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tv   Lockup Raw  MSNBC  March 2, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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msnbc takes us behind the walls of america's most notorious prisons in a world of chaos and danger. now, the scenes you've never seen. "lockup: raw." there is to be no talking. >> there are lines nearly everywhere you look in prison and jail. >> keep the line tight. >> inmates move in lines. are fed in lines. are contained by lines. >> get closer to the wall. >> there are also invisible lines. lines between right and wrong.
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>> someone shot her seven times. she was tortured. she was hog tied, suffocated to death. who did that? >> lines between freedom and more years behind bars. >> i'm finally clean, doing good, all of a sudden bam, you're back in jail. >> some inmates discover beauty in lines. >> origami has been therapeutic. >> that is my home girl. hey, what's up? that is how you get escorted wherever you go. >> the inmates profiled on lockup cross all lines of race, religion, gender and sexual preference. but most of them fit in three broad categories. there is the inmate who seems like your neighbor or co-worker. >> what's up?
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>> the second is the inmate who embraces a criminal life style and makes no qualms about it. >> i believe in stabbings, i believe some people should be stabbed. >> there is the third type. >> from a afar, they seem normal but as we get to know them, they realize they don't distinguish between right or wrong. that is frightening. >> sorry. sticking out my tongue doesn't look spell yent for a 57-year-old. some people think i'm immature for my age. >> whether we first met clarence butterfield he had been incarcerate mord than a year at the orange county jail in southern california. like most jail inmates, he had not been convicted but was incarcerated awaiting trial. i had pled not guilty to the murder of his daughter. but that didn't stop him from telling jokes. >> how about the d.a. takes a duck under his arm bartender goes you can't come in here with that pig. he goes it's not a pig it's a duck he said i was talking to the duck. >> clarence butterfield is an
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older gentleman, old man i guess you can call him, a giddy old man, happy to be here. >> diagnosis hyper verbal. we can't all be winners. has to be people like me to make winners of life look good. >> butterfield jumps from one subject to another subject quickly. he was really hard to follow in conversation. >> i'm kind of ignored, being married for 26 years i'm used to being ignored anyway. >> we would start asking him direct questions he would answer about something completely off the wall that we weren't talking about. >> i love germans, they are great you don't want to be locked in a cell one for five months, which i was. >> butterfield was an anomaly, approaching him and speaking with him he's very jovial, happy. but on the other hand, you start hearing details about his case and you have to wonder, what is
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this man's mindset? because it's so dark, it's so disturbing. >> if i don't see $20 you're never seeing this again. i'm serious. get away from me. >> butterfield was accused of not only murdering his 21-year-old daughter rebecca but torturing her. she was shot seven times, hog tied her and put her in a chest where she suffocated to death. he denied the charges. he discovered her dead in her bedroom with no signs of foul play. >> i didn't do it. i didn't quick rush her down to the hospital either, but that is just -- i always get blamed for everything. >> while butterfield denies torturing and murdering rebecca, what he does admit to might be more shocking. he says when he discovered his daughter's body he stuffed it in a large cooler. he then kept the cooler inside the motor home he drove and lived in for two years.
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police discovered the body when butterfield was arrested on unrelated minor charge. >> i did kaetdedicated to my da. not what people do the deeds they leave undone that gives the soul remorse at the setting of the sun. >> butterfield, who wrote sopgs and poems to his daughter, kept her body in the belief a miracle would raise her from the dead. >> some people have never seen a miracle, i personally have. i wouldn't get rid of my daughter. if there was one in ten million, you take it, why not. >> usually though, butterfield was more interested in getting to know us than he was in discussing his case. >> i'm excited to see you guys, isn't that something? >> he made assumptions about my life in particular. he offered advice about my wedding. >> i played trombone for 47 years. i can play amazing grace, they say the golden tone.
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>> he assumed i was to be married soon he would be available to play the trombone. >> if you need a trombone player at your wedding -- >> thank you. >> with his murder trial rapidly approaching, butterfield expressed more concern over matters like the balance in his books. the debit account from which inmates can purchase snacks and toiletries in the jail commissary. >> soups are 60 cents. i ordered three of those. that was $1.80. insufficient funds. one pepper pack. insufficient funds. that is bad when you don't have 25 cents. everybody should have 25 cents. just feel like an american. life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. >> with no funds, he jokingly turned to our field team for support. >> these are authentic, you could sell these for a couple
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grand. how can you find glasses like this. they are great glasses, everybody says they look good in them. >> butterfield's circumstances grew more serious when he went to trial. the proceedings lasted two weeks. >> would you be kind enough to hand to the bailiff the signed verdicts? >> the jury needed less than three hours to reach a verdict. >> we the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant clarence butterfield guilty of the crime of felony first degree murder. >> one juror expressed that while the evidence against butterfield was convincing, it was his decision to testify at his trial and his seemingly stream of consciousness comments that sealed his fate. >> he just needed a yes or no. but he needed to go in depth and explain and he only made it worse. that did it for me i'm going oh, he should not have been on the stand for himself at all.
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>> butterfield was sentenced to life without parole for murder of rebecca. we saw butterfield within hours of receiving the verdict. and now, with his fate sealed, our field producer pressed him harder for answers. >> who killed her? >> who personally? >> yes, someone shot her seven times. she was tortured, she was hog tied. she suffocated to death. who did that? >> she wasn't shot before, when i found her she wasn't shot. what i'm saying i don't believe their little they are rehow it happened i don't believe it. we have been fifilming for before the guilty verdict came back, that night it was different. it was a little darker, there was definitely anger. it was a different side of butterfield that night. >> what do you want me to answer, susan? you want me to answer the way you want me to answer, i'm sorry i'll answer the way i feel like
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the truth and what god wants me to answer. so i'm sorry that oh, i have been convicted so what do you want me -- i should confess? i didn't kill my daughter. >> i want to know why you didn't call the police when you found her dead. >> i already explained that answer. the police wouldn't do anything. you found a body was in my motor home you wouldn't look for the one armed man, the fugitive, the one armed man is a person that killed richard kimble's wife. the counterfeit -- >> he didn't drag the body of his dead wife around with him for two years. >> he was a doctor if he had faith he would have. >> if she could raise from the dead, would she not raise from the dead even if she was buried, what is the difference between being in a cooler versus a grave? >> she would have to be let out of the cooler, because -- not really too much historical record of someone -- jesus was in a tomb but an open tomb, not in the ground. >> it was hard to tell whether butterfield believed the reasons
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he stated for keeping his daughter in the rv with him for so long or if he was just sticking to the story he came up with. >>. ♪ the choice is yours to make days later we checked back with butterfiled to see the reality of his sentence sung in. what we found was the cheer full demean or. >> four weeks old. still works. unbelievable. not all miracles are big miracles. some are little. >> you seem like you're in good spirits, what is going on with you? >> kind of got me in a cell by myself. i guy i'm not a dangerous guy, you probably sense that. this guy is a real menace to
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society. anyway. i still got these glasses for sale. 20 bucks, that is a killer deal. i can't use the word killer anymore. that is an incredible deal. coming up three siblings in jail share the bonds of love and chains of addiction. as soon as they put the handcuffs on me i cannot lie, tears started coming to my ices. >> an inmate faces dire consequences as he walks the thin line of parole. ok, guys-- what's next ?
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with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters. ooh, i forgot my phone! the "name your price" tool. now available on your phone. get a free quote today. during the course of shooting lockup we encountered brothers, sisters and mother and daughter doing time together. >> darlene? >> it's mama to you. >> at suffolk county jail we met three siblings and the bonds they shared transcended the numerous troubles they faced.
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>> my sister on that side. she be coming to the window like yo, yo, yeah, yeah. >> it didn't take long for the allen family to catch our attention. >> straight from the bloody bay, guns down -- >> cory, melissa and willy serving sentences at suffolk county. >> the allen family was having a hard time. thr three siblings were a lot. they were telling us about one another stories about each other from home. >> my family is one of the dysfunctional families that is out here. and i love my family, nothing good about us. >> my sister melissa is loving and kind. >> she took care of me, make sure we eat when we didn't have food. >> he called me ma. >> she couldn't cook, she forced us to eat it.
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>> corey is a complicated person. >> my brother corey is a funny guy. >> beat each other up, steal candy, bikes. >> my brother william is smart. >> take money out of the wishing wells, set fires. >> i don't know how he got caught up. >> family has been so many years since we drifted apart it doesn't mean i don't love you, i was lost in the dark. >> william would start speaking in spoken word out of no where, we would be talking and he would break out in a rhyme. his poems were meaningful to parts of his life appeared story. >> at one point in time alcohol was my friend. it was a friend i will call it a genie in the bottle. my name is addiction and i'm the genie in the bottle wherever you go sir, i will showerly follow. hold up, i was going to take a sip it will be the hardest thing to swallow. >> williams, corey and melissa arrested on charges of assault
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and battery. they were separate incidents but each crime was motivated by the same thing. >> what do you think happened to your family? >> drugs. i mean drugs. always is drugs. alcohol, drugs. during the alcohol or drug use, separates us, you know, i want to see better and it must be a family curse. i mean hard times following us all. >> melissa was the first of the allen siblings the crew met at the jail and as these tapes were coming in from the field and we started watching them, we really had no idea how this story would eventually evolve but based on melissa's first interview it seemed like the focus might be on one very grizzly act of violence she was involved in. >> melissa says she was drinking and doing drugs with a male friend when he tried to steal money she had made from a drug deal. her description of what happened next is both graphic and
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disturbing. >> he pushed me, he punched me so i took my knife out and i cut it and it fell on the floor. >> what? >> his balls fell on the floor. >> a man hitting on the woman he deserve it if not more. he's lucky i didn't meet him. >> corey was also serving time for assault. but we would learn that when he fights, he is never alone. >> jimmy comes out. >> who is jimmy? >> my friend. >> an imaginary friend? >> to me he's real. >> what does he look like? >> like a dog. like a bright dog. he don't have a whole body, just a head. >> just a dog's head? >> just a dog's head. >> what kind of dog? >> a pit. >> a pit bull? >> just the head of a pit. >> a pit bull's head. >> is jimmy here with us now? >> he's in my head but not speaking. he's only with me in the violent times. >> corey says jimmy appeared to
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him in the childhood and was a source of comfort when he lived in various foster homes. though jimmy provoked him to violence the medication corey received in jail had a positive effect on his behavior. >> medication time. >> william noticed the difference the first time he encountered corey in jail. >> when i came here he told me he loved me and i almost had a heart attack, that is not him. whenever substance leave your body, the real you comes out. >> in fact their time in the suffolk county jail gave all three siblings a chance to not only stay clean, but to rebuild their lives. at the time of our visit, they all lived on different floors of the jail. but man abled to maintain through letters. >> i have a card i made for my sister. every year i sent her something for her birthday, nothing will stop me this year. >> my brother wrote me i found out he was okay. >> this is from lisa, ha ha!
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>> all that matter is where we are together. we keep walking side by side. zplch >> the card was so cute. >> that is the sweetest thing. >> this is so cute. >> i love my brother. >> while in jail, melissa earned her ged and shown a desire to change. >> i don't want my brothers to be here. we are better than that, we're the allens, we're better than that. >> as a result of her progress the judge in her case granted her a transfer to a drug rehab program instead of prison. >> you're not going to prison. >> no, no. >> william had proven responsible behind bars as well. he had a job detail and earned recognitions. >> this is certificate i got for a program. >> corey seemed to be managing jimmy with medication.
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>> here we had a story started off with a telling of this grizzly act of violence, and it turned into a story about the love and support between three siblings who grew up under really tough circumstances, and were working hard to improve their lives. but later we would come to learn that maybe it just wasn't their time yet. >> before we completed our shoot in boston, things had gone wrong for all three of the allens. melissa had fled her rehas been program and back on the streets with a warrant issued for her arrest. william violated the rules by entering another inmate's cell without permission. and lost the chance to earn time off his sentence for good behavior. corey had been sent to segregation after he was caught on surveillance cameras fighting another inmate. >> today is not a good day. haven't been taking my meds for nine days i'm constantly dealing with jimmy, and i'm on voices,
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yo, are you serious, man? >> it was emotional covering the allen story can't help but thinking who was on the outside missing their children all locked up at one time together. >> i love my family, there is no other family like my family, so we all crazy. but we love each other. >> from that love came poetry. >> the streets and drugs calling me physically and mentally i can't be free. perhaps later on in life we can meet at a church or get something to eat but for right now i'm standing the don't be discouraged i can build up the courage. i was pounding the streets, damn i was pounding the streets looking for the love of my life but no sleep. damm i lost the love of my life to the streets, damn. coming up. >> you got swine, the rabbit.
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>> ancient art flourishes behind bars. for granted. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i deserve this. [ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke.
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. we have another cut up here, guys. >> in a world where too many lives revolve around violence, we discovered an unexpected ray of light in many of the prisons and jails we visited. the ancient art of origami. >> folding brings about healing? >> kind of being in tune with yourself. >> where did you learn fold something. >> i learned a lot of patience. >> shylo was serving time for sex crimes at orange county jail in southern california. >> i made exactly 1000 of these. i had a whole plastic bag probably like that big, it was just filled. >> we met brian crist at maricopa county jail in phoenix before his conviction on a murder child. >> origami is my getaway.
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front flip. it could be in the olympics. >> it's striking and poignant to see inmates who often times are in for incredibly violent crimes sitting there delicate folding this paper over hours into frogs and elephants and that kind of things and does seem to calm their nerves and almost transform them. >> nobody had a menagerie of phillip stroud who was at wabash correctional facility in indiana. >> you have the swine, rabbit, little puppy. dinosaur, flower, my niece loves the gold fish. this is my favorite one because it turns into like a kaleidoscope type of thing. hardest one to make is probably
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the elephant, got a lot of folds, i'm an artsy the fartsy type of guy. creative way to spend my time, use my hands to make something, that really means something or bring a smile to somebody's face instead of using my time or using my hands to hurt somebody or to destroy something. i sent some to nursing homes. the different animals remind me when mom used to take us to the zoo or cartoons or stuff like that because here it's easy to grow cold, easy to become de-sensitized and i was like that i'm trying to come out of that. this is a part of me trying to become more sensitive and reintroduced to the child that i didn't allow to grow when i was younger. so origami has been real
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therapeutic. >> coming up, whether one inmate goes on parole, he finds it's a thin line between freedom and further incarceration. >> i didn't know that was a crime, to cross over the railroad tracks because the whole neighborhood goes through that way. and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms... by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free. spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine.
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they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] veer ron the un secretary general is demanding access for those who need help. rick santorum has weighed in on comments made by rush limbaugh about a law student. he called the student a prostitute before testifying for congress about birth control. santorum says the language was absurd. now back to "hardball." due to mature subject matter, viewer discreation is
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advised. listen up, there is to be no talking period. one behind the other, single file line, hug the wall. >> a prominent research study estimates one in 31 american adults are incarcerated, on probation or on parole. just as interesting, is the fact that many of the inmates we met have told us they actually prefer serving out their sentences in prison than being freed on parole. >> they say it's difficult to find work and the parole rules are so strict they can make a simple mistake aen end up back n prison causing more pain for their families and further tarnish their reputation. >> fewer inmates illustrate that thin line than one in tampa, florida. his name is velester jones. >> whethn we entered, we know ia
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guy, very large working out on the yard. at the same time, one of the inmates was telling us we needed to interview their jail's resident poet and it turned out to be the same guy. >> lock them up, throw away the key, prisons are being built faster than the eyes can see. there is nothing more than modern day slavery. lock them up, throw away the key, home of the brave, land of the free, why a millions of americans locked up in the penitentiary? if you're so brave and you're so wild, why can't you relate to the wake up you sleeping fools you're headed for the pen. then it will be too late. everyone will see they safely locked us up and threw away the key. thanks a lot. >> even though jones was popular among other inmates and spent time in prison, he struggled with some aspects of life in the
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dormitory housing unit he shared with 71 other men. >> i never really liked open bay dorms. i like cleanliness. a lot of people when they sneeze or cough, don't cover up. sometime i can be eating and something will start sneezing and not covering their mouth automatically i try to cover my food saying dang, what is wrong with these people. i probably look crazy. >> oh father, please save me and deliver me. >> as adverse as he was to germs, he was enthusiastic toward spirituality. his nightly prayers could last up to 15 minutes. >> please set me free. please set me free. >> we would come to learn why his prayers to be set free were pertinent. first, we learned what brought him here. >> the story began 40 years
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earlier. when jones joined a chicago street gang at age 13. >> we used to rob other children of lunch money, milk money, then we would, i got introduced to drugs, i was drunk all the time i didn't know how to stay sober. >> as jones grew older his addictions to crack and alcohol were more ferocious, so were the robberies he committed to support them. he had been in and out of several jails and prisons. but at age 35, he was sentenced to 25 years for multiple counts of armed robbery. but prison didn't stop his taste for alcohol. he used to make hooch or illegal inmate made wine from rotting fruit, sugar and bread. >> i used to get drunk and start fights, and one day they sent me to confinement to the hole for extortion. a guy owed me money for wine he
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bought, i jumped on him for not paying. when i was in confinement, my higher power we call god, re vaeled himself and said it's time to get your life right. i stayed in the confinement sell for 90 days, they transferred me to another prison. when i got to the other prison i started making a a and na meetings, went to church, reading the bible more, studying. >> jones served 18 years of a 25 year sentence at a florida state prison before he was released on parole. he moved in the no house, a residential substance abuse program in tampa. >> they helped ex-offenders, get a fresh start in life. help you stay straight, i wanted to stay straight i didn't want to go back to prison. i always participated so they gave me a job. my job title is peer advocate. i basically helped ex-offenders. >> jones was doing well, he says he would ride his bike to various other halfway houses to recruit participants for
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programs at no house. but eight months in his parole, things went horribly wrong one day. when he decided to take a short cut home through a large hole in a fence. >> i didn't know that was a crime to cross over the railroad tracks because the whole neighborhood goes through that way back and forth, children go to school that way, grown folks going through that way all the time. a police officer saw jones cut through the hole and cited him. when h e discovered he was on parole, he arrested him. >> out of all these years i was on drugs and alcohol i'm finally clean doing good, all of a sudden bam you're back in jail, like i hurt my mama again. >> the trespassing charges were dropped. but because jones was on parole at the time of his arrest, he would have to be detained in jail until the parole commission completed its own investigation.
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>> we joined him the morning of his hearing. >> on the day he was going do the hearing he was very nervous and rightfully so, because he was going to find out whether he was going back to prison for a few years or back on the street. i tried talking to him a little bit, he barely said a word, he was focused on what was going on and in a zone wondering what was going to happen. >> mr. jones? you can come on in. >> at the hearing, jones would again be confronted by his arresting officer who says his trespassing violation might not be as minor as it seemed. >> majority of the people that commit the larger crimes are committing the smaller crimes, and if you take those individuals -- you do the crime you have to do the time.
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>> but jones had supporters at the hearing as well including lolit lolta brown his supervisor. >> we need him to be working. >> at this time we'll take testimony from officer frick. >> i was on the west side of the railroad tracks. i saw the defendant ride his bike toward the tracks. he entered through a hole in the six foot chain link fence, that was put up to keep people off the property and he was stopped on the west side. >> when you came in contact with him, was he cooperative with you? >> yes. >> after a few more questions, the parole examiner asked jones probation officer to weigh in. >> well given this charge was dismissed, i recommend reinstatement and if they
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convicted him of the charge i would have recommended return to prison. >> mr. jones, is there anything you want to add? >> god know they need me back there working, i want to be there to help them fulfill the goals and everything of the job. i want to go backing to that position and i really help make a difference in the lives of people that is just getting out of jail and prison. >> anything else? >> no, ma'am. >> finally it was time for the parole examiner to decide jones' fate. coming up. >> i got to have faith in my prayers right now. >> another unexpected twist for velester jones. the employee of the month isss...
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the new spark card from capital one. spark miles gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. the spark card earns double miles... so we really had to up our game. with spark, the boss earns double miles on every purchase, every day. that's setting the bar pretty high. owning my own business has never been more rewarding. coming through! [ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one. get more by choosing unlimited double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet?
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chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast speeds. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small businesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best technology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006. ve lester jones is the first to admit he has wasted a significant portion of his life on gangs, crime, drugs and alcohol. >> when i was using alcohol and drugs, i used to beat up somebody or something like that
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and go to sleep because you pass out from alcohol. i would pass out. he was once sentenced to 25 years in prison. it was during that time that he says he changed his life. by getting involved in alcoholics and narcotics anonymous. >> i started going to na, and aa meetingsings in prison, started going to church. i stayed to myself, if you weren't spiritual or talked about positive i didn't want to be bothered with you. >> jones was eventually paroled and found a place to live and work at a residential drug treatment program in tampa, florida. one day, when he took a short cut on the way home from work through a hole in the fence, he was arrested and sent back to jail fortress passing. >> when they handcuffed me, as soon as they put the handcuffs on me, i cannot lie, much as i have been through i didn't think i would, but tear came to my
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eyes. >> the charges were dropped but he faced possibility of returning to prison if the parole board determined he did take the short cut violated the conditions of his parole. jones expected to learn his fate after a hearing with the parole examiner. >> regarding my findings in this hearing, i'm going defer them for a period of ten days, in an effort to look everything over i'll make a recommendation after i come up with my decision i won't recommend anything today. >> the delay in the ruling meant jones would have to remain in jail until the board could reach a decision. >> come on, sir. >> how am i going to sleep tonight? i'll toss and turn, a little more unsure than i did at fifrmts ious got to have faith in my prayers right now. i have to have faith in pry prayers. >> oh, man. >> the final decision on jones came during a break in our shooting. when we returned to tampa, there
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was a new inmate in jones' bunk and jones was back at the no house. a free man. but very much aware that he was still on parole and one slip away from going back to prison. >> when the people told me that i would be getting out that day, i was so full of joy i wanted to scream but i had to hold my composure, i even wanted to ask her out to dinner. that is how good i felt. i say no, she might take that the wrong way. >> since his release, jones has been in enjoying the simple pleasures of freedom. like getting to choose his own clothes. >> i like to match my clothes whatever shirt i got i like to have shoes that same color. i had these shoes first to go with a shirt that i had, and it was these shoes that made go out and pick the color suit. apt that something? this is something that i love to do, cleaning the bathroom.
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>> seeing him back at the house he thrived there, he loves the sense of responsibility. >> i always want to keep the mirror looking good. mirror can loog good, you're looking good. >> jones is not taking his second chance of freedom for granted. he gives himself a dale ily reminder that almost sent him back to prison. >> i purposely rid that way, but even going around the long way i can see that place, and it still is open. there is still a big old hole in the fence, people going in and out of it. i say well, they never have to worry about me doing it no more, i know i can't do what everybody else does. this last episode on the trespassing really gave me an eye opener even in a greater way that i got to watch every little thing, just the little things can lead to a big thing like
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going back to prison. coming up. >> watch your back. >> a housing unit where the drama runs high. >> it getsover wheel manying to the point when you leave the mod, it's like draining, like wow, we need to take a little break. protect the land. economically, it seems like a good choice now. we need environmental protection. we've got more than 100 years worth of energy, right here. [announcer:] who's right? they all are. visit
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after more than a decade of producing lockup, we discovered most inmates prefer to keep a low profile. rather than risk crossing the line with other inmates, who might harm them or staff who could punish them. of course there are always exceptions. >> we will not negotiate with terrorists. remember that. >> at the orange county jail we discovered an entire housing
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unit where low profile is in short supply. official name was mod q. others preferred to call it the drama mod. >> that is my home girl. >> this specific sector houses protective custody inmates that are homosexuals, they have to be separated from the jail population for various reasons. >> i love you, baby. >> it's mainly to protect them from the rest of the population. >> mod q is different you did find men dressed as women, or men with breast implants that looks like women. it was loud and there was girly screams. >> oh my god! >> i have been working out. >> the drama is exactly what you could expect of young without a solution to their problems. go crazy and run around like nuts.
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>> a lot of drama in mod q. there is fighting and flirting and yelling. >> come here! >> it gets overwhelming when you leave the mod, it's like draining, like wow, we need to take a little break for a little while and process that. >> transgender inmate who calls himself alexis, not only sought attention from other inmates. but from certain members of our field team as well. >> i just got hit on by a bunch of -- bunch of men. >> men? >> i mean women, it was quite something. >> what number cell? >> seven. >> what did she say? >> she said i had very sexy legs. sexy legs. she told me to keep being sexy.
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>> cortez, in jail on a parole violation, told us about struggles in choosing to live as a woman. >> anyways, i can't say i feel like a woman, i feel like i'm a homosexual, i'm a man but i prefer living as a woman and the fem i nine side, i'm attracted to men and i don't want to live my life as a man, i want to live as a woman. it's really hard to -- first i had to make it through my family and then society. it's very hard, because the criticism and everything, but once they put in my mind i'm going to live my life for who i am, me, if my family accepts me, criticism will be out there. and honestly sometimes i feel i'm the brave one because i actually have the guts to be who i am and this is me. i live my life i'm living who i
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am. but it's really hard. >> do you want me to make a spread? i need a reason to eat. >> size 20, honey. >> mod q was also known for hospitality. charles barber, who is in on multiple charges of fraud and grand theft to which he pled not guilty, offered us a homemade commissary snack. >> this is -- cheetos, and raman. and gordita. >> you eat this, this is what you get. >> i'm good. >> do you want some? >> no. >> i'm 279. still growing. and they told me to lose some weight but i don't care. >> mod q the relationships are absolutely different from other mods because in other mods you
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have the high intensity gang politicking atmosphere going on and in mod q it's mostly homosexual protective custody inmates, none of the politics going on, more like love triangles going on. >> are you going to leave this girl for me, girle? >> bitch, we are close. we are sisters! i married him, girl. >> big time drama mod. >> but it seemed nobody drew more attention in mod q than marcus cash. just 21 years old, cash was already on his eighth trip to the oc jail. this time on a conviction for possession of stolen credit cards. he was better known by the nickname he shared with the unit. >> i love the drama. i'm drama. >> shot up, you're a stupid bitch, you know me, girl! >> marcus is probably our most
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flamboyant inmate, every time he comes out of the cell it's almost a show. exaggerates movemens and speech quite a bit. so it draws alot of attention to him. >> the kind of attention that cash has soul mate mario, said he could do without. >> she is a good person but sometimes she does draw a lot of attention to herself and she can be kind of noisy and drive me nuts but some people dry to give her drama, throw things at the window and yell and knock on the door and stuff like that. >> they hate on me. >> watch your back, bitch, the dagger is coming. >> when the drama got too high for cash, he would turn to barbaro for support. >> i'm more older sister or brother to her. she's young. so i try to give her advice.
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>> excuse me. >> i love you girl. >> it's a lot of drama. a lot of drama. >> but occasionally the drama would bring a chuckle or two to the one member of our field team who couldn't help but hear every bit of it. >> one day at a time. you have been out of enough drug rehabs, with you patience is a virtue. >> we can't see each other. >> it's like high school. >> mod q was off the hook. >> oh, bitch. >> by the time we would leave you were drained emotionally.


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