tv Martin Bashir MSNBC April 20, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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bloc by 67-31. >> i'm john mccain and i approve this message. >> maybe someone forgot. >> with the leadership and the backing of the american people, president obama will turn this country around. we believe in america. we believe that our best days are ahead of us. president romney -- >> we begin with a big day for mitt romney as the governor opens his arms to be embraced by the gop establishment during the rnc's meeting of state chairman and officials in scottsdale, arizona. we are expecting a headline event to kick off the unity weekend with senator john mccain about to introduce the presumptive nominee in just a moment. who better to bring wary republicans on board than the former presidential candidate whose relationship with romney four years ago has just been
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highlighted in this brand new dnc video. >> i haven't changed my position on even numbered years. >> he has switched position and change his record in order to get votes. senator mccain -- >> on every issue, it is a matter of record. >> i hope he doesn't say anything like that. no, i'm sure he won't. you see, senator mccain is now part of the effort to etch a sketch romney back to the center. especially withç key voting groups like at a lien ovlatinos. he took 31% of the hispanic vote to the president's 67%. i guess that's not so good. nevertheless, this is the president's rara moment. and as our new nbc "wall street journal" polling shows, they have some work to do with president obama leading mr.
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romney by six points. as we all know, presidential elections are won and lost in those crucial swing states. and unfortunely for that gop, new polling from fox news suggests republicans are in a real battle for those battlegrounds. in ohio, the president leads romney by six points. 45-39%. almost an exact flip from a few months ago. not exactly the direction romney wants to go. in florida, it is the president up by two. a tight race within the margin of error. but the difference is much more stark with the nonwhite vote. breaking two-thirds for the president with just one in five backing romney. just one more thing, mr. romney, as bit of back ground and position. florida's hispanic population, up 54%. black population, up 26%. it's the white vote that is actually shrinking. our political panel is here with us now in minneapolis. ana marie cox.
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jonathan capehart, an opinion writer for the "washington post" and strategist julian epstein. one is hispanic, where he is down about 70 to 20, depending on which poll you look at. and with independent women where his numbers are real bad. as for the event this weekend, we've joked about romney being
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the bridesmaid, never the bride. now he is the bride. >> no need to refer to ted nugent so early in the broadcast. our polling shows the president's national lead is built on advantages with latinos, 47%. with women. 12 points. independents, ten points. that's a lot of ground to make one a lot of groups for mr. romney, isn't it? >> a lot of ground and a lot of groups. and groups that don't necessarily swing really easily. the president leads with true independents. people who say they don't lean toward either party. you would think that would be a group romney might camdenç you are since he has leaned both ways himself but he has not. and that gender gap is real. it is real with suburban women who will turn out and vote. you have questions about whether or not the turnout will be as enthusiastic as it might be in
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other years since we have a republican nominee who does not get much excitement. the people who the president is ahead with, they may not be as enthusiastic as they were four years ago. but i don't think they'll change their minds. >> jonathan, romney will have help with conservative interest groups. american cross roads and cross roads gps reporting they've raised $49 million in the first quarter of the year. both have accepted multimillion-dollar contributions and those checks are only going to get bigger, i suspect, aren't they? >> right. they will get bigger. but it is not so much because of deep abiding love for mitt romney. it has everything to do with a deep and abiding anger and in some cases, hatred of president obama. they are raising money has not over fist to oust him from the white house. whether the nominee which the presumptive nominee being mitt romney or it could have been rick santorum. it could have even been newt gingrich. that money still would be
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raised. >> donald duck? would they have raised the same amount? you're suggesting it could be anyone. >> right. because as i said, it has more to do with about anger and rage against the current president than it has to do with a deep and abiding love for mitt romney.ç >> as romney reasons these massive donations, how much is he beholden to the agenda pushed by the been factors? does it make it tough for him to hue to the middle and claim those independent think if the money is coming from, you know, fairly extreme right wing conservatives? >> well, not just fairly extreme right wing conservatives but the center for public integrity has just done an analysis of where cross roads is getting its money from. and the vast majority, if i understand the center's analysis correctly, the vast majority are undisclosed and they are over $75,000 a piece. you contrast that with the contributions that at least the
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obama campaigns and super pacs are getting, the average amount and it is quite a stark contrast. i think for romney, he has a couple problems. one is the gordon gecko image. second this question of trust. whether you can trust what he says given that he's taken so many positions on so many issues. the third problem i think he has in addition to the demographic groups that ana marie touched on, whether he has a credible argument on the economy. the data shows, my one complain with the white house is that they haven't prosecuted this argument effectively enough. the data shows very strongly that the recovery plan of the president's has worked very, very well. we cited the data the other day on the show. i think the data is very much there for him. >> these groups have to do some serious selling of their product. voters are not excited about romney. take a look at the fox poll in ohio. just 29% of romney supporters say they are voting for him.; % 33% are just voting against the president.
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is this a case of shrugging your shoulders and say i'll vote for romney? >> i think that's what's happening on the base. a lot of them might say this is a year to wait it out and get excited about 2016. we've talked about this. the republicans had a very weak presidential field but a very deep bench for 2016. and i think a lot of people, i'm hearing a lot of chatter of people already looking forward to that which does presume a romney loss. i also wanted to say that when you, i think it was the nbc poll today that showed when you strip the names off the economic policies and off the economic messages, it is obama's message of economic fairness that really resonates with voters regardless of party identification. i think that's another sale the romney team will have to make that will be really, really difficult. people want fairness. people believe it is okay to succeed. romney often says he doesn't have to apologize for the
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successful that's not the problem. people are fine with people being successful but fairness is key and that's what obama's message is. >> absolutely. and the disparity of wealth. >> it has been a big "newsweek" and you've hemmed us follow it. we've already had mommy gate, cookiegate. and even doggiegate saying, sorry, mr. president. he's not on the menu. this just felt likeç a low blo for senator mccain. >> reporter: senator mccain who send out that tweet isn't exactly the senator mccain we fell in love with again when watching game change. he has been a bit bitter, it seem, since losing to president obama. all this talk about puppies and dogs and what's on the menu is, you know, it is light-hearted, giggle worthy. dare say it is even fun.
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what we really should be talking about is the economy and what is happening in afghanistan and other more concrete issues. if that's all senator mccain has to worry about, then i guess things must be going just fine. >> i think they probably. are julian, does that bode well for the president? does the kind of dissent into people talking about dogs and the implication that he may eat dog meat, is that an example of the fact that the argument on the economy is in effect being lost in some way? >> yeah. and i think the republican primary was either, was an alternate show between the, something like watching the archie bunker show where they attempted to insult just about every demographic group they could possibly insult, the republicans, that is, and an episode of seinfeld where it was much ado about nothing. still, the republicans at this point don't have a very clear message other than we want obama out. other than a negative message. and you can't win on negative
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messages. the republicans, their economic message come down to two things. cut government spending and cut áxes. taxes for almost all americans are lower than they ever have been. and government spending is a percentage of gdp is pretty close to the historic average. and it doesn't seem to be a very compelling message that the republicans have other than a negative one. and if we get not the you'll, at least, moderate economic recovery and good news, i think it will be difficult for the republicans to make any kind of argument. >> indeed. thank you so much for joining us this friday afternoon. next, is newt gingrich using the secret service for gas money? stay with us. >> i just think he ought to be honest with the american people and try to win as the real mitt romney. >> prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish, and someday you will be a real boy. >> a real boy! is this what we're doing now?
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to new developments in the trayvon martin case, we learn today that it is only a matter of time before george zimmerman walks out of a florida jail. a judge ruled that zimmerman can be released on $150,000 bail while he awaits trial for second-degree murder in the shooting death of trayvon martin. zimmerman will have to wear an electronic monitoring device and cannot drink alcohol but may have to leave the state due to concerns about his safety. during the hearing he testified about the aerlt indication he says poetáqqáqj the shooting. an injury he said he sustained
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to his head. 26-year-old zimmerman also attempted to apologize to the parents of 17-year-old trayvon martin. in doing so, he made a statement about the victim's age that seemed to contradict what he said on the night in question when he called 911. >> i wanted to say i am sorry for the loss of your son. i did not know how old he was. i thought he was a little bit younger than i am. and i did not know if he was armed or not. >> how old would you saw he looks? >> late teens. >> zimmerman is claiming self-defense and denies the charge of second-degree murder. now on to new developments in the secret service scandal, nbc news has just learned that up to five more agents may be out by day's end. that on top of an internal investigation and a congressional inquiry. all of this stemming from that night in colombia that is now sull i had the reputation of the secret service. the story of agents fighting
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over the fee for prostitutes took a damaging turn last night. david chaney, a 48-year-old second generation agent, has been identified as being forced into retirement, one of their agents already separated from the agency in the wake of the scandal. from that, we arrive at his facebook page and a photo of mr. chaney standing in the line of fire for then vice presidential candidate sarah palin. what's more, he comments that, quote, i was really checking her now what i mean.lly checking her a less than discreet posting from a man charged with protecting the most important figures on the american political landscape. it happened sarah palin appeared on fox news last night. here's what she said. >> check this out, bodyguard. you're fired. and i hope his wife kicks him and sends him to the dog house. as long as he is not eating the dog along with his former boss. >> miss palin just could not help herself, going right after
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the canine qucuisine. >> the president, the ceo of this operation called our federal government, has got to start cracking down on these agencies. >> now moments ago, the white house spokesman jay cashy called attempts to politicize the incident, quote, preposterous. there you have it. suddenly dragged into a sex scandal. one in which miss palin is among the victims and one in which she can make the president the victim. no wonder she's smiling. so mr. chaney, a thank you to you for opening our president up to blackmail at the hands of a colombia prostitute and for putting a stain on the reputation of the secret service, and for at least a day, making sarah palin relevant. we'll be right back. you know, those farmers, those foragers, those fishermen....
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that is the swinging scene in arizona. the we'reç expecting mitt romn to take the microphone at any moment. one of his remaining opponents, newt gingrich, is still acting the part of josie whales. today his campaign stops in buffalo, new york, ahead of the empire state's primary on tuesday. the most recent sienna poll gives romney a solid majority with mr. gingrich slumped dead last. newt does have one weapon in his arsenal. he staged his own dark horse run in 2010 to win new york's gop nomination, eventually losing to andrew cuomo. and we're delighted to say he joins us now.
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i'm sorry to put it so blunty, but is not it all over for mr. gingrich? >> i think it has just begun for mr. gingrich. >> it's just begun? >> oh, yeah. i think you're going to see a resurgence here. in new york i think you'll see something astounding on tuesday. i think you're going to see the rank and file of the republican party. that same rank and file that came out and gave me 67% of the republican rank and file vote. you're going to see the same thing happen with newt gingrich. i think romney has made a big mistake. he chose not to campaign in new york. he chose not to go to the republican dinner in new york city. gingrich was there. and he was amazing. his speech was just perfect. >> there is a slight problem with the number of delegates thatç mr. romney has already accrued. versus the miniscule number that mr. gingrich has.
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>> martin, the press has been knocking gingrich and santorum since the beginning. we were being told from the beginning, way back months ago that romney was going to win. romney was going to win. and they were paying big money to the tv stations for advertising. big money. and he was trying to buy an election. that's what he is still trying to do. he's trying to buy an election. and that's very unfortunate for the american people. it's time that the press just reported the facts of what things look like instead of giving their opinions. the opinions are damaging to the american system. because the opinions are swaying people because everybody wants to be on the side of a winner. and if you remember early on, romney was only getting 25% of the vote in the various primaries and the conservative candidates were divvying up the rest. the other 75%. well, the press being complicit with the republican
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establishment, if you want to call it that is giving all this money to romney, or who knows who it who has given all this money to romney. in any event, that little complicit group has spent a lot of money with the press and turned the press has given them the repetition in the minds of people who are basically off, they're off the reservation right now. they really can't focus on what was it? 14 debates? they can't focus on what's going on out there.ç and here they are, wanting to be on the side of a winner. when you're shallow on the issues, you're just about, you're not ready, okay, to make your own independent decisions so you're going to hop along on the bus with everybody else. >> right. but mr. paladino, i accept that you feel that mr. romney has bought this presumptive nomination, as it were. but what is it specifically that you don't like about mr. romney? for example, he calls himself --
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>> i don't like the negative advertising. i don't like the negative advertising. >> can i just ask you the specific question. romney calls himself severely conservative. is he conservative to you? >> he's about as conservative as you are, martin. no. he's been conservative. >> actually i am relatively conservative, particularly in my dress. but we're about mr. romney, not myself, if you don't mind. if we might focus on mr. romney. is he a conservative? >> no, he's not a conservative. he is a moderate. actually, he is a chameleon. he is whatever it will take to be the president of the united states. that's what he is. and that's what he has been historically. he's flip flopped on issues for years and years and years. i mean, the man doesn't really have a solid understanding of a lot of these issues. nor does he have a solid solution. he is into sound bites. and you guys pick up the sound
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bites and you put them out there and say that's satisfactory. >> mr. paladino, theç republic establish many is going to have you hung for saying that kind of thing. >> i don't care about the republican establish many. >> they want to support him for the general election. yet listening to you, and i know that you're a conservative, you have no time for mitt romney. >> i have no time for the republican establishment either. it's about time that they learn, it's about time they earned will, okay, that their days are numbered right now. >> carl paladino, i'm afraid we've run out of time but we were delighted to have you join us. do come back again and thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> stay with us. the week's top lines are coming up. ♪
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birthday gift to ted nugent's rant to sean hannity's dog trap. here are our top lines. the week in review. >> it was a birthday gift to me. >> happy birthday, mrs. romney. >> i got bit by a penguin. >> here's a picture of the cake. the trees are just the right height. >> mitt romney has been an unmitigated disaster. start packing. >> saturday night live. >> that sounds like a lot of fun. >> i'm not a robot. i'm a human man. >> most of our dinner table events were humorous. >> short bursts of air with an h in front. >> mitt romney is sewing up the debate. >> would you do it again? >> certainly not with the tang it's received. >> vile, evil.
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>> barack obama becomes the president in november. i will either be dead or in jail. >> it was an unfortunate comment. >> do you have a plan b? >> i was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. >> i'm certainly not going to apologize for my dad. >> the president is a nice guy. >> i later hearing this from mitt romney. >> the quote left wing conspiracy. >> i'm not sure about these cookies. it came from the local 7-eleven bakery. >> i have had a axelrod wants to talk about dogs. deal with the dog story. eating dogs. you're not going to fall into that trap. >> check this out, bodyguard. i hope his wife sends him to the dog house. as long as he is not eating the dog along with his former boss. who is minding the store? they may be checking out the first lady. the buck stops with the president. >> let's get right to our panel.
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jonathan alter, karen finney, and richard wolffe. author and journalist and all three are political analysts. karen, sarah palin on thursday talked about the secret service agent who guarded her. then she work in a dog reference and eventually says the buck stops the w the president. jeff sessions has made a similar comment. i've just heard the local liquor store has run out of myç favore bourbon and they're expecting rain in seattle. should we blame it on the president? >> the president is not responsible for the behavior but he will be held accountable for how the situation is handled going forward. particularly with regard to the secret service matter. obviously, these are not political pointes. these are career people. but at the same time, this is a national embarrassment. it certainly embarrasses, you've heard from people in cartagena
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that they're embarrassed that this is what they're getting attention for. and real attention from the president. >> the president in colombia said that if it emerged, if the truth eventually proved this had happened, he would be angry. he is hardly walk away and that he doesn't care. >> i'm not suggesting that he has. what i'm saying is when the process gets to its conclusion, and we know that, and he obviously long more facts than the rest of us. it will be important for him to take decisive action and i think it is important, i'll say as an american, to send a real clear signal that this behavior is not appropriate. and this is the one area where i will tell you, i agree with sarah palin. i know that sounds crazy. she said we cannot just dismiss this. i think it was as boys will be boys. >> you'll have to see my psychiatrist. richard, i need just to say that there are some people who believe that neither you nor i should ever comment on american politics since we're both british.
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but they're all trying their very best to pounce on the idea that the president eats dog meat. now, why would they beç doing that? >> well, first you should speak for yourself. actually i'm american now. >> i apologize. >> we're not paid for our accents, thank goodness. and journalists don't get paid for where they're born or where they grew up. so a red herring on where you and i are from. having grope up in a dog loving country, the whole dog story is fascinating to me. why are they doing it? they want to pretend that this president is an alien creature because he doesn't look like them. his name doesn't sound like theirs and his politics shock horror, doesn't agree with theirs. why are they going down this particular line? it is a diversion. they don't feel they can bond with mitt romney after beating him up for so many months on policy. on any other issue other than hating the president. and by the way, that's not just
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unique for them. if you look across the board, are peel voting for the president or for mitt romney? democrats overwhelmingly are saying they will vote for obama because they want to vote for him when it comes to romney, they're really voting against the president. so hatred of obama is the one thing that ties them together. >> we're seeing pictures of mitt romney. we're expecting him to speak a any moment in scottsdale, arizona. he has just had a nice lunch. let's hope it didn't include any dog food. we've had mccain and he is out helping romney with the latino vote. in case you've forgotten, pugh research said that mccain(gnt 31% of the latino vote to obama's 67%. my question is, wouldn't it have made more sense for romney could have gone to george w. bush and say would you have helped me with the latino vote or do you think he did and bush said no? >> no, no.
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bush is very much for romney but bush is the name that must not be mentioned. >> even though his reputation with the latino vote is more sympathetic. >> mostly going back to texas where he was a relevantly friendly governor for latinos. the main point for latinos, they will not have romney associating with bush because his reputation is not strong. this will be a continuing problem for the republicans. will they have him speak at the republican convention? unlikely. expect that bush will take himself out and say i'm not going to the convention. i think he has already indicated he is not going. they want to mention bush as infrequently as possible. mccain, they feel like he did a good enough job to get reelected in arizona. finnessing, he had been the sponsor of immigration reform which both mccain and romney
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have run away from. very quick hely on the dog meet thing. the other thing that's very important, they will fuzz up any issue that obama brings up. so obama brings up dogs, they retaliate with dogs. shamus on the roof. they count we are dog meat. even thoughç that's from many years ago in obama's book. obama says, and they want to end medicare as we know it. romney says, no, it's obama who wants to end medicare as you know it. so you'll continue to see them every step of the way trying to fuzz up any issue. whether it is dogs and medicare. >> indeed. and everything in between. and richard wolffe who is british. stay with us. romney calls himself severely conservative. is he conservative? to you? >> he's about as conservative as you are, martin. no. he's not conservative. does aspirin even work on my headache?
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earth day is this coming sunday. a moment when all of us can reflect on our stewardship of the viral. and our parent company nbc universal has been at the forefront in promoting green. we're back with our panel. karen, let's take a look at how the candidates are doing with environmental groups. the president has gotten the support of the sierra club, clean water action and others. while mitt romney -- not a single environmental group has endorsed him. what do you think of that? >> i think the viralal groups have figured out what all the other groups have figured out. you cannot trust mitt romney. because he is already, the statement that's we've seen are pretty wishy washy about whether or not he agrees that there is
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science that suggests that the climb is changing. again, this is clearly an area where he is going to try to have it both ways like he always does and says whatever he thinks, whatever group he is in front of wants to hear. i'm sure if he wereç speaking the league of conservation voters, he would be the greenest of the green. if he was with another group, an oil group, he would be completely the other direction. >> i don't know what it is with you today but you're almost telepathic. here is mitt romney, who else, taking two diametrically opposed positions on the issue of climate change. >> i believe what i read, the world is getting warmer. and number two, i believe humans contributed to that. >> my view is that we don't know what is causing climb change on this planet. >> richard, have you got any idea how romney will try to wiggle his way out of that kind of a flip-flop? >> the truth is we don't know what is causing political change
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in mitt romney's brain either. there are any null of reasons he could take one position or another. what we do know is that he and his party do not like where this administration has taken regular control over any part of the american economy. it's true of herring, oil and gas. it's true of the environment. they think that this administration, including financial services, is strangling american business. so whatever you think about, and there are lots of environmentalists who don't like what the administration has done. what this president has not done so far on things like cap and trade and carbon emissions. when it comes down to do you want to see clean air, clean water acts he said forced. when you think about the key stone pipeline. this administration is far, far closer to where anyone who really cares about the environment is thanç anything that is ever going to come out of romney's mouth whether it is
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one, two or version ten. >> there is no section on the environment on romney's website. under the heading energy, he makes the following claim. the obama administration's energy policy has blocked off-shore drilling in u.s. waters. blocked construction of a pipeline that would bring canadian oil to the united states. and it has pursued numerous regulations that would drive up energy prices while destroying millions of jobs. is a single word of that accurate and true? >> no. none of it is accurate. the latest count that i have is that they've approved more than 250 permits for offshore drilling in the united states. including quite a number since the bp oil spill. it is deep where where there was a moratorium but even there, if you meet safety standards, they've approved some for deep water drilling. so it is just completely untrue. and as far as his not having any
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kind of environmental statement on his website, that's just politically stupid. if you look at polling, americans support a clean environment. and this is another example of where the republican party is going off the deep everybody. they still have a very good chance of winning this election. but they're doing everything they can to screw it up for themselves by being the party of polluters. that's not going to help. >> i can hear you agreeing. >> aç couple of things. number one, he was just saying this is part of the, i know you are but what i am a strategy of the romneys. anything that is the strength of the president, they attack it in whatever way they can. but the other point i was going to make is that we've seen that some independents and moderate republicans actually do care very deeply about the environment. as conservationists. we found frankly in 2006 and 2007, that actually they also care as sports men because they know if you kill off an entire
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species of animal, you don't have them to hundred. so there are some issues here where he is going to have to find a way to have it both ways. which i'm sure he will. but also, to jonathan's points. there are public health issues. the way he talks about the environment suggests he doesn't understand that when you have dirty water and dirty air, kids get sick and those are likely to be kids who don't have health insurance who rely on the very programs that you're trying to cut. that's the other piece of this. >> whoever cared about clean water and good quality air any way? thank you all very much. we have much more ahead. first, hampton pierce has the cnbc market wrap. >> good afternoon, on this friday we have the major averages in mixed territory despite heavyweight earnings from the likes of microsoft, mcdonald's and general electric. but apple is down another 2% so the tech heavy nasdaq is in negative territory. right now you see the dow up about 70 points.
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the s&p 500 up 2 points. the nasdaq down around 8 points. [ male announcer ] what if you had thermal night-vision goggles, like in a special ops mission? you'd spot movement, gather intelligence with minimal collateral damage. but rather than neutralizing enemies in their sleep, you'd be targeting stocks to trade. well, that's what trade architect's heat maps do. they make you a trading assassin. trade architect. td ameritrade's empowering, web-based trading platform. trade commission-free for 60 days, and we'll throw in up to $600 when you open an account. wow! it's even bigger than i thought. welcome to progressive. do you guys insure airstreams? yep. everything from travel trailers to mega motor homes. and when your rv is covered, so is your pet. perfect. who wants a picture with flo? i do! i do! do you mind? got to make sure this is -- oh. uh...
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ah, yes. john cain and mitt romney. what a difference a few years can make. last election cycle senator mccain hammered mitt romney on being on both sides of every issue. but now they're apparently the best friends ever. ben joins me today. the b and c has wasted no time putting out this ad featuring senator mccain's thoughts on mitt romney. take a listen. >> he's very consistent, totally
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consistent. has two positions on at least every issue. i have not changed my position in even-numbered years or changed depending on the position i'm running for. >> nice try, john. that's all i can say to him. >> now they're down in arizona trying to win the latino vote, but when you have a candidate who recommends self-deportation being introduced by a man who lost the latino vote 69-22, that's not going to go too well, is it? >> i also think that video speaks to how far the republican party has come in just the past three years. senator mccain at one time supported comprehensive immigration reform, now you've got mitt romney talking about self deportation and vetoing the dream act. mitt romney says he's not sure if it'sç man made. also senator mccain opposed trillion-dollar tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires that didn't drive growth, didn't
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drive job creation, now romney wants to put us in the same position that got us in the economic crisis in the first place. >> senator mccain went out of his way to support mitt romney over doggate or whatever you want to call it after learning that romney was a child in indonesia, so he posted this. good pick of my son jimmy's dog apollo. sorry, mitt, he's not on the menu. and then she also bragged about being checked out. listen to this. >> check this out, bodyguard, you're fired, and i hope his wife kicks his ocoli and send mim to the doghouse. as long as he's not eating the dog as well as his former boss. >> what's this about? >> my question is the next time they're going to attack a
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six-year-old. this campaign could be about big things or it could be about small things. the governor tore down the president about not focusing on one thing. >> some people have suggested thatç they've deluded this president of the place of his birth, they say he's not an american. they've tended to suggest he's not a christian, that he's a muslim, and now they're saying he eats dog. >> i don't think that's what this election is going to be about. i think it's going to be about something much broader than that, which is, who is the economy, who is fighting for something that lasts. everybody plays by the same set
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of rules or we'll go back to the same policies, tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires that we force seniors in the middle class to pay for. in fact, the most shocking thing that was said this week was governor romney, it sounds like, does have a plan to pay for those $5 trillion tax cuts but he's not sharing it with taxpayers. things like education and housing, programs that are essential for the middle class. >> and departments. the latest nbc news wall street journal poll tells two different stories. head to head, the president leads romney by 6 points, but on the economy it's reversed with romney leading by 6. that's basically the problem here, isn't it? >> well, no -- >> that's your challenge. >> no significant education has been done about governor romney's economic record yet, and when people find out he made a series of promises when he ran for office in massachusetts in 2002 that he didn't fulfill.
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he said that government would be smaller, there would be lower taxes, less debt,ç job acceleration would grow. government grew in terms of the number of public sector employees, in terms of spending. $750 million of higher taxes a year. we're hearing those same promises right now. he didn't fulfill them in massachusetts. >> remember, he's a brilliant banker. as we go to break, we take a moment to remember the birthday of the late, great bob marley. ♪ [ captain ] sorry folks, our landing time got moved back another hour. [ crowd chatters and groans ] ♪
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