tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC March 5, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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>> that is "the ed show," listen to me on sirius 12:00 to 3:00. we do play the davy crockett song. rachel maddow, the show start right now. ed, i know you have the same briefing i did when we got the jobs, never wear a funny hat on television. >> this proves that new york has everything. >> seriously you can get that on 15 minutes notice in queens. >> there you go. >> thanks, ed, thanks, man. thanks to you at home for staying with us for the next hour. it's super tuesday-eve. very exciting. my stocking is hung by the chimney with care. a very exciting night the night before super tuesday. we're already getting news about where to expect the various campaigns to be tomorrow night. where a candidate is physically located on a big election night can tell you all you need to know about where the came
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opini -- campaign stands in the race. newt gingrich and mitt romney was in florida, ron paul was in nevada. because it's a caucus state, ron paul has a strategy, even though it was florida's night, him being in nevada made sense. on the night of the voting contest in colorado, minnesota and missouri, where was mitt romney? he was in colorado. now that turned out to be awkward for him because him being in colorado meant that he expected to win in colorado and he did not win in colorado. then there was the matter of him not being able to fill the room he was in in colorado. on the night of michigan and arizona, while mitt romney and rick santorum were awaiting results, where was newt gingrich? in georgia. knowing that he would frankly tank in michigan and arizona, and knowing also he desperately needs to win his home state of georgia in order to make a credible case for staying in the race.
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where you are on an election night speaks volume about campaign strategy and expectations. tomorrow night on super tuesday, rick santorum will watch the returns come in, the super tuesday returns, he will be watching those returns from a little place called steubenville, ohio. steubenville, ohio on the eastern edge of ohio by rick santorum's home state of pennsylvania. mr. santorum being in steubenville tomorrow night is an interesting choice. it's interesting because even if rick santorum wins the state of ohio tomorrow, rick santorum likely cannot win any of steubenville, ohio's available delegates. that is steubenville is one three ohio districts where the santorum campaign failed to submit the necessary paperwork to be eligible to win any delegatesif mr. santorum does well there. oops. in addition to those three districts, there are are six other districts in ohio where the santorum campaign has only submitted partial paperwork.
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that all means that of the 63 delegates up for grabs tomorrow night in ohio, more than a quarter of them are unwinnable for rick santorum even if he does great in the state. has the same problem in tennessee he has an empty slate of dielegates. will have the same problem in illinois where the campaign failed to submit the required amount of delegates in four of the state's congressional districts. his campaign is lucky he's on the ballot at all in indiana. they had to contest the findings of the largest because it initially said he had not turned in enough sigs. the campaign is a mess. the campaign is like a formula one race and everybody else is in a formula one car, rick santorum is in a pinewood derby car. whatever you think about him as a candidate his campaign cannot
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seem to put its pants on one leg at a time. they can't do the basic stuff of running for president. the stuff that has nothing to do with whether or not you are popular, whether or not you have a lot of money, just means you're together enough to do the logistical paperwork, they have not been able to do that. frankly that makes it more amazing mitt romney is having a hard time beating this guy. but in the republican nominating process, rick santorum being a mess of a campaign has sort of been the least messy of all of their messes. in a normal year with a normal political party running these things the big deal state tomorrow would be virginia. all eyes would be on virginia. but the republicans, this is just the republicans, them as a party, making their own rules and decisions, has nothing to do with democrats or the state, republicans only in the state of virginia managed to organize a presidential primary this year in which only two candidates qualified to be on the ballot. in virginia tomorrow, there are 46 delegates at stake but who
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cares, nobody is contesting it because they can only go to mitt romney or ron paul thanks to the republican party screwing up the ballot process so badly there. out of the 13 states that have voted so far, seven had huge screw-ups in the way they have run the races. that is before we have the huge screw-up in virginia to expect tomorrow. watching the republicans try to pick their nominee is like watching a drunk try to get their key in the door. in iowa, it was mitt romney, no, oh, i don't know who won it was a tie, no, i mean it was rick santorum, mitt romney, santorum, okay let's say santorum. was it santorum? it was two weeks ago i can't remember. i wasn't drunk. in florida mitt romney won, he did win but the state republican party said they wanted their delegates to be winner take all. turns out they are not allowed to be winner take all for the delegates, now newt gingrich is contesting florida's delegates, trying to get half florida's
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delegates since he won half the state. nobody knows what the outcome will be. in nevada we didn't know the results for 2 1/2 days after. the republicans had caucuses for the whole state, then they had a whole extra caucus later on after all the other ones were done. extra caucus at the sheldon adelson school. in missouri part of the reason no one can say how many states have vote order delegates allocated because missouri held a wholly election had no meaning at all. the missouri primary on february 7th was required by state law which republicans in missouri couldn't figure out how to change. think held the required primary had a missouri result but they will pretend it didn't happen and then hold a caucus and say that will count aim i'm sure that will go smoothly. in maine the chairman declared a final result before whole swaths of the state had voted. first he said the parts of the state wouldn't count at all.
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then okay, maybe they will count but won't change the results. in michigan everybody thought the suspect whether or not mitt romney could win in his home state, turns out the suspense in michigan is whether or not the state rparty who wins the delegates. the rules they announced before the voting essentially said those michigan results like they had tuesday would give 15 delegates each to rick santorum and mitt romney. after the results came in, you misunderstood, we think we'll give delegates to mitt romney than rick santorum. we know we have other rules but shut up. that is why three lonely, we love rick santorum protesters turned out in lansing michigan to protest the delegate allocation at the state he headquarte headquarters. they are now asking the national party to step in and investigate. in washington state, officials
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there locked 1500 people out in the cold, out of the caucuses. happened in benton county, washington. officials first tried to say all the people who got locked out of the caucuses should have been locked out because they turned up late. those officials have since apologized to the 1500 or so voters who were locked out in the cold, state representative officials admitting they weren't prepared for them to show up. but in any case they are going to count the washington result, the locked out people as being a result for mitt romney. and mitt romney did win the washington caucuses by some distance. but if you care about who got second place, second place was close, between ron paul and rick santorum. so 1500 people turning out for the republican caucuses and then geth locked out in the cold for no reason, might absolutely have made a difference in washington. but we'll never know. this is how republicans run things, sometimes you get locked out sometimes you don't get your
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vote counted, good luck. now of course tomorrow is super tuesday. which should be super interesting if not for the eventual results then for the laugh out loud disaster that republican party officials have made of each subsequent state contest this year. now i don't know if it has anything to do with the fact the states have been screwed up and so many of the results have been in question and a lot of these places nobody really knows who won or whether it meant anything they did win but the bigity republican organizational problem with their nominating process this year may not be what happened state by state. inability to get candidates on the ballot to let people vote or decide what they mean. the big picture organizational problem may not be the individual failure in all these successive states, it may be the big overarching problems that the republicans designed their primary contest this year so it that basically goes on forever. why is it called summer tuesday? super tuesday got the name super
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in part because it's a lot of states voting, super. but also because it's supposed to be so many states, so many delegates that it's one day that can decide the race. the day when somebody can clinch the nomination. that is the way it usually work. not this year. this year no matter what happens tomorrow night still nobody clinches the nomination. as long as somebody has an eccentric billionaire writing them checks, the race goes over after tomorrow. seriously. even the republicans said they were inspired by the obama versus clinton long primary in 2008 which got democrats very excited and enthused about their party and voting in november, the republican contest this year is not having an obama versus clinton kind of effect on the republican electorate. check this out, in the new nbc news wall street journal poll that came out today the number of adults who say the republican nominating process given them a
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less favorable impression of the republican party is 4 in 10. the number more favorable opinion of the republican party is just above 1 in 10. that is not good for the republican party. the longer this goes on the more people hate republicans. now, this next part from the poll i'm going to read there verbatim, if i don't read it you will think i'm talking smack. when asked to describe the gop nominating battle in a word or phrase, nearly 70% of respondents including six in independent ts and more than half of republicans answered with a negative comment. some examples from republicans, these are just republicans, self-identified republicans, the words republicans are usesing to describe the republican contest, ready? unenthusiastic, discourt ranned, lesser of two evils, painful, disappointed, poor choices, concerned, under wheel manied,
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uninl spiring a-- uninspiring. the favorability rating for mitt romney is 39%. john mccain was at 56, george bush was at 58, poor little bob dole was at 49%, that was worrying everyone. mitt romney is ten points below that. if you look watching republicans screw stuff up this long drawn out process of them try to choose their nominee has been fun to watch. but has this been more than just a comedy of errors for the republicans, there is a way they could turn this primary process and the mess it has been this year, to their advantage? for the general election? steve kornacki, senior writer with, nice to see you. >> thank you.
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>> is there a chance for the republicans to their vng, is there a way this works for them in. >> the good news that comes out of this is the republican nominee is not going to be named rick santorum, newt gingrich, ron paul or rick perry. they are going to get probably their most electable or maybe least unelectable option bill clinton went through a meat grinder process in 1992, the year he was elected pros dent. his comment when his poll numbers were no, no one can run for national office and gain votes going through a primary process. again, his process was particularly damaging, you look at the recent ones, not as bad for them as it was for clinton as romney but the clinton example looms large as we look ahead to the fall, a lot of reasons bill clinton turned it around biggest was the economy. it was bad early in '92 and it got worse as the year pro guessed. that gave limb an opportunity to
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hit the reset button in the spring and summer of the year and people gave them a fresh look, his numbers ujumped that summer and fall. >> i went over number, seeing if there were patterns there, over the past year we've seen mitt romney's favor ability, with his favorability numbers, the number of people who don't have an opinion has dropped 15%. the number of people with an unfavorable opinion of him has gone up by about 15%. is that inevitable, is that case that bill clinton was making inevitable as people get to know you a good proportion will get do know you because they don't like you? >> that is part of it but part of the problem for romney the basic unspoken proposition for republicans at the outset of the process was, the economy is in terrible shape, people want to blame obama, put somebody up a blank slate, because he's competent enough.
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that is the thing about romney. the pitch is not he has a great personality or great plan, he will be good enough. the problem two things have happened, one is the economy in the last five, six months started to show signs of life. that hurt the republicans. the second parts the republican brand, how they handled congressional majority the actions of the governors and major states around the country, because of the birth control, social issues stuff for the last month, the republican label is as bad shape as since the clinton impeach mooent -- impeachment of the 1990's. it gets attached to mitt romney more than clinton who had personality. he did not have to deal with the brand poisoning romney has to deal with. >> is that in vef eightab -- inevitable, we're seeing the republican party get less
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attracti attractive, didn't that happen with democrats in '08? >> the process is exposed in a way what the republican party has become and who makes up the party and forced romney to move so far to the right on so many issues given him no room to come back to the middle. i don't know at the can do that because again, this base is really holding the feet to the fire in a way we haven't seen before. >> i will say a, i think that is true and b, the specific issue of how he fumbled the rush limbaugh birth control apology stuff is the subject of our next segment, thank you very much. steve kornacki. we have that plus lilly ledbetter is here with us tonight for the interview, stay with us. of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. zyrtec-d® lets me breath freer, so i can love the air. [ male announcer ] zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed.
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the next generation of lexus will not be contained. the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. ♪ conservative magazine called the national review today posted on line an interview with the guy who people used to think might be tvice presidential nom. in this new interview, virginia governor bob mcdonnell complains about the reasons why. asked about the overrule your doctor state mandated ultrasound bill that governor mcdonnell says he will sign and which will forever change the initials vp next to his name from vice president to vaginal probe, governor mcdonnell complains in the interview this frankly is getting too much attention blames the press, if you just read the papers you have no idea what is going on.
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he says the idea he focused on divisive social issues i patently ina.ccurate. the protest scenes from the state capital. 850 people turned out to protest governor ultrasound and this new bill he still says he will sign. and yes, those are police in swat riot gear on the scene as protesters are arrested. anybody could understand why governor mcdonnell would no longer want to be associated with the forced ultrasound cause he has supported now that it's getting attention and turns out it's unpopular especially in his home state. if you want to put something like this behind you you have to do more than tell people to stop caring about it. governor, this is your agenda. people care. virginians seem to be mad about it. this is your legacy even if you don't want it to be your legacy. like virginia governor bob
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mcdonnell, rush limbaugh is having trouble getting await from outrage. his failure to escape the outrage is bringing some of it down on presidential candidate mitt romney and that story is next. re with more? then don't get nickle and dimed by high cost investments and annoying account fees. at e-trade, our free easy-to-use online tools and experienced retirement specialists can help you build a personalized plan. and with our no annual fee iras and a wide range of low cost investments, you can execute the plan you want at a low cost. so meet with us, or go to for a great retirement plan with low cost investments. ♪ let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead,
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this publicly because mr. thomas wrote a column about the fact we were going to do this so everybody who cares about us having lunch knows about it already. the reason we met today because mr. thomas made a comment about me at cpac this year, insulting comment and felt bad once he said it, he called me the following morning and apologized. it was contrite and kind, he then went a step further and wrote about it publicly, apologizing again in print and in and unqualified, totally sincere way. he said "i embarrassed myself and was a bad example to those who read my column and expect better from me". >> an apology like that is easy to accept. if you believe people screw up and apologizing is the right way to handle it, it's easiest thing in the world to accept that. a good apology, a real apology erases the mistake. you don't forget it happened but you do forgive it it's not hard
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you move on you learn from the experience and you sometimes get a nice lunch with a big tall conservative guy who is very nice and funny. sincere apology i have always felt is like magic, it does make bad things go away. that said, insincere apology or bad on apology does not work the same magic, which is why rush limbaugh is still in the news, losing advertisers, nine at last count, today for the first time, losing radio stations that carried his program. the huffington post reporting on two stations announcing plans to drop mr. limbaugh's program. he's facing the possible he could be dropped from armed forces radio, important place to be if you are eye in political talk radio. all this part of the continuing fall out from mr. limbaugh attacking a georgetown university law student as a slut and prostitute and somebody who ought to put her sex tapes online. someone who advocated for
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insurance coverage for contraception because she was a morally despicable person and a shame to her family. mr. limbaugh made those attacks over three consecutive days during his show last week. he issued a statement that had apologize in it but said he was trying to make a joke, and people were wrong to care about what he said in the first place and it wasn't meant as a personal attack, and he his overall argument was still true. mr. limbaugh went back on the radio today and said the only reason he attacked the law student in the first place he was possessed by the left the values the american left wing made him say these awful things. and furthermore the only thing he apologized for were two specific words, the wore slut and prostitute, words he used against that law student, he presumably ment all the rest of it. when you apologize like that, there is no magic. nothing gets better. and so the pressure is tipg
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today on mr. limbaugh's remaining advertisers now that the first two stayings dropped his program, expect further pressures particularly where he's not well rated to drop it. because the profit margin it seems the biggest political impact of his failed attempt at a sort of apology may be on the republican presidential race. here was how mitt romney answered when he was asked on friday about mr. limbaugh's comments. this was before rush limbaugh apologized, sort of, about what he said. >> it's not the language i would have used. >> it's not the language he would have used? like he wouldn't have said slut or prosecute but other than that you were cool with it? mitt romney is giving the same caliber of apology for rush limbaugh that rush limbaugh did. remember, what rush limbaugh said, among other thing this young woman was a slu tchb and prostitute who couldn't afford contraception because she had too much sex because in rush
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limbaugh's mind the more sex you have, the more birth control pills you must take or something? the only problem mitt romney has he wouldn't have used that specific language but the rest is okay? this started off as a rush limbaugh it still is, but it's now also a mitt romney for president problem. >> rush limbaugh, who is obviously a prominent radio personality, does he have some power within the republican party? >> sure, absolutely he has influence because he has a strong conservative base. i know that the statements were unep s unacceptable in every way and should condemned by everyone. >> it is the responsibility of conservatives to police the right and excesses. >> the problem is mitt romney and the other candidates don't have the courage to say what they say in quiet which they
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think rush limbaugh is a buffoon. >> the republican leaders are afraid of rush limbaugh. they want to bomb iran but afraid of rush limbaugh. >> if i were mitt romney i would stand up and say we need to change the political discourse in this country. >> joining us is connie schultz, pulitzer prize winning columnist, great to see you, thank you for joining us tonight. >> wonderful to be here, rachel. >> am i being too harsh on mr. romney along with conservative and independent pundits that you saw there, these weren't his comments in the first place. they were rush limbaugh's comments, did mr. romney have to be more forceful than saying that rush limbaugh used words he wouldn't have used? >> let me rescue you from the worry you think you you're being too harsh. i watched ms. fluke's testimony live, and we have, our oldest daughter is exactly her age, just almost exactly and is in law school. we have three our young women, two daughters and a
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daughter-in-law, mother of our only grand child, all of reproductive age. rush limbaugh does not understand what he enleashed, he went after my girls, went after the girlsful mothers all across this country regardless of politics. and that is what he has completely under estimated as have the candidates who -- what is the down side to saying you don't ask women, young women to post video. he asked for video, rachel of this young woman. he called her a slu turn becat e wanted to be responsible on birth control. he has no idea what he unlea unleashed. that was not an apology. you talked about cal thomas, we're very happy you were born here in ohio, i was upset when i heard he said that he apologized sincerely. rush limbaugh has not apologized
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as far as i'm concerned and he has so so misunderstood how parents, mothers and fathers feel about this, not to mention all the young women who are so smart, who are so brave, who are not going to take this. >> connie you're getting at something hard to articulate in all this, this isn't your standard political or even ad hominum insult. there is the fact he used slut and prostitute, he used these gendered terms against a young woman speaking out on an issue of sexual health, the way you're describing it, unleashed something, landed in a different way than a typical insult or slander would. why do you think that resonates among women in that way specifically? >> i can tell you why it resonates with my generation, we remember hearing these things whether we were fighting for the right. i remember hearing this in the 70s. we we are hearing this if we
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dared not to wear bras to the classroom in college. what we never guessed after all these years and progress we would be back to this and he would be going -- i can't emphasize this strongly enough, rush limbaugh you went after my girls whether you said that. you went after my beloved daughters, when you said that and you have crossed a line that you cannot recross. and what i'm concerned about now, rachel, is that especially the young woman we are he seeing stepping up, i would say to them directly to you young women, this is your fight, what i would say to my generation of women, we need to support them but get out of the way for them to own this. because it is your fight now, my daughter's fight and your generation, rachel i'm older than you, i'm 54 years old, i have a lot of energy on this but i don't have the same stake in this that these young women do and i'm so impressed with how vocal they have become, how outspoken and how they will not stand down and i can't tell you how that has inspired this 54-year-old mother in ohio.
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>> you are in ohio, i should mention here as an issue, as a matter of full disclosure and relevant to the discussion your husband is the u.s. senator from ohio, the politics heading in super tuesday, ohio state based politics have been very much hit by this republican tide of sharply anti-abortion legislation, ohio has had a raft of different anti-abortion measures, including a lot of them similar to the ones that have got people protesting across the state. do you think that has changed the way that women will be voting, do you think it changed the way people are thinking about electoral politics? >> i do and i'll tell you one of the reasons i think this. i have been at planned parenthood rallies or speeches in the last few months in ohio and i have been attending these for years, always pro choice, you mentioned my husband, i looked up his record on choice and gay rights before i went out with him, he had to be where i needed him to be. the difference in ohio the rooms are packed with young women, the
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valleys packed with young women. a rally i went to in cleveland, hundreds of young women in pink tee shirts, if that is going on in the state of ohio, you really are talking about a major shift that young women are starting to understand and embrace this as their cause and i'll tell you they have a lot of energy and as i said earlier i'm inspired by what they are doing here, and quite heartened. >> connie schultz, always a pleasure to have you here, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, rachel. >> i remember in terms of what connie is talking about how this is surfacing, being in new hampshire before the primary seeing hillsides covered with campaign signs for all the different candidates and interspeakeinte intersections, signs for planned parenthood. what she is talking about is real. the interview tonight is lilly
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ledbetter, which is awesome, stay tuned. ♪ oh. let's go. from the crack, off the backboard. [ laughs ] dad! [ laughs ] whoo! oh! you're up! oh! oh! so close! now where were we? ok, this one's good for two. score! [ male announcer ] share what you love with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're gr-r-eat!
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out there is plenty of fight on the democratic side this year. >> change is health care reform that we passed after a century of trying. change is the fight we won to stop handing $60 billion in taxpayer subsidies to banks to process student loans, and give that money directly to student and families who need it. change is the fact for the first time in history you don't have to hide who you love to serve the country you love because we got rid of don't ask, don't dell. change is keeping another promise i made in 2008 for the first time in nine years, there are no americans fighting in iraq, we put that war to an end. >> president obama speaking at a fund-raiser in new york city a few days ago. other items the president reminded the crowd he has checked off his to-do list saving the auto industry, raising fuel efficiency standard, moving osama bin laden from the alive category to dead
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as a doornail category. the very first accomplishment is the piece of legislation he signed as president. >> change is the first bill i signed into law, pretty simple law, says women deserve an equal day's pay for equal's day work, because we want -- i want my daughters to have the same opportunity as someone's sons. >> that bill called the lilly ledbetter fair pay act. he signed it on january 29th, 2009, the first law as president. that is ms. ledbetter walking with the president on that day. let's say you find out on the job you are being paid less than your male coworker, you believe your lesser pay is because you're a woman. under the civil rights act of 1964 you have 180 days, from the discriminatory act to file a complaint. what is a discriminatory act? every discriminatory paycheck
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you get. but in 2007, the john roberts-led supreme court ruled that 180 day clock starts ticking not with the last paycheck that you got, but with the first discriminatory paycheck you got. even if you had no idea you were being discriminated against, how would you know since most of us don't have any idea what coworkers make. that ruling effectively made it impossible to sue for being paid less because of your sex. the anti-discrimination law was still on the books that ruling by the roberts court made the law effectively unenforceable. ruth bader ginsburg was so incens incensed, she read her dissent out laoud from the bench. lilly ledbetter, she worked at goodyear before discovering she was paid 40% less than men.
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she kept working, took her case to congress and in congress, she won. being able to put his signature to that win is one of the things this president has been bragging on ever since he did it. and getting big applause every time he does so. joining us tonight for the interview is lilly ledbetter, a new book how this happened, "grace and grit, my fight for equal pay and fairness at goodyear and beyond" thank you for being here. >> thank you, thank you. >> did i explain that right? >> you did, you did a wonderful job, you sized the situation up exactly right and the resident takes a lot of credit for signing that bill and it was so historical because it put women and their families back out front. it gives them the right when they find out that they are being mistreated in their pay, then they can file the charge the same as i had done. it reinstates what the
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supreme court undid with the ruling against you. >> exactly. >> you were working a good year for 19 years when you found out you were being paid thousands of dollars less every year than male colleagues doing the job. you write afwhobout this in the book. how did you find out 19 years into it you were being paid less? >> someone left me an anonymous note tipping me off that me and my counterparts, the four of us had the same job, been paid drastically different. mine was 40%, just the base pay, that ment my overtime pay was not correct not what i was entitled to legally under the law, that also affected my retirement, my contributory retirement, 401 k and social security as well. that is why i'm sole passionate about the book and telling the story and what i do today this
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is detrimental to american families and putting this country drastically behind. dplfrmt by the time you figured out and again because of an anonymous tip, did you ever find out who gave you? >> no, i did not, some good samaritan, had i not gotten the tip i would have retired and gone on, never knowing how i had been mistreated. >> over the course of your career at good year, do you know how much money that added up to in terms of the disparity? >> no it is a drastic amount of money. estimated over $250,000 but it's much greater than that. dplfrmt i don't mean to >> you write after you talk about getting the tip you write about going into the ladies rest room and thinking about it, i stood frozen raising my eyes to the ceiling, stunned by what you learned. after a few minutes i knew i had
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to get it together or i would be late. that is when i felt the shame, the haunting humiliation deep in my bones as the numbers kept looping through my mind i couldn't shake reltization how stupid i had been to try so hard and think it would pay off i wanted so badly to win approval and had done so in the eyes of most of my coworkers. >> why shame and humiliation, why did you feel those things in. >> because the amount of pay and our job is how we identify ourselves. that was an accomplishment i had worked so hard to stand alongside the man and be able to do everything they did. and never have tried, never to make a mistake, and to do work harder and smarter than my male counterparts and i had been given a topper for man's award in 1996, i had been chosen as one of the four manager ts to
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start up a radial division, they hand picked the four managers, that was quite an honor for me, to find out that i'm being paid so much less than the other men, i couldn't believe it. >> the way you described that in terms of it sort of sucking that out of you is an emotional thing. i wonder when we talk on the show and all of us talk about what government can and can't do, you obviously went through that humiliating experience of having been done wrong, and you had to fight for a very long time in order to get redress from the government. i wonder if you left this feeling like it's hard to get things done through institutions in the united states or if this restored your faith in what government can do what people work at it? >> it restored my faith because one person can make a difference but not without the help of a lot of other people that are committed to the same cause.
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because i had such an outpouring across this nation, one head line red she struck a nerve, and i did. it struck a nir of with the men. the men understand this because it takes two people in most households today to hold on to middle class this bill was sponsor and cosponsored by republicans and democrats. it didn't belong to either party, it's a fundamental american right people are compensated fairly. >> because you fought for it we all benefit. >> i think it will help in the future and now we're trying to make a lot more changes, and i'm still out there fighting and trying to educate young people, because when you start out behind, a young person can never catch up because raises are based a percentage of what
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you're earning. i encourage college students to start out with the pay they are entitled to. >> lilly ledbetter, "grace and grit" i will say that i learned a lot about your case, the political process and way more than anybody has a right to know about possum trot, alabama and the way you started in the world. great book and thank you for your activism. >> thank you so much for having me, rachel. thank you. >> nice to meet you, ma'am. we will be right back. whee! whee! wheeeeeeeee! ah heads up. wheeeeeeeeeeee! everything you love about geico, now mobile. download the new geico app today.
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that old beach boy song, bomb iran. >> one of the reasons it's worth it not just indulgent and fun to follow campaigns so closely is because candidates for office are not just asking to you vote for them based on experience and ideas and how bad the other guy is, candidates for office in the way they run are also modelling what they might be like in office if they are elected. so the no drama obama candidacy foreshadowed what has been a no drama obama white house. from the gut bomb iran mccain candy daisy when russia and georgia were in and armed tiff he would get us in on something like that. get us involved with a war with
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raw sha, yes, that russia. now today as just a senator he's calling for another new american war in the middle east. today he said we should bomb bomb bomb, bomb syria. so covering seemingly stupid stuff on the john mccain campaign like singing bomb iran to the tune of a beach boys song that was useful information what he would be like as a president since we know there has been no recent war suggested to him that he didn't want to jump into running for office can tell us important things what a person will be like. in the house, republican john boehner is speaker and eric cantor, majority leader, how are republicans doing at running the one branch of elected government they are in charge of. as speaker, john boehner has had trouble everything from forgetting to swear some of his people in on day one, to not achieving any of the republican stated legislative goals.
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john boehner is bad at his job high poth he sis on this show. apparently not just john boehner being bad at his job in this high poth he sis. eric cantor not only quit on friday but quit after getting in a fist fight with another staffer. it was apparently about a piece of legislation mr. cantor's office was due to roll out last week. they thought they had supporters to say nice things about it but that fell through and the two staffers had what politico described as an aggressive c confrontati confrontation, mr. cantor's spokesman quit, we will get that bill from the republicans that caused the near fist fights and quitting. also supposed to get john boehner's transportation bill by now, delayed for weeks because he can't get his side to vote for his own bill. the whole situation politico describes as "only the most
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