tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC April 9, 2012 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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30 years ago. >> how come? >> i don't think you liked me either. >> i thought you were mean. >> mike wallace, remembering veteran "60 minutes" iconic newsman with tom brokaw. plus inside the her mit kingdom with the world on edge, nbc news gains rare access. richard engel inside north korea's military base. and easter rolls into the white house as president and mrs. obama and the first family host thousands of kids for the traditional egg roll. >> i think the president is going to try to beat a 3-year-old, which i hope he does not. >> good day. i'm andrea mitchell live in washington. in our daily fix today, mitt romney is finally showing his hand spending millions in negative ads in pennsylvania. his campaign hopes this will finish off rick santorum in the keystone state while santorum has spent nothing on tv so far. although the romney campaign did praerl pull those ads off the air today because the santorums have been off the trail caring
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for their ailing 3-year-old daughter bella. chris cillizza is managing editor of post to and mark hal her pin is a political analyst and "time" magazine's editor-at-large. chris, first to you, the battle for pennsylvania, this ad blitz that romney has unveiled temporarily pulled but the santorum campaign is going to be back in gear tomorrow, we're told. it will be back up. santorum has not spent any money at all in his home state. >> mitt romney understands that to bring this to a formal, this is over, no one can dispute it conclusion the way to do that is to beat rick santorum in pennsylvania. it's the only state that votes april 24th that santorum has any chance of winning. if mitt romney wins that as well as new york, connecticut, rhode island, it's going to feel like this is it. it's over once and for all. that's why you're seeing so much
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money being spent by the romney campaign and why this ad, yes, is down today. the ad reminding people about rick santorum's loss by 18 points in 2006 in pennsylvania, it will be up as soon as rick santorum comes back on the campaign trail which we do expect to be tomorrow. so this is a temporary lull in what will be a shelling of rick santorum in the next two and a half weeks. >> and speaking of shelling, mark halperin what, about crossroads and what they're planning to do to try to define barack obama before he can define himself? >> as chris would say, this is a potential game-changer, this is not a standard independent expenditure. >> to coin a phrase. >> this is a group that has a lot going for it. the obama in chicago has been waiting for this moment because they know this is potentially something that could change things. it's a group that's going to be well funded. second of all, a group extraordinarily sophisticated, karl rove and the others involved will focus group things, argument these ads in a
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much more sophisticated way than a lot of independent groups do to waste money. everyone expects these ads to be good, well executed and although in presidential politics, it's the candidates that really drive a lot of what voters think, paid media matters. we could wake up in 90 days of this and see numbers having moved. that's not usually something you can anticipate even with a lot of paid advertising. >> now, in addition to advertisements, of course there's the twitter battle and the effort by the romney campaign to show how warm and fuzzy he is. chrysalis cillizza, some of the pictures he tweeted out over the easter weekends showed him painting eggs with grandchildren and body surfing. >> who knew. you know, andrea, all of this, here's the problem for mitt romney at the moment. if you know anything about him, the average persons very little. if you know anything about him, you basically know one of two things or both.
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he's a business guy and he's gone back and forth on issues in the past. neither of those are perfect things for mitt romney in this environment. he ha is to try to reintroduce in a lot of ways it's just introduce but reintroduce himself as something more than just kind of a businessman who takes care of business and looks at the bottom line. he needs more than that. this is an attempt to fill him out to people. i think we're going to see a lot of more of the personal side of mitt romney, maybe more ann romney, more stuff about the kids. the one danger there, andrea, as the romney people see it, they have very much stayed away from talking about his mormonism which is essential to who he is. the more you talk about your family, the more the fact that he is a mormon will come out. are they okay with that in this introductory phase. >> what do you think about that, mark halperin? should they embrace it in was he was a bishop in the church, a very important church lay
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leader. he of issed as mormons do as a missionary. why not just embrace it and accept it? >> well, i think he should learn he feeds to talk about it in a comfortable way. i don't think they should embrace it as a matter of pr strategy or reject it but deal with it as it comes. i think if you look at the things they've got to work with to humanize him, they can tweet out all the pictures they want. his time working with eem in crisis as part of his ministry when he was a church leader in boston is one of the few times we know of in his life where he came face to face was people of less economic means in times of crisis. he needs to talk about it in a political way. that's just a reality of presidential politics and image making that's much more comfortable, much more nuanced and textured than he has so far. i don't see very much else to work with on that score. that's an important score. presidential politics are about personalities as much as anything else. right now he's not well
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positioned in that battle. he's not performing at the level. he's got to do it. it can't be tweeted pictures. >> beyond twitter, thank you very much, mark, thanks chris cillizza. as mitt romney's first job is to get the republican establishment behind him. rich galen is a republican strategist, and also a former aide to newt gingrich. all of the above. welcome. >> thanks. >> what are your sort of guide points for mitt romney as to how to get people to rally around him? >> talking about getting the republicans around him, not spreading into the undecides or the undefined voters. but it's very simple. we saw thing that the romney people and the rnc have begun setting up joint fund-raising committees. >> money talks. >> that was the first thing i suggested in the daily beast the other day, start raising money both for the party and for some of his opponents to help them
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retire these debt. my guess is that was not beyond something that newt might have had in his mind yesterday when he was on "meet the press" and really kind of turned the corner in terms of mitt romney accepting mitt romney. that maybe there will be some fund-raising coming his way. he's got a $4.5 million debt. he needs to follow on with what chris and mark were just talking about it, he needs to become more an aacquainted with house and senate republicans. he was a governor. they generally don't know the other folks and spending a couple of wednesday mornings with the house and a couple of tuesday lunches with the senate policy committee, i think that would go a long way, as well. and then of a third and fourth thing is to start doing things like taking physically taking control of the rnc as the nominee will do and the convention because it sounds like small potatoes but as these ex-candidates, governors and other people need an extra room, need a good speaking slot, need
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whatever, it's good to have the romney people there early to make those decisions and get those things off the table. >> and one of the things that you mention is to bring people from the party on board. take a look at what john cacic, former colleague from your days on the hill from king rich world. here he is the governor of ohio and when requested about endorsements, he was more than reluctant. >> these people, they work their tails off trying to get to be president and trying to judge it and handicap the horse race is not what i'm comfortable with. let it take care of itself. i haven't endorsed. i said everybody endorsed either drop the out or didn't run. so i'll wait till we have a in many knee. >> i mean, ohio could not be more central to any republican candidate. >> i haven't talked to governor kasich in a long time. it may well be part of that might be right, that he doesn't
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want to sway people one way or the other. he's not the most popular guy in the midwest because of the kinds of things he tried to get through. that's number one. it may be a sosht of defensive move on behalf of romney. he may want to be invited to dinner a couple times before they start a serious relationship. he may want to be courted a little bit. there may be something about the all the chatter about rob portman, senator from the cincinnati area as a potential running mate for romney and kasich doesn't want to throw all of his cards onto the table before he gets 0 negotiate little goodies for ohio or for himself. >> before i let you go, broke, newt gingrich didn't really anticipate according to you how hard it is to run for president. >> yeah, well that is true. i think a lot of folks tried to convince him of this. the last time he ran for anything was 1988 for a congressional seat. this is a far grander undertaking and one of the problems he had was that he tried to do it in a new way.
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there's a reason that campaigns look like campaigns is because that's the engineering solution for campaigns. so you don't mess up things like getting on the ballot in virginia. >> as nasty as he's been to mitt romney, is he going to be a player assuming romney is the nominee. >> newt will be a team player. he understands that side of the game as well and there will be times down the road when he's going to want to be cowered by the white house or at least by the campaign. and he wants to be in good stead with them. >> we shouldn't jump the gun too much. he's barely winning the nomination. let's not have him winning the election. rich, thanks very much. coming up next, remembering mike wallace. nbc's tom brokaw looks at the legacy of the broadcast legend. >> did your former trainer ever inject you with anything? >> yes he did. >> with what. >> lidocaine and b 12 for my joints and b 12 i still take
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mike wallace was the cbs eye that never blinked. the broadcast pioneer without whom "60 minutes" could not have existed. the show was created with wallace's tenacious interviewing style and performers gifts in mind. he covered more than half a century of american history. no one before or since has ever matched his interviewing skills. >> it was during what? with you. >> why? why? >> really? when you boil it down to low gravy. >> you demanded special treatment. >> you needed money. >> it's almost an embarrassment
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to hear this from her. >> why you so reluctant. >> as his long-time friend and colleague morley safer said remembering wallace, his visits were preceded by the four dreaded words, mike wallace is here. even friends were not spared from tough questioning as ronald and nancy reagan, long time pals discovered. >> what was your husband's role in iran con an? >> nothing. i mean -- >> come on, he was president of the united states. >> it was what -- i don't know enough about iran con tran, mike, to talk to you intel gently about it. all i know is that he did not think he had done anything wrong. he didn't know of anything that was going on. >> you're going to be in japan, and i'm told it's a $2 million two weeks. >> they're getting two of us. they're working us like crazy. >> but it's going to be a well rec come penced two weeks. >> it is for everybody who goes there, which you probably know.
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now you really didn't need that question. >> ah, the gaze. special news correspondent tom brokaw is here to share his thoughts on mike wallace's legacy. you've seen that look in her eye. i have certainly. it was -- >> here's the thing. >> she was tough. >> he's interviewing nancy reagan who he has known at that point. >> right. >> since she was i think a late teenager or in her early 20s. he was close to her mother who was a famous actress in chicago. he was very close to the reagan family. but that was vintage mike wallace. he was not going to give them any quarter whatsoever. and you could tell, he spent a lot of time around nancy reagan, as well. she was not entirely happy with the direction of that interview. on the other hand, i did talk to her last year. she called mike at a facility in new canaan, connecticut where he spent the last couple years of his life. he had dementia, alzheimers and he was very comfortable there.
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she said when he picked up the phone, he said who's this in kind of a brusque wallace way and she said mike, it's nancy reagan. you remember who i am. i think that's the way she described it. he said, of course, i do. she said i'm not sure that he did. so she remained very cles to him to the very end and was extremely empathetic because of all she had gone through with president reagan. >> that's what makes that story that you tell so memorable and so poignant. she issued a statement today saying my heather is broken over the death of my dear friend mike wallace. my parents introduced me to make more than 75 years ago. he was an old school journalist and one of the most astute people i've met. the news business will be a different place and our lives forever changed for knowing him. think back to 1979. you remember an interview so well and we were in the middle of the hostage crisis and he turns up in tehran to interview
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ayatollah khomeini. this is the way the interview went. >> president sadat of egypt, a devoutly religious man, a muslim, says that what you are doing now is "a disgrace to islam." and he calls you, i manual, forgive me, his words not mine. a lunatic. >> sadat states he is a muslim and we are not. he is not for he compromises with the enemies of islam. so that has united with our enemies. >> you know, tom, only mike wallace could get away with that and business of forgive me, his words, not mine. that's classic mike wallace >> he did that a lot. i thauls thought that mike made a very successful for being an actor into a serious journalist. he wanted to pay tribute to his son peter who died on a hiking
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trip in greece and he came back from trying to find his body to make a more serious turn in his life. i think the early training, the theatrical training served him very well in interviews on television because he could pull it off. that was one of his techniques was to say forgive me, these are the words of someone else. but he never stopped coming after you. part of the reason for that is that mike knew that the audience was making an investment in what he was doing. and he didn't want to waste their time and the terms of what he was trying to get out of the interview. he always saw the interview as having a beginning, middle and an end. and that we should leave that interview with a sense of as well will he cannule nourishment. >> tell me a story, of course, what don hewitt always advised his correspondents. you know, he was human. and frail and he acknowledged his depression. three episodes i believe of depression. he was a vigorous, wonderful,
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extraordinaire newsman who also home run suffered and communicated that and an was honest enough to acknowledge it. so there were so many sides to mike wallace and we, of course, the condolences to his wife mary and his son, his step sons and, of course, chris wallace his son, our former colleague, tom. but the legacy that "60 minutes" has created i heard you talking earlier, i was just riveted to bob simon's report everywhere congo last night on that orchestra. the story telling on that program after all of these decades is just amazing. >> it is. and mike helped set the pace for it. it was not just all about interviews with him. he also did other stories but he had a keen sense of a narrative. i think that too grew a little bit out of his early theatrical training but it was his i think sting and don hooewitt's instin.
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they would have screaming matches what was the best choice for a sound bite. speaking of the family who can't -- you can't leave out his step daughter pauline who lived very near him in new canaan and kept close track what was going on with mike in the last few years. chris said in the last two days that mike did recognize him and didn't remember much of his work at "60 minutes." i know it was heartbreaking for the members of the 60 minutes team. a couple went up there and it was not clear that he knew who they were. mike had the unairing instinct about getting somebody involved in the interview that he happened to be doing. it was a wide range. it could be political figures, entertainment figures, whatever, and it was always the same mike wallace style. johnny carson was a very close friend and johnny was always teasing him saying that mike in
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another life might have been a proctologist which i suppose not television language but at any rate, that's how he thought about mike. and they were very close friends. mike would go walk into a room or a dinner party, even a casual meeting and light up the place. because he was never out of form. if you had done something well the week before, he would give you a quick pass on that, but if something had gone slightly wrong he was right there in his charming roguish way giving you a bad time about it. >> tom brokaw remembering mike wallace, thank you so much for joining us. >> my pleasure, andrea. >> up next the political briefing. the republican strategy 0 try to keep the house and, of course, take the senate. this is and degree na mitchell reports. ♪ surf's up everybody get your boards and your wetsuits ♪
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if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. let's start with car insurance x. this one does save people a lot of money and it's very affordable. >> tom brokaw remembering mike car insurance y? this one is much more expensive. ugh. it's really bad. let's see what you picked. oh, geico! over their competitor. you are a magician right? no., oh. you're not?, no., oh, well, give it a shot. i am so, so sorry. it was this close. in today as political briefing the republican national committee is stepping in to try to divert disaster in states where the state parties are in
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disarray. the national party is taking the reins to try to stop democrats from retaking the house and holding onto the senate. joining me is politico's senior political reporter jonathan martin. your reporting is very interesting on this because you describe it as orphan parties where the state parties have fallen apart and the rnc is moving in with 10 to $15 million. >> right, because there are some key states that are deeply blue. california, new york, illinois, that are not going to see any presidential action except for perhaps as atms when president obama and the gop nominee go out to raise money. but there are about 20 or perhaps even more house contests in those three states that could decide control of the house. then on the senate side places like montana and north dakota with pretty safe rid states where you've got key senate races. what's happening behind the scenes on capitol hill is a lot of republicans are strategizing how to step in and rescue some of these weak state parties and
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ensure that they keep the house and try to take back the senate. it's one of those stories where all the attention goes to in these white house years the campaign, the white house campaign, but there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes here in terms of the house and the senate. >> i think we just saw a shot of the north dakota contestants. you've got some tough races there where they will make obviously a big difference where the nat is hanging in the balance. >> i mentioned montana, north dakota, i should mention hawaii too, which is a great example where you've got a state that president obama is going to carry by 15, 20 points at least but a really strong candidate there for the senate that the gop has in the former governor, governor l ling goal. they have to step in to try to bolster the state party at a time when the state ticket is going to be very strong for the demes. >> what about the montana race?
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john testor. he was able to win six years ago but this is a really tough race for them to hold. >> it really is. because you've got the at large congressman there, a republican veteran who is going to be well funded running against senator tester in a presidential year. when testor won in 2006, there was no white house campaign. there is going to be tougher for testor. you've got to figure that whoever the gop nominee is will probably carry montana comfortably. that's one of those states where there's going to be in both parties serious intervention to help out the two candidates. >> jonathan martin from politico, thank you very much. chief political writer. up next, inside north korea with rare access to this month's controversial launch site. plus, hopes for a cease-fire evaporating in syria. send me your thoughts on facebook and twitter. this is andr"andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. mail.
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the navy has deployed a second aircraft carrier to the persian gulf amid rising tensions with iran. the two carriers will now be supporting american military operations in afghanistan and patrolling strategic oil routes iran has threatened to shut down. and despite tomorrow's deadline fur a u.n. proposed cease fire, syria's regime has been launching another fierce assault against opposition forces now spilling across the boardser, two border, lebanon and turkey. nbc's ayman mohyeldin is live in cairo, egypt with the latest. what is turkey likely to do in response to this? >> well, the turkish government did acknowledge the incident happened and do also say their turkish military did not accounts return fire, did not open fire. the nent took place early dawn this morning when the syrian military opened fire on what they purportedly claimed was a rebel force that was attacking a military outpost. in doing so, they attacked some
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of the refugees there. so it just really highlights the anxiety and the tension that exists between these once close time allies. >> and, of course, the deadline for the cease fire was supposed to be tomorrow but now according to all accounts, it's very unlikely that anything including the monitors would be in place in time. i wanted to briefly ask you also about the egyptian political situation because over the weekend we learned that the former spy master from president mubarak's regime is now running which is a very surprising outcome and this as you of course, his lammist parties who have joined the fray, the muslim brotherhood previously said they wouldn't be running. now they are running. how is this shaping up? >> reporter: well, it is really polarizing the country. the deadline for registration for presidential candidates was yesterday here in egypt. as you mentioned, the former
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vice president, the last vice president and more importantly the former head of the intelligence service here in egypt, a very powerful man has announced he is running. people in egypt have been very angered by that decision. they feel it is an affront to the revolution and all that has been achieved over the past several months. more importantly as you mentioned the best alternative is coming from strong islamists. that really has zwided the revolutionary groups, the young, the liberal who didn't feel either of the two camps represents what the new egypt should be about. egypt is going through a difficult transition. when you ask most people about the candidates, they don't feel many of those in this race represent the revolution or its demands. >> a troubling time, a crossroads in egypt. thanks so much. and the u.s. fears that north korea may be laying the groundwork for a new nuclear test. at the same time the north is preparing to launch a ballistic
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missile it says it carrying a space probe. all of this may be part of a political as well as military strategy helping rally north koreans behind their enough untested leader. richard engel has been granted rare access inside north korea and has more. richard? >> north korea today began what will be two weeks of official celebrations all designed to help reinforce the transition of power from the late kim jong-il to his song kim jong-un. in one of pyongyang's main square today, a sea of people expressed joy for their great leader and eternal president. and praise for his descendents. what stirred their excitement was this, a giant mural unveiled today of the late kim jong-il. and when the assembly was over, the thousands just walked away. orderly, nos trash left behind. uniformed school children, families and workers simply
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left. in a nearby park, accompanied by a government minder, kim jong told us everyone supports the state. >> you feel it's a good system for the people of north korea? >> yeah, everybody understand and they uphold the line of the, our party. >> this weekend, journalists were taken by train to a military base to see this. n north korea says it's an observation satellite. officials say it will circle the earth for two years. it will blasted off about i a 100 foot rocket. it is a powerful three-is taken rocket liquid fueled as far as we know with enough lifting force to carry 1,000-pound payload. u.s. officials worry it could easley be converted into an intercontinental ballistic missile, a rocket that could reach the continental united states. the site's director says the
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united states has nothing to fear. >> no, it cannot be used for military use. >> back on the train, nbc space analyst jim oh berg gave us his assessment. >> the design has weapons potential, serious weapons potential. it's probably already 98% of a weapon. >> if successful, north korea says the satellite will monitor the weather and track forest fires but it could also advance this isfation's long-range rocket capability. despite international condemnation, north korea says it will go ahead with its satellite launch sometime between the 12th and the 16th of this month. richard engel, nbc news, pyongyang. >> fascinating report. up next, the fallout from the augusta. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. of the millions of men who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy.
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stunning announcement within the last few hours. i'm talk with michael smerconish and kendall covey about this what this means. plus, two men accuses in a shooting rampage in oklahoma are now being held on $10 million bail. police are investigating whether the shootings were hate crimes. new information on what could have been the motive in these attacks. and a hospital in texas. well, you don't need to an pie if you are tipping the scales. the hospital says it's policy not to hiro bies people, well, they say it's about image. it's today's "news nation" gut check. winning that green jacket brought tears to the eyes of bubba watson. the university of georgia graduate for whonl the victory at augusta was the fulfillment of a lifetime dream. his hail mary wedge shot from the pine straw in the woods along the tenth fairway landed 15 feet from the pin setting up a six-inch putt. it was a moment thamt
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temporarily quieted all the controversy over the decision not to invite ibm ceo to join the club. joining me now is allan bastable, thanks so much. as far as augusta is concerned, you've been talking to people down there. do you see this ever changing or changing in the near future? >> it's really hard to know, andrea. we saw controversy flare-up back in 2003 when martha burk, the women's rights activist sort of caused a flare-up there by protesting at the masters. and the club's refusal to admit a female member. here we are nine years later, nothing has happened. you know, a contentious press conference with the chairman of the club billy pain. the question was posed six times out of 19 questions relating to the membership policy.
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he refused to give the media anything. it's hard to know. we're in a little different situation was rommydy, the last four ibm ceos have all been invited to become a member. the club has not made a statement. >> she has been at the state dinner. she was at the state dinner. she is the ceo of ibm, the first ceo of ibm. you would think it would be a no-brainer for them, a gimme putt to slide her in as the first woman and then they've done it. and they've gotten past the controversy. >> yeah, in some ways sort of a get out of jail free card. they had an opportunity to say listen, you know, this precedent here, we've allowed in the last four ibm ceos. we don't really have a choice. it makes the club look worse off. she's in a difficult position too and needs to explain to klees, her shareholders why is
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ibm endorsing this tournament when the club is excluding half the population from their membership. it's a tough spot for her and the club. we'll see how it plays out in the months to come. >> they did not have as the african-american member until i think ken shin nault i believe from american express in 1990. i think they've had at least one jewish member but they are very, very restrictive. that is their right presumably as a private club. it seems as though this iconic golf tournament ought to join the 20th century to say nothing of the 21st century. >> right. i mean, this is, you know, the club's been around for decades now. it's obviously a very proud place full of tradition and history. you know, back in 2003, hootie johnson, then the chairman famously said the club would not be forced to do anything at the point of a bayonet.
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so the idea that the club will be pressured into doing something doesn't seem fathomable. but in the last few weeks, the pressure as been ratcheted up so much, it's become such a distraction. i imagine it's become very uncomfortable for the membership. if i had to make a bet, i would guess that a woman member will be let in in the next year. it may have already happened. it wouldn't surprise me. it's not the kind of thing the club's going to announce if it does happen. it will trickle out through the press. i don't foresee the club making a big announcement. >> that takes nothing away from that fabulous finish for bubba watson. it was an incredible win and for all of the fans in watch. alan, thanks for joining us today. >> thanks, andrea. out of pl where state attorney angela corey says there will not be a grand jury in the trayvon martin shooting death investigation. joining us from tallahassee,
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benjamin crump. what is your interpretation of this? because corey said this should not be interpreted to mean that they were not going to proceed but do you see this as a setback for the family? >> well, no, andrea. we're anticipating that they were not going to do a grand jury because we really felt from the beginning they had enough evidence to affect probably cause to do an arrest. not a conviction of george zimmerman who killed trayvon mart martin, but an arrest. and it's a situation that we are hopeful that because she didn't do this grand jury, that there will be an arrest soon. and we was hoping that announcement would have came today and so the family is prayerful and they're trying to have patience. and they are trying to have faith in the system. it's been 42 days now since they lost their son in this tragic,
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raj i can way. and so they are trying to lean on their faith that the system will work for them. >> mr. crump, have you been in touch with the state attorney? have you had nel legal guidance or anything to indicate what may be transpiring? well, miss corey has called the family to let them know that they are trying to do a thorough investigation. and that she feels that they are getting a lot of information. but at this point, we are waiting like the rest of the world for an arrest to be made. it's one of those things as sabriybrina fulton said, she wa just asking everybody to keep praying and everybody to try to have patience because you know, if they can have patience, this was their child, they want to see the system work for everybody. and they're not asking for
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anything but an arrest and then at that point, you know, they were asked that it would be a fair trial, a very public trial so we can see that all the evidence is in properly and that the killer will have his day in court to assert whatever claims he wants to assert. they also want to have a judge and jury to have their day in court for their son. this was their son they lost. they just want simple justice. they're not asking anything more or anything less if this was their child killed in such a way. >> benjamin crump reacting to the news there will not be a grand jury immediately empanelled in this case. thank you so much, sir. after a day full of easter celebration at the white house, there were several priceless moments at the 134th annual egg roll. here's one of our favorites,
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sasha and malia reading a sick day for amos mcgee to the children who attended. >> i'm beginning to feel much b better, thank you, said amos to his friends. he swung his legs out of bed. perhaps we will share a pot of tea. >> amos said good night to the elephant and good night to the tortoise and good night to the penguin and good night to the rye no, sir russ and good night to the owl who knowing that amos was afraid of the dark read a story aloud before turning out the light. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade. check my investment portfolio, research stocks... wait, why are you taking... oh, i see...solitary. just a man and his thoughts.
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and a smartphone... with an e-trade app. ♪ nobody knows... [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed. the chevy cruze eco also offers 42 mpg on the highway. actually, it's cruze e-co, not ec-o. just like e-ither. or ei-ther. or e-conomical. [ chuckling ] or ec-onomical. pa-tato, po-tato, huh? actually, it's to-mato, ta-mato. oh, that's right. [ laughs ] [ car door shuts ] [ male announcer ] visit your local chevy dealer today. now very well qualified lessees can get a 2012 chevy cruze ls for around $159 per month. e.p.a. estimated 36 miles per gallon highway.
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chris cillizza is back. first, the president is hitting the road again, boca raton, no accident there. he just had a meeting with the president of brazil and she apparently took issue with some of our monetary policy because it is affecting their investments. she is concerned about the american monetary policy being too expansionary. so he is also facing later this
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week to central and south america to a summit in colombia. >> very, very busy week at the white house. tomorrow, this in a lot of ways, his speech in florida, there is the theme of the week coming out of the white house and the campaign. and in truth, these two things move in unison at this point in an election. the obama team and the president believes strongly this bucket rule that billionaires cannot pay under 30% of their, they can't pay under 30% tax rate. they think that this is a big hit against mitt romney, against the republican party in general. that your classic populist messaging. wealthy people using various tax gimmicks to not pay as much money. these are the people who should pay. there will be a vote on april 15th, on tax day. the big theme of the week. a broader theme of the campaign, andrea. which is to say that barack obama is the voice of the middle
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class. mitt romney is the voice of the upper class. obviously, mitt romney won't let that dynamic sit. he will fight back against it. that is clearly the frame president obama and his re-election team are putting on in this election. >> i wonder whether they've talked to their campaign contributors that supported them so heavily in 2008 from wall street. >> i feel like that's always the problem in some ways. these campaigns are funded by, on both sides, and the super pacs now on both sides for mitt romney and barack obama are funded by very, very wealthy individuals. so it is a little bit ironic, both ways, both parties. they all do it. >> to be continued, thank you so much. we're out of time. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." thank you for being with us. follow the show online and on twitter. my colleague tamron hall has a look at what's next. >> great to see you. breaking news in the trayvon
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martin case. the special prosecutor makes a stunning announcement that she will not use the grand jury which was supposed to convene tomorrow. i'll talk with michael smerconish. also, kendall coffey about whether this is a good sign regarding the investigation of this case. how we process this. plus, serious questions over a report that the u.s. deployed a second aircraft carrier to the persian gulf region amid rising tensions with iran. jim miklaszewski has a report on why this report may not be what it seems. look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building
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