tv News Nation MSNBC March 12, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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to learn more, visit us today. i'm tamron hall. the "news nation" is following developing news out of afghanistan. we have live pictures where it's 10:30 p.m. the question of why a u.s. soldier would go rogue and kill afghan civilians. the incident has reignited the debate about the war itself and the mental health of the men and women fighting. he's a staff sergeant. 28 years old. married with two children. originally from the joint base in washington state.
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he served three tours of duty in iraq and deployed to afghanistan for the first time in december. moments ago the white house said the president's concern was for the safety of troops still in harms way. >> the president is always concerned about the well being and welfare of americans stationed overseas especially in place like afghanistan both men and women in uniform as well as our civilian personnel. that's certainly the case in afghanistan. >> the details of the killings are gruesome and shocking. walking nearly a mile toll a nearby village where he went on a shooting rampage killing 16 people. many of them killing. this shows president obama leaving his daughter's soccer game. jim miklaszewski joins us.
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mick, senator harry reid acknowledged that many are likely to link the koran burning incident with this shooting. this is all still under investigation. what's the latest? >> it is under investigation. we're told the suspect is in custody but he's not talking to investigators. they still haven't determined apparently what his motive was when he left that base, walked more than a mile, according to the afghans to one or two villages and went from door to door killing as many as 16 afghans, including nine children is what we understand. as far as a link to the koran incident, nobody sees any link there. on the heels of the koran incident, many here at the pentagon and military over in afghanistan are holding their breath hoping we don't see the kind of violent reaction protest in which dozens of afghan
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protesters were killed and six americans were killed in retaliation for that koran burning. asked here at the pentagon today whether the u.s. will change its strategy or whether this strategy in afghanistan could be affected by election year politics. the press secretary here, george little, said there's no thought to changing the fundamental strategy there in afghanistan. the pentagon and the u.s. military does not wage its ware based on opinion polls. >> thank you very much. as we well know president obama set a 2014 deadline to withdraw nearly 100,000 troops still on the ground. the latest incident has increased the call by so many to move up that date. mick said the white house is not budging. 54% say the u.s. should leave
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the region even if the afghan army is not adequately trained. let's bring in michael smerconish and a clinical psychologist. thank you so much for your time. general, i want to start off with you here. i want talking with colonel jack jacobs, and he believed there had to be some kind of chain of command issue, that no one knew of the actions of this rogue soldier. >> on the face of it it looks like a implosion on the path of this staff sergeant. it's highly unregular. the investigation will reveal signals that this guy is coming
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apart. he's on his fourth combat tour. we have company commanders and first sergeants that's supposed to know what's going on in their units. how did he get off of base armed in the middle of the night and then return? clearly, we have to look at the chain of command. >> we're looking at the war, obviously, itself. you just heard the latest from the white house say there's no change as far as the withdrawal date. there's no badder strategy somehow not available. general, what's your reaction? there's no better strategy than the one the administration is following in that country. >> well, i agree. i think we're stuck. we're in there with 17,000 kill and wounded. nobody wants the watch the unraveling of afghanistan if we abruptly pulled out. having put on the table a departure by 2014 and then
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secretary panetta said combat forces out, it's hard to imagine why this strategy will yield an afghan security force, a confident government, a noncorrupt government in the space of the next 18 months. it's looks as if we're going to have to take a new look at what we're going in afghanistan. let me play what hillary clinton said a short time ago. let's play it. >> like many americans i was shocked and saddened by the killings of innocent afghan villagers this weekend. we send our condolences to families who have lost their loved ones and to the people of afghanistan. this is not who we are. the united states is committed to seeing that those responsible are held accountable. >> michael, let me bring you in. you talk too a wide range of people on your national show all
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dayton radio. what are they saying to you? >> they're saying it underscores the need to get out. when you combine this with the koran burning and the taliban corpses not too long ago it speaks with deployments that are too long. i think that the standard ought to be would we, if we had a draft commit our men and women, our sons and daughters to a conflict like this. i don't think if we had a draft and if everyone were subject to it, we'd still be in afghanistan. >> are they agreeing with this washington post poll that it's time to get out of that country? >> absolutely. when you consider i work in the venue of talk radio that most folks are middle of the road or slightly to the right, i think it tell ls you something they are of the mind set that it underscores the need to come
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home. >> you have studied military psychology and look at local law enforcement. the soldier was 38 years old, married, deployed to afghanistan just in december. what do you compare this to as far as your knowledge base on these issues of psychological problems that many of these men and women face right now? >> i think the public wants to know whether the u.s. sergeant was motivated and what made him motivated to engage in this act. is he a bad apple. is there a psychiatrist reason for him engaging in this behavior. what is the bar? is the bar set too low, to michael's point, about letting in individuals in our armed forces in terms of our background and stability. number two, is there larger picture? is this the tip of the iceberg
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of the stress and sociallogical complexity to be victim of combat stress that put them in situations where they perpetrate acts that are not common if they were in the united states. >> we're looking at our nation's longer war here. when you look at the details, a lot of people may have assumed it was younger personnel. this man was 38 years old. that may work for him or against him or maybe he's been there too long. some of the reports out that this mile the long walk to systematically select homes. one video showed a child as young as two or three years old. what question does that leave
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you with being one of the experts here? >> it's similar to a spree killing in a civilian situation. typically they make little sense. there's very little logic attached in terms of how the killings unfold. in spree kill iing the perpetrar is killed by police or take their own life. we'll learn more about whab he is or who he is. >> he's not talking at this point according to mick. >> war crimes that are committed by individuals compared to war crimes committed by groups. individuals are much more likely to be disturbed. the personal factors may play more of a role this is an
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individual act. it looks liking a psychotic break like the general said. i do want to say that in combat stress like showing hostility towards the civilian population is part of what defines a combat stress reaction. it's been studied for century. in civil war it was called home sickness and in world war i it was called shell shock. in world war ii it was battle fatigue. the military takes it very serious. you can't take that completely out of the equation and say it's an individual who went insane for this particular period of time of there's other factors that may be relevant. >> thank you.
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michael, i know you have to get back to your radio program. in just a few moments i'll bring back the panel to talk about what the republican candidates are saying about the massacre. mitt romney releasing a statement. also, the makers of the kony 2012 film, up to 90 million hits online. they are coming out with a new video. they are firing back at critics questioning the organize. we're following developing news right now. the justice department has blocked a controversial voter id law. the law requiring voters to show photo id may hurt hispanics. they are more than twice than likely to not have state issued id. texas officials have failed to show the new law is not
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now back to decision 2012 a and the republican field reaction to the massacre in afghanistan. plus, tomorrow's southern showdown. romney campaign issued its first statement on the shootings in afghanistan. it says in part, governor romney believes the killings are reprehenceable. and shares the anguish of the families. newt gingrich and rick santorum have also condemned the killings and had this to say sunday. >> we have to make the decision to make a full commitment, which this president has not done, or we have to decide to get out.
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>> we have lost the lives and suffered injuries to a considerable number of young americans on a mission we're going to discover is not doable. >> let's bring in our political panel. steve, i'll start off with you because you endorsed newt gingrich here. i marvel, and i think a lot of people at some of the language from mr. santorum and mr. gingrich as far as the commitment here. i want to go back in time and compare the record of the previous administration and the war that was once called the forgotten war in afghanistan because that administration did not focus on it. here you have hundreds of millions of dollars spent on this war. what do you make of the statements from those three candidates especially your two front runners? >> i think that what is often the case, especially with 24 hour news cycles and what folks like you and i do for a living, i think it's unavoidable. the old saying that policy is
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politics or politics is policy, i think that gets amplified. i think the president made statements running in 2008. john carey made statements. you pointing out things that gingrich saying now and back in 2001 all the republicans were gung ho about going in there and in 2004, we can't pull out, we have to see this through. this is what happens when everything becomes partisan. what we're trying to do here with nation building and really almost unprecedented. we're taking two cultures that would not be anymore different and the premise that they begin their own existence from and we're trying to find way to marry them together. it's a very dirty, sloppy, ineffective process. the thing i'm concerned about, i'm the same age as this soldier. i've got close friends that i've said good-bye to and my concern
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is that while we continue kind of circling the drain of nation building here that the american's people resolve to confront a real threat of a nuclear iran might have been worn down buzz they are look at iraq and afghanistan and asking themselves what is is the point. >> you're no fan of mitt romney. you make that no secret, and you've taken him on during the caucus in iowa. he waited until today to release a written statement on this. we could not get close enough to ask him a question. he was asked on radio interview later today and it may be his first public comment on tape or radio. what do you make of this statement even though he has attacked the president's strategy in afghanistan? >> well, if it wasn't mitt romney, i'd like to give him credit for showing restraint for not immediately running to the first camera on microphone to try to score political point ons a key and crucial foreign policy issue. since it's mitt romney, i
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probably won't do that. >> the republicans evenly split on this issue according to that new poll. 47% said the war is worth it and the other saying it was not. a.b., let me switch you to the southern strategy. our team points out its anyone's game when you look at the two contests tomorrow. mitt romney is competitive in two southern states. he's putting up a lot of money to put up a good fight. >> that's right. the various polls have all three of them ahead. it really is quite suspenseful. it's a big important night for all three of the contenders. newt gingrich needs to stay live. rick santorum needs to knock mitt romney out of the south and mitt romney needs to prove he can win in the south. he has the endorsement of the governors of both state. that could help him.
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as michael smerconish has pointed out before there's a lot of resistance to the mormon religion. it's anybody's game and anybody's guess. we really have l no idea who goes in with the advantage. we know that who comes out with the win really needs it in nose contests. nay will be propel forward, i think with the exception of newt gingrich if they win tomorrow night. >> the pro-romney super pac has dropped $2 million in advertising in those two states, which is interesting. steve, i want to go back to something that happened on the daily rundown. gingrich and rick perry are talking about a presidential ticket. let's play what she said. >> i think it will be great ticket. why not. >> you thinking about doing what reagan did in '76, announcing a running mate during this process?
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>> it is possible, chuck. i think it's wise to transport the voter to the first day, first year to see what it's all about and get out of this process that we're in right now. >> is the gingrich-perry ticket something that is being floated out to woe the southerners and would it matter? >> probably a bit of both. you look at the fact that the texas primary coming up in may and that's something the speaker is banking on. newt is in second place. i think before we even have this conversation, don't forget, the spoker wrote the foreward to rick perry's book. before we get to this point newt's got to show well tomorrow night. i think the worst thing that could happen for newt and rick santorum is if they split the conservative vote and allow romney to hand romney another
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30% anemic weak win in a deep southern state. that's the worst thing, almost as bad as watching romney say good morning y'all and how much he likes grits. on saturday night live they say it's not flip-flopping, it's pandering, and there's a difference. >> the only way to support mitt romney is if you heard a voice from god. i thought about you yesterday in church. did you hear anything from the lord? >> yes, he told me to keep my powder dry. >> a.b., i won't drive you into this religious conversation. thank you both. the white house is fighting back against attacks from republicans who are trying to blame the president for the s r soaring gas prices. we'll show you how this may be hurting the president in some new polls out. a university of maryland stufrt under arrest after he threatened to kill as many
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people as possible on campus. plus. >> we had her under control. >> a family is told to get off a jet blue plane when their 2-year-old calls an epic temper tantrum. they were still forced to leave. it's today's "news nation gut check." first in today's money minute. the dow is up. we'll be right back. wanna know the difference between a trader and an elite trader? it's this... the etrade pro platform. fast. beautiful. totally customizable. finds top performing stocks -- in three clicks. quickly scans the market for new trading ideas. it can even match options strategies to your goals and lets you see the potential risk and reward. and, it also comes with a dedicated elite service team. got it? get it. good. introducing new etrade pro elite.
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disturbing school activities. michelle, why is he facing just a misdemeaner. is this still under investigation? >> about 15 minutes ago i got off the phone with university police officials, and at 3:00 this afternoon they are having a press conference. they will update the case. there could be more charges that are coming down. we're going to learn a lot more. >> he was taking to the hospital for an evaluation. he was not armed. we know anymore about this plot other than this alleged posting on a website? >> the posting he made on saturday evening that's when authorities were notified. they worked throughout the night. they went on on sunday morning around 10:00 a.m. morning. they made the arrest. they really started digging into information prior to that. they are going to go back into his history.
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i read a report 20 minutes ago that at 12-year-old he was hit by a car when skateboarding. dhauz have something to do with psychological psychologically? he did grow up in the howard county maryland area. went through the county school system. graduated at the top 10% in his class in 2010. does not appear to have any past criminal history. it's great to know that if something like this happens and people are paying attention and they did notify authorities. this didn't turn out to be something like virginia tech. >> thank you very much for the details on a scary situation for the student ons that campus. thank you. former illinois governor rod blagojevich is beginning his 14-year sentence behind time.
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politician who is did time are offering advice on how to survive lockup. they want to know if you can beat the president. the story and details when we come back. a special edition of the scoop. i'll talk with cee lo green. we'll see what new. [ male announcer ] for the saver, and a big first step. for the spender who needs a little help saving. for adding "& sons." for the dreamer, planning an early escape. for the mother of the bride. for whoever you are, for whatever you're trying to achieve, pnc has technology, guidance, and over 150 years of experience to help you get there. ♪
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but for today's game, i'm a little... [ neck cracks ] fuzzy. so you tried to fix me. but you just made me loose. newsflash. if you have cut rate insurance you might not be covered for this. so get allstate and protect your house and car from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate. here is what the "news nation" is following right now the makers of the viral video kony 2012 are ready to expose something else in a new video. they are exposing their own group. president obama fires back at republicans and says his energy prices have saved money. penn state explains why it
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fired joe paterno and apologizes for the way it handled the coach. i don't understand why she's a risk to safety and security of the aircraft. >> a employer says she is shocked at how jet blue treated her family after a pilot forced them right off the plane when the cute little toddler, you saw there, had an epic meltdown. we begin with the political battle over rising gas prices. the white house says it's making progress. it comes as a new washington post, abc news poll shows 645% of those surveyed disapprove of the president's handling of gas prices while 26% approve. 29 cents higher than a month ago. it's 24 cents higher than a year ago. kristen welker joins us live on
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the president being on the offensive. what is he saying? >> reporter: you're right. he's on the defense on this issue for several weeks now. today, pointing to a report that just came out that showed that u.s. oil imports have decreased. they decreased to 8.4 million bares a day. that's a drop from back in 2009. republicans have been saying that president obama can't take off of the credit for this. they are saying that president bush's policies jump started these gains. the white house is saying the facts are the facts and u.s. dependence on foreign oil is at a 16-year low. i spoke with an independent energy analyst who said there's a lot of factors at play in these figures including technology advances. it's quite a complicated picture. there's no doubt that the high
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gas prices are taking their toll on president obama according to to that same poll that you just cited. it shows that 50% of americans disawe prove of the president's handling of the economy. that's an increase when 46% of americans disapproved. we expect to see president obama defend his energy policy ons this issue, and continue to make the argument that the there's no silver bullet, no magic solution to bringing down gas prices. >> we expect for him to take direct aim at what he said before if there's a candidate out there promising $2.50 gas they're not being straight up here. are we expecting that same aggressive tone from the president to defend his record? >> caller: absolutely. jay carney just made that point that you brought up. he will be talking about his energy policy. he will undoubtedly make that
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same point that any politician that says they can bring gas prices down. newt gingrich has promised $2.50 gas. the president saying that's not realistic. >> thank you. the makers of the kony 2012, says it will release a new video today answering critics. the documentary as been viewed more than 74 million times the on youtube. some places indicate it would have been viewed over a million times. it's aimed at bringing joseph kony for crimes against children, against humanity. they claim the charity have oversimplified. you've had some fascinating insight. what i'm intrigued by we're told this video would come out, and they would take on critics that
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say the money is not being well-spent. they oversimplified and it's now 2:37 eastern time has not come out yet. >> i found that interesting. we had a conversation about it last week off the air. question be critical or nuisance and think he should be stopped. if you're critiquing the video or the movement and you're not and the children are being hurt. there's two different situations going on. i want to see them address the misconception of the film. i want to see them address the idea that there's not 30,000 children around him at this time. there may be a few hundred around him. that's horrible, but not nearly as horrible as they make it out
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to be which goes to the emotional manipulation they are doing through this film. >> that was your concern. toure and i always have passionate conversations about anything around the world, i was more concerned about the dollars. if the money is not going to the right place. people are struggling these days and for someone to give 10, 20, whatever you have because you believe in this cause, is a big concern and to you as well. >> if we give money to this cause, what are they trying to do. raise awareness that a horrible person is in the world. they're trying to keep pressure to have a hundred u.s. advisors there in that area to find him. a story came out the other day saying there's no urgency on the part of america to pull them out. what are we banging this gong
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about? it's not a problem. it's not a worry. what are we doing here? >> what do you think of this strategy? according to the information that's been out, they will point by point address things that the critics have come out with over the last few days. >> depending on the answers, that would be valuable. i would like to hear more about how they rep respond to the issues. they're not going to be able to respond to the charge of giving people this thing they can worry about and tweet about and facebook about and feel like i've done something. you haven't done something. that's not sitting in. that's not marching. that's not the old school activism that makes changes. we bang this gong. somebody somewhere will do something. that's not enough. >> we will see what they say. i hope to have you back on as soon as this video is released. thank you. a more detailed explanation for the firing of long time penn
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state joe paterno tops our stories. paterno committed a failure of leadership for not doing more after former assistant coach jerry sandusky was accused of sexually assaulting boys. they knowledged he fulfilled his minimum legal explanation, but it wasn't enough. it comes after criticism after students were still demanding a better clarification after he was dismissed. the board apologized for the way they fired him, which was over the phone. the former rutgers student who used a web cam to spy on his room plait will not take the stand in his own defense. he faces up to ten years behind bars on hate crime charges after his former roommate committed suicide. jury deliberations could begin tomorrow. it takes your breath away. new amateur video of the 1986
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challenger explosion has emerged. the rare footage. it shows the moment when all seven astronauts on board lost their lives. the film was shot at the kennedy space center viewing site. that's less than ten miles from the launch. it offers a never before seen and closer perspective of that trag. whitney houston's only child opens up about her mother's death in an interview with op h oprah. how she said she still feels the her mother's spirit. there's a lot going on. not even the white house is immune to march madness. president obama's re-election team has released its own version of the ncaa tournament office pool. anyone who fills out the bracket is invited to donate money to the campaign. the campaign says it will public a list of everyone who one ups the president.
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this story is interesting. rod blagojevich heads to federal prison. he begins serving 14 years. politico spoke to former politicians that went to jail. they said the first few day will be tra matizing. those are the things we thought you should know. when i grow up, i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. thanks, mom. i just want to get my car back. [ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. get this free travel bag when you join at
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i am like me times five. i'm like cara intensified. [ female announcer ] hurry, join now for free. offer ends march 24th. weight watchers online. finally, losing weight clicks. i'm martin bashir. come can go up, the good old boys make their southern stand and tomorrow's alabama and mississippi primaries may be the real game changer in this race. plus, an american soldier snaps in afghanistan. back to tamron. for the first time since whitney houston's death, we are hearing from her only child in an emotional interview. she told oprah that her mother
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has an angel. she admits being rebellious child but says in the end her mother was everything. she now lives in whitney houston's georgia mansion alone where she says she is still feel her mother's spirit guiding her. >> throughout the house. lights turn on and off. i'm like mom. >> really? >> we still like, i still sit there and laugh with her. i can still sit there and talk to her. >> oprah did not talk to her about her relationship with her father. there's a report that she wants to change her name because of the association with her father bobby brown. tmz says she wants to change her name to christina houston. the battle rounds for season two of the voice have been ratings gold for the hit singing competition.
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my one-on-one interview with cee lo green. this is our second time talking the about the show's success and who is his favorite contestant. >> the last time we were together, this was right before season two premier and this season is hot. >> that's right. >> what do you think is the difference this time around? >> i think it's the continuation of a good thing and most certainly wasn't broke. it wasn't much fixing to do. >> are you having as much fun around this time or more? >> i'm having a tremendous amount of fun. it's an awful lot of work. the fun part is very gratifying. we're playing to win. >> we're in the battle rounds or getting ready for the battle rounsds. the ratings have been tremendous. the heat is coming now. >> yeah. the battle rounds are probably the most difficult and disheartening. >> why? >> you grow affectionate toward each individual over a period of time.
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you don't want to see anyone go. essentially, everybody is incomparable. people do fight in their weight classes. the best against the best. it's fair fight. >> did you bring a different pl philosophy this time around? i think rolling stones said you were the best judge in any tv music competition ever, that includes anybody on the other shows. did you bring in a different philosophy. >> did someone say that about me? >> they did and you said oh, i'm so flattered. >> i didn't bring in a different strategy. it's just this ever changing thing, this m thing. everybody is highly enthusiastic and eager. they give it their all. with that type of energy you have partners as opposed to
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employees. i don't have underlings. people are capable and competent. i have to identify what they want and help them assess it. >> i like that. do you have a favorite already? >> no. >> no one? >> again, remember, i like everybody for different things. it's too early. >> what's with the cat? >> what's not with the cat. the cat is becoming a style in her own right. >> she's got her own twitter? >> 40,000 followers. >> that's your real pet cat. it's not a prop cat. >> i wouldn't dare. >> you're headed to vegas. >> i'm headed to vegas. august 29th. >> a little bit of liberace too.
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>> in terms of fashion. i'm all man. >> i don't think anybody disputes that. you were in the studio in atlanta. >> i'm working on a new goodie mob album. i'm going to try to do it. one thing at a time. i'm going to do them all. >> enjoy all of it. thank you again. >> you look beautiful. >> you look handsome. >> can i have that ring? >> no. >> the ring because you couldn't see it was a this huge canary diamond ring. i cannot wait for the new goodie mob stuff to drop. we'll have to watch the voice. it airs tonight at 8:00 eastern. thanks. up next, today's g"news nation gut check." one cranky toddler and her family booted off the plane. i ask you whether you have children or not, did the airline go too far? ot better.
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high in vitamins d, e, and b12. plus omega 3's. there's one important ingredient that hasn't changed: better taste. better taste. yum! [ female announcer ] eggland's best. the better egg. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ why? i thought jill was your soul mate. no, no it's her dad. the general's your soul mate? dude what? no, no, no. he's, he's on my back about providing for his little girl. hey don't worry. e-trade's got a totally new investing dashboard. everything is on one page, your investments, quotes, research...
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it's like the buffet last night. whatever helps you understand man. i'm watching you. oh yeah? well i'm watching you, watching him. [ male announcer ] try the new 360 investing dashboard at e-trade. i take the stuff everywhere. exactly. everyone's more energized, more alert. i've lost their respect. oh who's laughing now!? gazelle!! [ male announcer ] personal, portable mio energy. [ gazelle laughs ]
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it's time for the "news nation gut check." a rhode island family is kicked off a jet blue flight after their 2-year-old daughter through an epic temper tantrum before take off the the parents were told to leave five mirns after the child started acting up. they say they had their daughter under control. >> dr. colette view view
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finished up the vacation. once on the plane the family found themselves at the center of a travel nightmare when 2-year-old natalie grew antsy. >> she started throwing the tantrum of her life. my husband was trying to control her. the flight is trying to leave. we were told again, you need to comply with faa regulations. have your daughter seated. >> that proved to be easier said than done. three to five minutes passed from the time natalie's ptantru began to when she was selted the flight attendants delivered some surprising news. >> she said the pilot made a decision to turn the plane around. we were escorted off the plane. no more flight wrs leaving. we had nowhere to stay. rebooked on another flight the next day. jet blue said the flight has customers that did not comply with crew member instructions for a prolonged time period. the captain elected to remove
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the customers for the safety of all customers and crew members on board. dr. view said she was surprised by how the airline handled the situation. >> we weren't drunk, angry, screaming. a little bit of humanity was all i was looking for and apparently that doesn't exist. >> so, what does your gut tell you? was jet blue right to kick the family off the plane. my colleague said there's no reason to ever kick a child off the plane including his who has a temper tantrum problem. go to to cast your vote. a lot you have let you know your thoughts. that does it for this edition of "news nation." tomorrow we'll talk with congresswoman sheila jackson lee about the justice department's announcement that it will block a controversial voter id law. martin bashir is up next. [ woman ] dear cat, gentle cat,
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your hair mixes with pollen and dust in the air. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden. but now, with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. ♪ i can breath freer with zyrtec-d®. so i'll race you to our favorite chair. i might even let you win. zyrtec-d® lets me breath easier, so i can love the air. [ male announcer ] zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed. home protector plus from liberty mutual insurance,
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where the cost to both repair your home and replace what's inside are covered. to learn more, visit us today. [ dog ] it's our favorite. yours and mine.itar: upbeat ] because we found it. together. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. a long walk. a walk with you. a walk i smelled squirrels on, but i stayed by your side because i could tell, could feel, that you had a bad day... and me being bad wouldn't make it any better. but being there was already helping a little anyway. and then we found that wonderful thing. waiting there. waiting for you and me. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided right when i picked it up, i would never, ever leave it anywhere. ever. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that had made you smile.
11:59 am
[ announcer ] put more play in your day. beneful. play. it's good for you. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. [ female announcer ] introducing new nature valley protein bars. 100% natural ingredients like roasted peanuts... ♪ ...creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark chocolate flavor. plus, 10 grams of great tasting protein in every bar. so it's energy straight from nature to you. new nature valley protein bars. find them in the granola bar aisle.
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