tv Martin Bashir MSNBC April 16, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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mitt romney. we can hear you now. >> oh, beautiful, for spacious skies ♪ >> no, worse than that. he gets caught on tape with his true plan for america's future. >>. ♪ above the fruited plain snth. >> and she calls it a birthday present. >> i thought she was outraged. >> we're mad about it and we're going to do something about it in november. >> ahead, the real romneys of palm beach exposed. >> i've been framed! >> good afternoon. it is patriots day in one of mitt romney's many home states, massachusetts, marking the battles of lexington and concord that started the american revolution. and earlier today the regular
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old romneys enjoyed a bit of home town sport. taking in the traditional red sox game. all hands over hearts and peanuts and cracker jacks. but it was last night that a select few got a glimpse of the real romneys. far from fenway on the balmy shores of florida, a group of high level donors were treated to the real romneys of palm beach at a $50,000 a plate dinner. there, with the keys to the porsches, the mercedes and maseratis, safely in the hands of the parking attendants. guests got to hear romney talk policy specifics behind closed doors. except for the fact that nbc reporter captured it all as hou. quote, things like, housing and urban development which my dad was head of, that might not be around later. the department of education, i will either consolidate with
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another agency or perhaps make it a heck of a lot smaller. i'm not going to get rid of it entirely. you see, people with multiple homes, the stewards of the ivy league endowments, they don't need government mucking about in their business. indeed, romney suggested he could gut all kinds of agencies and programs. quote, i'm going to take a lot of departments in washington and agencies and combine them. some eliminate but i'm not going to lay out just exactly which ones are going to go. he added that he learned in his 1994 senate campaign that discussing such cuts openly was just too politically damaging. and the romney campaign has responded today saying, that he was just throwing out ideas. not discussing policy. of course he was. and speaking on political strategy, it turns out a good piece of spin is just what ann romney wanted for her birthday. speaking of the flap over comments about her stay at home
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mother, ann said, quote, it was my early birthday present for someone to be critical of me as a mother, and that was really a defining moment and i loved it. ann romney. political cut-throat whose birthday is today. happy birthday, mrs. romney. let's bring in our political panel. with us from washington, political analyst former dnc communications director, karen finney. now a columnist for the hill. and the white house, you saw him before, karen, jonathan capehart who is not an opinion writer for the "washington post." can i give with the revelation that far from being personally outraged by hillary rosen's poorly chosen comments last week, ann romney actually saw it as a gift. a political opportunity. >> now, martin, you can't blame her for that. i have to say, if i were in the romney campaign, i would have seen it as a gift, too. they were desperate for something. anything. that's how quickly they pounced on this.
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here they were trying to defend, you know, romney talking 92% and not sure how they feel about women's access to -- i'm just blowing it today. they were desperate. a 19-point spread will do that to you. i can't say that i blame her for seeing that as a gift. sorry. >> karen, you never blow it and you know that. i want to go back to you karen, very quickly. here was this woman who stands up in self-righteous mode and condemns what she hears as the suggestion of hillary rosen being critical of women staying at home and caring for their children. and she stands up as a woman who southbounded to me as though she were very principled. then we discover in florida, on palm beach, in fact, it was a gift. a political opportunity. and she lapped it up. she loved it. >> well, again, the campaign lapped it up and loved it. and jumped on it quickly.
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again, i don't blame her for seeing a political opportunity in that. and enjoying it a little bit. guess what, i hate to say it but the other side, we do it, too. the most important thing that i will say is, hillary has apologized and the point that she was making, the underlying point is still relevant. and at some point, romney is still going to have to answer for that point. >> good luck with that. jonathan, while ann and company challenge the virtues of state at home moms, you only have to go back to january to hear mitt romney extolling the values of work outside the home for women getting public assistance. >> i also like the idea that people who were receiving assistance, welfare assistance, have a responsibility of working. and i wanted to increase the work requirement. i've said that even if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work. and people said that's heartless. no, no, i'm willing to spend
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more, giving daycare, to allow those parents to go back to work. it will cost the state more providing that daycare but i want the individuals to have the dignity of work. >> help me. so it is heroic choice to stay at home if you are of means. but it is the dignity of work if you haven't got any money. please explain. >> reporter: well, i guess explanation is if you are a ward of the state. if you are suckling on the public teat, if you will, it is incouple benl upon to you give something back in return. you should go out and work. that's what mitt romney is saying. and yes, as you said, if you are a person of means, if you are a family of means, and the mom can stay home from work, well by golly, she should stay home from work. >> so there's no principle here at all. >> reporter: apparently not. martin, we're about mitt romney who has changed his position on several core beliefs and values over the stretch of six years.
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so why are we surprised by this? the one thing we should not be surprised by is that we are finding out a little bit more about mitt romney's world view and how he would govern as president. from a speech in palm beach. palm beach, martin. palm beach. >> jonathan! you go to the beach as much as anybody. >> i don't have a problem with palm beach but come on. >> romney's campaign is saying that he was just throwing out ideas. he wasn't giving his policies and we know that he would prefer not to mention the policies because of what happened when he ran for senate. here's how romney talked about the president just on friday. take a listen. >> in a second term, he would be unrestrained by the demands of re-election as he told the russian president last month when he thought no one was listening after a re-election, he would have a lot more, quote, flexibility. to do just what he wants. >> so karen, he's allowed to
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accuse the president of preparing all kinds of secretive policies for his second material. openly admits to concealment as opposed to disclosure as he run for office. >> absolutely. i don't see why you see any problem with that. what's the matter with you? come on now. come on now. >> this is literally one rule for himself and a totally different rule for the president. >> oh, wait. now you've touched on it. that's the whole point of their campaign. one set of rules for the romneys and the 1% and a totally different set of rules for the rest of us. that is the thing behind his economic policy of going back to trickle down. that is, you know, the conundrum in what you and jonathan were talking about. this is a guy who says i don't care about the very poor. they have the social safety net problems and we'll fix them if we need to but then supports cutting those very safety net problems.
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so two sets of rules. that's the campaign. that ought to be the slogan. >> jonathan, romney also spoke frankly about his use of the media saying, and i'm quoting him. fox is watched by the true believers. we need to get the independents and the women. i guess we knew that already about fox. but does it suggest that he thinks he already has the true believers in the bag? and is he right to be confident? >> reporter: well, he is right to be confident in the sense that he, barring any unforeseen circumstance, he will be the republican nominee for president. and so what we're hearing here is really basically a guy who is relieved that a lot of the hard part of getting the nomination is over and he is pivoting very hard to focusing on the general election. that's why he is mentioning independents and women. because those are the two camps that actually decide elections in november. the problem that he's going to have is that he has swung so far. right is over here on
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television. >> it doesn't matter. swing each way. >> reporter: if he tries to swing back, he won't get back to the middle. >> i want to defend women who watch fox. >> final question to you. romney announce that had beth meyers will be leading the search for a vp candidate. you're a washington insider. what does that choice tell us? >> gee, i suppose, let's see. she is a woman. what does that tell us? look i think regardless of what sign that tells us, i think he will ultimately go with a safe choice. a business-like decision. maybe this means that they're not going to select a woman as a potential vp nominee because they have a woman running the process. who knows? maybe that's part of the ghost of sarah palin.
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>> she could choose herself like dick cheney did. >> okay. thank you both so much for joining us this afternoon. >> next. have you done your taxes? mitt romney needs more time. [ male announcer ] if you want a luxury car with a standard power moon roof, standard keyless access, and standard leather-trimmed seats, then your choice is obvious. the lexus es. it's complete luxury in a class full of compromises. see your lexus dealer.
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it's complete luxury in a class full of compromises. i have two products in front of you. we are going to start with product x. this is a very affordable product that will help save you a, lot of money. i like it.. i like it too. this is product y. this is a much more expensive product. you will not see a lot of savings with this one... harsh. you chose geico and you did not choose their competitor.
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for many americans, it is a manic monday as they scramble to find their 2011 tax returns by tomorrow's deadline. do you know who is not worried? the de facto nominee has used a bit of business school 101 filing for an extension around 5:00 p.m. friday just before the week when i guess he thought nobody would notice.
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so i guess you and i will have to wait until october to see how our tax rate stacks up against mitt romney's. though it is a fair guess that you pay much more in percentage material than multimillionaire mitt. a man who paid just 13.9% in 2010. that of course is what the white house wants to change with the buffett rule. in a matter of hours, the senate is expected to take up the measure which requires americans with adjusted gross income of $1 million or more to pay at least 30% in taxes. senator sheldon white house is a democrat of rhode island. i am delighted to say that he joins us now. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. good to be with you. >> according to gallup, 60% of americans support the buffett rule. among independents, it is even higher at 63%. yet republicans say this is a political gimmick that doesn't address the deep problems with the tax system. and even if it did generate $47 billion in revenue, that would
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be literally chump change compared with the massive deficit. so why are you supporting the buffett rule if they're right? >> well, first of all, 47 billion is real money. and if they have their way at extending the bush tax cuts for the same high end individuals, which is something they've declared they want to do, the $47 billion number actually jumps over $160 billion. even at $47 billion, you can do things like keep the interest rates at student loans at 3.4% instead of having them jump to twice that much as is coming up at the end of june. it is real money. the problem i think they have is that they don't want these people to have to pay it. >> but being specific, sir, isn't the serious point here that people like mitt romney can use all kinds of devices to avoid paying tax, carried interest.
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the unrelated business tax. which he avoids by stashing some of his money offshore. right now, the top 1% pay about as much as the bottom 60%. and this is what makes people feel that the system is literally skewed in favor of the rich and against the middle classes. >> it is really skewed and it makes it very unfair for middle class taxpayers. any middle cla class taxpayer who is watching this and about to finish filing their tax, take your adjusted gross income line and multiply by 1.4. i'll bet that you comes out to be a lot lower taxes than you're expected to pay. particularly if you roll in the wage withholding taxes for medicare and social security that stop at the first $106,000 in income. so the really high he shallers don't pay anything after the first $106,000. the net effect of all this is that the 400 highest income earners in the country are
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earning over a quarter billion dollars each. pay a lower tax rate than a single rhode island truck driver pays. and that is just plain wrong. you cannot have a country that extracts wealth from the middle class and deposits it in the upper class and consider that to be a fair country. >> it is hardly surprising that your senate colleague mitch mcconnell doesn't agree. but he suggested this is all poll tested political gimmicks a moment ago. take a liberty. >> the worse our problems get, the less serious he becomes. we're in a crisis here. and sadly, it is all politics. all the time. >> he was referring of course to the president. all politics all the time. your response? >> well, i think this is simple fairness. it is not politics. it is just plain wrong when a middle income family is paying a higher tax rate than someone who
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earned a quarter of a billion dollars. it is awkward for them to awkward this is politics when right now xrk they're concerned about jobs, right? >> they say they're concerned about jobs. that's what they say. >> and right now there is a 3 million jobs highway bill that passed the senate in bipartisan fashion that is over in the house of representatives, and the speaker, the republican speaker, won't call that bill up. is holding those 3 million jobs hostage because, what? he doesn't want to use democratic votes. so they really have no case to make about politics right now. and they have no case to make about jobs while they're bottling up a 3 million jobs bill. they're changing the topic here. this was not intended to be a jobs bill. you put $47 billion in an infrastructure bank. that would make it a jobs bill. we don't designate it. it could go to deficit reduction, it could go to infrastructure, reducing student loan interest rates but it is fair.
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it is the right thing to do. it is wrong for warren buffett to pay 11% or mitt romney to pay 14% or the 400 highest income earners to pay 18%. it isn't right. >> so a final question. do you expect the buffett rule to pass? >> i would be surprised at this point but this could be a little like boxing. the special interests can take a punch. if we keep bringing it up and the american public gets engaged. if they go to buffett and register their point of view. eventually even the special interests get put second. the american people have the right to direct what happens in washington. and if this becomes an issue they care about. if they pick up the phones and call in. we may not win this time but we'll win sooner or later. >> thank you very much, sir. next, newt gingrich now has even members of the animal world taking swipes at him. they have names like idle time books and smash records
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and on small business saturday they remind a nation of the benefits of shopping small. on just one day, 100 million of us joined a movement... and main street found its might again. and main street found its fight again. and we, the locals, found delight again. that's the power of all of us. that's the power of all of us.
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that's the membership effect of american express. avoid bad.fats. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. for multi grain flakes that are an excellent source of fiber try great grains banana nut crunch and cranberry almond crunch. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news.
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tlbs no doubt newton leroy gingrich has been a political animal most of his life. dupg the former speaker has gone a particular for the animal kingdom. in particular, friends of the furry and four-legged kind. so throughout his campaign, for a nomination, he could not win and he could not buy, mr. gingrich has visited several zoos. most recently one in st. louis. and what happened next, newt? >> i got bit by a penguin. >> you went to a zoo? >> to the st. louis zoo. and i got bit by a penguin. >> one wonlds why the penguin may have snapped. did the candidate somehow invade the animal's personal space? was the penn irritated by gingrich's bogus promises like
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the one to provide gas at $2.50 a gallon? come to think of it, mr. gingrich does have a knack of aggravating those around him. particularly when it suits his needs. for example, the gingrich campaign now some $4.5 million in debt has taken to renting out his donor list as a new source of revenue. that's right. you helped him out so now he's going to help himself out at your expense, of course. for a man who ran a million-dollar line of credit at tiffany's and whose campaign is now nearing bankrupt, he doesn't really resemble the fiscal conservative that he claims to be. but he has given new meaning to that old saying, don't bite the hand that feeds you. stay with us. the day's top lines are coming up. >> i placed this tip in your envelope. make sure you give to it your
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husband when you get home. he'll know what to do with it. [ man ] hmm. a lot can happen in two hundred thousand miles... are you guys okay? yeah. ♪ [ man ] i had a great time. thank you, it was really fun. ♪ [ crash ] i'm going to write down my number, but don't use it. [ laughing ] ♪ [ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza®. experience love that lasts. ♪ mine hurt more! mine stopped hurting faster... [ female announcer ] neosporin® plus pain relief
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from a saturday night live salute to the dick cheney disaster zone. here are the top lines week recap. >> there's no job tougher than being a mom. >> i happen to believe all moms are moms. >> i want the individuals to have the dignity of work. >> its purpose is to get people back into the work force. >> shout out to all moms that are working. >> place your tip in this envelope. make sure you give to it your husband when you get home. he'll know best what to do with it. >> don't spend on it birth control! >> i got bit by a penguin. i went to the st. louis zoo and i got bit by a penguin. >> i heard his campaign is completely out of money. >> oh, man, he's stealing nuts.
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>> everywhere i go, people walk up and say i'm really glad you're still in the race. >> why the hell is newt gingrich still in the race? >> i think barack obama has an unmitigated disaster for the country. >> next thing you know, they'll be giving retractible wings and rocket arms. >> what happened here in colombia? when we traveled to another country, i expect us to observe the highest standards. >> in terms of the president's stewardship of the economy, this is a success story? >> he's done everything he could to convince a reluctant opposition. >> this is a shiny object that barack obama wants the country to look at. >> they fought everything we did to rescue the economy from the crisis. >> 92% of the job losses from the president's administration have been among women. a ridiculous and deeply misleading look at the economy. >> i award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. >> let's get right to our panel. a republican strategist and
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founding principal of the ashcroft group. dr. dyson from georgetown university and an msnbc political analyst. and krystal ball, a strategist. we want to discuss a very important story out of colombia. first, dick cheney refers to the president as an an unmitigated disaster. was it the president who repeatedly said that saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction even though nothing was ever found? was it the president who repeatedly tried to connect saddam hussein with 9/11 even though such a connection had been entirely dismissed by the cia? or is mr. cheney accidentally referring to himself? >> martin, you speak for me. the reality is that dick cheney has been himself an unmitigated disaster as the vice president who sought to be the commander-in-chief. a man who was a soberingly, i think, and incredibly offensive
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as a person who can't understand that you can disagree with somebody else without making them the evil action it is of our civilization. his words about president obama are inadvertent confessions about the failed policies of the bush administration. even more so, they lack the kind of graciousness and the generosity of spirit that his former boss, george w. bush, has e-vinced. george w. bush has stayed out of the headlines because he understands that even if you disagree with another president's policies, have enough grace, have enough sensitivity for the american public to stand back and allow him or her to do her thing. i think dick cheney has indicated the very character of the bush/cheney presidency and vice presidency which has been very suspect from the very beginning. in this characters their policies continue to beg some kind of analysis. how president obama has inherited so much of what they've done. >> you worked for mr. cheney. and he's also said that romney would, quote, do a whale of a
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job if he became president. is that endorsement worth anything in gop circles? particularly to those who still haven't caught on to the idea of mitt romney, the conservative candidate for president. >> well, i think any words from dick cheney regarding mitt romney will be listened to very, very carefully by the republican populous. he is someone who speaks his mind. in this particular sirg, the reelection of obama, many republicans fundamentally believe the country is at stake. the future of the country is at stake when cheney speaks out on that, he speaks in a way that goes right to the heart of many people's concerns and interests. i would consider it a dog whistle for republicans to certainly stand up, pay attention and realize that romney is well within striking distance of ensuring that obama does not have a second term. >> if i may go back to you for a moment, do you not think in temperate language, describing the president as an unmitigated
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disaster might not be appropriate given what mr. cheney was associated with during his period as vice president? >> i'm not going to go back and rehash how the war came about. i must say -- >> can i just be clear, because i fully accept that you don't want to go back in history, nor do i. i'm asking you specifically, is it appropriate to use that kind of intemperate language about the current president, given what mr. cheney's personal history has been as vice president? >> when you say personal history and you say history and you say you don't want to go back, let me go right to the heart of this. when he uses the term unmitigated disaster, what cheney is saying is that another four years of obama could indeed and will indeed be an unmitigated disaster. for example, the individuals that have been had, let's say we've been about 8% unemployment for 38 weeks. so for individuals looking for a job or trying to increase their standard of living, obama is not
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the future. it is not the key. also -- >> sorry. so it's an unmitigated disaster to capture and kill bin laden. it's an unmitigated disaster to kill anwar alackey. an unmitigated disaster to slowly, albeit slowly and in staggering fashion, reduce the level of unemployment. that's all an unmitigated disaster. >> things have gotten worse in the economy under obama. there's no real hope or belief among the republican that's they'll get better. that's what vice president cheney was speaking to. >> 25 straight months of private sector job growth. and i just find it shocking that you're willing to repeat romney's line that he's been called out on time and time again that the economy has gotten worse under this president. that's just crazy. and the other thing i want to say on this, quickly. >> please, krystal. >> hatred of the president may
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have been enough to get romney through a gop primary. he is going to have to offer something other than that in order to win in the general election. so far, he has failed to seize on a theme over for his own biography that resonates with the american people. let alone any policies that give the american people any hope that he offers some sort of a compelling vision for the country. so just hating the president isn't going to be enough to get through. >> i think professor dyson, that is point you were now albeit elucidated by krystal. that simple hatred of this president isn't going to go anywhere. >> it is excellently stated. the point is that you've now enumerated some of the advantages, some of the advances, and some of the benefits of the obama presidency that the other side has no capacity to recognize. all due respect to miss glover. when you begin to enumerate the 4 million jobs in the last three years. the trend suggests historically the data suggests that a
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president who is creeping up incrementally has a great job of being reelected. based upon the date, a it doesn't suggest that obama is in as bad of shape as she suggested. yet they are totally recalcitrant and resistant to any notion of dealing with the facts. what are you talking about? if you just put blather forward that is ideologically driven. let's argue facts, not fix. >> i have to -- >> let me -- >> i have to give you the opportunity to respond to that. that simply throwing out abusive remarks about the president isn't actually dealing or addressing with any of the facts. >> look. this is not a function of anyone throwing out any abusive remarks. what is very, very -- >> unmitigated disaster. let's get right tom phrase. >> unmitigated disaster is not an offensive term. >> let's get to the importance of what vice president cheney's remarks go to. which is to republicans across
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the country when they hear cheney speak out, someone whomle, many, many people continue to admire and hold in tremendous degree of esteem. when he criticizes the president in those terms, he in many ways strengthens their fortitude and ensures very much that romney will go into a general election strong and with the base ready to pull for him in all forms. that's what the importance of romney, of what cheney's remarks over the weekend were. >> that was a freudian slip. >> as long as dick cheney is still the voice of the republican party, i feel pretty good about our chances in november. >> krystal thank you so much. next, american students. higher education may only be open to the higher classes. stay with us. >> the fact is the republican budget is the wrong direction for this country. more massive tax cuts for people at the top. more cuts in things that we need
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to grow our economy like education. like research and development. like energy. more cuts in our basic social safety nets. eat good fats. avoid bad. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. for multi grain flakes that are an excellent source of fiber try great grains banana nut crunch and cranberry almond crunch.
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. a college education means employment. the unemployment rate for those with a high school education almost double that figure. so oxley, support for higher education and thus student loans. some republicans are outright dismissive of the utility of student loans. there's the paul ryan budget which by one estimate would cut $170 billion over ten years from the pell grant program. and there's this statement by congresswoman virginia fox who not only sits on the house education and work force committee but also, chairs its subcommittee on higher
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education. >> i have very little tolerance for people who tell me that they graduate with $200,000 of debtor even $80,000 of debt. because there's no reason for that. >> ryan and fox aren't the only ones dismissive of why so many young men and women feel the need to take on debt. here's the man they hope will be the leader of the free world on the topic. >> i know it would be popular to say i'll give you government money to make sure to pay for your college. i won't promise that. what i'll tell you, shom around, get a good price. >> back with us now, professor dice object. one of rick santorum's elite snobs. a student loan is quite oxley a sound investment for the country. why are so many business-mined republicans -- >> there is a correlation between getting a good education and getting a good job and therefore contributing to the economy which is what the republicans claim they want to
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do and conservatives hold as a very precious principle. $870 billion of student loan debt? more than the able loans? more than credit cards? this is astonishing. the insensitivity toward those who have these loans is ridiculous. the president of the united states right now, barack obama, might well have had student loan debt over his head when he entered the white house had he not had a book that did very well that got him out. so the reality is that americans across every economic spectrum have this kind of debt. to be insensitive to it, is not only to be insensitive to the citizens but also to hamper the economy's flow in another way. >> they don't want to invest in young people who need money. we know their thoughts on medicare for the needy are also a problem. and the elderly. i guess the lesson therefore from people like mitt romney is just try to be born wealthy. >> be born wealthy. be local in your choice of
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schools. no disrespect to local schools. i've taught at all kinds of colleges and universities across this land. public university and publrivat university. people want the best and the brightest coming to their schools and they should be able to go where they want to go. and average citizens who are average students should have the capacity to go to school without fear that they are being closed out because they lack a loan will prevent them from flourishing later on. so it seems the republicans november consideration for the youth or this economy 20 years down the road. >> spoken as a professor at georgetown university. always a pleasure to have you. >> always a pleasure to be here. next, the secret service overexposed. we'll be back in a moment. [ male announcer ] lately, there's been a seismic shift in what passes for common sense. used to be we socked money away and expected it to grow.
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members of the elite assault team are among the secret service agents sent back from colombia and suspend following an incident involving a prostitute. moments ago, the second of defense and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff talked about it. quote, they let the boss down. while the president's security did not appear to be jeopardized, a full-scale inquiry is on the way and there are even suggestions that as many as 20 secret service personnel may have used prostitutes. joining us now, congresswoman sheila jackson lee who serves and was at the summit of the americas. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. it's a pleasure to be with you this afternoon, but not on this particular occasion. i was in colombia. and frankly, i was there as the news was breaking. i am from a board state, texas.
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and there are many more issues with 30 something presidents and our president, president of the united states, president obama was there to reinforce and cement to reinforce and cement the importance of that region to the united states and her people. that was our message in all the bilateral meetings that i was in over our shoulder, and rising as a huge shadow was this enormously devastating interpretation or reflection on the secret service. and i join the president in saying, we thank all of those secret service agents over the years and decades who have served their nation well, but i will tell you, this has become what will probably go down in history as one of the worst incidents that one could have. it's an international incident. and martin, it has ramifications. we're in south america, in columbia talking about drug trafficking, human trafficking which truly involves prostitution of women and children. we don't know the characters or the participants that were involved in this, but if this
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had any inkling or any involvement with underage individuals, then we are talking about a scandal that is even larger than life. it is unfortunate, it is tragic, and it warrants, no matter what party you're in, a full and fair and balanced investigation, and martin, i would simply say today that every single person involved should be held accountable, and we know what the end results are being held accountable for such devastating behavior with such a poor reflection on the united states of america. >> given the alleged number of those involved, does that not suggest that this may not be the first time that secret service agents have engaged prostitutes in this way? >> well, we do know that there is a lot of latitude in the service, only because they travel extensively protecting all levels of government. and we know they have to advance. that means they arrive before, in essence, the target arrives,
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the person or persons they are supposed to secure. i think it is important to ask the question about culture. i think it is important to ask about free time. i would think, as a member of the homeland security committee, that every moment of your time should be studying operations, plans, possible mishaps, possible opportunities for some action against your target. no moment, other than certainly a comfortable dinner or comfortable breakfast and a comfortable lunch, should you even be entertaining, involving yourself with the indigenous people of the nation, of the population that is there, other than in a respectful manner. again, as a woman, i am offen d offended. you have offended all women across america because we in this country have a certain perspective about the act of prostitution. certainly we are very sympathetic, and i am very much a supporter of working with women who find themselves in this condition. i am not condemning them. i work with members of a society in my community that work with
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them. they are involved in human trafficking, are the victims of human trafficking, but i will say when leaders of our government, and i say the secret services are leaders, they are the elite, they are looked at in high esteem, are now involved with such devastating acts, if you will, that may have impact on human trafficking, prostitution, women, children, and some untoward behavior toward these women. we don't know what was involved in the acts, if i can be so blatant and bold. but what i will say, martin, is while we were there, can you imagine how -- what a spear that was in the center of a meeting that was an international meeting that we had to deal with those questions? >> very briefly, if i may, how much do they point to blackmail and espionage? we know that each of these agents was in possession of the president's schedule. even if it doesn't jeopardize
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the president's safety, it's hardly sensible behavior, is it? >> it's not, martin. and it should be bipartisan. it has nothing to do with president obama at all, but it does have to do with a breach of security. i think we should all be involved appropriately so and in a balanced and fair way. everyone should be held accountable. >> thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you for having me. we'll be right back to clear the air. [ fabric flapping in wind ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at nissan, our ideal is innovation. 5 all-new models over the next 15 months, including a completely reimagined altima. welcome to our most innovative year ever. nissan. innovation for all.
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offered this to the current president. >> i think he's been an unmitigated disaster for the country. i think being in a position where he gets four more years in the white house to continue the policies that he has both with respect to the economy, tax policy and defense and some other areas would be a huge, huge disappointment. >> he has been an unmitigated disaster for the country. really? this from a man who repeatedly said that saddam hussein was going to unleash nuk ler weapons, but nobody found one weapon of mass destruction in iraq. this from a man who said there were connections between saddam hussein and the horrific attacks on 9/11 between when the entire connection had been dismissed by the cia and president bush. this from a man whose memoir
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entitled "in my time" was dismissed as utterly misleading and an attack on my integrity by fellow cabinet member and former secretary of state condoleeza rice. and dick cheney has the audacity to suggest that the current president has been an unmitigating disaster for the country. if ever there was a case of psychological transference, the ultimate blame and audacity, then this is it. but don't take my word for it. read history. it's all been documented. dylan, how are you? >> good, and yourself? >> very well, sir. >> pleasant summer day we have. >> we do. i haven't seen much of it. >> high 80s. humid. it reminds me of july 4th out there. i hope you enjoy your afternoon. >> the thing s dylan, people don't realize you're so much more clever than me that you don't need to come into the office as early as
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