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tv   Lockup Tampa  MSNBC  March 9, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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okay, all right, fine. i relent. i relent. i cannot take it. here by popular demand, once again, that picture of matt romney, mitt romney's son, with all those other people. i submit to wur will n n prison. you're a man. you're grown. we shouldn't have to do this. >> an inmate with suspicious tax forms becomes a problem for the jail. >> don't treat me like i'm stupid or something.
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i'm not playing this cat and mouse thing. >> a murder ends with the victim burned alive in a dumpster and pits friends and family against each other. >> this case is interesting because they all have a different story. >> i witnessed them stabbing them. >> they are saying i was the ringleader. >> i think they thought he was dead already and they took him to burn him. >> i saw casey starting pouring the gasoline on him. >> different stories come from different people. >> i guess a lot of it has to do with the company you keep. once a year, tampa, florida undergoes an invasion complete with pirates and blasting cannons. the gasaparilla festival
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is one of the biggest events of the year, celebrating tampa buck here in past. but when it crosses the line from fantasy to reality there, is a place eight miles outside from downtown more than willing to accommodate offenders. the hillsborough county jail is actually comprised of two sprawling facilities with an average daily population of more than 3500 men and women. >> falkenroad jail has housing for up to 3400 inmates. it takes a little bit to get from one point to another so we utilize the golf carts. >> depending on where i'm going and what my function is if i have to be there in a hurry i use the cart. it's smarter. if i'm going two housing units down i will walk for the exercise. >> four miles away is the orient road facility where up to 1700
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inmates can be housed. both facilities are run by a former secret service agent determined to bring the experience he learned guarding a vice president to the job of overseeing thousands of inmates. >> traveling around the world with vice president cheney really taught me more than anything a lot of the self discipline quality that i need to succeed here and much of what i learned there helped me in running the jails. we run an orderly operation here. the inmate behavior is not one that causes us concern. we look at other jails where violence is widespread that is not a problem we typically deal with on a daily basis. >> 150 new arrestees from two dozen law enforcement agencies are processed through the orient road intake facility and the potential for violence is always present. >> can never let your guard down here. if you let your guard down here,
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as soon as you do, something bad happens. that's what makes booking unique. it's the fact that you are dealing with them right as they are coming in. they are agitated, scared, you know, confused. you'll have a room with 40, 50, 100 people. you never know what they in here for. you never judge a book by his cover. the guy who looks like he is in here for murder and might be here for a joint and the little old lady might have stabbed her husband. you just never know. >> most of the men and women in intake are here within hours of arriving. unlike prison where all of the inmates have been convicted, most jail inmates are standing accused of crime and are being held while their cases are making their way through the legal system. but once a day a bus load of state prison inmates arrive most appealing sentences and will remain here until the appeals
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are settled in nearby courts. >> some of them have boxes and boxes of legal material that we have to search through for contraband. >> the search process angered one of the state prisons. >> he is agitated because we are going through his property and legal materials. page by page. >> he became threatening when they found suspicious documents in his legal paperwork and confiscated them. >> he is a state prisoner serving 30-plus years. he's aggravated. i'll put extra staff on him. >> the jail takes no risks with new arrivals especially from the state prison system. nearby in housing unit 6-f sergeant sarah herman has just learned that the agitated inmate is headed her way. >> i'm getting a new arrival from the booking area. my sergeant just called me and told me that this gentleman is
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not happy. taking one, two, three, four, five, six. >> once he is out of their custody we bring it down emotionally so he doesn't cause disturbance in my area. >> thank you, we appreciate it. >> we'll talk when we get you secured in a cell. >> here it is. >> bring your hands forward. >> thanks, sarge. >> the inmate is brian singletary serving a 30-year prison sentence for crimes of assault on a law enforcement office, carrying a concealed firearm and possession with intent to sell. he returned to jail to appeal his sentence. >> what is your complaint? >> i have been getting treated bad since i got here. i have been singled out. >> what happened? >> my legal stuff that went through and tore up. i don't know what has been taken and not. >> we have no interest in taking your legal stuff.
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you do understand that, right? >> it is taking me out of my -- out of your element. you're here early. a your number came up. you're not supposed to be. exactly. >> i had deadlines. i need my legal stuff. >> it's clear you are frustrated and angry right? >> yeah. >> get me an opportunity to get you your legal stuff. we'll be done with it. okay? >> master deputy steven gray is one of the jail's internal investigators. he knows singletary from his prior stays at the jail. >> why what i have is the paperwork that was confiscated from inmate singletary. it's reason why he is upset. we have income tax forms, the 1040 ez forms that he has filled out all different individuals. they have all their social security numbers on here. on his homemade spread sheet we have a refund due anywhere from 4,000 all the way up to $6500. there's a lot of money here and
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i suspect he is not doing paperwork for the guards or anything like that. you would only think he is up to no good as far as filing fake returns to obtain money. it could be huge. >> so huge that it doesn't take long for it to reach the top of the jail system. they don't know why singletary has the returns or that he is involved in anything wrongful but the possibility of misconduct concerns them. >> one of the things i did during the time i was a secret service agent is investigate bank fraud and identity threat. i dealt with people who were ruined. he arrives with that kind of information and personal data about what could be potentially be dozens of innocent people we take that seriously. >> coming up. >> all of it is a part of my case. >> brian singletary continues his disruptive behavior.
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>> bring the tone down a little bit. relax. let me take a look. and three former roommates implicate each other in a gruesome crime. >> they are saying i planned it, i made everybody do it. [ female announcer ] the best things in life are the real things.
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there are nearly 500 women incarcerated at the hillsborough county jail in tampa, florida. most live in dormitory style housing units. but another portion of the female population lives in cells with far more restrictive conditions. >> this is a lockdown unit. we deal with several types of inmates. we have high profile inmates. we have psych inmates. we have disciplinary. it is an inmate in the news recently because of their charges.
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>> rosanna dimauro's case is high profile. >> you are helpless. you can't fend for yourself or get a roll of toilet paper when you need it. anything you want done you have to ask to be done for you. dimauro is allowed at of her cell one hour a day. >> we schedule our outside visits. and this is the hour we get to shower. >> it's a chance to socialize with other inmates on the unit who are out at the same time. >> i braid her hair and do her eyebrows. the stuff she couldn't do on her own. >> i feel good. i feel alive because i have human contact. >> dimauro was arrested seven months earlier for allegedly
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playing a role in a sadistic murder in tampa. reports say the vim was beaten, stabbed and burned alive. dimauro was not charged with the murder but helping cover it up afterwards. she has plead not guilty. >> i am charged with accessory with first degree murder after the fact. a lot of it has to do with the company your keep. >> and the company she kept was four adult men who lived with her and her three-year-old son in this two-bedroom apartment. all four men have been charged with various roles in the murder. >> this case is interesting because there are four or five defendants and they all have a different story about what happened the night or the morning of the crime. so it is a very tangled web of things. it is something you would see on a tv or movie. there are a bunch of moving parts to this crime. will the be something to see how it plays out in court. >> one of the defendants is
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kasey ackerman who was dimauro's live in boyfriend at the time. at age 20, he is 18 years her junior. >> i'm implicated as the alpha dog of the house, i was the man of the household. they're saying that i was the ring leader saying the one that was over it all, i planned it. i made everybody do it. >> ackerman is currently less than 100 yards away from his former girlfriend in the men's confinement unit. he pled not guilty to murdering 26-year-old robert brewer. brewer was living on the streets of tampa when he became friends with dimauro's other male roommates and invited to the apartment for dinner. >> i was thinking not another free loader around here. >> prosecutors say ackerman grew angry.
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because of the attention brewer was giving dimauro. >> the whole time he had his shirt off showing off his tattoos and then to me. >> would you describe kasey as a jealous person? >> yeah. >> dimauro claim that not long after brewer's arrival she went out for the evening. >> the police were knocking on the door in the morning and i answered the door. when i answered the door say they said we need to come in for questioning for murder. and i was really surprised. and i was like where? who got murdered? >> prosecutors say dimauro knew about the murder and helped to clean up the blood and covered for some of her roommates who committed the murder. if convicted ackerman, the alleged ring leader could face the death penalty. but he says he had nothing to do with it. >> we're drinking and doing pills, smoking pot just different stuff inside the
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apartment. and i fell asleep on the couch watching a movie. i didn't hear a commotion or nothing going on. >> if ackerman and dimauro are found guilty it could be in part because of dimauro's 19-year-old son david link. he accepted a plea deal and is cooperating with the prosecutors. >> i'm charged with accessory after the fact to first degree murder. and they're going to give me 34.5 months, with five years probation. i told them everything i knew from my perception and everything i saw happen in order for them to know what happened. >> link is a separate housing unit at the hillsborough county jail to serve out his sentence. he said his mother was not out but in the apartment during the
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entire ordeal and that ackerman initiated the attack after the victim fell asleep in the bedroom. >> i heard banging around. at one point kasey came out and i tried to ask what is going on. he said it's better if you don't know. >> link say that ackerman ordered him to buy gasoline and bring it back to the apartment. when he returned, things were worse. >> he had stab wounds in his neck and chest and i witnessed them stabbing him and they had taken his clothes. alt that point, everything hit me, what they were doing. >> link says he assumed the gasoline would be used to burn brewer's clothes but instead he claim that ackerman and their two male roommates stuffed brewer inside a duffel bag and carried him out to the dumpster. >> i thought he was dead but the duffel bag was moving in and out and kasey was starting to pour the gasoline on him. i couldn't -- i was kind of just
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stuck at that moment. i didn't know what to do. i was just taken aback by the image. >> within seconds the dumpster was in flames and brewer was incinerated. >> were you afraid of kasey that night? >> yeah. >> of what? >> of getting stabbed. >> since link is already convicted and sentenced for his part in the murder he is eligible to serve his time in a generale population dorm. with far fewer restrictions than the confinement unit. that frustrates kasey ackerman. >> he is in general population right now. they want to keep me behind this door. it's not right you know what i'm saying? i feel like i'm being punished and at that point all i can do is prepare my mind for the worst and hope for the best. >> you going to be all right? >> in the next cell over brian singletary is also frustrated with being in confinement and
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it's only been a little more than a day now. when he arrived at intake jail officials confiscated suspicious tax forms that he claims is part of his legal paperwork and he wants them back. >> the only thing she did not put in there is some type of tax form. that what you are talking about? >> the tax stuff all that stuff is part of my case. i got a lot of my stuff in here already. >> relax singletary. i'll go down there myself. >> i got more of the same stuff right here. all this is part of my case. it's my federal case. what i'm saying is i have a motion and some more pertinent documents that i need that i talked to my lawyer about. >> relax. bring the tone down a little bit. let me take a look. >> as the deputy looks into his complaints he continues his disturbance, eventually banging
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on his cell door and drawing the attention of sergeant herman. >> a lot of times they are not thinking about their actions afterwards, the consequences. the people will bang on the window so hard they don't realize their fists are swollen. in order for all of that to stop, yes, we have to protect them, even when they don't know any better. >> and singletary is about to find out just what that means. coming up -- >> not fun. >> not fun. >> brian singletary learns about the chair. >> looks a little relaxing until you get into it right? you a 50%. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card.
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at 90 calories, you can have brownies again. ♪ fiber one 90 calorie brownies. in the granola bar aisle. at the hillsborough county jail in tampa, florida, brian singletary's continuing disruptive behavior has not gone unnoticed. >> i'm calm but i'm numb. i can't really feel my legs and arms. >> it's been 24 hours since
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singletary arrived from a florida state prison and intake officers searching his paperwork found suspicious documents they believe are linked to a tax fraud scam. singletary denies that. >> i need the legal paperwork. >> he is demanding the return of his paperwork but his actions have prompted him to be put in the restraint chair. >> they are telling me it is confiscated. i'm entitled to my legal work. i wanted someone to talk to me. that is the way to get them to talk to me. but they didn't have no understanding. so it is putting me in the chair for banging on the chair. i don't like the chair. i can't say that much. >> it is a time-out. can go anywhere from a few minutes up to four hours. but it's very effective. >> singletary has been in the
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restraint chair for three hours. sergeant sarah herman will determine when he is calm enough to be released. >> if it says calm across the board for 30 minutes i go in to have a talk with them to bring it back to this is why you're here. this is why you are placed in the chair. this is not the way to get things done here in the jail. when we talked last time you said i was going to be doing this all day. >> i don't do this. i was upset. >> how do i know your character when you got here yesterday? >> i'm a man of my word. >> you're saying that. i do not play. >> when you decide to be disruptive, consequences are to follow. okay? zero tolerance for negative behavior. >> absolutely. >> you can't destroy things or bang on the windows. it is going to hurt you. that's why we use the chair. if they are compliant and going in agreeance with what i'm saying, absolutely they'll come out. but again it depends on their
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demeanor. >> you're a man. >> exactly. >> you're grown. >> exactly. >> we should not have to do this. >> exactly. >> did i not tell you when the captain will get to you? did i not tell that you? >> yes. >> >> exactly. >> but you decided to force the issue. >> no. >> i just want to make sure. >> i gave you my word. >> i need confirmation yes or no? >> you will not have any trouble out of me. no. >> i need confirmation we're not going to have more problems? >> and i said no. >> thank you. >> deputies will now release singletary from the chair and escort him back to his cell in the men's confinement unit. >> your first time in the chair. what did you think? >> not fun. >> not fun. looks relaxing until you get into it, right? >> i'm relaxed but it's uncomfortable. your whole body be numb. >> absolutely.
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something i don't want to go through again. >> changed his behavior. let him get his feet stable on the ground first. get his bearing. go. >> the nurse is here. going to check you out to make sure everything is okay. >> just get out of the chair. do ankle check. there was no force. you know, compliant. >> not close to the door. >> all the way back. >> okay. >> we're done for the day. i'm just asking, sir. are we done for the day? tell me what i need to do because i have to move on. >> i'm sorry? >> absolutely not. we're there. we're in the same lane. good deal. >> coming up. >> i see her get put in shackles and stuff was not the highlight of my time. >> a jailhouse triangle in which a son could send his mother to prison and her ex-boyfriend attempts to win her back with
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poetry. >> so now it is our very lucky day. [ male announcer ] what if you had thermal night-vision goggles, like in a special ops mission? you'd spot movement, gather intelligence with minimal collateral damage. but rather than neutralizing enemies in their sleep, you'd be targeting stocks to trade. well, that's what trade architect's heat maps do. they make you a trading assassin. trade architect. td ameritrade's empowering, web-based trading platform. trade commission-free for 60 days,
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there's no going back.
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i'm milissa rehberger, here's what is happening. president obama congratulated vladimir putin in winning back his role as russian president. the u.s. had a cool relationship with putin recently but the two leaders spoke by phone and said they would work to cooperate. u.s. presidential hopeful newt gingrich says he is not going anywhere. he is vowing to stay in the race until the convention. mitt romney is zeroing in on the south, alabama and mississippi voters weigh in on tuesday. now back to "lock up." due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised.
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at hillsborough county jail in tampa, florida, inmate david link discovered a creative way to spin his time. >> i'm about to color this picture. i'm good b to do that with m & ms. i put them in water on the spoon. i wait for the color to come off that. i have a pencil without any lead in it and i dip this in it and paint the picture. i got the basic colors from the m and m. the chocolate is left and i'll eat that. link is the son of rosanna dimauro whose ex-boyfriend is kasey ackerman. all three are in the custody of the hillsborough county jail on various charges related to the stabbing and incineration murder of robert brewer. the crime made headlines and caught the attention of master deputy steven gray. >> what we have here the high profile board.
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anything that makes the paper. they will make the board. this is an interesting case. an older female is dating a younger male who is friends with her son and they are now locked up in our facility awaiting trial. >> ackerman who prosecutors say was the ring leader of the murder has been held in the men's lock down unit where he is confined 23 hours a day. >> the finger's been pointed. i've been implicated in it. this is where i got to sit. >> thoughts of dimauro occupy his time. >> that's her at her hom's house. >> that's her on the beach of the coast of california. she took that party of my heart. just something, you know what i'm saying. i'll never be able to let go. >> but dimauro doesn't share ackerman's passion.
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>> it wasn't on intended on being a relationship. it was intended on being one night thing. we weren't together that long. just a couple months. sot wasn't something i wasn't planning on going forward with. >> as ackerman awaits his murder trial in jail he writes love poems. >> it's called my wondering love for her. here i am wondering if i'll ever get to see the light of day, because i have it love for her that will never go away. but all she does was be crazy and run away and i will never leave again and i will -- and i love you so, so much, man. so much. so much that i -- that i want to stay. so now it is our very lucky day. i love rosanna, so much. i spent my days thinking about her, what we should do what we can do. i wish that i could write her
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but she don't write back. >> in jail, inmates in different housing units are not allowed to correspond but someone else has been writing to dimauro. >> there is a lot of letters. >> she has connected with a former co-worker and they have forged a romantic bond. >> love you and hope you love the card. >> he takes care of me in here. he gives me money for canteen and visits me every day. he writes me letters every day. i am locked in this cell 24 hours a day. and he is there with the caring words. that somebody needs to hear. >> i probably done lost my chance, you know what i'm saying. she will move on and find another person to be with. it hurts in some ways but there is nothing i can do about it if she wants to be with me or someone else. >> i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and still do. >> but dimauro is concerned about her son david.
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>> this is my son david. this is when he was 16. it makes me think of the good times that we had together. he's funny. he's always -- he's always making me laugh. and that's what i miss most about him. >> since they were arrested dimauro has seen link only once during a court hearing. >> when i went to court, my son, david, did a heart motion, like this. he put his hands like this in a heart shape and said that he loved me. he couldn't speak outloud but he motioned his lips i love you. it made me burst out crying. >> link accepted a plea deal for his role in the murder and could be called to testify against his mother and ackerman. >> i don't really want it testify against no one. >> i have been a believer that truth will set you free and everything. this crime was against my morals.
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so the easiest way for me to fight that in my mind was to testify about what happens. >> his testimony could send his mother to prison for years. >> i could lose my whole entire life. my biggest fear is not getting out until my kids and grandchildren are grown. i'm upset but i love my son. he's blood. he's family, no matter what. and i love him to death. but you know, i really feel sad that he would do something like that. >> her trial potentially months away dimauro copes with her time in confinement by sleeping 16 hours a day. >> i like to sleep if i can. it takes away all the pain. i don't want to feel anything right now. if i did i'd break apart and i can't allow that to happen for my kids. it's better to sleep it through than to sit here and think and think and think. it's not fun. it's not fun.
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>> coming up. >> what's going on brian? >> brian singletary faces an interrogation from authorities. >> i don't have nothing to hide. i'm not guilty about anything. >> you need to cut your hair. >> i ain't cutting my hair. >> and kasey ackerman faces a different sort of interrogation from his sister. >> i told you you don't need to have a wife with a sister like me. ley trail mix bars are made with real ingredients you can see. like whole roasted nuts, chewy granola, and real fruit. nature valley trail mix bars. 100% natural. 100% delicious. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about the cookie-cutter retirement advice ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you get at some places. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 they say you have to do this, have that, invest here ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you know what? ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you can't create a retirement plan based on ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 a predetermined script. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 to understand you and your goals... ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 together we can find real-life answers for your ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 real-life retirement. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 talk to chuck
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turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how did that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine top safety picks like the passat and jetta. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month. at the hillsborough county jail in tampa, florida, master deputy steven gray notices a story in his morning paper that hits close to home. >> the headline is inmate stole $39 million from the irs in 2009. and that is only what they caught in the audits. taken cover story continues on the second page. that is a huge article.
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you go to the list and the number one is florida. >> according to the report prison inmates in florida accounted for $12.6 million in fraudulent claims, almost a third of the national total. >> not only are we number one we are pretty ahead of the game as far as number wise. it's amazing what they can do from behind bars. what they do is they might file five or ten. they might file 30 and it's just hit and miss what goes through and doesn't go through. they do a lot of homework and have people help them from the outside. friends and family. it is a big organized crime deal if you look at it. premeditated obviously. you know, it's sinister. >> it's been two months since deputies uncovered what they believed was just such a scam when brian singletary came through booking. >> we took a bunch of suspicious paperwork off of him.
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>> about $70,000 worth of tax refunds were listed in the ledger of documents confiscated. he maintained that the documents were part of his legal case and changed his story saying they belonged to another inmate. now deputy gray wants to find out more. >> what's going on, brian? been all right? all right, bro. told you i'd come back down and talk with you over that stuff we confiscated off you when you came in. going to be honest with you, you know, it's going to be confiscated. you're not getting any of that back. >> i told you it's not mine anyway. it doesn't much matter. >> they treating you okay? you ain't been in the chair since that second day? >> no. i'm all right. >> i figured you would calm down. >> you get the rest of your legal? >> they gave me some hard times. >> you got it though? >> yeah.
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>> i've known him on and off far few years. i'm hoping he will open up to someone like myself. i have been studying the whole tax fraud thing that goes on in prison. are you aware of that stuff quos on in prison? >> i've seen it on the news. >> i've read up on it. >> you know the 1040 forms and the 1040 ezs and they use other people's names. i was wonder for there are other angles that they take? >> i don't know known that does it. i don't get into. that. >> all right. >> it's frustrating for me to talk to brian singletary. he is intelligent and well-read on the haw. he wants to beat around the bush he never wants to give you full truth answers. and you have to extract a little bit of truth from what he is telling you. between you and i you have to know how it looks. >> i didn't know what it was.
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i stuck it in my stuff. >> you think that guy you were holding it for, your buddy is that what he's into? >> i guess. >> you think? >> you're an educated guy. >> but it would be an opinion. >> i'm saying educated guess. >> if that's what he do. >> one plus one is equaling two. >> i'm saying as far as i'm concerned. >> i'm not saying you have anything -- i already know. my gut feeling is if he's not running the tax scam he has close associates up in state prison that are doing this. >> you want to know about the tax forms. make it easy for me. >> he's willing to give us information but of course with brian singletary he wants something in return and what he's wanting is something i can't give him and that's help on his appeal is why he is in state prison right now and that
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can't happen. as of right now it's pretty much a dead issue with brian singletary unless i'm hoping he gets second thoughts and maybe in two or three days he puts in the word he wants to talk again. >> i've always shot straight with you. i'm not going to lie to you. that's not how i run my game. it's not going to me or you anywhere. if you need anything, you know what i mean. you want to talk about something, we'll talk. >> okay. >> all right? >> all right. >> this guy was in prison and he's got people's personal information. we put alarm systems on our cars and houses but we sometimes tend to dish our personal information out freely. from my experience the one thing you should protect more than anything is that kind of information and for this guy to have it is a wakeup call. they are out there and have your information and they can rune your life. >> one cell over from singletary's kasey ackerman
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awaiting trial on a murder charge is confined to his cell to 23 hours a day limiting times for visits from family including the person he is closest to, his 19-year-old half sister, tara. she has come to see him today. the jail requires the inmates to stay in their housing units and the visits are conducted via telephone and tv. >> hey woman. >> hi hot stuff can you see me? >> how are you? >> it's going okay. >> i cussed your sister out last night. >> yeah. >> have you heard about rosanna? >> she's just right across the hall. >> is david link still in there? is he still in county? are you worry about what he is testifying? >> i not worrying about any of them, i smile and grin at them all. cheese. >> oh, god help us.
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>> are you going to testify? >> it's not in my interest to take the stand against anybody. don't do it. >> you know i'll be there. >> yep. >> what are we going to do with your hair? >> i'm going to put it up. >> you need do something with your eyebrows. they are getting bushy. >> listen to you. you need to cut your hair. >> i ain't cutting my hair. >> it looks nasty. >> you going to shave it off? >> i told you you don't need a wife when you got a sister like me? >> i don't need a wife because i have a sister like you? >> yeah. i'm the real bride. it's happy because i get to see him but i leave and he stays. i was trying to get him off the streets. i was letting all of them stay at my house rosanna, david, all of them. i used to cook all of them dinner. i think rosanna, what a scam artist. >> you don't like rosanna any more?
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>> i hate her. i hope she chokes. i shouldn't say that. >> she'll be all right. >> i don't believe he did it. me he might have participated after the fact. but stabbed him, broke his skull. put him in the dumpster. no. he is not the ringleader. i know he's not the ring leader. never. coming up -- >> rosanna dimauro takes a turn for the worse. >> i have a concern about her. i think she needs to be evaluated. >> while her son dreams of a brighter future. >> my dream would be to be big with music or be an actor. but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function.
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in the hillsborough county jail's number six housing unit the corporal keeps an eye on the
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cleanliness of the inmates in her supervision. >> i go around to each room every day. it might sound like a lot. it is something they expect. they see me and they jump to it. you will see them get up and mozie up stairs. saying uh-oh, here she comes. they know what they expect. you got your bed made? it looks good. you keep it neat in here. i appreciate that. it is important to keep the jail clean. >> it keeps down the illnesses. people are here from all walks of life. they come from places that -- homeless with no medical care and they bring a lot of disease and germs and in order to keep that down we maintain a clean atmosphere. i want their beds made. i want the room picked up. i don't want trash on the floor. it's important to have uniformity here. if you don't things get crazy.
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>> in the confinement unit, the corporal notices a problem in the cell of rosanna dimauro. it's a mess. >> i saw paper on the floor and a toilet unflushed. not good. >> good morning. you sleeping by the light today? >> yeah. >> i want to talk to you. i notice you like to sleep here next to the light. is that why you put your mattress there. you scared of the dark? >> i was watching tv actually. >> and you fell asleep there. what happened to the rest of your room? you have pads there on your commode and it's not flushed. >> i'm sorry. >> that's not going to work. why don't you do that now. and pull those pads off the commode. >> there were maxi pads stuck to the toilet seat which is beyond
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disgusting. >> what's going on with you? your room is a mess? >> i haven't put it back together. >> how long since you moved? >> a couple days. >> does it take a couple days to clean up? i'm being honest. >> not if i started it right away but i put it off and didn't do it. >> what are we doing now? >> i'll clean it up today. >> a messy cell is a concern for not only sanitary reasons, but what it might indicate about an inmate's state of mind. >> she normally keeps her area really clean. but it is not. it's not common to be in a disarray. when they change their patterns like that you wonder if their mind set is still the same. maybe going into depression. the first thing i'm going to do is contact our medical team. >> this is corporal mimms. i have a request for you rosanna dimauro.
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i think she needs to be evaluated. >> what is going on with her? >> i believe -- i have some -- a little bit of a concern about her. she used to keep things neat and tidy and now she is not cleaning up. the room is an absolute mess. she is sleeping a lot and she just doesn't seem to be herself anywhere. and i just am just concerned about it. >> i'll talk to her today definitely. >> thank you so much. bye-bye. >> minutes later, the nurse matthews from the jail's psychiatric unit arrives to assess rosanna's condition. >> i came by to see you because they said they were concerned about you. you have too much stuff in your room, room is not clean, things like that. >> no. it's just fine. >> you getting depressed or something?
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>> i was depressed about a week ago. but i was just depressed. >> the nurse practioner in says that her symptoms could be more than depression. >> she was displaying classic symptoms like in ptsd, nightmare flashbacks mood swings. >> nightmares. i pace back and forth. i couldn't go to sleep. i would wake up with night terrors. >> what were your nightmares about? >> the murder. i was seeing everything they told me happened in the dream about stabbing him, dragging him to the dumpster and burning him. >> the nurse will monitor her in the coming months. >> we will make sure she doesn't get worse or going downhill again. >> over in general population, dimauro's son david link is looking forward to a fresh start. he accepted a plea deal for
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testimony against his mother and her former live in boyfriend kasey ackerman about their roles in a gruesome murder. he could be out in two and a half years. >> my dream i guess would be to get a band and be big with music or else to sit there and become an actor or something because i like acting. >> link's experience has changed his perspective on the company he keeps but on the company his mother has kept. >> i wish she never would have went out with kasey and stuff. because it would have saved us both from being in this position. hopefully she learns from her mistakes and this will be in the past one day. >> i just want to do my time and get out and put this behind me and move forward.


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