tv Lockup MSNBC March 10, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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of him. >> while another inmate takes creative steps to send his love to the girlfriend he allegedly, accidentally shot. ♪ i understand you're feeling down ♪ >> two cell mates deal with drug addiction. >> i'm an animal. i don't care about anything or anyone. >> and motherhood. >> big hug. i love you. ♪ >> by day, boston, massachusetts, is both a modern metropolis and home to some of america's earliest historical sights. but like all big cities, there is an underbelly of drugs and crime that is left to the city's law enforcement agencies to combat. located just outside downtown is a key landmark in that battle,
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the suffolk county jail. >> the jail is a maximum security facility. it holds anyone who is arrested and held on a bail they can't make. that could be someone charged with shoplifting, and it is very frequently someone charged with homicide. >> unlike prison where all inmates have been convicted and sentenced, most jail inmates have only been charged with crimes and are innocent until proven guilty. suffolk county has an average daily population of 700 such detainees, along with nearly 2,000 other inmates who have been convicted and are serving short sentences. >> we're the largest sheriff's department in the northeast, and so we're moving a lot of people in and out of here and trying to do a lot with them in the relatively short period of time we have them. the people who get that job done every single day do a remarkable job. >> in some units, a lone officer supervises inmates, like a beat cop on the streets. it allows him to build rapport
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and it has actually been proven to reduce fighting. >> i'll talk to you later. >> but in jail, fights still break out. >> policy dictates that both for his own protection and that of the inmates, the officer on duty not intervene until backup arrives. within seconds, officers swarm the area. the inmates involved are quickly restrained and removed from the area. >> everybody step into your rooms, close the doors. close the doors. close that door. >> one of the combatants is 28-year-old jenoris hayes. >> clinic nurse. >> hayes and the other inmate will be treated for minor injuries while authorities piece together what happened. >> is a clinic available for one
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to come up from the altercation on two? >> and key to that process is a review of jail surveillance footage. >> this is our 2-1 unit. it's just about 5:00 p.m., dinnertime. these three gentlemen here are designated as unit workers. they help to serve the food and mop the floors and the like. the tallest gentleman in the frame is jenoris hayes. he's about to be attacked by a detainee who has a weapon, a sock weighted with batteries. it allows the detainee to strike the victim while providing distance so the victim cannot strike back. fortunately for mr. hayes, he was able to deflect the initial attack. and what happens is mr. hayes gains the upper hand in this fight, and though this started as he was the victim of an aadult, he quickly becomes a participant in an altercation. the officer continues to observe the scene and await the arrival of our response teams. you see mr. hayes now has gained the upper hand in this altercation. as the response team comes in, you see them secure the
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participants fairly quickly, efficiently, and they'll be headed off to segregation. >> having received treatment for minor injuries, hayes is secured back in his cell. >> he ended up like this and you were on top of him pounding him. at a certain point you had to stop. you didn't. he was on the chair cowering from you. that's no longer an assault on you. now you're beating the hell out of him. all right? that's why you're going to go see the d-board, solution, so that's, you know what happens. >> deputies will question the other inmate who has asked not to be identified on camera. then members of the disciplinary board will determine what sanctions, if any, will be. handed down. >> i really don't even know what happened. i was just doing my job and turned around. it happened so fast. i was just in the moment.
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i'm usually the type of person that mind his own business, not too antisocial because i am a people person. sometimes i can be the shoulder that person can lean on by saying hello or good morning which might brighten up their day. >> hayes' easygoing attitude stands in contrast to the alleged crime that brought him to jail in the first place, attempted murder. he's pled not guilty and has been in jail for nearly four months awaiting trial. >> here i am again. and because of my past history and my record, you know, they kind of somewhat using that against me thinking i'm either a threat or a menace to society which i'm really not. >> hayes' long-term future is up to the courts. for now he's facing possible time in the jail's segregation unit, if the disciplinary board sanctions him for the fight. he will have a hearing within the next few days. >> about the only thing i can do is just hope for the best. you know?
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>> hayes is hardly alone facing an uncertain future. a short distance away in the women's wing of the jail, 26-year-old crystal o'reilly is currently awaiting trial on several charges, including armed robbery. if convicted, she faces five to ten years in prison. >> allegedly i robbed two banks in boston. i had always -- not necessarily dreamed, but talked about it, joked about it, robbing a bank. a lot of people i know have done it. >> authorities allege that surveillance footage shows o'reilly robbing a boston bank with a handgun and a second bank a few days later. o'reilly has pled not guilty to the bank robberies, but she does have a prior armed robbery conviction. she says she turned to robbery to support a drug habit. >> i use heroin and coke.
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and the way i use, i'm an animal. i don't care about anything or anyone. i don't care who i step on, who i abandon. it doesn't matter. >> o'reilly says her drug addiction has even caused her to steal from her own mother. >> i actually wrote a check. it was only for 90 bucks, but i called her account and that's what her account said, she had 9 $90. she said i had overdrafted her account and now it's $150 and all this other nonsense, and the fees keep piling up. my family doesn't have it like that. she gets by paycheck to paycheck and she pays for everything. like who am i to take her money? she doesn't know who i am any more. she just wants her daughter back. >> in the meantime her mother is raising o'reilly's 2-year-old son. the good news is that her incarceration at the suffolk county jail has kept her off drugs and she has a cell mate she can relate to. >> our view is of downtown
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boston, in the room. >> you know, beantown. >> and the men. >> we got a good cell. we can see the men, too. >> yeah. >> um-hum. >> yeah. >> the neighborhood that i'm from, the armpit massachusetts, it's gangbangers, drug dealers, prostitutes and addicts. i love it. i don't know what it is about that place because it's disgusting, but i [ bleep ] love it. i was 14 when i started shooting heroin. normal 14-year-olds aren't shooting heroin. i think there's very few times i've come here and it's not a direct result of using. there's not have many times i can say i've been in my right frame of mind and walked through these doors. >> melanie reddy's prior convictions have usually been misdemeanors related to her drug use. this time she's been here for a
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month on a violation known locally as common night walking. >> it is prostitution. it's a form of prostitution, but anybody can be charged with it, walking at night in a known drug or prostitution area. welcome to the commonwealth. >> redy has pled not yiguilty a hopes the charge will be dismissed during her upcoming court appearance. whether she gets out or stays in the suffolk county jail, reddy says she'll be among friends. >> you ever see the boston show "cheers?" it's like where everybody knows your name. when i come in, it's not like i'm alone. there's somebody i know here because i've done so much time. boston ain't but so big. and this is the only jail for boston. so you always know somebody. >> coming up -- >> kind of rough. >> krystie o'reilly confronts a
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tragic anniversary. an inmate who authorities believe might have shot his girlfriend has something to say to her. >> will you marry me, baby girl. >> and later -- >> small misunderstanding is what i'm figuring. >> ja-norris hayes explains the fight. i think i'm goin-... shhh! we find that we don't need to sleep that much. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. and it showed me the pressure points on my feet and exactly where i needed more support.
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for most inmates, jail has a way of crimping their personal lives. for the seven months he's been at the boston suffolk county jail, 25-year-old robert sutton has only spoken to his girlfriend on the phone, but he's determined to take the relationship to the next level. >> listen, listen. i need close-up. will you marry me, baby girl? i'm serious. give me one of them little rice and bean babies. emily, i love you, baby. mwah! >> but the crime sutton has been accused of, it may be a long time before he can start a family.
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he's been charged with distribution of cocaine for allegedly selling 150 grams to a confidential informant. sutton has pled not guilty, and though he's never been convicted of drug dealing admits he's no stranger to the drug trade. >> oh, yeah, i've dealt drugs. i'm not going to lie about that. i've dealt drugs, you know. it's just my upbringing, know what i mean? surviving, sell drugs. but i didn't sell those drugs. if convicted, sutton will face a minimum sentence of ten years. but that's not the only serious crime he's accused of. less than a year earlier, a nighttime gun battle erupted on an east boston bridge. after the investigation, sutton was arrested and charged with assault and intent to commit murder. he has pled not guilty.
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>> they say i was on a bridge. two people got shot. i'm allegedly one of the people that did the shooting. >> one of the shooting victims was reported to be a member of a rival gang. ironically, the other is the woman sutton just proposed to, emily vasquez. >> allegedly what they're saying is i shot them both. that's what they're saying. >> why would you shoot your girlfriend? >> i don't know. >> but you were carrying a gun? >> no. >> you weren't carrying a gun? >> i was not carry nothing with weapons whatsoever. whatsoever. >> so somebody else was shooting? >> i guess so. it wasn't me. >> but according to authorities, sutton was the only shooter on the bridge that night. they say he shot the gang member, then presumably by accident shot emily. >> they just say there's four videos showing a black male in a white tee and black jeans, and they see an arm and a whole bunch of shots.
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that's what they're saying. it's america. do you know how many black men there is in this world that might be wearing black shorts, white t-shirt? that has to be me? >> sutton says that after the shots ended, he realized emily was lying on the bridge. she said "something's wrong with my chest." i ripped her shirt open and there was three holes in her chest. so -- >> while emily was recovering in the hospital, authorities arrested sutton and charged him with shooting his rival. he wasn't charged for emily's shooting because she backed up his story. >> sometimes i be thinking this ain't even real. like, am i really still here? because i haven't even -- i haven't spent no time with her since she got shot. i haven't touched her, you know what i mean? for all i know, this could be a figment of my imagination. she really could be dead. >> when it comes to the death of
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a loved one, krystie o'reilly is clear about reality, especially during this time of year. as she awaits trial for two bank robberies she allegedly committed to support a drug habit, she thinks about her two sons. 2-year-old maddox is being raised by her mother. but her first son, cameron, was born with significant birth defects and died soon after. then her fiancee died shortly afterwards from a drug overdose. >> i lost two of the most important people in my life in less than a year's time. at that point, nothing mattered, absolutely nothing. it didn't matter that i was pregnant. it didn't matter that my family was so scared, because they knew how i felt. nothing mattered. i just used. three years later, i still haven't forgiven myself. i don't know. usually i don't even cry when i talk about it. this is the first time i've actually had to, like, deal with it, without getting high because i've been using ever since. like my sally says to me all the time, feel, deal and heal.
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i haven't felt. i haven't dealt, and i damned sure haven't healed. >> as the anniversaries of both deaths draw closer, o'reilly has requested to see one of the jail's chaplain's, sister christine. >> she's really in need. she's really going through a bad time with a particular time of year for her. >> kind of rough. >> what's been happening? >> this week is my son's anniversary, it's been three years, so actually sunday it will be three years is the exact anniversary. >> this sunday? >> yeah. >> i see you're carrying a picture. let me see. >> this is my little man. that's maddox. >> that's maddox. >> yes. >> oh, look, he's sleeping. >> he falls asleep in the weirdest places. it's the small things that keep connected with him. you know? >> oh, that's so wonderful. >> um-hum. >> you've got so much to live for, lady. >> i know. >> you're doing well. >> he's what keeps me going.
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>> yae. >> i'm just so glad that you're looking at your life the way you are looking at it. i pray that you have hope because that's such a big thing in your life, and making changes isn't easy, but it's so worth it. >> oh, absolutely. >> and you deserve it, and you can really sort of go forward and not only forward in faith, but forward, knowing that you can make it, because being in here is no place to be, isn't that the truth. shall we pray before you go? >> okay. >> lord, this is your child. this is krystie and you love her, and we want to pray for her and send her forward in faith. i feel it went very well. it was a good call to have her down, because she certainly is just going through some pretty deep sorrow.
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give us patience, understanding and love, amen. god bless you. keep you safe. i'm here if you need me. >> thank you. >> god bless. >> you, too. the way that i look at it to keep my sanity is that, like, i'm given the time to change me, you know, to change the person that i brought in here. i've taken it as, like, a chance to start all over. coming up -- >> they've told my daughter that i'm in school. however, now she's scared to get on the school bus because her mother doesn't come home from school. >> melanie reddy deals with some very hard truths. >> i'm not going to get clean. >> i'm not going to get clean. i'm going to go get high. in fact, i'm already seeing your best friend, justin. ♪ i would've appreciated a proactive update on the status of our relationship. who do you think i am, tim? quicken loans?
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their stay at boston's suffolk county jail. >> you could have threw it away. what was it? what was it? >> but their time together might almost be up. in a few days, reddy is due in court to face a charge of prostitution that she hopes will be dismissed. if so, she'll be released from the courthouse directly back onto the streets and back to the problems presented by her longstanding drug addiction. >> do you want to get clean? >> sometimes. right now, no. i've had years clean and been a mother and woken up every day to my kid and taken her to the doctor's and my mother's for sunday dinner. i've done all that. i've had the fiancee. i've had the house. i've had all of that. i didn't keep any of it. so what it meant i don't know.
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the minute something went wrong, i ran to the only thing i know, drugs and the streets. that's it. drugs and the streets, like that never even existed. >> reddy's 4 1/2-year-old daughter is now being raised by her mother and sister. ready says they still have some contact, although her daughter doesn't know she's in jail. >> they've told my daughter that i'm in school. however, now she's scared to get on the school bus because her mother doesn't come home from school. so i don't know if it's better or worse. my kid's probably the only thing that's ever mattered to me, ever. she's too good to be around me when i'm getting high. she doesn't deserve that. when i'm not doing the right thing, she has no business being around me. and i have no business being around her. it's a tough pill to swallow because no matter what, i still get high. i thought my kid would keep me
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clean. unfortunately she didn't. >> right now, if reddy is missing anything, it's the temptations she can find on the streets of boston. >> we got windows in our cells that overlook downtown boston where i run at. people pay millions for that view. we get it for free. i don't even look out the window because it puts me right down there, and right about everything that's going on, like i'm missing something. right now if i got out tonight, i know that i'm probably ending up downtown. recovery is not an option right now. i'm not going to get clean. i'm going to go get high. there's always that story, like, you see people get clean and sober. this is the other side. this is the not-so-clean and not-so-sober side. coming up -- >> when you ended up on top, were you punching him. >> ja-norris hayes faces the disciplinary board. >> and -- >> i got somebody that's going to do me a favor. >> robert sutton sends a singing
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i'm milissa rehberger. here's what's happening. rick santorum won today's kansas caucuses and mitt romney wyoming caucuses. both end up with about the same number of delegates. police in washington state arrested a suspect in a courthouse attack in which a judge was stabbed and a sheriff's deputy was shot. both survived. remember to spring forward tonight, the clocks move ahead, part of daylight savings time. back to "lockup." wait a minute.
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we got a challenge for you guys. >> do the running man. >> do the running man. >> krystie o'reilly continues her time at the suffolk county jail in boston awaiting trial for allegedly robbing two banks, but her life in jail has taken a major turn. her cell mate and good friend, melanie reddy recently had her prostitution charge dismissed and has returned to the streets. >> the neighborhood that i'm from, the armpit of massachusetts, it's gangbangers, drug dealers, prostitutes and addicts. i love it. i don't know what it is about that place because it's disgusting, but i [ bleep ] love it. >> i know how it is being out there, especially when you're not ready. i want to really try to change, but she blatantly said she wasn't ready. which i respect that. she knew that i wanted to get
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clean so we didn't really talk too much about using. i knew she wanted to use, so i didn't talk much about getting clean. >> not surprisingly, o'reilly received distressing news about her friend. >> we heard she od'd. so that left me really upset. i haven't cried since i been here. that was the first time i cried. nobody knew anything further than that. they just knew she od'd somewhere the day she got out. i got the letter a couple days later. it was such a relief to know it was written after the fact. so like she obviously was still alive. >> krystie, what's up, chickie? wednesday i shot dope and died. i was knocked up with the paddles. the fear isn't as strong as it was because, truth be told, i don't give a [ bleep ] about anything. it's actually quite disturbing. but oh well, all bets are off about anything. don't get too comfortable not seeing me because it won't be too long. as we both know, [ bleep ] happens.
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[ bleep ] that, i already knew that. i've got to go because obviously [ bleep ] isn't too pretty right now. i love you more than you know and thank you for everything. i do appreciate everything and mean it. i love you and i miss you. love you, mel." i don't even know how i feel about it. it's just -- i don't know, i just hope she gets it. >> reality is also hitting hard for ja-norris hayes over in the jail's segregation unit. >> never been in segregation before, you know. >> after he was attacked by another inmate wielding a sock full of battery, hayes was moved to segregation to await his disciplinary hearing. while he didn't instigate the fight, hayes quickly gained the upper hand. surveillance video shows some ignoring commands to stop fighting, while the deputy in command waits for backup. it's up to the disciplinary officer, deputy stangle to
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decide how long hayes must stay in segregation. >> did you fight back at all? swinging the sock at you. what did you do then? >> i blocked it and rushed him to defend myself. >> right. >> i ended up on top of him, and that was it. >> when you ended up on top of him, were you punching into him at that point in time? >> i really can't say, sir. >> okay. all right, because that's where the problem comes in. it's good and well to be defensive, right? but there's a point in time where if you get the upper hand and then continue going, that's fighting as well. you know, that's how that's going to work. did you know the guy? why would he come at you? >> no, actually -- i'm not even from here. i'm from georgia. >> i understand that but you have no idea what his issue is. i'm sure he didn't randomly pick you out of a crowd and randomly come at you with a weapon. do you know what he came at you for? >> i think because of a lack of communication. >> okay. >> a small misunderstanding. that's what i'm figuring. >> misunderstanding over what, though? that's what i'm trying to figure out. i don't know anything about you. you know what i'm saying? i don't know anything about this other guy. but you don't know?
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>> no, i don't know that. >> i'll see if i can get it from the other guy. i'll watch the tape and get back to you on that and come back and give you my findings and tell you how much time you got to stay here, if any. i'll take you back upstairs. >> all right. i never been in trouble here. >> i know that. >> diggy, come here. we want to harass you people over here. >> lately, robert sutton has avoided making the kind of mistake to land him in segregation. but a different kind of slipup has temporarily put him on crutches. >> playing basketball, came down, heard it pop, went on the next rim, couldn't really walk on it. it's getting a little better. i'm all right. you want me to match that? you want me to match that? i'll match that. give him back the crutches. hold up. hold up. >> sutton hasn't let his injury
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slow him down, particularly when it comes to planning a surprise for his girlfriend emily. >> i need to figure out something i can do for her. >> to do that, sutton has enlisted the help of another inmate on his unit. >> he's going to have me sing for her so she can feel good today. >> he's good at what he does. he's good at what he does, you know? he can sing. the boy can really hit them high notes. i caught him singing on the phone and overheard him one day and the next thing you know the whole unit was drawn to it. that's kind of crazy the whole unit drawn to one man who was singing. that's when i knew the boy had talent. as my way to show my appreciation, i got somebody that's going to do me a favor. are you ready? just because you're locked up, that doesn't mean you can't figure out some type of way to make your loved one feel better. know what i mean? ♪ i understand you're feeling down ♪ ♪ it's probably cause i ain't around for you ♪
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>> i doubt i can sing. i can't hold a note for -- yeah, i can't hold a note. ♪ i know you probably need me now ♪ ♪ there's really not much i can do ♪ >> i mean it's another way of going up and over to show her that you love her, you know? ♪ at the present i'm dealing with my past ♪ ♪ hopefully there's a future that can last ♪ ♪ between us >> anybody can say it. you can say i love you, i love you, i love you. but to show it. ♪ i want to tell you i miss you and i love you ♪ >> to the best of your ability, in jail. ♪ and that i'm always thinking of you ♪ >> that's the best way to go. >>. ♪ i need you >> at the end of the day, that's all i got. that's really all i got, her and my mother. so emily, i love you. ♪ can't take my love away ♪ baby, i'm yours
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♪ i'm yours ♪ i'm yours ♪ i'm yours ♪ i'm yours ♪ i'm yours ♪ i'm yours >> i love you, baby girl. i love you. she says she didn't expect that one. she wasn't ready for that one. i told you, you the man, baby. i love you. coming up, melanie reddy is back in jail. and robert sutton gets the visit he's longed for. >> will you marry me? the real world. it has under-seat storage to bring everything, available seating for up to seven people to take everyone, and the grip of available all-wheel drive to go everywhere. think of it as a search engine helping you browse the real world. this march, get no extra charge third-row seating plus 0% financing on dodge journey.
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>> i've done years. i've done months. i keep coming in and out because every time i use, this is my end result. >> the day she was released from jail, reddy was treated for a heroin overdose. three weeks later, she's back in the jail's intake department. she was arrested for being under the influence of drugs in a public place. >> we're going to book you. >> not at all, seriously, see you later. >> when melanie reddy came in the last time, she was certainly dope sick. dope sick means somebody that's coming in from the street. they haven't had a fix you know, in a few hours. it's when your body is starting to realize, hey, where is that drug, and all of those symptoms, the nausea, the vomiting, the cramping, seizures, everything, it's all of those things are now coming to the surface. >> mel? >> what?
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>> reddy will detox in the jail's infirmary, a process that can take anywhere from a few days to two weeks. her close friend and former cell mate khrystie o'reilly says she's relieved to have her back. >> i don't wish this on anybody, but because i knew what she was going out to do, i kind of was hoping to see her walk back through the door because at least i know she's safe. i know we still have that. >> while she waits for her friend to be released from the infirmary, o'reilly turns her focus to rebuilding her own life, especially with her 2-year-old son and mother who is raising him. today she's making cards. in jail, that takes unusual creativity. >> i'm making crayons with tam upons tampons since we don't have access to crayons, colored pencils, anything like that. i'm going to get creative. what we do is take a tampon and white deodorant, you take it and either a magazine or newspaper,
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and you rub it on the color. magazines work a little better. they don't usually come through here frequently. so you make due with the metro. you make different stencils. i got letters, hearts and stuff like that. i make stationery for my mom, my son, my nana. pretty much anybody i write to gets some sort of design. >> o'reilly speaks to her mother and son by phone once a week, but visits are few and far between. >> the things that i'm missing, like watching my son grow up. his first snow. she sent me pictures of him being in the snow, all you can see is like this much. everything is all covered up. you can see he's so red. you can tell he's smiling because his cheeks are up here in his eyes. i'm missing all this.
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>> there are certain moments of robert sutton's life he'd be happy to forget. after several shots were fired on an east boston bridge, sutton was charged with attempted murder of a rival gang member. sutton's girlfriend, emily, was also shot during the incident. sutton was arrested before emily fully recovered and says the trauma of the night has stayed with him. >> i seen a lot in my life. i never had nightmares until i looked at her laying on the floor with bullet holes in her chest. i miss her touch. >> sutton hopes that after today he'll be able to put those memories to rest. emily has received approval for a visit. >> while authorities claim the bullets that accidentally hit emily came from sutton's gun, >> lift your tongue, turn around. >> emily supports sutton's story and maintains the gunfire came from an unknown assailant. >> i have a scar right here. that's one of them.
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i got that one in the middle and then this one. the first bullet, i didn't feel it. i just stood there. then i see the guy running to me. he did it again, and i fell, but i was awake the whole time. i was awake. >> despite her wounds, emily says her main concern was for sutton. >> to be honest all i was thinking about was him. nothing was going through my mind. i just wanted him to be next to me. i love him. he's my baby. >> just being able to touch her, that's really -- i'm anxious to give her a hug. >> normally, the jail does not permit contact visits prior to conviction. >> he'll be with you in a moment. >> but due to filming restrictions in the visiting area, officials set up a temporary visiting station that could accommodate our cameras. >> how do you feel? >> nervous. i'm really nervous right now. >> hello, pretty lady. >> hi. how are you doing? >> i'm okay. come here, sweetheart.
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>> i know, no kissing. >> oh, my god. i missed you. >> i know. >> you look cute. >> thank you. you, too. >> thank you. >> look at you. >> it feels like a dream. >> i know, i know. it's going to be all right. i get to touch you. that's all i wanted. >> i love you. >> i love you, too, baby girl. >> for a second, i thought i was dead. but i feel better now. your chest and everything okay? >> i'm good. all right, i guess. you know -- it's healing. >> that one, it's not that bad. >> that one is almost gone. >> what about this one? >> that one is almost gone. that's the only one that hurts, though. how are you doing? >> i'm all right. >> you're good? >> i'm perfectly fine now. i tell you that. i'm perfectly fine. >> i've missed you. >> i miss you, too, baby.
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ooh, that hurt. will you marry me? >> yes, i will. >> i know you will. i want to kiss you, too. >> can we kiss? yes? no? i love you. >> that's it, guys. >> tell your grandmother and everybody that i said hi. tell wee-wee to stay off the streets. >> i love you. >> i love you, too. god bless. i love you. >> i love you too, baby. >> does it hurt to see him? >> yeah, yeah, it does. >> that was a beautiful visit. i still can't get the smile off my face. that should tell you everything right there. >> are you going to marry him? >> yes, i am, when he comes home, yes, i will, yes. i'll be happy to. coming up --
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>> i feel like cookie monster. >> it's a happy day for ja-norris hayes, but a heartbreaking one for khrystie o'reilly. >> i see you soon. you wouldn't want your doctor doing your job. so why are you doing his? only your doctor can determine if your persistent heartburn is actually something more serious... like acid reflux disease. over time, stomach acid can damage the lining of your esophagus. for many, prescription nexium
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not only provides 24-hour heartburn relief, but can also help heal acid related erosions in the lining of your esophagus. talk to your doctor about the risk for osteoporosis-related bone fractures and low magnesium levels with long-term use of nexium. possible side effects include headache, diarrhea and abdominal pain. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. let your doctor do his job, and you do yours. ask if nexium is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. to find you a great deal, even if it's not with us. [ ding ] oh, that's helpful! well, our company does that, too. actually, we invented that.
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jail life can be full of surprises. unfortunately, all too many of them are unpleasant ones. ja-norris hayes found that out when he was attacked by an inmate wielding a sock full of batteries. to make matters worse, he received ten days in segregation for going beyond defending himself to pummeling the other inmate. today hayes is in for a rare pleasant surprise. every once in a while jail social workers, in cooperation with a local charity, pass out
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small gift bags of toiletries and snacks to the inmates. >> what did you get? snicker bar, looks like some shampoo, breakfast drink, kool-ade, cookies and a deodorant. wow, nice package. they take care of you. they're not bad people. you don't get sweets in here. i can't wait to take a bite of my snickers. >> like all segregation inmates, hayes is handcuffed during his recreation time outside his cell. the restraint is supposed to prevent inmates from fighting, but in this case they're just a hindrance to his ability to enjoy his snack. >> this is awesome. mmm!
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i feel like cookie monster. >> the day also brings one of the few pleasures in chrytie o'reilly's life, a visit with her mother and son. but this pleasure has a bittersweet side. o'reilly is currently awaiting trial for allegedly robbing two banks and could face up to ten years in prison. >> going to see him, i'm not sad. but when he's leaving, i tend to be a little sad. go she mommy, yes? >> she's been here for six months. her son doesn't get to see her that often because i have to work all the time and i have custody of him. but we're on our way upstairs. >> i love her to death. she's my best friend. i do everything -- well, i don't do everything. i tell my mom everything. she's real supportive. she's really good with my son. so i love her.
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>> where are you going? >> i go mommy. i draw a picture. >> going to draw pictures with mommy and color. >> the door open. >> the door opened, yes. here we go. >> he'll be 3 in may. my god, he's getting so big, so big. it's crazy. my nana calls him half pint because he looks just like his father, like just like his father. >> who is that? >> mommy! >> yeah! wave to mommy! where is she? >> hi! >> hi! where are you going? come here. come here. >> give a big hug. >> mommy! >> big, big hug. >> i need huggies. i love you. i have crayons.
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you want to sit in a chair? it kind of puts everything in perspective as to why i need to do what i need to do. you help nana cook? >> yes. >> do you make good stuff? do you eat spaghetti? >> eww. >> you like spaghetti. you like jell-o? you should see what we get to eat, you would say eww! he's doing things like talking good, singing, playing one, two, three, freeze. freeze! now you freeze. all right, go on, go. freeze! honestly, i have to take this as like a blessing. the way i was living out there, i wasn't there with him anyway. i was there physically but i wasn't there emotionally. >> i'll see you saturday. >> okay. ready? are you going to leave? going to go bye-byes.
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>> mommy? nana coming. >> yes, nana's coming. >> mommy? >> no, mamma's not coming, baby. >> come on. >> say bye to mommy. >> i love you. >> i love you. bye, baby. >> come on big boy. ready? give mommy kiss one more time. >> i love you. i'll see you soon. >> bye. >> soon. >> see you soon. be a good girl. >> be a good girl. >> tell her be a good girl. >> good girl. >> i will. you be good. you be good for nana? okay. i see you soon? >> say bye-bye. >> bye, baby. >> all right. let's go. we have to go.
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>> bye, baby. >> this is the worst part, watching him leave. when he asks me if i'm coming, like, what do you say to that? and the worst part is i have no idea when i'm coming. i can't say mama will be home soon or mama will be home tomorrow. i don't know. >> it hurts. it kills me. kills her, too. he doesn't seem to mind because he don't understand. >> i don't want to keep doing this. i don't want to keep hurting my family, my son, myself. for what? it's not worth it. unh-un.
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