tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC April 16, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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>> quite honestly, i was surprised. i can tell that you durik tel c1 years of service, nothing like will this ever came up. my first thought was did i have the facts straight on this. and of course what we're dealing with now are allegations only at this point. the investigation is ongoing and i'm certain that the secret service will get to the bottom of this, whatever the truth is, they'll find it. >> we should find that process
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fusi prostitution is legal in parts of columbia, a but how concerned are you if this happened that it could have posed a risk? surely they could not have not understood they were putting themselves in a compromising situation. >> when secret service agents travel overseas, they're well aware of the local laws and custom, but each one is also well aware of the pact that they are to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the high standards of the secret service. and i think that the president stated it quite well, you know, that they're out there and they're representing a lot more than just the secret service. they're representing america. >> well, obviously you have a situation where it's an embarrassment and i don't think there is anybody who would dispute the fact that it is. but i guess my is was there something potentially that they should have been doing, some
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sort of preparation work for the president's arrival, is that the issue, or is the question if they were sleeping with prostitutes, how do they know one of them wasn't trying to get information, for example, about the president's movements, where he might be in coming days? is that the real concern here, a serious security breach? >> i would say not. that's not how i'm looking at this. at this point, it seems to me an issue of personal conduct. now, you can certainly extrapolate to the point of imagining all kinds of things about that is it possible, could it be that this was an espionage type operation? anything's possible. i find to be highly unlikely, however, before foreign intel service tries something like this, the people that they'll target first have to have the information or access to something that they need. these individuals to my understanding were not among the presidential protective
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division. these were support players who had no direct access to the president or any classified information. >> i want to also bring in o "washington post" political columnist. michael, you've been talking to your contacts i know. is this bigger than what we've heard? >> it is potentially more serious. at least two gs-14 supervisors were among the 11 returned from colombia, but i think more importantly and this kind of got obscured during some of the reporting over the weekend, this is not just members of the uniform division. this is also secret service special agents which are the elite part of the secret service, maybe not part of the protective detail, but four law enforcement agents including at least three counter assault team
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agents were among the 11 brought home. and among the uniformed division, there were at least three members of counter strike time, all sent to prepare for the president's trip, a basic part of the president's security. and i think into the fact that there were special agents, secret service special agents involved, does make this much more serious than people might have first realized. >> and darrell issa hinted there may be more agents involved and that this might not be the first time this has happened. let me play that. >> is there a reason that the investigation will not be about the 11 to 20 or more involved, it will be about how did this happen and how often has this happened before. things like this don't happen once if they didn't happen before. >> how is this investigation by congress going to go? >> issa already has quite a lot
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on his hands. he has aer thatting today on the gsa scandal involving the partying going on out in las vegas. so he'll be the full-time party investigation chairman here. i think the talk immediately jumps to will this this jep arrestedize the president's security. i suspect where this is going more is in terms of the embarrassment. the president said when representing the united states oversea, you should act according to a certain decor rul. of course does that imply they shouldn't act thoo way tat way home? so a lot of it will be the embarrassment this has caused in terms of perception rather than actual security. >> i think it was interested when jay carney was asked how he would characterize the president's reaction, he wouldn't and it did grab headlines here and abroad, not the kind that the white house certainly was hoping for over this incident.
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what are you hearing about the white house itself, how upset, how angry they are about this? >> well, the white house worried most when it can become a political scandal and affect the president's standing. this is an agency that is so far removed from politics over and over again, they demonstrate. i think the president is looking at it that way. and when you're motivated by politic politics, they breathe a sigh of relief. and probably in terms of the press, yes, its see a what i issu salacious, but this is a break down of function of government that both sides are supportive of. >> darrell issa isn't the only member of congress that you canning about this. peter king said this. >> we'll look into all the details of what happened hear to see whether there should be changes in procedures. >> and as you know, michael, the secret service was already under fire after the statehe a whsala.
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>> that got an enormous amount of attention at the time and again just coming back point i was making before, that was all put on the uniform division. what makes this different is you have special agents involved, law enforcement involved. and just in terms of the political impact that you were talking about before, with dana, there is a sense at which this could feed into a narrative on top of the gss scandal of federal employees partying on the taxpayer's dime. even though taxpayers money may not have been involved in the hiring of prostitutes, they were all there at federal expense and to certainly bringing in women for entertainment purposes would be something that people would not be expecting the federal employees would be doing on a
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trip particularly pearl emplfed employees there to protect the president. >> and a final question about the secret service. we do have this image of you guys as this kind of buttoned up -- do we still have dan there? there he is. the earpiece, scanning the crowd. kind of the professional professional. i've been at countless events and i see you you guys and they're serious and focused. inside the agency with active service agents, do you think they're embarrassed by this, are they saying, look, the guys have a very tough job, there's a lot of pressure on them, and they have the right under the laws of where they are to blow off a little steam? >> no, absolutely not. they do not have that right. they're law enforcement officer, they're federal ats. when hthey're abroad, they're expected the same conduct as in the united states.
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>> i want to thank all of for you having this conversation. dan, michakmike, dana, get to s. early warnings being credited with preventing even more deaths in a tornado outbreak. more than 100 reports of tornadoes from began satisfies to minnesota. six killed in woodward, oklahoma, including three children. a national weather service pishl said kansas saw a month worth of tornadoes just on sunday. the weather channel's eric fisher live in oklahoma. how are people coping there today? >> reporter: good morning. it's a mixture of a little bit of both. off qubviously there's grief, ts the only up to that saw fatalities. sixth deadliest tornado was right here back in 197. but also yesterday walking away,
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so many smiles people's face, just grateful to be alive even when you look around and you see damage like what we have here throughout the town. you can't imagine being in this house, it doesn't even look like a house, but this is where three people rode out the storm and they walked out afterwards. it's just a pile of sprinters at this point. so when you walk out of something like that and you turn around and you look back at your home, what else can you do but smile. you can replace the materibelon but people, you cannot. so trying to recover here in woodward. fema is starting their damage assessment, we'll find out how much damage was done here in woodward when you combine it with the other tornados, what we saw in wichita and all throughout the plain, we're like eggly lo llik likely looking at our second billion dollar disaster. we'll well above average. certainly not something we wanted to see after last year. sirens didn't go off. had an early warning, but the sirens were damage by the
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earlier storms. so many did not know the storm was coming. you should not depend on sirens. they are a backup system, not the way to go. they won't always work. >> and in this season, it is best to really be hyper aware if you live in that part of the country. the weather channel's eric fisher. thanks to you. >> afghan officials are blaming intelligence failures in the series of coordinated attacks at kabul and three other cities in afghanistan. in kabul yesterday, militants were able to take control a high rise under correction overlooking the kdiplomatic we'll have a live report coming up. with b vitamins, the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart ways to sweeten. same great taste. splenda® essentials™.
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romney offering a stark reality check of what he will do to keep his promise to shrink the federal government and its role in the lives of americans. it happened last night. here's part of what he said. "i'm going to take a lot of departments in washington and agencies and coal bine them, some eliminate. but i'm not going to lay out just exactly which ones are going to go."eliminate. but i'm not going to lay out just exactly which ones are going to go." garrett broke the story and joins us on the phone. mitt romney has been loath to go about in to details, but he it did have pore to say last night. what did he say? >> well, i've heard him speak probably hundreds of times and last night we got more detail on his specific plans for two cabinet level agencies that could be interesting. first he said he would consider eliminating entirely the department of housing and urban development, which is especially interesting because in the '60s, his father was the head of that department.
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second, he also talked about shrinking or combining the department of education with another federal department. he said he didn't want to eliminate the department of education and talked about a lesson he learned in 1994 when he ran against ted kennedy for senate when he suggested eliminating the department and kennedy painted him as an up caring figure who didn't care about education. rom ifromney said that's not th case, but he wanted to condense its role. >> he also gave kags of where money would come from to pay with tax cuts that he's talked about. what did he say on that? >> this has been another interesting issue for the romney campaign. they've proposed 20% tax cuts but vague about how they want to pay for help. last night he suggested two options. first he might eliminate or stream dramatically the tax deductions for mortgages on second homes. also he suggested some would
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exude deductions for state or local property taxes. haven't officially been rolled out by the campaign. i did reach out to the campaign in they had anything to add to the reporting from last night, and they declined. >> all right. thank you so much. i know you're on you your way i think to pennsylvania how. garrett, thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us from the airport. let's get reaction from the obama campaign. joining me also on the phone, ben la bolt, press secretary for the obama campaign. good morning. a couple of different issues here. let me get your reaction first in how you think that your candidate would differ, one of the ways that mitt romney is looking at moving forward with what has been his promise during the primary to get the government out of the lives of the american people so much, hud and the department of education. your reaction. >> well, first of all in terms of getting the government out of the way, the size of government actually increased during
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governor romney's tenure in massachusetts both in terms of the number of public sector employees and in terms of taxes going up. so that's another promise that governor romney is making that he didn't keep in massachusetts. but secondly, he's told the american people he wasn't going to outline how he was going to pay for his $5 trillion tax cuts for the wealthiest americans. he said it couldn't be scored and that it would have to be worked out with congress and it that he wasn't going to reveal that during the campaign. but apparently that's changed when he gets in a private room in front of high dollar donors. and he's reveal that had he'll pay for the tax cuts for the wealthiest americans by making deep cuts to education and potentially eliminating hud all together. we know where he stood on housing. he said that he's going to let foreclosures hit will the bottom so that investors could come in and make a quick buck. and it looks like he's making good on that promise. >> one of the arts thguments the
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republicans make is that somebody has to make the tough decisions and that obama hasn't made those tough decisions. >> it's actually governor romney who said following his senate race that he wasn't going to get specific in the future during campaigns because he could pay a political price for it. the president put on the table a balanced $4 trillion approach to redutying the deficit. he signed in to law over a trillion dollars in tough spending cuts. and so the president's gotten specific. he doesn't have the luxury of being vague about these things. but the fact is that governor romney has a specific plan that he has not unveiled to the american people, but he has unveil to high dollar donors. he's in the providing the amount of tax returns that presidential candidates for decades have shared. his aides physically took with
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help them the hard drives which contained the records of his massachusetts tenure away after he got out of office so that the public will never see those. he's not disclosing the names of his major fund-raisers about he's playing by his own set of rules here. >> let me ask you about the information that we're getting about the tax cuts which is elimination or shrinking of the deductions for estate taxes, for mortgages on second homes. what about that and clearly what we have learned through this whole tax debate is that americans are looking for a simpler tax system, they're looking for changes in the way that they have to pay taxes. never more timely today because that deadline is looming tomorrow. >> we'll have to take a look at the specifics this. as you know, the president's tax cuts have been focused on the middle class and focussed on small businesses which are really the job creators in this economy. he's cut taxes for middle class families. and small businesses.
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we'll have to take a look at those specifics of what governor romney has proposed here because he has yet to share those with the public. and now that he has with a room of high dollar donors, he certainly has an obligation to share them more broadly. >> i want to thank you, ben, thank you for calling in. let me bring in "washington post" columnist and msnbc columnist. good morning. and at a time when mitt romney is trying to pivot to the general election to appeal more toed moderates, to independents, do you think any of these statements could be a problem for him in his campaign? >> not particularly. i don't think it looks good that he's getting more specific in private rooms. but i don't think it's a big deal. a lot of smoke but not much fire. what struck me is that given the size of the tax cuts he's put out, which are the multiple
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trillions of dollar, nothing would come anywhere near paying for them. mortgage reduction, move you go some of the functions housing and urban development and education into other taegagenci. he has to be willing to cut very specific services. so to me we didn't get that much more specific. it's not clear at all that he has a plan to pay for the tax cuts he's proposed. >> so if he does have a plan, does he need to come out with it, does he need to say in public what he's saying privately? >> what the nominating process has shown is that he does not have a plan. he has a plan to win the nomination. he doesn't have a plan to credibly cut government in any way. let's remember how he has run. he every day on the campaign trail criticizes president obama for cutting medicare. he criticized rick perry for calling social security a ponzi scheme. and he says we've dangerously underfunded the military. so he hasn't come up with any
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proposals that are credible to limit the size and scope of government. and by saying to a private room that he would consider doing something is hardly anything tantamount to forming a proposal. >> the president and democrats had their best month so far. they collected $53 million just last month. and put out a new web video. take a look. >> my name is ryan. and i donated $5 to the cam been. >> my name is ddess donated $25. >> together we raised over $53 million in march. >> to help reelect president obama. >> well, certainly the trend line is going in the right direction for the obama re-election. and 97% of donations to the campaign were $250 or less, which is obviously what that web video wants to put out. and it's a good talking points. but when you factor in the super
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pacs, how tight is this race going to be? >> money wise, fairly tight. but rick santorum almost beat mitt romney with no money. in this campaign, president obama is going to have more money than any presidential cam h. campaign in history. and when you ahead in the super pac s, mitt romney may have more than that. but they'll both have plenty of money to trash each other so often that every one fuss the country wants to throw up. so when i step back, i don't have a lot of concern that either one of them will lack the money to get their message out. >> and get there's nothing like free publicity and there is word we just got that the romney campaign is considering an offer to be on "saturday night live" which brought back the republican field one last time last mignight. >> can i admit something to you guy sfls. >> you're among friends. >> romneycare is just obamacare. there you go. >> i knew it. i can't believe none of us could
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beat him. >> and i can't believe it took so long to win. ♪ it was always unpredictable, but in the end was right, will campaign was the time of my life ♪ >> know what, matt, barack obama went on snl. it helped sarah palin. would you it tell your candidate, yeah, go on, it could be go for you? >> hell, yes. they'll take every opportunity to go on mtv and play a saxophone if about that's still in play which probably is not thank god. he needs every possibility he can to attract the independent voters who are fleeing like in droves from both parties. right now independents are 40% of the electorate. self described in terms of their affiliation. and they are probably going to determine this election as they have been the several elections prior. >> good to see both of you. thanks. i'm calling my old deale.
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hak is hillary clinton is cutting loose. she enjoys a single beer saturday night. she was with her staff it at the cafe havana. all of them left a $40 tip. speaking of having fun next hour, mitt romney has hbobby valentine new jersey heading to fenway park to catch the red sox game. his wife over the weekend said a democratic consultant's criticism of her decision to be a state at home mom was an early birthday gift. but who is going to be on the ticket with him if mitt romney is the nominee? mike huckabee says not me. >> i think his better park is marco rubio. and he shouldn't do it early because that just gives people more time to go after the target. it would be utterly ridiculous.
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there's no advantage in in picking him early. >> and michelle obama is a headline are next hour in washington, d.c. just 20 grand a person. proceeds go to the obama victory fund. dick cheney trying to stop an obama victory. here he is speaking for the first time publicly since his heart transplant. >> i cannot think of a time when i felt it was more important for us on defeat an incumbent president than today with respect to barack obama. i think he has been an unmitigated disaster for the country. >> and from the morni"new york times," a piece that talks about how some of the best and brightest are leaving the country to pursue careers elsewhere. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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a group of fighters tied with the taliban and al qaeda carried it out. we're live from kabul. what does a mastiff attasive at this tell us about the security of the country? >> it tells you that there is serious concerns about the competence of the afghan security forces. i mean, this was a very, very calculated coordinated attack. and basically, you know, it went on for 18 hours, targeted seven haurs which -- western areas. p three embassies. a western hotel, the parliament building, and also a super market. all areas frequented by westerners. so will shows a lot of people are talking about they're worried about the afghan forces in 2014, they're the ones who will have to take over and take
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charge of this country. and look after themselves. i mean, the afghan president today condemned the attack and he blamed it on the failure of afghan intelligence and blamed it on nato forces. but according to him, he was proud of his soldiers and thinks that they are good enough to take over. >> thank you so much. tax procrastinators, your filing deadline is tomorrow. each day the u.s. adds about $4 billion to the national debt. by tomorrow, some 140 million taxpayers will realize you how they're helping to pay it down. big question is, are we all paying our fair share? msnbc's richard lui is here. it's a political question, but this there are also facts. >> there are facts behind this, that's right. and one way to look at the idea of paying our fair share starts with the income pie.
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of all the income made in the u.s., the lower 60% of earners contributes about 22% of income according to the "wall street journal." the middle 39 contribute about the lions share, upper 1% the same as the bottom. here's how it stacks up into how much they pay in taxes. the lower group pays less in taxes than they earn, but portions also earn about $13,000 on average. the middle and upper groups pay a slightly larger slice of the tax pie than their income and you can see here with these bars right here. in those averages, there are those who pay nothing. there's about 65 million who pay no federal taxes. they get no bill. about half of help don't make must have to owe tax. the other half gets tax breaks that zero their return out. in 2011, those tax breaks came from items like mortgage interest deductions, capital gains and iras and the bottom 8
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80% got about one db third of those tax breaks. top 20% got about two-thirds of those tax breaks. but 2012 and beyond could be different as you were alluding to, that's the debate on the hill this week as we face some of the lowest rates in history, a quick glance here for you, some of the top 1%, they saw up to 70% back about in 1960, now about hoalf of that. and lower 99%, have pretty much the same as 50 years ago. tax foundation says you'll like tomorrow if you're tired about talking about taxes because after tuesday, they estimate you'll finish working to pay taxes and the rest of the year's earnings are all yours. >> finally. thank you, richard. in an effort to introduce more fairness in to the tax system, the senate plans a vote later today on the president's so-called buffett rule. you probably know by how it would set a minimum tax rate of 30% for anyone earning $1
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million a year or more. i'm joined by board chairman of campus works. you want to pay more taxes? >> i didn't, i think my taxes are too low. in 2009, for example, i paid 1% of my income in federal income taxes. >> legally, i presume. >> completely legally. i put my tax return online. i wouldn't have done that if i had done anything improper. i'm contemplating doing the same thing for 2010. i calculated my tax rate at about 16%. you know, my family has lived the american cream. my great grandparents were immigran immigrants, my father was a successful entrepreneur whose success give me a leg up in my own career on wall street. over the last 30 years, unlike the average middle class family, our income has growntastic time us. >> and it's great that a lot of people like you and warren
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buffett have said i should not be paying less in taxes than my secretary. but here's what the republicans they say. $50 billion might seem like a lot, but when we're looking at a serious deficit, the size of the budget, it's really a crop in the bucket and is nothing more than grand standing. >> i think every little bit counts. you may say in the grand scheme of the u.s. budget $50 billion isn't much. but for the average american, that's a great deal of money. and again, the fact is the people who have benefitted post from the economic policies in the last 30 years have also received substantial and lower tax as a result. it is ridiculous that i pay low lower than the average working american. >> let me give you another argument that i've heard many times on this program. and that is take a lot of the
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folks paying would be paying he's higher taxes are small business owners. and in fact will they're significant job creators and if you force them to pay more, there's no way they're going to hire more that this would have a significant impact on the viability of small businesses and the prots pekt of them hiring more people as the economy improves. is that a far argument? >> i don't believe it is. and i take multiple perspectives me here. i am myself a small business owner. i am not -- my decisions about whether to hire or not are completely unaffected by the tax rates. empirically we know the economy grew much faster during the 1990s when tax rates were higher than they were during the 2000s. also as a behavioral economist, you know, this idea that people are only responding to financial incentives i think is deeply flawed. and then the final point i would make is my father worked very hard, was very smart, and i'm extremely proud of what he accomplished. but he would be the first one to
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tell you that he didn't do it on his own. he only accumulated his wealth because he was doing it in a society that functioneded, provided security in the form of police, army, fire people. a society take provided education so that those workers were capable of fulfilling those jobs. a society that provided infrastructure that allowed him to address a national market. we believe that it's important that the wealthy contribute it that share because it's in our own self interests to do so. >> eric, great having you in. rom friday adviney advisers his former chief of staff and 2008 campaign manager beth myers will head his search committee. she is one of his closest advisers. and also one of the most tight lipped.
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morning. i'm thomas roberts. mitt romney's hot mike moment will top the agenda next hour. plus the secret service sex scandal. why elected leaders in d.c. are promising to expose every detail. a former federal employee claims he was fired for being gay. said his boss would lecture him on hell and that it was a sin toe be a know know sm homosexua. and the paparazzi in paris. we'll have that for you, too. here is a staggering statistic about the american miller to. an american soldier dies every day and a half on average on the battlefield in iraq or afghanistan. but here at home, military veterans kill themselves at a rate of one every 80 minutes.
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that's more than 6500 veteran suicides logged every year and larger than the total number of soldiers killed in afghanistan and iraq combined since those wars began. i'm joined by nicholas christoff and colonel jack jacobs. i told you i was absolutely floored by this column. i know a lot about this. but the numbers are harrowing. tell us about these brothers from ohio and they really formed the basis of your column. >> that's right. i told the story through their family outside young oustownyou. two healthy men went to iraq and both came back shells of themselves. one has been struggling with addiction, depression. unable to hold a job. and the other, struggled with the same issues and eventually
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died of a drug overdose which his family is convinced was deliberate. >> what is going on that so many young men, what do we know about why so many are returning from iraq and afghanistan, didn't happen in vietnam, right? >> as far as we can tell, the data suggested they were not elevated suicide rates for fr vietnam. likewise within the military, you have modestly elevated suicide rates, but not like this. it seems that, a, one of the problems is so many veterans come back with ptsd or traumatic brain injury. and we know the suicide risk is greater in that situation. moreover, they're leaving this cocoon in the about military, where at least they feel that they are doing something fulfilling, they have a mission, surrounded by people in a similar situation. they come out, they may have difficulty finding a job, they're not getting that same support and in many cases that is just so devastating and it's tied to crime, suicide attempts and in so many cases every 80
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minutes a veteran commits suicide. >> what sdoudo you think is goin here? >> we had a draft back then. and the defense of the republican was distributed among a wider group of people. pow we ha now we have a much bigger country, but far fewer serving. we have a professional service. that's good news p the bad news is the american people don't have any skin in the game and a large gap i believe emotional, intellectual gap has opened up between the people serving and the people who have served. the second thing is thatvietnam to toe with the bad guys. and in that circumstance, although you're absolutely petrified, you do feel as if you can actually have an impact on what happens as a result of the battle. that doesn't exist when you get -- you have the possibility of getting bloen wn up or losin
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brangelina engaged. it might have taken seven year, but brad pitt popped the question. angelina jolie was spotted wearing her engagement ring will weekend in l.a. pitt worked for a year to have the diamond cut specifically for jolie's hand. it's reportedly more than six carats and worth about a million dollars. tebow gets t-booed. he was booed at yankee stadium la last night on the video board. granted he was sitting with dwyane wade. bring it on among the 200 women trying out to be a denver broncos cheerleader, this man tried to make the cut. judges thought he needed a little more work on his routine. and meet the world's tallest dog. giant george, more than 7-feet from the tip of his nose to the
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end of his tail. a great dane lives with his family in tucson, weighs in at 245 pounds. scarves down 110 pounds of food every month. that wraps up will hour of jansing and company. he was once probably a cute little puppy, right? tomorrow i'll talk with president of the afl-cio, so i'll see you then. thomas roberts is up next. , heas on the game? i think it's final seconds, ohh, shoots a three, game over. so two seconds ago... hey mr. and mrs. harris, where's kevin? say hi kevin. mom, put me down. put...the phone...down. hey guys. did you hear... the choys had their baby? so 29 seconds ago. well we should get them a gift. [ choys ] thanks for the gift! [ amy and rob ] you're welcome! you're welcome! [ male announcer ] get it fast with at&t. the nation's largest 4g network. covering 2000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. at&t. ♪ the chevy cruze eco also offers 42 mpg on the highway. actually, it's cruze e-co, not ec-o. just like e-ither. or ei-ther.
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