tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC March 23, 2012 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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the profits will go back to canada. we take all of the risk and yet we don't get any of the benefits of lowering gas prices in this country. i come from a commuter district. >> tammy duckworth, we will visit again. appreciate your time on "the ed show". the rachel maddow show starts right now. good evening, rachel. the trayvon rally had a huge turnout you've been seeing and the sanford police chief has temporarily stepped down. we will have more on that ahead and will continue to update you through the hour as we continue to learn more. last night, at the much to the show, we did a report on the mitt romney campaign that seems to have jangled some nerves. this was the splash page for the "huffington post."
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i don't know exactly what the f stands for but it's not good. i knew we would strike a nerve or two with that report because it is a sensitive subject. it is hard to talk about but i think it's important. there is something different about mitt romney as a presidential candidate as compared to every other modern major party presidential candidate, there's a certain amount of lying and stretching the truth and spinning history everybody expects if not tolerates at all levels of politics and on both sides of the aisle. there is something different about the romney campaign. this is an assertion by me and happy to see it challenged. there is something unique about the campaign and that is the frequency with which the candidate himself has been lying during the campaign. his willingness to lie about small stuff that doesn't seem to have political benefit to him, lying for the sake of lying but
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the campaign's lack of remorse or even explanation when they get caught lying. they don't correct it when they get called out, don't feel bad about it, don't seem to see it as a problem. case in point, the very first television add run by mr. romney's campaign. we talked about his announcement maiden speech when he launched his campaign, he told a big lie in this case about the economy. not just in his first speech, in his first ad on the romney campaign, he told an absolute black and white, no question full on, blatant lie. >> i am confident we can steer ourselves out of this crisis. we need a rescue plan for the middle class. we need to provide relief for homeowners. it will take a new direction. if we keep talking about the
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economy, we are going to lose. >> stop it right there. that was mitt romney's first television ad. makes it sound really bad, right, what president obama said, makes it sound awful. president obama is saying, right there, you heard him in the ad, if we keep talking about the economy, we are going to lose. i want to know what president obama really said? >> senator mccain's campaign actually said, i quote, if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose. >> he was quoting somebody else. he was quoting somebody else critically and they made it look like that's what president obama was saying on his own behalf. they made it look like he said something he did not say. that's the equivalent of editing the word of don't out of somebody saying, i don't love you in order for you to prove how beloved you are. you said it. i took it out of context? that was the first mitt romney ad out of the campaign. in a political world where there are very low expectations for how truthful political ads are
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and you assume and therefore excuse a certain level of sliminess and slight of hand on the part of political professionals, even in a beltway that cynical, what mr. romney did in that first ad of his campaign caused legitimate outrage even from a cynical beltway press, having been caught in a blatant lie. the romney campaign responded with no apology and no correction. signalling from his first ad, like from his first speech as a presidential candidate mr. romney would be okay with lying, even when he got caught for it. last night when we broached this topic the first time, we talked about mr. romney lying about the economy, his own political resume and the deficit and national anthem and steve has done a 10 part series, volume 10, a 10 part series cataloging things mitt romney has lied
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about as a presidential candidate this time around, things he has been called out on for lying and has not corrected. not that steve has documented 10 lies, 10 volumes of lies, 10 catalogs of lies so far. mr. romney is okay with lying when he runs for president when he gets caught and it is amazing, the most notable thing about his candidacy, the thing we have to grapple with as a country, whether this sort of thing is the sort of thing we expect, whether it's okay for somebody running for president or not okay, whether it goes to his character and what we expect of people running nor an office this high. here's the further question. is this not just a character question for mitt romney, that he's okay with lying even when he gets caught? is this instead a standard he will set for his campaign? is this the way the whole pro romney effort is going to be run? is mitt romney leading by example here? is he signaling he expects
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people who support him to behave in this same way and have these same standards? today, we got a test of that and the results of the test were to even very cynical people a little shocking. the wall street editorial page, a very conservative editorial page, not just conservative but republican conservative. one of their regular columnists is the chief political strategist for the last conservative president, a man you may have heard of named karl rove. he published an article in the "wall street journal" he criticized president obama as having no accomplishments to run on in his campaign for re-election and a 17 minute video documenting what the campaign sees as mr. obama's accomplishments. then mr. rove said, as for the killing of osama bin laden, mr. obama did what virtually any commander in chief would have done in the same situation. even president bill clinton says in the film, that's the call i would have made. for this to be an epic
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achievement in the first term tells you how bare the white house cupboards are. and picking up on where this quote actually came from today, it is amazing. instructive and chilling. remember, what karl rove says in his column, even president bill clinton says in the film, that's the call i would have made. no biggie. here's the part of that film mr. rove says he is quoting from, the part mr. rove extracted that quote. watch. >> a lot of people have asked how did you feel when you first heard that it was bin laden and that he had been killed? the truth is i didn't have a lot of time for feelings at that point because our guys were still in that compound. it wasn't until i knew they were across the border, they were safe, everybody was accounted for, including the dog, that, you know, i allowed some satisfaction.
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>> he took the harder and the more honorable path. when i saw what had happened, i thought to myself, i hope that's a call i would have made. >> i hope that's the call i would have made. that means something very different than that's the call i would have made. does this sort of quoting technique seem familiar to you? >> senator mccain's campaign actually said, and i quote, if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose. >> it's going to take a new direction. if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose. >> i think it is an important that mitt romney lies a lot as a presidential candidate and seems to be okay with the lying. as he becomes the presidential party nominee, the de facto leader, is his ethical standard on lying going to set the standard on the right. we contacted the "wall street journal" today to find out if they would run a correction on
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mr. rove's lie that ran today. initially, the "wall street journal" declined our request, and late in the day they finally did correct the quote in the online version of mr. rove's article and reached out to mr. rove today to see if he agrees that correction was necessary and if it was an error or he agrees it was an error, we have not heard back from him. >> they plan to spend more than a quarter billion on this year's presidential election all in behalf of mr. romney. political ads by mr. rove have never been paragon of honesty in the past. this year with this particular nominee on the republican side running this particular kind of campaign, is one side of the political spectrum giving up on the idea that what you say ought to be true? if is the mitt romney era of
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politics, what should we know about mitt romney the republican that we should expect to get bigger in a political way. with us is mr. helman of the "boston globe." thanks for your time. >> my pleasure, thanks for having me. >> i don't expect you to share my analysis. it is clearly my own and not yours. >> indeed. >> i wanted to talk to you about your history of reporting on governor romney over his long political career and your research over his political career. have you seen instances where he insisted on political inconvenient honesty and chastised people and told advisories to do something although it might be shady and might benefit him. have you seen things that maybe i'm not seeing at the presidential level? >> i can't recall instances like that. certainly, i remember this criticism when he was governor,
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a couple cases i can think of, one you talked about on your show, massachusetts was part of this regional gas initiative, this regional effort to lower greenhouse gas emissions. i remember being at an energy conference when mitt romney was defending it and saying i've had industry leaders come up to me, meaning corporations saying this is going to hurt our bottom line because energy costs are going to go up. i assured them it was only 1 or 2%. there was a certain point he changed and get mad at me and said i have to get you a transcript of that. i said, i was there and now you're slamming it saying it will lead to higher energy costs. another one the head of the transportation in massachusetts blue ribbon panel and looked at recommendations we need billions
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of new revenue and the head of that commission said at one point once they presented it to mitt romney, he did not want to hear that at all, did not want to hear billions of new revenue and looked at them, we're done with that, it's not going forward. the guy said it was a bright sunny day and like he was saying it was black outside. >> a new republic piece about his positions as governor on issues and contrast on some positions he's taking now as a presidential candidate. he, as governor, for example, rejected a proposal massachusetts should get rid of or suspend the state gas price to bring prices down said i don't think this is a time you want to encourage people to use less gasoline, that would be a bad idea and raised prices at the pump on massachusetts people
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directly to clean up pumps at the gas stations. and then got rid of the purpose for the fund and applied it to the general coffers, all that stuff totally opposite to what he is attacking president obama for on gas prices. is that a case of selective amnesia. he doesn't remember that he's done that or do you think he's hoping the people won't bring that up in his record or the kind of thing he acknowledges he has changed over time? >> look, at heart, mitt romney is a pragmatist. as we know, he looks at every campaign and situation and figures out what he has to do to succeed in that environment. when he was in massachusetts, it was a very different calculus there. you go back further than that in his gubernatorial campaign, at one point she was asking for a tax on suvs because they use more gasoline.
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that is very difficult to imagine him saying today. to the extent he has an ideology, it is pragmatism. i think that is who he is at heart. when you ask him about it, he says, look, i wrote this book "no apology," all my views are in there. the fact is, you're right, he has changed on a number of things, well beyond abortion stuff that got so much attention. this started in 2005 and 2006, when he was starting to run for president last time and you see this gradual evolution and ironically, he's tried to tack back to the middle and run as mr. fix-it economic guy and has been forced now to defend his right and here we are in almost april still talking about rick santorum. >> scott helman, author of "the real mitt romney" from the "boston globe." thanks for talking to us. i understand you're covering him in an ongoing way and i may not
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be the best person to talk to but your perspective is helpful to me. thanks for joining us. >> the politics of your projection, the i am rubber, you are glue technique, coming up. what makes the sleep number store different? the sleep number bed. the magic of this bed is that you're sleeping on something that conforms to your individual shape. wow! that feels really good. it's hugging my body. in less than a minute i can get more support. if you change your mind once you get home you can adjust it. so whatever you feel like, the sleep number bed's going to provide it for you. at our semi-annual sleep sale, save $400 to $700 on our most popular bed sets. sale ends march 31st. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.
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something remarkable is happening in sanford, florida tonight. this is what it looked like there, look at that, thousands of people gathering at a park in downtown sanford, showing support for trayvon martin, a 17-year-old shot and killed as he walked home to his father's house from a convenience store. the shooter has claimed self-defense although he was following trayvon and he was armed with nothing but candy and iced tea. citing florida's stand your ground gun law, they have not arrested the suspect and that is what the people are protesting and whether that is even possible under florida law.
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today, florida's governor rick scott appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the shooting that killed mr. martin and the stand your ground law and the police chief of sanford, florida has temporarily removed himself from office. coverage of the story including the work of reverend al sharpton will continue tonight and will be on "the last word."
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you take whatever the strongest attack that can be used against you and you randomly accuse the other guy of being guilty of that same thing. a classic technique. like george w. bush running for re-election. there's that ethically troubled history of gyration he had to go through and gyrations to get out of serving in vietnam and running against a legitimate vietnam war hero in 2004. what do the pro george w. bush forces do, they accuse the other guy, the war hero of having been ethically sketchy and coward in vietnam. i'm rubber, you're glue. you see the same thing going on the right now in the mitt romney campaign. he has said he's totally on board with the paul ryan kill medicare budget. mr. romney ran this mitt romney loves paul ryan ad which made it sort of look like paul ryan was the one running for president. i think it's even possible mitt romney could pick paul ryan to be his vice-presidential choice
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th mitt romney had a meeting in washington with paul ryan and happy to publicize that was happening. this all happens as paul ryan is rolling out his new budget which would dismantle medicare and end what we know as medicare and embrace the coupon system. when you have embraced paul ryan and essentially running with paul ryan and maybe you might pick paul ryan as your vice presidential running mate, you are the guy with the guy who proposed killing medicare. paul ryan described in the "wall street journal" last year ending medicare as we know it. what is the romney campaign doing to head it off? >> it is barack obama who wants to end medicare as we know it. what? it is okay to be confused by that. it's supposed to be confusing. designed to muddy the water, make the attack meaningless,
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steal its power as an attack by making it seem like, this is a generic thing you say about people in politics, it doesn't really mean anything. mr. romney trying to innoculate himself against the power of you want to kill medicare attack. the rnc is saying the obama administration is waging a war on women. wait. obama is waging a war on women? democrats are waging a war on women? it's okay to be confused. that's the point, the way this technique works. the republicans have realized the war on women is a very powerful attack against them. in the general election, likely the majority of voters will be women. republicans understanding they have screwed up with anti-contraception, anti-abortion, anti-planned parenthood they have pursued. you see them running away with it. the blunt rubio that failed in
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the senate. it appears the house are not just delaying a vote on that measure, trying to quietly let it go. they know they have screwed up. here's the thing. your record follows you. your record follows you around like a can tied to a bumper. that was john mccain on "meet the press" this weekend piously intoning republicans should get away from anti-contraception issue and anti-contraception issues but clanging along behind him is the fact he voted for th anti-contraception bill himself and voted for the blunt-rubio bill a few weeks ago and now all pious what a mistake it is for other people to pursue those policies when they ought to leave well enough alone. there is texas representative kay bailey hutchison and talked about what a mistake it was to de-fund the pre-planned program and she voted for it three weeks ago and now lecturing rick perry.
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there is no real hope of republicans getting away from this issue this year. at least there is no hope of it as long as the stuff the republicans are doing in the states continues to be so eye popping. in wisconsin this week, the state's largest medical society is asking governor scott walker to please veto the latest radical abortion bill and they say the bill would infringe on the physician-patient relationship and signing a bill requiring a 72 hour waiting period in the country, civil rights group say it is likely unconstitutional burden on women seeking abortion services. and indefinitelily postponed
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debate on a forced ultrasound bill for pennsylvanians, a bill that would require vaginal ultra sound and placed in the woman's sightline. that bill is on hold in the house after the state medical society that doesn't take a position on abortion raised objections to the bill. that has not stopped republican governor tom corbett from defending it on tape. >> i wouldn't change it as long as it's not obtrusive. we're still waiting to see. >> making them watch, does that go too far in your mind? >> make anybody watch, okay, because you just have to close your eyes. as long as it's on exterior, not interior, okay? it's a position i took a while ago.
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it's just on the outside. it's not invasive. >> he keeps talking about this. he is both very visibly super awkward about it but also totally wrong about it every time. not only does he think it's cool to force women to undergo a medical procedure and have a screen showing the procedure forced in front of their face because after all, they can close their eyes but he also doesn't understand the bill, doesn't understand the ultrasound requirement at the heart of the bill he says he supports. the pennsylvania ultrasound bill is not on just the outside thing, governor corbett, it is very much on the inside. everyday at our news meeting there are ten different stories from ten different states where republicans are pushing ten different pieces of anti-abortion legislation more radical than anything we have seen in a year on this. a good number of these things are moving and getting passed and signed. there is a fascinaing dynamic at work in the republican party. at the federal level among professional republicans, there
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is widespread recognition this is a losing issue for them and they have to get off of this stuff and they also cannot do it. they can't stop themselves, they can't stop themselves from doing it. this stuff follows you around. it sticks. you are not rubber, you are glue. joining us tonight for the interview we have the former surgeon general of the united states appointed by president george w. bush. he's here to talk about what jan brewer and arizona plan to do on this issue.
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he was a decorated vietnam combat veteran. he had very close ties to the george w. bush administration. extremely interested in the position from the senator from the great state of arizona. he almost sounds like john mccain except he is not john mccain at all. richard carmona, surgeon general of the united states during the george w. bush administration and one of the most decorated police officers from arizona and our special guest. people really love snapshot from progressive, but don't just listen to me. listen to these happy progressive customers. i plugged in snapshot, and 30 days later, i was saving big on car insurance. i was worried it would be hard to install.
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the chairman of the board of the susan g. komen foundation announced his resignation today. the head of the new york city affiliate will leave next month. executive vice president of komen's national organization announced recently she would be resigning. more than 1,000 people have signed an online foundation asking the head, nancy brinker to resign as well. it's all continued and current fallout from the decision by the komen foundation earlier this year they would stop giving grants to planned parenthood. komen said at the time it had
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nothing to do with planned parenthood per se, just that they wouldn't fund anyone who was under government investigation. was planned parenthood under government investigation? no, not unless you count this guy, republican congressman, cliff stearns of florida, who says, sure, he wants to investigate planned parenthood. cliff stearns, for the record, also wants to investigate whether president obama is secretly for ren and might secretly not be the president. cliff stearns, birther congressman, not exactly a barometer of the seriousness of government concerns. the idea there is something scandalous about planned parenthood is and has been a transparently fake controversy generated by the anti-abortion movement and their allies in politics and the fact that the susan g. komen foundation allowed theirselves to be part of that scam and looks to their supporters like an irreversible trail and hard to see how they retrieve their position as
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defender of women after playing a part in the demonize planned parenthood scam. in texas, the make planned parenthood into a scandal campaign has cost more than $35 million of federal funding for something called the texas woman's health program providing cancer screenings, pap smears, hormone patches and basic services to over 130,000 women in texas. the poorest women in texas are losing their medical care because rick perry and the republicans in the state legislature say they do not want that money used for abortions. that money is already not used for abortions. quote texas already bars clinics that take such money from performing abortions. the new law is intended to prevent any state money from benefitting planned parenthood because regardless of abortion planned parenthood is supposed to somehow be a scandal somehow. another state that is considering going the way of texas on this, cutting off its poorest women from their health
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care in order to make a fake point about planned parenthood being a scandal regardless of abortion is arizona, house bill would strip planned parenthood of federal funding even though that funding already does not go to providing abortions and that bill is currently making its way through the republican legislature and the so-called tell your boss why you're on the pill bill, allowing your employer to force you to disclose the reasons why you are using prescription contraception so your employer can then decide whether or not he has moral objections to it being covered by your insurance. former surgeon general of the united states is an arizona and says of these bills, trying to block women from getting contraception or de-funding planned parenthood is completely non-sensical call from a policy
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standpoint. i can guarantee this would deleterious to the health of women. he is also a democratic candidate. >> thank you. pleasure to be with you. >> thank you. house number 2800 is making its way through the state legislature do in arizona what republicans have done in texas, de-funding planned parenthood and a lot of other women's health services besides. how does this both strike you as a physician and potentially as a lawmaker? do you understand the motivation behind this and do you think it will achieve its aims? >> i don't understand the motivations. as i look at this through the eyes of surgeon general, it doesn't make any sense. the consequences of anything like this to reduce or create barriers to health care are extraordinarily complex and the
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outcomes will be deleterious effects on women's health. it really doesn't make sense. >> how is it the effort to de-fund planned parenthood. i see it as an effort to demonize planned parenthood and make it seem like a scandal, how is it to go after planned parenthood and abortion in particular end up having such consequences for such a wide range of women's health services? >> rachel, the issue, as you know, women get their health care in a lot of different places, planned parenthood is a place that provides care to very populations. any time we eliminate access to health care there are deleterious effects to that population and in this case, women's hale. this policy is very misguided and unfortunately can have catastrophic consequences. >> you have said you heard from conservative women and very conservative women who do not support the republican agenda right now on abortion rights and reproductive rights.
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what are those women saying to you, particularly as you're talking to people in the context of your run for office? >> i heard it from all across the board including conservative women who actually feel very unhappy about the fact that a group of men, as i was told, are trying to determine their choices, as far as reproductive health care. i think there's significant unintended consequences to this. the policy isn't very well thought out. we should be doing the opposite. we should be doing everything we can to increase health care for all women and in doing so we expect we reduce unwanted pregnancies and reduce the need for abortion. we all should be striving to increase access to health care for all women and all citizens. >> it seems like what you just articulated there was a nonpartisan, even beyond bipartisan, a nonpartisan point of agreement on the issue of reproductive rights and abortion. even people for or against
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abortion rights could agree abortion should be made fewer by giving people access to contraceptives and comprehensive family planning and nobody on either side of the abortion debate wanted there to be more unintended pregnancies. how did that break down? i thought that would be a long standing consensus but seems to have evaporated very quickly. >> i would agree with you. seems this issue has become politicized and everybody is entrenched in their positions and don't want to give in. there's a very simple solution, no matter what side of the aisle you are on or if you don't believe in being on either side of the aisle. we should be looking how to maximize women's health care in all aspects of health. that would be the best for the nation, drive down the cost of health care and drive down unwanted pregnancies and the amount of abortions used for unwanted pregnancies, a win-win on both sides. >> you have a long background
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and surgeon general under vice president george w bush. what made you want to run as a democrat? >> to be honest when i left washington, i served my statutory term and served the nations in uniform and came home. like many, i was very upset what i was seeing with politicization of health issues, science and technology, people not using prudent judgment to promulgate policy on behalf of the american public and led to a number of discussions with colleagues locally and national and on both sides of the aisle who encouraged me to get my hat in the ring because of a vacant senate seat, which i did. the reason i chose the democratic party, i looked at where the republicans were on issues like women's health, contraception and immigration, it was clear i could not support any of those and my home really
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fit better on the democratic side. i've been an independent my whole life and i try to look at things very rationally based on the best science. that's what i will try to continue to do as a u.s. senator. >> i think a lot of democrats have concluded a lot of independents who aren't making a decision to run for office but decision how to vote might look at those issues, contraception, reproductive rights and the very same things and decide the same way you decided. >> dr. richard carmona, former surgeon general for former president george w. bush. democratic candidate tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> what you see here is a rally tonight in sanford, florida. look at the size of this, thousands of people gathering to demand government action in the case of trayvon martin, the unarmed teenager killed last month and his killer has not been arrested because of florida's stand your ground gun law. tonight on "the last word" with
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lawrence o'donnell, he will have all the latest information on the special task force to investigate the case. stay tuned for him as soon as we are done. we are back with a keep you up at night trick to a rick santorum tape event. [ male announcer ] can febreze set & refresh make even this place smell fresh?
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the next republican presidential primary is in the great state of louisiana. this was an event in central louisiana on sunday. a pastor named the reverend dennis terry introducing republican candidate rick santorum to his congregation watch. >> i don't care what the liberals say, i don't care what the nay-sayers say, this nation was founded as a christian nation, the god of abraham, the god of isaac and the god of jacob. there's only one god, there's only one god and his name is jesus. i'm tired of people telling me that i can't say those words. i'm tired of people telling us as christians that we can't voice our beliefs or we can't no longer pray in public. listen to me, if you don't love america and you don't like the way we do things, i have one thing to say. get out!
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[ applause ] we don't worship buddha. i said, we don't worship buddha, we don't worship mohammed. we don't worship allah. we worship god, we worship god's son, jesus christ! if we'll put god back in america, put god back in our pulpits and put god back in our homes and our statehouse and then in washington d.c., then we can have revival in america. >> at the end of reverend dennis terry's introduction, republican presidential candidate rick santorum gave the pastor a standing ovation. he later said that he did not agree with the muslims and buddhists that they need to get out of america. in the town of central
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louisiana, outside of baton rouge, if you hop from central to shreveport, will you hit monroe, louisiana, which is where my friend is the pastor for preaching and worship at the north minister baptist church protected to defending religious freedom. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me, rachel. >> does that rant sound as radical to you as a baptist minister as it does to me? >> yes, it angers me and it hurts me. when i read the words, at first i laughed and then i thought i can't laugh at this. rachel, if that introduction, that man gave me the feeling that he is the war on religion. because what he was talking about was being anti-american
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and anti-religious if he did not to the bible and didn't conform to the constitution, we are not a nation that kicks people out because of disagreement and and i don't know what they are talking about. what is called a war on religion today is epitomized and government can throw and it's ludicrous, that lived so long, with an assumed establishment of
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religion, they are now having to play by the the rules of everyone else, and saying it's persecution and they are going to have to apologize for people in afghanistan and iraq and what they talked about was the persecution and war on religion. by virtue of questions they are trying to and what they say is, they are going to say follow us. just do what we say and we'll get it done for you. newt gingrich knows better. but you know what, you may disagree with this.
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i appreciate the fact that santorum has been honest. i think he's told us some of the scariest things that i've ever heard about religious freedom. it's made me probably fearful. he's been honest with us. he's told us what he will do with that office. and i appreciate that fact. and whether we can endorse that or not endorse that, if you go with this republican path of a war on religion and taking back the country and you're going to see religious freedom minimize if not done away with altogether, you're going to see ministers telling their congregation to vote for him.
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how do you feel about that? >> i don't like it. it's a prostitution and religion. people have to keep in mind, when you're running for the president of the united states, whether you're rick santorum or president obama, you're the one that anything in that campaign and its subsidiary strategy and trying to not whole the church has proven to be another institution into which they know and i resent anybody making the church from what they can give a
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best new thing in my world today, the pro ron paul website, the daily paul, did a nice thing today about the drift and why they are involved in the republican thinking, concerned about how we go to war now, which is what my new book is about is not all that partisan anymore any way.ence to that point, consider also this sign of the political apocalypse on the back cover of the new
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book. yes. that is a blush from roger ales, the ceo of the fox news channel. and it makes valid arguments. from fox news. >> one of the reasons i wanted to write this book is that i think that the change in our politics and civilian experience going to war is a change that is unsettling and that feels wrong and even people who don't care about politics at all, as a country that we all want to sort of fix. so i never thought that i was would be the poster child. the book is coming out now. it's not just my liberal. it's also conservatives specifically saying that it is worth reading. and that is what i really wanted to do. this is what i was trying to do. i'm really happy tha's
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