company but your boss to say i won't provide any contraception as part of my plan. people don't want their bosses in their bedroom. this is a total loser for the republican party. the republican strategyist are bashing their teeth. >> i thought it was about the economy. it seems from what jonathan is saying, it's about contraception. >> this is not what rick santorum or any of the republican candidates want it to be. this was supposed to be an
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economic race. even on that economy is getting better. employment numbers are getting better. this makes it tougher saying sure it's getting better, but let's change horses mid stream. you have a bit of an opening for social issues to come up. unlike abortion where half the country is pretty seriously split, it's hard to find an issue that more people agree on than the fact that contraception is a widespread good even within the catholic community. >> dr. peterson, romney doesn't have fluency with conservative ideas. isn't he saying he's a massachusetts moderate? >> mitt romney doesn't have a base. he has no base in the republican party. no base amongst conservatives. no base with independents or moderates or liberals. he try to play to other people's
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bases. this is why he looks inauthentic. he cannot win this michigan because the president has won the battle. >> you don't think he will win in michigan. that's got to be a catastrophe for him? >> they better be doing damage control. look at gm's numbers. the economy is slowly improving. there's nothing for them to talk about which is contraception which is an absurd debate for anyone to be engaging. it's important to see where the culture wars are. look at how retrograde and regressive they are at this particular moment in the 21st century. >> rick santorum is climbing, and you and i have been here several times in the last few months and seen these individual anti-romney candidates fly out. there's something about santorum that feels like it will be much more consistent than gingrich. he hasn't had multiple affairs.
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he hasn't been accused of sexual a harassment. he appears to have a greater credibility. >> he does with the base and social conservatives. even if it's unelectable, he believes contraception is wrong. he said that. he's on tv saying that. i think such a person cannot be elected president in our country. he could get the nomination, but he's going to need money. that's why this news about foster freeze is important. if he's driven out of the picture by this gaffe, that could be problematic for santorum because he doesn't have as much money as mitt romney does. even if mitt romney were to lose michigan, that would be a long way from driving him out of the race. >> indeed.
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thank you all for joining us. >> thank you. coming up, more trouble from those east coast snobs. stay with us. >> don't you see how they see you? how they look down their nose at the average americans? >> she stepped on the ball. >> oh, my god. i don't believe it. >> these elite snobs. [ applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] this is coach parker... whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪
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one democratic congresswoman walked out of a hearing that democrats say was stacked against anyone who believes in birth control. a hearing on the white house kro compromise had no female witnesses. five men, not one woman. darrell issa called it fair. democrats called it foul. >> what i want to know is where are the women? >> we now go to the gentleman from texas. >> talk about abridging freedom of speech. >> joining us now democratic congresswoman eddie bernice johnson of texas. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> congressman issa found two women for the day's second panel, just so you know, both of whom agree with him. that first panel no women. is it mr. issa's view that contraception is best discussed
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solely by men or is this the most reprehenceable doppler radar disregard for women that we have seen in a generation. >> no question about that. they always bring people that don't have a need to even consider these type of issues. of all the people that we could have gotten as witnesses, why couldn't they have found some women, childbearing age women who could tell you the value of having that freedom of choice. they want to say it has nothing to do with birth control. it has all to do with birth control. it has nothing to do with religion. this country guarantees us a freedom of religion. that's why there's a freedom of choice as to whether someone wants to use birth control. it's not a forced issue. it's not male issue. it's a female issue.
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i've never met a man that had the need for birth control. >> at the beginning of the hearing, congressman issa invoked j.f.k., ghandi and martin luther king jr. what would say they about freedom of conscience? when you think of of j.f.k. and ghandi, do you think issa? >> i did not know he knew those personalities. he has generated no idea, none of their ideas nor has he acted as if he's aware of their philosophy. in any committee, not just this one, it's really ironic, it must be something they get that the they practice. what we find it seems to me that in every committee they start off the day looking for something to bash the president
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about. that's all this is about. i guess that they have instructions from senator mcconnel that the first priority is to defeat the president so no matter what he does they make an issue of it. >> with direct reference to that after the president's compromise measure last week, senator roy blunt is adding an amendment has told the heritage foundation that the language is intentionally broad to allow for current and future concerns regarding religious freedom. doesn't that mean if an employer believes solely say in faith healing, they can refuse to pay for any federally mandated health care service whether it's maternity care or diabetes testing? >> it's totally against the bill. i'm really surprised at senator blunt. i worked with him in the house. i considered him a very fine gentleman who was fair.
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you can tell that he's in the senate listening to senator mcconnel to try to defeat this president so common sense is gone. this doesn't make sense what he's talking about. >> mr. blunt, mr. issa and even joe walsh was on that committee, what do you make of these men finding time to focus on the issue of contraception when we still have 40 million people unemployed and the issue of the economic recovery still very much staring us all in the face? >> we're facing a transportation bill that will kill jobs, continue to make our infrastructure go to pieces and make our bridges fall. they still have time to bring these emotional topics and try to spread rumors rather than facts in order to keep the public aroused. this time the public is aware of
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what's going on. we can tell by the polls. i can tell by my mail. i'm so pleased that the people get it. >> absolutely. congresswoman eddie bernice johnson. thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much. next, the president hits the road while mitt romney salutes be muscle car. stay with us. >> i'm just -- this really does bring back memories. any old girlfriends here? oh, have to be careful. ann's not here today. don't tell. ♪ let's go to the hop my heart attack happened completely out of the blue... i was so young... you just don't think that that's something
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that can happen to you. i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. first line of defense, right? without the stuff that we make here, you wouldn't be able to walk in your house and flip on your lights. [ brad ] at ge we build turbines that power the world. they go into power plants which take some form of energy, harness it, and turn it into more efficient electricity. [ ron ] when i was a kid i wanted to work with my hands, that was my thing. i really enjoy building turbines. it's nice to know that what you're building is gonna do something for the world. when people think of ge, they typically don't think about beer. a lot of people may not realize that the power needed to keep their budweiser cold and even to make their beer comes from turbines made right here. wait, so you guys make the beer? no, we make the power that makes the beer. so without you there'd be no bud? that's right. well, we like you. [ laughter ] ♪
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after wrapping up some campaign events in los angeles this afternoon, the president is enroute to san francisco where he will continue to raise funds for the general election in november. let's get to michael viqueira who is at the white house. the president in campaign mode on the west coast this week already several big dollar fund raisers. i understand he's got some more as the week continues. is that right? >> reporter: it's a three-day trip. it started yesterday in milwaukee. he ends the trip tomorrow in seattle at another boeing facility. in between that eight fund raisers for about $8 million. he had some in los angeles last night. two of them, as a matter of fact, with some of the stars of
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tinsel town, including will ferrel. this morning he was in a conservative redoubt of orange county. he is winging his way now on air force one. >> weekly jobless claims are down again this week, the lowest since march 2008. i don't want to jinx anything for the president, but i'm assuming the white house is welcoming the numbers as a further sign of a recovery economy. >> reporter: it's almost as if they don't want to say anything, tiptoeing around this great karma because they don't want to shatter whatever has settled over the economy. it appears to be turning on a dime. nobody wants to get too optimistic.
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it's been down .8% the resident first lady surprised visitors to the white house with bo the dog and said hello to everyone. that's a surprise. >> it's not the first time she's done this. i believe it's the third or fourth time. we see more and more of the first lady. it was a three-day trip to florida which happens to be a swing state. one of the first groups she greeted into the blue room was a tour group from michigan, another swing state. after that he was just a random selection from all over the country. there were school groups. there were older people. there were younger people. some became very emotional. i believe this woman in the purple started crying and brought to tears. bo the dog next to her. the first lady greeting guests for about an hour and twenty minutes this morning. >> fantastic.
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it's nothing new to you but to those people it's fabulous. >> reporter: absolutely. thanks. stay with us. the day's to lines are coming up. >> got the fire in my belly to try to help, to try to make a difference and if that involves running for public office at some point in the future, i'm game for that. ♪ run to the hills yeah, you -- you know, everything can cost upwards of...[ whistles ] i did not want to think about that. relax, relax, relax. look at me, look at me. three words, dad -- e-trade financial consultants. so i can just go talk to 'em? just walk right in and talk to 'em. dude, those guys are pros. they'll hook you up with a solid plan. they'll -- wa-- wa-- wait a minute. bobby? bobby! what are you doing, man? i'm speed dating! [ male announcer ] get investing advice for your family at e-trade. and most importantly, its lobster.
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[ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! have i got a surprise for you! yeah, [ bait's beneful healthy fiesta. gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. ever think healthy could taste so good? [ woman announcing ] beneful healthy fiesta. from mitt romney, ladies man to sarah palin, full of something. here are today's to line, shake and bake. >> i'm just delighted to be back in michigan. >> the establishment has been for romney. >> this does bring back memories. any old girlfriends here? oh, have to be careful. >> these elite snobs. >> i'm joe kennedy.
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i'm announcing a campaign to be your democratic nominee. >> the economy is getting stronger. the recovery is speeding up. >> the president finally came around to my own view that detroit needed to go through manage bankruptcy. >> i don't get it. i don't see why he's not catching on better. >> if rick santorum becomes president, does he like women? >> little conservative for me. thinks life begins at erection. >> contraception is okay. it's not okay. it's a license to do things in the sexual realm. >> i saw every county of this beautiful state. >> he's the guy that considers himself next in line. he's like, but i'm number six. they don't like him, the voters. >> he reminds me of the guy you see on the package of underpants. >> who is this thing from
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alaska? i'm got the fire in my belly to try to help. we would be looking at a brokered convention. if that's the case, all bets are off. i would do whatever i could to help. >> let's get right to it this afternoon with our panel. joining me is krystal ball and perry bacon. good afternoon to both of you. perry, you heard sarah palin there. she said she will do whatever it takes to help. do you think she could enter this race? >> no, i don't. >> thank heavens for that. >> in the interview she mentions fire in her belly. she clearly does not have the fire in her belly. she was begged to run. she considered running. she won't run. she does not have the fire in her belly. she seems to want to be a celebrity on fox news much more
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than a candidate to answer questions and read books. >> she certainly is. krystal, being serious, foster freeze said on andrea mitchell's show that his day gals used bayer aspirin between their knees as contraception. >> i was watching the show when he said that and i was totally blown away. i think andrea was as well. i saw one person suggest he hold an aspirin between his lips hen he's thinking about talking about birth control. i look from the broader perspective of just normal american women who are watching rick santorum's view unfold. they are watching this contraception debate unfold. they have to look at these guys and go, you can't be serious. >> you know rick santorum would
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outlaw it. he would make it something states can remove and ban it. foster freeze, i'm assuming shares that view. >> i think it would be interesting to have the funders speak for them to see what they are finding so appealing. women have to be thinking, birth control. we're going to have a fight about birth control when i'm trying to send my kids to college. i'm trying to put food on the table. >> i'm trying to keep my job. >> we're going to fight about birth control. you can't be real. >> perry, moving onto mitt romney for a moment. we're hearing that he's decided he's not going to participate in a march 1st cnn debate in atlanta. that's the tuesday before super tuesday. we know he's slumping in the polls in michigan and he's being overtaken nationally by rick santorum. is romney beginning to run scared, do you think? >> this is a very surprising
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development. if he loses in michigan and skips a debate, it's basic problem for him. i'll be honest, i'm not looking forward to another debate, and i don't blame mitt romney from being bored with them too. that said, it's not usually a good move when you're slumping in the polls to say, don't want to stand on stage. i'll be curious to see how they explain it. it makes him seem weak. >> we heard sarah palin talking about a brokered convention. she used that phrase a number of times on fox. do you manage a broken convention to include people like donald trump and herman cain. >> i don't think given what we have seen, i don't think you can rule anything out. i think perry is right, we probably won't see sarah palin. to be fair, she's the only one of these people that is seeing what a general election looks like. i don't think she wants to go back there.
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i don't think it was a fun time for her. she loves to play with these ideas. she's got to look at field and recognize they are pretty lame. maybe i should have thrown my hat in. >> newt gingrich hasn't been forgotten. take a listen to this. >> if newt gingrich can speak for american catholics, then it's true, in america, anything is possible. just consider what can happen. the cast of jersey shore can lead a national campaign for manners, humility and modesty. if newt gingrich can do it, why can't they. >> good old newt being mocked. a poll has him with a 63% disapproval rating. things are tough for newt and he's being mocked everywhere. >> we knew this everywhere. the people that knew him best, all of them endorsed romney or
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someone else. that told us that newt would not wear well on the campaign trail. santorum, people seem to like him more as he goes forward. in iowa he seems to game support. >> he's actually achieving a level of disapproval amongst americans that no other politician has managed. >> until you put the american in there, i was going to may maybe ahmadinejad. i think the only personal that could rival him is sarah palin. america has a short attention span and capability to stand newt gingrich. >> we're watching him live in beverly hills where he's appealing for money because as you can see he's not there for a primary that's coming up any
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time soon. he's looking for money. we all knew that newt has a problem with his past, the serial adult, kicked out of congress, having to resign as speaker, the fine, or what he calls reimbursement. it seems his actions now have led the american people to loathe him. >> it's hard to put your finger on it, but there's something about him that does rub people the wrong way. his manner of speaking, his very unequivocal denouncement of other people and ideas. americans don't like that and it doesn't wear well. >> the professor himself not wearing well. thank you so much. coming up, housing stocks up, foreclosures too. we try to make sense of the housing market. stay with us. >> i visited every county in michigan i think more than once on my dad's campaign and my
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mom's campaign. i've gone to the county fair. i didn't always see the best of each county. i saw every county of this extraordinarily beautiful state. ♪ they call me the wanderer laundry smells good for a long time. nmm mmn. really, you can have it! take it joe. ♪ downy unstopables [ sniffs ] see you around. hey kid, catch! wow! no thanks, mean joe. ♪ downy last time i'm doing this. spark card from capital one. spark cash gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. it's hard for my crew to keep up with 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. 2% cash back. that's setting the bar pretty high. thanks to spark, owning my own business
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ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. u.s. intelligence officials say iran is not closer to abandoning iss nuclear program. yesterday president ahmadinejad was shown showing off the latest advancements and threatening to cut off oil if sanctions persist. peter welsh is a democrat from vermont and deputy whip. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> can i get your reaction to today's testimony on contraception where not a single woman was allowed to give evidence or present points in
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the initial hearing, in the initial panel? >> why ask somebody who is affected? this the genius of darrell issa. the health care bill that we passed makes contraceptives available to all women as preventive medicine. that makes sense. it was a compromise that was worked out to deal with the concerns of the bishops. now what you're seeing is the oversight committee trying to turn this into a church-state deal and obviously, i think he didn't get media 101 training when he didn't invite a single effected woman, namely a woman. >> you say he hasn't had media training, but this is a fundamental issue of self-awareness. a bunch of men talking about contraception and birth control that affects women. i just don't understand what's going on there. >> well, we went from just the
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bishop speaking now to just the white males in congress speaking. women ought to have major say in this. it's pretty shocking to have a hearing where there's no minority witnesses. where there's no witness from the gender that is daily affected by access or not to contraceptives. this just a politicalization of the issue and lacks any credibility when you don't have people that are affected sitting and being able to answer questions and make their point known. >> it's embarrassing that you and i should be discussing this issue. there we are. let's move onto iran. nobody a part from mitt romney want any conflict with iran. here is speaker boehner saying the president should do more on the diplomatic front. >> the sanctions are working, but congress passed sanctions act. we gave the president a lot of
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tools to use. he's used some of them, but there are more tools available to the president to try to bring iran into the world community. >> now, the israeli prime minister does have a point when he says all nations should draw red lines against iranian aggression. what should the red line mean for the united states? >> there's two issues. there's a lot talk about the strait of hormuz and if iran or any other country closes off shipping, that's a red line. that's distinct from the nuclear issue. the nuclear issue is extremely difficult. there's unity in the european union and the arab league about trying to close off iranian nuclear activities. the sanctions are very tough. we've got broad base support for them. they are starting to work. on the other hand, iran just kind of wild.
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there's a lot of bereligilliger talk from mr. ahmadinejad. on a recent trip to that country with eric cantor, i flaerds the the leaders over there sober use of force. >> speaking of military force, pakistan is hosting the iranian president and the afghan president today. where do things stand with regard to our tense relationship with pakistan, and should we be worried that someone like ahmadinejad is in a nation like pakistan that already has nuke her weaponry? >> of course we should be
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concerned. it shows the power of concentrating the mind by letting him know we are not going to keep our troops and taxpayers involved in afghanistan indefinitely. the president had a goal of bringing our troops by 2014. now it's moved up to 2013. you see him engaging in discusses with the taliban and there has to be a political outcome to this. this is a good thing. >> thanks so much. you're traversed so much territory for us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> stay with us. >> we consider hippos and dogs and cats. in the end i could not resist ellis the elephant. ♪
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ncht these are live pictures of the president having just stair. he's there to speak at a numb of fundraisers this evening. one possible topic, it could be housing. earlier this week, a $26 billion settlement which reached with the five biggest banks over the foreclosure crisis. some critics say that's not enough. joining us to discuss is the housing secretary shawn donovan. thank you. $26 billion is a considerable amount of money. but a lot of ordinary americans are angry that there hasn't been a single criminal prosecution of any of those individuals who ran a number of these mortgage companies who were responsible for unethical, fraudulent
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practices. >> there are criminal prosecutions that have happened, whether it's a ceo who led one of the biggest lenders. but let's step back here. this is the single-biggest action to hold the banks accountable $25 billion since the crisis began. it's the biggest settlement in the history of the country. but is it enough? absolutely number. >> the figure averaged out would be like $2,000 to people who lost their homes according to to unfeign fork practice. . $2,000 for people who have suffered in this way? >> just to be clear, there's almost automatic payment of $2,000 to folks that were wrongly hurt by the servicing practices. not just lost their home, but extra fees that were delay ed i terms of "the help" they were getting. to be clear, there's a whole different process set up as well to help those families recover.
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if they lost $100,000. and on average, there will be a million homeowners that will be helped with principle reductions that will be tens of thousands of dollars. but again, let's step back. this is only focused on the servicing and the foreclosure practices. the truth is, the conduct that really brought down the economy was the origination and the securitization of these mortgages in the first place. that's why the president announced a new task force with the attorney general to bring together the powers to go after the banks. it's only one miss of a series of steps we have announced in the last few weeks to refinance homeowners under water. so it's a very important step. but it's only one step in a larger picture of the things we're doing for the housing market. >> what future steps do you hope to take. we have sgl we have to hold the banks accountable. in fact, just yesterday, we announced after a long effort with the southern district of
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new york, the u.s. attorney there, action to hold citibank responsible. there's going to be a drum beat that will continue going forward. but the other things we have to do, we have to help people refinance. we have millions of homeowners paying bills every day, doing the right thing, but haven't been able to take advantage of the lowest interest rate in 50 years. the president announced a proposal to help every american save about $3,000 a year who can refinance. that's one step we have to take. he also announced a homeowner bill of rights. we have to make sure that going forward, when a homeowner makes the most important financial decision of their life lives, that they are protected. no more hidden fees. and once they get the home, they are treated in a way they can be assured they can keep it. >> we say a home is a castle. u.s. housing secretary, thank
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it's time now to clear the air. one of the most overused cliches deployed every day by politicians is the phrase "the american people." candidates use these words to align themselves with the electorate claiming they know how we feel about an issue and they are on our side. they are our representatives. and one man who loves to use the phrase over and over again is one newt gingrich. >> i am concerned about all of the american people. >> to tell the truth to the american people. >> unleash the american people. >> we don't have the problem with the american people. >> we kept our word to the american people. >> the american people are not inferior to anyone. >> but this week, newt gingrich
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doesn't need to say anything on behalf of the american people because they have spoken. yes, in two separate polls, the american people have made their feelings abun didn't lay clear. in a cnn opinion research poll, 63% of americans say they have an unfavorable view of newt gingrich with just 25% saying they regard him in a positive light. a new york times poll has 54% of negative view of gingrich. it really is hard to believe that just three weeks ago, gingrich was flying high, leaving competitors in the dust, storming towards the nomination. but in the process, the american people got to see his true colors. they were listening when he chose to use coded language to attack the president. they saw him pick up
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endorsements from discredited candidates like rick perry and herman cain. they even heard sarah palin offer her support. now the american people have spoken and they say that he is the most unpopular person in american politics at this moment in history. and the worst thing of all, he's now even less popular than sarah palin. the king is dead. long live the queen. thank you so much for watching. dylan ratigan is here and ready to take us forward. dylan, how are you? >> very well. and yourself? i don't have a lot on my mind today. how was your show? >> it was jam packed. we had the president live arriving in san francisco. we had his housing secretary live on the broadcast. what have you got? >> you mentioned the housing person. did you ask him what's with the deal i get to buy everybody's house for $2,000 and give the
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