tv News Nation MSNBC April 30, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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laden. plus, why the right and left are criticizing the death of bin laden a year later in that campaign ad. >> it turned into a campaign ad? one of the most despicable things you can do. >> managed to turn it into a partisan political attack. >> is it fair game? we'll pose that question. plus, china he's and american diplomats attempting to diffuse tensions after a popular chinese activist escapes and reportedly seeks help from the united states. new reaction from the white house expected within the hour. and news right now. one world trade center, the power being built on the site of the 9/11 attacks, will officially be announced as the tallest building in new york city this hour. hey there. we're following the latest heated exchange between president obama's re-election team and the presumptive nominee mitt romney cause the before the killing of osama bin laden and a
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few days after a much debated web ad was released, that features bin laden touting the decision to take out the al qaeda leader, romney is responding to sharp words from obama campaign adviser robert gibbs who appeared on "meet the press" sunday. >> osama bin laden no longer walks on this planet because of the bravest decision and the brave men and women in our military. and mitt romney said it was a foolish thing to do a few years ago. >> even jimmy carter would have given that order. >> we'll talk about that. much is being said and written about former president clinton narrating that ad and about he and president obama teaming up. joining me, jimmy williams, and erin, let me get your take on mitt romney's response and why
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he felt even the need to bring up jimmy carter in this flip way. why not take it head on? gibbs was very strong on "meet the press." what do you make of his reaction in. >> i think it is what we're hearing from a lot of people. that maybe it wasn't appropriate for the obama campaign to be politicizing the death of osama bin laden. but i would point out to you this. on mitt romney's campaign website, when in a certain foreign policy sections that he has, at the very top of one of his issue positions, it does say president obama deserves credit for the killing of osama bin laden. so over time, he has been gracious about this very issue and i think the romney campaign has seen it as a little bit ear paying the the obama campaign is doing something to politicize it. >> what robert gibbs said on "meet the press," he used romney's own words, really against him, saying, pointing out to the fact that mitt romney said he would not move heaven and earth to have gone after bin laden. is it fair game?
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we played a short clim of arianna huffington really upset with the obama re-election team. >> i think we've heard now for probably a year when, since mitt romney, a, became very up front and then made it through nominee process about the leadership. the lack of leadership coming from president obama. >> specifically mitt romney has gone after him on foreign policy which you found astonishing considering the resume of this president and his team. >> if you're going to say he lacks leader sxip and then give him credit for getting rid of the worst terrorist. a mitt flop. >> is that because it's so severe you see it repeatedly? >> he said it before. and robert gibbs is right. i would not send someone into pakistan. now he's saying yes, i would. come on. is it fair for the president of the united states to politicize something that is a military or foreign policy issue?
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if you don't think it is, ask george bush about his mission accomplished on that aircraft carrier. >> we could never forget that image of the former president. some said he even appeared to be in costume because it seemed so inappropriate at the time. let me play what ed gillespie said regarding this bin laden ad. >> this is one of the reasons president obama has become one of the most divisive presidents in american history. he took something that was a unifying event for all americans and he managed to turn it into a partisan political attack. >> going back to robert gibbs, he said if the mission had not been successful, his words, do we think that romney would not have attacked the president on this very moment that we will mark in a couple of days? >> well -- >> the answer is yes, isn't it? let's put it on the table. do you think, maybe not mitt romney but someone in the publicity party, do you believe for a moment if all those
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s.e.a.l.s did not come out of their safe and sound, someone would not have attacked this president. to quote what was said four years ago, certainly naive. >> certainly some republicans would have gone after him, yes. but look, it was successful. and president obama in the news conference that sunday night when he came out to talk about it, a lot of his language said, i ordered this. i made this decision. he at the time was taking credit for it then. we can't go back and say if it wasn't successful, the fact is that it was successful. and i think the reason the obama campaign put this ad together, they may have known they would have gotten reaction like this. people saying that they're politicizing it. but there is a strategy game at work here them want people to be about it. to be remembering it, going into this election cycle. the president's numbers are better on foreign policy than mitt romney. and his numbers are not as good on the economy. the economy is something that
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has hurt him, obviously. that is a key thing for this cycle. they want to be more about foreign policy. that's the bottom line. >> it's not as if mitt romney has not been talking to b to jimmy's point, what he says is a weakness regarding foreign policy. this is a response to the attacks from mitt romney even witnessed in the debates so it is not as if we're talking about foreign policy because the obama re-election team is solely and exclusively bringing this up. we've heard from mitt romney with very strident terms and words directed at this president. let me play what arianna huffington has said. i don't want people to think this criticism is just coming from the right. >> i think it is one thing to celebrate the fact that they did such a great job. to turn it into a campaign ad is one of the most despicable things you can. do it is the same thing with the 3:00 a.m. call. you are not ready to be commander-in-chief. and it is also what makes
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politicians and political leaders act irrationally when it comes to war. they're so afraid to be called wimps that they make decisions which are incredibly destructive for the country. >> willy geist brought up that here you have a democrat who is seen in strong on foreign policy which in our life times we've never seen. this was always the ball that could be carried by republicans. is she right? >> i don't know if she is right or wrong. here's what i'll say about arianna. i respect her and i like her very much. i happen to disagree wholeheartedly. i think when you're the president of the united states and you go in and you take out the number one terrorist in the world and 27 others, you decimate al qaeda all across this world, you ought to be able to rest on those laurels, talk about that and be proud of that. i'm an american and if it had been george bush who would have done, that i would have supported him 1,000%. john mccain, vietnam war hero, spent time in the prison camp.
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et cetera, et cetera. ed gillespie is right. the country is divide. john mccain won more than 47% of the vote. and barack obama with virtually no foreign policy experience got osama bin laden and beat john mccain. it must suck to be on the other side of the shoe on this one. >> to the dynamic duo or super friends as we're calling them, bill clinton and president obama, the word "friends" may be overused. they pointed out, don't expect them to have family vacations together once obama is out of office but this is a relationship based on need and belief. president clinton believing the president will be better if president obama is reelected, aaron. >> of course bill clinton thinks that. he's a democrat. but also, bill clinton is need very badly by president obama. he is a very popular figure. he wants to be needed. but this helps him with his legacy. this helps him stay relevant. and i think bill clinton really
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likes that. >> that's what action he had rod and others have pointed to. that he is a sort of very good advice. very meaningful support. and they point to him as a man with sage wisdom that can be certainly effective, especially not necessarily lending credibility to this president but the big money donors. >> sure. when barack obama won the primary back in 2008, i remember there was a huge meeting with the clinton donors and the obama folks. i think it was at the mayflower in washington, d.c. i have to tell you, that was not a pleasant meeting by all accounts. consequently, to see them progress to these stages is good news. i want to remind folks at the end of 1999 and 2000, folks were pretty sour on bill clinton. here we are however many years later and he's polling at almost 70%. so to have the wise old sage bill clinton come in and do what he's doing. this is good. we're all playing nice in the
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sandbox. >> thank you, aaron. greatly appreciate your time. i'm being told we need to go to downtown new york. we've got news. they are placing this final beam that will make world trade center -- one world trade center the tallest building in new york city. these are live pictures. new york city officials are there marking this amazing milestone. there are many people wondering if the progress would be seen at the scene where so many thousands lost their lives. one world trade center becoming the tallest building in new york city. an emotional time. the unfinished building now stands more than 1250 feet high. additional floors are still being built. before the tower reaches its full height, that is expected to be next year. up until today, the empire state
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building had been the tallest building in new york city. again, workers are putting the steel columns in place that will make the unfinished frame of the building a little more than 1250 feet high. that's just high enough to peak over the roof of the observation deck of the empire state building. it is expected to reach its full height for at least another year. they will have 408 foot tall needle that is expected to be the tallest building in the u.s. and the third tallest in the world. that is the goal with this building. again, counting this 400-foot tall needle that will be placed upon it, it is expected to be the tallest building in the united states and the third tallest in the world. this emotional milestone. it means so much. people who have visited here, who have gone by this site for more than a decade wondering if we would ever look upon this sight and feel the pride and
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feel the comfort of knowing that the city, the nation recovered from this devastating day. this is one of the milestones we mark together watching this. and while we're seeing two workers labor, this is certainly something that we all feel in our hearts and our soul to see this occasion, to mark this milestone. we'll continue to watch. there's a ceremony. we'll have more live images. we're all watching it together. it now becomes the tallest building in new york. it will go on to be the tallest building in the united states and the third tallest in the world. coming up, a call for the tsa's leader to resign after another series of incidents involving a patdown of a 4-year-old. and agents sneaking drugs through a major airport. >> protect the american public and the traveling public. plus, the new york times reveals apple has avoided paying
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anniversary of the the great east japan earthquake and tsunami and nuclear crisis that followed. all across japan, people stopped and stood in silence at 2:46 p.m. the moment that the earth shook. mr. prime minister on, behalf of the american people, i want to say to you and the people of japan, we continue to stand with you as well. we stand with japan in honoring the loss and the missing. 19,000 men, women and children who will never be forgotten. we stand with you as you rebuild. what you, mr. prime minister, have called the rebirth of japan. and we stand with japan in the asia pacific and beyond, because even as it has focused on the hard work at home, japan has never stopped leading in the world. it is a great tribute to the japanese people and to leaders like prime minister noda. i'm told that over the past year, many japanese have found
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strength in what they call the bonds of solidarity between friends and neighbors, bonds which cannot be broken. mr. prime minister, the same could be said of the bonds between the united states and japan. and today, we welcome you in that spirit. as president i work to strengthen the ties between the two nations since my first days in office. when prime minister noda and i first met in september, we agreed to modernize our alliance to meet the needs of the 21st century. and mr. prime minister, i want to thank you for the personal commitment you brought to this effort. you called the alliance our greatest asset. in our work together, we've seen your trademark determination and humility. in fact during our discussions today, the prime minister compared his leadership style to that of a point guard in basketball. he may not be the flashiest player but he stays focused and gets the job done. he has brought that same sense of team work to our partnership
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and it has helped make this visit a part of our alliance. i'm proud to announce that we have agreed to a new joint vision to guide our alliance and help shape the asia pacific for the days to come. this is part of the broader effort i discussed in australia last year in which the united states is once again leading in the asia pacific. first we recognize that the u.s./japan alliance will remain the foundation of the security and prosperity of our two nations, but also, a cornerstone of regional peace and security. as such, we review the agreement that our governments reached last week to realign american forces in japan. this reflects our effort to modernize america's defense posture in the asia pacific with forces that are more broadly distributed, more flexible, and more sustainable. at the same time, it will reduce the impact on local communities like okinawa. second, our joint vision commits us to deepening our trade in
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investment. we're already among each other's top trading partners and our exports to japan and japanese companies in the u.s. support more than 1 million american jobs. but there's more we can do. especially as we work to double u.s. exports so i appreciate the prime minister updating me on his reform efforts in japan, including liberalizing trade and playing a leading role in asia pacific's economy. we instructed our team to continue our consultation regarding japan's interest in troing the trans pacific partnership which would benefit both our economies. and we agreed to deepen our cooperation on nuclear safety, clean energy and cyber security to enhance our economic competitiveness. third, our joint vision lays out the future we seek in the asia pacific. a region where international rules and norms are upheld. where nations contribute to regional security. where commerce and freedom of navigation is not impeded and
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where disputes are resolved peacefully. as such, we continue our close consulations on the provocative actions of north korea which are a sign of weakness and be strength and only serve to deepen pyongyang's isolation. we discuss the changes underway in burma and how our two nations can encourage more reforms that improve the lives of the burmese people. fourth, we are committed to international peace, security, and human rights. for example, our nations are the largest donors in afghanistan. as we plan for the nato summit in chicago and the next phase of the transition in afghanistan, japan is planning for a donor conference to sustain development there. i also want to take this community to commend the prime and japan for showing such strong leadership with regard to iran's nuclear program.
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the regime is now feeling the economic screws tighten and one of the reasons is that countries like japan made the decision to reduce oil imports from iran. this is just one more example of how despite challenging times at home, jam has continued to serve as a model and a true global leader. finally, our joint vision commits us to deepening the ties between our peoples. this includes new collaborations between our scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs to foster innovation and it includes new exchanges that will bring thousands of our young people together, including high school students to help japanese communities rebuild after last year's disasters. so again, mr. prime minister, thank you for helping to revitalize our extraordinary alliance so that we enjoy even greater security and prosperity for both our countries. and i once again want to salute the people of japan for the strength and resilience and the courage that they've shown during this past year. more than ever, the american people are proud to call you a
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friend and honored to call you an ally. and before i turned over to the prime minister, i want to warn the american press that the prime minister once considered himself a journalist and instead he became a judo expert. he is a black belt. so if you get out of line, i've got some protection here. mr. prime minister. >> following president obama, point guard, i know that will take the microphone. this is the first visit to the united states by the japanese prime minister in the bilateral context since the change of government took place in japan. i wish to thank president obama for the warm welcome and hospitality angs how busy he is with official duties. i had a very good exchange of views with the president today
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on bilateral relations between japan and the united states. the situation in the asia pacific region and various and global challenges among others. we were able to confirm from broader perspectives the present day significance of the japan/u.s. alliance and where the relations should be headed in the longer term. the president just now spoke about support and i would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all the unsparing support given by government and people of the united states. starting with operation conducted by u.s. forces at the time of the great east japan earthquake of last year. yesterday, i met with the families of kaayla anderson who passed away but who took care of children until the very last
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moment following the great east japan earthquake. i also met with representatives of the fairfax county search and rescue team who came immediately following the earthquake, deployed in the disaster affected region to help the people. so i was able to meet myself with these true friends of japan. now i have always held the conviction that our bilateral alliance is the lynchpin of japan's diplomacy. having had conversations -- unshakeable. [ speaking in foreign language ]
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committee joint statement released the other day, and to step up bilateral security and the defense in a creative manner. we need to work with regional partners and to build a multilayered network that is open, comprehensive and built in international rules with frame works. japan u.s. and japan/australia. from this point of view, we shall also cooperate with china which is an important partner. it is also important that japan and the united states cooperate to promote necessary rules making in the areas of nontraditional threats such as terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and piracy as well as human security. and peace building to open assistance, space and cyberspace. in the economic area, with deep
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ties through the promotion of economic integration in the asia pacific region. and to this end, and both our countries, will work on regional trade and investment rules making with a view to building the free trade area of asia pacific. from this vantage point as well we shall advantage with the view to participating in the transpacific partnership negotiations. the shared vision also calls for the strengthening of energy cooperation as we discussed in our meeting today, expanding exports from the united states to japan. last but not least, stated in the shared vision, it is important to boost exchanges among next generation youth in the interests of the future of the japan/u.s. alliance will step up the people to people exchanges among youth through such endeavours and the u.s.
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initiative. japan/u.s. alliance has reached new heights. together with president obama, i shall firmly advance these steps. thank you. >> so we have two questions on each side. we'll start with laura mcguinness from reuters. >> president obama, could you confirm whether the blind chinese disdenied chen guangcheng, would the united states grant him asylum? and prime minister noda, how would japan respond to a nuclear test and what would you like the u.s. to do to respond? >> obviously, i'm aware of the press reports on the situation in china. but i'm not going to make a statement on the issue.
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what i would like to emphasize is that every time we meet with china, the issue of human rights comes up. it is our belief that not only is that the right thing to do because it comports with our principles and our belief in freedom and human rights. but also because we actually think china will be stronger as it opens up and liberalizes its own system. we want china to be strong and we want it to be prosperous. and we're very pleased with all the areas of cooperation that we've been able to engage in. but we also believe that that relationship will be that much stronger and china will be that much more prosperous and strong. as you see improvements on human rights issues in that country.
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i know it wasn't directed to me but i'll make a quick statement around north korea. this was a topic of extensive discussion between myself and prime minister noda. our consultation throughout the failed missile launch was i think reflective of how important our alliance is. not just to our two countries but to the region as a whole. and what i tried to do, since i came into office, to make sure that north koreans understood the old pattern of provocation that then gets attention and somehow insists on the world purchasing good behavior from them. that that pattern is broken. and what we've said is that the more you engage in provocative x, the more isolated you will become. the stronger sanctions will be in place. the more isolated you will be
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diplomatically, politically and commercially. and so although we can't anticipate, and i don't want to hypothesize what might happen in the coming that's on, i think pyongyang is very clear that the united states, japan, south korea, other countries in the region are unified. and insisting that it abide by its responsibilities, abide by international norms, that they will not be able to purchase anything from further provocative x. >> translator: with regard to north korea, between myself and president obama earlier, with regard to the so-called launch of satellite, the missile launch, we shared the view that it undermines the efforts of the various countries concerned to
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achieve resolution through dialogue. now in the latest round of a missile launch, they also conducted a nuclear test which means that there is a great possibility that they will conduct a nuclear test and the international community does hold together, will need to call for restraint on the part of dprk and more specifically, i believe the measures incorporated in the recent u.n. security council chairman's statement need to be complied with. and among japan, u.s. and korea, as well as china and russia, we need to communicate with each other fully. and also stress that china's role continues to be very important and cooperate with china while also maintaining close coordination with the united states. we shared this with president obama. and let me ask him from tbs from
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japan to ask a question. from tbs television. i have a question for both president obama and prime minister noda. how do you regard the relocation issue in the context of the joint statement? although you did not refer specifically to the location, and the interim report on u.s. forces/japan realignment leaves this question open to some extent. what do you think the possibility that it will be relocated? it is most meaningful in the two plus two joint statement as well as the summit meeting today, that we were able to confirm that our two countries will
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cooperate in the context of deepening bilateral alliance toward the realization of the opt mix u.s. force posture in the region. and the reduction of the burden on okinawa and will continue to work for an early resolution of this issue by taking into account -- >> the realignment approach that is being taken is consistent with the security interests of both japan and the united states. we think we found an effective mechanism to move this process forward in a way that is respectful of the situation in okinawa. the views of residents there. but also, is able to optimize the defense cooperation between our two countries and the
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alliance that is the lynchpin not only of our region but the region as a whole. we're confident that we can move forward with a, with an approach that realigns our base posture or our deployments but also, is continuing to serve the broad based interests of our alliance as a whole. and i want to thank publicly prime minister noda for having taken such a constructive approach to an issue that has been lingering in our bilateral relationship for quite some time. kristy parson? >> thank you, mr. president. we're coming up on the one-year anniversary of the killing of bin laden. i wonder if you would share some thoughts on that anniversary. and i also wanted to mention that your likely opponent said anybody would have made that
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call, even jimmy carter. so i'm curious to see what you would say about that. and mr. prime minister, if i may on the same topic. you mentioned the international fight against terrorism in your opening remarks. i wonder if you could reflect on president obama's record here and if you think from an international perspective the u.s. is playing it right in marking this anniversary or if you think you might advise against excessive celebration. >> well, let me make a couple points. first of all, i hardly think that you've seen any excessive celebration taking place here. i think that people, the american people rightly remember what we as a country accomplished. in bringing to justice somebody
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who killed over 3,000 of our citizens. and it is a mark of the excellence of our intelligence team and our military teams, a political process that worked, and i think for us to use that time for some reflection, to give thanks to those who participated is entirely appropriate. that's what has been taking place. as far as my personal role and what other folks would do, i just recommend that everybody take a look at people's previous statements in terms of whether they thought it was appropriate to go into pakistan and take out bin laden. i assume people meant what they said when they said it. that has been at least my
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practice. i said that i would go after bin laden if we had a clear shot at him and i did it. if there are others who said one thing and now suggest they would do something else, i would let them explain it. >> translator: president obama has been standing at the very forefront in the fight against terrorism, and i hold him in very high regard for that. although bin laden has been killed, terrorism has not been rooted out and i think continued efforts will be needed. in cooperation with the united states, we will continue our efforts against terrorism. i think the forls of terrorism are becoming very diverse. amongst them, cyber terrorism, for example.
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between japan and the united states, cyber security as well. so we shall work together to rout out terrorism as well. i would like to ask a question f. there's no direct reference to china in the joint statement. what sort of views did you have on china in toward stability in the asia pacific connected with their advances in the oceans and also the military build-up. i wonder what thoughts you have
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on this subject. >> let me answer first. as you pointed out, the shared vision does not refer to any specific country. we recognize china as a major partner in the region. in our exchange of views, both of us confirmed that viewpoint. china's development is an opportunity for the international community, for japan and for the asia pacific. now i explained in the meeting to president obama when i visited china last december, i broached this subject in order to further advance our mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests, and that i will work steadily to implement this. i also told the president, i
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wish to realize a strategic dialogue among japan, usa and china. with a view that was a success. we need to seek the rules of base sponsor behavior from the chinese and we had these exchange of views. >> i think that i've said in the past and firmly believe we welcome a peacefully rising china. we have developed a very important strategic and economic dialogue with china. we think what they've accomplished in empls the lifting million of people out of poverty is good for its own sake. and it is also potentially good for the world and the region.
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as prime minister noda and i noted, we do believe that as china continues to grow, as its influence continues to expand, that it has to be a strong partner in abiding by international rules and norms. whether those are economic norms like respecting intellectual property, whether these are norms of dispute resolution. so in maritime disputes, ensuring that small countries and large countries are both respected in international resolving these issues. across the board we want china to be a partner with us in a seventh international rules and norms that everybody follows. and i think as china makes that transition, from a developing
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country into a major power, that it will see that over the long term, it is in its interests as well to abide by these rules and norms. so all of our actions are not designed to in any way contain china but they are designed to ensure that they are part of a bro broader international community in which rules and norms are respected and all countries can prosper and succeed. >> thank you very much. president obama concluding his news conference with prime minister noda. a lot of topics addressed. of course, north korea, this new web ad for president obama is released referring back to the decision to take out osama bin laden. his compound in pakistan. we're waiting for chuck todd. again, the president referring not to mitt romney by name but
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saying that individuals must be accountable radaring their words when asked about the death of osama bin laden. you may recall on "meet the press" yesterday, campaign adviser robert gibbs says that mitt romney when asked would he have made the decision to go into pakistan, obviously this was prior to the events that took place. he said he did not need to move heaven and earth to go in and kill the al qaeda leader. the president loosely referring to mitt romney's words at the time that he perhaps would not have gone into pakistan or any country to take out the al qaeda leader. we're again awaiting chuck todd to talk more about this latest development in this back and forth. chuck todd is standing by. i want to talk about north korea. as well as the big story of the day, china. the blind activist who may have sought refuge at the united states.
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regarding the anniversary of the death of osama bin laden and critics coming in on this web ad. >> reporter: i would say there are two note worthy ways the president responded. number one, he really took issue with the way the question was worded when he said this is not excessive celebration. but then at the same time he was making the case that it is appropriate to mark the anniversary and to talk about it in a positive way. the second thing i thought was interesting, he wanted to remind people. frankly a statement he made during the campaign in 2008 when he talked about, he would be willing to go it alone in pakistan if necessary. and by going it alone, that was criticized at the time. it was this question about violating the sovereignty of pakistan. a supposed ally. sometimes ally. however you want to describe them on any given day. that of course he did get at love criticism from secretary clinton who was a candidate at the time but also from republicans running. and it is clearly, he wasn't
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focused on the democratic point but that is where he was going with this. he wanted to say, hey, i said i would do this. i made it clear and i took a lot of heat on it at the time. >> let me quickly play what the president said when he was asked. we don't have that yet. let me move on to the questions regarding the blind activist. the president not going on the record clearly because of the tensions, and the diplomatic tensions involving this map. >> by saying i have seen and i'm aware of the press reports, that sort of, that's like step one in confirming. they're not confirming it but they're not pushing back on the idea that this is happening or may have happened. in talking to a press aide off cam remark does the united states even have a specific policy in how it's handling
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dissidents that, in china, when they are looking for u.s. protection. and they said there is no one policy. and that you, this is a case and again without trying to confirm what was going on, this was a case where it is a fine line you walk. the united states wants to be careful, not looking like they're meddling in internal affairs but they want to make sure we know they bring up this issue, particularly with this gentleman. the blind dissident in china. that his treatment of his family has been brought up previously so they bring that up. we're at step one of confirmation on this. they're not confirming it but about press reports is step one. >> we heard the president then, the administration's concerns with human rights as well in china. i believe it was our own andrea mitchell who said this is the most tension we've seen since
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tiananmen square. >> reporter: one of the thing this administration set up, every six months, there was a high level meeting of at least secretary clinton and secretary geithner with the equivalent, there appears in every six months, either in beijing or here in the united states. that's about to take place in china this week. now here you have all this tension. it is mostly about economic issues. of course, this is now going to be front and center. and it ads to the tension of the moment, clearly. >> the third topic, in north korea, the president saying the country will continue to isolate itself if it makes these moves and threats. >> there has been these rumors that they're about to do a larger test of their nuclear power because of the embarrassment of the missile launch that was not meant to be. one thing that struck me by the way. and japan has been going through their own domestic political turmoil over the last couple of years. this japanese prime minister
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clearly a more low key prime minister than we've seen. a man of few words. i was struck by how short and to the point his answers were. never elaborating. a different style of leadership than we've seen in japan for a while of norfolk who follow japanese politics, i'm sure that was of interest to them. >> a lot of them were tweet in with great interest. let me respond about the anniversary of bin laden's death. let me play the ad. >> i just recommend that people take a look at people's previous statements in terms of whether they thought it was appropriate to go into pakistan and take out bin laden. i assume that people meant what they said when they said it. that's been at least my practice. i said that i would go after bin laden if we had a clear shot at him. and i did. >> there you have it.
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earlier we played mitt romney was campaigning, he was out. a reporter asked him. he said kind of flip antly, even jimmy carter would have done that. >> i think you'll see this anniversary noted throughout the week. and to watch where the republicans are trying to do this, trying to minimize this. it is understandable. it is a strength. the fact is thek
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and how do you speck them to be? primaries are very personal in nature and i think president clinton had some issues during the campaign. it took a while. they're seeing that there is more of a comfort level between the two of them than they had seen before. the fund-raisers, they didn't put them on camera. the clinton folks wouldn't have minded if it was on camera. they release ad transcript of the remarks. i wouldn't be surprised if this comfort level you're seeing between the two of them publicly is now there and you will see the obama campaign turn on the
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cameras and say, okay, let's do this on camera. >> it all makes chuck todd, thank you for sticking around. s you a 50% ann. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪
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good afternoon. it's monday, april the 30th. president has said there are no excessive celebrations when it come to the killing of osama bin laden but that it's right we should mark the anniversary. tomorrow is the looming anniversary of a night and day in american history that proved to be a decade in the making. tomorrow, may the 1st is the first anniversary of the death of osama bin laden. to mark the occasion, governor mitt romney is se
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